Surveillance Camera from . Advertisement for the Big Brother Television Show


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Surveillance Camera from

Advertisement for the Big Brother Television Show

Jeremy Bentham’s Design for Penitentiary Panopticon,


Surveillance Camera at Ilardo’s Pizzeria, Union Station Washington DC from the Observing Surveillance Project

Publicity Advertisement for

Peter Weir, The Truman Show, 1998

Truman in front of Surveillance Mirror in Peter

Weir, The Truman Show,


Christoph admires Truman from the Control Room in Peter Weir, The Truman Show, 1998

The character Sylvia in Peter Weir, The Truman Show, 1998

(Film Still)

Peter Weir, Script Cover from the Truman Show

Observing Surveillance Project, Camera from Washington DC Metropolitan Police Department

Magnum Photo, Portrait of Michel Foucault at a Demonstration of Immigrants,

Thomas Byrnes, Women Criminals, Professional Criminals of America,


Michel Foucault, Power/Knowledge 1972-1977

Alphonse Bertillon, Display of Apparatus for Criminal Mugshots, 1893

Gina Lombroso-Ferrero, An Epileptic Boy, Figure 14 from the Book Criminal Man: According to

the Classification of Cesare Lombroso, 1911.

Dr. Hugh Diamond, Mental Patients, 1855

Dr. Hugh Diamond, Suicidal Melancholy, 1855

Dr. Thomas Barnardo, Once a Little Vagrant, Now a Little Workman, ca. 1875

Paul Gauguin, Self-Portrait with Yellow Christ, 1889

Paul Gauguin, Barbaric Tales, 1902

Paul Gauguin, Women on the Seashore (Motherhood), 1899
