Survay summary 2


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Most people liked the shots with the antagonist the most. I think these was effective. And related to the genre well. The shots worked well , even better when edited in black and white. The nursery rhymes also work well. And the props such as the girl when she swings the axe is good for genre. So these features will need to be kept for the product. But many different aspects will need to be changed.

The music at the begging needs to be changed. As it sounds more amusing then a horror movie trailer, an alternative non-diagetic sound will need to be used for the beginning. the lighting should be darker for some parts of the trailer too to make it more conventional. And the beginning when the group are happy is done too much so less shots of the group being happy and more with the antagonist would make this trailer more effective. And some of the acting needs to be improved for the trailer to be more realistic.

Well the shots when it zooms in and goes out of focus slightly definitely need to be improved. Some more shots with the low angle would also help to make the antagonist look more sinister and dominant. The begging sequence will need to be changed. And some of the shots can be removed . And a focus on the antagonist more would also make this trailer more effective.

The shots in black and white work well, so that is an aspect of the trailer we could do more of , and the antagonist is effective, such as make up- and costume. They said it is generally scary. The use of props is also effective such as the old rusty wooden axe, this makes it more recognisable as a slasher type of horror movie too which was our aim. They liked the shots when she swings the axe too , and the shot of me in the black cloak and blade, I think more shots with the antagonist would make the trailer more successful.

All said the trailer relates to the genre.