Surgeon Training in Telerobotic Surgery via a Hardware-in...


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Research ArticleSurgeon Training in Telerobotic Surgery via aHardware-in-the-Loop Simulator

Xiao Li,1 Homa Alemzadeh,2 Daniel Chen,3 Zbigniew Kalbarczyk,3

Ravishankar K. Iyer,3 and Thenkurussi Kesavadas4

1Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Illinois, Urbana, IL 61801, USA2Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA 22903, USA3Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Illinois, Urbana, IL 61801, USA4Department of Industrial and Enterprise Systems Engineering, University of Illinois, Urbana, IL 61801, USA

Correspondence should be addressed to Xiao Li;

Received 6 January 2017; Revised 4 April 2017; Accepted 14 May 2017; Published 3 August 2017

Academic Editor: Qing Shi

Copyright © 2017 Xiao Li et al. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons AttributionLicense, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work isproperly cited.

This work presents a software and hardware framework for a telerobotic surgery safety and motor skill training simulator. The aimsare at providing trainees a comprehensive simulator for acquiring essential skills to perform telerobotic surgery. Existingcommercial robotic surgery simulators lack features for safety training and optimal motion planning, which are critical factorsin ensuring patient safety and efficiency in operation. In this work, we propose a hardware-in-the-loop simulator directlyintroducing these two features. The proposed simulator is built upon the Raven-II™ open source surgical robot, integrated witha physics engine and a safety hazard injection engine. Also, a Fast Marching Tree-based motion planning algorithm is used tohelp trainee learn the optimal instrument motion patterns. The main contributions of this work are (1) reproducing safetyhazards events, related to da Vinci™ system, reported to the FDA MAUDE database, with a novel haptic feedback strategy toprovide feedback to the operator when the underlying dynamics differ from the real robot’s states so that the operator will beaware and can mitigate the negative impact of the safety-critical events, and (2) using motion planner to generate semioptimalpath in an interactive robotic surgery training environment.

1. Introduction

The field of surgical robotics has been rapidly expanding overthe last decade [1]. Robot-assisted surgery is the preferredtechnique for a variety of minimally invasive proceduresworldwide. Simulation-based learning and training is now astandard in robotic surgery because healthcare professionalsimprove performance and reduce errors through compre-hensive medical care simulation [2, 3]. Simulation can bridgethe gap in learning robotic surgery skills without accidentallyharming the patient. For example, LapSim Haptic System™ isa laparoscopic surgery simulator with realistic hardwareinterface and tactile feedback, which is mainly used fornear-field nonteleoperated surgery training [4]. Other com-mercial surgical simulators on the market such as Mimic’sdV-Trainer™ [5] and Simulated Surgical System’s RoSS [6]

provide basic motor skills training modules using virtualreality with surgeon console similar to the da Vinci surgicalsystem, to provide life-like simulation and help prepare sur-geons. Figure 1 shows these simulators’ profiles. A key issuewith simulation-based surgical training is the lack of safety-critical incident scenarios in simulation-based curricula,which is critical in bringing this form of surgical educationto practice. Current surgical simulators focus on bettergraphics rendering and curriculum of goal achievement(success in arriving at goals while ignoring intermediatemotion patterns) rather than real robot dynamics motionas well as teaching the surgeon optimal motion patternand path in an obstacle-surrounded environment.

Our previous study of adverse events reported to the U.S.Food and Drug Administration (FDA) Manufacturer andUser Facility Device Experience (MAUDE) database showed

HindawiJournal of Healthcare EngineeringVolume 2017, Article ID 6702919, 13 pages

that despite significant improvements in robotic surgerytechnology through the years and broader adoption of therobotic approach, there are ongoing occurrences of safetyincidents that negatively impact patients. The number ofinjury and death events per procedure has stayed relativelyconstant since 2007, with an average of 83.4 events per100,000 procedures [7]. Although, these incidents are oftencaused by accidental malfunctions or technical problemswith the robot and steep learning curves, it has also beenshown that surgical robots can be subject to maliciouscyber-attacks that impact patient safety and progress of sur-gery [8, 9]. The ability of current robotic surgery technologyto automatically mitigate the impact of safety incidents stilllags other safety-critical industries, such as commercial avia-tion. In such industries, great effort has been spent over theyears on improving safety practices by providing compre-hensive simulation-based training that includes operationin the presence of safety-critical failures [10]. In currentrobotic surgeon training, the emphasis is on improving surgi-cal skills and not on handling safety-critical events andresponding to technical problems. Adverse events or acci-dental machine failures are rarely used as potential scenariosfor safety training of surgical teams.

In this work, we are motivated by the idea of simulatingsafety hazards [11, 12] during robotic surgery training inorder to prepare surgeons for handling safety-critical events.The objective is to develop a hardware-in-the-loop simulatorplatform that emulates realistic safety hazard scenarios in avirtual environment and provides awareness of the impedinghazards to the operator through haptic force feedback. In thiswork, we use Raven-II [13] surgical robot as the hardwarethat the operator will be trained with. Previous studies haveshown that users trained on the Raven platform can transfertheir skills to da Vinci system [14]. We developed a robot-environment interaction model using a physics engine asthe robot’s nominal state estimator (fault-free run), whichruns simultaneously with the Raven-II robot hardware. Wealso developed a safety hazard injection engine that inten-tionally and artificially creates adverse events by insertingfaults into the robot control system using Software-implemented Fault Injection (SWIFI) [15]. The faults areinjected to the control software after the system’s automaticsafety checks are performed to increase the chance that theycause safety hazards.

The main goal of SWIFI is to validate the effectiveness offault-tolerance mechanisms by studying system behavior inthe presence of simulated faults. Here, we use software-based fault injection techniques to emulate the safety hazards

and enable evaluation of human operator performance andresponse to safety hazards during simulation-based training.Fault injection and cyber-attacks on the safety-critical sys-tems, such as smart grid [16–18], automotive embedded sys-tems [19], and robotic vehicles [20, 21], have been the subjectof many studies. They presented attack scenarios that directlytarget the physical system, the control commands sent to thephysical system, or the sensor measurements received fromthe physical layer to corrupt the state of controller in thecyber-domain (false data injection attacks). In this work, weuse fault injection and target the robot control system to cor-rupt the control commands in a legitimate manner that is notdetectable by the robot’s safety mechanisms. In our previouswork, we showed that these injections could lead to unex-pected and sudden jumps of the robotic arms and negativelyimpact the robot operation and patient safety in just a coupleof milliseconds, making it difficult for both automated mech-anisms and human operators to respond in a timely manner.Thus, the detection and response mechanisms in real-timesurgical cyber-physical systems should be optimized anddeployed in such a way that can mitigate the impact of faultyand malicious commands before they even execute in thephysical layer [8].

In [22], authors demonstrated content modificationattacks on a bilateral teleoperation system and usedLyapunov-based analysis to conclude that if the sent velocitydoes not equal to the position’s derivative, then there is astatic attack (linear modification of the states using time-invariant gains). Their method however might suffer fromsensitivity to model accuracy, since all analysis is based onmodel-based Lyapunov analysis. Providing the user withhaptic cues using the haptic force calculated based on the dif-ference between desired and actual position of end-effectorsin the slave robot was proposed in [23]. Teleoperation forRaven robot uses Interoperable Telerobotics Protocol[24]—sending incremental rather than absolute motioncommand from master to slave and a human operator is inthe control loop to correct the position errors. In transientphase, there is tracking error between the actual slave robotend-effector position and the desired position; therefore,comparing the two to generate the haptic feedback cannotbe done accurately. We address this issue by developing adynamical model for the physical robot (a virtual robot) asthe underlying state monitor. The model and robot receivethe same motion command from the master, and we use theirstate difference to create the haptic feedback.

When training a novice surgeon, he/she can acquire somesense of optimality by observing or sensing (through haptics)the robot’s execution of an automated task. The motion canbe planned optimally by minimizing certain cost functions.Related work in this area focuses on automating some ofthe real surgery scenarios in different robot-assisted surgerytypes. Weede et al. in [25] introduced an autonomous camerasystem including a prediction of interventions, to provide along-term prediction of the steps a surgeon will perform inthe next few minutes and move the endoscope to an optimalposition. Combined with vision techniques, automatic posi-tioning and autonomous retrieval of surgical instrumentshave been achieved in [26, 27]. Chow et al. in [28] showed

Figure 1: From left to right: LapSim haptic system, dV-trainer,and RoSS.

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that vision-guided autonomous knot-tying in robotic-assisted surgery has the potential to be faster than humanperformance. Kehoe et al. in [29] demonstrated the firstreliable autonomous robot performance of surgical sub-task, that is, removing tissue fragments using Raven, bygenerating centralized motion plans through 3D sensingand trajopt, a low-level motion planning algorithm basedon sequential convex optimization to plan locally optimal,collision-free trajectories simultaneously for both arms. Huet al. in [30] investigated path planning and semiauto-mated motion for the scenario of robotic ablation oftumor residues in various shapes using Raven robot, anddifferent metrics were delivered to the surgeon to selectcandidate path plan. In nonlaparoscopic type of roboticsurgery, for example, in needle steering community, effortshave been made in surgical preplanning for the needletype surgical robot [31, 32] and demonstrated in simulationenvironment [33].

In this work, we present a comprehensive softwareframework for the telerobotic surgical simulator. The simula-tor includes a failure scenario generation module whichsimulates failures during a surgery through fault injections.These failure scenarios can train surgeons to recognizeadverse events during a surgery through haptic cues. Theoptimal trajectory generated by Fast Marching Tree(FMT∗) algorithm designed for Raven-II platform at aninteractive rate will also help trainee gain an optimal senseof manipulating the surgical instrument.

2. Materials and Methods

2.1. Simulator Framework. We design the simulator systembased on the Raven-II surgical robot, an open source plat-form running on top of Robot Operating System (ROS). Todevelop a surgical simulator with high fidelity in reproducingadverse events, we include the robot hardware in the simula-tor’s execution loop and integrate it with a safety hazardinjection engine [8] and a physics engine to simulate therobot dynamics and interaction with environment. Thesimulator system architecture is shown in Figure 2.Raven-II is a teleoperated surgical robot which uses network

communication between the local machine on surgeon’s con-sole side and the remote Raven computer. The simulator runson the local machine and performs dynamics and collisioncalculations. Two Phantom Omni devices receive the incre-mental motion command from the operator and then sendthe data to both the local machine and the remote machinethrough UDP/IP. A virtual Raven robot and 3D trainingenvironment are displayed on the screen of surgeon’s con-sole. The graphics are rendered through C++ OpenGL pipe-line with a frequency of 30Hz, while other calculations, forexample, haptic loop and physics engine and network datatransmission, using multiple threads are being synchronizedand run at 1000Hz, which is the same as the running fre-quency of Raven’s control loop.

The connection between the Surgeon Console and theRaven-II system is bilateral network communication in ourhardware-in-the-loop simulator shown in Figure 2. Onedirection is for transmitting Omni command data from thelocal machine to the remote Raven system, while the otherdirection is for sending the robot state data (joint positionsand velocities) back to the local machine using TCP/IP socketconnection for reliability and to make comparison with thedynamics calculation results in physics engine thread. Thehaptic force feedback is provided to the operator if the virtualand real Raven’s end-effector trajectories do not match(above a predefined threshold). Since perfect transparency(master device force/torque matching the slave’s end-effector force/torque) is not possible and is especially chal-lenging for teleoperators with significant nonlinear dynamicsand no force sensors mounted at the robot end-effector, weutilize haptics feature for safety propose, rather than for sur-gical palpation. Because the haptic device sensor/actuatorasymmetries can cause instability and robustness issues, weapply a spring-damper model with appropriate gains and sat-urations for feedback force calculation.

To simulate the safety hazards in real surgery, we inte-grate the robot control software with a safety hazard injec-tion engine that strategically inserts faults into the controlsoftware at critical junctures during operation [8]. Moreexplicitly, the injected faults corrupt either the Omni com-mands or the motor control commands sent to the Raven

Surgeon console


Virtual trainingenvironment

Real surgical �eld


Haptic feedback Hand motion

Master UIso�ware


Simulator so�wareI/O data processingCollision detection

Dynamics calculationGraphics rendering

Path planner

Localmachine Network


Robot computerand control boards

Motor encodermeasurements


Stereo vision feedback

Remote Raven-II system



Figure 2: Hardware-in-the-loop surgical simulator architecture.

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hardware after the safety checks are done in the Raven soft-ware in robot computer, which is indicated in Figure 2. Asa result, unexpected robot motion will generate trajectoryerrors compared with the underlying model dynamics. Then,we show how the operator can gain awareness of the errone-ous robot trajectory in the presence of faults through hapticforce feedback.

Beyond the capability of basic motor skills training andsimulating adverse events, there are additional features inour simulator that can help improve the surgeon’s perfor-mance in real surgery. For example, in some scenarios, it ispreferable to let the surgeon do a virtual trial, rather thanmanipulating the actual robot all the time. One of theimportant capabilities of our simulator is to allow the userto disengage from the actual robot to do a trial movementin the simulator’s virtual environment and see the outcomesof virtual motion. If the outcome is satisfactory, then theactual robot could be reengaged to track the recorded com-mand trajectory data and move in an autonomous fashion.The user can also use the path planner to specify the targetconfiguration of the robot arm, and then it will automaticallygenerate trajectory waypoints for the robot arm to track. Afoot pedal is placed on the surgeon’s side to enable switchingbetween the robot teleoperation mode and pure simula-tion mode (being disengaged from the robot hardware)and also toggling the view between the real surgical fieldand virtual environment.

2.2. Robot Dynamics Modeling and Training Scenario. Inour previous work, we simulated dynamics, numericallyintegrating the equations of motion derived by Euler-Lagrange (E-L) approach in [34]. This approach providesvery little freedom for simulating interactions with the envi-ronment. In this work, we integrate a physics engine—OpenDynamics Engine (ODE) into the simulator, to simulatedynamic behaviors of the robot and interactions betweenthe robot manipulators and the environment. ODE is anopen source, high-performance library, which relies on aLinear Complementary Problem Solver (LCP solver) [35].In robotics simulation, ODE is being widely used for avariety of applications [36, 37].

In [34], we obtained the equations of motion by E-L anddetermined the mechanical properties of the links throughCAD models. In ODE setup, we directly specify each link’smesh properties and joint properties, so that we can achievethe same robot motion as in [34] (with no collisions).Besides, ODE has the capability of doing collision checkingbetween primitive objects or meshes and using contact fric-tion models to apply contact forces, which gives the possibil-ity of simulating interactions.

For the training scenario, we use the training modelwhich is widely used in the Fundamentals of Robotic Surgery(FRS) organization, the definitive robotic surgical skills edu-cation, training, and validated assessment program [38]. Theobjectives of using the training model can be found in [38].Specifically, in our simulator prototype, we made a smallmodification to the original model (extruded cut half of thetop lid) so that the Raven robot arm can be inserted intothe cavity to perform the tasks, that is, picking up a cube ring

initially placed inside the cavity. The operator will manipu-late the robot arms to get used to 3D teleoperation by pickingup a ring, transferring it from one arm to the other, and nav-igating the ring along the loops. The abovementioned motorskills training scenarios can be done in a semiautonomousfashion using the Fast Marching Tree- (FMT∗-) based pathplanner (if only involved one arm motion, dual arm motioncase can be split into one arm motion followed by another).

2.3. FMT∗-Based Path Planner. The path planner utilizesFMT∗ algorithm, in which “∗” indicates optimality to givencost criteria. An on-off foot pedal is used to activate the pathplanning functionality. In planning mode, the user isrequired to use the master device controlling the slave robotin the simulation environment to reach a target configura-tion. In this phase, collision detection is disabled and justpure kinematic motion is performed. Once the path plannergot the goal configuration, it will start to compute dynami-cally feasible trajectory and execute the motion plan for thearm at interactive rates (only a few seconds for planningand executing motion plans, resp.).

The cavity in the FRS training model is used to simulatethe human abdomen (Figure 3), where the inside volume isvery constraint and, thus, requires very fine motions of therobot end-effectors. It is preferable to make the surgicalinstruments (robot arms) automatically inserted or retrievedbefore or after the surgical procedure. Raven-II robot has twoinstrument arms that are independent of each other in termsof assembly and controls, and each has seven degrees offreedom (DOF) and six rotational joints plus one transla-tional joint. In high-dimensional space, sampling-basedpath planning algorithms can explore the configuration spaceeffectively by sampling the collision-free configurationsaccording to a probability distribution (in this work, uniformsampling in feasible joint space is used). Rapidly exploringrandom tree (RRT) and probabilistic roadmap method(PRM) and their variants have become prevalent in robotpath planning applications and literature over the past tenyears, especially when the RRT∗ and PRM∗’s optimalityproofs was formally given in [39]. In [39], it is shown that

Figure 3: Simulated surgeon console and FRS trainingmodel—yellow sphere on each arm indicates the fixed remotemotion center, and the cavity of the dome represents a humanabdomen area; more details of the model can be found in Figure 7and Figure 8.

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PRM∗ and RRT∗ are provably asymptotically optimal, that is,the cost of the returned solution converges almost surely tothe optimum. However, building the RRT tree or connect-ing PRM edges require extensive collision checking. In ourcase, collision checking between triangle meshes willseverely hurt the performance. Recently, a new probabilisticsampling-based planning algorithm called Fast MarchingTree (FMT∗) was introduced [40]. The algorithm is specifi-cally aimed at solving complex motion planning problemsin high-dimensional configuration spaces. This algorithm isproven to be asymptotically optimal and is shown to con-verge to an optimal solution faster than its state-of-the-artcounterparts, namely, PRM∗ and RRT∗. However, the sacri-fice is that it lazily skips collision checks when evaluating thelocal connections. This lazy collision checking strategy mayintroduce suboptimal connections, but the crucial propertyof FMT∗ is that such suboptimal connections become van-ishingly rare as the number of samples goes to infinity. Inboth low- and high-dimensional benchmark problems testedin [40], which across a variety of problem instances, rangingin obstacle clutter and in dimensions from 2D to 7D, it isshown that FMT∗ outperforms state-of-the-art algorithmssuch as PRM∗ and RRT∗, often by a significant margin.The speedups are particularly prominent in higher dimen-sions and in scenarios where collision checking is expensive,which is exactly the regime in which sampling-based algo-rithms excel. In this work, we utilize the advantages of FMT∗

algorithm to achieve the goal of motion planning and exe-cuting tasks.

2.3.1. Assumptions. In designing the path planner usingFMT∗ algorithm, we make the following two assumptions:

(1) Decoupling between control and joint motion. TheRaven-II robot uses cable-driven mechanisms, sothe joint motion of the instrument arms are notonly affected by one DC motor. The closer to theend-effector, the more complicated coupling motionwould involve. In our ODE simulation environment,we do not model the cable coupling behavior, andwe assume each actuator will control one jointmotion only.

(2) Fixed opening angle for the grasper. Each grasperconsists of two jaws and, thus, has two DOFs. Wecan think of jaws as two independent DOFs or con-sidering them as one part, and then it has one DOFas the center line of the grasper, another DOF wouldbe the opening angle of the grasper, and these tworepresentations are kinematically equivalent. In somecases, when the grasper is holding some object(e.g., holding the cube ring in our training scenario),we do want to keep the opening angle unchanged. Soin our path planner, we only consider six DOFs,instead of seven.

2.3.2. Problem Statement. As mentioned above, in this work,we consider motion planning problem for one arm, eitherleft arm or right arm, because the case of dual arm planning

problem can be treated as moving the arms one by one.This simplification will reduce the computation cost tre-mendously. The motion planning problem of Raven-II sur-gical robot in a surgical training environment can be statedas follows:

(i) Inputs: surgical environmentΨ and Raven-II robotℜdescribed by mesh file objects, initial robot configura-tion θinit for the moving arm (collision-free) when thepath planning is enabled, goal robot configurationθgoal for the same arm (collision-free) specified bythe user, n number of collision-free configurations,and rn connection radius

(ii) Output: a feasible collision-free motion plan con-sisting waypoints Θ for one arm trajectory and eachwaypoint is a 6-dimensional vector including 6joint positions.

Note that motion between two intermediate waypoints isdynamically feasible and free of collision. And if no pathexists between start and end configurations, the algorithmterminates in finite time.

2.3.3. FMT∗ Algorithm. We consider this planning problemfor one robot arm. The planning objective is to find a dynam-ically feasible collision-free path while minimizing the overallcost function:

J σ∗ =min η1 ⋅ c σ + η2 ⋅T

0α t 2dt, σ is feasible ,


inwhichσ is a feasible path in joint space, c σ is the arc lengthof σwith respect to Euclideanmetric, α t is the end-effector’slinear acceleration, and η1,  η2 are two user-defined coeffi-cients to weight the effects of path length and velocity var-iations. The FMT∗ algorithm is outlined in Algorithm 1.

The description of the functions (e.g., SampleFree, Near,and Save) in the FMT∗ algorithm are described in [40]. Insurgical planning, we should make sure that when connect-ing two waypoints on the path, no collision happens andthe end-effector’s velocity is smooth, that is, there is no jerkymotion on the robot joints. So for evaluating the connected-ness of two waypoints, rather than simply do linear ornonlinear interpolations as the kinematics level test, weintegrate the robot dynamics with ODE and use it as theprediction to test whether by moving from one configurationto another as collision happens. This is the most expensivepart of our implementation.

Similar to RRT∗ and PRM∗, FMT∗ also requires toexplicitly specify radius when considering neighboring sam-ples to achieve asymptotic optimality, which is given by the(3) in [40]. So we can write

rn = γlog nn

1/d, 2

for some positive γ. In our implementation, we normalizedall joint positions in the range of [0, 1] to do uniform

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sampling. Then compute a conservative bound of γ usingMonte Carlo simulation in order to find the d-dimensionalLebesgue measure of collision-free configurations withrespect to all possible configurations.

Before trying to obtain collision-free samples, a decision-making module will determine which arm is supposed tomove and call the corresponding FMT∗, because the twoarms are slightly different in terms of transformations andkinematics chain [41].

Under this path planning with robot dynamics frame-work, joint controls at each time step can also be obtainedas a byproduct of doing collision checking when trying toconnect two samples. After a feasible path is computed, wecan either apply the joint controls explicitly at each timestep or through feedback control to execute the plan as atrajectory following problem. Since the first option is openloop, the error could accumulate over time. So, we will usePD controllers for each joint to track the desired trajectoryin joint space when executing the motion plan autono-mously in the simulator and send the joint positions tothe Raven computer via internet if real robot motion isalso needed to perform.

2.4. Spring-Damper Model for Haptic Force Feedback. In thissection, we present the haptic force feedback mechanism.The use of haptic devices in teleoperated surgical robots

has the potential of providing both cutaneous (tactile)and kinesthetic (force) information during exploration ormanipulation of an object or environment. To the best ofthe authors’ knowledge, even the latest commercial surgicalsystem (da Vinci Xi) does not have haptic feedback feature.In robotic surgery, haptic feedback is useful in teleoperatedpalpation [42, 43]. Beyond this application, we expect thathaptic feedback also can provide extra but crucial informa-tion to the operator about the status of the system when someuncertain events happen and before the errors are accumu-lated to some degree that the system is taken to an emergencystop. For human perception, our haptic rendering loop in thesimulator also runs at 1000Hz, otherwise, the user mayperceive force discontinuities and a loss in fidelity [44].

We send the ROS published joint states in the Ravencomputer to the simulator through the network. From thephysics engine (ODE) thread, we extract the joint velocities.We compute the end-effector velocities by using spatialmanipulator Jacobian transformation:

v ω T = Jθ ̇ 3

The end-effector position is computed through the for-ward kinematics chain for both the robot and the modelusing the joint positions, as shown in

p = f θ , 4

where f indicates the forward kinematics chain of therobot [41]. Then, the haptic force provided to the operatoris given by

F =Kp pmodel − probot + Kd vmodel − vrobot0 05,  if pmodel − probot > tol


And the force direction applied to the haptic device isgiven by

d = pmodel − probotpmodel − probot


In this setup, if an adverse scenario happens, or the robotmoves in an unexpected way, the haptic device will providehaptic cues to the operator. This provides awareness ofimpeding hazards, enabling the operator to take action orcorrect the robot behavior based on the internal model ofthe simulator.

2.5. Safety Hazard Injection. The Safety Hazard Injectionengine in our simulator uses software-based fault injec-tion techniques to recreate safety hazards observed duringreal surgical procedures. This enables evaluation of sur-geon performance and response to safety hazards andprepares them for the best response actions to take incase of incidents.

Based on our preliminary review of almost 1500 accidentreports on the da Vinci surgical system from the FDAMAUDE database, we identified three categories of commonsafety hazard scenarios as shown in Table 1. We simulatethese scenarios by injecting faults into the Raven controlsoftware during the training scenarios. The possible causes

1. if θgoal ∈ Χf ree2. V← θinit ⋃SampleFree n  E←∅3. Vunvisited ←V θinit Vopen ← θinit , Vclosed ←∅4. z← θinit5. Nz ←Near V z , z, rn6. Save Nz , z7. while z ≠ θgoal do8. Vopen,new ←∅9. Θnear =Nz⋂Vunvisited10. for θ ∈Θnear do11. Nθ ←Near V θ , θ, rn12. Save Nθ,  θ13. Ψnear ←Θnear ⋂Vopen14. ψmin ← argminψ∈Ψnear

J ψ + Cost ψ, θ15. if CollisionFree ψmin, θ  then16. E← E⋃ ψmin, θ17. Vopen,new ←Vopen,new ⋃ θ18. Vunvisited ←Vunvisited θ19. J θ = J ψmin + Cost ψmin, θ20. end if21. end for22. Vopen ← Vopen⋃Vopen,new θ23. Vclosed ←Vclosed⋃ θ24. if Vopen =∅ then25. return Failure26. end if27. θ = argminψ∈Vopen

J ψ28. end while29. return Path θ, T = Vopen ⋃Vclsoed , E30. end if

Algorithm 1: FMT∗.

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of hazards may include accidental faults in robotic hardwareor software, unintentional human operator errors, or inten-tional malicious attacks to the control system of the robot.For each safety hazard, Table 1 shows the potential accidentalcauses (column 3) and impact on patients and surgical team(column 5) based on representative examples from the realincidents reported to the FDA MAUDE database. Thepatient impacts represent clinical scenarios and responseactions on which the robotic surgeons should be trained on.

The Safety Hazard Injection Engine consists of custom-ized modules for (a) retrieving hazard scenarios, (b) generat-ing software fault injection campaign and selecting faultinjection strategy, (c) conducting fault injection experiments,and (d) logging and collecting data in an automated fashion[12]. The Injection Controller is responsible for starting, stop-ping, and automating the fault injection campaign. In a nor-mal campaign execution, a Safety Hazard Scenario Libraryconstructed based on the analysis of adverse events isaccessed to retrieve the list of desired hazard scenarios. Thencausal factors leading to each desired hazard scenario aresimulated by selecting the fault injection parameters. Eachhazard scenario includes a possible unsafe control actionand a list of potential causal factors. An example unsafe con-trol action would be a motor command is provided by thecontrol software when there is a mismatch between the soft-ware state and hardware state of the robot. Faulty communi-cation between software and hardware (e.g., through USB) isan example causal factor that might lead to such unsafe con-trol action (see the third example in Table 1). Based on thecausal factors involved in each hazard scenario, the analysisof Raven source code and software/hardware architecture,the Fault Injection Strategies module retrieves informationon software functions which can most likely mimic the causalfactors leading to the safety hazard as well as the key variablesin those functions and their normal operating ranges. Thisinformation is translated to the parameters to be used bythe fault injectors for simulating potential causal factors.The fault injection parameters include the location in thesoftware function, the trigger or condition under whichthe fault should be injected, and the target variables tobe modified by the injection (see column 4 of Table 1).Finally, the appropriate software-implemented Fault Injec-tors and the robot software are executed to conduct a faultinjection experiment during a training scenario. At theend of each injection run, the injection parameters anddata are collected for further analysis. For a more detaileddescription of Safety Hazard Injection Engine, refer to ourprevious work [12].

3. Results and Discussion

We present the experimental evaluations of the proposedhardware-in-the-loop simulator in this section. There aremainly two parts: (1) simulating safety hazards and theirdetection and (2) motion planning in a training environmentwith FRS model.

3.1. Fault-Free and Contact-Free Run for Model Verification.In this work, the robot dynamics is modeled for all 7 DOF, in

ODE environment, compared to only 3 DOF were modeledin [45]. Our dynamic model is from joint torque to jointstates, ignoring the motor dynamics and cable tensions.One reason for doing this is that the cable coupling intro-duces uncertainties in the model and nonuniformity ofcable tension behaviors. In our experiment setting, wetighten the cables as tight as possible before the testing.Another reason is that the system is running at a 1000Hz fre-quency, which gives very little margin for heavy computationand introducing even a small time delay that will cause sys-tem instability. Although the dynamics calculation is doneon the Surgeon Console machine rather than the Raven com-puter, we still do not want to violate the timing constraints ineach control loop.

The joint torque vector τ is the controller output basedon desired joint position obtained through inverse kinemat-ics and current joint position. PD controllers are used forjoints 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, and 7, and PID is used for joint 3, whichis the tool insertion translational joint. A set of manuallytuned PID gains make the system closely track the desiredjoint positions while keeping the joint torque/force τ withincertain bounds. This means that the model is behaving likethe robot rather than a system which has low damping andis fast enough to track reference signal. Figure 4 shows thetrajectories for arbitrary motions provided by the operator(black), the internal physics engine (dynamic model) calcula-tions (red), and the real robot trajectory (blue) for the firstfive joints on the left robot arm (the right arm is identicalto the left arm in terms of modeling and control). Throughforward kinematics chain, one can obtain the end-effectorposition error. Figure 4 shows the different portions of thetrajectories (separated with dashed lines) corresponding todifferent teleoperation scaling factors, respectively, rangingfrom 0.05 to 0.2 with the spacing interval of 0.05. Withlarger motion scaling factors, the error also increases, becausethe modeling error for joints 4 and 5 are more sensitive tothe scaling factor. These results verify the accuracy of themodeling in ODE environment, compared to the realrobot trajectory.

3.2. Fault Injection to Robot Software. Many of the haz-ard scenarios shown in Table 1 may cause unexpectedinstrument movements and sudden jumps. In this section,we use the safety hazard injection engine to trigger thefaulty commands at network layer and software hardwarecommunication layer as in [8]. More specifically, to simu-late the resulting safety hazard scenarios, we corrupt themotor commands sent to the robot hardware and theOmni commands sent to the Raven computer, as indicatedby numbers in Figure 2.

In the experimental setup, we disabled the collisionchecking in ODE, that is, we did not consider the case wherehard collision happens and will affect the robot dynamics toomuch. We inject periodic faults to (i) the first (shoulder) jointof the robot (which has stronger cable in the Raven-II) and(ii) the motion command data in network layer transmittingfrom the local machine to Raven computer, while the simula-tor receives the original “clean” Omni input. In the secondcase (in Figure 2), it is obvious that receiving the corrupted

8 Journal of Healthcare Engineering

desired state data, the robot will follow the incorrect trajec-tory and end up deviating from the trajectory expected bythe operator. From the fault-free run result as shown inFigure 4, we set the threshold of triggering the haptic forcefeedback when the end-effector positions between the modeland the robot deviate more than 3mm. In this section, wemainly focus on simulating and analyzing the resultingadverse events in the first case (i.e., injection of periodic faultsto the motor commands).

3.2.1. Simulation of Sudden Jump. In robotic surgery, manyreported adverse events can be classified as unexpected jointmotion in a small time interval, that is, sudden jump (thethird scenario in Table 1). Although the causality can bemany to one, we are able to reproduce this kind of adverseevents and expose the surgeon during training phase by usingour hardware-in-the-loop simulator incorporated with thesafety hazard injection engine. We use haptic force feedbackto provide information to the operator immediately, so thatthey can respond to the adverse events as quickly as possible,by emergency actions such as release the foot pedal to disen-gage the robot and triggering motor breaks (to avoid patientinjuries). To simulate robot jump, during the teleoperationrunning mode, we inject constant motor command (can be

zero or nonzero but within the valid range of motor’s DACcommand) to the shoulder joint at a specified time period.The underlying reason for the jump is the accumulation ofposition errors because the controller has to generate largetorque commands to track the desired position once therobot goes back to the nominal run.

Figure 5 shows the result of our hardware-in-the-loopsimulator running with the fault injector. In this scenario,every 8 second after pedal down (teleoperation mode), thesafety hazard injection engine corrupts the motor commandsent to the shoulder joint and keeps the fault active for 300cycles (300ms). One can observe that the sudden jumpbehavior happened in joint 1 profile in Figure 5. The suddenjumps can happen many times (in this experiment, 4 times),while the operator may not notice them since the duration isquite short (a few milliseconds). Such abrupt jumps if onlyhappen a few times during the procedure, they will leave noimpression to the operator and he may even think that it ishis own mistake. However, the sudden movements/jumpsmay happen due to hardware problems (see Table 1). Therobot has the safety mechanisms to monitor the robot statusand detect such faults, but in our fault injection experiments,we demonstrated the robot can jump frequently without trig-gering the robot’s safety mechanisms [8, 12] (e.g., the robot

Joint 1 pro�le

Joint 4 pro�le

Joint 2 pro�le

Joint 5 pro�le

Joint 3 pro�le

Position error pro�le

−105 −65






−950 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
















0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8










0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8


−30 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8






−1350 1 2

Teleoperation time (ms)















tor p


on er












3 4 5 6 7 8


Teleoperation time (ms) ×104Teleoperation time (ms) ×104

Teleoperation time (ms) ×104

Teleoperation time (ms) ×104Teleoperation time (ms) ×104







Figure 4: Comparison of the model and robot running data (up to 5 joints) and end-effector position error of (2.43± 1.72).

9Journal of Healthcare Engineering

stopped at the last jump due to the computed motor controlis beyond the limit).

Figure 6 shows the magnitude of the haptic force feed-back provided to the Omni device using (5). The results showthat we captured the adverse events exactly at the times thefault injection was performed and provided the feedback tothe user in time. The haptic force is being saturated in a rangethat it will not interfere the normal teleoperation due to thepassivity and high damping of the human operator. Whena surgeon faces such a scenario in real surgery, possible

mitigation strategies include slow down the motions orrelease the pedal to disengage the master and slave and callthe technical help in the hospital (see the last column ofTable 1).

3.3. Test Results on Path Planner. In this section, we evaluatethe performance of the proposed Raven-II simulator with theintegration of physics engine and the path planner. We per-formed all tests locally, that is, the simulator software andthe Omni client software are running on the same Windows





00 1



0.5 1.5 2

Teleoperation time (ms)

Haptic feedback force

2.5 3 3.5 4×104


Figure 6: Haptic force feedback on the Omni device during fault injection.

−121Joint 1 pro�le Joint 2 pro�le Joint 3 pro�le

Joint 4 pro�le Joint 5 pro�le Position error pro�le
























r pos



rs (m






0 0.5 1 1.5 2

Teleoperation time (ms)

2.5 3 3.5 4 0 0.5 1 1.5 2

Teleoperation time (ms) Teleoperation time (ms)

Teleoperation time (ms) Teleoperation time (ms) Teleoperation time (ms)

2.5 3 3.5 4

2.75 2.8 2.85




×104 ×104









0.3950.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4

0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4


×104 ×104 ×104

Joint 1 pro�le

2.75 2.8 2.85








Figure 5: Robot and model trajectories during fault injection are enabled (with teleoperation scaling factor of 0.1).

10 Journal of Healthcare Engineering

7 machine, with Intel Core i7 CPU @ 3.50GHz, to avoid thetime delay caused by long distance communication over thenetwork. And for all tests, the step size used in ODE is0.001 second.

Initially, the robot arm is placed deeply inside the FRStraining module. The test scenario is to achieve the motionsequences of retrieving the robot arm first from the surgicalfield and then moving forward to reach the cube ring. Theopening area of the dome does not coincide with the pivotpoint (indicated by the yellow sphere in Figure 3) of the robotarm; thus, it is very easy to collide with the dome or loops.The user was asked to activate the planning mode, whichmeans he can directly manipulate the arm to reach the targetby any means with collision checking disabled. Once hearrived at the target configuration, the planner will recordthis configuration and start to run the planning algorithm.We evaluate the performance with respect to different objec-tive functions, the number of collision-free samples, and thealgorithm execution time.

Choosing 500 collision-free samples for the path planner,Figure 7 shows the end-effector (mass center of the two jaws)trajectories of user’s movement when specifying the targetconfiguration (red), minimizing 6-dimentional path length(green), and minimizing end-effector linear velocity varia-tions (blue), respectively. They are the path trackingresults rather than the waypoints for the planning results.We record the waypoints on every other loop time ofODE simulation loop so that they will be shown moreclearly in the figure. The density of waypoints indicatesthe velocity. The sparser means the velocity is larger whilemore dense waypoints means the velocity is relativelyslow. In our test scenario, it is difficult for the novice user

to figure out a collision-free path to reach the cube ring’slocation while manipulating the robot arm. So in our interac-tive path planning setting, collision is allowed just simply forthe user to quickly reach the target configuration. By choos-ing η1 = 1 and η2 = 0, we got a path with smaller length(planner returns 36 waypoints), while by choosingη1 = 0 and η2 = 1, we got a path with smaller velocity varia-tions (planner returns 54 waypoints).

Next, we compare the planning performance of using adifferent number of collision-free samples and verify thatthe algorithm can converge to the optimum with respect tothe cost function. In this test scenario, we chooseη1 = 0 1 and η2 = 0 5 As shown in Figure 8, we observe thatas the number of samples increases, the cost becomes smallerand the algorithm running time becomes longer due toheavier computation in the “for” loop of the algorithm.

Table 2 shows the algorithm performance withη1 = 0 1 and η2 = 0 5 and autonomous tracking perfor-mance. Each test scenario runs the planning algorithm andautonomous tracking 20 times to get the average result. In

Table 2: Performance evaluation result.


Planningtime (s)

Path trackingtime (s)


CostSuccessrate (%)

200 3.676 4.705 13.5 21.9 90

500 15.935 4.277 14.3 11.1 85

1000 47.708 3.909 11.1 6.5 85

2000 216.373 3.688 11.1 5.7 75





Trajetory provided by the user

Minimize length

Minimize velocity variations





Y (100 mm


Z (1

00 m


X (100 mm)






Figure 7: Three end-effector trajectories representing user’smovement and two different optimization criteria.





n = 200, j = 18.793, t = 3.282

n = 200, j = 9.748, t = 18.812

n = 1000, j = 6.128, t = 55.061





0Y (100 mm)

Z (1

00 m


X (1

00 m








Figure 8: Three end-effector trajectories representing returned byFMT∗ using different number of samples.

11Journal of Healthcare Engineering

Table 2, “returned reference waypoints” means the numberof waypoints returned by FMT∗, and going from one positionto another is dynamically feasible in the planning phase.However, as the number of samples increases, the path getsshorter, and thus in path tracking, it would be closer to theobstacle (wall of the dome) and result in lower success rate(more chances to collide). One way to resolve this issue isto include an additional term in cost function as maximizingthe obstacle clearance distance. In this training setup, theplanning time and the execution time are acceptable if usingappropriate number of samples to start the algorithm.

4. Conclusions

We have demonstrated a general framework for robot-assisted surgical simulators for a more robust and resilientrobotic surgery. With the goal of providing high-fidelitysurgical training in simulation, we created a hardware-in-the-loop simulator platform. We integrate the simulatorwith a physics engine and a state-of-the-art path planningalgorithm to help surgeon acquire an optimal sense ofmanipulating the robot instrumental arm and achieveautonomous motion of the surgical robot. We integrateda safety hazard injection engine integrated with the simulatorsoftware to reproduce safety hazards happened in real sur-gery. A haptic force feedback mechanism was designed toprovide surgeon an extra modality of information about therobot status when unexpected motion happens. Deliveringthe safety alarm to the surgeon by haptics is an efficientway of capturing such occurrences but will need additionalhuman factor studies.

The future work includes providing haptic feedback toguide the operator moving along the preplanned optimalpath to perform training tasks, for example, use of gripperto grasp a ring. Since the current teleoperation mechanismuses incremental motion of the master and maps to theend-effector of the slave robot to resolve the two differentworkspaces of master and slave (thus using the pedal to dis-engage/engage and reconfigure the master), we can providevisual or audio cues to the operator once it approaches theworkspace boundary of the haptic device. With haptic forceguidance, we believe we can further reduce the need forsupervisory by the expert surgeon during training.

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare that there is no conflict of interestregarding the publication of this paper.


This work was partially supported by the National ScienceFoundation under Award nos. CNS 13-14891 and CNS 15-45069 and a grant through the JUMP-ARCHES (AppliedResearch for Community Health through Engineering andSimulation) program for addressing safety and reliability ofsurgical robots. This project was carried out at the HealthCare Engineering Systems Center at Illinois.


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