Supplier Interface in Oracle Apps R12



Supplier interface in Oracle R12.

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Supplier Interface in Oracle Apps R12

There are three interface tables in oracle apps Supplier Interface.1] AP_SUPPILERS_INT2] AP_SUPPLIER_SITES_INT3] AP_SUP_SITE_CONTACTS_INTSupplier Interface Programs:1]  Supplier Open Interface Import2]  Supplier Sites Open Interface Import3]  Supplier Site Contacts Open Interface Import1] AP_SUPPLIERS_INTThis is the Open interface table for Supplier used to store Supplier header information. The columns mapped to corresponding AP_SUPPLIERS table.‘Supplier Open Interface Import’ request is used to import Supplier Header Information into Oracle.Mandatory Columns:            VENDOR_INTERFACE_ID   AP_SUPPLIERS_INT_S.NEXTVAL [ Unique Identifier]            VENDOR_NAME                 Supplier NameOther Important Columns:            VENDOR_TYPE_LOOKUP_CODE Supplier Type [e.g. Company etc]            SUMMARY_FLAG                           Key Flexfield Summary Flag            ENABLED_FLAG                            Key Flexfield Enable flag            NUM_1099                                         Tax identification number            INVOICE_CURRENCY_CODE     Invoice Currency Identifier            TERMS_ID                                        Payment Terms Identifier            SEGMENT1                                      Vendor Number2] AP_SUPPLIER_SITES_INTThis is the Open interface table to import supplier sites information. The columns mapped to corresponding AP_SUPPLIER_SITES_ALL table.‘Supplier Sites Open Interface Import’ request is used to import Supplier site Information into Oracle.Mandatory Columns:            VENDOR_SITE_INTERFACE_ID    AP_SUPPLIER_SITES_INT_S.NEXTVAL [Unique Identifier]            VENDOR_SITE_CODE                  Supplier Site Name            VENDOR_ID                                                 Vendor ID created in AP_SUPPLIERS table after submission of Supplier Open Interface Import request.

Other Important Columns:            ADDRESS_LINE1                First Line of Address            ADDRESS_LINE2                Second Line of Address            ADDRESS_LINE3                Third line of Address            CITY                                       City Name            STATE                                   State Name            COUNTRY                            Country Name            ZIP                                          Postal Code            PHONE                                  Phone Number            FAX                                        Fax Number            EMAIL_ADDRESS              Supplier Site URL            PURCHASING_SITE_FLAG To indicate purchasing allow from this site [Y/N]            RFQ_ONLY_SITE_FLAG   To indicate quotations allow from this site [Y/N]            PAY_SITE_FLAG                To indicate payable invoice allow for this site [Y/N]            INVOICE_CURRENCY_CODE Invoice Currency Identifier            TERMS_ID                            Payment Terms ID

3] AP_SUP_SITE_CONTACT_INT:This is Open interface table for supplier site contacts. The columns mapped to corresponding AP_SUPPLIER_CONTACTS table.Supplier Site Contacts Open Interface Import’ request is used to import Supplier site Contacts Information into Oracle.Mandatory Columns:            VENDOR_CONTACT_INTERFACE_ID AP_SUP_SITE_CONTACT_INT_S.NEXTVAL [Unique Identifier]            VENDOR_SITE_CODE                            Supplier Site CodeOther Important Columns:            VENDOR_ID                                        Vendor_ID created in AP_SUPPLIERS table after submission of Supplier Open Interface Import request.            VENDOR_SITE_ID                 Vendor_Site_ID created in AP_SUPPLIER_SITES_ALL table after submission of Supplier Sites Open Interface Import request.             PREFIX                                     Title e.g. [Mr, Mrs, Doctor etc]            FIRST_NAME                            Contact First Name            MIDDLE_NAME                       Contact Middle Name            LAST_NAME                                        Contact Last Name            AREA_CODE                                        Area Code of Contact phone number            PHONE                                      Contact phone number            FAX_AREA_CODE                  Area Code of Contact facsimile number            FAX                                            Contact facsimile number     

Validation during Supplier Import using interface:1] AP_SUPPLIER_INT.VENDOR_NAME             Validation for duplicate Supplier Name in AP_SUPPLIERS table.2] AP_SUPPLIER_INT.VENDOR_TYPE_LOOKUP_CODE            Validations for valid Supplier Type in PO_LOOKUP_CODES table for LOOK_TYPE as ‘VENDOR TYPE’.3] AP_SUPPLIER_INT.SEGMENT1            Validation for duplicate Supplier Number in AP_SUPPLIERS table.4] AP_SUPPLIER_SITES_INT.VENDOR_SITE_CODE            Validation for duplicate Supplier Site Name in AP_SUPPLIER_SITES table.5] AP_SUPPLIER_SITES_INT.COUNTRY            Validation for country code in FND_TERRITORIES_VL table.

AP_SUPPLIER_INT_REJECTIONS table contains suppliers, sites, contacts rejections information