Supplemental Educational Service (SES) Proposers Conference June 25, 2007


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Supplemental Educational Service (SES)

Proposers Conference

June 25, 2007

Agenda Supplemental Educational Services

(SES) Louisiana’s SES Model Overview of the Application

Process Questions & Answers

SES Background Info SES authorized in Title I, Part A

of No Child Left Behind (ESEA) Low-income students attending

schools that do not make Adequate Yearly Progress for three consecutive years (SI3 and above) may receive SES

What are Supplemental Educational Services?

Tutoring, Targeted remediation, and Academic interventions; Designed to increase student academic

achievement in English/language arts, reading, and/or math;

Must be provided outside the regular school day (Before school, After school, or in the Summer).

Louisiana’s SES Model1. Diagnostic Assessment or an

appropriate process to identify student weaknesses and achievement gaps. (This is a MUST!)

2. Targeted Remediation/Instruction aimed at addressing the individual skill gaps revealed during the assessment and based upon an individual learning plan;

3. Post Assessment to see if student gains occurred.

Eligible Providers of SES

Non-Profits For-Profits Local Education Agencies

Higher Ed Institutions

Faith-Based Organizations



Public and Private

Schools (Not in Corrective Action)

Individuals and/or Groups

(If organized as non- profit or for-profit)


Educational Service Agency

Two Levels of Approval

1. Applicants who receive Fully Approved Status

• Meet all requirements;

• Have demonstrated evidence of effectiveness;

• Are ready to provide services immediately;

• Have operated an SES-type program for 2 or more years and can show a strong level of effectiveness;

• No maximum limit on students served.

Two Levels of Approval2. Applicants who receive New and Emerging

Status• Must meet the same minimum score as other


• May receive a requirement to serve only up to 200 students during initial year;

• Will be categorized as New and Emerging in district correspondence to parents;

• Will be required to participate in specially designed technical assistance during Year One;

• May maintain designation for up to two years.

SES Provider Responsibilities

Follow Louisiana’s SES model. Consult with parents when setting specific

achievement goals for the students. Provide a description of how student progress

will be monitored & regularly inform parents of progress.

Establish a timetable for improving student achievement.

Agree to terminate services if student progress is not achieved.

Agree not to disclose student identity to public.

SES Provider Responsibilities

Agree to use the Student Tracking and Reporting System (STARS), state’s web-based reporting system.

Agree to all state and district monitoring and reporting requirements.

SES Provider Responsibilities

Failure to Follow state and district

implementation guidelines.

Deliver SES model described in application.

Provide criminal background checks on employees.

Use the STARS database.

Providers can be removed from the state list for

Compensation of district employees for purposes other than instructional;

Disclose provision of financial incentives to students/parents;

Enrollment of students already participating in another SES program;

Willing violation of any assurance or aspect of the application approved by the Department of Education.

Provider Application Cycle

SES Applications will be accepted by:

2:00 p.m. July 31, 2007

Office of Management and Finance

LA Dept of Education5th Floor, Cube 5-264

Application: Part I – Program Info

Provides information for Department purposes and to distribute to districts and parents;

Indicates whether you are seeking Full Approval or Approval as a New and Emerging Program. (Note: The Department may designate a program for the category that it deems appropriate)

Designates the “Contact Person” who should be the organization’s representative and can answer questions about the program.

Part I: Basic Program Information Service Area: Must be clearly delineated – the actual district(s) and the school(s) to be served!

Transportation- Clearly indicate whether transportation will be provided – must have made contact with the district and resolved this issue prior to contract.

Maximum # of Students Served – Please indicate this BY DISTRICT(S).

Part I: Basic Program Information Provider Fee Structure

• Application requires a cost per unit of time per student. Applicant must define cost per district(s), if it will differ.

• Applicant must clearly delineate how many hours of instruction are included in total program for the cost stated.

• Applicant must disclose any types of incentives or rewards that will be offered to students/parents and rationale.

Part II:Program Overview Narrative Description (2 page limit)

•IMPORTANT to cover both items requested with direct responses:

How will you meet LA’s SES model?

Are you fully describing the program to be provided?

Part III: Indicators of QualityA. Program Accessibility (2 page limit, 5

points) How will you accommodate a lack of

transportation? How will you accommodate working

parents and guardians? If proposing to utilize a school, must

provide letter of support or agreement from district after selection.

Part III: Indicators of QualityB. Evidence of Effectiveness (2 page limit, 20

points) (Applicants applying for Fully Approved Status should

address the following):

• Evidence on independent, valid, reliable test such as Norm-Referenced Tests and State Criterion-Referenced Tests (cite any research studies)

• Program impact using tests, student grades, other assessments

• Client testimonials, including contact info, school names, time frames (in the past two years)

• Additional evidence of improved academic outcomes (cite available research studies)

Evidence of Effectiveness, cont.

B. Evidence of Effectiveness (2 page limit, 20 points)(Applicants applying for New and Emerging status should

address the following): Tell us the extent to which your proposed

program is designed to impact the needs of Title I students.

How will you collect the evidence of effectiveness cited in questions 1 – 4?

Include answers to questions 5 and 6. Cite data to support the major areas of

academic need your program will address, including an analysis of SES school test data.

Part III: Indicators of Quality

C. Links to Scientifically based Research (2 page limit, 15 points)

• What scientific research supports the instructional model proposed? (early literacy and K-3 reading programs must be aligned with state-approved reading list)

• Explain theoretical and empirical rationale behind major elements of program.

• In this section, research references need to be attached and cited.

Part III: Indicators of QualityD. Connection to State and Local

Standards (2 page limit, 10 points)

Describe the following:• How is your program aligned with State

academic and achievement standards?• What is your program’s connection with LEA’s

instructional program?

Cite specific district program and alignment/connection.

Part III: Indicators of QualityE. Assessment and Student Progress

(1 page limit, 10 points) Describe the following:

• Diagnostic process you intend to use to determine individual student needs.

• Program specific process you intend to use for tracking student progress on a continuous basis.

Include how you will use Individual Student Learning Plans to help students achieve.

• Measurable Goals based on LA Content Standards• Services Planned each period• Evaluation/Assessment Tools

Part III: Indicators of Quality

F. Communication with Schools and Districts (1 page limit, 5 points)

How will you connect your instructional program with what student is experiencing at school?

How will you communicate with schools and districts?

Part III: Indicators of Quality

G. Communication with Parents/Families(1 page limit, 5 points)

What procedures will you use to report student progress to parents? How often?

How will parents be involved with program? Be specific.

How do you train staff to work with parents?

Part III: Indicators of QualityH. Qualifications of Instructional Staff

(2 page limit, 10 points)

How is staff highly qualified to offer SES? Describe staff experience with Title I students. What is your professional development plan? Describe how tutors are supervised and

reviewed for performance by highly qualified educators.

(If fewer than 5 staff, provide resumes for all)

Part III: Indicators of QualityI. Financial Capacity

(2 page limit, plus attachments, 10 points)

Submit evidence that organization is financially sound

Other evidence: Organizational chart (sound management) Resources, business plans Copies of business license or formal documentation of

legal Status as business or legal entity Proof of liability insurance Audited Financial Statements

Part III: Indicators of QualityJ. 1. Compliance with Federal, State, and

Local Health and Safety Standards (1/2 page limit, 5 point limit for both sections)

• Criminal background checks

• Copy of health/safety certifications

• Describe safety record and safety procedures

• Compliance with IDEA and ADA

Part III: Indicators of Quality

J. 2. Compliance with Federal, State, and Local Civil Rights (1/2 page limit)

• How does your organization comply with federal, state, and local civil rights protections?

Part III: Indicators of QualityK. Other Considerations (1/2 page limit, 5


What, additionally, makes your organization qualified to provide Supplemental Educational Services in Louisiana?

This section is optional!

For Additional Information or Questions and Answers

LDOE Website:

Questions or Information contact:

Kartina Roberts Section Administrator

School Support (225) 342-4147

SES Applications are due by:

2:00 p.m. July 31, 2007

Office of Management and Finance

LA Dept of Education5th Floor, Cube 5-264
