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Introduction: Who Am I And Where Did Superhero Jacked

Come From?


Chapter One: The Celebrity Conundrum

Chapter Two: Celebrity Adaptation and Differentiation

Chapter Three: The Importance of Sustainability


Chapter Four: Choosing The Right Workout Routine

Chapter Five: Choosing The Right Nutrition Plan


Chapter Six: Physical Training and Working Out

Chapter Seven: Dietary Guidelines and Nutrition


Chapter Eight: Hydrate, Sleep, Supplement and Level Up

Chapter Nine: Mindset, Motivation, and Accountability

Chapter Ten: The KISS Method


Conclusion: Choosing Your Next Path To Success







Hi, I’m Mike Romaine and I’m a nerd.

I also own Superhero Jacked, which is a place that helps hundreds of

thousands of awesome people utilize The Pillars of Success to unleash their

inner Superhuman and transform their bodies into The Hollywood Physique.

We cut through the BS of the fitness industry and teach what ACTUALLY

matters, and promote sustainability within our core principles.

For a long time I didn’t want to admit that I was a “nerd”. It was easier

to play baseball, wrestle, (both of which I still enjoyed, by the way) keep up



with the sports teams, and simply hide behind my “cool kid” ideas of the

world, and neglect my true passions.

Now I’m over 25 years old while writing this book (27 at the time of

putting words to page) and my High School years of hiding still play such a

huge part of how Superhero Jacked came to be, and who I am.

But, that part of me isn’t specifically what this book is about. That’s

just a small snippet into the world that has become my life.

If we had one of those cool-fast-forward-through-time clips that you

see in movies right now you’d find me next to one of my best friend

Andrew’s desk in accounting class watching him write out “Wrathful” and

“Gladiator” and other words that could only be the PvP rewards in World of

Warcraft at the time. Then it would clip to me finding a group of nerds who

were not only nerds, but also cool kids…

And that’s where I realized it was not only okay to be a nerd...but it was,

and still is, freakin’ awesome!

Okay, but now that clip would speed up and take you through a world

of nerdom to show how many times I’ve read through Harry Potter (too

many), which led to a dark mark tattoo; how many Pokemon games I’ve

beaten and how many Deadpool comics I’ve read (which led to a Deadpool

Pikachu tattoo), and a slew of other awesomeness that involved Comic



Conventions, superheroes, video games, and the mix of nerdom that is still

at the heart of SHJ.

I know what you’re thinking: “Okay, but like, I’m kind of just here to

transform into the celebrities….”

And, that’s fine! We’re getting there, I promise. Because if it wasn’t for

superheroes and nerdom, many of these celebrities would have never

landed the gigs that changed not only their physiques, but their lives.

So let’s fast forward even more (like way past the

cool-fast-forward-through-time clip).

In this scenario we’ve now fast forwarded through years of weight

training after baseball, wrestling and other High School sports, and years of

personal training sessions, CrossFit coaching, and more.

We’re now at a point where I’ve gone through an onslaught of

different types of training (typical bodybuilding, CrossFit, powerlifting,

running and cardio-based, etc), gained and lost over fifty pounds on

multiple occasions, and still have no idea what the best way to achieve

“fitness” is.

So at this point I decided to start researching the world’s top

performers. The celebrities who somehow take their physique and

performance to new levels within the blink of an eye.



Give them three months and they’ll have shredded abs, huge biceps,

and the weight of the world on their shoulders via millions of eyes looking at

their amazing physiques.

That’s what I wanted to figure out.

But, I also started a mission. A mission to be able to teach the world

what I learn as well.

Because remember, in our little time capsule we also reached a

period where I was personal training, coaching, and already trying to help

people unleash these secrets.

But that little itch of nerdom and awesomeness was still at the back

of my mind and just wouldn’t go away.

I NEEDED to mix my two passions for nerdom and fitness.

So that’s exactly what I did.

I took my two passions and created Superhero Jacked, which I swore

would be a place that cut through the bullsh*t of the fitness industry to tell

people what really mattered. I was, and still am, so sick of the BS marketing

that confuses people into spending money on what doesn’t actually help


So here we are. Over 250 celebrities researched later, eating a donut

while having chiseled abs and what I personally think is an amazing life.



We have over 100,000 members of The SHJ Army, an Academy of people

who we transform using these exact Pillars of Success, and so much more.

And now I want to teach you to adopt The Pillars of Success that will

lead you to YOUR great life.

We’ll talk a lot more about my personal journey, as I tend to be a

guinea pig, testing all the things I’ve learned prior to publishing or releasing

them. So, I hope you enjoyed this little snippet in time, though, plan on

hearing more about me in a much more relevant fashion.






Remember when I told you I’ve been through multiple phases that even

included gaining and losing over fifty pounds on more than one occasion?

Yeah, that wasn’t a joke.

Let’s jump back to that term the YoYo Effect, which is essentially what

we’ll be talking about in this section.

Prior to adopting these Pillars of Success, which weren’t

immediate by the way, I was essentially in the YoYo Effect myself. I had

gone through a bit of a running and cardio phase to attempt to get more

lean abs, but then decided I wanted more muscle. So I went through a

more typical bodybuilding phase and got pretty big (if I do say so myself),



tacking on a ton of muscle and weighing 185-190 pounds at just 5’6.

But that’s when I got into powerlifting and decided to absolutely

neglect my nutrition and just focus on getting strong.

Looking back, I was just having fun lifting weights, and not having fun

dieting with what I thought was “the right way”.

So I gained a ton of weight and ended up strong, but with a gut the

size of seven basketballs, and weighing in over 220 pounds.

From there I adopted some methods that I found some other

celebrities utilizing which were a mixture of intermittent fasting (which I still

utilize today), cyclical ketosis, and paleo/keto tactics.

We now refer to this mix inside The Academy as The Superhuman Diet.

I was able to lose over fifty pounds, unleash visible abs, and get into

what was (at the time) the best shape of my life.

And I was even able to sustain it for a long time.

But, then there was an issue.

At the time I didn’t know the full scope of The Pillars of Success (they

didn't ALL exist yet).

So instead I never pivoted into a more sustainable lifestyle after my

weight-loss and tried to continue sustaining the thing that led me to losing



all the weight.

Which turned out to be a big mistake.

I was led down the same path as the first time I needed to lose the


Except this time I was well aware of The Celebrity Conundrum. The

YoYo Effect that takes place not only with everyday people, but also with the

celebrities of Hollywood.

And, because I was aware of this, I was also researching The Pillars of

Success. I didn’t know that was what I was uncovering at the time, but I’m

sure as hell lucky that I found them.

The next transformation is what you see in the picture I first shared

leading into this chapter.

I was in the middle of guinea pig testing some of our programs, while

using The Pillars of Success in the process (unknowingly), when I had my

most incredible transformation ever. And...continued transforming and

manipulating my body throughout the course of a year..and then continued

to sustain it…(I’m currently sitting here typing this while using the same

Pillars of Success that I was able to uncover as MY Success Pillars).

But...we’ll talk more in-depth about that exact transformation in a bit.

First I want to give you some more examples of these celebrities that I’m



actually referring to.


Before we get into my actually full fledged discovery along my own

path (especially because you’re probably sick of hearing all about me and

would love to get back to the juicy goodness that is what you came for: The

Hollywood Secrets!), I want to use my secret arsenal of celebrity examples

to better paint this picture of what we’re referring to as The Celebrity


Have you ever wondered how some celebrities are able to unleash

their inner Superhuman (in the form of six pack abs, huge chest muscles

and biceps, and incredible aesthetics that seem to only be achievable by

Greek Gods) in as little as a handful of months?

If you’re reading this book, the answer is likely yes.

Well, what if I told you that you’re asking the wrong question?

What if I told you it doesn’t matter how they do it that quickly?

What if I told you that we CAN use those examples, but we have to dig

a bit deeper to really look at how certain celebrities SUSTAIN that


But let’s not get ahead of ourselves.



Let’s start by taking a look at a few sets of celebrity examples to see

exactly what I’m talking about.

Let’s get started.


I want to start with the celebrities that have been able to not only

achieve their incredible physiques, but also sustain them. These are

celebrities that just keep coming back with more.

We’re even going to be looking at two different sets of them. And, this

is for a couple reasons:

1. There’s so many great examples of celebrities that have been able to

sustain their physiques after achieving it due to these Pillars of


2. There’s some celebrities that have sustained their physique and

performance throughout the course of their careers that we’ll also be

examining, so it’s important to show that we’re pulling these Pillars of

Success from pretty large pools of celebrities.



Let’s get started with some incredible transformations that have been

extremely popular among The SHJ Army over the last few years.

I also really like these initial three examples because they’re vastly

different in not only the tactics they utilized, but also how they eventually

chose to sustain them, and even where they came from to start.

Let’s break that down a bit more1:


The Transformation: Chris Pratt went from Dad-Dad to Star-Lord by losing

more than 60 pounds to get a shredded six pack and toned physique.

The Process: Pratt opted for techniques like circuit training mixed with some

moderate weightlifting (prior to the circuits each day) four to six times a

week and switched his diet over to Paleo2.

1 Each one of the workouts and diets are also highlighted within the research done for each celebrity workout routine article on the website if you want a deeper look. We’ll be covering more in-depth breakdowns throughout the course of the book.2 The Paleo Diet is what we utilize with our “Hunter Gatherer Class” inside The Academy. We will also talk more about each one more in Chapter Five.



The Sustainability: Pratt now not only sustains his physique but comes

back better than ever in each of his roles utilizing CrossFit techniques (we’ve

even seen him taking part in multiple “Murph Challenges”) and opting for a

Paleo-ish diet.


The Transformation: Michael B. Jordan tacked on weight for his initial role in

Creed, but mainly focused on getting shredded and looking like a boxer. He

then came back for his role as Killmonger in Black Panther by tacking on

tons of lean muscles, only to follow it up better than ever in Creed 2.

The Process: Jordan opted for more typical weightlifting techniques after

first utilizing boxing style training (jump rope, high intensity cardio type

training, etc) in Creed to tack on weight for his role as Killmonger, and

“literally tracked every calorie”3 while incorporating carbohydrate cycling.

The Sustainability: Jordan continues to sustain his muscular physique and

opts for typical weight lifting style training, but also adapts and switches up

his exact programming over time.4

3 Direct quote from Michael B. Jordan’s trainer.4 You’ll soon learn that many celebrities like Jordan, Pratt, and tons of others, end up getting Version Two Workouts on the site and even Exclusive Workout Packets inside The Academy being that they are constantly adapting and switching up their regimes.




The Transformation: Jackman has now transformed his body in such a way

that at first glance you wouldn’t even know if he was bulking up or cutting

down. He’s gone through multiple transformations throughout the years

that involve not only sustaining his incredible physique [for years, and years,

and years…], but also coming back stronger each time. His initial

transformation involved bulking up on lean muscle and then shredding

down on fat to start his journey to becoming our Wolverine.

The Process: Jackman has opted for some awesome techniques (in my

opinion) over the course of his insane transformation. He includes a ton of

different training styles including: supersets, circuits, traditional pyramid

training with 8-12 rep ranges, heavy-low training with 1-5 rep ranges, and

more. He also incorporated a high protein diet with intermittent fasting (for

the most part), but also dabbled with some other styles over the years (he


The Sustainability: Jackman has now sustained his incredible physique

for...well I don’t have to say it again right? But I will. Years, and years, and

years. He is able to step it up a notch when he needs to go from his

moderate (sustainable) training and nutrition style to a more intense

regime in order to get more shredded than ever before.



Okay, but now, what’s the point of zooming in on these transformations in

such a quick fashion?

I’m glad you asked.

There’s a few things we can immediately take from just these first

three examples.


There’s not just one way to do this: This point comes first because it’s going

to bring us right into the next two points. There clearly is not just one way to

unlock The Hollywood Physique and unleash your inner Superhuman. These

are just the first three examples we’ll see, and I’ve researched over 250 and

can tell you: there are ENDLESS variations of training methods and dietary

guidelines paired to create sustainable changes and lifestyles.

Adapt, Adapt, Adapt: Pillar Eight is our Secret Sauce. It’s like Michael

Jordan’s water bottle “Michael’s Secret Stuff” in Space Jam except it’s not

just water. This is the ability to adapt. This comes in two different ways. This

is the ability to adapt TO FIND your sustainable Pillars of Success and then

also the ability to adapt TO SUSTAIN your Pillars of Success. Some Pillars of

Success might change over time; and we’ll see that countless celebrities

and athletes are constantly making tweaks to their regime (even if they’re

so minor that from the outside we would never notice) to continue



sustaining and adapting to fit their needs.5

Sustainability Is Key: I’m going to mention sustainability over and over

again in this book. I’m also going to say “Because if it’s not

sustainable...what’s the point?” This is because The Pillars of Success are not

only built to help you achieve The Hollywood Physique and Performance, but

also to specifically sustain it the way we are able to see endless celebrities

do. And, when we see them fail at sustaining it (which we will also examine),

we’ll make the changes that they should have and learn from their mistakes

to make our process that much better. As you can see by these first three

examples: sustaining The Hollywood Physique is possible, and it just takes

finding and utilizing your Pillars of Success.

But, let’s take a look at even more celebrities who are able to sustain their



5 Our Academy allows members to ADAPT, our Eight Pillar of Success, by offering over 500 workout routines, more than half a dozen Nutrition Classes, and multiple variations to each one of our Pillars of Success so that you can always opt to make a change when needed. We do not discriminate between any workout style or dietary guidelines because we know they all work ...depending on the person and what they need!



These celebrities are among those who have had an incredible physique for

a longer period of time, and instead of making a dramatic transformation,

have seemed to rather continuously upgrade their physique time and time


Instead of a full breakdown like we did for our last section of celebs,

this time I’m going to just highlight some key pieces of some of their training

and/or nutrition that I want to specifically note (for now):


An Active Lifestyle: One thing to note about Jason Momoa is that he’s

extremely active. He gets out there and has a great time and stays moving.

Momoa’s uncle is actually a legendary surfer named 'Buffalo' Keaulana, so

Momoa not only surfs, but also finds other things to keep him active like axe

throwing, hill sprints & hiking, skateboarding, boxing, and rock climbing;

which he even had his trainer work around during his Aquaman training.



Guinness and Meat: When it’s time to get more shredded than usual (for a

role), Momoa drops off and restricts solid carbohydrates and usually tries to

still even leave some room in his diet for Guinness (he has his own signature

“Mano Brew” in the Guinness lineup). On a more permanent basis Momoa

opts for intuitive eating, but we can usually see him eating lean meats and

protein with some fruits and carbs on the side of his Guinness. While being

extremely active and 6’4, Momoa has some wiggle room to play with the

amount of calories he can intake on a daily basis.

Adaptation: Even when you’re Jason Momoa and can come out of the

water looking better than the comic version of Aquaman as you throw your

hair still adapt to your circumstances. Momoa certainly opts for

intuitive eating more-so than not, but we’ve seen him adapt on multiple

occasions: first starting with strictly bodyweight training and an extremely

active lifestyle, moving onto circuit training and weights, and then landing

on some more typical weight training in conjunction with his climbing and

other activities. He continues to adapt his training to revolve it around his

lifestyle in order to sustain his ever-changing physique.


Weekly Cheat Meals: I figured we had to cover the thing most of you will be



thinking about [if you’ve seen him post it on Instagram or other social feeds].

Nearly every single week we can see Johnson eating tubs of ice cream,

loads of pancakes, peanut butter, sushi, or a mixture of all of them (and

other awesome food), as he devours down his weekly cheat meal.

The 80/20 Method: Johnson is able to have his weekly cheat meals not only

because he wakes up every morning before anyone else is awake to begin

training and get his day started; but also because he makes room for it

within his weekly diet by utilizing an 80/20 method of eating (and

accounting for it within his caloric intake as well). We’ve done this style on

our YouTube Channel with our Food Challenges; even taking on The Rock’s

Blueberry Pancake Challenge!

Adaptation: Dwayne Johnson doesn’t just do one thing and stick to it

because it works. He, like many other celebs we see utilizing this Pillar of

Success, continues to evolve his physique and lifestyle. He actually was the

one that programmed Hugh Jackman’s intermittent fasting when Jackman

wanted to get even more shredded. And, Johnson has also utilized

techniques like cyclical ketosis and carb reloading when getting ready for

different shots in roles. It’s safe to say that Johnson is constantly switching

up his routine; both in the gym, and on his plate.




Adopting the Lifestyle: Hemsworth is another, like Momoa, that is extremely

active. He is also a surfer. Maybe that’s something I should get into? When

he first started tacking on mass for his role as Thor he immediately hit the

weights and began eating more. After a few mini-transformations due to

other roles in the middle of his Thor appearances (like In the Heart of the

Sea) he fell in love with training and continued adopting new ways to get in


Adaptation: Hemsworth started his transformation with a dramatic amount

of mass gain utilizing techniques like typical weight lifting paired with a high

protein diet. He then began adapting his training back towards his normal

way of doing things. This meant high activity levels, which were now paired

with the weights. Now Hemsworth continues to jump back and forth

through different training styles on a more normal basis. He opts for a

mixture of high activity, circuit training, weight training, and unique

movements all paired in conjunction with his nutrition that he will adapt to

his current goalset.

Are you beginning to see a trend here after seeing the first three on our list?



If not, I’ll tell you what the key factor is now: Adaptation.

The ability to adapt is one of our Pillars of Success not because I want

to confuse you into thinking you need to constantly be switching things up

in order to lose weight; but because the ability to adapt will allow you to

constantly keep things fun, confuse your body into making even more

strides in your transformation, and be able to constantly evolve into your

next fitness goal.

That’s why we literally have you plug-and-play different workouts,

diets and our other Pillars of Success based around your goals, and the

things that have worked for celebrities and other SHJ Army members within

our Academy.

And by that, yes, I do mean: any successful methods you see utilized

by celebrities you’ll be able to duplicate as your own within our Academy.

But, alright, I’ll take it easy on the adaptation these next three bring to

the table and quickly give you some fun insight into some of the methods

they’ve used to successfully transform their bodies.


Methodology: During perhaps Efron’s most successful transformation for

Baywatch (which makes sense, considering he was next to Dwayne “The



Rock” Johnson; of course he wanted to level up a bit more), Efron opted to

go full keto and eliminate all carbs from his diet. He admits that it wasn’t

fun, but it got him absolutely shredded. He even restricted and

manipulated his water intake while on set to prepare for his shirtless scenes.

He also utilized circuit training, and even training you’d see athletes use to

get in shape for something like American Ninja Warrior. Efron has jumped

around from restricting carbs and training like crazy to other less-intense

styles by keeping it pretty intuitive and training a more moderate 2-4 times

a week.


Methodology: How could I not include Jason Statham? Statham is the

definition of a badass. Our Bodyweight Book is literally based around styles

he has utilized throughout his career. Statham sticks to a routine based

around calisthenics, boxing and mixed martial arts, and a mixture of things

like jump rope, circuits and more. He continuously levels up his training with

new formats, but generally sticks to his calisthenics when it comes to

training style. He also adopts opting for the healthy choice above all else

when it comes to his nutrition. He even said: “I never gave a F#$@ about a

calorie. An apple? It’s good for me. I’d have five. Bananas? Eat the bunch.”



And, while I don’t think I’ll be teaching you those methods, it is important to

note how different some of our celeb structures can be.


The Methodology: It was said that Reynolds used to live like a “frat boy” prior

to his transformation for Blade: Trinity. From there he adopted a strict diet,

eating roughly 3,200 calories a day and hitting his precise macronutrients,

and never looked back. Since then he’s trained utilizing typical weight

training mixed with calisthenics and an emphasis on core and keeping his

six pack extra shredded. Now Reynolds basically has it down to a science,

adapting to his roles by getting that extra shred I just mentioned, but

sustaining his six pack on an everyday basis by finding the sweet spot of

what specifically works for him.

Now I should mention: this is obviously a book about celebrity

transformations and the research I’ve done on The Hollywood Physique &

Performance, BUT, if these little breakdowns aren’t fun for you: you can go

ahead and skip right through. I’ll be reiterating the things that really matter

when it comes time to do so anyway.

Let’s get real, though: this IS the fun part.



For now, the key points to note are that these celebrities continuously

adapt to their goals, choose sustainability above everything, and opt for

vastly different methods to achieve them.

That means you, me, John and Kim down the block, and Susie next

door can all use different Pillars of Success that we borrow from these

celebrities (there’s plenty to go around), plug and play them into our plan,

and come out with our ideal physique and performance level, based on our

goal, even if they’re all completely different.

Yes, I’ll repeat that.

You, me, John and Kim down the block, and Susie next door can all

plug and play different Pillars of Success utilized by these celebrities I’ve

researched and come out looking like completely different people

depending on how we build our plan around our goals.

But we’re not done. We’ve actually only looked at the fun stuff.

Now it’s time to take a look at some transformations and that ARE NOT


In the next section I’ll be showing you that if you don’t specifically build

these Pillars of Success around your lifestyle and find what works for you (if

you try to choose what’s going to be the quickest method of losing fat

and/or gaining muscle) probably WILL lose weight, but almost



definitely won’t sustain it.

We’ve seen something similar to this already with Zac Efron’s

carb-less transformation for Baywatch, but thankfully he was able to adapt

and utilize other methods to build his plan around a more sustainable way

of doing things specifically for him to stay healthy and shredded.

The problem is: There are other celebrities that DO NOT sustain it. We

have a handful who specifically go into their weight-loss and/or

transformation fully aware that they will only be using this plan for the role

and that is all. They go in knowing that once the gig is over they will be

going back to the same fitness plan (or lack thereof) that they were using

prior to preparing for said role. This can sometimes lead us down a slippery

slope considering we may see a celebrity lose a ton of weight and want to

know how we can replicate it. But, what we don’t always pay attention to is

the fact that they had no intentions of using their plan as a lifestyle plan, or

one that was built to be sustainable. Add this into on top of the fact that it

clearly is not built specifically for you, and the hole we’re digging just gets


The solution: The first thing I do at SHJ is separate the celebrity

transformations that are specifically built around a one time/quick fix

solution for a role. We’ve seen this with multiple workouts and diets, the first



to come to mind being the grueling routine used to prepare men for the

movie “300” (the 300 Spartans)! Being able to mark these workouts and

diets accordingly really helps lead us to turning what could be digging a

deep hole straight to obesity and depression to instead turning these

regimes into a productive system (which I’ll explain a bit more about below).

The good part about all this: We can learn from these celebrities by

analyzing the methods they utilized and realizing that they weren’t

sustainable but that doesn’t necessarily mean we have to discard them

completely, but rather be aware and adapt them to be built more

specifically for us (you or I, but not both).

Ex: When we get into some more celebrity analysis in a second I’ll be

talking about one celebrity who dropped a ton of weight using the

ketogenic diet. He went in fully aware that he wanted to lose weight

extremely fast (and become almost scary looking for a role) by also eating

in an extreme calorie deficit. We can learn that the ketogenic diet is usually

best paired with dietary plans that are made to be restrictive and therefore

usually best for someone who is looking to lose weight (generally in the

form of fat) rather than someone who is looking to bulk up being that it is

inherently harder to eat calories and often harder to fuel our workouts with

the lack of carbohydrates.



Kind of see what we’re working towards here?

Now imagine breaking down hundreds and hundreds of celebrity

regimes and just imagine how easy it would be to find and build your

perfect plan…

Well, yeah...we do that….

For this next part I want to take a look at two more sets of celebrities

similar to what we’ve already done with our initial analysis. This time, as I

mentioned, we’ll be looking at transformations that either were NOT

sustainable, or were specifically utilized for roles (and in some cases lead to

Yo-Yo Dieting; which I’ll talk about more).

Let’s start with a few celebrities who DID NOT sustain their initial

transformation, and talk about what happened during their






The Transformations: Multiple times now Jonah Hill has come out of

nowhere and seemed to shock the world with some kind of dramatic

amount of weight loss. Unfortunately, he’s also shocked the world with

dramatic amounts of weight GAIN as well.

The Learning Curve: As you’ll see with my own transformations, there’s

sometimes a learning curve. Sometimes you have to try things and fail

(and sometimes more than once), before you finally find what is right for

you. Jonah Hill has also gone through sometimes like this.

Start Slow: Hill told Kidd Kaddrick that running was helpful for him, and he

also started with 10 push ups a day that he eventually was able to grow all

the way to 100 push ups a day. Regardless of if this stayed in his final

sustainable regime, this is a lesson on starting slow and building on your

plan over time.

The Path to Sustainability: In the next chapter we’re going to talk about

how important sustainability is. I’m also going to tell you that failure is okay.

As long as you learn from it and try again, of course. Jonah Hill lost a

tremendous amount of weight, but then YoYo-ed back into his old habits.

Why? Well, the path he was taking wasn’t sustainable for him. So he tried

again. He went to a nutritionist and she told him that there is no magic pill,



no secret to success, what he needed was to change his habits. So he tried

again. In Jonah Hill’s most successful and sustainable weight loss phase he

changed his nutrition HIS way, and began training using Brazilian Jiu Jitsu,

which he came to love. He did (and still does) things on HIS terms. HIS plan.


The Transformation: You’ll notice there isn’t an “s” at the end of

transformation like there was for Jonah Hill. This time we’re specifically

referring to one transformation. And, ironically enough (it’s not ironic, it’s just

well planned, duh) it will lead us directly into our next and final set of

celebrity examples for this chapter. The specific transformation is one

we’ve actually already mentioned in this book. It is his transformation into

King Leonidis for the movie 300. Butler got in absolutely insane shape,

alongside the rest of the 299 other Spartan warriors, by training for hours

and hours everyday while also transforming their diet.

The Problem: Gerard Butler was actually already in pretty good shape, and

three years after 300 came out he actually showed off a chiseled physique

in Law Abiding Citizen, but the issue was that immediate whiplash that

comes from adopting a routine that just isn’t sustainable.

What Happened?: Butler, directly after 300 tacked on a ton of weight, and



unfortunately a photo of him, with what looks like a beer belly draping over

his bathing suit, went semi-viral. This is the whiplash phase. Not only did he

come back looking great just three years later for Law Abiding Citizen, but

thirteen years later we are still researching his diet and workout because of

how awesome he looks in Angel has Fallen.

What Can We Learn?: The quickest path is not the path to success, even if it

can get you shredded. When you choose sustainability and adopt YOUR

Pillars of Success and build YOUR plan, you can have your six pack and ideal

physique for longer than a handful of months.

These are two very different examples, but they lead us to the same

conclusion. The best way to unleash your inner Superhuman and unlock

The Hollywood Physique is to follow the path that’s right for you.

And now you’re like “Okay...and what is that path…?”

Don’t worry. I’m going to teach you just how you can find it, and then

just how you can use it to adapt to any of your life’s changes...including


But first let’s look at some more cases of programs that seem

sustainable from the outside looking in, but once you hear from the actual

celebrities you get a different story.




Who better to learn from than three guys who have literally been

outspoken about how unsustainable their transformations are?

Yes, we can learn how they did it, but once you hear them talk about it

you may no longer want to adopt the same principles.

These three celebrities broke the internet with their incredible

transformations because they seemed to have gone from Dad-Bods to

Holy-Crap-That-Dude-Is-Jacked overnight.

Of course, after some preliminary research you learn that they’ve all

had at least some training behind them throughout the course of their lives,

but for the most part their transformations, of what would normally take

years, came within a handful of months of excruciating prep.

So let’s break down a bit about each of them.




The Transformation: Paul Rudd got shredded to get into shape for his role

as Ant-Man. To top that off, he did it at nearly 50 years old.

How He Did It: Rudd adopted a strict diet and training plan that was

specifically built to get him shredded….quick!

Why He Tells Us NOT To Do It: Here’s what Rudd says about his diet for his

initial transformation: “I didn’t do anything fun for a year. I ate no carbs or

sugar. I basically made health and fitness the focus of my day, for a long

time,” he said. “Like, we’d work out with a trainer and I worked with a guy who

was doing tumbling and taught how to do flips and stuff like that. I was

eating a lot of protein and vegetables. I was eating at very specific times of

the day and I didn’t drink any alcohol. I was miserable for about a year.” Yes,

that last line literally tells us that he was MISERABLE for about a year. He also

tells Variety: “Eliminate anything fun for a year and then you can play a



The Transformation: Nanjiani went through a bulking phase to start tacking

on muscle before finally leading him into a crazy cutting phase that got him

lean to show off his chiseled abs and vascularity.



How He Did It: Like Rudd, Nanjiani also followed a very strict diet that

involved cutting sugar and eating around extremely regimented plan. He

says “I would not have been able to do this if I didn’t have a full year with the

best trainers and nutritionists paid for by the biggest studio in the world. I’m

glad I look like this, but I also understand why I never did before.”

Why He Tells Us NOT To Do It: Nanjiani has been outspoken about not

knowing whether he’ll keep his new physique long term. The transformation

itself came to get in shape for Marvel’s Eternals. Nanjiani’s friends even

staged what may as well have been an intervention for him, telling him

there’s nothing funny about a guy who works out all the time; because it

had begun to be the main focus of his life.


The Transformation: The weird part about Rob McElhenney’s

transformation is that he actually started by gaining FAT for the opposite

“transformation” than we typically see (on purpose), prior to coming out of

nowhere (and by that I mean like 6+ months, nowhere) to be incredibly


How He Did It: For those of you who don’t know McElhenney, he stars in It’s

Always Sunny in Philadelphia. For Season 7 he actually gained FIFTY pounds



to give him the huge monster of a belly you can see him with in the show.

After that McElhenny started his transformation to Superhuman. He

adopted a VERY strict guideline for both his training and nutrition. Exact

details of both (and actually for all of these three studs) can be found within

his full article, but for the most part is was something like this:

● Process of 6 – 7 months● Weight lifting 6 days a week● Run 3 miles a day● 9 hours of sleep a night● No alcohol● No food after 7pm● No sugar/carbs

Why He Tells Us NOT To Do It: If you haven’t noticed already, these three

men are pretty funny. For that reason McElhenney adds some humor to the

explanation he gives. McElhenney says: “I’m gonna break it down for you,

because it’s actually quite simple, and anybody can do this. Anybody on the

planet can do this. First thing’s first: if you have job—like a 9-5 job—quit that.

Do you like food? Forget about that. Because you’re never going to enjoy

anything you eat. Alcohol? Sorry. That’s out. So what you need to do—you

have a chef, right? like a personal chef?—make sure the chef makes you a

lot of chicken breast. And make sure you keep your caloric intake at a

certain level.” Which he continues by saying:



“So that’s really all you have to do. And make sure you have a studio pay for

the entire thing, because it could become exceptionally expensive. So, I think

if you just do all those things, then you too can have an absolutely

unrealistic body type, such as me.”

And yes, he literally refers to his physique as an “unrealistic body type”.

Take that as you will.

But all this celebrity research leads us down on path which is, in this

case, a circle back to my own transformation and epiphany.

We started there, and we’ll finish there.

Don’t worry, there will be much less about me, and much more about

celebrities and research throughout the remainder of this book.




Now I hate to do this to you, but I HAVE to warn you: this story involves

MY Success Pillars. Could they possibly be yours? Yes. But that does not

mean that every aspect of my training, nutrition, and lifestyle is going to be

perfect for you.

I’ll give some examples of what I mean throughout the course of my


In the picture I share I actually went through a few stages before

realizing this was my perfect plan:

● Bulking Phase

○ The first picture into the second picture is actually about 3

months of a slow and steady bulk.

○ I know some people struggle with whether they want to be

bulking or cutting, but at the time I felt like if I was going to have

the most successful cutting phase possible I wanted to tack on

a bit more muscle beforehand.

● Cutting Phase

○ The second picture into the third picture is 3 months of cutting

after my initial bulk.

○ I was pretty shredded and I knew I could sustain it because at

the time it was fairly “easy” to get to that point.



○ Even though the cut seemed easy, I was worried that it wouldn’t

be sustainable. I wanted to make sure that I could maintain the

transformation when it came time to increase my daily caloric

intake back up to maintenance levels (which in turn would

make it easier to maintain being that I could eat more, but I was

worried about whether the calories would affect my overall


● Recomping Phase

○ A body recomposition is actually quite difficult, so I knew the

next phase was going to be the hardest to maintain, but after 6

months of sticking to the same Pillars of Success I needed to

know if it could stand the test.

○ I recomped, which means I calorie cycled (up and down on

certain days) in order to burn fat at a slower rate than my cut,

while still allowing myself to gain strength.

○ The result? More sustainability.

● Bodyweight Maintenance Phase

○ After 9 months of following THE SAME PILLARS, having a six pack

for most of that duration and having my body-fat levels super

low, I wanted to finally test a full blow maintenance phase.



○ To add to the test of maintaining, I wanted to also make sure I

was able to do it while switching my training regime the same

way I had been throughout the course of the year (During

bulking I used heavy lifting almost similar to powerlifting, during

cutting I used circuits, cardio, and typical weightlifting styles,

during recomping I went back to heavier lifting and swapped

those circuits over to supersets and cut back on the cardio). So,

of course, I stepped it up a notch and added calisthenics and

bodyweight to the mix.

○ As with any form of training I focused in on progressive

overload to make sure it was helping my physique

maintenance. This test was not only testing my own

sustainability within my new Success Pillars, but also whether or

not I would be able to sustain it during adaptation of my own

lifestyle (in this case training style).

○ For the final three months of the year I trained strictly using

calisthenics and cardio.




If you couldn’t already guess from the fact that I lead you all the way

into this by the use of celebrity examples, case studies, and pages and

pages worth of research being shared: the year long test was an insane


I had no only learned that adaptability of training style was definitely

capable of being incorporated to achieve both the same goals, AND

different goals, but I had also uncovered my own Pillars of Success.

After cutting my bodyfat down to a level that had my abs shredded I

was able to sustain those abs (I still have them by the way) and my

superhero physique for months and months and months...all while

swapping the training style AND goal of which I was shooting for.

If that wasn’t clear: I used the same dietary guidelines but adapted to

my goal by increasing or decreasing overall intake, swapped my training

(adapted to my lifestyle and goal), and was able to sustain my physique

long term.

But I think it’s time I share the exact Pillars of Success I uncovered

throughout this entire process.

Make note, some of these will of course be carried over to your own

Pillars of Success, but most of them are capable of being swapped out for

other success Pillars we teach without our Academy (plug and play).




● Intermittent Fasting (More on this in other chapters)

○ This is something that helped me lose my initial 50+ lbs. I’ve told

you guys about, and has stayed with me for years and years. It

enables me to control my hunger and cravings, train better,

and even work and feel better throughout the day.

● Adaptability (and Choosing THE RIGHT Plan)

○ Adaptability comes in as the second pillar because it is a main

category that will cover specific parts within both my diet and


○ If your goal is to strictly get shredded and stay shredded

utilizing ONE specific training style and diet, then this is

absolutely possible and the only thing you’ll need to adapt to is

lifestyle changes and interest peaks and valleys (staying

motivated and interested in your regime).

○ If your goal, like mine during this test, changes over time, then

you’ll want to adapt PIECES of your nutrition, and potentially your

training style to best fit them.

■ Please note it is definitely possible to keep the same training style

while adapting to different goals if you adapt your nutrition properly.



○ Assuming you understood the bullets above this one, the main

adaptation comes within your diet. You adapt to the specific

goal in the form of the calories and amount of food you take in

to specifically hit your overall counts and specific

macronutrients. This is done regardless of your exact dietary


○ The only other adaptation comes when YOU specifically need

and want it.

○ For example: You may WANT (because it’s sustainable for you,

or for other reasons, or both) to follow a Vegan Diet. Similarly,

you may WANT to train like in a powerlifting style. These wants

can be health related, or even give specific perks to the way

your body reacts, but at the end of the day the trick is adapting

to what YOU can sustain.

● Mindset, Motivation, and Accountability

○ How you obtain these three things is crucial to your success, but

it’s also important to remember that these are also specific to

YOU. What I mean by that is that everyone has their own way of

finding these things.

○ In our Academy we help with a Mindset Mastery, which is



○ essentially us sharing things that have motivated and put other

successful members in the right mindset; but passed that you

need to find your own techniques. Of course using ours is smart

to grow off of, but it’ll really be contingent on what works for you.

○ The same goes for accountability. Some people prefer to use

social media so that it feels as if other people are watching

them and it holds them accountable to not fail. Others tell their

friends and family in hopes they will keep them accountable by

checking in or pushing them. And then, of course, others find a

community like our Academy and use the support of other

individuals going through the same process.

○ For me it was (and still is) a mixture of the latter, and also

having the motivation to have built this platform to help others

find these exact Pillars of Success. I’m able to guinea pig test

things and then put them out to others to utilize in their own

way. Each time I come back with a successful test based on my

research it allows us to add to our plug and play model for

other people’s Success Pillars. To me that’s more motivating

than anything else.





The only real piece of the puzzle that seemed to be a definitive piece

from the above Pillars of Success (for my nutrition at least) was Intermittent

Fasting. That’s because I know this is one of the things that can be so

different for everyone, but intermittent fasting is one thing I always

recommend people try in with any of their other Pillars.

That being said, I do want to get more specific.

I have tried every single set of dietary guidelines we have within our

Academy, and more. We’ll learn about each and every one of them in more

detail in Chapter Five.

They CAN all work.

It depends on YOU.

The same goes for intermittent fasting.

For me I use a very specific way of tracking my calories in conjunction

with intermittent fasting so that I’m able to “cheat” with anywhere from

400-1000 calories a day after knowing I’ve hit my main macronutrient goals

(while staying under or over my overall daily number).

For some of you that may seem like another language, but I promise



we’ll be talking much more in depth about nutrition in other sections.

My EXACT Pillars of Success are actually what have helped form our

SHJ Legacy Program (SHJ’s Core System and Philosophy). This is for

members who specifically are looking to unleash their inner superhuman

and obtain The Hollywood Physique, all while following the guidelines we feel

are not only most effective and healthiest, but also the most sustainable

and functional form of fitness and nutrition. These can be obtained both in

The Academy and within our SHJ Foundation Program.

That being said, the only adaptation, as I’ve mentioned, throughout

the course of my year long test, was the overall amount of calories I was

intaking (and therefore different macronutrient goals as well) depending on

my goals. If I was going to be maintaining any of those physiques

(maintaining the goal I had achieved) I could have simply raised or lowered

my caloric intake to a maintenance level and continues using the Pillars of

Success that I had proven work best for me.

That is actually what I do on a more long term basis.

Which bring us to my training style….




I have already said this, but I want it to be extremely clear that during

this test I was not only testing the sustainability over time, but also

sustainability while goals and formatting change.

You do not NEED to change the formatting (we’ll talk more about

why in Chapter Six) of your routine as much as you NEED to change the

specifics in your nutrition when goals change.

As I also mentioned, there are benefits to changing your plan.

For example:

● If you want to be able to lift heavy, you’re going to likely want to train

at a lower rep range and with heavy weight.

● If you want to be able to perform an L-Sit into a handstand then

you’re likely going to want to train with more bodyweight movements

and focus on your core and balance as well.

● If you don’t care about sustainability and specifically want to train for

aesthetics then you may want to build your plan entirely around a

look like we’ve seen celebrities do.

And of course that list can go on and on and on.

But at Superhero Jacked our main focus is unleashing our inner

Superhuman, and unlocking The Hollywood Physique. This mainly calls for a

healthy, sustainable life, mixed with a lean, muscular physique.



For the sake of telling you guys about my specific routine that falls

into the category of MY Pillars of Success I would rather share that

formatting that has most worked for me over long periods of time.

Like the exact Nutrition Pillars that I find as MY specific Pillars of

Success, this training style has also been huge in developing our specific

SHJ System and Philosophy; also found in The Academy and The SHJ Legacy


This style of training is ever-changing, but it revolves around

becoming the most functionally fit human being: a Superhuman.

I train using mainly calisthenics and circuit training and use the

addition of kettlebells, dumbbells, a jump rope and generally varied cardio

machines (normally whichever I can do while reading a book).

In turn, my physique is generally closest to what is shown in the last

three pictures of my one year test.

Of course I’ve tried different training styles. Just about all of them. I

am a guinea pig, after all. I’ve been into Bodybuilding and Powerlifting, I’ve

coached CrossFit, and I’ve tried tons of other formats.

The style most similar to the SHJ Core System and Philosophy is the

one that works for me. This is found in our SHJ Legacy Program. Circuits,

weights, cardio, shredded, feeling awesome, looking awesome; all the



things we strive for when we think of a Superhuman.

Now it’s your turn to not only find YOUR Pillars of Success, but also

learn HOW you’re going to do just that.

We’ll be looking at case studies, tons of different celebrity examples

(even some anomalies), and also take a deep dive into helping you obtain

the knowledge you’ll need to make the right choices when it comes to

choosing YOUR Success Pillars.





If it wasn’t clear in the last chapter: celebrities are constantly

switching up their routines. There’s a few different reasons for this, though:

● Different Roles Mean Different Goals

○ A few people we’ll different celebrities we’ll see in this chapter

will show off just how different roles can require them to

completely transform their physique; sometimes to the point

where it’s detrimental to their health…

● Lifestyle and Personal Goal Changes



○ Celebrities and the world’s top performers also have real lives. I

also forget this sometimes. That means they also have their

own personal goals, even when it comes to their physique,

outside their characters and roles.

○ This point can be shown in a multitude of aspects, but a good

example comes from some of the celebrities we’ve seen in the

last chapter (and of course others as well):

Chris Pratt, Chris Hemsworth and Michael B. Jordan: These three are

perfect examples of men who got in shape for a role and then fell in love

with fitness and personal health. Sure, Hemsworth was a surfer and Jordan

was already in pretty good shape (sorry Pratt, but you had a dad-bod); but

now they’ve gone on to continue that and push it to whole new levels that

they did not have to. This is an example of celebrities finding their love for

their new pillars and training through roles and that initial accountability.

Jason Statham, Dwayne Johnson and Jason Momoa: On the other side of

that we have three guys who were in love with their style of training and

fitness...forever. Johnson and Momoa will come into a role and get even

more jacked and shredded each time, but other than that they’ve always



followed their specific system (or at least enough of their system, with

tweaks and adaptations to sustain it through a long period of time). This is

an example of lifestyle changes, personal changes, and even roles, having

a minor effect on the overall routine and course, but simply involving small

adjustments throughout.

● Anomalies and Outliers

○ And finally, we’ll also talk about some celebrity differentiation

and adaptation that is just way outside the norm. Of course, it’s

still adaptation, and sometimes (as you’ll see) for specific roles,

but there are just some cases where it is much different. And

we love learning from different.

Oh, and there’s another treat within this chapter. I know all the ladies

out there are probably feeling a bit left out at this point, BUT, there’s actually

a specific reason for that.

We’ll be talking about that exact reasoning AND we will also finally

be seeing some case study examples from the women!

But, no spoilers here (you know, other than this one): I will not be be

showing you specific breakdowns of what ALL our celebrities do (as far as



their workout and nutrition). Those FULL breakdowns will come during

chapters four and five!

But let’s go ahead and kick it off with our first celebrity case study.

He has been called “The Transformation King” by some sources, but

he has also thrown in the towel when it comes to these insane

transformations due to health reasons and concerns.

And yes, I do feel like I’m introducing him on some kind of show.


These images don’t even begin to show you the entire story, but I think

you get the idea.

I’ll give you a bit of a timeline, which of course goes even deeper the

more you look (but for the sake of this example even just a

nine-part-sequence is more than enough), which will show us even more.



Here’s a bit of a timeline for the Christian “King of Transformations” Bale:

● American Psycho - 2000 - 175 lbs. - Shredded

● Reign of Fire - 2002 - 180 lbs. - Jacked

● The Machinist - 2004 - 125 lbs. - Sickly Skinny

● Batman Begins - 2005 - 185 lbs. - Jacked

● Rescue Dawn - 2006 - 140 lbs. - Super Skinny

● The Dark Knight - 2008 - 185 lbs. - Jacked

● The Fighter - 2010 - 145 lbs. - Super Skinny

● The Dark Knight Rises - 2010 - 185 lbs. - Jacked

● American Hustle - 2013 - 190+ lbs. - Fat

● Post American Hustle - Weight Drop to “Normal” In Shape - No More

Transformations due to Health Issues that can arise.

If that doesn’t blow you away, I’m really not sure what will. If you look

at The Fighter and The Dark Knight Rises they released the same exact year

and there’s a forty pound difference in Bale’s weight. And it’s not even just

Skinny to Obese….He was jacked for The Dark Knight Rises.

This, of course, is all due to specifically transforming for roles, but

there are a few things we can learn from him (and in general, take from this

case study).




● The Power of Accountability

○ Whether you want to call this one purely accountability or also

throw in motivation, the thing we take away stays the same.

The power that these things give you can push you through

tough times and allow you to accomplish crazy things!

○ Bale went through hundreds of pounds of weight loss, muscle

gain, fat gain and repeats of the same cycle. The sheer fact

that he was able to bulk and cut during the periods of time

where it wasn’t just pure fat in either direction still amazes me.

● The Potential WE Have

○ Sure, there are definitely negatives we can learn (and adapt

around) from Christian Bale, which I will also talk about in a

second, but these transformations also give us a deep dive into

what our bodies can do. Some people have a hard time doing

what Bale was able to accomplish over and over and over

again. And, no, it’s not because he is some kind of Superhuman.

○ Although he definitely is...



● What YoYo Dieting and YoYo Training Looks Like

○ I will preface this (although I’m sure I don’t really have to) with

the fact that this YoYo Transforming was done on purpose for

roles. Nevertheless, it is a great example of what YoYo-ing can

really look like.

○ The sad truth is that some people go through this many

transformations in there life, although often not even obtaining

the stages where Bale was jacked, but instead substituting

those faces with what is normally just weight gain.

○ Bale knows what he’s doing. Of course he’ll likely work with a

trainer and team to simply heighten that accountability we

talked about even more, but these accomplishments are not

random. He falls back on a specific method each time,

adapting to the next task. He’s able to do this because he has a

foundation in place for himself that he knows he can come

back to for each goal he has. When it was time to lose the

weight after American Hustle he did so it what would look like

[from the outside] rapid speed. He knew exactly what was right

for him. This comes by building YOUR Success Plan, or using

methods that are extremely sustainable like what we have built

in our SHJ Legacy Program.



● The Power of The RIGHT Regime

○ Building off what I said at the end of the last section, I felt it was

only right to give this it’s own title. (You know, especially for

everyone who is going to glimpse at headers and decide if they

want to read the full section).

○ I do want to make it clear, though: Christian Bale knows what he

is doing. He knows just how HE can lose weight fast, and just

how HE can gain weight fast; both in the form of fat and/or

muscle gains (which we’ve clearly seen both of).

○ Which brings us back to my final point under our YoYo

Transforming section. Bale knew exactly which methods work

specifically for HIM so he could go back to them when he

needed. He already found his Pillars of Success for weight loss

and mass gain. He already knew what he could do and

accomplish each time.

○ Now it’s YOUR turn.

The next stud on our list for this chapter is another fan favorite. I’ll get

more into the specifics after I share a bit about his transformations and

physique, but his story is one that will teach us about anomalies among



the superstars we’ll see.


Wahlberg is a celebrity that I could have easily included with one of

our first batches of celebs, more specifically within “Celebrities That

Continue To Sustain Their Physique”; which, if you forget already, basically

meant that they are the celebs who have always been jacked and continue

to get better and better!

Well Wahlberg is DEFINITELY in that category, but he also falls into a

category of his own that is worth talking about and analyzing.

And before you guys and email me saying something like “Hey, Mike,

Dwayne Johnson and other guys definitely also fit that category in which

you put Mark Wahlberg all alone!”; just hold your horses, okay? I know other

guys fit here, and in this section we’re limiting the case studies on purpose!

Bear with me and let’s learn.



Wahlberg falls into a category of outliers and anomalies for a few different

reasons. Yes, he has sustained his physique for as long as we can

remember, dating all the way back to his Marky Mark Calvin Klein days, but

he’s also done it in a very unique way.

We have seen Wahlberg show up on articles for his

typical Bodybuilder style training sessions back in the day, yes. We have

even seen him show off a big and bulky physique that he trained for using

heavy lifts in Pain and Gain. That’s where Wahlberg is unique. His

adaptations were mainly for his inherent love for fitness and he strives to

find the perfect training system both for him, and for what he believes is for

everyone as well.

The part that is unique outside the fact that we’ve seen him utilize

techniques that are very “Bodybuilder Style” is the fact that he’s also jumped

around utilizing very different training styles and even dietary guidelines.

We do have other guys with similar adaptations over the course of

their training; guys that adapt different styles while coming out with very

similar physiques (for the most part). But, the unique part about Wahlberg’s

training is that he’s more or less his own guinea pig (similar to how I guinea

pig test for myself and for you guys).



We can actually look at some examples of this.

Obviously I mentioned the fact that he was training with a style that

was very bodybuilder-like for a while, but he also jumped in and out utilizing

circuit style training during those two periods of time while looking to

achieve optimal health.

He also lost a ton of weight for certain roles and gained (like with Pain

and Gain) for others, similar to Christian Bale.

Although, yes, he did have a lot more roles that land him in that

“shredded” category.

The difference between him and Bale (besides that) is the fact that

each and every time Wahlberg seemed to do these bigger spurts of weight

loss and gain (think about his role in The Gambler which he lost 60 lbs. for

using a “Liquid Diet”) he would use different techniques.

For one of his cutting phases for a role he even dropped 10 lbs in 5

days with a bone broth diet…

So the difference between Wahlberg and the other celebrities we’ve

seen that either sustain it for long periods of time, or learn how to jump back

to their own style, is the fact that his adaptations are much larger.

Most recently (and for what I’ve seen as the longest periods of time)

he has come back to the training style that has sustainably kept him the



most lean we’ve seen him throughout his career. That’s a mixture of cardio,

circuits, some weights (although not heavy “typical” lifts we may be used to

seeing in “gym” training), His most recent style is what many celebrities

have landed on recently, like Pratt, Hemsworth, Mario Lopez, tons of ladies

(which we’ll see in Chapter Four), and so many others in that format of

training. It’s also part of our SHJ Core System and Philosophy, which is why

our SHJ Legacy Program revolves around that approach.

Remember, our system and way of doing things is based around our

research on these celebrities, the world’s top performers, and our own

guinea pig testing which leads to learning from our SHJ Army; so it only

makes sense that our Legacy Program would be the one you see most

successful among not only the celebrities and athletes, but also the

everyday Average Joe like us progressing to Superhumans.

Which brings us into a perfect transition into the ladies we’ll be talking


When we see a more complete breakdown of programming among

ALL different celebrities we’ll realize there are some types of training

methods that stand out, but for now I specifically want to speak to the

differentiation and adaptability (which you could even see as “freedom”) in

styles among women.



To put it more plainly: there are different adaptations that women

can make to specifically target weak points such as glutes (maybe you

want to focus on building your glutes), or core, or maybe even targeting

back pain; but for the most part we see A LOT of different women with

different techniques come out of their training with what we would consider

a Superhuman and/or Hollywood Physique.

And yes, ladies in the back that are currently “afraid of gaining too

much muscle and looking bulky”; I’m also talking to you!

But enough dramatics for now, let’s take a look at some examples to

better get an idea of what I’m talking about.





Among the female celebrities on this list are some of the most sought

after physiques in in the world.

Pictured from left to right we have:

1. Jennifer Lopez

2. Gigi Hadid

3. Gal Gadot

4. Jennifer Aniston

5. Scarlett Johansson

6. Maggie Q

And, I wanted to add a lot more to the list, but we’ll save that for when

we have our LARGE lists later on.

For now I just want to give you a brief overview of how different

training methods among women can accomplish the same [ultimate] goal.

The reason the word ultimate is important there is because I am not trying

to tell you that it does not matter what you do and it’ll all just lead you to the

perfect physique. I don’t want that to be the lesson here. If you are in need

of gaining some weight or losing weight (or simply cutting some fat) you will

still need to switch up your dietary guidelines and potentially even some of

the training styles to better support the different goals. When I say



the ULTIMATE goal, I am specifically talking about the physiques in which we

(we being The SHJ Army of hundreds of thousands of members) have

deemed to be women’s “Superhero Physique”.

Women are a bit different in that regard than men. When we voted

on what we view as The Superhero Physique or even The Hollywood

Physique we came away with a lean and toned physique on both ends.

The difference there is the fact that men seem to have a more broad

stretch of physiques. Think Dwayne Johnson, Bautista, Hafþór Júlíus

Björnsson (The Mountain in Game of Thrones), and even in his bigger

physiques, Mark Wahlberg. Those ranges of bulkiness did not make the cut

when deciding on our Superhero Physique.

And, if I’m being honest, that made it A LOT easier to finalize our SHJ

Legacy Program.

Women on the other hand don’t really have that wide range, and

rather their Superhero Physique ranges from skinny and toned all the way

up the a little more muscular and toned; but generally still that slim look.

Which makes this comparison and case study even more interesting

when we begin to break it down and see how each one of these women

train (or trained for specific roles and physiques).



So let’s break it down:

● Jennifer Lopez

○ Of course Jennifer Lopez does a lot of cardio. She’s a pop star

and can dance! Cardio is one thing that most women definitely

do not stray away from. While men might fear cardio due to

the impact it could potentially have on their “gains” if they’re

looking to gain weight, for the most part women are using

different forms of cardio (the specific forms that are most

unique and preferred to their routine) to help drop fat and

unlock the Superhero Physique.

○ Along with dancing Lopez has also worked with multiple trainers

and her training style ranges from circuit training, basic weight

training and dance, all the way to a mixture of dance, circuits

and pilates.

● Gigi Hadid

○ Gigi Hadid is a supermodel that has found love in boxing. She

mixes her training with other cardio types (her preferred are

running and jump rope) and circuit style training to get her lean

and cut physique. In these circuits you’ll also find her

incorporating some band work and movements for extra glute

and core work like donkey kicks, bicycle kicks and more!



● Gal Gadot

○ Gal Gadot was not always an Amazon Princess. Elle Magazine

even said she was built more like a beanstalk (standing at 5’10)

than a warrior prior to her Wonder Woman training. She went

through six months of intensive training that consisted of two

hours in the gym, two hours of horseback riding and two hours

of fight choreography just to prepare her to be Princess Diana.

○ That being said, this is NOT what her regular regime looks like.

For the most part Gadot is extremely active and walks around

with a slim and toned physique, but she actually trains much

differently. She herself says “In my ordinary life when I don’t

work, I like to paddleboard and do TRX.” which is what she says

her training mainly consists of outside of any extra work done

with bands or classes.

● Jennifer Aniston

○ Jennifer Aniston is over 50 years old and continues to break to

internet with her beauty. The gorgeous actress has actually

gone through quite a change in her training as well. What used

to be nearly strictly yoga, with the addition of some pilates and

other classes has now become a wide array of training with her

personal trainer.



○ Aniston now trains up to seven days a week which can even

consist of sixty to ninety minute sessions. She told Women’s

Health that her workouts vary anywhere from three days a

week at 45 minute sessions to those monster seven-workout


○ Aniston wakes up bright and early to get her training in and her

personal trainer says: "We box, we jump rope, we do strength

training, we do a lot of work with resistance bands—we’re big on

resistance bands. We rotate these things so it’s always hard,

she’s consistently being challenged—I’m a big fan of switching

things up, so the body reacts in a positive way and changes."

So while I did preface this by saying a lot of women are utilizing a wide

variety of training styles to achieve our Superhero Physique, you can still

kind of see a trend among the style, right?

If not, don’t worry, we’ll talk more about it later.

● Scarlett Johansson

○ Scarlett Johansson, like Gal Gadot did for her superhero

training, has gone through some intense training to get into

superhero shape.



○ Johansson and her trainer work in a way that is trying to not

only build The Superhero Physique, but also create a

Superhuman in a style that they seem fitting.

○ This specific method involves heavier weightlifting (upwards of

250 lb. deadlifts), Olympic style weightlifting, and more!

○ One thing we can say about Johansson is that she is definitely

curvy, but if we look back a bit before her Marvel training, she

did seem to have that aspect of her physique already!

○ Now, I’m not saying that she sustains this training style

throughout her normal-everyday-lifestyle, but she does utilize it

for months and months at a time when prepping for Black

Widow, who she has also been portraying for years now; and

still comes out with what we would categorize as our Superhero

Physique among women.

● Maggie Q

○ Maggie Q is our celebrity that really brings home the side of

women that almost strictly use classes and/or bodyweight

training like yoga and other movements to get their physique.

○ Maggie uses classes like SPIN Class, Pilates, and a TON of

different yoga styles mixed with lots of activity, cardio and a

great diet to get her killer physique.



Are these female celebrity physique different?

Absolutely. 100%. Without question.

BUT, they still fall within what we would consider our Superhero

Physique and would be categorized as bodies that most women (out of

hundreds of thousands) strive for when they join our community.

Passed this there are definitely tweaks that can be made for specific

areas, as I mentioned when we first started this portion, but aside from

those additions that could come after you’ve unleashed your inner

Superhuman and unlocked the Hollywood Physique; these women are

kicking a*s with all different styles.

Without giving away ALL of the details from Chapter Four, I will just tell

you that the most popular training styles among women are generally high

intensity classes mixed with yoga and other formats (think SPIN Class,

Pilates, Yoga, and a mixture of this with cardio, hiking, and other things that

get you moving and active), and high intensity circuit training like we saw a

handful of these ladies fall into.

This is just another reason it was so easy for us to dedicate our entire

SHJ Core System and Philosophy to this type of training style. A system that

unlocks what hundreds of thousands of Superhumans view as “THE

Superhero Physique”; and does it for BOTH men and women. It could not

have been easier for us to lock in and build our SHJ Legacy Program.



But before we go SHJ Legacy crazy, I do want to flip that switch and

tend to the other side of things as well. We definitely saw a lot of adaptation

within this chapter and a whole lot of differentiation leading to both

different results, and the same…

That being said, there is the side of things that has people (and

potentially you among them) needing to find the EXACT Pillars of Success

that adhere to YOU specifically.

That’s why we have both an Academy and a Legacy Program. We

know we need to serve people with our Core System and Philosophy

(Legacy Program) while also allowing people to grow and adapt into their

own personal systems (Academy).

The choice is yours!





Is sustainability really THAT important.

That’s what we’re going to be talking about this chapter.

While it will not be the longest chapters we’ve seen (which you may

actually be happy about after dealing with some of those monster-sized

chapters), I do want to touch on this topic before we move further into very

specific case studies breaking down A LOT of celebrities workout routine

and nutrition choices, and then follow it up with very specific information

based chapters, slowly teaching you about each diet and training topic.



So without even getting into anything specific to celebrity research

(because let’s be honest, we’ve seen a good deal about sustainability and

adaptation already), let’s talk about a scary truth…

There are estimations all over the internet, but we’ll go with the

estimate that WebMD shares for this one:

“By some estimates, 80%-95% of people who successfully

lose at least 10% of their body weight will gradually regain it

to end up as large or even larger than they were before

they went on a diet.”

I made that nice and big there for you to really let you soak it in a bit.

That’s terrifying!

This is exactly why sustainability within our programming is one of our

main focuses and goals.

Can I build you a diet and workout routine regime that will allow you

to shred pounds and pounds of weight like you just went on Biggest Loser?

Absolutely. But I’d be doing you a disservice.

Not only would I be completely messing with your metabolism



(as we’ll see more about with Yo-Yo dieting effects), but, due to the effects

on your metabolism, and many other reasons, you’ll more than likely

become another member of that overwhelming statistic.

The purpose of sustainability being a main focus for SHJ

Programs is to allow you to become a Superhuman,

unlock the Hollywood Physique, and then make it a

lifestyle. We want you to feel better, and LIVE better.

Now I’m not going to sit here and say you have to go through a

grueling process of failing diets and training styles over and over until you

find the perfect one.

But I AM saying that it wouldn’t be that horrible.

In this case failure means it’s not for you.

Yes, you need to give the training styles and dietary guidelines a shot

and likely [at the very least] form the habit and get into a groove with them

to see if you can sustain it, BUT, if it’s just not happening for you, that doesn’t

mean it’s your only option.

That being said, you’re lucky enough to have people like me who are



more than willing to be a guinea pig to break down the training styles and

dietary guidelines into specific class-ranking categories, or potentially even

exclude them from the options if they’re just so far out from being


That brings your options down to a much less scary count.

But, probably most importantly it does this:

It allows you to consistently adapt out of failure. Instead of

failing something and then eating everything in grabbing range

for the next 3 months as you sit on the couch and binge watch

Game of Thrones, you can simply move onto the next set of


See that? Adaptation.

It works wonders for sustainability and taking control of the learning

curve that could be so daunting.

But, before I move onto the next chapter (which will involve teaching

you how to go about selecting your perfect workout routine; or rather, what

you THINK MIGHT be your perfect workout routine), followed by the same



but for your nutrition (dietary selection), I do want to make one thing

perfectly clear: We have TONS of members who would much rather be told

exactly what to do.

I understand that making big decisions like this and then following

them up with more decisions in order to adapt out of potential failure could

be extremely daunting.

I completely agree with that.

That’s precisely why SHJ is built the way it is.

We have the main site that gives you access to 500+ Workout

Routines, All of our Core Nutrition Pillars (and therefore dietary guidelines),

and tons and tons of resources.

You can absolutely build out your Pillars of Success and find YOUR

specific Success Plan with the resources that are available for free on the


The only difference is that you won’t have the coaching,

accountability and a handful of exclusive things that are given to members

within our Academy.

And then countering that mindset of “build it yourself and adapt”, we

also do our best to fit the needs of those who are absolutely wanting us to

write a plan that is: “Do this, exactly this, and you’ll obtain this!”



That is obviously much harder to create as a “free” alternative, but I

like to think with the hundreds and hundreds (and hundreds) of articles on

the site we come pretty close to hitting it.

More specifically, though, that’s where our SHJ Legacy Program and

Budget Superhero Programs come into play.

Our SHJ Legacy Program, as you know by now, is a culmination of our

Core Systems and Philosophies at SHJ through our own research of

hundreds and hundreds of celebrities; our own guinea pig testing; and what

we’ve learned from the success of thousands of members.

It quite literally is what we’ve found to be the most effective, and

sustainable way of training and dieting to help people unleash what is

deemed as The Superhero Physique; while also allowing you to feel better

AND live better.

As you can tell, I’m pretty proud of it.

But if that is way too cool for you, we also have budget options that

are our Superhero Programs that come with a guidebook and specific

programming that fit each and every one of the specific goals they’re set

out to accomplish.

If you’re in a position where you want to be told exactly what to do in

order to achieve a very specific goal, any of these options would likely be

ideal for you. But I think you’re ready.







Here we are.

We finally made it to some kind of workout routine selection process.

For those of you who were thoroughly enjoying the celebrity case

studies: don’t you worry, there will definitely be more.

In these next two chapters we will actually be looking at some

research that is spread across the board instead of zooming into specific

celebrities like we have been doing.

But before we go ahead and look at a handful of different categories



of training styles with tons and tons of different celebrities listed below

them, I want to go ahead and break down some of the different styles that

we’re actually going to be talking about.

Here are some of the categories we’ll be breaking down celebrity

training styles into:

● Basic Weight Training

○ Basic weight training is weight training in its simplest format. This can

obviously include other things (like circuit training, supersets, calisthenics,

cardio, etc) which is why you’ll find duplicates on this list and others; but for

the most part this is going to the gym and lifting weights in some fashion of

straight sets or pyramid training.

● Circuit Training

○ Circuit training is the format of training that has different exercises following

one another with little to no break. This can involve weights, calisthenics,

cardio and all types of different training methods within individual circuits.

● Incorporates Calisthenics

○ In this category I really wanted to just put every single celebrity name that

will be added to ANY list, but I restricted myself to only including names that I

saw make mention to using calisthenics in some portion of their training.

● Almost Purely Calisthenics

○ This category can actually mean that the celebrity either used 100%

calisthenics or ALMOST purely calisthenics (which would generally imply they

add in some other form of light training to supplement it a little more.



● Heavy Compounds (Powerlifting Style) or Compound Focus

○ This category implies that the celebrity is specifically focusing in on a heavy

compound lifting like bench press, back squat, overhead press and deadlifts.

● Olympic Lifting (Almost CrossFit Styling)

○ This category is talking about Olympic Lifts like Clean and Press, Squat

Cleans, Snatches, and other styles of training that almost are always

integrated because the celebrity is training with CrossFit styles.

● Specifically Mentions Incorporating A Lot of Running

○ I don’t think I have to explain this one, but just in case: this category is

showing celebrities who specifically make mention to a lot of running.

● Almost Purely Running

○ Similar to the last category in how self explanatory it is, this category is for

those celebrities who either purely use running for their training, or use

almost strictly running with the potential to add in some other styles.

● Yoga/Running/Classes (Pilates, SPIN, etc.)

○ This category is one that you will find A LOT of women celebrities in. This is

one that has really surprised me and indicates that the celeb [female] uses

group classes like yoga, running, Pilates, SPIN and other group classes, as

their entire training regime. This is often paired with activity like hiking and

jogging as well.

● Specifically Mentions Dancing

○ This category, where you’ll find some women who you’ll say “Well no kidding

they mention dancing” indicates that they specifically made mention to

dancing within their training regime.



● Yoga

○ This category is for celebrities who either currently only use (or for the most

part only use) yoga as their training methods, or at one period of time (for

example I know Jennifer Aniston has really switched up her training style)

used strictly yoga.

● Mentions Fitting Fitness in Mini Bursts

○ This category, which has also been referred to as “Fitness Snacks” implies

that the celebrity trains with tiny sessions throughout the day or whenever

they can fit it in.

● Doesn’t Really (Or Did Not Really) train Until It’s Time For a Role

○ Well, if there was ever a category that explains itself within its name, this is is.

These are the celebs that really don’t do (or did not do) much training until it

was (or is) time for a role.

And now it’s time for the actual breakdown of where all of our

celebrities fall among this list.

I do want to make one thing extremely clear, though: as we know,

many celebrities adapt and change their training style multiple times

whether that is due to a different role, different physique goal, different

lifestyle goal or changes, or a number of different reasons...which is why you

will find the same name on multiple lists at times.

Beware: the first few lists are extremely long...



Basic Weight Lifting:

Rob McElhenney, John Abraham, Simu Liu, Kumail Nanjiani, Rick Gonzalez,

Steve Austin, Max Thieriot, Adam Devine, Orlando Bloom, Karl Urban, Dacre

Montgomery, Nick Jonas, Conan Stevens, Kellen Lutz, Dwayne Johnson, Mena

Massoud, Michael B. Jordan, Paul Bettany, Colin Farrell, Ed Skrein, Mark Strong,

Dolph Lundgren, Cody Christian, Yahya Abdul-Mateen II, Richard Madden,

Zac Efron, Jamie Foxx, Omari Hardwick, Patrick Wilson, Wilson Bethel, Alan

Ritchson, Tom Cruise, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Sylvester Stallone, Michael Jai

White, Jared Padalecki, Jamie Dornan, Zachary Levi, Winston Duke, Derek

Theler, Jason Momoa, Paul Rudd, John Boyega, Luke Evans, Joe Manganiello,

Adam Driver, Michael Fassbender, Taylor Lautner, Kevin Hart, J.K. Simmons,

David Harbour, John Krasinski, Taron Egerton, Idris Elba, John Krasinski, Chris

Pratt, Taron Egerton, Will Smith, Josh Brolin, Channing Tatum, Tyler Hoechlin,

Josh Brolin, Alexander Ludwig, Bradley Cooper, Dave Bautista, David Ramsey,

Terry Crews, Ray Fisher, Daniel Craig, Matt Damon, Jon Bernthal, Brad Pitt,

Mark Wahlberg, Kit Harington, Miles Teller, Benedict Cumberbatch, Mike

Colter, Anthony Mackie, Sebastian Stan, Ben Affleck, Christian Bale, Tom

Hardy, Ryan Reynolds, Charlie Cox, Chris Evans, Henry Cavill, Brandon Routh,

Pink, Regina King, Eva Longoria, Hilary Duff, Milla Jovovich, Jennifer Lopez,

Gina Rodriguez, Scarlett Johansson, Katie Cassidy, Caity Lotz, Katheryn

Winnick, Juliana Harkavy, Ruby Rose



Madelaine Petsch, Jennifer Garner, Brie Larson, Lucy Hale, Krysten Ritter,

Karen Gillan, Anne Hathaway, Grant Gustin, Demi Lovato, Alicia Vikander,

Blake Lively, Emma Stone, Tessa Thompson, Simone Missick, Angelina Jolie,

Daisy Ridley, Sophie Turner, Emilia Clarke, Natalie Portman, Emily Bett


Circuit Training

Rob McElhenney, KJ Apa, Zac Efron, John Cena, Roman Reigns, Seth Rollins,

Matt Bomer, Gerard Butler, Chace Crawford, Robert Pattinson, Marwan

Kenzari, Kellan Lutz, Stephen Amell, Kellen Lutz, Tom Hopper, Paul Bettany,

Keanu Reeves, Yahya Abdul-Mateen II, Jude Law, Jamie Foxx, Tom Ellis, Alan

Ritchson, Charles Melton, Cole Sprouse, Ryan Phillippe, Alexander Skarsgard,

Jared Padalecki, Jason Momoa, Tom Holland, Dominic Purcell, Luke Evans,

Joe Manganiello, Michael Fassbender, Kevin Hart, Michael Fassbender,

Adam Levine, Idris Elba, John Krasinski, Chris Pratt, Taron Egerton, Dylan

O’Brien, Tyler Hoechlin, Frank Grillo, Michael B. Jordan, Josh Brolin, Jason

Statham, Ray Fisher, Terry Crews, Scott Adkins, Jon Bernthal, Mark Wahlberg,

Kit Harington, Miles Teller, Sebastian Stan, Manu Bennett, Ryan Reynolds,

Chris Hemsworth, Henry Cavill, Miranda Kerr, Gigi Hadid, Becky Lynch, Kate

Hudson, Jenna Dewan, Kaley Cuoco, Reese Witherspoon, Beyonce, Lily

Collins, Jessica Alba, Milla Jovovich, Lupita Nyong’o, Gina Rodriguez



Katrina Law, Caitriona Balfe, Emily Blunt, Sandra Bullock, Elizabeth Olsen,

Danai Gurira, Nina Dobrev, Sophia Bush, Julianne Hough, Anne Hathaway,

Rachel McAdams, Kate Beckinsale, Alicia Vikander, Blake Lively, Emma

Watson, Mila Kunis, Cara Delevingne, Melissa Benoist, Halle Berry, Jessica Biel,

Jessica Henwick, Emilia Clarke, Olivia Munn

Incorporates Calisthenics

Adam Devine, Tom Holland, KJ Apa, Orlando Bloom, Joe Keery, Mena

Massoud, Kellan Lutz, Michael B. Jordan, Paul Bettany, Richard Madden, Zac

Efron, Wilson Bethel, Ryan Potter, Charles Melton, Cole Sprouse, Michael Jai

White, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Sylvester Stallone, Alexander Skarsgard, Joel

Kinnaman, Derek Theler, Dominic Purcell, Luke Evans, Joe Manganiello, Idris

Elba, John Krasinski, Chris Pratt, Taron Egerton, Will Smith, Channing Tatum,

Tyler Hoechlin, Brad Pitt, Zoey Deutch, Miranda Kerr, Becky Lynch, Paige,

Sasha Banks, Jenna Dewan, Kaley Cuoco, Beyonce, Lily Collins, Jessica Alba,

Jennifer Lopez, Zoe Kravitz, Ruby Rose, Minka Kelly, Madelaine Petsch, Brie

Larson, Gabrielle Union, Lucy Hale, Grant Gustin, Emma Watson, Mila Kunis,

Simone Missick, Cara Delevingne, Melissa Benoist, Halle Berry, Megan Fox,

Margot Robbie, Daisy Ridley, Emilia Clarke, Olivia Munn, Natalie Portman,

Emily Bett Rickards



Almost Purely Calisthenics

Sterling K. Brown, Jason Statham, Mark Consuelos, Tom Holland, Mike Tyson,

Jet Li, KJ Apa, Bill Skarsgard, Iko Uwais, Joe Keery, Chace Crawford, Ludi Lin,

Liam Hemsworth, Djimon Hounsou, Ian Somerhalder, Adam Levine, Dylan

O’Brien, Aaron Taylor-Johnson, Charlie Hunnam, James Franco

Heavy Compounds (Powerlifting Style) or Compound Focus

James McAvoy (Split), Steve Austin, Ethan Suplee, JD Pardo, The Mountain

Olympic Lifting (Almost CrossFit Styling)

John Cena, Rick Gonzalez, Roman Reigns, Seth Rollins, Tom Hopper, Mark Strong,

John Krasinski, Chris Pratt, Ray Fisher, Becky Lynch, Paige, Sasha Banks

Specifically Mentions Incorporating A Lot of Running

Rob McElhenney, Dacre Montgomery, Kellan Lutz, Richard Madden, Patrick

Wilson, Tom Ellis (HIIT), Alan Ritchson, Ryan Phillippe, Alexander Skarsgard,

Joe Manganiello, Lily James, Hilary Duff, Reese Witherspoon, Gwyneth

Paltrow, Sophie Turner, Danai Gurira, Morena Baccarin, Sophia Bush, Julianne

Hough, Rachel McAdams, Kate Beckinsale, Cara Delevingne, Jessica Biel,

Olivia Munn



Almost Purely Running

Ewan McGregor, Constance Wu, Amber Heard, Daniel Radcliffe

Yoga/Running/Classes (Pilates, SPIN, etc.)

Zoey Deutch, Miranda Kerr, Jurnee Smollett-Bell, Vanessa Hudgens, Rachel

Brosnahan, Kelly Ripa, Priyanka Chopra, Selena Gomez, Maggie Q, Anna

Kendrick, Kate Hudson, Eva Longoria, Jessica Alba, Gwyneth Paltrow, Jennifer

Lopez, Candice Patton, Phoebe Tonkin, Lucy Hale, Elizabeth Olsen, Nina

Dobrev, Julianne Hough, Rachel McAdams, Demi Lovato, Jennifer Aniston,

Melissa Benoist, Zoe Saldana, Olivia Munn

Specifically Mentions Dancing

Yifei Liu, Kelly Ripa, Kate Hudson, Jenna Dewan, Keri Russell, Beyonce, Ariana

Grande, Hailee Steinfeld, Jennifer Lopez, Nina Dobrev, Julianne Hough, Tessa

Thompson, Melissa Benoist


Adam Levine, Zoey Deutch, Maggie Q, Kate Hudson, Reese Witherspoon,

Robert Downey Jr., Zoe Kravitz, Morena Baccarin, Anne Hathaway, Grant

Gustin, Kate Beckinsale, Blake Lively, Jennifer Aniston, Emma Watson,



Angelina Jolie, Zoe Saldana, Natalie Portman

Mentions Fitting Fitness in Mini Bursts

David Beckham, Kristen Bell, Bill Skarsgard, Gabrielle Union, Sandra Bullock,

Danai Gurira, Zoe Saldana

Doesn’t Really (Or Did Not Really) train Until It’s Time For a Role

Cillian Murphy, Mads Mikkelsen, Leonardo Dicaprio, Jeremy Renner

Yeah, that was A LOT.

I probably should have warned you a bit more. But there you have it.

That’s a breakdown of hundreds and hundreds of celebrities that we’ve

researched and where I would specifically place them within these


You can obviously take what you want from that, but I’d like to break it

down a bit more into some categories I see as “Standout Categories”. These

are categories you may or may not immediately notice when looking at this

list, but I think it’s definitely worth taking a deeper look.

From there we will start thinking about where you think YOU

specifically fall among these categories, and where you’d like to start.



The Standout Categories Among

Celebrity Training Styles

● Basic Weight Training

○ This one you definitely could guess was going to make the list.

How could we not talk about the largest list among all the


○ The thing I want to mention here is that this is the most typical

form of training. If you think this format is best for you this is the

one that will require you to go to the gym 3-5 days per week

and follow a standard style of training.

○ This also can involve training styles like pyramid training,

reverse pyramid training, supersets, straight sets, and

numerous other things that can (and probably should) be

incorporated into your training with progressive overload right

there at the top of the list (as always).

○ The thing to note about this one is that it’s very typical, but also

very adaptable. You can use this for essentially any type of

goal. That can be slim and slender and what we deem The

Superhero Physique, all the way to a big bulky and massive




○ This is a style of training that I myself have found extremely

sustainable. We have also had incredible success stories come

from this style of training.

○ This style is what we would consider to be the second on our

tier list of training styles as ranked for effectiveness and

sustainability towards obtaining The Superhero Physique and

living better.

● Circuit Training

○ This one comes in next as one of my standouts because I was

actually pleasantly surprised at the amount of celebrities

consistently utilize circuit training outside of CrossFit training.

○ CrossFit style training brought some kind of odd feeling towards

“circuits” for some people, but the large majority (almost all) of

the celebrities who utilizes circuit style training were not also

engaging in Olympic Style weightlifting as well (as CrossFit


○ This category also stands out for me because it is utilized

among celebrities to grow muscle, tone, shred fat and achieve

tons of different goals.



○ Along with the different goals that this category allows

celebrities to achieve, I also noticed a ton of celebrities utilizing

this because of the effectiveness even when in a time


○ Celebrities can burn tons of calories and shred up while

building muscle all within a quick 20-30 minute circuit session

that would normally take 60-90 minutes if done within a typical

weightlifting workout.

○ This style is what we would consider to be number one on our

tier list of training styles as ranked for effectiveness and

sustainability towards obtaining The Superhero Physique and

living better.

● Calisthenics Training

○ This one is next among my standout categories because it

quite literally falls among every single standout category that I

found among celebrity training styles.

○ It doesn’t matter if it’s basic weight training, circuits, mini bursts

(and fitness snacks) or even our next and final standout:

calisthenics training is always there.



○ Calisthenics training is also something that has been shown

effective among some of the main subjects voted as

representing “The Superhero Physique”. These are celebrities

like Jason Statham, Ryan Reynolds, and even Tom Holland

among the men, and too many women to name among the

females with a “Superhero Physique” who have utilized

calisthenics within their training.

○ It is unique in the sense that it is easily the most accessible

(anyone can do it anywhere), as well as one of the most

effective training styles. The fact that it can easily be inserted

into any training style is just another bonus we take advantage


○ This style is what we would consider to be among the top tier

on our tier list (although outside our normal scope) of training

styles as ranked for effectiveness and sustainability towards

obtaining The Superhero Physique and living better.

● Yoga/Running/Classes (Pilates, SPIN, etc.)

○ This one took me by surprise the most among categories and is

definitely deserving of a spot among my standouts. The

amount of women who fall into this category was the surprise.



○ When I do preliminary research for celebrities it’s often to make

sure I will be able to find enough information about their

training style. Sometimes there isn’t enough information on

women and I am forced to move onto the next request or

woman in queue. I’m willing to bet that the number of women

within this category would be doubled (at a minimum) if we

had been able to share every single request.

○ Another reason I love this standout category is because it really

shows how important movement is. These women incorporate

all different types of styles with these classes to tone and

unleash their Superhero Physiques.

○ This style is what we would consider to be number three on

our tier list of training styles as ranked for effectiveness and

sustainability towards obtaining The Superhero Physique and

living better.

Now get ready for the craziest part about our standout categories.

Remember when I said basic weight training was the most typical?

Remember when I said it can obviously include all different types of training

styles and formats which is why we get so many duplicates?

Well now remember all that and consider the fact that all of the other



three standout categories among this list are used more often together

than they are alone.

So while basic weight training may be paired with other formats often

enough to expand that section of the list, between calisthenics and our

yoga/pilates/SPIN “class” category, they’re almost always used with circuit

training as well.

It goes without saying that our standout categories among

celebrity training styles are extremely adaptable.

The only reason I rank circuit training above weight training is

because among members, celebrities, my own training, and all our SHJ

coaches, we’ve found that it is the most efficient, effective, accessible, and

sustainable method. We also found it is the best to work into tons of other

styles and formats of training.

Another reason is the fact that is can easily be broken down into

standard training styles (think basic weight training) for people who don’t

want to do it in a “circuit” format.

And yet, it really comes down to what YOU are looking for in a training

regime. Just because your favorite actor or actress trains one way does not

mean it is going to be the best option for you; and by now you’ve probably

discovered that there is not just one way to reach one specific goal.



Celebrity Case Studies That Drive Home

The Standout Categories

Let’s be honest: you were missing the celebrity case studies.

The big lists just weren’t doing it for you, right?

Well you’re in luck because now I want to rehash some of the

celebrities we’ve already taken a look at (and some new ones) in order to

further talk about why I chose the standout categories that I did.

We won’t go nearly as in depth as we have in previous chapters

(especially considering we already looked at case studies for most of these

celebrities), but we will be able to take a deep dive into how they specifically

pair up with these standout categories.

Fair warning though: I will be going out of order if you compare it to

our ordering for the standout categories section, but I promise there is a

method to the madness and it will all tie together by the end of our case

studies and lead us right into the next section.

Also, please do not yell at me or be surprised by the lack of extra case

studies to explain why our “Yoga/Running/Classes etc.” category is a

standout category. The fact that the women on the list have achieved The

Superhero Physique doing JUST those things is what makes it a standout

category. No extra case studies needed!!! All those ladies and way more!




The Why:

Jason Statham is first on our list because while I mentioned the utility

behind calisthenics and the fact that it can and virtually IS inserted to

almost every single program in some aspect; it can also be incredibly

effective on its own. Jason Statham essentially only uses calisthenics work

to train, and he is one of the top voted celebrities when members were

asked to choose a celebrity physique that they think represents “The

Superhero Physique”.

Two Birds With One Stone:

To build on that, there is one aspect of Jason Statham’s training that hits

another standout. While he does use calisthenics in conjunction with

progressive overload (we’ll talk about exactly what this is in Chapter Six and

why it is potentially the most important aspect of training) to work his way

up to advanced movements [and holds], he also increases the intensity of

his workouts by turning them into circuits. This not only helps him shred fat

at a faster and more effective rate, but it also keeps him healthier, AND




Celebrities Switching Over To Circuit Training

The next big category I want to talk about are the celebrities that

have started with typical weight training (or some other type of training)

and moved over to circuit training.

Let’s start with some big name celebrities that moved from typical

weight training over to circuit style training:


Chris Hemsworth has always been lean and shredded. He’s a surfer and

him and his brother Liam (who strictly uses bodyweight training by the way)

have, for the most part, stayed in great shape. When it was time for

Hemsworth to get Thor-ready he bulked up using basic weight training

techniques and tacked on some mass. From there he has continuously



grown more fond of circuit training. First under personal trainer Luke Zocchi

when he began going for more of a lean and toned physique (think Thor:

Ragnarok’s shirtless scene pictured above), and then he even moved into

working with his own fitness app! Man, tons of spoilers here, but also totally

warranted: The app is built around circuit training.


Pratt’s story is a bit different, going from dad bod to shredded and then

more-or-less maintaining that shredded beef-cake physique (I, for some

reason, feel it’s more acceptable to say that about him being that I can

easily picture him thinking that would be funny?). The initial technique he

was using actually incorporated basis weight training movements and

paired them with some circuits (which were generally very similar, if not the

same) involving weights and cardio. From there Pratt moved onto bigger

and better circuits, switching up the movements in his circuits on a daily

basis. And, for those of you who don’t know what I’m saying: I mean, as

typical with most circuit style training programs, every single day follows a

new set of exercises, rounds, style, and more. We’ll talk more about circuit

training styles like EMOMs, AMRAPS, rounds, rest times, and more in Chapter

Six when we get into more of the meat and potatoes!




Mark Wahlberg, as we spoke about in his case study, has adapted A LOT. He

has come a long way with his training, and has been physically fit for a

LONG time. Quite the opposite of guys like Jason Statham and Dwayne

Johnson (who I’ll be talking about in just a bit), who have more-or-less kept

the same training style they’ve always followed while incorporating more

and more advancements into it (and varying diets, etc), Wahlberg swapped

around to a wide range of different styles. Most recently he has landed on

circuit training, and continues to show his intense training style that involves

kettlebells, calisthenics, cardio and more. The picture I shared above is one

that he shared on his own Instagram from this style of training. As you can

see he’s quite proud of the shredded physique this effective style of training

was able to get him.




Okay, this is not only one of my favorites out of the entire list, but I also

am proud of myself that I was able to throw in a bonus example for the

ladies. And, similar to Jason Statham this one will be killing two birds with

one stone. Possibly even three…

The Why:

Jennifer Aniston trained the majority of her life using mainly yoga, while

trickling in cardio and classes and stuff to keep her body slim and lean.

That’s the physique you see pictured above. Then Jennifer Aniston decided

she wanted to step it up a notch and began working with a trainer 5+ days

a week (trainer and her pictured above), which involved circuit style training

that got her in what she believes is the best shape of her life not only

visually, but also based on how she feels.

A Few Birds With One Stone:

Aniston is proof that women can achieve their Superhero Physique with

cardio, yoga, SPIN and the use of group classes as their primary form of

training on a weekly basis. In fact, she’s just one among TONS of women

with The Superhero Physique who have used this method. She’s also proof

that if you’re looking to step it up a notch and tone more and work on

curves more: circuit style training is the effective and efficient option.



Celebrities Adapting And Killing It

With Basic Weight Training

The next big category I want to talk about are the celebrities that

have consistently found incredible success sticking with basic weight

training by changing up the format and intensity. We’re talking about

things like pyramid training, reverse pyramid training, 5x5 training, straight

sets, and, most importantly: progressive overload (which we see used in all

formats of training).

And don’t get me wrong: there are DEFINITELY other celebrities who

are having incredible success transforming their physiques with basic

weight training (as there are tons more with the other categories as well),

but the three I’m selecting are specifically driving us into our next section.

Trust me, all shall make sense soon.

For those of you wondering, though, some other celebrities who have

had some incredible success with basic weight training are Michael B.

Jordan (who has also used circuit training to get shredded into the final

form of his Superhero Physique), Tom Hardy for mass gain, and many, many





Dave Bautista lifts heavy weight. When you think of basic/typical weight

training and similarly, bodybuilding, you also think of people looking to

acquire an ideal physique. The difference is that there are different types of

bodybuilding. Some are for “physique” and then some are the massive

bodybuilders you see that would be hard to tell the difference if they were in

a lineup with Bautista. He’s shredded, but also massive. He lifts big, eats big,

and had the goal to get big. This is one example of weight training being a

good idea, and an example of a celebrity utilizing progressive overload and

basic weight training to continuously grow his physique. Batista is the type

of guy you’d expect to walk into Gold’s Gym “The Mecca” in Venice Beach,

California and find him doing bicep curls. For those wondering, he also

really does train their frequently.




Dwayne Johnson does switch it up for certain roles, looking a little bigger

and bulkier in some, and leaner in others; but that generally comes from the

changes he and his trainer make to his nutrition. His weight training comes

right in his Iron Paradise. If you don’t know what I’m talking about, that’s

Johnson’s personal gym. It’s huge, it’s awesome, and it’s his. He uses

progressive overload with mixed styles in his training to lift big, and continue

to show off his massive Superhero Physique.


Henry Cavill is one of my favorite members of this list because we’ve seen

such drastic changes in his physique. I do want to make mention to the fact

that he has also trained with circuit training, high intensity interval style

training, and even jiu jitsu within his personal regime; but for the sake of this

category I will be talking about him in regards to becoming big, bulky and

heroic for his role in Man of Steel (pictured above). It also will lead us into

the perfect comparison for his physique which was much smaller, but also

much more lean and shredded in his role as Theseus in Immortals years

before. In bulking up for Man of Steel Cavill lifted big and followed a basic

weight training regime using the methods we will learn in Chapter Six.



Do you see the trend I’m purposely building here?

I gave you four examples of different styles and shredded physiques

that use circuit training, calisthenics, and an ever changing routine and

then followed it up with three big massive physiques that came from basic

weight training (while using the right tactics to allow the mass gain).

Don’t worry, this will continue into our next category of choosing your

routine based on goals, but first I want to wrap up this section a bit more.

Wrapping Up The Case Studies & “Standout Styles”

To conclude these case studies I will tell you two things that pertain to

Superhero Jacked and these styles of training that we just covered:

● Out of 500+ Workout Routines, including Exclusive Packets and

Workout Paths, the style that we see most is basic weight training. We

have hundreds and hundreds of different styles that incorporate

different training methods like pyramid training, reverse pyramid

training, straight sets, giant sets, supersets, tri-sets, calisthenics, and

even circuits within the overall basic format.

○ You can access every single one of these, including exclusives,

within The Academy to plug and play with routines and dietary

guidelines to find YOUR unique Pillars of Success, and the best

training method for you.



● While we do have TONS of circuit training workouts within those 500+

workouts and exclusives, the typical circuit training style we see

among the most successful celebrities is the one that allows you to

switch up your training on a daily basis, following a very specific and

unique format ( reasons we’ve learned through celebrities like the

three named above), while throwing in different variations of

calisthenics, minimal equipment needed workouts, EMOMs, AMRAPS,

high intensity intervals, and much, much more, can only be found in a

specific program made FOR that style.

○ This style of training, which we’ve found to be the most effective

(most successful, most health AND physique driven), efficient

(least expensive, least time consuming), and sustainable

(adaptation takes place on a DAILY basis) programming style

we’ve ever come across when built the right way, is what we

have built our SHJ Legacy Program around.

Revolving Your Decision Around

Sustainability….But Also YOUR GOAL!



At the end of the day the style of training you are going to use comes

down to you. The best guidance I can give is the guidance that I’ve

continuously pushing you towards: choose what is right for YOU, and

choose what YOU can sustain.

If the rest of this chapter did not do enough work to help guide you

towards a complete decision, considering that is the point of this chapter,

hopefully this next breakdown will.

Now that you know a bit about the different training styles (a little bit

more in depth in some locations than I was actually originally anticipating

this early, actually), we’ll take a look at some physique comparisons to help

you with your own goals.

Yes, you should absolutely choose your training style around YOU

and what YOU will be able to sustain...but it should also be goal-oriented.

If you sustain something that is not taking you towards your goals,

then I suppose that’s nearly as pointless as not sustaining it in the first place,


To make it nice and easy we’ll be taking a look at some different body

styles (like we just did above) for both men and women, and start talking

about the best training styles (based on our research and first hand

experience) to pair with those goals.

So get ready for some Superhero Physiques!



The physiques shown above are the ones that were voted

to represent what we refer to as The Superhero Physique.

We’re talking votes among hundreds of thousands of members

among The SHJ Army.

And don’t worry ladies: we had a vote for you guys too.

Among this list we have (in order left to right): KJ Apa, Chris

Hemsworth, Ryan Reynolds, Jason Statham, Zac Efron, and Chris Pratt.

Of course there were other votes towards our Superhero Physique, but

these were the handful that came away with the most votes to represent it.

What do they all have in common?

1. They’re all lean, toned and shredded physiques.

2. They all utilize circuit training that varies on a daily basis and

incorporates different styles of calisthenics, weights, and interval


Kind of see where this one is heading?



If you’re in agreement that the physiques shown there are a good

representation of The Superhero Physique, and YOUR goal is to unlock THAT

Superhero Physique, then circuit training with cardio, varied weights,

intervals, and other styles of ever-changing training styles would likely be

best for you.

That would be found within our SHJ Legacy Program.

We built it specifically around unlocking what our SHJ Army sees as

The Superhero Physique.

Thankfully, that also went hand-in-hand with the guidelines members,

celebrities, and even our own coaches found the most sustainable, efficient,

and effective methods to live their best, look their best, and feel their best!

But, alright, let’s move onto another Superhero Physique and then we’ll

begin comparing members from each category and take a look at some

ladies as well.

The Bulkier “Tank” Style Superhero Physique

For this one we’re actually going to take a look at two different styles

of a “bulkier” Superhero Physique. These two physiques did not even come

close to the votes our typical Superhero Physique got, but I know there are

still tons of Superhumans out there who want to know about them.



The physiques shown above are examples of two different styles of

bigger, bulkier physiques that use much different training styles and

diets to achieve their results.

So first and foremost, let’s breakdown the two different categories:

● Category One:

○ The first three images are Dwayne Johnson, Dave Bautista and

Henry Cavill during Man of Steel.

○ These three celebrities (specifically Cavill’s Man of Steel

physique) represent what we’d refer to as a much bigger and

bulkier physique than the typical Superhero Physique.

○ These men all follow/followed training regimes that required

lifting heavy weights and continuously eating enough to enable

muscle growth.

● Category Two:

○ The second set of three images show The Mountain, Brian Shaw

and Eddie Hall; three of the world’s greatest powerlifters.

○ These physiques required the men to eat and train at a



professional level that is advised by coaches and trainers.

○ While this even bigger physique was voted as a goal even less

often than our other bulky physique of Category One, there are

still members of The SHJ Army who strive to achieve this.

The reason these two categories are different is because of the

overall goals, which makes the training style, and even the eating and

nutrition much, much different.

The goal of Category One is to achieve a big and bulky physique while

still looking fairly lean and focusing on aesthetics as the main goal.

For this reason the training style they use is a much more typical style

weightlifting split while also focusing on a caloric surplus (we’ll learn about

this later) in order to tack on mass.

This is generally the most effective way to gain mass if the overall

goal it to achieve a bigger and bulkier physique.

For this I would recommend pairing our Academy with one of our core

bulking programs (within The Academy exclusives) and/or even upgrading

to our Bulk & Strength Superhero Program once within The Academy.

Category Two on the other hand has a much different goal than the

celebrities shown in Category One.



The main goal of Category Two is for those professional powerlifters

to enable themselves to lift the most weight they possibly can.

If your goal is now to go into powerlifting and lift the most weight

possible, then you can go ahead and cross this one off the list.

If your goal IS to become a powerlifter, then you can start off with

some of the programs on the site, some upgraded content within The

Academy, and potentially even our Superhero Programs to help you build

the initial mass and increase strength; but ultimately you will likely need to

find yourself a trainer or specific gym/site devoted to working with

powerlifters specifically.

We are more-so looking to achieve The Superhero Physique (and

sometimes some different variations of that depending on our members


Warning and Spoiler Alert [Double Whammy]: We will not be

comparing any of the powerlifter physiques during the final case studies of

this chapter, and I only utilized them to show a much different style of

training, eating, and overall goal.

After all, YOUR goal is YOUR goal. It’s just my job to tell you the most

efficient, effective and sustainable way to get there.

Okay, but on to the ladies before we get deeper into some of the

specific physique/celebrity comparisons to wrap us up.



The physiques shown above are the ones that were voted

to represent what we refer to as The Superhero Physique

[for women].

Like the men, these women should look familiar.

We’ve seen them throughout the course of the book so far in other

case studies, and we’re going to take a look at them again now.

We can keep it brief, as we’ve already said much of the same, but I do

want to point out exactly what we’re talking about as it pertains to this

specific chapter and case study sequence.

Why Are These Women Portraying The Female Version of The

Superhero Physique Significant?

As we’ve already talked about: these women engage in different

variations of training, generally circuit training, cardio and interval styles,

but varying and ranging all the way to simply (and strictly) utilizing group

classes like yoga, SPIN, pilates and more.



In the picture portraying our female Superhero Physique we have

women (from left to right): Jennifer Lopez, Gigi Hadid, Jennifer Aniston, Gal

Gadot, Scarlett Johansson, and Maggie Q again.

As you can see, and as you may know if you know these ladies, there

is a wide range of physiques within what we see as the female Superhero


This Superhero Physique ranges from slim and toned all the way to

slim and curvy.

Women like J-Lo and ScarJo are known for being a bit curvier,

whereas Gigi Hadid and Gal Gadot are much slimmer with less curves, and

then our other ladies falling somewhere in between.

What are some points we can take from this?

1. The female version of The Superhero Physique has a much different

range than men. Slim and toned is generally always part of our

Superhero Physique, but while slim, women also can be a bit more

petite, or even a bit more curvy, than average.

2. The range of The Superhero Physique for women can be

accomplished using techniques most effective and efficient for losing

fat in almost all scenarios. From there it would be YOUR choice if you

wanted to slim more, maintain or shoot for [more] curves.





Now it’s time to compare the two types of men’s physiques we took a

look at a bit more. This time I’ll be comparing one celebrity from each

physique and talking about their different training styles and how they

match their goals.

On the next few pages we’ll be taking a look at these celebrities side

by side and I’ll breakdown each into their own categories.

The goal here is to continue digging into the ultimate style of training,

specific to YOUR goals.

Whether or not you THINK it’s going to be sustainable until you actually

try it is a different story.

We can only gauge its effectiveness, efficiency, and how sustainable

it HAS been among members, on those members, our celebrities who we

have researched, my own training, and our coaches testing.

That being said, by the end of this chapter I’m pretty confident you’ll

have an idea of the kind of training style you’ll be looking to utilize to unlock

YOUR version of The Superhero Physique!

And, by the end of this breakdown you should notice a trend...









165-175 lbs.

Training Style:

Varied Circuit Training


Lean & Shredded Physique





240 lbs.

Training Style:

Heavy Weight Training


Bulky BIG Physique









185 lbs.

Training Style:

Varied Circuit Training


Lean & Shredded Physique





255-265 lbs.

Training Style:

Heavy Weight Training


Bulky BIG Physique









165 lbs.

Training Style:

Varied Circuit Training


Lean & Shredded Physique





190 lbs.

Training Style:

Heavy Weight Training


Bulky BIG Physique



Now, to answer the question you’re currently asking: Why does weight

training seem so effective for building muscle and getting the bigger,

bulkier physique?

I actually have a few answers:

● Patience! We’ll talk all about the meat and potatoes in Chapter Six,

and this is part of that.

● Lifting heavy weights is more effective for breaking down and tearing

muscle fibers, which is what needs to happen for your muscles to


● What may not be obvious to beginners, but likely is to intermediate ->

advanced lifters is the fact that it becomes easier to utilize

progressive overload by increasing the weights you lift overtime,

which is a huge factor in the growth of your muscles and overall

progression you make.

I get it, now you’re jumping the gun again and saying “So are you saying I

can’t gain muscle with calisthenics, bodyweight training and minimal

equipment training?”

I won’t tell you to have patience again, but I will give you a few

answers for now just to help with your anxiety:

● No. I am definitely NOT saying that.

● You can absolutely 100% tack on muscle with little to no equipment.



● Not only can you tack on muscle using strictly calisthenics,

bodyweight training and limited equipment (have you ever seen how

jacked gymnasts are!?), there’s also the potential to gain muscle

while losing weight. There are only three ways in which this can take

place: 1. You’re an absolute beginner and have had essentially no

experience with any kind of resistance training. 2. You’re obese. Not

just heavy while training and storing fat over muscle. Lots of fat to

lose. 3. Anabolic steroids.

○ With these 3 ways we can immediately cut number 3 (if you

need help with that you’ll need to find a different website and

trainer), and talk about numbers 1 and 2. The percentages of

people who prefer to use little to no equipment and train with

circuits, and even potentially from home, blows the amount of

people losing weight while training with weights out of the

water. The reason for this comes within the goal itself. Usually

the main goal is the fat loss which will come from caloric deficit

(we’ll learn more about this), which is heightened with cardio,

interval training, circuits and the things we love to pair with our

calisthenics and limited equipment or even home-based

training. Basically, what I’m saying is: the only 2 ways to possibly

gain muscle while losing weight are generally more effective



with the type of training that is done with limited to no

equipment, calisthenics training, circuits, intervals, and what we

see a lot of these celebrities bringing their training into.

● The way that we reach fatigue and tear muscle fibers is by extending

the time under tension that your muscles are contracted for. That

means lengthening holds and increasing reps. For beginners, people

who have a lot of weight to lose, and even potentially intermediate ->

advanced lifters who have no trained much with calisthenics, that

can actually be extremely easy to do.

○ For example: If you can’t do 30-50+ pushups in one set right

now, you’re not going to have a hard time reaching fatigue,

tearing muscle fibers, and in turn building muscle, with little to

no equipment.

Alright, so you got a small serving of meat and potatoes there, and I

think it was just enough to get you really excited for Chapter Six.

For now, though, we’ll quickly wrap up this monster chapter with a

recap of some of the things I talked about prior to diving into our surprise

Celebrity Case Studies, and then we’re going to be replicating a chapter like

this one, except this time for our nutrition.

So sit back and wait for the rest of your meat and potatoes!



Aside from my own breakdowns, and the research I shared from all

of our celebrities, there are a few other things I would like you to take from

this chapter (if you didn’t automatically):

1. There is a wide range of training methods you can choose from that

can allow you to reach what we deem as The Superhero Physique.

2. Just because a training method is sustainable for one person, does

not mean it has to be sustainable for you; and it also does not mean

that is the only way to achieve a goal.

3. If something is not for you, you do not have to force it. Within our

community we have a lot of members who prefer to not go to the

gym. There are many nerds among us (I am also a huge nerd in case

you forgot) who chose to unleash their inner Superhuman and unlock

The Hollywood Physique from their own homes by using other

methods. There are a million different variations and changes you

can make that will allow you to change up training so that it becomes

YOUR style.

4. There are certain styles of training that are much more effective and

efficient for specific goals.

5. Your training style choice should be based around sustainability, but

also goal-oriented. The case studies shown above give a decent

breakdown of the most effective style for each on of your goals.





Well hopefully you liked that last chapter because now we’re about

to dive into a very similar structure, except this time discussing nutrition.

To top off the celebrity breakdown I gave in the last chapter, I’ll also be

breaking down a ton of different diets into specific restrictions as well.

There will actually be a couple key differences between this chapter

and the last (aside from the fact that one is discussing nutrition where the

other is discussing training). So, we’ll start by discussing some formatting

changes to try to alleviate any confusion that could come from this

overload of information!



The Main Differences Between This Chapter and Last Chapter

(aside from the key difference of nutrition vs. training breakdowns):

1. This chapter will be in the reverse order.

○ Instead of giving you a breakdown of each style (or in this case,

diet) FIRST, I will start by giving you a breakdown of the most

popular celebrity diets and then we’ll move into more sectioned

off dietary breakdowns.

2. This chapter will involve more of a specific (though slight vague)

breakdown about each style (diet), rather than going into in-depth

celebrity case studies..

○ To build on the first difference I will also be breaking down each

diet in a bit more depth than we did for our workout “styles” in

the previous chapter. You will actually get a full breakdown of

each diet that describes what you CAN eat and what you

CANNOT eat if you were to follow that set of restrictions.

○ Of course, each one of the diets that we do breakdown further

has had individual books written about them, so this will be

technically more of a breakdown than our workout styles, but

still vague in the grand scheme of things.

■ If you want more depth into the overall breakdowns we

have our Nutrition Classes inside our Academy.



With these changes for our nutrition section it will make for a much

more smooth transition to when we eventually get into the nitty gritty in our

next section (the meat and potatoes, as I called it in the last chapter).

The next section will be our “Knowledge” section and I will go back

through our training and nutrition categories to begin giving you an in

depth look at the specific things that can be added to both your diet and

training to “upgrade” it to that of a SuperHuman.

That being said: please do not read some of these diets that I name

and categorize for these celebrities and become overwhelmed.

I will be telling you more about each of them after, and even breaking

down the main categories as I’ve mentioned.

But, without further ado, let’s get into our celebrity breakdowns..

The Most Popular Diets Among Celebrities

Strict High Protein Diet:

Dwayne Johnson, Kevin Hart, Charlie Cox, Chris Hemsworth, Henry Cavill

(During Bulking Phase), Paul Rudd, Tom Hardy, Ryan Reynolds, Jason Momoa,

Jake Gyllenhaal, Kit Harington, Brad Pitt, Jon Bernthal, Dave Bautista, Ray

Fisher, Bradley Cooper (for American Sniper), Will Smith, Robert Downey Jr.,

The Mountain, Tobey Maguire, Idris Elba, Daniel Radcliffe, Ryan Gosling,



JK Simmons, David Harbour, Taron Egerton, John Krasinski, Charlize Theron,

Taylor Lautner, Zachary Levi, Joel Kinnamon, Jared Padalecki, Arnold

Schwarzenegger, Michael Jai White, John Cena, Brenton Thwaites, James

McAvoy, Cody Christian, Emma Rossum, Rosa Salazar, J-Lo, Colin Farrell, Milla

Jovovich, Ludi Lin, Nick Jonas, Dacre Montgomery, Karl Urban, JD Pardo,

Farhan Akhtar, Iko Uwais, Max Thieriot, Roman Reigns, Ethan Suplee

“Basic” Healthy Diet

Gal Gadot, Jared Leto, Katie Cassidy, Megan Fox, Emily Bett Rickards, Ronda

Rousey, Jessica Biel, Amber Heard, Jason Statham, Katheryn Winnick,

Angelina Jolie, Halle Berry (Diabetic), Jennifer Aniston, Natalie Dormer,

Matthew McConaughey, Emma Watson, Robin Wright, Rosario Dawson,

Tessa Thompson, Alicia Vikander, Rihanna, Jackie Chan, Rachel McAdams,

Alexandra Daddario, Nina Dobrev, Lauren Cohen, Morena Baccarin, Jeremy

Renner, Jamie Dornan, Lucy Hale, Lionel Messi, Cristiano Ronaldo, Emily Blunt,

Zoe Kravitz, Candice Patton, Caitriona Balfe, Djimon Hounsou, Cobie

Smulders, Gina Rodriguez, David Beckham, Taraji P. Henson, Eiza Gonzalez,

Maria Tomei, Eva Green, Don Cheadle, Gwyneth Paltrow, Naomi Scott, Letitia

Wright, Lily Collins, Reese Witherspoon, Vanessa Morgan, Hilary Duff, Kate

Hudson, Gina Carano, Anna Kendrick, Selena Gomez, Trish Stratus



5+ Meals Per Day (Usually During Bulk)

Charlie Cox, Henry Cavill, Jason Momoa, Chris Hemsworth, Jake Gyllenhaal,

David Ramsey, Ray Fisher, Bradley Cooper (for American Sniper), The

Mountain, JK Simmons, Elizabeth Olsen, Alexander Ludwig, Jennifer Garner,

Tom Cruise, Lupita Nyongo, Reese Witherspoon

80/20 or Specifically Refers to Some Type of Indulging

Dwayne Johnson, Kevin Hart, Jessica Biel, Emma Watson, Idris Elba, Jaimie

Alexander, Daniel Radcliffe, Elodie Yung, Rihanna, Jackie Chan, Demi Lovato,

Julianne Hough, Lauren Cohen, Alexander Skarsgard, Lucy Hale, Gabrielle

Union, Pom Klementieff, Rachel Taylor, Brett Dalton, Chloe Bennet, Phoebe

Tonkin, Anna Diop, Alan Ritchson (Specifically Mentions 80/20), Minka Kelly,

Zoe Kravitz, Candice Patton, Jamie Foxx, Gemma Chan, Gina Rodriguez,

Taraji P. Henson, Rosa Salazar, Ed Skrein, Beyonce, Kaley Cuoco, Keri Russell,

Sasha Luss, Sarah Jessica Parker, Gina Carano, Gerard Butler, Constance

Wu, Iko Uwais, Selena Gomez, Kelly Ripa, Priyanka Chopra, Shawn Mendes,

Sasha Banks, Roman Reigns, Ethan Suplee, Pink (Singer)



Intermittent Fasting

Dwayne Johnson, Hugh Jackman, Benedict Cumberbatch, Tom Hopper,

Terry Crews, Dominic Purcell (Warrior Diet), Winston Duke

Keto Diet

LeBron James (Modified Keto), Zac Efron (for Baywatch), Josh Brolin, Luke

Evans, Sandra Bullock, Riz Ahmed, Chace Crawford, Eva Longoria, Bill

Skarsgard, Mark Consuelos

Low Carb

Henry Cavill (During Cutting Phase), JK Simmons, John Krasinski, Winston

Duke, Paul Bettany, Sarah Jessica Parker (Hamptons Variation)

Carb Cycling

Michael B. Jordan and Dwayne Johnson


Brandon Routh, Frank Grillo, Chris Pratt, Sophie Turner, Alexander Ludwig

(During Prep), Minka Kelly, Ed Skrein, Kellan Lutz, Conan Stevens




Zendaya and Kate Beckinsale


Mustafa Shakir, Madelaine Petsch, Chris Hemsworth (During Thor Ragnarok

training), Ruby Rose, Nathalie Emmanuel, Ariana Grande, Liam Hemsworth,

Mena Massoud, Beyonce, Maggie Q


Adam Levine, Anne Hathaway, Pom Klementieff, Orlando Bloom, Pink

Cut Dairy/Gluten/Processed Sugars

Blake Lively, Krysten Ritter, Elizabeth Olsen, Deborah Ann Woll, Emmy Rossum,

Hilary Duff (Restricted Not Cut), Jennifer Esposito

Cut Gluten

Blake Lively, Krysten Ritter, Elizabeth Olsen, Deborah Ann Woll, Emmy Rossum,

Hilary Duff (Restricted Not Cut), Jennifer Esposito



Cut Processed Foods

Emilia Clarke, Blake Lively, Jackie Chan (But Indulges), Alexandra Daddario,

Jeremy Renner, Rosa Salazar, Lily Collins, Trish Stratus

Cut Dairy

Rosario Dawson, Krysten Ritter, Elizabeth Olsen, Phoebe Tonkin (Restrict Not

Cut). Alan Ritchson, Naomi Scott

Cut Sugar

Emma Stone, Danai Gurira, Phoebe Tonkin (Restrict Not Cut), Alan Ritchson,

Eva Longoria

Specifically Mentions Organic

Cate Blanchett and J-Lo

Cuts Beer/Alcohol for Role (or Does Not Drink at all)

Idris Elba, Tom Ellis, Taron Egerton, Kate Beckinsale, Luke Evans, Gwendoline

Christie, Krysten Ritter, Jennifer Garner, Karl Urban, Eva Longoria,

Gerard Butler




Derek Theler, Halle Berry, and Nick Jonas

Alright, now HOPEFULLY a large majority of those “diets” had the details

necessary right in their name, but for the ones that did not, and the ones

that are made up of a large group, I do want to break down a bit further.

And, we’ll also be breaking down all the “main” diets as well.

There are a couple little things I do want to mention on top of what I

led with when I was preparing you for that breakdown:

1. Remember: these diets are made up of things that celebrities have

mentioned specific to roles, OR their daily nutrition. That means if

they’re showing up more than once they have likely used a specific

diet to prepare for a role, and stick to different guidelines on a daily

basis. Though, the same could be said even if their name only shows

up once (as we know, people go through phases and adapt).

2. These diet breakdowns are also made up of what these celebrities

have told us during interviews and through other source material.

There is more than likely a lot of information that can still be added.

This is what we know, and what they specifically make mention to, so

things like “I cut beer and started drinking whiskey instead” are

actually more profound than we’d usually imagine.



With all that in mind, there are clearly some frontrunners here.

Three categories that stand out the most are:

1. Strict High Protein Diet

2. “Basic’ Healthy Diet

3. 80/20 or Indulgences

So I’d like to tell you a little more about each of these being that they

aren’t actually a specific “diet” that we will breakdown more as we continue

(ironically enough).

Don’t worry, though, while they aren’t going to be broken down the

same way we’ll break down diets like Paleo, Keto and Vegan (among

others), what I will share here along with what you’ll learn in Chapter Seven

will have you building your own variation of these diets in no time.

As we move into the breakdown of these three I do want to mention

that our Strict High Protein Diet is generally more favored among men, while

our “Basic” Healthy Diet is popular among women. The 80/20 and

Indulgences category is one that is equally shared among both of the top

two diets that we see (and generally weaved into others as well, and not

normally a standalone).

With that, I will still give you some more information on our 80/20 and

Indulgence category, but do keep in mind that this one is something I see

shared across the board through all different diets.



Breaking Down The Top Three Diets

Among Celebrities

The Strict High Protein Diet

● The “strict” portion of this diet, which counters our female preferred

“Basic” Healthy Diet, generally refers having a strict set of calories that

the celebrity is eating. I have seen this utilized countless times within

other diets, and also across a wide range of goals (caloric deficit for

losing fat, caloric surplus for gaining mass, etc.).

● This Strict High Protein Diet generally has the celebrity consuming 1g

of protein (or more) per pound of body weight in order to maximize

muscle maintenance (usually during a cut) or muscle growth (usually

during a bulk).

● This Strict High Protein Diet, like many other diets, is generally more

effective when a STRICT plan (almost the same daily diet) is

maintained, but the celebrities who have been seen utilizing it are

also generally successful without a nutritionist and personal chef due

to the lack of restrictions we may see in other diets.



The Basic Healthy Diet

● As with the “strict” portion of our last diet, the “Basic” portion of this diet

implies that their generally is not a specific caloric count that these

celebrities are following. Instead (usually women) these celebrities

opt for the healthy choices and without saying “I don’t eat any bread

or sugar or X or Y or Z” tend to cut processed foods from their diets

and choose vegetables and healthier alternatives (even when


● Also much different than The Strict High Protein Diet, while there is no

overall calorie tracking (usually), there also is generally no protein

tracking, which would normally be there to support muscle

maintenance and muscle gains. This is another reason it’s likely we

see this diet primarily among women, whereas we see the other

primarily among men.

● If you break this point down a little more and think back to our

Superhero Physiques among men and women, it was the men who

were primarily trying to stay ripped while also have lean muscle mass

in their variation of The Superhero Physique, while women generally

opted for a slim, (sometimes curvy, sometimes more lean) physique,

where the lower body-fat generally led to the toned muscles more-so

than the overall muscle mass.



The 80/20 Rule or Indulgences

● As I mentioned, this is not a standalone diet. This is a choice

celebrities make within their diets, and one that is mentioned enough

times to warrant it being a necessary addition within these


● The 80/20 Rule, within dieting at least, is something that we’ve seen

celebrities like Dwayne Johnson utilize that allows them to indulge on

the foods they love while still maintaining their great shape. In the

case of Dwayne Johnson, if you follow his social media platforms

you’ve likely seen his Sunday Cheat Meals where he has tons and tons

of pizza or sushi or pancakes!

● That being said, whether it’s specifically a one meal per week, or one

day per week thing that is specifically built within a diet, or even just a

treat that is rewarded being that the celebrity makes good choices

the majority of the time; indulgences continuously appear within

celebrity diets, regardless of the sex!

● And yes, in case you missed that, this one is not specific to men or

women like we saw in the initial two diets above.

● This is one of my top suggestions for making a diet more sustainable,

but from experience I know it almost always has to be built into the

diet plan for it to be successful (at least at the beginning).



One thing is for certain when we take a look at the top diets used

among celebrities: they are generally built to lean more towards


The issue with this (sometimes) is that when start with too much

freedom after not dieting for a while it can lead the indulgences to be too

aggressive and lead to a binge week instead of a simple cheat meal!

That is one of the reasons we don’t discriminate against specific diets

and we break down more than half a dozen different nutritional guidelines

into Nutrition Classes within our Academy.

Like the workout routines and training styles: just because one

thing is right for one person, doesn’t mean it’s right for YOU.

I actually believe this is even more true with your diet.

Now, that’s not to say we don’t see success among certain dietary

restrictions much more than we see it among others, though.

And, by success, I mean transformations that not only take place in

the first place, but are also sustained among our members.

Let me make that more clear:

There ARE specific dietary restrictions that we deem much more

efficient, effective, and sustainable based on the success of

celebrities, ourselves, and our members.



For that reason we’ve done two things for our members:

1. We break down Nutrition Classes into different tiers for our Academy

members. This is based on success rate, restrictiveness, and what we

feel is the best for specific types of people.

2. We also have what has been proven to be our most successful

dietary guidelines in a very specific broken down format within our

SHJ Legacy Program. We utilize a combination of The Strict High

Protein Diet, Basic Healthy Diet, 80/20 Indulgences, and Intermittent

Fasting (at different levels) to help members unleash their inner

Superhuman and unlock The Hollywood Physique. This, of course, is

broken down into much more crystal clear guidelines, but has had

the most overwhelming success and sustainability rate among of our


Don’t worry, though, I’ll be sharing a lot more information about each

diet, and then a ton of information about the things you need to know about

calories, macronutrients and more; that need to be added to your diet.

So regardless of if you’re a member or not you can utilize this book to

get started with a base level of the variations we use inside The Academy.

If you want a better breakdown of our SHJ Legacy Program’s diet, well



that will unfortunately only really be available within the program itself due

to the fact that it’s very intricate and we try to make it specific and

coordinated for each and every individual.

Alright, but before we get too into details of our programs and the site

material, let’s begin breaking down some of the diets we see among these


These diets are sometimes referred to as “fad diets”, although the

ones we will be breaking down have more-or-less been around for a

decent amount of time OR at the very least have warranted a spot to shed

some light on the specific restrictions before we move into the next section.

Dietary Breakdowns

For this section I’m going to be segmenting each diet into their own

category. I’ll be giving a breakdown of four different diets that do not

include any of our top three we recently talked about, but will run off into

breakdowns of other diets that are similar.

For example: When I explain Keto I will also talk about Low Carb and

Carnivore. When I explain Vegetarian I will also talk about Vegan and some

other variations.

At the end we’ll pull things to be learned and compare and contrast a

bit before moving into some meat and potatoes in the next section.



The Keto Diet

Sub Diets/Categories to discuss:

Carnivore and Low Carb Diets

Main Restriction:

Restriction of Carbohydrates making the breakdown among

macronutrients look like this:

High Fat - Moderate Protein - Low Carbohydrates

Goal of The Keto Diet:

The goal of the keto diet is to eat high fat, moderate protein and very low

carbohydrates (generally restricted to under 20-25g of carbs a day,

sometimes lower) to allow your body to produce ketones and run on

ketones and burn more fat.

Different Variations:

A Low Carb Diet:

The Low-Carb Diet is similar to a Keto Diet but less restrictive in the sense

that it implies the person is tracking their carb intake but not necessarily as

concerned as to whether or not their body is going into ketosis and

therefore producing ketones.



The Carnivore Diet:

The Carnivore Diet is extremely similar to The Keto Diet, except even more

strict. Where The Keto Diet you may find some people shooting for little to

no calories, The Carnivore Diet inherently aims for zero carbs. They tend to

have their breakdown of High Fat and High Protein and absolutely no carbs.

Protein Sources You CAN Have On A Keto Diet

Be aware that even these sometimes have to be in moderation to stay in ketosis.

● Chicken, dark meat if possible● Turkey, dark meat if possible● Venison● Beef● Salmon● Sardines● Tuna● Shrimp● Pork● Lamb● Eggs● Natural cheeses● Unsweetened, whole milk plain Greek yogurt● Whole milk ricotta cheese● Whole milk cottage cheese



Fat Sources You CAN Have On A Keto Diet

Be aware that even these sometimes have to be in moderation to stay in ketosis.

● Olive oil● Avocado oil● Olives● Avocados● Flaxseeds● Chia seeds● Pumpkin seeds● Sesame seeds● Hemp hearts● Coconuts● Nuts● Natural, no-sugar-added nut butters

Carbohydrate Sources You CAN Have On A Keto Diet

Be aware that even these sometimes have to be in moderation to stay in ketosis.

● Tomatoes● Eggplant● Asparagus● Broccoli● Cauliflower● Spinach● Green Beans● Cucumber● Bell peppers● Kale● Zucchini● Celery● Brussels sprouts



The Paleo Diet

Sub Diets/Categories to discuss:

Keto and Low Carb Diets

Main Restriction:

The Paleo Diet is meant to resemble the diet of a hunter gatherer diet from

thousands of years ago.

Goal of The Paleo Diet:

The goal of The Paleo Diet is to eat like our ancestors in order to cut

processed food to aim for optimal health, including fat loss and muscle


Different Variations to Discuss:

A Low Carb Diet/Keto Diet:

A Paleo Diet is inherently low carb. Because of this it’s often compared to a

Keto diet or low-carb diet, even though when you’re following a Paleo Diet

you aren’t specific restricting a macronutrient and you’re instead restricting

types of foods.



Foods You CAN Have On A Paleo Diet

● Meat: Beef, lamb, chicken, turkey, pork and others.

● Fish and seafood: Salmon, trout, haddock, shrimp, shellfish, etc.

Choose wild-caught if you can.

● Eggs: Choose free-range, pastured or omega-3 enriched eggs.

● Vegetables: Broccoli, kale, peppers, onions, carrots, tomatoes, etc.

● Fruits: Apples, bananas, oranges, pears, avocados, strawberries,

blueberries and more.

● Tubers: Potatoes, sweet potatoes, yams, turnips, etc.

● Nuts and seeds: Almonds, macadamia nuts, walnuts, hazelnuts,

sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds and more.

● Healthy fats and oils: Extra virgin olive oil, coconut oil, avocado oil and


● Salt and spices: Sea salt, garlic, turmeric, rosemary, etc.



Foods You CAN NOT Have On A Paleo Diet

● Sugar and high-fructose corn syrup: Soft drinks, fruit juices, table

sugar, candy, pastries, ice cream and many others.

● Grains: Includes breads and pastas, wheat, spelt, rye, barley, etc.

● Legumes: Beans, lentils and many more.

● Dairy: Avoid most dairy, especially low-fat (some versions of paleo do

include full-fat dairy like butter and cheese).

● Some vegetable oils: Soybean oil, sunflower oil, cottonseed oil, corn oil,

grapeseed oil, safflower oil and others.

● Trans fats: Found in margarine and various processed foods. Usually

referred to as "hydrogenated" or "partially hydrogenated" oils.

● Artificial sweeteners: Aspartame, sucralose, cyclamates, saccharin,

acesulfame potassium. Use natural sweeteners instead.

● Highly processed foods: Everything labeled "diet" or "low-fat" or that

has many additives. Includes artificial meal replacements.



The Vegan Diet

Sub Diets/Categories to discuss:

Vegetarian, Lacto-Vegetarian, Ovo-Vegetarian,

Lacto-Ovo Vegetarian, Pescatarian, Vegan(ish)

Main Restriction:

The Vegan Diet excludes meat, poultry, fish, eggs, dairy products, and any

foods that contain any of these.

Goal of The Vegan Diet:

People utilize The Vegan (or Vegetarian Variations) Diet(s) for many

different reasons. It could be for weight-loss, to live healthier, or for reasons

regarding animal cruelty.

Different Variations to Discuss:

Vegetarian Diet:

The “regular” vegetarian diet excludes meat, poultry and fish, but there are

other variations of this diet as well.


This variation excludes meat, fish, poultry and eggs. Dairy products such as

milk, cheese, yogurt and butter can all be included in the diet.



Ovo-Vegetarian Diet:

This variation of the diet excludes meat, poultry, seafood and dairy

products, but allows eggs.

Lacto-ovo Vegetarian:

This variation of the diet excludes meat, fish, and poultry, but allows dairy

products and eggs.


This variation of the diet includes meat, poultry, dairy and eggs, but allows



These diets are all primarily plant based diets but include small amounts of

meat, dairy, eggs, poultry and fish on occasion or in very small amounts.

Foods You CAN NOT Have On A Vegan Diet

● Meat

● Poultry

● Fish

● Eggs

● Dairy Products



Intermittent Fasting

Please note that there are MANY different variations of intermittent fasting and MANY

different diets that fall under the category of utilizing intermittent fasting within them (for

example: Bulletproof, Warrior, and others). For the sake of this breakdown and your own

reference I will be giving you a very base level description.

Sub Diets/Categories to discuss:

Different Durations of Intermittent Fasting

Main Restriction:

No food (or calories of any kind) during a specific time window.

Goal of Intermittent Fasting:

Improved fat loss during both a cut and/or bulk, improved control of your

hunger (and lack thereof), control of cravings, improved satiation during

feeding window, and much more.

Examples of Intermittent Fasting:

Short Term Intermittent Fasting:

Short term intermittent fasting is generally daily. This has people fasting

14-18 hours on a daily basis (including sleep) and then eating between a

6-10 hour window.



Mid-Length Intermittent Fasting:

A more mid-length fast is generally one between 20-24 hours. These come

in multiple formats. This can be a daily fast that has someone eating only

one meal per day, or even a full 24 hour fast that has someone skipping all

meals for a single day of the week.

Long-Term Fasting:

Some people, including myself, would actually also consider a 24 hour fast

1-2 days a week to be in this category, but other people actually sometimes

fast much longer. There are some people who will fast upwards of 48-72


The Intermittent Fasting We Utilize

Our SHJ Legacy Program utilizes intermittent fasting to help you control your

cravings, burn fat at a faster rate, and...reach your Superhero Physique.

That being said: we never fast more than 14-18 hours.

We slowly build up to longer 16-18 hour fasts as we begin making fasting a

habit, and nearly every single time we have done this with members we’ve

had outstanding success.



We do have some members who opt to stay around 14-16 either for longer

periods of time before working themselves up to longer fasts; and also

members who choose to stay at 14-16 indefinitely.

The choice of how you utilize this tool is ultimately yours, but we never push

for longer periods of fasting.

The ironic part of it is: most people think intermittent fasting is the restriction

that is going to make the diet LESS sustainable when they first begin utilizing

our Legacy Program nutrition. In actuality it is the tool that is making the

diet MORE sustainable, efficient and effective.

I have been utilizing intermittent fasting for years. I fast 16-18 hours every

single day (generally 18), and only break that for special occasions (like a

birthday, holiday, trip to Disney, etc). That is one of the great things about

intermittent fasting; if you skip a couple days you are not losing any

progress. The fasting is a tool to help the overall diet, not the actual

restriction of calories or macronutrients.

We have had members worried about putting stress on the body, which

can happen with intermittent fasting, but that is only when the fast reaches

long durations of 24+ hour lengths; and generally it’s with fasts even longer

than that!



Other Popular Diets to Know

The Mediterranean Diet

Sub Diets/Categories to discuss:

Flexitarian and The Nordic Diet

Main Restriction:

Eat primarily plant-based foods, such as fruits and vegetables, whole

grains, legumes and nuts.

Goal of The Mediterranean Diet:

Eat a healthier, more nutritious diet, and in term hopefully lose weight if that

is the goal (case by case).

Different Variations to Discuss:


A flexitarian, as I also made mention to within The Vegan Diet breakdown, is

someone who eats primarily a plant-based diet, but is flexible and

sometimes adds in other food groups. For that reason, The Mediterranean

Diet is often compared to a flexitarian and vise-versa.



The Nordic Diet

The Nordic Diet is not primarily plant-based, but it is similar in the sense

that it lacking in its restrictions enough to make it very lenient and easy to

cheat on. This is another diet based on a section of the world, and one that

may be brought up when referencing The Mediterranean Diet.

Foods You CAN Have On A Mediterranean Diet

● Vegetables: Tomatoes, broccoli, kale, spinach, onions, cauliflower,

carrots, Brussels sprouts, cucumbers, etc.

● Fruits: Apples, bananas, oranges, pears, strawberries, grapes, dates,

figs, melons, peaches, etc.

● Nuts and Seeds: Almonds, walnuts, Macadamia nuts, hazelnuts,

cashews, sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds and more.

● Legumes: Beans, peas, lentils, pulses, peanuts, chickpeas, etc.

● Tubers: Potatoes, sweet potatoes, turnips, yams, etc.

● Whole Grains: Whole oats, brown rice, rye, barley, corn, buckwheat,

whole wheat, whole grain bread and pasta.

● Fish and Seafood: Salmon, sardines, trout, tuna, mackerel, shrimp,

oysters, clams, crab, mussels, etc.

● Poultry: Chicken, duck, turkey and more.

● Eggs: Chicken, quail and duck eggs.

● Dairy: Cheese, yogurt, Greek yogurt, etc.

● Herbs and Spices: Garlic, basil, mint, rosemary, sage, nutmeg,

cinnamon, pepper, etc.

● Healthy Fats: Extra virgin olive oil, olives, avocados and avocado oil.



I do want to make something abundantly clear before we move on in

this chapter. This is something we’ll talk about A LOT more in Chapter Seven,

but for now, as you’re deciding whether or not you may want to attempt

any of these restrictions, I do want you to know:

All of the diets we just went over follow the

same rules as any other diet.

Calories and overall intake still matters.

If you eat too many calories, you will gain weight.

If you eat too little calories, you will lose weight.

The diet (whichever that may be) does not inherently know YOUR

specific goal. These diets can be used to gain muscle OR lose fat,

so do not think going in that it will magically be able to know

what you are looking to use it for.

That is why Chapter Seven matters so much, even after you choose

one of the dietary restriction sets (or multiple...or none) that we talked about

within this chapter.



Aside from my own breakdowns, and the research I shared from all

of our celebrities, there are a few other things I would like you to take from

this chapter (if you didn’t automatically):

1. The most popular diets utilized among celebrities are not fad diets,

although some do use them within the most popular.

2. The most popular diets among celebrities are Strict High Protein Diets

for men and Basic Healthy Diets for women. These are often paired

with an 80/20 Principle, or Indulgences within the diet.

3. Fad diets, or diets with specific restrictions are often great for getting

started. From there you can usually tell what is sticking and what is

not and re-evaluate what is helping you progress and sustain your

changes, and what is not.

○ For example: I guinea pig test ALL the diets we have seen inside

The Academy, and that includes more than half a dozen, a

handful being “fad diets”. What has always stuck for me was

intermittent fasting, overall caloric intake, and concentration on

protein intake as the main macronutrient tracked. Not only has

it allowed me to build in indulgences and cheat meals, but it

also is the most effective diet I’ve utilized; both for sustainability,

efficiency and overall fat loss and muscle gain.

4. YOUR perfect diet is ultimately YOUR choice.







We have officially made it to the meat and potatoes.

After last chapter you may decide to not eat meat and potatoes (I

personally eat a lot of meat, but never really have potatoes, if you were

curious), but in this case we’re talking about the KNOWLEDGE section.

The next two chapters are going to be devoted to more depth. More

specifics. More “Ooos” and “Aaahhhhhs”!

These chapters will break down training and nutrition to build layers

on top of what we’ve talked about in the last section.



After the last section I don’t expect you to be able to pick up a specific

workout routine or diet and just hit the ground running perfectly. Those

chapters were more about giving you an overview, while also showing you

what our celebrity research has told us about each section.

By the end of this section you should be able to take what you learned

from Chapter Four and Chapter Five and combine it with these two

chapters to come away with some Pillars of your own personal Success


Remember: your specific Pillars of Success may be VERY different than

someone else's.

I don’t expect you to be able to build your PERFECT Pillars of Success

(YOUR Success Plan) with the snap of your fingers without having our

Academy or SHJ Legacy Program to break it down for you step by step; and

it may even take some trial and error; but ultimately we’re on our way to

creating it.

After this section we will also begin tying it all together, so the building

of your plan will likely feel much less daunting than it may feel right now.


You’re almost ready!

Before we dive into the main course of this chapter, though,I do want

to preface it with some information.



Things To Know About What You Will Be Learning

Throughout The Course Of This Chapter

● Some of the information we cover you may already be utilizing. We

will be covering everything from basic to advanced techniques you

should know for your training.

● This will serve as not only a learning chapter, but also a Glossary for

you to utilize for specific workout terminology.

○ Chances are you may be utilizing some of this information

without even know what it’s actually called.

● This information can be utilized for all different styles of training.

Some things will be very obvious as to what style they will likely belong

to, while others can be easily added to all different types of training.

● You may read about different styles of training negatively affecting

others. For example, there are people who will tell you that running or

intense cardio can affect muscle gains. While the running may

generally work against mass gain, it is not actually the running or

intensity level itself that does it, but rather the fact that each are

inherently burning a lot of calories which may negatively affect the

fact that you need MORE calories in order to gain mass.



● We will cover more about the above topic in other ways, but the same

can be said about many different scenarios.

● Please be aware that nutrition is the most important factor when it

comes to which direction you would like your goals to go.

○ For example: There are specific training styles that work much

better for specific goals, as we’ve already discussed, but, as

we've also discussed: if you’re overeating you will still not lose

weight, regardless of how much you’re training. The same goes

for gaining muscle: if you’re under-eating (or burning calories

by adding in a ton of extra cardio that works against the

calories you may need in order to GAIN weight), you will end up

losing weight and in turn are working against yourself and your


○ These may seem like complicated topics, but we will break

them down more in these chapters.

● While these training styles are great to know, that does not mean

they’re absolutely necessary. You can still lose weight, gain muscle,

and unleash your inner Superhuman while doing cutting a great deal

of this from your training and keeping it fairly simple.

○ The important part is that you will now have the knowledge of

these techniques.



The Glossary Of Techniques and

Training Tactics for

All Different Styles of Training

Progressive Overload

I don’t mean to be dramatic and start off with a bang (yes, I totally do), but

progressive overload may just be the most important aspect of our entire


Progressive Overload is one thing that I will immediately start by pointing

out that can and should be utilized within EVERY form of training.

Progressive Overload Wiki Definition:

Progressive Overload is a method of strength training that advocates for

the gradual increase of the stress placed upon the musculoskeletal and

nervous system.The principle of progressive overload suggests that the

continual increase in the total workload during training sessions will

stimulate muscle growth and strength gain. This improvement in overall

performance will, in turn, allow the athlete to keep increasing the intensity of

his/hers training sessions.



Examples of Progressive Overload

That definition may be more confusing than it needs to be, but I do feel that

for some of these tactics and explanations we do need a more specific

definition to go off of, followed by examples.

Example One:

Week One you do bicep curls with 20 lb. dumbbells for 10 reps.

Week Two you increase that weight to 25 lb. dumbbells for 10 reps.

Example Two:

Week One you do 25 push ups.

Week Two you do 30 push ups.

**Both of these examples can be broken down into a different way as well.**

Example One Variation Two:

Week One you do bicep curls with 20 lb. dumbbells for 8 reps

Week Two you increase that weight to 20 lb. dumbbells for 15 reps.

Example Two Variation Two:

Week One you do 25 knee push ups..

Week Two you do 10 regular push ups.



As you can see with both of these examples, progression can be had in

multiple different formats. The goal would then be to reach some kind of

fatigue in order to progress even more over time. This can be done in other

formats as well.

And, while these MAINLY refers to resistance training (or rather “strength

training”, actually), it is smart to take these principles and apply them to

all different styles of training to make proper progression over time as


Let’s take a look at some more examples of both different variations and

also examples that don’t necessarily involve weight training.

We’ll call the main goal, in this case, progress over time.

● Example One: Swimming, Running, Rowing, etc.

○ Variation One: Increased distance over time.

○ Variation Two: Increased intensity to complete more distance in

a short duration of time.

● Example Two: Circuit Training with or without weights

○ Variation One: Increase weight over time within circuit.

○ Variation Two: Complete circuit faster over time.

○ Variation Three: Combine Variation One and Two.



● Example Three: Scaling Up with Different Calisthenics Movements

○ Variation One: Move from X amount of Knee or Pause Push Ups

to Y amount of Regular Push Ups.

○ Variation Two: Move from X amount of Assisted Pull Ups or Ring

Rows to Y amount of Regular Pull Ups.

○ Variation Three: Move from X amount of Air Squats to Y amount

of Pistol Squats.

● Example Four: Progressing with Holds like Planks and L-Sits

○ Variation One: Increase the duration of the hold.

○ Variation Two: Increase the difficulty of the hold.

And the list goes on and one and one and one!

Whether it’s adding intensity, difficulty, duration, or some other

variation: at the end of the story it all comes back around to making

progress over time.

This is extremely important for all things that we are going to be

working on, but especially true if we want to maximize the amount of

muscle we’re able to build; especially while also maximizing our fat loss and

keeping our body-fat percentages down while doing it!



Final Note on Progressive Overload

Remember when we talked about weight training being extremely

effective for gaining mass and going for the big and bulky physique?

That’s in part due to progressive overload. Progressive Overload is

generally easier to accomplish by increasing the load (weight) over time

and continuously hitting fatigue and in turn tearing the muscle fibers to

then repair and grow!

For example, if we take two of the examples and analyze which seems

easier, you may begin to see what I mean:

● Example One: Weight Training

○ In order to hit fatigue I benched 1-3 reps of 225 lbs. one week

and then over time I increased that weight to 255 lbs. doing 1-3

reps and utilizing different formats of training to hit fatigue.

■ Obviously, within this example I would also be generally

also be increasing the weight over time within other rep

ranges, or at the very least within other sets depending

on my other training styles.

○ Method Used: Increasing weight over time while staying at a

low rep range.



● Example Two: Calisthenics

○ In order to hit fatigue with my push ups I need to either add

weight via a weighted vest or increase the reps over time. Right

now I can easily do more than 50 push-ups in one go without

breaking. That means I will need to increase that rep range to

what could potentially be 75-100 push ups at a time, or scale it

up via weight added or some type of format change (maybe

adding holds or changing the push ups to explosive clap push

ups, in and out push ups, or some other variation).

○ Method Used: Increased reps over time and/or addition of

weight or changed variation.

If we then take a look at these methods we can probably agree that it

seems easier to simply increase the weight 5-10 lbs. over time as we

continue training with the same basic format, as I broke down in example

one. That being said, example two is still extremely effective, and this is

exactly how you see gymnasts who are extremely jacked!

This is also the reason you can see celebrities like Ryan Reynolds,

Jennifer Aniston, KJ Apa, Zac Efron, Gigi Hadid, and what we deem as our

Superhero Physique lean more towards the mixture of weight training in

conjunction with circuit training and calisthenics.



The combination of these adds in an intensity factor that is not only

more effective for burning fat WHILE toning muscle, but also more

effective for your overall health and cardiovascular system.

As you can tell: we’re all about these methods being a combination of

sustainable, effective AND efficient.

But, I think it’s time to move out of our topic of progressive overload

and back into the beginnings of our glossary section.

Straight Sets

Straight Sets is a very basic variation of training. This can be applied to both

weight training and calisthenics training. This means your sets are following

the same rep scheme (and generally with weight training it also means

they’re being done at the same weight as well).

Weight training example: 3 Sets of Bicep Curls

Set One: 10 Reps @ 20 lbs.

Set Two: 10 Reps @ 20 lbs.

Set Three: 10 reps @ 20 lbs.

Calisthenics training example: 3 Sets of Push Ups

Set One: 25 reps

Set Two: 25 reps

Set Three: 25 reps



Pyramid Training

Pyramid Training is the next form of training that you have most likely seen,

and potentially even used (maybe even without knowing it was called

pyramid training). This form of training has you decreasing your rep count

per set while increasing your load (weight) per set to form what is

essentially a pyramid.

Pyramid Training Example One

3 Sets of Bicep Curls

Set One: 12 reps @ 20 lbs.

Set Two: 10 reps @ 25 lbs.

Set Three: 8 reps @ 30 lbs.

And, just to be overly clear on how simple this is, I’ll give a second example

of this with a different exercise.

Pyramid Training Example Two

5 Sets of Bench Press

Set One: 12 reps @ 135lbs.

Set Two: 10 reps @ 185 lbs.

Set Three: 8 reps @ 225 lbs.

Set Four: 5 reps @ 285 lbs.

Set Five: 1-3 reps @ 315 lbs.



Reverse Pyramid Training

Reverse Pyramid Training is another format of Pyramid Training, except it reverse! Instead of progressing up in weight and down in reps,

you’ll do it backwards.

This method does, however, involve me wanting to also teach you how to

warm up for it. With regular Pyramid Training warming up is quite easy. You

can just add another set or two on top of the basic Pyramid you’re already

utilizing. With Reverse Pyramid training your warm ups are going to go

against the norm.

Reverse Pyramid Training Example with Warm Up

Typical RPT Lifting for 225 lb. Bench Press

Warm Up Sets:

135x5 (60% of 225)

170x3 (75% of 225)

200x1 (90% of 225)

Working Sets:

225x5 (Your heavy “max effort” set)





Warm Up vs Working Sets

For this one we’re actually going to cover two birds with one stone because I

will be telling you the difference between warm up sets and working sets. It

should go without saying what a “warm up” is, so for the safe of this

definition within the glossary we are now making, we will be talking about

warm up sets in general.

To put it simply: Working Sets are the opposite of Warm Up Sets.

Warm Up sets are the sets that are leading you into your Working Sets.

Working Sets are the sets that typically come after your Warm Up Sets.

You saw an example of warm ups and working sets within the RPT section,

so here is an example of both within traditional pyramid training:

Warm Ups and Working Sets with Traditional Pyramid Training

Example Programming Calls for 3x12,10,8

Warm Up: 10 reps @ 135 lbs.

Warm Up: 10 reps @ 155 lbs.

Working Set: 12 reps @ 185 lbs.

Working Set: 10 reps @ 225 lbs.

Working Set: 8 reps @ 255 lbs.

And, of course, there’s tons of different variations of how this could go.



Supersets, Tri-sets, Giant Sets and More

Supersets, Tri-sets, and Giant Sets are all essentially the same, except used

to describe more or less movements within the Superset. Sometimes

people just simply use “Superset” and don’t even use the other terms.

Superset: A superset is made up of multiple exercises (generally two, but

sometimes used to describe more) that are followed one after another

without rest time until completion of ONE set of each.

Example: If I have a Superset that is made up of 10 reps of Dumbbell Bench

Press and 10 reps of Dumbbell Hex Press I would do 10 reps of one and then

10 rest of the other for a total of 20 reps prior to resting.

Multiple Sets Explanation: If I have multiple sets programmed, I do not rest

between exercises, but instead I rest between sets. For example, if I have 3

SUPERSETS of the above example I would do my 20 reps (10 of each exercise

without resting) and then proceed to rest prior to the next set, and rinse and

repeat for a total of 3 sets.

Tri-Set: Exact same format as a Superset except used to describe a

superset made up of three exercises.

Giant Set: Exact same format as a Superset except used to describe a

superset made up of four or more exercises.



Circuits, AMRAP, EMOM, Tabata and Chipper

Each one of the above terms is a different type of circuit. Some of the terms

have gained popularity due to the rise of CrossFit, but they are used

extremely often outside of CF as well and are terms you’ll want to know in

during your quest to The Superhero Physique.


A circuit is the most common term from the above list, and, as I said: all the

terms above are actually forms of circuits. A circuit is a series of exercises

that are completed one after another with no break (unless specifically

programmed, or used for scaling purposes).

Example of a Typical Circuit:

Complete 3 Rounds:

10 Push Ups

10 Jump Ropes

10 Burpees

In this circuit you would do ten push ups followed by ten jump ropes

followed by ten burpees, and then repeat that three times through without

taking a single break.



Circuits, AMRAP, EMOM, Tabata & Chipper [Continued]


AMRAP stands for “As Many Rounds As Possible”. This means you’ll be given a

duration and then it is your job to complete as many rounds as you possibly

can of the programmed workout within that duration.

Example: If you’re programmed a 20 Minute AMRAP that consists of 20

Burpees, 15 Pull Ups and 10 Air Squats within the given round you would

complete as many rounds (one round being the completion of ALL 20, 15

and 10 reps among the 3 exercises) as you possibly can within 20 minutes.


EMOM stand for “Every Minute On The Minute”. This means you’ll be given

exercises to complete within a minute, over and over again, with the

remainder of each minute (after completing the programmed exercise) to

be utilized as a break.

Example: If I program you a 10 Minute EMOM that consists of 10 Double

Unders that means you’ll do 10 Double Unders every single minute for 10

minutes. Assuming in the first minute you finish your 10 Double Unders in 22

seconds, you rest the remainder of the minutes 38 seconds and then

continue this process for the other 9 minutes that remain.



Circuits, AMRAP, EMOM, Tabata & Chipper [Continued]


Tabata is a style of workout that has you do typically one exercise, but

sometimes (actually quite often) more, for 20 seconds, followed by 10

second breaks. You then repeat this up to the full programmed duration.

(Keep in mind Tabata’s can be written in different formatting; Ex: 40 seconds

work, 20 seconds break, etc).

Example: If I am programmed a 5 Minute Tabata of Flutter Kicks and Push

Ups I would do 20 seconds of Flutter Kicks, then rest 10 seconds, then swap to

Push Ups for 20 seconds then rest 10, and rinse and repeat until I finished 5

full minutes in total.


A Chipper is a type of workout you will need to chip away at. It is only one

round, but the movements are programmed in a way that is much more

than a typical round so you will have to complete all your reps in a slower

fashion than usual.

Example: If I’m programmed a Chipper that is 100 Push Ups, 90 Deadlifts, 80

Burpees, and so on (down to 10), I would likely have to “chip away” or break

between mini-sets all the way through my one round Chipper workout.



Resting Between Sets and Rounds

Now that we talked about the different between sets and circuits, it’s time

to talk about rest time. The term SET generally refers to movements that

you’ll be resting after (other than a superset, triset or giant set that you’ll rest

after all movements are completed), and the term ROUND is generally used

when describing circuits with no rest (unless otherwise instructed).

That being said, a lot of people ask the question:

“How long should I be resting between sets?!”

The simple answer is: it varies and depends on YOU and YOUR specific

workout and personal needs.

Examples of different rest times for different training styles:

Typical rest time between regular sets of Pyramid Training and/or Straight

Sets are between 60-120 seconds.

Rest time between big compound lifts and movements that you’re shooting

for 1-5RM or max effort on can require up to 5 minutes of rest (and

sometimes even more).

It’s important to gauge the rest time around your body and how long YOU

need. Don’t let your workout suffer because you’re trying to move too quick.

If a workout was meant to be done quickly the rest time would be

specifically added or it would have been made into supersets or circuits.



High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT)

High Intensity Interval Training is a type of circuit style training that has you

going in and out of high intensity intervals. This can be done in many

different formats (one example being a Tabata style circuit that has you

doing a movement followed by a period of rest). Typically these HIIT

Workouts will bring your heart rate up and then follow that with some type

of rest period, only to rinse and repeat for a specific amount of time.

Examples of HIIT Workouts:

One of my favorite HIIT Workout Formats is for HIIT Cardio that can be done

in all different variations and methods. I like to program 20-30 minutes of

HIIT Cardio in a 1 minute ON, 1 minute OFF fashion, but sometimes do 30

seconds ON and 90 seconds OFF as well. For example:

Complete 20-30 Minutes:

1 Minute ON: Sprint, Bike at 100+ RPM with High Difficulty, or Row at 100+ RPMs

1 Minute OFF: Walk, Bike at 50+ RPMs with Little Difficulty or Row at 50+ RPMs

And then this, of course, can also be broken into our 30 seconds on and 90

seconds off by easily swapping the intensity levels a bit.

As I mentioned above, another example of HIIT is a Tabata workout, but

you’ll also find tons of different variations are out there for the making.



And there you have it.

That is our “main” glassary for training, although I will give you some

other smaller terms that are often useful to know as well.

If you’re thinking “That actually wasn’t that much…”, that’s good. It

shouldn't be overly complicated. We like to keep it as simple as possible.

When you complicate things it generally just makes it harder to achieve

goals that didn’t need to be difficult to begin with.

If you’re thinking “Holy crap that was a lot!”, that’s okay too. You likely

won’t have to utilize all of it within your training; but it is good to have a

glassary to come back to and learn from if you ever feel like you need to.

That being said, here are some other terms that might come up

throughout the course of your training endeavours:

● 1RM: 1RM is short for “One Rep Max”. This is the maximum weight you

can lift for one rep for any specific exercise (generally used for big

compound lifts like Bench Press, Squat and Deadlift).

● 5RM: 5RM is simply short for “Five Rep Max” which means the same as

1RM except for five reps instead of a single.

● Compound Lifts: Compound lifts are any exercise that uses more

than one muscle group at the same time. These generally refer to

Squats, Bench Press, Deadlift, Overhead Press and Pull Ups, but there

are many others as well.



● PB/PR (Personal Best or Personal Record): Both of these terms mean

essentially the same thing. They each mean that you have

completed or accomplished your best score, highest weight, or

personal best for a given circuit, lift, or other form of training. Personal

Record or PR is generally used for a new 1-5RM.

● RX: RX is generally used in conjunction with a CrossFit style workout,

but it can also be seen used for other workouts now as well. It simply

means that the workout was completed as written, or without the use

of any scaling. (Example: If the workout calls for 25 Pull Ups and 15

Deadlifts at 225 lbs, but you do Assisted Pull Ups and Deadlifts at 135

lbs. then you used scaling and did not RX that workout).

● Scaling: As I described above, scaling is simply when you “scale” an

exercise, circuit, or an entire workout to make it either easier or harder.

Usually it is used to scale down workouts to be made easier, but you

can also scale up to more weight or difficulty as well. Scaling is

extremely important for being able to complete workouts and utilize

the best training methods that allow you to continuously use

progressive overload.

● WOD: WOD is another term that is generally associated with CrossFit

style workouts, but I see more trainers using it, so it may be good to

know. It means: “Workout Of The Day”.



It doesn’t stop there, but that’s the end of the road for us.

Well at least in terms of our glossary.

Now it’s time to tell you a little about WHEN to utilize some of the terms

we just talked about, and then we’ll wrap it up by talking about how we lose

fat and gain muscle...which we’ll be THE perfect segway into our next


I promise.

Let’s start by talking about when to utilize these terms (and not all of

them all at once, obviously).

Our programs within The Academy, The SHJ Legacy Program and our

Superhero Programs all break down each one of these terms so you know

specifically how and when to utilize them.

They even enforce progressive overload through the use of scaling up

and down.

Now, with 500+ workout routines on the site you can see how we don’t

specifically give all of this information within every single article.

Not to mention the fact that celebrities generally don’t go as in depth

as would be necessary to include these things.

So, as a way to keep it simple for you I’ll break down how you should

go about utilizing these things both within our free workouts AND our paid




Workouts from The SHJ Workout Database:

● If a workout from our Workout Database is programmed in a format

that shows “3x12, 10, 8” or some format that resembles Traditional

Pyramid Training then you should automatically increase the weight

as the reps drop.

● If a workout from our Workout Database is programmed in a format

that shows “3x10” or some format similar, you should assume they are

programmed as Straight Sets, but can change them to PT if you


● If workouts do not call for a specific rest time that is because the rest

time is generally not important to the programming and end result.

● If a workout from our Workout Database is programmed in a format

that shows “5x5” for certain Compound Lifts you should Warm Up first

and then do 5 sets of 5 reps at 80-90% your maximum load.

● If workouts from our Workout Database call for circuits, supersets, or

any variation of longer supersets (tri-sets and giant sets) you now

know how to work around those styles.

● All workouts can be upgraded to include any of these formatting

options AND enforced progressive overload (we tell you exactly

what weight to lift for each movement and each week) utilizing The

Upgrade Tool within The Academy.



Workouts from SHJ Paid Programming:

● All workouts within The Academy: unlimited access to PDF site

workouts, Exclusive Workout Path Workouts, Exclusive Celeb Packets,

and even Academy Core Workouts are either automatically

programmed to include all of these styles and formats for a specific

goal, or can be upgraded by using our Upgrade Your Workout Tool

that is available to all Academy members.

● All of the programming within The SHJ Legacy Program is broken

down so that you can scale both UP and DOWN, with scaling provided,

terminology listed, and all forms of training completely explained on a

day by day basis. The SHJ Legacy Program is built for efficiency,

sustainability and effectiveness so you get full breakdowns to make

your life as simple and easy as possible; especially due to the “Do this

and you’ll achieve this” nature and goal of the program (where “Do

this” means your very specific programming and nutrition and

“Achieve this” means The Superhero Physique)!

● All of the programming within our Superhero Programs come with all

of the formats built for a specific goal and completely broken down

for you to achieve that goal of that specific program. You’ll receive

enforced progressive overload, scaling, and all terminology and

formatting explained in full detail for the entirety of your program.



Now as I said: this glossary and the terminology we’re talking about

and working with is also great to just know in general.

That does not mean it’s absolutely essential to achieving your goals.

For example: Our SHJ Legacy Program is what I believe is the best

example of a program that will allow people to unleash their inner

Superhuman, unlock The Superhero (or Hollywood) Physique, and live their

best life in the most efficient and sustainable way.

BUT, we don’t utilize half of the terms within our glossary and simply

focus in on making it as efficient as possible by only making it as complex

as it actually needs to be to achieve the goal of the program.

And that’s just one example of a program that doesn’t necessarily

need to involve all the different formats that some people think are

absolutely essential to achieving six pack abs and toned muscles.

Typical weight training can also get you there. If training with

weightlifting and in a more basic format is right for you, then it is

ABSOLUTELY a great option and you can adapt your goals by building our

your Success Plan inside The Academy.

But, if we sat here and made a list of things other people think as

essential to success we could write a whole separate book.

And guess what!?....Half of it would be hogwash and unnecessary crap

that only makes the process harder than it needs to be...



The point is: we don’t need to over complicate things to be

successful. I promise you that fitness gurus and personal trainers out there

want you to think it is harder than it is. That’s the only way they can sell you

the next best thing.

We make every single one of our programs include lifetime access

because we know people’s lives change and there needs to be room for

adaptation. That’s what enables us to have so many programs. Not

because we’re onto the next best. It took us years to confirm what we have

now created as our SHJ Legacy Program. Years of research and testing to

compile the best training and nutrition package to help you unlock your

Superhero Physique and Superhero Life.

And it’s still all information that has always been readily available.

Just packed up in the perfect way for you to do, unleash and sustain.

But, before I go off on anymore tangents about how easy this can

actually be, I’ll hold off and move onto the next section and save the rest of

my speech for Chapter Eleven.

Instead, let’s move on to two things that I’m sure you are going to find

are very, very (very X a million) important:

1. How do we build muscle?

2. How do we lose fat?



One thing needs to be made extremely clear before we get into the

topic of fat loss and muscle gain:

Whether or not you lose weight (we’ll talk about how we

ensure that’s fat loss and not “weight loss” which can be both fat

and/or muscle loss) or gain weight (we’ll also talk about ensuring

that that’s muscle gains and not “weight” which can be muscle

and/or fat) is completely contingent on your diet and the

amount of food (calories, macronutrient split, etc.) you intake on

a daily basis.

Regardless of what I say from this point on, that point above does not

change. We are going to talk about that point in much more depth in the

next chapter (and a little more here as well), but that needs to be made

clear and it needs to be known before I continue to talk about any specifics

involving training for either goal.

In a perfect world we would lose fat whenever we lose weight and

gain muscle whenever we gained weight, but that unfortunately is not the

case. So the goal is to prioritize losing fat when cutting and prioritize gaining

muscle when bulking up.



We’ll start with fat loss.

I’m sure you’ve likely heard the saying “Abs are made in the kitchen.”

And if not...well now you did.

That is because six pack abs and a toned stomach come more from

having a low enough body-fat percentage than they do from needing to

tack on muscle and mass gains.

Let me make that clear: chances are, if your goal is to get six packs

abs and/or a flat stomach, you need to lose body-fat more than you need

to gain muscle.

Okay, so how do you lose fat?

Well, first I need to tell you how to lose WEIGHT, and then I can teach

you how to prioritize that weight loss as fat loss!

You lose weight by intaking less calories than your daily BMR. Your

BMR is your Basal metabolic rate. This is the total number of calories that

your body needs to perform basic, life-sustaining functions.

For the sake of this explanation we’ll just say you need to consume

less calories than your body needs in order to maintain your current weight

based on your normal functions.

Normally, if you’re using a nutrition calculator like our custom

calculators in our programs, they will also include your normal activity level

within these calculations to make it easier.



Now you may be thinking “Okay, so basically you’re telling me if I was

to starve myself I would lose weight rapidly.”

Well, technically yes.

But, if you read that thought back you said “WEIGHT”...not “FAT”.

The reason we can’t just go and burn tons and tons of weight off at

rapid speeds (unless of course you have such a high body-fat percentage

that this is warranted) is for multiple reasons:

1. You are effectively hurting your own BMR.

a. We will talk about this later, but this is a form of YoYo dieting. If

you lower your caloric intake too much only to raise it back up

to0 fast (and often people rinse and repeat this process) you’re

unfortunately messing up your own metabolism.

2. If you lose weight too quickly you will not prioritize fat. Your body

cannot lose unlimited fat each week. Once you reach a certain point

in your daily/weekly weight loss your body will no longer be able to

sustain and maintain the muscle mass you’re desperately trying to

keep and it will begin to burn that off as well.

a. This is not only true because your body can only burn so much

fat at once, but it also makes it harder to maintain the

necessary protein your body needs in order to maintain the




But before we get ahead of ourselves and discuss all the information

that is meant for the next chapter, let’s talk about how we then prioritize FAT


In order to prioritize fat loss (quickly, as we’ll expand on this next

chapter), you must:

1. Slow down your weight loss.

a. If you lose weight too quickly you will cut into your muscle and

begin losing that as well.

2. Hit your daily protein intake necessary for maintaining muscle.

a. We shoot for specific goals within our programs that are

specific to each program (and each program's goals as well),

but for the most part we aim for .75-1g of protein per pound of


3. Incorporate resistance training in the form of calisthenics, weight

training or other training formats to ensure you’re burning calories

AND tearing muscle fibers to enable mass gain.

a. We’re going to talk more about how muscle is built in a second,

but this one is a doubly whammy (which is also why if your goal

is the typical Superhero Physique it is more effective to utilize a

mix of training like we do in The SHJ Legacy Program): burn

calories AND do what’s necessary to build muscle!



Now let’s talk about gaining and toning muscle.

In this case we could be talking about two different things, depending

on your ultimate goal.

But, first let’s stick to the basics…

In order for muscle to grow we must first create trauma or injury of

our cellular proteins and muscle fibers and break them down. From there

muscle growth can happen via your muscles rebuilding and recovering.

In order for your muscles to recover, rebuild and grow we need to

focus on two things:

1. We need to feed the muscles enough protein to grow.

a. We talked about this within our fat loss category as well. This is

true for both prioritizing fat loss during a period of weight loss,

and also true for prioritizing muscle gains during a period of

mass gain.

2. We need to rest and give our body enough time to recover so that our

muscles actually have a chance to grow

a. If you are constantly training and not resting your muscles will

not have a chance to repair (and grow) and in turn you will

never have the opportunity to repeat the cycle of muscle

growth (re-tear, re-recover, grow more).



On top of feeding our muscles enough protein to grow, we also

generally need to feed ourselves enough food to grow as well.

We will talk about this more in the next chapter, but there are ways to

“body recomp” which is a technique used for losing weight very slowly while

shooting for strength gains and even potentially more muscle; and there’s

even ways to slowly work on bringing your BMR (metabolism and overall

caloric intake) up slowly enough to ensure a higher weight loss range the

next time you choose to cut some fat.

These are both more advanced tactics, but also extremely possible.

For the sake of wrapping up our knowledge of how training fits into

this whole fat loss and muscle gain scenario, I want to take another look

at our Superhero Physiques (both men and women).

● For men we’re going to be looking at our Superhero Physique, but also

our Big Bulky Physique as well.

● For women we’ll be looking at our Superhero Physique in two different

variations: more slim and toned VS. more slim and curvy.

We’ll start with the men and work our way into the ladies, as that’ll

leave for a much less confusing process that will hopefully lead us right into

our next chapter on nutrition.



Comparing Training Styles Among The Different

Physiques As It Pertains To Fat Loss And Mass Gain

We already looked at training styles among the different physiques in

Chapter Four, but now I want to dive a little deeper into the WHY we began

talking about there as well.

WHY are these training styles so effective for those different types of


I started to mention why weight training in specifically so effective for

gaining muscle and mass, but now I want to break it down into some

different scenarios that specifically pertain to both fat loss AND mass gain;

and why, when we’re talking about these two things specifically, these

training styles are so efficient and unique to specific goals.

Full Disclosure: I am not saying that another training style CANNOT

achieve the same goal. We know I’m all for adaptability and finding YOUR

specific style, but I am going to be talking about why different styles are

more efficient and effective for our ultimate goals (whatever those may be).

For the sake of these examples we’ll be cutting out the massive

physique we saw among the top powerlifters in the world and sticking to a

lean and shredded physique VS. a bulky and massive physique.




Form of training we find most

efficient and effective for this goal:

Circuit Training mixed with other formats

of training in a varied styles like interval

training, weights, calisthenics, cardio

and more.

Why is this so effective while seeking The

Superhero Physique as it pertains to fat

loss and muscle gains?

1. Extremely beginner friendly and

enables shooting for body-fat

loss AND muscle gains.

2. Prioritizes what matters most

within the specific goal.

3. A few birds with one stone.

4. Can maintain and sustain

ultimately forever.

Form of training we find most

efficient and effective for this goal:

Weight Training in different formats,

sometimes mixed with other styles of

training but generally shooting for heavy

weight progression.

Why is this so effective while seeking a Big

and Bulky Physique as it pertains to fat loss

and muscle gains?

1. Easy to scale up (you don’t have to

know scaling, you just lower the


2. Concentrate on one goal and then

the other.

3. With centered focus you can

achieve quicker mass gain.

4. Allows for a change of pace if you

prefer switching goals.





Let’s start off by going over the main points I listed for what we deem

as our Superhero Physique for the men.

● Extremely beginner friendly and enables shooting for body-fat loss

AND muscle gains.

○ The reason I say that it is extremely beginner friendly is because

if you think back to what I said are the only handful of ways to

gain muscle and lose fat at the same time, one of those was by

being a beginner. This can also be true for intermediate lifters,

but it really is contingent on how developed your muscles are

from resistance training.

○ The good news is: if you’re past the point of being able to gain

muscle and lose fat at the same time, you’ve likely gained

enough muscle to deem this as the best option anyway

because you’ll be able to retain muscle (and tone) while

prioritizing fat loss to unleash our Superhero Physique.

○ As we’ll learn in our next point, the most important part of

achieving this physique is going to be these two things...



● Prioritizes what matters most within the specific goal.

○ In order to obtain six pack abs and a toned physique you’re

going to need to be able to reach a low body-fat percentage.

Having a varied form of training is going to allow you to

prioritize fat loss. While weightlifting can burn a lot of calories,

it’s not really making it a priority unless you’re then adding in

different formats (like cardio); which you see many

bodybuilders (and people in general) have to do. Circuit

training with a mix of interval training, cardio, calisthenics, and

weight training all mixed in allows you to inherently prioritize fat

loss while also making sure to include the progressive overload

necessary for toning muscle, and even (as we know from point

number one) the potential to build new muscle as we shred fat

and reveal our six pack abs.

● A few birds with one stone.

○ When you’re using this style of training it’s not only ideal as it

pertains to fat loss AND muscle toning, but it also is generally

going to be the healthier option (obviously that also depends

on what training you’re adding in with your weightlifting, but as

we’ll discuss in that section, it’s generally counterproductive to

add in cardiovascular activity which is great for your health).



Another bird you’re hitting with the same stone is the fact that

it’s more versatile. If you’re sore or just plain ol’ sick of one style

you generally have a completely different style of training the

next day; and even if you don’t: you can. Counter to this, weight

training generally follows the same formatting except switches

it up on given days of the week to swap to different body part

targeting, only to repeat the cycle the next week. The third bird

falling is the fact that it’s much more accessible. You can train

from anywhere and everywhere. If you have access to

equipment that day you can fit in one type of training, but if you

have access to minimal equipment you can switch it up; and

even if you have access to none! Finally, the last bird to drop

with this stone is our very last point: sustainability.

● Can maintain and sustain ultimately...forever.

○ By now you know that I think sustainability is extremely

important. We’ll talk about the fact that typical weightlifting

generally follows a format that has you gaining weight and

then losing weight only to rinse and repeat. With that cycle

there are periods of time where you will definitely not be able to

stay as lean as our Superhero Physique is. That being said:

Jason Statham and Ryan Reynolds (among many others) CAN



stay lean year round because they don’t need to go through

these long periods of bulking up. If they decide they want to

tack on some extra muscle mass they can absolutely adapt

their training style a bit, but it does not come at the cost of their

hard earned six pack.



Let’s now go over the main points I listed for what we deem as our Big

and Bulky Physique.

● Easy to scale up (you don’t have to know scaling, you just lower the


○ One of the biggest perks of typical weight training is that you

can essentially follow the same style of programming (with

some tweaks here and there, of course) as any other

bodybuilder. The only difference is you would scale down the

load (weight) and potentially change up the rep scheme.

There’s almost always a machine variation to help, and even if

that wasn’t the case, most lifts in typical weightlifting as

beginner friendly.



○ The difference we’d see with circuit training is the fact that it

can be harder to get used to scaling down. Picking up lighter

weight is an easier simplification than learning modified

variations of calisthenics and other movements that might

come from this style of training. That being said: once you get

over the learning curve (especially if you’re past the point of

needing to scale most movements), it becomes just as easy.

● Concentrate on one goal and then another.

○ As I mentioned while talking about our other points (during our

Superhero Physique breakdown), and will talk more about for

our next point, this style of training generally follows a system

that has you gaining mass, and then losing fat in two separate

periods of time to prioritize each of them during different

periods. This could be great for two different reasons. The first

reason is because you may be someone who likes to keep it

simple and focus on one goal at a time. The other reason is

what brings us into our next point.

● Centered focus can help you achieve quicker mass gain.

○ As with most things, if you prioritize one thing it can become

more efficient than attacking two things at once. The same

goes for this. If I had to say which point is the most important



I would likely say it’s this one just due to the fact that once you

reach a certain goal (and therefore a certain point in your

training as well; making you no longer a beginner ->

intermediate and likely pretty bulky already), you will no longer

be able to gain muscle as you lose fat. For that reason, if your

goal is to really get past a certain point, you will eventually hit a

roadblock if you continue trying to do both at the same time;

making this method more effective (although you could of

course still change up your diet with our other methodology

and achieve the same, it just may take longer).

● Allows for a change of pace if you like being able to switch it up.

○ This one is completely opposite our last point for our Superhero

Physique. You normally aren’t going to want to continuously

bulk forever. Which is what it would take to achieve the Big and

Bulky Physique we’re talking about. For that reason you bulk up

for X amount of time and then trim off any fat that was gained

while doing so for another period of time only to rinse and

repeat the cycle over and over until you reach your ultimate

goal. The tricky part is making sure you’re not “dirty bulking” as

people would call it, which generally ends with much more fat

gain than is healthy, or intended.




I do want to make one thing abundantly clear before we move onto

some information for the ladies: for YEARS I was under the impression I

needed to go through the endless cycle of bulking and cutting and bulking

and cutting in order to “get big”. I still promote it in certain cases. We even

have Superhero Programs designed to do both, and I’ve guinea pig tested

them myself. But, aside from the guinea pig testing of that mini-bulking

phase I have not “bulked”, in the typical sense, in years. I may change my

caloric intake to support some strength gains and recomp my body a bit,

but I now realize what The Superhero Physique is, and what it means to be a


I prefer to train using the methods we teach within our SHJ Legacy

Program, but I’ll always be the biggest fan of our Academy and use it to

adapt as I need.

This section is going to be a bit different. I don’t specifically think there

is one more effective or efficient way of training for one or the other in the

same way I do for the men.



For the women the most efficient and effective training style for the

entire range of their version of The Superhero Physique (Lean and Slim, Lean

and Curvy, and everything in between) is the same as the men’s Superhero


The difference between the two ends of the women’s Superhero

Physique (slim VS. curvy) is what you would choose to prioritize in order to

achieve either side. For example: if your overall goal is to simply lose weight

and be as slim and lean as possible you can utilize circuit training and

prioritize cardio and other formats of training that will help you burn as

many calories as possible. That would leave more room for you to stick to

classes like SPIN Class, and going hiking and running and other activities

that are mainly cardio-oriented.

At that same point, if your goal is to gain some curves you may want

to consider combining the high intensity training with some more variation

like calisthenics, weight training and more (obviously adding in some extra

lower body emphasis is also normally a good decision as well).

But, other than that, women have a wide range of options, as we’ve

continued to see throughout the course of this book. The one modification

I’ve noticed needing to make throughout the course of our process and

testing is subbing extra hard upper body movements with more lower body

and cardio movements.



Aside from my own breakdowns, and the research I shared from all

of our celebrities, there are a few other things I would like you to take from

this chapter (if you didn’t automatically):

1. Everyone’s goals are different. That’s why we need to continuously be

ready to adapt to new goals and lifestyle changes. I used to prefer

doing things a completely different way than I do now. That does not

make that either of those styles the only way or the best way. But, for

each goal and my lifestyle at the time, they were perfect.

2. There’s no BEST training method, but there are some that are more

effective, efficient and sustainable than others for specific goals, and

specific people.

○ If you are using a program that is not for you so it causes you to

continuously start and stop (give up and jump back in), while

instead you could be using a slightly less effective and efficient

method while sustaining it nearly permanently, then obviously

using a slower and steadier method is going to be the better

option for you and your goals.

3. Your style depends on YOUR preferences and YOUR goals. You need

to decide what those are for YOU when you’re going into a specific

change and striving to unleash YOUR inner Superhuman.





Now it’s time for some ACTUAL meat and potatoes.

Well, only if you’re into that kind of thing, I guess.

We have been briefly touching on how our diets and overall nutrition

choices affect our fat loss, muscle gains, and entire body composition; but

now it’s time to take a deeper dive into what this all means.

We’ll actually finally talk about what a calorie is and what our

macronutrients are as well.

Simply put, we’ll learn the how and why of our nutrition choices and

how they need to be adjusted to fit our goals.



Let’s start with the basics. The first thing you need to know is what a

calorie is, what macronutrients are, and why we count them.

We talked about this a little bit, but now we’ll be breaking it down a lot

more. Starting with calories in general.

So, what is a calorie?

Wikipedia definition tells us as such:

“The calorie is a unit of energy widely used in nutrition.”

And they proceed to tell us:

“For historical reasons, two main definitions of calorie are in wide use.

The small calorie or gram calorie (usually denoted cal) is the amount

of heat energy needed to raise the temperature of one gram of water

by one degree Celsius (or one kelvin). The large calorie, food calorie,

or kilocalorie (Cal, calorie or kcal) is the amount of heat needed to

cause the same increase in one kilogram of water. Thus, 1 kilocalorie

(kcal) = 1000 calories (cal). By convention in food science, the large

calorie is commonly called calorie (with a capital C by some authors

to distinguish from the smaller unit). In most countries, labels of

industrialized food products are required to indicate the nutritional

energy value in (kilo or large) calories per serving or per weight.”



For the sake of what we’re learning here I want you to think of a

calorie as a unit of energy made up of our macronutrients. We burn X

amount of energy (or units, which we now know as calories) per day with

our basic functions (and, as discussed we’ll refer to that X amount as our


Knowing this, we can then start to break down a bit more about how

we lose weight and gain weight.

**Please notice I said WEIGHT, and not fat/muscle. I will also be talking about each

one of these two things more, just as I have in previous sections.**

Gaining and Losing Weight:

● If we surpass those X amount of calories (units of energy) that are

burned and eat in a surplus we will gain weight.

○ If we focus on certain things we learn in this chapter that we’ve

already talked about in previous sections (such as maintaining

our protein intake and training to tear and repair muscle fibers)

we can prioritize the weight we gain as muscle.

● If we eat under the amount of X calories (units of energy) that are

burned each day and eat in a deficit we will lose weight.

○ If we focus on things like hitting our protein intake and not being

too deep into a deficit, while tearing and repairing muscle fibers

we can prioritize fat loss while losing weight.



Pretty cool so far? Good.

Now let’s talk about our three macronutrients.


Our three macronutrients are proteins, carbohydrates and fats. Each

one of these count for X amount of calories per 1g of themselves.

For example, 1g of protein is 4 calories. So if you have 5g of protein

you actually have 20 calories.

The same goes for carbohydrates, which are 4 calories per 1g, and fat,

which are actually 9 calories per 1g (this is one of the reason fat is often

seen as a scary macronutrient. Some people think “fat makes you fat!” or

“fat is bad for you”, but in reality it’s usually due to the fact that fat adds up

MUCH quicker than our other macronutrients. A couple tablespoons of

butter and/or oil and you’re looking at over hundreds of calories!)

There are a couple things that go with these macronutrients sugar

and dietary fiber, which are both carbohydrates, and trans fat and

saturated fat which are both fats; so it’s important to learn more about

exactly how to read the back of a nutrition label if you’re interested in also

breaking down micronutrients and everything you ingest as well.

For the sake of this lesson we’re going to be working around our

calories and macronutrients.



What Macronutrients Provide & Help With

● Protein

○ 1 gram of Protein is equal to 4 Calories

○ Energy source, but not the bodies preferred source.

○ One of, if not the most important macronutrient for all living


○ Used for building, maintaining and repairing bodily structures

(like muscles, tendons, ligaments, brain, organs, skin, hair, nails,

circulatory system, immunes system, cell membranes, and

even DNA).

○ Supports a healthy metabolism, lean body composition,

immunity and athletic performance.

○ Replaces old and worn out cells.

○ Transportation of various substances throughout the body.

○ Production of enzymes, hormone neurotransmitters and


● Carbohydrates

○ 1 gram of Carbohydrates is equal to 4 Calories

○ Usually the bodies preferred source of energy.



○ Helpful for energy, better sleep, improved moods, and more.

○ Antioxidants (the vast majority of these can be found in plants,

and help the body deal with inflammation and damage from

sunlight, pollutants and stress).

○ Helpful with digestion: fiber-rich carbs are fuel for the beneficial

bacteria in our intestinal tract, in turn supporting nutrient

absorption, immunity, digestive health, balanced food, and

more benefits too numerous to mention).

○ Fiber (side from their digestive benefits, fiber also keeps you full,

controls blood sugar levels, and lowers bad cholesterol levels


● Fats

○ 1 gram of Fat is equal to 9 Calories

○ Energy Source

○ Nutrient Absorption: in order to fully absorbed by the body,

fat-soluble vitamins like Vitamin A and D should be consumed

with a bit of fat, otherwise you’ll only be cutting yourself short on

essential nutrients).

○ Hormone Production: which include reproductive hormones like

estrogen and testosterone.



○ Helps control inflammation.

○ Helps with Cholesterol Balance.

○ Great for Cognitive Function!

○ Helps with mood balance, heart protection, metabolism, cell

signaling, and improving insulin sensitivity.

So, as you can see: each one of our macronutrients has their own role

to play within our body.

For the sake of weight loss and weight gain, the main thing we need

to focus in on is overall caloric intake.

For the sake of fat loss and muscle gain, the main macronutrient we

need to focus in on is protein.

And if this seems repetitive, it’s because I am purposely repeating

myself over and over to break any confusion with how this works.

This brings us back into our discussion on why people may tell you

that running or other forms of cardio can effect your “gains”. In theory, they

can actually work against them in the sense that if your ultimate goal is to

tack on as much muscle as possible you will need to be eating in a caloric

surplus; and if that’s hard for you, then adding running and training that will

burn more calories might just make it harder.

But there’s something very important to remember...



For now, we’re going to refer to it as a calorie barrier.

We have a calorie barrier on either side of our caloric maintenance

level (the amount of calories we would eat in order to maintain our weight).

One barrier can be found in our caloric deficit and one barrier can be

found in our caloric surplus.

Let’s talk about those barriers before we go any further:

● Caloric Deficit Barrier

○ If you go too far into a caloric deficit, you will break through

what we are calling our “barrier” and do two things:

■ First, you will begin increasing the chances of burning

muscle with your weight loss significantly. Almost

ensuring that muscle will being being lost on top of the fat

loss you’re trying to prioritize. This range is generally

500-1000 calories into a deficit per week. Any further and

you’re going to be losing too much, too fast.

■ Second, when you begin losing too much, too fat, it

becomes unsustainable and you’ll begin messing up your

own BMR. This happens via Yo-Yo dieting. If you do this

too often you’ll find your new “maintenance level” for

calories is much lower!



Caloric Surplus Barrier

○ Similar to our Caloric Deficit Barrier, we have a Caloric Surplus

Barrier as well. If you try to gain too much muscle too quickly

you’re only going to be adding on fat. Your body can only gain

so much muscle at once. There is a limit, and you cannot push

past this by eating more. You can GAIN MORE WEIGHT, but the

extra weight will come in the form of fat.

■ We generally see this range around 500 or so calories,

similar to our deficit. The reason I don’t specifically say

500-1000 calories is because more than 75% of the time

people are overeating when they begin tracking their

calories. For this reason, if I tell you 500-1000 and then you

begin overeating I’m essentially instructing you to eat too

much into your surplus and break through that barrier

(which will cause you to gain unwanted fat). So, it’s much

easier to go with a slightly slower mass gain to ensure

we’re tacking on clean muscle.

This is another reason our preferred form of training for obtaining The

Superhero Physique is prioritized the way it is: it ensures we’re slowly gaining

muscle while shredding the fat and being able to sustain it.



But now it’s unfortunately time to talk about why calorie counting is

not perfect.

We have custom calculators that get us as close as humanly

possible to YOUR specific BMR, and then we work around that to tell you

exactly how much to eat in order to prioritize fat loss or muscle gain (or

both); but even this cannot be EXACT.

That being said, being as close as possible is the first step, and it still

works and allows us to build around the problems that automatically come

along with our tracking.

That’s one good thing about being able to work around a range of

500-1000 calories, we can then re-evaluate and either cut more calories,

add more calories, or even take another look at our overall tracking (which,

if I’m being honest, is usually what the problem is for most people….tracking

properly can be hard sometimes; which is why we do our best to simplify it)!

Let me be clear about a few things before I traumatize you a bit:

1. Even if you choose to “use another diet”, calories still matter. As I’ve

said previously, any diet can be used to both bulk and cut; your body

doesn’t just magically know what your goal is. Calories matter.

2. The point of this is to make you aware. This chapter is about

knowledge. This is something you should know

3. This still works. These are just things that CAN make it imperfect.



Things That CAN Make Calorie Counting

An Imperfect System

● It’s Impossible To Find a Specific Individual’s Exact Maintenance

Level Calories (BMR)

○ Like I said, we can get you as close as humanly possible, but

there’s no way to be exact. Remember when I said you can

mess with your own BMR by Yo-Yo dieting (and/or eating way

under your deficit or way over your surplus and then rinsing and

repeating)? Well, metabolisms and BMRs can be affected, so

we can’t always be perfect.

○ Even if we were to attach you to elaborate machinery, there is

still a chance we could be 350 calories off (up or down). There

is a chance we nail it right on the money, but there’s also a

chance we’re slightly off.

● It’s Impossible To Find A Specific Food’s Exact Amount Of Calories

○ In an episode of Adam Ruins Everything, he explains this quite

nicely, but to give you a quick synopsis, here’s the gist of it:

nutrition labels are allowed to be off by up to 20%.

○ That means if a label says 400 it could be 320 or 480….



○ That, combined with the first issue means we can easily be off

500-1000 calories a day without doing anything wrong.

● Hormones, Water, and other things play a factor in your daily


○ Don’t freak out. If you haven’t lost weight immediately, or if your

weight is fluctuating a lot, it can be a number of different things.

Maybe it’s that time of the month, maybe you’re holding onto a

lot of water, or maybe a handful of others things are causing

your to be a few pounds up (or down).

■ For example: when people first start a Keto Diet they

normally see a really quick 5-10 lbs drop off. This,

unfortunately is not weight, or fat-loss, and is generally

water. Carbs cause extra water retention (which is why

you’ll see bodybuilders manipulate their carbs and carb

cycle for extra vascularity), so when you cut carbs

completely from your diet you’ll immediately drop a ton

of water weight.

Now, again, that was not meant to upset you. It was meant to teach

you and inform you.

But, let’s move onto what we can take from this.



We can work around this, easily.

But it’s still important to know it exists.

One way we work around this is with something we continuously talk

about throughout the course of this entire book: adaptation.

We work with our custom calculators, use the best programming

(which we’ll talk about more in a bit), use the most efficient and effective

forms of training for our specific goals (which we’ve already learned), and

then analyze and adapt as we continue through our Success Pillars.

And while adaptation can seem daunting, it actually becomes quite

easy once we form habits.

For example, once you’re calorie counting you’ll notice that you can

essentially just memorize your “go-to” meals. I know exactly the amount of

calories without my go-to Chipotle bowl.

I also know that the rice serving at Chipotle is about 50% more than

the calories Chipotle tells you (I literally dissected to bowl a couple times to

help with people who are also eating as much Chipotle as me).

That’s just one way I was able to adapt; but it’s also an example of

something that could have caused about 100+ calories of miss-tracking PER


But, knowing this allows me to adjust my input and now I memorize

the additional 100 or so calories (as well as insert it into my tracker).



Within some of our programs I give a full breakdown of some of my

go-to meals to help people out, as well as showing you how to effectively

insert and create your own within the custom meal plan templates we

share within The Academy; but it’s important to know that this works

because of our systems.

Each of our programs follows a unique system.

For example….

● The Superhero Academy

○ Our Academy follows a system that allows you to build out

YOUR Pillars of Success, and in doing so it gives you the option to

build YOUR dietary pillars as well.

○ You have the option to pair more than half a dozen dietary

guidelines with other tools like intermittent fasting, cyclical style

dieting, or none. From there you take your choices (or no

choices) and pair it with your caloric intake.

○ We give you Custom Meal Templates for every single diet and

tool, and then you can adapt to your own specific needs.

And while I think this system is the best for people to be able to adapt

and build our YOUR specific Success Pillars, there definitely is a learning

curve that sometimes stunts people into instead doing nothing.



● The SHJ Legacy Program

○ The SHJ Legacy Program is built around our most successful

dietary pillars to unleash our Superhero Physique. These are the

most sustainable, efficient, and effective pillars that we’ve seen

used among celebrities, members, and even our own SHJ


○ You’re taught how to use intermittent fasting as a tool by using

it to control your hunger, but you’re also given the option to

build on it in different levels so you can slowly adapt to your

own specific needs. These can be manipulated to the point

where you may not even realize you’re fasting, while still

allowing you to receive the benefits that come with it.

○ We also build our Legacy Program around our custom

calculators to give you the most accurate calorie breakdown.

From there we focus in on two very specific things: overall

calorie count and protein intake. This allows us to prioritize fat

loss and muscle gains, while also leaving room for you to make

up the rest of your dietary choices.

○ You’ll generally have 500-1000 calories of FREE calories, which

essentially means “cheat calories” that you can choose to use

however you’d like.



○ If you want to prioritize health and work around macro and

micronutrients, you can absolutely do that. If you want to eat

donuts, and chips, you can absolutely do that. If you want to

add in a mix so that it’s sustainable while shredding fat AND

staying at your peak health, that is easy as well.

While members CAN build out their Superhero Academy plans like this

one, The Academy comes with many more options, so it is therefore a bit

less broken down step by step (being that it becomes you essentially

plugging and playing each portion inside The Academy). For that reason

we’ve found The SHJ Legacy Program to be super effective with clients

we’ve worked with that like being told exactly what to do to achieve The

Superhero Physique, while also leaving room for them to eat what they love;

causing it to not only be the most efficient and effective...but also the most


● Superhero Programs

○ Superhero Programs are essentially our add-on programs that

allow Academy members and other SHJ Army members to

purchase specific goal-oriented programs at a lower price

range being that they come with less material. They also share

the same core guideline book with one another.



○ The difference is that they swap out the overall calorie counts

and macronutrient goals depending on the specific goals, and

they also come with Protein Meal Trackers to help you slowly

work towards a diet like we utilize with our SHJ Legacy Program.

○ That being said, each one also comes with a completely

different workout regime, which is the biggest part of why our

members choose to upgrade their programs with these budget


Overall our Superhero Programs are great options to have programs

that are more “do this and exactly this to achieve this goal”; but they’re

better used as addon programs to The Academy and even our SHJ Legacy

Program. They’re great for adaptation, but if used as addons you’ll have all

your Pillars already aligned to be able to swap these right in with no

program at all.

So, as you can see: along with tons of different ways to adapt your

training, there are also a ton of different ways to adapt your nutrition. And,

nutrition, as you’ll soon learn, is more than half the battle. I actually tend to

teach people it’s 75%+ of our transformations.



Now I think if we go back and take another look at our top diets used

among celebrities, we can begin to paint a clearer picture as to why those

diets are on top.

Of course, we also need to remember that a lot of these celebrities

have likely tried different things for different roles, but the top three diets

used are at such a landslide that it makes sense to take and learn from

them however we can.

Let’s rehash what those were to start:

● Strict High Protein Diet

○ This is generally most popular among our male celebrities with

The Superhero Physique AND Big Bulky Physique.

● Basic Healthy Diet

○ This is generally popular among our female celebrities with The

Superhero Physique.

● 80/20 and/or Indulgences (Cheat Meals)

○ This is popular among all different variations of diets.

Now let’s break each one of those down a bit more using and

referring to the new information that we’ve have learned in the last two




Strict High Protein Diet

This one is the diet most popular among male celebrities that we

have researched. And, to remind you, we’ve researched HUNDREDS of

celebs. We’re talking about guys like Dwayne Johnson, Chris Hemsworth,

Henry Cavill, Tom Hardy, Ryan Reynolds, Jason Momoa, Jake Gyllenhaal, Kit

Harington, Brad Pitt, Jon Bernthal, Dave Bautista, and many more.

Here are some things to know about it, and some information as it

pertains to how we structure our diets at SHJ:

● The word strict is used here because generally with these dietary

guidelines they are based around a specific “strict” calorie count for

the celebrities to follow in order to prepare them for a role. For

example, if Ryan Reynolds wants to shred down and cut some fat off

specifically for a role he’ll start becoming more “strict” in his tracking

in order to do this. Likewise, when Henry Cavill wanted to bulk up for

Man of Steel, he became more “strict” in his tracking in order to

maintain clean muscle gains.

● The other factor that is important here is the fact that along with this

“strict” set of calories the celebrities are following, they’re also making

sure to hit their protein. By now we know that daily protein goal and

overall calorie count are two of the key factors we watch at SHJ.



● The exact breakdown of how these celebrities then go on to insert in

their other macronutrients is almost never talked about. Because it’s

not relevant to obtaining The Superhero Physique. It’s relevant to

health; but not relevant to unleashing the body that everyone wants

to achieve.

● For these reasons, we focus our dietary guidelines (especially within

our SHJ Legacy Program) around the same priorities we see here, with

the added tools to make it that much easier for you to actually

accomplish them (exact guidelines, calorie calculators, intermittent

fasting levels, etc. etc.).

Basic Healthy Diet

This one is the diet most popular among women celebrities that we

have researched. And, to remind you, we’ve researched HUNDREDS of

celebs. We’re talking about Gal Gadot, Katie Cassidy, Emily Bett Rickards,

Ronda Rousey, Jessica Biel, Amber Heard, Katheryn Winnick, Angelina Jolie,

Halle Berry, Jennifer Aniston, Natalie Dormer, Emma Watson, Robin Wright,

Rosario Dawson, Tessa Thompson, and many more!

Here are some things to know about it, and some information as it

pertains to how we structure our diets at SHJ:



● Contrary to the word strict I use the word basic here because more

often than not these women aren’t mentioning a specific calorie

count that they are following. They may follow it loosely, but normally

they are opting for healthier options, which are generally inherently

lower calories as well. An example of this would be low calorie fruits,

vegetables and other options.

● The other portion of this ties into the first. I also call it a “Basic Healthy”

Diet because it’s not strict when it comes to calories, and it’s also not

strict when it comes to macronutrient tracking, unless the celebrity is

specifically amping up on the protein count to tone up for a role. As I

said with the food choices being inherently lower calories, they also

tend to be paired with foods that are also inherently high enough in

protein to get these celebrities enough to maintain and even

potentially gain more muscle (remember, we shoot for a range of

.75-1g per pound of bodyweight). An example of this would be

chicken, fish, and other lean protein options with our vegetables and

salads to add to the mix, and fruits, yogurts and other “healthy”

choices added in.

○ Kind of starting to resemble what we’d typically call a healthy




80/20 and/or Indulgences (Cheat Meals)

This isn’t exactly a “diet” as much as something that celebrities made

mention to within their diets enough times for me to warrant making note of

it. This is something we saw among celebrities like Dwayne Johnson, Kevin

Hart, Jessica Biel, Emma Watson, Idris Elba, Jaimie Alexander, Daniel

Radcliffe, Elodie Yung, Rihanna, Jackie Chan, Demi Lovato, Julianne Hough,

Lauren Cohen, Alexander Skarsgard, Lucy Hale and many, many more.

Here are some things to know about it, and some information as it

pertains to how we structure our diets at SHJ:

● You should be starting to see a trend here. This aspect of the diets is

used specifically for sustainability. It’s okay to remember we’re still

human. That’s why we’re looking to unleash our inner SuperHUMAN.

We may be unlocking The Superhero Physique in the process, but

allowing ourselves to indulge and still live our lives is what will make

adaptation and sustainability that much easier for us.

● I have even researched some of the world’s top performers favorite

cheat meals. They all have them. We’re not only talking about

Dwayne Johnson, but also people like Arnold Schwarzenegger, LeBron

James, Maria Sharapova, Justin Verlander, and more. Having built in

indulgences make it easy to sustain your new lifestyle.



And, in case you missed it, that trend that we’re following here should

be pretty clear, but I’ll explain it anyway.

We specifically use the dietary guidelines we’ve seen most effective

and sustainable through our research of the world’s top celebrities and

performers and then we guinea pig test them, improve them, and used

them with our clients to improve them more and create the best systems


As you can see, we have a few recurring themes here:

1. Calories matter in our fat loss and muscle gain.

2. Protein is the macronutrient we utilize to prioritize that fat

loss and muscle gain.

3. Indulgences are key to our sustainability.

If you now think back to the structure of all of our programs dietary

guidelines, these things that we focus in on begin to make sense.

We prioritize overall calories and protein in order to allow you to have

free calories to eat whatever you’d like on a daily basis with the rest of those


This allows you to unleash your Superhero Physique while using our

guidelines, but then choose how you’d like to fill the rest of your diet.

Whether that’s donuts or vegetables does not change your physique.







These next sections are going to begin to wrap us up, but also tie it

all together and allow you to turn your new Pillars of Success into a well

rounded plan.

What you have learned thus far is far more than enough to help you

unleash your inner Superhuman and unlock The Superhero Physique, but

these next sections are here to help teach you things that come into play

during your journey.

Hopefully these things will help you level up and avoid mistakes I’ve

made throughout the course of my own journey.




I promise not to bore you to death by telling you how important it is to

stay hydrated and listing all the reasons you should. I really do think you’ve

probably heard that a fair amount of times, and I don’t think you need to

hear it again from me.

But, had I not at least mentioned hydration within this book and made

it a section of this chapter (even if just in this small little part and the title of

the chapter), I’d be doing you a disservice.

If you want to feel better, look better, move better, perform better, and

even have better workouts that will lead to all those things all over again

(double whammy), then drink some water!

And then drink some more!

I generally shoot for a gallon a day, but the Institute of Medicine

recommends anywhere from 9-13 cups per day.

Now, if you’re specifically looking for an in-depth lecture on the

importance of hydration you’ll have to go elsewhere to get it; but just take

this as a gentle nudge in the right direction.

Buy a cool water jug, get a tracker, it doesn’t really matter. Do

whatever you have to do to get hydrated and drink more water, because I

promise you it’ll help with the rest of this process.




Regardless of whether you’re a man or a woman, sleep is incredibly

important. And, I make that reference to gender because sleep is also

going to be vital to your hormone fluctuation that is essential to whether or

not you recover properly, and have make the right “gains”.

Yes, I’m talking about hormones like testosterone!

Throw out the testosterone boost pills that are overpriced and

probably not changing anything, and get some proper sleep.

I use the word “proper” when I say proper sleep for a very specific

reason, by the way. Some people think they’re getting enough sleep when

really they’re not even close.

There are issues that range from sleep apnea, insomnia, sleep

deprivation all the way to restless leg syndrome and snoring.

But sometimes this is due to factors we aren’t even realizing are

causing us to have some really cruddy sleep!

To put that into an even better perspective we’ll have to go over a few

things pertaining to sleep before I give you some suggestions on how to

improve it (which just so happen to be the perfect transition into our next

section; because I know you like when I do that).



Stages and Cycles of Our Sleep

● Non-REM Sleep Stage 1: When you’re almost falling asleep.

You’re not fully asleep but your eyes are closed and it may be

very easy to wake up. This usually lasts around 5-10 minutes.

● Non-REM Sleep Stage 2: This stage is where you’re in a light

sleep. Your body temperature and heart rate both drop and

your body begins getting ready for your deep sleep.

● Non-REM Sleep Stage 3: In this stage you’re finally going into

your deep sleep. You are now harder to wake up, and if woken

will probably feel drowsy. [This is why the Sleep Cycle App is

really nice]

● REM Sleep: This is the deepest form of sleep out you can

achieve. This is also extremely important to achieve for mentally

function the next day and also recovery of your muscles. Your

muscle and eye function finally stopped in Stage 3 so it’s

important to utilize REM sleep for recovery. It takes about 90

minutes to get to REM sleep. [I was never getting to this stage

because of restlessness and caffeine – and I had no idea!]



Alright, so in order to do two things that are extremely important to

our transformations we’re going to need to kick our bodies into REM Sleep. In

order to do that it might take making some changes.

But first, I know what you’re asking “Well, what are the two extremely

important things?”

1. Hormone Levels

○ We’re not only talking about testosterone, which is clearly

EXTREMELY important. We’re even talking about human growth

hormones. We’re talking about being able to cut fat and gain

muscle properly. Another hormone that is extremely important

to recognize here is cortisol. This is a stress related hormone

that can affect your appetite, and potentially performance

levels. Sleep is a big deal!

2. Recovery

○ When we train we’re constantly putting our bodies under stress.

We’re also consistently looking to tear muscle fibers and break

them down. In order to recover our muscles and allow them to

grow we need sleep to recover. In order for our body to recover

and relieve the stress it has endured, we need sleep. This also

includes being able to lose the right weight (fat), and gain the

right weight (muscle).



Some things that can affect your sleep (and cause you to not go into

REM sleep, even if you THINK you’re getting enough proper sleep) are:

**Keep in mind, these are all on a case by case basis.**

● Exercising too late

○ Exercising too late at night can keep you up for hours and hours,

and even if you’re able to fall asleep your body may still be on

overdrive from your workout. To top that off, many people get

their workout in after a nice scoop of pre-workout, which has

caffeine...and is the next member of this list.

● Caffeine too late in the day

○ I drink A LOT of caffeine. I admit that. But I cut myself off around

2-3 o’clock. Caffeine affects everyone differently, but it CAN

potentially stay working it’s magic in your system for upwards

of 24-36 hours after you drink it. Obviously that’s contingent on

the person, but even a third of that means that if you drink it too

late it could potentially be keeping your body awake and

causing you to slack on your recovery.

● Alcohol

○ This one is likely obvious, but alcohol not only affects your sleep

and recovery, but it is also liquid calories that is lacking any

nutrients at all. It can be deadly for performance.



I mentioned it earlier in the book as well, but sleep is so important it

sometimes becomes part of these celebrities programming.

When Henry Cavill was training for Man of Steel, even though his daily

regime is already packed (including hours of training), his trainer knew it

was so important for him to get ample sleep for his recovery, in order to

both recover enough to allow his muscles to grow, and also enough for him

to perform well enough on a daily basis, that he made 8-10+ hours of sleep

part of Cavill’s programming.

So, if it wasn’t obvious enough, part of leveling up is going to be

getting ENOUGH sleep, and the other part is getting PROPER sleep. You can

obviously go and fix the things that I already mentioned were causes of

improper sleep, but I’ll also spell it out for you a bit just to be helpful (and I’ll

add in some extra tips, don’t worry).

Things to work on to get better sleep:

● Track your sleep.

○ In order to know if you’re getting good sleep or not you’re going

to have to gauge it, and you’ll want to test what’s causing it. So

a sleep tracker will likely be needed for this.

● Try exercising earlier in the day.

○ Test this out. It may affect you, it might not. But you’re going to

have to figure it out somehow.



● Work on your stress levels,

○ One thing that can help with your stress levels is proper sleep! I

know, what a vicious cycle right? You also need to work on your

stress levels in order to get the proper sleep that will therefore

improve your sleep and help your stress even more. People

often suggest meditation, career changes, and a slew of other

things, but that is likely a topic for a whole different book.

● Cut caffeine after a certain time; and cut alcohol (or at least to some


○ Like the testing and tracking you’ll need to do with exercising

earlier in the day, you’ll likely need to track and test these as

well. Obviously not at the same time (or you won’t know which

one is helping…), but these are two more thing that can

potentially lead to getting you some better sleep.

● Supplement for better sleep.

○ Ironically enough, some of the supplements you’ll find in those

overpriced testosterone boosters can also help your sleep (see

what they’re doing?); so you can pick them up separately at a

fraction of the price and begin supplementing your sleep to

boost your hormones yourself! :)

○ This is also our perfect segway into our supplement section...




I won’t leave you hanging: we’ll start with our supplements for better

sleep first, and then I’ll go into a full topic of supplementation.

Supplements for Better Sleep

● Melatonin

○ Melatonin is the natural hormone your body produces that tells

you it’s time for bed. I personally use melatonin when I need

something to help me, but there is an ongoing debate as to

whether or not using it will deplete your bodies natural


● L-Tryptophan

○ I know some people who use this to great success. The easiest

way to describe it is “it’s the stuff in Turkey and that’s why

people feel heavy, tired and drowsy after Thanksgiving Dinner”.

● Vitamin D and Magnesium

○ So many people aren’t getting enough magnesium or vitamin D

and don’t realize. Vitamin D is actually tied to sleep disorders

and almost everyone is deficient in Magnesium. You can try

implementing these, but be careful not to take to much Mag at

once or you may wake up running to the bathroom!



That being said: I take melatonin multiple times a week to kick me into

a nice sleep just because sometimes my brain wants to keep running and

thinking about the following days work or a million other things. I’ve learned

that it’s not the caffeine or the workouts or anything else (as I’ve even tried

to cut all that completely for some time to test it); and sometimes it’s just

my brain going.

How you choose to supplement your sleep is completely up to you,

but these are some things that may be helpful for you in order to get some

proper sleep and in turn help with your performance levels.


When I was younger I would go to the vitamin shops, GNC, and to order supplements like I was collecting Funko Pops and

YuGiOh cards….

I loved trying new supplements because of the allure that comes with

them. I wanted one to finally be the Super Soldier Serum I had been looking


And, I just really liked supplementation because it made me feel like I

was getting a head start on whatever progression could be made. It felt like

I needed to take ALL of it in order to achieve my goals.



I mean, if there were people out there using performance enhancing

drugs, I was already far behind; so clearly I needed all the supplementation I

could get, right?


I was supplementing everything from L-Carnitine to to extra

Glutamine, fat burner, daily vitamin mega packs, and anything else you

could think of.

And I had a reason for all of it.

Obviously the L-Carnitine was specifically helping me convert my fat

into muscle, and my fat burners were adding to that by shredding whatever

fat was left; while the glutamine was helping my recovery, because

obviously the amount I was getting from my protein supplements and

pre-workouts was not nearly enough!


If you took a look at our table of contents you already know that

Chapter Eleven is devoted to keeping it simple. That is now not only what I

do within my own fitness programming, but also within my


To start with this process I’ll give you a couple sections for how you

should go about supplementing. This breakdown will be similar to how we

structure our programming and dietary guidelines as well.



You’ll have a few options:

1. Supplementing what you need to help unleash The Superhero


2. Supplementing for performance to help you work towards unleashing

The Superhero Physique.

3. Supplementing for overall health.

These will also obviously overlap if you’d like to work on multiple


Everyday Supplementation for

Unlocking Your Superhero Physique

This one is going to be the most simple on the entire list. You don’t

actually HAVE to supplement anything to achieve The Superhero Physique;

assuming the aesthetics are the main goal. The only thing I specifically

recommend supplementing in order to make your life easier, and make the

entire journey more sustainable, would be a protein supplement.

You can find my top five protein supplement picks on the website,

and I use 1-2 scoops a day (2 scoops fairly often to save room for even more

“cheat” meals) to reach my daily protein goals, while saving as many free

calories as possible.



As you know, when we prioritize the effective and efficient path to The

Superhero Physique our priorities become geared toward finding the best

workout regime, while also staying under or over overall calories and hitting

our protein goals. With this we also utilize free calories (which can also be

considered cheat calories) in order to make it that much more sustainable.

Protein supplementation helps with this because you can easily get

50g of protein with 2 scoops and be done by essentially a third or more of

your daily required protein intake.

From there you have unlimited power over your diet and can easily

get the rest of your protein from simple meals consisting of chicken, turkey,

fish and more. Some days I even grab my chicken or protein supply

(outside of my protein shake) and eat it with no side and on it’s own so that I

have even more free calories for my day!

The point is, the more protein you are able to consume with the least

amount of calories opens you up to having more “free” calories to do

whatever you would like with them throughout the rest of your day/diet.

Of course, if you’d choose to make that fruits, vegetables, and all

different food groups that help you have the most nutritious and healthy

diet, that’s even better; but the ultimate goal here is obtaining The

Superhero Physique and sustainability; and we’ve built a system that

enables both.



Everyday Supplementation for Performance

Towards Unlocking Your Superhero Physique

Did I mention I really like caffeine? Well I do.

Generally that means my Monster Ultra, coffee, or tea is more than

enough to power me through my workout, but sometimes I do need an

extra boost.

For that reason I recommend a few options:

1. Black Coffee

a. Or really any other form of caffeine. This will generally be

enough for you. That’s my first option for a kick in the butt for

your workout and performance.

2. Water

a. Remember this one? This is the next thing you need to do in

order to increase your performance levels for your workout is

stay hydrated. You can do this by drinking more water, or even

potentially adding some BCAAs to your water.

3. Pre-Workout

a. The last option is adding in some pre-workout to the mix. I like

to do this on random occurrences so that when I do it, it REALLY

gives me the boost I need!



You can also find my top five pre-workout supplements on the site;

and they’re actually all intermittent fast and keto friendly as well.

If you DO decide to take a pre-workout every single day, that’s okay,

just realize that over time it may start affecting you less and less.

Everyday Supplementation for Living a Healthier Life

Just like I give you the option on how to use your “free calories”;

whether that’s vegetables or donuts, I also give you the option for your


I’m not going to sit here and say every single person absolutely needs

to supplement every single one of these items; but it’s more than likely that

the vast majority do.

In order to stick to my KISS Method (Keep It Simple, Stupid), I’ll give you

the basics:

● Vitamin A

● Vitamin C

● Vitamin D

● Krill Oil/Fish Oil

● Magnesium

● Zinc and Copper (and potentially Iron)




You have a lot of choices. It’s your choice whether or not you make

the changes necessary to increase your performance levels; and it’s also

your choice whether you decide to make the healthiest decisions.

That’s part of the reason this chapter is devoted to leveling up. The

rest of this book teaches you how to exactly unleash your inner

Superhuman, unlock The Superhero Physique (or The Hollywood Physique, if

you’d prefer it called) and live your best life in a sustainable fashion.

If you want to level up passed that and make even better choices on

top of the foundation we’ve been able to build for you, that comes along

with adding to your Pillars of Success.

The next few chapters will talk more about the little things that can

and probably should be added to your regime. These will help you step it up

a notch, level up, and even make the entire process more sustainable.

Achieving The Superhero Physique is absolutely doable. Sustaining it

is generally contingent on whether or not you’re finding and utilizing the

Pillars (techniques) that are right FOR YOU.





I think we can all agree that celebrities and the world’s top

performers are generally motivated people.

Especially the ones we look up to.

I suppose the same can be said about Superheroes in general.

Along with leveling up and unleashing our inner Superhuman we’re

going to need to find techniques and ways to keep ourselves motivated

throughout our journey. And, if we’re doing it right, our journey is going to

hopefully lead to a sustainable lifestyle in which we continue to adapt and

keep our Superhero Physique and Superhuman life.



We talked about guys like Kumail Nanjiani and Rob McElhenney and

how they joke about all the help they get throughout their transformations.

Their nutritionists, personal trainers, meal prep companies, access to the

best training facilities, etc. etc.

This is often what people use as an excuse to NOT try to achieve The

Superhero Physique, or at the very least take away from the achievements

of certain celebrities.

In my eyes, knowing some of these transformations came with

access to these things just helps us out. We know we’re going to need to

create those same systems within our life (or at least some variation of

them) in order to succeed.

If you’re reading this book, you’re obviously already on the right track.

We can cover all things nutrition and personal training via our

programming, and even all the material on the site, so if we skip ahead a bit

we begin to realize that what we really need to focus on is our mindset and


So how is it that these celebrities and top performers stay motivated?

Well, the answer is different for each of them; similar to how the

answers in all our previous sections could be different for each of us as well.

Again, as if you’re not tired of me repeating it: the specific answer is

contingent on what is right for YOU.



Obviously when some of these celebrities get to a certain stage in

their career they can then drive motivation from the sheer fact that millions

of people are going to be watching. Millions of people are anxiously

awaiting their performance amongst their co-stars and peers who are also

watching them and joining them.

But they had to get there.

There is a certain kind of drive and mindset that had to get them to

where they are to even land at the next level. We have to find our own drive

and mindset to replicate this motivation.


To learn more about motivation and mindset I decided to not only

study our celebrities, but also ask successful members how they go about

staying motivated and keeping the mindset that is necessary to sustain our

Superhero Physique.

Now, some of these answers may seem extremely basis and obvious,

but others may help you begin to create your own systems, which is exactly

what you’re going to want to do.

Remember, forming a habit is the hardest part, but once you do it,

sustaining becomes easy!



Here are some of the things that motivate successful members, our

coaches and other people (on top of celebrities we’ve researched that

mention thing we’ve then shared to help members):

● Music

○ Music is something that consistently makes the list. Regardless

of whether it’s used for fitness or just motivation to succeed at

anything in life, music is generally there.

○ Our SHJ Community even convinced me to start our Superhero

Jacked Spotify playlist as well!

● Motivational Videos

○ A lot of our members go back to motivational videos that

consist of scenes from our favorite superhero movies, shows,

and other videos made specifically for motivational purposes.

Generally these videos are able to snap members into the right

mindset and remind them what they want to achieve.

● Finding YOUR Why

○ Finding the specific reasons for why you started this

transformation can generally be a key driver throughout the

process. Regardless of if that’s to improve your overall health,

feel and look better and have more confidence in your own skin,

or a million other reasons: come back to YOUR WHY!



● Small Changes are Big Wins

○ It doesn’t matter if the scale only moved one pound or if you’re

seeing small changes in the mirror; or even if you went down

one size in your pants...these are all things that can be

celebrated within to process. Take the time to realize that and

let it motivate you for the next stages.

● Follow The People That Motivate You

○ I have specific people in my life that motivate me in fitness,

business, writing, and tons of other aspects. Sometimes it’s one

person in each area, but often times it’s many. Whether it’s

reading books of success stories, or simply going back to the

people who motivate me the most and learning from them;

reminding myself of these people generally bring me back to

the right mindset.

● Separate Yourself From Social Media That Is Only Hurting Your Mindset

○ To counter that last point, some people sometimes benefit from

separating themselves from the tons and tons of pictures and

videos that are shared that seem to show off the perfect life

and perfect physique. Unfortunately social media can become

a platform to compare yourself and then get down on yourself,

but separating yourself from it can often help the process.



● Surround Yourself With Like-Minded People

○ This is something else that works for all aspects of life. I was

once told “You’re only as good as the five people you surround

yourself with most.” And to some extent I believe it. You can

obviously keep your friends and family there to support you, but

if there are some people to continuously bring you down and

take you away from the things you’re striving to achieve, it’s

often important to realize that you may need to join other

groups of people or begin (unfortunately) getting rid of those

that are holding you back.

● Find Your Support System That Will Also Hold You Accountable

○ Similar to the last point, you’re also going to need to find an

accountability system. Just like these celebrities use the fact

that millions are watching as a way to stay accountable, they

also have tons of other ways to help them. You’re going to need

yours. Some people like sharing the fact that they’re starting

this journey with family and friends as a way to stay

accountable, but often times combining your new link-minded

support as an accountability system is the best way to do




All members of our Academy, Legacy Program and Superhero

Programs are invited into our Private SHJ Community.

I’m also active within the group on a daily basis.

I like to think that’s what separates the group from other systems.

Well, that and some other things:

1. The Private Community is also directly attached to your coach for

constant feedback and help (which will also often come from other

coaches and members).

2. The Private Community comes with LIFETIME access. We’re well

aware certain people fall off track and then come back with a

newfound motivation to try to next set of Pillars of Success; and we

welcome it with open arms. There’s no re-signing up. You’re a

member for life.

3. The Private Community, if not obvious enough, is also full with

link-minded individuals looking to achieve common goals.

So, as you can see, we’re constantly doing everything in our power to

help you succeed in finding your specific Pillars of Success.

We’re also looking to create the systems to make this as easy,

efficient, and sustainable as possible.

We have the systems, now you just have to start using them!





We can either call this:

Keep It Simple, Stupid.


Keep It Stupid Simple.

Whichever you prefer.

I personally go with the first one, but then again, I’m also usually using

it to remind myself that it’s okay to keep it simple. Usually when we

complicate things (especially in regards to our fitness and nutrition), it

unfortunately makes thing unnecessarily harder and less sustainable.



To wrap us up and bring us into the portion of the story where I

become Morpheus and you become Neo (do you choose the blue or red

pill?); I want to just put some more emphasis on how simple this can be.

I don’t want you to walk away from this book thinking it’s extremely

complicated. I also don’t want you to think you have to utilize all the

material written in this book in order to succeed.

If anything, I want you to realize that there are actually a million

different ways you can achieve your goal, and it’s more contingent on find

the right way FOR YOU specifically.

Sustainability is the key to success.

Of course, as we’ve spoke about through the course of the book: there

are certain methods that make things more efficient and effective, but the

sustainability portion generally comes down to YOUR preferred methods of

training and nutrition.

Some people absolutely love running. Some people hate it more than

anything else they’ve ever been told to do.

Unless you’re training for a marathon, I’m not going to force you to run

if you don’t like it.

But, if you absolutely love it, then we’re going to use that to our

advantage while training for The Superhero Physique.



The same can be said about a lot of different things.

The point is: we can adapt and make sure the plan is right for you and

your specifically goals. And, if your life changes, or your goals change, we

can adapt again.

Start simple, keep it simple, and whenever you want to level up you

can always add to your regime.

Let me make that more clear:

1. In focusing on finding the best workout for YOU, and then focusing on

the things that matter most (to you) within your diet, you will unlock

The Superhero Physique.

2. From there you can choose to adapt as lifestyle changes come by

switching up your regime and switching up any dietary guidelines you

may have added to your plan; you will continue to unleash The

Superhero Physique.

3. While sustaining this, you can continue to adapt to lifestyle changes

and goals. And, if you’d like, you can also begin to add in different

methods we’ve talked about throughout the course of this book.

Maybe that addition is eventually working on better sleep, or staying

hydrated. Or maybe it’s eventually working your way to a more

efficient method of training for you goal. OR, maybe it is simply the

journey to YOUR best Pillars of Success.



My mission has always been to not only make our programs and

systems as sustainable as possible; but also as simple as possible.

And, as you can tell, I think those often go hand-in-hand (especially

depending on each individual's fitness level.

For that reason, you have a few options.

Whether that means you want to start this journey on your own after

reading this book, feeling like I’ve armed you with enough information

paired with the resources on the site; or maybe that means you want to

start piecing your Pillars of Success inside The Academy; or maybe you

might even want specific step by step guidelines on what we have found is

the most efficient, sustainable and effective way to achieve The Superhero

Physique within our SHJ Legacy Program.

Again, the choice is yours.

In our next section I’ll give you the ultimate decision.







You’ve made it.

It’s time for you to make a decision.

This chapter is all about you moving forward with your

transformation. If you have made it this far I want to help you out by laying

out by laying out your options (including completely free); and even offering

you some special offers to become a part of our community, or join the

right program specifically FOR YOU.

Regardless of what you choose, I wish you well on your journey to

unleashing your inner Superhuman!




● The Superhero Academy [$97 - Lifetime Membership]

○ If you want to begin piecing together your Pillars of Success and

building out your plan step by step than this would be the place

to do it.

○ The Superhero Academy come with 500+ Workout Routines

(access to every single workout PDF from the main site),

Exclusive Goal Oriented Routines, Exclusive Celebrity Packets,

offer half a dozen Nutrition Classes based around specific

dietary guidelines, our Coaching Corner, access to me and

coaches inside the Private Community, Learning Modules and

Courses, Protein Meal Planners, Calculators, Mega Paths

(Specialty Workouts), Instructional Videos, Sample Meal Plans,

and more.

○ This is the membership that you choose to continuously adapt

into different stages of your life.

○ If you’re ready to build out your Pillar of Success plan then you

join The Academy and begin plugging in different variations of

training, nutrition, and more.

○ Click here to join The Superhero Academy for just $97.



● The SHJ Legacy Program [$67 - Lifetime Membership]

○ This is the program you join if your goal is to have a step by step

process that we have built to be the most efficient, sustainable

and effective method to achieve what we (and The SHJ Army)

deem as The Superhero Physique.

○ You get daily workout routines that are constantly changing to

burn fat while toning and building muscle. Your daily training

follows a step by step system that allows you to have the luxury

of us telling you exactly what you need to do to achieve The

Superhero Physique, while also being able to scale up and down

(make it easier, or even harder; for any fitness level) with our


○ We pair different levels of intermittent fasting with our custom

calculators to allow you to focus on overall calories, and protein

intake while controlling your cravings, shredding body-fat and

allowing for “FREE” calories that can be used however you would

like (whether that’s on donuts or vegetable; it doesn’t matter)..

○ This program also comes with access to our Private Community

and direct access to me.

○ Click here to join The SHJ Legacy Program for just $67.





● The Superhero Academy and The SHJ Legacy Program Special

Bundle Offer [$149 - Lifetime Membership]

○ If you’ve made it this far, I’m offering a special offer only for

Superhuman Secrets readers.

○ You can join The Superhero Academy AND our SHJ Legacy

Program for $150.

○ You will receive the ultimate package of being able to have a

step by step system towards achieving The Superhero

Physique, while also gaining access to The Academy that is

devoted to helping you adapt and sustain your new

Superhuman lifestyle for as long as you’d like.

○ Click here to join both The Superhero Academy and The SHJ

Legacy Program for just one payment of $149.






