super system strategy forex


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7/27/2019 super system strategy forex 1/15



The Super System 

By Russ Horn


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The Super System

In this report, I want to share with you a trading system that is so powerful it was calledthe Super System. It is one of the most conservative trading systems out there whereyou will receive fewer signals but they will be more secure ones. Another good thingabout the Super System is that it is very flexible because it can be used on everytimeframe available, so it fits all kind of traders – scalpers, swing traders and even longterm traders.

System Components & Indicators


 Any timeframe can be used.

Currency Pairs:

Majors like the EUR/USD and GBP/USD.


1. 3 EMA (Exponential Moving Average) set to the close price.2. 5 EMA (Exponential Moving Average) set to the open price.3. 34 EMA (Exponential Moving Average) set to the close price.4. 89 EMA (Exponential Moving Average) set to the close price.5. 3 RSI (Relative Strength Index) with levels at 20 and 80.6. Stochastic (5,3,3) with default settings and levels at 20 and 80.7. 14 ADX (Average Directional Movement Index) with +D and –D line only.

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Chart Setup

1. 3 EMA (Exponential Moving Average) set to the close price.

1. Click on the Navigator button to open the Navigator widow.2. Click on Indicators to expand the list of indicators.

3. Find Moving Averages on the list and double click on it and the settingsdialogue box will pop up.

4. Set the Period to 3.5. Leave Shift at 0.6. Click on the MA method drop down menu and select Exponential.7. Set the Apply to at Close.8. Click Style and choose Lime as the color for your 3 EMA.9. Leave the line type as it is by default.10. This is for setting the 3 EMA line width.11. Click on the OK button to apply the 3 EMA on your chart.

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2. 5 EMA (Exponential Moving Average) set to the open price.

The steps for setting the 5 EMA are the same as those for the 3 EMA:

1. Click on the Navigator button to open the Navigator widow.2. Click on Indicators to expand the list of indicators.3. Find Moving Averages on the list and double click on it and the settings

dialogue box will pop up.4. Set the Period to 5.5. Leave Shift at 0.6. Click on the MA method drop down menu and select Exponential.7. Click on Apply to for editing the price of the indicator and set it to Open.8. Click Style and choose the Red color for your 5 EMA.9. Leave the line type as it is by default.10. This is for setting the 3 EMA line width.11. Click on the OK button to apply the 3 EMA on your chart.

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3. 34 EMA (Exponential Moving Average) set to close price.

The steps for setting the 34 EMA are the same as for the 3 EMA except these 2:

4. Set the Period to 34.8. Click Style to choose Aqua as the color for your 34 EMA.

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4. 89 EMA (Exponential Moving Average) set to close price.

To set the 89 EMA, follow the steps for setting the 3 EMA except these 2:

4. Set the Period to 89.8. Click Style to choose Magenta for your 89 EMA.

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5. 3 RSI (Relative Strength Index) with levels at 20 and 80.

1. Click on the Navigator button to open the Navigator widow.2. Click on Indicators to expand the list of indicators.3. Find Relative Strength Index (RSI) on the list and double click on it. The

settings dialogue box will pop up.4. Set the Period at 3.5. Leave the Apply to section at the default value, Close.6. Click Style and choose the DodgerBlue color for the indicator.

7. Leave the line type as it is by default.8. This is for setting the line width.9. Click on Levels for the levels settings dialogue box to pop up.10. Click on Add and input 20 for the first level, then click on Add again and input

80 for the second level. (10)11. Here, you can customize the level color, line type and width. Leave all of them

as they are by default.12. Click on the OK button to apply the RSI on your chart. (12)

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6. Stochastic (5,3,3) with default settings and levels at 20 and 80.

1. Click on the Navigator button to open the Navigator widow.2. Click on Indicators to expand the list of indicators.3. Find Stochastic Oscillator on the list and double click on it to open the

settings dialogue box.4. Leave %K period at 5 (default).5. Leave Slowing at 3 (default).6. Leave %D period at 3 (default).

7. Leave Price field at Low/High as it is by default.8. Leave MA method at Simple (default).9. Click on the OK button for the Stochastic Oscillator to appear on your chart.

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7. 14 ADX (Average Directional Movement Index) with +D and –D line only.

1. Click on the Navigator button to open the Navigator widow.2. Click on Indicators to expand the list of indicators.3. Find Average Directional Movement Index (ADX) on the list and double

click on it to open the settings dialogue box.4. Leave the Period at 14 as it is by default.5. Leave the Apply to section at the default value, Close.

6. Click Style to select “None” for the color of the indicator as we will not beusing the main ADX line.7. Leave the line type as it is by default.8. This is for setting the line width, leave it at the default value.9. Click on the Colors tab.10. Set the +D line color at Lime.11. Set the –D line color at Red.12. The line type for the +D and –D lines can be set here.13. This is for setting the line width of the +D and –D lines.14. Click on the OK button to apply the ADX on your chart.

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Long Entry Rules

1. The 34 EMA must be above the 89 EMA.

2. The 3 RSI must cross above the 80 level.3. The Stochastic must be above its Signal line.4. The +D ADX line must be above the –D line.5. The 3 EMA must cross above the 5 EMA.6. When all the rules mentioned above are met, in whatever order, we can open a buy

trade.7. Set the Stop Loss below the 34 EMA or the last swing low point.8. Set the Take Profit at double the amount of the Stop Loss, or close the trade when

there is an opposite signal given by the 3 and 5 EMAs, 3 RSI or ADX indicators. Theopposite signal here means the 3 EMA falls below the 5 EMA, the 3 RSI falls belowthe 20 level and the +D line falls below the –D line.

Let’s have a look at a long trade example on the next page.  

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Long Trade Example

On the image below, you can see a long trade on EUR/JPY on 5 minute chart.

The vertical line “A” marks the signal set up candle for this buy trade.  

First, the 34 EMA is above the 89 EMA showing that the long term trend is up at themoment and we look only for long entry opportunities. The ADX confirms this becausethe +D line is above the –D line for a while. Then the 3 EMA crossed the 5 EMAupwards on the previous candle and in the same time, the Stochastic has moved aboveits Signal line. The last signal was given by RSI crossing above the 80 level.

 At the close of the signal candle, a buy position was opened at 103.572 (B).

 After the opening of the long position, a Stop Loss of 8 pips was set below the 34 EMAat 103.492 (C).

Then, a Take Profit of 16 pips was set at 103.732, which is twice the Stop Loss amount(D).

 As you can see, the 16 pips profit was gained less than an hour after we entered thetrade, when there wasn’t much movement on the market. This trade was taken prior tothe open of the Asian session.

Now let’s take a look at Short trade conditions that must be met for opening a shorttrade.

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Short Entry Rules

1. The 34 EMA must be below the 89 EMA.

2. The 3 RSI must cross under the 20 level.3. The Stochastic must be below its Signal line.4. The –D ADX line must be above the +D line.5. The 3 EMA must cross under the 5 EMA.6. When all the rules mentioned above are met, regardless of the sequence, we can

open a sell order.7. Set the Stop Loss above the 34 EMA or the last swing high point.8. Set the Take Profit at double the amount of the Stop Loss or close the trade when

there is an opposite signal given by the 3 and 5 EMAs, 3 RSI or ADX indicators. Theopposite signal here means that the 3 EMA crosses above the 5 EMA, 3 RSIcrosses above the 20 level and the –D line falls below the +D line.

Let’s take a look at a short trade example on the next page.

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Short Trade Example

Here, we have a short trade on the AUD/USD 1 hour chart. The vertical line “A” showsthe set up candle.

First, the 34 EMA is below the 89 EMA showing that the long term trend is down at thatmoment and we look only for short entries. The 3 EMA has moved below the 5 EMA 2candles ago. The Stochastic fell below its Signal line at the previous candle and almostsimultaneously, the –D ADX line crossed above the +D line. The actual entry signal wasgiven by the RSI crossing under the 20 level.

Immediately after all the conditions were met and the signal candle closed, a shortposition was opened at 1.04959 (Bs).

Then a Stop Loss of 36 pips above the entry was placed at 1.05319, which is just abovethe last swing high point (C).

Lastly, a Take Profit of 72 pips was set below the entry, which is double the Stop Lossamount, at 1.04239 (D).

The Take Profit Target was hit 11 hours later and again, this was a short trade takenduring the Asian session when there isn’t much movement on the market.  

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In this report, you have learned about the Super System and how profitable it can bebecause of its security and conservativeness. False signals are reduced to the absoluteminimum, while profits are maximized.

Thank you for your time and I hope that you will enjoy trading this system!

Best Regards,

P.S. If you need help, you can send me an email at