SUPER HEREOS - Three Hearts Church


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Today we call all sorts of people heroes. Let’s learn about Who is truly a hero and

who is not.

Superman: comes from outer space. Superman is the most powerful being on

planet Earth, an alien immigrant named Kal-El from the planet Krypton who was

raised in Smallville, Kansas.

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Matthew 28:18 - And Jesus came and spake unto them, saying, All power is given

unto Me in heaven and in earth. **Jesus holds ALL POWER, not a superhero.**

Superman sounds like a nephilim since he came from another planet. Nephilim is

a fancy word for the children of fallen angels and women. You can find out about

this in Genesis chapter 6.

The big S in the middle of his chest is symbolic of a serpent which always

represents satan.

Superman's “old country” is Krypton, an advanced realm that ultimately

destroyed itself.

This is what the aliens are telling us right now. They are here on our planet and

telling us that they are us in the future. They say they have come back to work

with us so we don’t destroy ourselves. This is all a lie – they are demons and they

hate all Christians. Don’t believe them ever!!

Superman’s dead father speaks to him and gives him guidance.

Deuteronomy 18:10-12 – God tells us we are to have nothing to do with the dead

or with spirits or witchcraft or sorcery.

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Wonder Woman’s true name is Diana. She is an amazon warrior princess, a

nephilim and she grew up on a hidden mysterious island called Paradise Island.

The amazons left Greece because of the evilness of man guided by Aphrodite who

is a goddess. Boys and Girls, gods and goddesses are of satan, we have only One

God and He exists in three persons: God the Father, Jesus and Holy Spirit.

Aphrodite was a Greek goddess of love and her Roman name was Venus – this is

not Godly, this is from the ancient mystery Babylon religion. Diana wasn’t born,

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she was formed out of clay by her mother and brought to life by the Olympian


In her new 52 comic series she is the daughter of queen hippolyta and zeus. She

has taken the role of the new god of war.

Genesis 2:7 - And the LORD God formed man of the dust of the ground, and

breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul.

They are trying to mock God in this cartoon by saying they made her.

She is a representation of Isis or Semiramis who married Nimrod who rebelled

against God. She was also his wife. The star on the crown she wears is one of

Nimrod’s or satan’s symbols.

She wears red and blue which are known as illuminati or occult colors. It does not

represent the colors of America.

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This is an older drawing of her and look on her costume, there is a bird that is

probably a phoenix that is symbolic in the occult of rebirth or rising from the

dead. Because they believe in reincarnation in the occult. Many think this is the

eagle standing for America but it isn’t. That bird on our dollar bill was not the

eagle originally it was a phoenix because the illuminati designed our money to

serve and symbolize satan.

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She was named after her godmother – goddess of the moon – That is

Ishtar/Isis/Semiramis – Nimrod’s mother and wife.

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Here is a modern day picture of Isis/Semiramis/Ishtar this is who Wonder Woman


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Old and New Wonder Woman. Look at the W’s on top of each other, can you see

like a W in the middle made by the line? That’s like 3 W’s.

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In the new 52 comic series she is no longer made from clay, she is now a

demigoddess. Demigoddess means part god and part human – this is a nephilim.

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She is calling herself a god. God of war. Also, amazons is referring to nephilim

from Genesis 6 in the Bible.

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Superman, Batman and Wonder Woman are known as the “trinity.” satan tries to

copy God in every way.

The Trinity is God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit. They exist in

3 persons but are One God.

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Do you think Beyonce is a hero because of her singing talent? Beyonce is not a


Baskeball star Lebron James is not a hero.

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Does beauty like Kim Kardashian’s make a hero? NO!

Does being a teen star like Zendaya make you a hero? No it doesn’t.

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Here are true heroes: fireman, policeman and first responders.

They are giving this child oxygen to breathe to save their life.

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These are true heroes.

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This Boston police officer jumped into freezing cold water to save this lady from


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Who is our ultimate Hero? Jesus Christ!!!!

He loves you and me.

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Jesus died on the cross for us. All of us. He died for our sins, He took our place.

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He rose from the dead on the 3rd day!! He’s alive and seated in heaven at God’s

right hand!! The devil thought he had killed Jesus, but Jesus defeated the devil

and death and hell when He rose on the 3rd day!!!

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One day very soon the heavenly trumpet will sound and those who believe in

their hearts and follow Jesus and love Him will hear it!!!

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Jesus will come in the clouds to receive us up to Himself!! This will happen in a

moment, in the twinkling of an eye – very fast!!

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This is called the rapture, or the catching away or catching up – when Jesus comes

for His bride!!! Those that love Him and obey His Word.

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Then we will be with our Bridegroom and King in heaven!!! There will be no pain,

or tears or sorrow or sin there.

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Jesus will judge us. He will give us crowns and rewards if we earned them. Please

love Him and Obey Him so that you will receive heavenly rewards on that day.

If you want to be sure to go in the rapture and live forever in heaven, pray this

prayer with me and love Jesus with all of your heart.

Dear Lord Jesus, please forgive me of all of my sins. I believe you died on the

cross for me and rose again and are seated at God’s right hand. Please come into

my heart and help me to live for you all the days of my life. Please baptize me

now into Your Holy Spirit with fire. Thank You for saving me. In Jesus’ name.


If you prayed that prayer from your heart, you are saved! Now you will want to

get baptized in water just like Jesus did. God bless you. Good bye.

Red and Blue in the occult

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Star is for nimrod

Wonder Woman’s costume


Video on the creation and origins of Wonder Woman.

Demonic cartoons.
