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Sunrise Spirit Collection Enlightenment Jewelry-by Synergistic Inspiration

Sunrise Spirit Collection Everything we are and see is energy. The 7 rays represent these key energy elements on the path

towards… enlightenment….

All is One

We are all connected in life and to each other. By connecting to

this energy source, we learn to honor ourselves , our family and

to our inner truth.

Every situation and person you come into

contact with isn’t random. Good or bad, they have something to teach us.


Honor One AnotherMake choices from authenticmeaning & faith and you will

have universal power behind you.

Form unions that support your development and let go of the relationships that

handicap your growth.

Honor Oneself

The quality of life we lead is directly proportioned to how we feel about ourselves. All life circumstances are

illusionary…develop your spirit, it is your only true identity.

Love is Divine Power

Love is Divine Power

Learn to love and attend to your own emotional needs first. This love will radiate in all that you do & be felt by everyone you come into contact with.

Forgive yourself & forgive others. Release the negative energy associated with guilt or anger….it keeps you in the past..

Surrender Personal Will to Divine Will

Have the courage to act blindly when guided by your intuition. Ask and you will be shown.

Seek Only the Truth

With truth comes clarity….seek to discern that which rings to your truth.

Challenge old and current belief patterns that have shaped your perceptions.

Live in the Present Moment

Carve out alone time daily to allow the spirit energy & guidance to enter.

Present moment awareness and practice is authentic power in and of itself.

Sunrise Spirit Collection
