Sunrise Children's Village Newsletter April - June 2013



Sunrise Children's Villages

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Volume 13, Issue 2

New Sponsors Needed 2

Operations Reports 2/3/4

Help for Kei 5

Sunrise 3 Update 5

Khmer Corner 6

Everyday Hero 6

Bequeathing & Memorials 6

Fundraisers 7

Visits 7

Merchandise 8

Inside this issue:

John George made a visit with Richard Fennell, who is to be our new Treasurer and we took the opportunity to show him all the Sunrise projects and it was a good

chance for us to get to know each other. The highlight for the children was an invi-tation to perform Khmer traditional music and dance at the Cambodiana Hotel for the Phnom Penh Post English newspaper clients and they were a smash hit.

Soksan will bring you up to date with all that has been happening at Sunrise. And remember, as our sponsors we have been able to achieve so much and with-out you we are nothing. Your continued support means the world to us.

My input is brief this quarter as I am on the road banging the drum and rattling the tin, as we have taken a bit of a thrashing with the fall in the A$ as we have to pay every-

thing in Cambodia in US$. Let’s hope the situation bounces back soon. The pe-riod from April to June had me speaking at events in Mel-bourne, Sydney, Darwin, Cairns to valued sponsors like Macquarie Foundation, Count foundation, ANZ and Juniper. Another visit to the hospital for a check-up in Bangkok and a week’s holiday in Bei-

jing. For my 68th birthday I threw a party for the children at Sunrise One with a local band, hip hop dancing, cakes and fried chicken until very late. Even our dogs, Snookie and Sunny were honored guests.

Geraldine’s latest news

Page 2 Volume 13, Issue 1

The last few months have flown by, with a lot

of Progress and new challenges underway. The

outcomes in 2012 have been reviewed and a

strategic plan with expected outcomes has

been developed for Sunrise 1&2 for 2013-

2014. We have reviewed and finalized the

critical policies of the Outreach Houses and

Child Protection Policy. In Sunrise 1, we have

recently re-opened our farm project. Please

read more about this new project on Page 3 .

All Sunrise’s children enjoyed the Khmer New

Year party followed by the visit to their original

families in the home town during Khmer New

Year from 12-16 April. They enjoyed their spe-

cial holidays with families and returned back to

Sunrise safely to start their school’s new term

on 17 April.

Regarding our Community and Reintegration

program, we are very proud of one of our dis-

abled girls, Sary, who has been offered a job

New sponsors needed for Sunrise 1!

Sambath's parents divorced and his mother raised her children on her own. His father left the family and is now living with his

new wife. His mother did not have regular work and collected rubbish and cans to provide for her family. She was diagnosed with leprosy and was receiving treatment and is now cured. Sambath and his brother and

sister were taken to the clinic for testing and it was discov-ered none of them are suffering from the condition. The family have relatives living nearby but they are not willing to support

the family due to the discrimi-nation of his mother's previous condition. Sambath arrived at Sunrise on 15 January 2013. He seemed to be a bit worried when meeting with other chil-dren in Sunrise. At first he cried

at night because he missed his mother. After living in Sunrise for a while and with support from mentors and house mother, Sambath feels better and happier than when he first arrived. He started to make

new friends with other children his age in Sunrise. He goes to School on Monday-Friday.

Rotha's parents are separated. His father has another wife and they have another daughter who is about one year old. Rotha's father

does not care much about his six children. He does not care if his children come to visit him or not. His father is a fisherman earning 8,000 riels ($2) per day. His fa-ther's house is a floating house, size 3 x 4 metres, bamboo house,

roof and walls are made from leaf located in forest, on the eastern side of Tonle Sap Lake. Recently, Rotha and his siblings visited their uncle at Koh Thom rather than visit their father. When his mother

was sick, he was looking after his mother at the hospital for about 2 weeks. After his mother died in 2007, he and his brothers and sisters were living with his auntie for about a month. He and his brothers and sisters are now living

happily in Sunrise. He has a good relationship with staff and other children. He goes to study Khmer and English regularly. He is happy to live in Sunrise because he has a lot of friends, study, food and ac-commodation.

Ponleu does not have any siblings. His parents are divorced. His mother is homeless and works as a rubbish collector to support her living. His father died of AIDS and his mother is living with HIV/AIDS. Ponleu was brought in NHCC in 2010 because his mother didn't have the ability to provide their food and medical treatment. Re-cently our social workers have gone

to find his family in Phnom Penh but could not find the family. His mother had left and moved to an-other place two years ago. Luckily Ponleu was not infected with HIV/AIDS.

He goes to study at Khmer school in the morning and goes to his English nursery class in the afternoon. He likes watching cartoons.

Report by Sok San Yi, Operations Manager

as Front Office Assistant with Sovannphumi

school with the monthly salary of US$120.

In Sunrise Angkor, all staff members including

caregivers, office staff and Case Officers suc-

cessfully attended an important 4-day training

session in April on Child Development and Par-

enting skills. Training was provided by profes-

sional trainers from the Transcultural Psycho-

social Organization (TPO). Success achieved

through better caring services for children was

noted after the training was conducted. Newly

established Outreach House Siem Reap has

been running well for 12 to over 18-year old

young adults. Other initiatives across both

Villages have included new development and

improvement of dining rooms and kitchens fol-

lowing the minimum standard set down by the

Ministry of Social Affairs, Veterans and Youth


Some of the great artwork at Sunrise 1

Volume 13, Issue 2 Page 3

The National Art Competition Ten students from the Fine Art/Drawing class and a group of seven dancers and

thirteen musicians were sent to join the National Art Competition organized and

held by Global Art Cambodia at Cambodian Japanese Cooperation Center (CJCC)

on June 1, Children's International Day. There were approximately 600 contest-

ants from more than 20 local/international educational providers in Phnom


As a result, seven boys out of ten received awards for their artworks and all

dancers and musicians received gifts for their beautiful performance.

3D Animation training One of the Outreach House Takhmao students’, Thai Lann, is undertaking an 18

month Advanced Diploma Course in Computer and 3D Animation Technology. The

course is a complete 3D Animation Film making program which is co-designed and

co-offered by SRAM & DRAM Resources Limited and the School of Animation, Digital

Asia to provide skills in using most modern animation software to design

and make 3D Animation films.

Moreover, it is a career path for all high school students who are most interested in

this field. After the 18-month training Thai Lann and other successful students will

receive a certificate recognized by India and Cambodia and they will also be offered

a job with SRAM & DRAM with a reasonable salary range according to their abilities.

Iroha Primary School Support With financial support from Birdwood Primary School in Australia, SCV1 organized and donated some water

purifiers, cups and other cleaning materials including mops, dustpans and baskets for rubbish to Iroha Pri-

mary School which is 2 km away from Sunrise 1 Saang district. Materials given will

help children from poor families access to clean and safe drinking water as they

have been using unsafe and polluted water taken from wells, ponds, lakes and river

at home and rarely drink water at school.

The donations were brought and given to the head of the school by Mum Geraldine,

Mr. Soksan and SCV1’s mentor team at the school campus with participation of

approximately 300 students. Teachers and all students were very happy and

thanked Birdwood Primary School for providing funds to support their school and

especially for providing them with the opportunity to access purified drinking water.

SCV1 considered the school and put it on our community support program. We will

raise more fund from our generous sponsors to renovate some of school’s old and

broken buildings, classrooms and a separate toilet for boys and girls.

Farming Activity SCV1 has organized an activity which allowed the management team, all staff and children to

work and grow some trees and crops in the farm land. This activity was also to provide

children with life skills in growing and farming which can be useful for their lives and help

them demonstrate good living skills in the community after the reintegration.

The Farming Day was held in the afternoon on Friday 28th May. Farm tools and drinks includ-

ing cokes were arranged for the activity. As a result, 150 lemon trees, five rows each of corn,

melon and sweet cucumber and some lemon grass were planted at the end of the day. About

20 children have volunteered to look after the crops and trees in the farm.

Report by Sok San Yi, Operations Manager (cont.)

Page 4 Volume 13, Issue 1

Report by Sok San Yi, Operations Manager (cont.)

Health and Hygiene Training Our Children were provided with meaningful training on Health and Hygiene

supported by the Cooperation for a Sustainable Cambodian Society (CSCS)

and Splash, the NGO partners. The training aims at promoting general health

care and hygiene for children by raising awareness and changing daily prac-

tices of cleaning, eating and drinking. Education on environment and children’s

responsibilities was also included.

Six topics were provided to the children and staff including diarrhea, cleaning

hand, cleaning body and teeth, environment protection, water and sanitation,

and gender issues. The children enjoyed this training and 10 of them were as-

signed to be the peer educators to help provide this education to other chil-

dren in the Centre.

Photography Project for our children We wish to express our profound thanks to our sponsor, ChildEd, a non-profit organization http:// from the United States, who support the Photography Project for our children. Under the

guidance of a group of professional photographers, the children have

become involved in the project and have learned basic digital photography

skills. The goal of the project is to provide a unique perspective into the

lives of the children, through their eyes, allowing them to share their sto-

ries with the world. 20 children actively participated, with one digital cam-

era each. The idea is to display the children’s images back in the USA. Any

profit made from selling the photographs will go directly to Sunrise.

International Children’s Day On International Day, 01 June 2013, thirty children including 13 dancers, Caregivers and Teachers from Sun-

rise 2, proudly attended the special event at Angkor Hospital for Children. Our children performed a role play

on the Rights of Children in which the Rights to Participation and the Rights to Protection were particularly

highlighted. The children performed their own story facilitated by

our house mothers. They had fun and also attracted great appre-

ciation from the audience.

On behalf of Sunrise Angkor’s children, we would like to express

our sincere thanks to our generous sponsor, Mr.Tashiro, the

Japanese Musician who provides our children with the chance to

visit and perform in Japan again in July 2014 for about 10 days.

This provides us with the opportunity to share our Cambodian

culture with the people of Japan. This is the second time

Mr.Tashiro has invited our children to Japan since 2010.

Trip to Kban Spean in Siem Reap In May 28, 20 outstanding students visited Kban Spean, a waterfalll tour, as their re-

ward for studying hard. The children were very happy with what they had achieved.

Education is one of the main focuses to ensure the high success of children in the

future after they leave Sunrise.

Volume 13, Issue 2 Page 5

Help for Kei

Kei is a young Cambodian boy born in a village near Siem Reap. He was born with a blood dis-

ease, called thalassemia and also developed severe asthma as a child. His family were not able

to keep up with his medical treatments as they were very poor farmers and could not afford the

monthly transfusions that Kei needed to stay alive. He was abandoned in Siem Reap where,

eventually, he went by himself to the Angkor Children’s Hospital for treatment. By this time,

Kei had fractures of both of his legs due to the increased bone fragility that was due to the ex-

cess iron in his blood from the transfusions. It was at this point that the Angkor Children’s

Hospital contacted Sunrise Village.

Kei (17) has now moved into Sunrise and is the size of a nine-year-old boy. His painful broken

legs have since healed and he has had individual tutoring to help him learn to read, write, add

and subtract as he had never been to school.

He now attends the primary school next door to Sunrise and is in Grade One, learning how to

read. It is hoped that Kei will begin to grow again with proper treatment for the iron overload in

his blood. Through the generosity of Dr Betsy Williams, Dr Ram and the Women’s and Chil-

dren’s hospital in Adelaide it is hoped he will be given a course of treatment to lengthen and

improve his life. He is currently in Adelaide undergoing assessments and treatments at

Women’s and Children’s Hospital. Ly & Chhay Ming, Sunrise students and the Cambodian com-

munity in Adelaide are taking great care of him and we thank them all. In our next newsletter

we will be able to give you an update on Kei’s situation.

Sunrise 3 Road Construction Project Launched As promised by Prime Minister Samdach Hun Sen at the SCV3 Grand Opening on December 1, 2012; the Road Construc-tion project for Sunrise 3 was officially opened —presided over by Provincial Governor and participated by senior govern-ment officials from relevant departments, local authorities, community leaders, villagers and Sunrise 3’s children and staff. The project has been implemented by the Provincial Department of Public Works and Transportation and is expected to be completed by April 2014. The project is moving forward slowly due to the rainy season. By June 2013, about 40% of the project is estimated to have been be completed. The government has planned to spend US$820,000.00 for three concrete roads to connect Sunrise 3 with the National road number 4 and local communities.

Maggie and Rollo Counihan had previously donated several ukuleles to Sunrise.

Earlier this year they revisited and taught several of the children to play enough

chords to make a song. They enjoyed the ukulele playing but were a bit shy when

it came to singing along!

Ukulele fun

Page 6

Cambodia or Kampuchea is officially known as the Kingdom of Cambodia

and once known as the Khmer Empire, is a country located in the southern

portion of the Indochina Peninsula in Southeast Asia. Its total landmass is

181,035 square kilometres (69,898 sq miles), bordered by Thailand to the

northwest, Laos to the northeast, Vietnam to the east and the gulf of Thai-

land to the southwest.

With a population of over 14.8 million, Cambodia is the 70th most populous

country in the world. The official religion is Theravada Buddhism, which is

practiced by approximately 95% of the Cambodian population. The country's

minority groups include Vietnamese, Chinese, Chams and 30 hill tribes.

The capital and largest city is Phnom Penh, the political, economic, and cul-

tural center of Cambodia. The kingdom is a constitutional monarchy with

Norodom Sihamoni, a monarch chosen by the Royal Throne Council, as head

of state. The head of government is Hun Sen, who is currently the longest

serving leader in South East Asia and has ruled Cambodia for 28


Volume 13, Issue 1



Khmer Proverb Know how to receive; know how to give; know what is lost; know what you have; know what to

do; know what not to do;

Our centres:

Seam Reap

Phnom Penh


Sunday, August 25th, 2013

The 39th year of the Chevron City to Surf will take place in Perth on Sunday 25th August

and will once again capture the hearts of tens of thousands of Western Australians.

More details at: Chevron City to Surf

Everyday Hero Events

Fundraise $300 for charity and go 2,000 ft higher for free! Take up our skydiving challenge & help great charities tackle great chal-

lenges 364 days a year. Raise $300 for one charity and $300 gets you

to 10,000ft. Date: Heroes are welcome 364 days a year. Venue: 65

Bashford st, Jurien Bay

Jurien Bay is a coastal town in Western Australia, located 220 km north

of Perth facing the Indian Ocean. More details as: SkyDive Jurien Bay

Bequeathing & Memorial Donations

A Bequest is a gift made in your will to individuals, companies, associations or charities

and may be as simple as adding a Codicil to your existing will. Full capital gains tax re-

lief may be available to your estate for bequests made to certain charities, including

Sunrise Children’s Villages.

For more information please see our website:

A great way to do fundraising for Sunrise is to register on Everyday Hero for any events you may wish to participate in (eg fun

run, weight loss challenge). As a participating Hero, you can choose your own charity to raise funds for. It is very simple to

register. Following is a brief description of upcoming events where all participating Heroes can choose Sunrise to raise funds for

Page 7 Volume 13, Issue 1


Geraldine’s big cook-in at Our Big Kitchen—Sunday 8th September 2013-Sydney Organised by Sue Liu of Zulu Communications This is a unique, special fundraising event for Sunrise Children’s Villages in Cambodia. You will have the rare opportunity to meet

Geraldine Cox AM and some of her inspirational children who happen to be visiting from Cambodia. You’ll also be cooking to feed

Sydney’s homeless and vulnerable communities at Our Big Kitchen in Bondi. Number strictly limited! For further details and to

book your ticket go to or phone Sue on 0411 743 015

Garry Nelson and his family visited Sunrise 1 near Phnom Penh on 14 June with a very kind donation of hundreds of

clothes and hats for the children. We would like to express our heartfelt thanks for their visit and very kind donation and

support of our family. These clothes have been separated by sizes for our 123 children (each child can get one or two).

Our children are very happy with their new clothes as your kind donation came at the right time for their beach trip.

Please also convey our profound gratitude to Mrs. Anne Trapnell for her very generous donation of clothes through Mr.

Garry. We wish you all the best luck and peace.

A Khmer family came with a generous donation of

rice, instant noodles, canned fish, oil and fish sauce

for children on the International Children’s Day 2013.

Marisa Heller and her project team visited Sunrise1 for the

photography project which aims at giving children living at

Sunrise the opportunity to document their own lives through

digital photography, under the guidance of professional pho-



ANU Public Presentation– ACT —Wednesday 25th September 2013 Event details: Time: 6-7:00pm : Please email for more details

The Roaring Twenties Charity Ball - Saturday 26th October 2013 Join us for an elegant evening, arranged by Macquarie Bank, of 1920s glamour, entertainment and fundraising for Sunrise Chil-

dren’s Villages. Geraldine Cox, founder of SCV, will provide the keynote address.

Event details: Time: 7pm - 12am Venue: Wentworth Ballroom, Sofitel Sydney Wentworth61-101 Phillip St, Sydney NSW 2000.

Please email us on and we can forward all the information to you.

Fundraiser Dinner and Charity Auction—Thursday 26th September 2013 Event details: Time: 6:00pm, Venue: Hellenic Club in Woden ACT

For details go to website Or Contact: Cath Brinkley, Beeline Partnership on 0410

026 047 or email

Volume 13, Issue 2 Page 8

Sunrise Merchandise T-Shirts $20.00 (+ $8 p/h)

Black or white

In adult sizes small, medium,


Caps $10.00 (+ $6 p/h)

One size fits all!

Angel’s Wing Pendant $50 (+ $6 p/h)

The boxed pendant has a silver wing attached.

We Can Be $5.00 (+ $5 p/h)

This 56-page book portrays photos of daily life at Sunrise with heart-

felt captions written by the children.

Musicians of Cambodia CD $30.00 (includes postage and


A beautiful collection of traditional songs and dance music expressing

stories of life at Sunrise. The CD presents tales of hope, gratitude, and

happiness, as well as showcasing the talent of our children.

Postage Rates Home is Where the Heart Is $9.00

Caps, Pendants $6.00

T-shirt $8.00

Home is Where the Heart Is $30.00 (+$9 p/h)

This book tells the deeply moving story of a woman

who found her true purpose in caring for Cambodian

orphans—the tragic victims of three decades of war

and destruction. Geraldine tells with warmth and

humour of an extraordinary life.

My Khmer Heart DVD $20.00 (+$5 p/h)

The documentary, My Khmer Heart, won the Holly-

wood Film Festival Documentary of the Year Award

in 2000 and it has since been bought by HBO

and Discovery Cable Channel.

Mr / Mrs / Miss / Ms / Dr: (Please print)_____________________________

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I authorize THE AUSTRALIA CAMBODIA FOUNDATION to charge my credit card as specified below:

Amount: $________________ Once only Monthly Annually Merchandise (as listed above)

I would like my donation to go towards Sunrise Children’s Village in: Phnom Penh Siem Reap Sihanoukville

To be allocated to: Operating expenses Building Expenses Sponsoring a child


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DIRECT DEBIT Australia Cambodia Foundation – SCV Operating A/c BSB 085-005 A/c No. 54 952 3845

CHEQUES Payable to: The Australia Cambodia Foundation Inc.


For merchandise purchases: Complete the above order form and include payment details below.

For changes to your contact, credit card or email details or new donations/sponsorships:

Please fill in relevant details on the form below.

Return the completed form to:

PO Box 1113, Unley BC, South Australia 5061, Fax: +61 (0)8 8340 4920 or Email:

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