Sunday Services...Jun 06, 2019  · gifts, cakes or a meal out. When we were children, a birthday...


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Founded 1904

Telephone: 0151 645 3870

Issue No. 94: June & July 2019

Early Summer


Our Mission is to

offer our best to


through Worship,


and Care for the




Family Worship


Afternoon Worship


Free - please take a




Welcome to the Early Summer issue of

The Magazine, from Christ Church Port Sunlight.

The Magazine is

produced six times a

year by volunteers and

is available free of

charge at the back of


It is also available in

large print and in colour

on our website:

Many thanks for all

contributions and

assistance in producing

this edition.

We hope you enjoy

reading The Magazine.

We hope you feel part

of this beautiful church.


3 The First Word

4 Church open 2019

5 Bible readings for worship

6 Frank Oliver

8 Ruth Perry

10 New Bible Study Group

11 Profile of our student minister:

Sarah Fitton

13 Food Bank

14 I looked from my window this morning..

15 Cream Teas & Social & Fundraising

16 Summer Charity Concert

17 Quarterly church meetings 2019

17 Social media

17 Carers’ meeting

18 Weddings

19 Baptisms

20 Funerals and interment of ashes

21 Meeting times of our organizations

21 Editorial details

22 Contacts

23 The Magazine by post

24 Services in June and July

24 The Last Word

Cover shows:


(north side) of

Christ Church

Port Sunlight.



Dear Friends

Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday dear... Everyone has a birthday, even if we celebrate in different ways. Often there are cards and gifts, cakes or a meal out. When we were children, a birthday also meant a party. Birthdays really are a time to celebrate and to party, and Pentecost is no exception. At Pentecost we celebrate one of the most significant events in the life of the Church – the church’s birthday and the start of the church’s mission to the world. On the day of Pentecost the disciples received a gift, the gift of the Holy Spirit – the gift that Jesus had promised to send them. On the day of Pentecost the gift of the Holy Spirit came as a rushing wind and tongues of fire. Our celebrations at Pentecost aren’t simply about a historical event, but are about a gift, the gift of the Holy Spirit that continues to be alive and active in the world. It is the gift of the Holy Spirit that gives us inspiration, challenges us to seek new direction and draws us on in faith, hope and love. Wherever and whenever we see new life achieved or new truth discovered, or a new community overcoming old divisions, we should recognise and celebrate the work of the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit is at work in our world today, doing unexpected things in unexpected ways. Jesus was full of the unexpected, and so it should come as no surprise to realise that the Holy Spirit is too. This year, our Church Anniversary coincides with Pentecost, so we have much to celebrate: the Church’s birthday, the coming of the gift of the Holy Spirit to the disciples and the work of the Holy Spirit in our lives and in the life of the world today, moving like tongues of fire and a rushing wind in unexpected ways and in unexpected places.


So, on Pentecost Sunday it really is: Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday dear Christ Church, happy birthday to you! Rev Ian Smith


Christ Church Port Sunlight is open to visitors this year from

Monday 1st April to Friday 27th September 11am-4pm.


Bible readings for worship during June, July and early


I normally use the Revised Common Lectionary readings for weekly worship,

usually choosing two or three passages from the four available. As part of

your own worship preparation you might find it helpful to read all four

passages. Some visiting worship leaders may, on occasion, choose not to use

the lectionary.

Ian Smith

2 June - Ascension

Acts 1:1-11 Psalm 47 Ephesians 1:15-23 Luke 24:44-53 9 June - Pentecost

Genesis 11:1-9 Psalm 104:24-34 Acts 2:1-21 John 14:8-17, 25-27 16 June - Trinity

Proverbs 8:22-31 Psalm 8 Romans 5:1-5 John 16:12-15 23 June

1 Kings 19:1-15 Psalm 22:19-28 Galatians 3:23-29 Luke 8:26-39 30 June

2 Kings 2:1-2, 6-14 Psalm 16 Galatians 5:1, 13-25 Luke 9:51-62

7 July

2 Kings 5:1-14 Psalm 66:1-9 Galatians 6:7-16 Luke 10:1-11, 16-20 14 July

Amos 7:7-17 Psalm 82 Colossians 1:1-14 Luke 10:25-37 21 July

Amos 8:1-12 Psalm 52 Colossians 1:15-28 Luke 10:38-42 28 July

Hosea 1:2-10 Psalm 85 Colossians 2:6-19 Luke 11:1-13 4 August

Hosea 11:1-11 Psalm 49:1-12 Colossians 3:1-11 Luke 12:13-21


FRANK OLIVER 1933 - 2019

‘A devoted family man and a friend to all’

A church packed with people greeted the coffin of Frank Oliver on Tuesday 26th

March 2019. They were family, they were friends, they were neighbours, they

were members of the Christ Church congregation. They all came to say farewell

and to celebrate the life of Frank Oliver. To accompany the funeral party we

listened to a recording of Katie Melua singing ‘I will be there’.

In his opening remarks the minister of Christ Church the Revd Ian Smith told us

that Frank was born in the West Derby area of Liverpool in 1933, the fourth of

six children to Florie and Frank Oliver. He went to Lister Drive primary school

before starting work as an apprentice floor layer with J & R Smith in Williamson

Square. As Frank had an apprenticeship he was allowed to delay his National

Service until he was 21 years when he

joined the Lancashire Fusiliers as a

rifleman based in Bury. One of his jobs

was to work in the Officers’ Mess bar

where one of his friends was George

Woods and it was through George that

Frank met Ann McGowan. A meeting

that led to Frank and Ann getting

married in this church in 1959. They

lived in several houses in Liverpool

and around Port Sunlight and ended

up in Bolton Road by the roundabout. Frank returned to J & R Smith after

National Service and then joined Lever Brothers as a forklift truck driver. He

stayed with Levers for the rest of his working life and retired in 1991 at the age

of 58 years as a Shift Supervisor.

Together with son Malcolm they all enjoyed travelling and went camping in Italy

on many occasions and visited other European countries. After granddaughter

Suzanne was born they bought a caravan and enjoyed many holidays and

weekends away in the van. Frank’s wife Ann died in December 2011 and so

future holidays were spent with son Malcolm and also with other friends in

Llandudno at the Tyndale Hotel.


Frank was a master story teller and, like most story tellers, you were always

left wondering just how much of the story that Frank had just told you was

actually true!

John Lindsay, one of the Christ Church Elders and a member of the Church

Stewards’ team spoke warmly of his friendship with Frank and of Frank’s ability

to make visitors feel at home and at ease while they were in church. He also

commented on Frank’s love for all his family and so it was fitting that

granddaughter Suzanne then shared some of her memories about her grandad.

Suzanne told us that Frank was

gentle, loving, funny, caring and a

gentleman. He touched the lives of

many. He saw the best in

everything, and even after his final

diagnosis he remained strong and

determined to live life to the fullest

and accept whatever his fate would

be. During his life he had spent a

lot of time with Suzanne in Port

Sunlight playing in The Dell and

sledging when the snow came.

Suzanne spoke lovingly and

emotionally about the bond

between her and Frank and the

congregation was very moved by

her words.

Family member Eve read from Luke’s Gospel and Revd Ian Smith reflected on

this passage.

After the service the funeral party and the congregation left the church to the

church organ playing the hymn ‘Father I place into your hands’.

Reporting by Chris Maple.


RUTH PERRY 12th September 1924 – 26th March 2019

‘A modest lady who enjoyed simple things’

A congregation of family and friends were in church on Tuesday 16th April 2019

for the funeral service of Ruth Perry, a faithful member

of Christ Church. In her opening remarks Revd Anne

Bedford reminded those present that here was a place

in which Ruth felt at home, a place in which Ruth took

her part welcoming visitors both locally and from farther

afield. Anne said “We have come today because we

loved Ruth. Here we will mourn her leaving us, honour

her life and death, reverently farewell her body and

comfort each other. We have come believing that all

human life is valuable, that the truth, integrity and

hopefulness which resides in each life lives on. We

come believing that Ruth’s life which we celebrate today

and for which we now experience great loss is joined in

the eternal continuum of human endeavour stretching into the past and on into

the future. Ruth’s life was lived with us in its uniqueness and has now passed

on into the ultimate community of human existence.”

Kim, one of Ruth’s great-nieces, spoke about her great-aunt. Ruth started

school at Church Drive here in Port Sunlight and then at Wirral County School

for Girls. Ruth’s passion for travel began at an early age when at 12 years she

visited the Patten family in Dublin, the first of many such visits in both directions

by both families. Ruth’s first job was at Lever Brothers as Personal Secretary to

Col A W Henry and it was there that she met Albert her future husband. During

WW2 Ruth worked as a Wren in the Japanese Section at Bletchley Park. Ruth

was very proud of her service and maintained contact with the Wrens and the

Bletchley Park Trust. In 1950 Ruth and Albert were married, a very happy

relationship that lasted 45 years until Albert’s death. They both enjoyed their

garden in Barnes Green and also enjoyed their many holidays, often to beautiful

parts of the world with impressive golf courses. Ruth had a long and successful


business career, quite pioneering for a lady of her time. After the war she worked

for the chairman of Tree Food and Unilever Export Ltd. Later she joined Meeres

Brothers, a civil engineering company, as PA to the Northern Director. A position

she held until her retirement at the age of 60 years after distinguished service

that went way beyond her job title.

After Albert’s death in 1995, Ruth pursued a number of interests and hobbies

and contributed to various groups and causes including this church where she

was a knowledgeable volunteer steward and a

helpful member of the Women’s Fellowship. She

was a member of the WI for many years and held

several committee positions, including that of

President in the millennium year. She gave talks

to local school children about life during the war.

Ruth was a keen needlewoman and her home

displayed many tapestries. For a number of years

she knitted for children in Malawi and the

premature baby unit at Arrowe Park Hospital. Ruth

was a real bookworm, she was never without a

book, had a love of words and enjoyed crossword

puzzles. She took great pleasure in classical music and enjoyed going to

concerts with friends. In her younger life she had played piano and in her later

years she took up keyboard lessons again and studying floristry for four years

at the Welsh College of Horticulture.

Ruth valued her family and friends greatly and appreciated contacts. She loved

letter writing and welcomed the many cards she received at Birthdays and

Christmas. Ruth had a difficult final year to her life but graciously accepted her

move to the Safe Harbour Care Home. She was a very organised and thorough

person, every aspect of her life being carefully and thoughtfully planned. Ruth

enjoyed simple pleasures in life, she was modest and did not indulge. She was

content with her life, grateful for her time with Albert and blessed with her friends

and family.


In her Words of Hope Revd Anne Bedford said, “None of us knows the whole

truth of what lies beyond death, Christians believe that as we travel between life

and death we are safe in the hands of an infinitely gracious God. I am convinced

as Ruth’s life ebbed away on 26th March that God himself came alongside and

took Ruth’s hand to lead her on into the new and wonderful world which we call


Reporting by Chris Maple


You are invited to come along to a new Bible Study group starting at 10am on Friday 21st June, in church.

The group will offer the opportunity to join together with other members of Christ Church to discuss the Bible and what it teaches us.

Each session will focus on a different theme and we will journey through the Bible together, asking questions, having discussions and drawing nearer to God.

We intend to meet monthly on the third Friday of each month.

If you are interested, please speak to Revd Ian Smith or Lisa Scott.



Hello to everyone at Christ Church, Port Sunlight!

By now I am sure that most of

you know who I am, at least

by sight or reputation! but I

thought it would be nice to

share a few extra things about


I am Sarah Fitton and I am the

new student minister who will

be training, worshipping and

learning alongside you for the

next year. I am excited to get

to know all of you.

I am currently finishing my 3rd

year and going into my final year as a student at Luther King House, training to

become a full time Minister of Word and Sacrament for the United Reformed

Church. I am very happy that Christ Church agreed to support me in my final

placement and you have all been very welcoming.

I have always been brought up in a Christian family, and attended church with

my grandparents, parents and sister from a young age. It has always been a

central part of my life. I am a relatively new preacher but have lead worship

services for 5 years. I am passionate about different styles of worship and

preaching, and excited to learn more with each new opportunity and

congregation I meet.

I enjoy preparing all age worship, leading Youth Groups and taking part in Bible

studies. I love being a part of a church community, and I would say that

hospitality, inclusivity and Christian family is very important to me and my on-

going ministry. The areas which I am interested to explore are diversity in use

of prayer and songs. As I grow in ministry I have found that I have a desire to

learn about different cultures and communities and how this relates to multi-

cultural and multi-ethnic church.

Over the summer I was able to spend 6 weeks on an international placement in

Bulawayo, Zimbabwe. It was my first trip to Africa and it will definitely not be my


last. I learnt so much from their ministry and I had the great opportunity to see a

wide variety of church life. One of the areas which I found really interesting was

authentic Christian living.

Mission and Church Projects are a constant challenge in churches in England

and very much in the forefront of Church life. We are seeking to engage

community and church for the kingdom of God. I must say that this is ever

present in Zimbabwe as well. Revd Paul Negshangwe (my supervisor) had great

vision to do the Gospel in action there in Bulawayo. He gave me a new

perspective of Church and its role within society. I really admire his forward

thinking and productive vision for his church. I was very excited and impressed

by Vimridge Church Farm that was set up to help fund the church and create

purpose for its church family.

The progress that the church, its team and workers have made in one year was

truly amazing.

It taught me how you can build on what God has provided (the land), encourage

people to seek knowledge and wisdom to grow things (research), to use this as

a way of leading, inspiring a team and encouraging responsibility for all, giving

people a chance to work towards a purpose and taking their share in the fruits

of labour; reaping in the blessings of this Farm, of course the vegetables grown,

the money made and also the spiritual gifts of faith, hope and love. It’s not easy

to keep the work going, there are various challenges I saw to keep moving

forward in God’s vision. However, the motivation there is pure and good. It has

changed lives and continues to make a better world. I hope to take this new

insight in to my future ministry.

If you want to know anymore about my experiences in Africa, I am always willing

to have conversations and discussion to share how special Zimbabwe really is.

And finally, I would like to share some fun things that you might not know about

me…. hopefully they will make you smile;

My favourite Film: Titanic

My favourite Book: Wuthering Heights by Emily Bronte

My favourite Song: Way Over Yonder by Carole King


My favourite Food: Pancakes with bacon and maple syrup

I would describe myself as fun-loving, caring, hardworking, open-minded,

curious, self-aware and always looking to learn and make connections in and

through Christ. I am a person who likes to take on new challenges, and who has

an ‘I’ll try anything’ mindset because you never know where you will encounter


My other interests include, reading, watching films, cooking - especially Mexican

and Jamaican food, listening to rock music and supporting my local Rugby team

Sale Sharks.

Many Blessings and Prayers to you all,

Sarah xx


If anyone has material possessions and sees his brother in need, but has

no pity on him, how can the love of God be in him? 1 John 3 v 17

Following the success of our one-off Christmas collection for the Wirral Food

Bank it was decided to make this a weekly feature of our care for the community.

And your response has been magnificent. Every two weeks or so, I have taken

a carboot-load of groceries and toiletries to the sorting depot – so far clocking

up 150kg. I always receive a smiling and grateful reception from the hard-

working volunteers.

You are invited every Sunday (or whenever there is access to church) to place

donated items of non-perishable goods in the box at the back of church. Please

try to make this a regular part of your giving and to think about those in need as

you pop an extra item or two into your supermarket trolley whenever you shop.

Every so often, a list of the most wanted items will be displayed.

Thank you.

Barrie Bradburn



I looked from my window this morning

The sky was red, so red

Red as the blood of the Saviour

Whose blood for the world was shed,

As drop by drop His life ebbed away

On that grim Friday morn

When all was agony and fear,

When hope it seemed was gone.

I looked from my window this morning

The sky was grey, so grey

Grey as the lives of millions

Who struggle through every day.

What can the Saviour mean to them

Do they even know His name?

Tell them, Christians, tell them!

It was for them he came.

I looked from my window this morning

The sky was blue, so blue

Blue and clear as on summer days

And the birds were offering a paean of praise

And I sighed for the world and its cruel ways

Yet in my heart I knew

I did not grieve alone for the world,

Jesus was sighing too.

I looked from my window this morning

The sky was bright, so bright

Bright with the light of Heaven

Putting darkness to flight,

Reminding me ‘hope springs eternal’


And if we are willing we can

Shine out with the love of Jesus

Son of God and Son of Man.

Written by Olive Burns


The first three Cream Teas of the season and the Bacon Baps day on Saturday

11th May were very successful.

Still to come we have a Strawberry Cream Tea scheduled for Saturday 20th

July in Church and our last Cornish Cream Tea on Monday 26th August.

So far, it's been a good start to the year thanks to those volunteers who regularly

turn out and give of their time to support us. Thank you! Without your continued

support we could not host these events.

Extra help is always welcomed, even if it's just an hour on the day to help set up

the tables in the morning, or if you feel you would like to be more involved there

is always something to do during the day.

Please speak to Jim Tesseyman, Lynn Tesseyman or John Lindsay.

Other event dates to follow.

Jim Tesseyman




Tuesday 17th September 7.30pm Tuesday 19th November 7.30pm

The church meetings are open to all who attend Christ Church. The meetings

are held in the church hall and last for about an hour. At these meetings we,

the congregation, have the opportunity to discuss and make decisions that

affect our church life. Please join us if you are able.

Samantha Hawkes


Keep up-to-date with events on Facebook: Christ Church Port Sunlight URC

Twitter: @ccpsurc Please ‘like’ and ‘follow’ us!


The Carers’ Meeting is held at 12.15pm for 12.30pm every third Tuesday in the

month at Christ Church Community Centre, Kings Road, Higher Bebington. A

sandwich lunch is provided free of charge. If you are a Carer then do come and

join us – you will be made most welcome.

Carol Wright, Carers’ Contact, Christ Church Port Sunlight



Please uphold in prayer the following couples, as they begin their married lives



Donna Miller and Shaun Nichols

Helen Glover and Rob Bewley

Faye Holmes and Amit Joshi


Helen Griffiths and Stevan Griffiths (blessing)

Stacey Wilkinson and Daniel Cook

Jenny Roynane and Phil Carvell

Charlotte Oakley and Michael Hayes

Sophia Lucas and Tony Walsh

Jenny Harper and Phill Gadsby



The following children were baptized recently at Christ Church. We remember

the parents, god-parents and the children themselves in our prayers.


Maisie Grace Bentley

Isaac Bentley

Darcey Rose Youds-McDowall

Sadie Jane Bennett

Ruby Rose Rimmer

Mia Rose Farrell


Penelope Mae Cooper

Billy James David Griffiths

Harriet Linda Rose Fowler

Joel William Mounsey

Clara Grace Leonard

Sophie Claire Heath



In our prayers we give thanks for these folk and remember their loved ones in

their grief that they may know the peace of God.


Doreen Spilsbury 79 yrs

Mr Buckley n/k

Roy Bell 87 yrs

Edith Marie Laurence 90 yrs

Ruth Perry 94 yrs

Shirley Good 84 yrs

Laurence (Stan) Williams 88 yrs

Janette Martin n/k


Janet (Netta) Peaston 83 yrs

Ruby Bainbridge 90 yrs



The Bellringers’ practice is held every Wednesday at 7.30pm in the Bell


The Handbell Ringers’ practice is held every Tuesday at 7.15pm in Church.

The Choir practises every Thursday at 6.30pm in Church.

The Elders meet every 1st Tuesday of the month at 7.30pm in the BB HQ

Men’s Fellowship meets every Wednesday at 1pm in the Church Hall

Editorial Team: Jan Burrell and Rosie Potter

Items for the next issue should be handed in as soon as possible, and

NO LATER THAN Sunday 14th July 2019

Articles, letters, requests etc. may be emailed to or handed in to a church elder.

The Magazine is also available, in colour, on our website at

We regret that we cannot include adverts or any promotional material

for events not associated with Christ Church Port Sunlight.

Hymns reproduced under CCLI Licence Number 214840

Opinions do not necessarily reflect the official policy of Christ Church

URC Port Sunlight or the United Reformed Church

Copyright for all photographs in The Magazine belongs to Christ

Church Port Sunlight URC, unless otherwise stated


CONTACTS * = Serving Elder

Christ Church URC

Church Drive, Port Sunlight, Wirral, CH62 5EF


Rev Ian Smith

Baptismal Secretary *Sue Frowe

Bereavement Pastoral Care Assistant and Funeral Coordinator

*Maureen Jones

Carers’ contact Carol Wright

Choirmaster Jonathan Bowden

Church Secretary *Samantha Hawkes

Church Treasurer *John Lindsay

Fabric Committee Convenor Vacant

Flowers / Church Bookings *June Berry

Housekeeper *Val Young

Local Church Leader for Baptism & Young Families

*Sue Frowe

Local Church Leader for Outreach & Discipleship

*Lisa Scott

Magazine editor Jan Burrell / Rosie Potter

Men’s Fellowship Leader David Peacock

Organist Jonathan Bowden

Prayer Chain Joyce Howell

Pulpit Supply / Elders’ Rota *Lisa Scott


Readers’ Rota Barrie Bradburn

Serving Elder *Shelly Hayes

Serving Elder *Chris Maple

Social and Fundraising Convenor *Jim Tesseyman

Stewards’ Coordinator *Val Young

Student Minister Sarah Fitton

Sunday Worship Club Leader / Messy Church

*Samantha Hawkes

Synod Representative *Lisa Scott

Tower Captain (Bellringers) David Hocker


Peter Humphreys

Weddings and Funerals Administrator Rachael Hardcastle

Weekly Bulletin Editor *Mark Williams


If you would like to receive a copy of The Magazine regularly by post, please send:

your name, address, postcode and a contact phone number or email address

plus a cheque for £3.00 (for 3 remaining issues in 2019), made payable to Christ

Church Port Sunlight to: Magazine Subscriptions

31 Boundary Road

Port Sunlight


CH62 5ER

(Please do not send coins by post).


Put the correct amount of cash (or

cheque) in a sealed envelope,

addressed to ‘Magazine Subscriptions’

and hand in to a Church Elder or




Sunday 2 10:30 am Revd Anne Bedford Communion Service

2 3:00 pm John Lindsay Afternoon Service

Friday 7 10:00 am Revd Ian Smith Communion Service

Saturday 8 10:00 am Messy Church

Sunday 9 10:30 am Revd Ian Smith


9 3:00 pm Revd Richard Hambly Afternoon Service

Sunday 16 10:30 am Revd Ian Smith

Morning Service - FATHER'S DAY

16 2:00 pm Revd Ian Smith Baptisms

16 3:00 pm Revd Ian Smith Communion Service

Sunday 23 10:30 am Revd John Oldershaw Morning Service

23 3:00 pm Revd Ian Smith Afternoon Service

Sunday 30 10:30 am Revd Ian Smith Morning Service

30 3:00 pm Revd Ian Smith Afternoon Service


Friday 5 10:00 am Revd Richard Hambly Communion Service

Saturday 6 10:00 am Messy Church

Sunday 7 10:30 am Revd Ian Smith Communion Service

7 3:00 pm Revd Ian Smith Afternoon Service

Sunday 14 10:30 am Olive Burns Morning Service

14 3:00 pm Revd Ian Smith Afternoon Service

Sunday 21 10:30 am Revd Ian Smith Morning Service

21 2:00 pm Revd Ian Smith Baptisms

21 3:00 pm Revd Ian Smith Communion Service

Sunday 28 10:30 am Revd Ian Smith Morning Service

28 3:00 pm John Lindsay Afternoon Service

THE LAST WORD: Psalm 36:5

Your love, O Lord, reaches to the heavens,

Your faithfulness to the skies.
