Sunday 2 December 2018 Shine Forth 10Sunday 2 December 2018 Shine Forth 10.30am Order of Worship...


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Sunday 2 December 2018 Shine Forth 10.30am


PREPARATION Please silence your phone and other digital devices


PRAISE Mr Jonadab Phua

PRESENTATION The presentation of His tithes, our offerings, and ourselves to the Lord Greetings and Church Concerns Offering

PROCLAMATION Scripture Reading 1 Thess 3:9-13 Sermon Confident Till the End Mr Darren Huang

PARTICIPATION The Sacrament of Holy Communion Songs to be sung during Holy Communion

PROMISE Song of Dedication Benediction

Time of Altar Ministry If you need someone to pray with you, please go to the area near the pulpit. A ministry

team member will pray with you.



ANNOUNCEMENTS BAPTISM & MEMBERSHIP CLASSES: (Wednesdays; 7.30 -9.30pm; starting 16th Jan; ending 6th Apr, Conference room, level 1). Applicants must have worshipped at BRMC for at least 6 months. Application Forms available at the Info Rack @ Sanctuary entrance. Closing date for registration: 6th Jan 2019. Available at the ushers’ table: • METHODIST MESSAGE (December) • On TRAC (2nd Issue 2018) CRADLE ROLL WSCS would like to welcome newborns into the family of God! Please notify Mary at the Church Office (6256-4298) on the birth of your baby.

MARRIAGE PREPARATION COURSE 2019: 12 Jan - 9 Feb; all Saturdays; 1.30-4.30 pm; L1 Conf Rm. Participants are encouraged to attend the course at least 1 year before wedding date. Application Forms available at the church website. Closing date for registration: 23 Dec 2018. GLOWING YEARS MINISTRY (GYM): Please refer to pg 8 for our Christmas Party on Sat 8 Dec. Our regular activities: “Wednesday Activity Days”, “Bible Study classes” and “monthly Get-together” will be in recess for December. We will resume these activities in January 2019.

CONGRATULATIONS TO Mr Ho Wei Jei Sam & Ms Lee Leann who were married in Church yesterday. OUR DEEPEST CONDOLENCES TO Teng Huar & Hui Ming and family on the passing away of their father/father-in-law, Mr Lee Ah Kang, on Fri 23 Nov. Funeral was held on Tue 27 Nov.














Musicians Sat 5pm 8.30am 8.30am Upper Room 10.30am 10.30am Shine Forth 5pm

Ms Mary Tan and Grace Notes, Mrs Ning Buckley (Choir Pianist), Dr David Ngoh (Guest Flautist) Dr Michael Burkhardt (Organist), ACJC Alumni Choir Upper Room Worship Team Mrs Joy Balakrishnan (Organist), Mrs Lim Cheng Koy & 10.30am Choir Shine Forth Worship Team 5pm Music Team and Mrs Shi-Ane Ho

Ushers Sat 5pm 8.30am 8.30am Upper Room 10.30am 10.30am Shine Forth 5pm

Dr Kon Oi Lian, Ms Valerie Ang, Ms Amy Lim, Ms Chia Teck Ai Mr Nicky Lim, Mrs Jenny Hay, Mr & Mrs Roger Tan, Mr Tommy Goh, Mr Wong Wing Kwong, Mr Andreas Handayanto, Ms Jasmine Lim, Mr Martin Lim, Ms Ruth Seah, Mr James Chang Ms Evon Phua, Ms Rachel Koh, Mr Gabriel Koh, Ms Deborah Chew, Dr David Tay, Ms Ng Lay Cheng Ms Kim Gee, Prof Lim Chwee Teck, Mr Kevin Auyong, Ms Eileen Ho, Mr Adrian Khoo, Mr Shentley Tan, Mr Andrew Eu, Miss Sarah Tan, Mr Daniel Tan Ms Ada Tan, Mr Isaac Wong, Mr Ron Yeo, Ms Lam Yuen Ying Mrs Lim Lee Lian, Mr Pang Tit Keong, Mrs Irene Cheong, Mrs Evelyn Tan, Mrs Ong Chen Kee, Ms Lim Suu Kuan, Mr Robert Loke, Mrs Sharon Loke

Greeters 8.30am 8.30 Upper Room 10.30am 5pm

Mr Lee Soo Chye Ms Evon Phua Mrs Ong Cheow Lan Mrs Evelyn Choe

Communion Sat 5pm Stewards 8.30am 8.30am Upper Room 10.30am 10.30am Shine Forth 5.00pm Communion Sat 5pm Assistants 8.30am 8.30am Upper Room 10.30am

10.30am Shine Forth 5pm

Mr Lionel Ong, Mrs Ong Chen An, Mr Gregory Pong, Mrs Pong Chen Ai Cynthia Tan and Ken Zeng Ms Rachel Koh and Mr Khoo Boo Tiong Hillcrest BSG Mr & Mrs Koh Yam Teck Mr & Mrs Kenneth KT Tan Dr Gervis Chua, Mr John Tan, Mr Jeremy Tan, Ms Peggy Leong, Ms Corinne Teo Mr Benjamin BC Tan, Mr Lee Soo Chye, Mr Andrew Yap, Mr Eric Low, Mr John Goh, Mr Vincent Thong, Mr Moses Goh, Dr Jeanette Hui Mr Bryan Hoo, Mr Ong Ai Bin, Mrs Hui Mei Ling, Dr Benedict Chong, Mr James Ang, Mr Alan Tay Mrs Ong Cheow Lan, Dr Benjamin Ong, Mr Loke Beng Fong, Mr Yeo Seng Chong, Mrs Sally Chua, Mr Khoo Wei Khong, Mr Michael Tan, Mrs Vivienne Chiang Mr Alfred Tan, Mr Damien Wong, Ms Darrell Lee, Mr Darren Huang, Ms Denise Ho, Ms Iris Sin, Mr Justin Low, Mr Lau Yan Wei Mr Chan Kai Yau, Mrs Constance Goh, Mr Aaron Ma, Mr Ang Hock Kheng, Mr Ernest Ho, Ms Georjina Chia, Mr Chris Goh, Mrs Evelyn Teoh

PA Crews Sat 5pm 8.30am, 10.30am, 5pm, Upper Room, Shine Forth

Mr Jek Kian Yee PA Crew

P r e a c h e r s N e x t W e e k Season of Advent – Dec 2 to Dec 23, 2018 Sat, Dec 8 BRMC SATURDAY Holy Communion Service

Christmas Rev Lawrence Chua

5pm in the Sanctuary/HC

Sun, Dec 9 2nd Sunday in Advent

Not Alone [at Bt Batok]

Rev Benjamin Fong Rev Jeremy Ong Rev Dr Norman Wong

8.30am, 10.30am, 5pm 8.30 (Upper Room)/ 10.30 (Shine Forth) 10.30am (BBPP/HC)
