Summer School and Homo weok R eaH slale and Insurance, · TEACHER OF PIANO, ORGAN AND THEORY. —...


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• i* Y _ j j


% n ti$ $ U m l (farfls.

T A. W. nBTRICK, M. D.HomaBdpathlo Physician and Snrgoon.

Oor. Cookman & Bangs ave., Aslmry Park, N.'ff. IIoQrs: until 10 a. m., and a fter 4 p . m .


Corner Grand and ABbnry Av’orinea,Offido Honrs—7 to fl a . m ., 1 to flp ; m., 0 to 8 p ,m .

r t i r BUUCB S. K BATOR,nnm mopatblo Physician and Surgeon.

Graduate or both schools.Oor. A ebnry avenue and Rergh streot,

I lo itrs-U ntil 9 a, toi.» 7 to 9 p. m.Telephone connections.

1- G*LL, A. M„ P . D.|r ■----pftetfmfttopfiih!«t,or7 ...................

400 Kowall avonuo. Cor. Hock street. Ofllc.e hnnrs 7 to 10,12 to 3, C to fl.


" \* X 5 E 0 i n ,X B T „CIS Bangs ave,, . , • Asbnry Park. N. J .


BSfJTlfiT,Office—201 Main St., opposite Railroad Station,

Gas administered. . ■ Asbury P ark , N, J,

_ a . h . R u n to H , n . n , h. i . a . b u h -v o n , r>;i>. a . IMJRTON BROTHERS, ■'.*

•* K m h ln u i n « n t lN |n .Dnnn Building, BOS Cookman ave., Ashnry Park,

New'York Oftloo-O!) W est 31th st.Gas administered. Appointments m ade by tele- . phone o r by mall, u o n rs : fl a . m. to 5 p. m.

/. M’f’rs of “ ZOZO”—the now preparation for cleansing and preserving the Teeth. ' '**

T . N.r SEYMOUR, D.TLH;X> E U I ' I S T ,

Office 512 Cookman avenue. opp. Bangs*avenue. M echanical work a specialty. ■

Difficult operations sollotted.


Attomeys-afc-Law, Solicitors «fe M asters In Chan­cery, Mikado Building, Cookman Av.,

Ashnry Park, N . J .


Attorney-at-Law, Sollcltoiy M aster !n Chancery ' ■ and N otary Public. ' ••Special a ttention given to examination o f TItlos,

,&o.Offlce In Cook’s Building,

tr ■ Aabnry Park, N ew Jersey.

X l f r e d d . b a il e y , ^ 'xx~ A ttorn ey-at-Law, Solicitor and M aster in

Chancery and Notary Public.Special attention Riven to collection of olal

Office In Mikado Building, Aabnry Park.


Attoffley-nt-Law, Solicitor, M aster and Examiner


Att^irn%*at^lii,wlind So!(cltor In Chancery, Address P. 6 . Box loot, Ashnry Pjirk. N . J .

IlFNar M. NKvyig. *- CounKoHitr »t. Law.


Erf*UNO WllJ&fW,Attorney a t Law.


AHCHITECT. ...... MIKADO -BOTLlHWtir------ -------“

I*. O, Box 855. AHUITRY PARK. N . ,

b o s a l in e v . r i p l e y .307 Fourth avonuo, Ashury P ark...........

TEACHER OF PIANO, ORGAN AND THEORY.— Foreign and American fingering. Terms—515 for

20 lessons, payable a t 10th lesson.

H. B. JOHNSON, ' P ractica l W atchm aker,

. Dealer in Flno W atches, Jewelry, Spectacles Ac. „ W atches and Jew elry repaired a t City Prices.

Main street, near Oookman avenue,™ a s b u r y p a r k , n . -j.

G E O . M . B E N N E T T ,

H0USE,,PAINTIi\r0In all its branches. HanFwood finishing, (Grain­

ing, Calolmlnlng, <fco.--------- ;— *— •Estim ates furnished on application.

■■■■;■■ . L. Box 2182. Ocean Grove, N ,J ,

H» C . M A R R Y O T T ,C o n tra c to r 'and B u ild er,Estim ates furnished for every description of

w ork. : Jobbing attended to promptly. Roaldonee— .

Cor. Bewail Ave. and Emory St.,I.ock Box 718 A S B U B lf P A R K , K . J .

A. A. TAYLOR, ' Miason and Builder,

Brl<Atlaylng and P lasterlnc In all branohos o f Masonry work.

Jobbing promptly a ttended to. p . O. Box 097. Office, 733 Mattlson avenue

C O O K H O W L A N D ,

Architect & Builder.• Building planscxeoutod and all work promptly done. 1 " •,

Offlco In Cook's Building, Main s tree t and Cookman avenue. Asbury Park.

4 D O N L I^ P IN C O T T ,Contractor & Builder1 Plans and estim ates oheerfulty. furnlHhed.:,v

. Jobbing In all branches promptly and carefully attended to.

Residence and Shop,,007,; bet. la t and^d , Aflhury P ark , N. J .

PltBD; B: GOWDY: 'c irA s r tL 'p iT c n E u .

G O W D Y & P IT C H E RCarriages, and Manufactu-

rers of Harness.i te< > |io iiito rl« fl-A H bnry P a r k . B « l B n n lc

a n i l Tonii* K l v e r .

JO H N H U B B A R D ,Practical House Painter,

. AND PAPER HANQER.RcHldonoo Cor. P5fth avonuo and Bond street,

LonkBoxOrt. ASBURY PARK. N .J .


has «)n hand the larprest and finest line o f plain and gilt wall papers, docrtratlon». shades ana J|jctiire» In thecouiU y, a t lowest prbc«. Also Wall Picture BIouldlniCH and Frames,

Psper IladKur'aHiippHeN, Klc,Framos m ade to o rder a t short notloo. Tho

best Now York and Phlladdnhla pft|>er lian^ors employed. lCstlmates farnl»liod for paper hang: Sn« and kalsomSnlnff..-,. • - »

C o o k h ia u a v c in t o ,Adjoining Commercial Hotel, -•


J p e r m a n e n t s u u n t l o n w Riiaranfced. _ Salaryand Expenros paid. SpeclaUqtlucemeuts tor bettlnners. Any .man cap succeed w ltji.onr a il v an tages.. Quick sellUm Bj»ecSaUl6s. (tutfit freo. Wrlto a t onco. IIiiiTkor NiiPrtorhw, (estah- li»hod lswa) Rochester, N. Y. (Nanjo this papor.)


S to v es, H e a te rs , RangeB,T I N W A H f e , * c .

C o o k m a n a v . , n e a r B o n d s t . , ASBtTBI PABK, N. J.


JUJU*.Firflt-oiass work a tio w raU m ..jjp

L I P P I N O O T T ,

T A i L ^ J B•'J'21'7 C o o k m a n A v e .

j V T i B n ’ s F u m ' i s h i n g s .

The Oid and Reliable Brand.

Vane, Calvert & Co.An Immtfuse StoctonM,

&!1 Dosirdbls ShaflGSof Color.

N. E. Bnehanoit & Go.Solo Agents for Slate of Hew Joisoy,

t ^ n r l c e a low to palnters and Constimors. Llitcral arrangements made w ith dealers.

M A I N S T . A N D A S B U R Y A V E .


Now occup^ the now brick building of J .H e n ry Applegate, on

Mattison Avenue, near Bond Street^where they are prepared to estimate .on a ll kinds

GF FL0HSIH8, SAS AN& STSAK FITTIKQ.T lieydonnne other than flrjft-class work, and

Rll-^inmblni: will be dono alK riho motft approved ianitary methods.

K i 'p n l r l i i g l i r o m p t l j lU te n ^ t^ l to*

John A. Githens & Co.“""^Mariufactiirors of. an d ^h o lesa le and

retail dealers In

F E A T H E R S , E t c . FACTORY NO. 143 MAIN ST.

U p Btairs, . ' ltenova£ttfg Mattreeses a Specialty.

Telcphono Connection.

-= -T H E-—


PETER DE ” KEYSER,n Successor to Wm. Bcames,

Sealer in Choice Family Groceries.The bent brands of Flour, fine T eas and Coffeo,

and everything pertaining to a llrst-olass Uro- eery.

N e w S t o c k ! P i : j m e G o o d s !

. H E N R Y ^ pO REN r


near Oookman Avo.Suits m ade to order guaranteed to fit. Cleaning

and Repairing. .

G E O R G E W . L E E 10BBING HOUSE CARPENTER.Hardvvooii work-a specialty: orders .promptly

attended to apd work dono in fi rst^c I ass manner.- M anufacturer o f Htorm Doors, W indow1*and

Door HcgGons. Orders loft a t J>. U. Wyekoff’s pa la t st ore, o r received by mall, wUl bo promptly attended to, • , •, jrtenidonce—N..T3. Crfr. Asbury avenue and Maln.- strcet. 1*. O; Box COO, ASUURY PARK, N. J . ,


Carpenter & Builder.P lans and Bpeclflcatlona_iurnlahetL~^ Jobbing

proiriptly attended to. Best of reference given. Residence—F irst ave,, be t Bond and Emory sts.

Sbopand Ofllqo^-Flrst av.e. end Maln'st. P . O. Box 743. . -ASBURY PARK.

1< C R Q S B IE ,''.Successor to David Cartwright,

Tar paper, Shvathlng Paper, TwoVand • , ■ Three-ply Rqofirig Paper. ‘ ^

EVO. U o x H O J. . A f tb u ry P n r h ,N « 4 .

JO S . L, D U RR A H ,I P I a . s t e x e i ,

50 5 THIRD AVENUE.Jobbing Promptly attended to .

C E O . C , O R M E R O D ,

JfflmraOR ADD 80WB,A S B U R Y P A R K , N . I .

Eatab llshed '1873. Jobhjng promptly attended rto.. Beat of reference Rtvan.o • •;

Office and Residence, • •c o n . 8KWAJ.I, AVE. ANli BOND ST-' .

>::» ^Established Paper Hanging-1805. *- ■

Ja m e s 'S. B atem an , ’ A P E R : H A N G I N G ,. DKOOIfATlNfT AND IIO.USEPAINTING. P ro m R ^tten tlo n given to orders through tho

niftiU ItcftpccUnlly ro fo rstti a large num ber of- business m en and oltlzeiis o f Park and Grovo.

d o Fifth avenuo, Asbury Park , N. J . .

I r a l Estate

F. C. BRAEUTIGAM,R e a H s l a l e and Insurance,

Hotels, BoanUnj? Bonsefe and Cottages to to t , -for Sale and Exchange. Spoclal attention tflvcn to drawinir mortgoxus. leases and doedn a t sh o rtnotlco. Offlco , ___

710 COOKMAN AVENUE,P. O. Box 17; N ear Main st., Asbury Park, N. J .

Ofllcc Hours—10 a. in. to 6 p . m.

H. B . B E E C L E ,

I t E A I i E S T A T E a n dI N S U R A N C E A G E N T ,

r i . l i s i f a p i - S s s i I p , 1 1

Loans' Negotiated and Legal Papers Drawn

H. B. BBEGLE, N otary r*ubllo and Commissioner of Deeds for Now Jersey, Pennsylvania and

‘ the D istrict o f Columbia.



C O -


Railroad, near First avenue.

Furnlnhes Kloclrlo lights a t any location.

Ant and ImuindoHocnt

■ OFFlCKItS:President—MYRON H.-UOULD,Vice Pres’t —EDMl/ND (1. HAKItlKON, Tn'Osiircr-.IOIIN IMH»KAPfCf.LKK, Hov/y and Hnp’t-G K O , M. LANK.


ron S. Oontd,-N Geo. K. Kroehl,m undG. ilarrlson, John tVManMurray,

John Rockafclter. • <ioo. ATSmoOk,Geo. M. Lane.



Discount on S e w e r Bills.During tho past year a numbor of new connect

tlohs have been m ade w ith the sewers. This has to some extent lessened tho percentage o f cost of m aintaining the works. As tho tsreetlon of the Spwor Works was not a m atter of specula­tion, but bccamo a necessity because of the suc­cessful and rapid grow th of the toWn, the owners desire to keep tho anuuttf ren t a t tlio .lowest possible .point.

Notlco Is! hereby given th a t on. all sewei* rents f0 i^l888rwhfch will be duo January 1st, 1889, for prepaym ent at!eduction of one percent, a month will be. allowed. A fter January 1, ^889, on sow er ren ts duo tho following January a deduc­tion of tw o p e rso n t . a month will for prepay­m ent be allowed. On tho th ird ^ear, fo r pro- payment, th ree per c e n t a_ month w ill be allow ed^ artd r o n ‘th e ‘ foiirth year, fo r pre­payment, fon r .p e r o e n C a m onth ( w ill be allowed. This practically reduces tho sejve.r rontm oro than ono-tldrd In tho last threo years. But taking the fourth year alone, It reduces tho rent* fully orte*half. I t la o f course impos­sible to tell, a t the present tim e. If a still fu rther discount can be aifowed on the. flftb or succeeding years, on oeconn to f increased num­ber o f connections, b u t the owners of property which Is connected w ith tlio sew er m ay reat assured that-they w lW eap every advantage pos­sible. Owners of the works only desire, after, working expenses are paid, a m oderate Jp te res^ on th e Investment. _ ^(VTTB A1LBY.

* •... Seo’y Server Works.Asbury Park, May 23d, 1*88. ’ .

Artistic Printing.

M a t e r i a l — m t bc.n.

W o r k m a n s h i p — fusiciass.

D p jjv e r y — praniiii.



P R I N T I s f e H O U S E .

• 7 1 8 M a t t i s o n A v e .

( S a u c n t i o n a t .

Summer School and HomoF O R C B l L O R E i r ,

lASbURY PARK, * NEW JERSEY,,From Juno till October.

Pupils received by tho woek, m onth o r to m1th oi'w ltl ' * ’ * ‘ * **” *■■■ ......... ...

Socond avo.w ith mf w ithout board. Apply till June iBt at2l6

MI8B M. J . DRAKE,PrlnClpaL

Sea-Side I L c m e ,Boarding and Day Soho^l for Xonng

Ladies aiid Children,A S B T B T P A R K . - H E W J E B S E Y ,

Eleventh y ea r opens 8eptom ber 20,1S». _. \ Address ' j u l i a R o se , Principal, ” '

ASTEB’S SALE./ • IN CnANCKRY OF NEW JERSEY,eon Mary McKvere Gosling, et al.t complain gnd Charles O. Fran ok lyu. e ta l - defend

Facias. 5 • vlrtuo of tho aforesaid w rit o f florl faoIas.x<>

nwEdlroatod, issued out of tho Court of Chanoery o f W Jersey, I will cxposo to sale ai-public vdndUo on r

•' JSday. ibo 13((i day of ESay, I. D. 1813..between tho hours o f twelvo an l five o'clock In tho aftorooou of said day, th at Is to say, ATTHE HOIIR OF 8 O’CLOCK IN THE AFl^RNOON, OKTHE VRKM18K8 AT ELBEHON, In tho OOirn- ty t>f Monmouth and btato of Now Jorsoy : v fill those certain lote, pieo(» or parcels of land altuato, 1 vlnar and being In tho townabipof Ocean, countv of Monmouth and Stato o f No

p K N N M V L V A N 1 A H A I L I I O A D .

On a4&.ft&$kiVobrunry 25, 1889,T H A IH 8 LBAVB ASUUBT T A S K

For Now York, New ark, Elizabeth, Rahway Red Bank, Lon/j Branch and Interm ediate stations, a t 0.15 a. m ., 1.16, 6 85 p. m.

Express for New York, N ew ark, Elizabeth and . Long B ra n c h ,a t0.50a .m .

For M ata wan, 6.50, 9.15 a. m., LIB, 5.85 p .m .For Long Branch, 0.50, 9.15 a. m., 1.15. 5.35 p. m.For Philadelphia, (Dro ad 8t. ,)Tren ton , Princeton,

Monmouth Junction , Freehold and Sea Girt, 7.59 a. m.^12.27,4.30 p . m. • - .

For Camden, Burlington, BordchtoWnand points. on tho Amboy Division, via. Boikoloy and

Toms K ljer, on Mondays and Saturdays only, 2.00 p. ra.

For Camden. Burlington, and Bordentown, (via. Trenton,) 7.59 a. m., 13.27, 4.20 p . m. Via. Jamesburff, 4.20 p. m.

For Toms River, Island Heights, an d Intermedi­a te BtAtlons, a t 11.05 a. m. Ou Mondays and Saturday* only, 2.00 p. m.

F or Poin t Pleasant, and In term ediate sta tions, a t l l.0 5 a. m.,a.oo, 0.00, 7.00 p .m . .

t ra in s lkavb nxw to b k (v ia .. Desbrossos an(J Cortlandt 8ts. ferries) ro a i s b d b t . tAnx

At 9.10 a. m., 12.00 noon, 4.20,5.00 p. m.THA.INS LU.VB PUILADXLIUIA (Broad St.) TO»

ABBUBT FABfiAt 7.32,11.15 a.m ^, 4.00, p. m .. M arket S t., vta.

Camden and Trenton—7.30, 10.80 a . m., 2.80 p. m. Via. Jam esburg, 7.20 a. m ., 3.30 p. m. Via. Toma River and Berkeley, on Mondays and Saturdays only, 8.80a, m.

J . R. WOOD, O en'lTast. Agt.CH AS. B. PlIGH,.G«»’f Manaaer.

J ^ 'k h ’T O S H ,* B B A H C H 1

Time Table, In effect February i®, 181

Stations in New Y ork—Central R. R. o f New Jer- sey, foot of Liberty S treo t; P. R. Rv,-foot o f CTortlandt and Desbrosses StreoLs; N. J . South em Railway, foot of Rector St. ;

' r.xAvx h*w tobr ro « asbtot fadx , Ac.Central R. R. of N. J .-H .30,8.15, *11.15 a. m., 1.0

l 4,00, *4.30,0,10 p. m.PennKyivanla^?9.l0 a. ra., U'.OO mr,-*4^Or5.00

p .m .'. -■ •Leave Newark, Broad St. Station, for Asbnry

Park, * 0 . - 8 2 5 , 11.20 a. m ., 1.01. 4.00, 4,:y>, 0,20p. m. M arket St. S tatiqn—6.88 a. n 12.20, 4.4L 5.2G p. m.LXAVI ABBUBT 1‘ABK FOB H*W TOBK, *C.

Central a R. of N. J.-0.15, 0.5C, *7JS5,11.00 a. m., p.m.

Pennsylvania—*0.00, 0.15 a. m.. 1.15, 5.85 p .m . For Philadelphia and Trenton, via. Bound Brook

Route-0.15 0.50,7.55 a.m ., 4.15p.m.For Ocean Beach. Sprln* Lako and Sea GIrt-~

7.00, 7,59. 10 20, 11.05 a. m., 12.27, 1-05, 2.00, 2.5H, 4.20, 5.f5, C.<«, 6.11, p. m.

For Matiasquati and Point PleaMunt—7.00,10.20, 1105 a.’ m., 1 1*5, 2.d0. 2.58, 5.55. 0.00, 0.11 • AM. H.10 p. m . "

Por I’hlladmphla, via- Hca Olrt— 7.5D a. m.- 12 27. 4.^0 p. m.

For Toms |Hy<_T..ILli6 u- in—— *---- ----------------- UUKU.H BUHK1KTT, 8upt.

ii. p. B a l d w i n ; a . p. a a . n.<tf x . j .. J. R. WOOD, iien'l / ’fl*. A ct. P. R .R.

p l l K R I I O L n A r i B N B W VO IKK I t . t t i

,.,f. „ . In iiffccLNovell), 1888r ......

TRAINS WILL LBAVB FOR TRRKUOLO AH rOLWJWSS I/cavo Asbury P a rk -8.00, 10.55 a . m ., 1.15, 4.15,

5.35 p. m. *Leavo Ixjng Branch- 8 15, l t . io a . m ., 1.80,4.«),

5.50 p. m. ‘ ♦Leave Branch port—7.20, 11.13 a . ra. , 1.83, 4 33,

5.53 p. ro, . "Lcavo Little Hllver-7.25, 11.18 a. m ., 1.38; 4.88,

5.r>8 p, m.-—*“*- . : ; .Leave Hied Bank—8 ^ , 11.80 a. m ., 1.43, 4.45, 0.00

p. m . ' ’Leave Middletown—7.37, 11.87 a. m ., 1.50, 4.1


0.30,8.37, 9.31 a. m .. 12.20. 2.08, 5.80, 7.25 p. m,v-'» LKAVK rnBBUOU) rOR TUB SUOItB.

8.05,11.15 a . m., 1.35,4.80,0.30 o. m." J . K. RALPH, Bup’t,

Lo n g b r a n c hSaabrlght, Pleasure Bay and Sranshport.

The New am} Commodious Steam er "


-Will leave NRW ^ORK (I'tanklln St. Covered Her) on Tuesdays, Wednesdaya, Thursdays and I'Vldays a t 0 a. m., and on Saturdays a t 10 a. m.

Leave BRANCIIPORT on Mondays a t 11a: m . and on.Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays ana Fridays a t ‘ia o p. ra.

n U H C U A. u A l . E , BempDKor,

F a r o , 4 0 c . E x c u r s i o n , B O c.All Freight intpnde<rfor.thl8 Boat m ust be on

the w harf a sufficient length of time to handle, as she will posltlvely-leave-promptly on her a d ­vertised time,

R. VAN DYKR REID, Purser. GOotl accommodationfl for Horses and

Carriages.N. II.—Freight reeolvcd In Now York at any

tim e during the day.


1 'r lc e a foir t h e - ' i

S p x i r x g ' lXxa,c3.©„H O ftV E T T K N from $ 1 .2 5 pfir yd. up\yard. B O D Y B K D M K M

from .0 5 ppr.yd. upward. T A P K H T R T from .0 0 per yd. upward. I N O BA IH H j fronr V40 per yd. upward. FJKKSIK CHINA MATHKO,

/ per Roll, 4 0 yds., upwards,


Broadway and 19th St.,N E f f T O B K C IT Y .


N o. 811 ARCH STBEET;-»>«,u ..P a.B i c y c l e s , T r i c y c l e s V e l o c i p e d e s .

Semi f o r tatalofiue.— Barpn^ps in Sccond Hand Machine*. —

G . W W l. T R E A T , Jr.,Pialn^n n d Ornnmootnll

j E i d i a s e ^ a i r x t e xAlso PraotlOftlUard Wood Finisher. t

Kstlmatea cheer/ully furnished on application,8 0 6 M A I I V 8 T H B R T .

i George W. Patterson, SfidgaBuilder I'Benerai Ooniractor,r.O-.Box'Sra. A8B.0llYl’AHK,K..I.Doalor.ln G eorgia Pino Lumber, Tdleohonoand'

Telpgraptiowlcs* Oak^ Chcsthut and Pine piling furnished a t short notlco. a ll lougths and sizes, r.

N. E. Buoiianok, Pros. Geo. A, Smook, Trcofl/

JliESiURG ICE 60.Thlscom pany having sooiired a fully supply of

^first-class Ice* la now ready to supply all cuato- raers. - .

Orders addressed to n . WARDELL, S up 't. •• I» ck Box 717, w 111 receive prom pt attention.

3 S T * a .x s © X 3 r S t b c l s :Mr. Tunji-V. Hendrickson h as4 ak ed the n-

o f for tlioTLG : CHASE (Geneva) NURSERIES, and wUl supply, styck o f every kind. ^. - .. •>.* Address ASBURY PARK,N. J .

Jf.T?ey, known and deslCTiated as lotanumlwre twenty (SO) twenty-ono (21) and tweuty p n g certain map illcd Dcccmber lBUt,1B?t,lnihe Ofisco of the clerk of.M onm outh oounty aforo- e ifdond entitled *‘A m ap, of lota belonging to

otho.m, fiiwnted a t Long i iiS&itefi, A -3.* ti'SiwUl^iii-'cubi^ bcicif ’hTJUflde and describctl as follows: Beginning at^a x>oiuf In tho oastcrly sldo of Occan avonuo distant sixty feet northw ardly from tho intersection of tho said oaaierly sldo of Occan avenue w ith the southerly sldo of Lincoln avenue, being the northwesterly corner o f lot num ber twenty-threo on said m ap. rumilne thcnco north nlnoteen de­grees, tw enty minutes (19 degrees, 20 min­utes) eaat.along tho easterly side of Ocoau avo­nuo four hundred and fifty fee t to tho southerly side of lotrnumber n in eteen ; thence south sev­enty degrees forty minutca {70 degrees. 40 minutes) e a s t along tho B a l d s o u t h e r l y sldo o f lot num ber nineteen, live hundred and thlrty-elffht fee t more or less to tho top edge o f bank o r high ground as shown t h e r e o n , thence s o u t h w a r d l y along said top odgo or bank o f high ground to the norlherly sldo o f lo t num ber twenty-three, and thence north soventy degrees forty m inutes (70 degrees, 4 0 m i n u t e s ) w est along tho said northerly ehlo of lo t num ber twenty-threo, five hundred a n d two feet more or loss to tho point o r place of beginning. Together with all right, tltlo and I n t e r e s t of tho said Charles G, Franck- lyn and Susan S., Ida wlfo, lu and to the beach and shore o f tho Atlantlo Occan and the lands under the w aters of tho said ocean In fron t of and adiaoent to tho said several lo ts as fully as tho said Charles G. Francklyn and SiiBan 8., his wife, by the laws of the S tate o f New Jersey can give such rights. TOGETUKK WITH ALL AND SINGULAR THE RIGHTS, liberties, privileges,

_ _ In thebill of complaint and particularly described In the Inventory attached to tho M aster’s R eport of the Receivers Account in this cause filed; AND ALSO THE 0001)8 AND CHATTELS IN THE GARFIELD OR FRANCKLYN COTTAGE, de­scribed In said bill of complaint an d M aster's Re­port as aforesaid.

Tho said land and promises, Roods' and chat­tels will bo SOLD, pursuant to said writ, IN THE FOLLOWING ORDER*

IN THE FIRST PLACE, tho said Bummer hotel (The Elberon) together with tho lot o f , land appurtenant thereto, being said lots numbertw enty and twenty-ono, boun-lod nnd described as follows: Beginning a t a stono located In the easterly side o f Ocean avenuo, d istan t tw o hun­dred and ten feet northwardly,from the lutorsoo* tlon tif the said easterly Aldo o f Ocean avenue With the southerly side o f Lincoln avenue, being tho northw esterly corner o f lot num ber twenty* two on said m ap, and running thenco (1) north nineteen degrees tw enty m inutes east along the easterly side of Ocean avonuo threo hundred feet to a stone in tho southerly lino of lot num ber nineteen ; thcnco (2) eoutb seventy degrees forty minutes east along said southerly lino o f lot num ber nineteen, five hundred and thirty-eight feet more or less to tho to p edge o f bank o r high ground as shown on said map ; thence (8) south­wardly along said top edge of bank o r high ground three hundred feet moro o r lens to tho Brtrtherjy'llno of lo t-num ber tw en ty -tw o; and thence (4) north soventy degrees forty minutes west along said northerly lino five hundred nnd two feet moro o r less to said »tuno and. placo of beginning.-^ TOGETHER with tho said right, title and Interest in nnd to tho joild hfiiuih und ■horo and lund-under'thu wiiler o r tlio Atlantlo Ocean in front o f and adjacent to said desorlbed iremlaes ; AND TOGETHER w ith the apuut- enanees: AND ALSO TOGETHER WITH THE IFORBSAID GOODS AND CHATTELS THERE­

IN,'- jfN T IIR SECOND PLACE, th o said summ er cottage (known os Garfield or JKraueklyn Cot­tage) to g e th e rw lu i Uio lo t o f laud appurtenant thereto, being said lot num ber' twenty-two, bounded and described as follow s:

Beginning a t a stone located In tho easterly side o f Ocean avenuo d istan t sixty feot north- wardljrfrom tbeintetSBeiton of th e said easterly Bide or Occan avenue w ith the1 southerly side of Lincoln avenue, being the northw esterly‘Corner of lot number twenty-threo on said map,' and

doirunning tbenco [1) north nineteen twenty m inutes cast along tho easterly suie- oi Occan aveniio one hundred and fifty foet to a atone Ip tho southerly l!ne.of Jot-nuraoer twenty- ono; thence (2) south sovonty. degrees forty m in­utes east along tho said southerly lino of lo t num­ber twenty-ojio five hundred anil tw o feet more o r less to the top edge of bank or high ground as shown on said m ap; thcnco (3) southw ardly ■along said top edge of bank or high -gTound one hundred and fifty feet moro or less to tho north­erly line of lot number tw enty-threo; and thence (4) north soventy degrees forty m inutes w est along Baid northerly lino five hundred and tw o feet m ore or less to said stone and place o f be­ginning. TOGETHER WITH THE SAID RIGHT, title and interest In and to the said beach and *hore and lands under tho w ater of th o A tlantlo Otitenn in fron t o f and ad jacen t to said I d t ; AND TOGETHER with the appurtenances: AND ALSO TOGETHER WITH THE AFORESAID GOODS AND CHATTELS THEREIN.- 'Solxed as tho property of Charles G ; Francklyn and o thers and taken In execution a t the su it of Mary MoEvers Gosling and Georgo Gosling.

HUGH IL HAM ILL. special M aster.: BARKER GUMMERE, Sol’r , Treuton, N, J . ,

[Pr’s fee, fril.OQ.J_______ - ■ . • - •


To William T. Bartlett, Edward A. Chat- fleld, Edw ard W. Twltchell, Emetine Cook, Marthft-A.. B ristol. M artha A. H ilstol, Bxeou- trlx olj the last Will and Testam ent o f Ju lius ~ *' • ' * Tho New Haven Orphan

l hnmnl7AdAsylum, (a corporation organized and existing under thq laws of tho Stato of Connecticut anil located In the Town of New Haven, in said State of Connecticut), Tho Homo fo r tho Friendless, (a oorporailon organized and ejbjtlng under the laws of the Stato o f ConnociUyii'and locatf d in the Town of New Haven in said Stato o f Connec­ticut), The Connecticut Humane Society, (a cor­poration organized and existing under tlio laws of tho Stato of Connecticut and located a t H art­ford in the Htato o f Connecticut), and the Town of SOUthlngton in tho Coui|ty o f Hartford In tho Stato of Connecticut.

lly vlrtuo of an ordor of tho Court o f Chancery of Now Jeraoy, made on the day o f tho ,daio hereof. In a cause wherein Georgo I). Bristol la- , -complainant, and you are defendants, you a re required to appear, and plead, demur o r answer to tho com plainant’s bill, on o r before tho tw en­ty first day of May next, o r tho said bill will bo taken as confessed agajnst you.

The said bill is filed to obtain a conveyance to thd complainant of the legal esta te lu certain lands and tenem ents situate In tho Borough of Asbury Park, and in thoTownshipof W all, in tho County of Monmouth and Btato of Now Jersey, and also to relieve sa(d lands from the Impress o* i he trusts imposod thereon In and by tbo said last Will andTesturnout o f Julius D. Bristol,deceased; and you, WUIIam T. Bartlett. Edw ard A. Chat-

.flelO^and Edwflnl W. Twltchell a re m ade defend- iilts because you a re the persons named as Trus­

tees In said Will, to whom the said lands were devised la trust, and you, Emolln6 Cook, Martha A.-Bristol, The Now Haven Orphan Asylum, Thd' Home fo r tho Friendless, The Connecticut Hu­mane Society and tho Town of Southington‘In i.ho County of Hartford and Stato o f Conrieo’ i lout are made defendants because you may have somo beneficial interest In said trust, anu some in terest o r estate In said lands, and you. M artha A. Bristol, are also made a defendant becauso you are tho cxocutdx o^4ho la s t Will and Testamont o f tho 's^ fu Julius 'fr.*"-W:lst.ol, deceased, ISAAC C. KENNEDY,

* • Solicitor o f Complainant,P. O. address, Asbnry Park,jNew Jersey.

JJatod March 20,18S9. I P r’fl fee, $12.00.]

S H E R I F F ’S S A I jE ,— B y v i r t u e o f s o nk j dry w rits of fl. fa . to mo directed. Issued oui

Of the SupremeCourt of tlio S ta te of Now Jersey^ and iho Court of Chancory o f tho S ta to o f Now Jersey, will bo exposed to sale a t publlo venduo, O n M o n d a y , t h e 1 3 th d a y ,o t M a y , 1889,between tho hours oT'13 and 5 o'olook, (at- 2 o’clock), In tho aftornoon of said day, a t tho Court' House a t Freehold, In tho township of Freehold, county o f Monmouth, Now Jersey; all th a t tract o r narpel of land and premises horein- j if tor particularly described, situate, lying and being In tho township of Neptune, In th o couhty ol Monmouth and Stato of Now Jersey, begin­ning a t a tM>Int In tho southerly line or Sunset avenue, d istan t ono hundred and fifty foot w est­erly from the southwolit corner of Sunset avenuo and Railroad avenuo; thonoe westerly along tho southerly lfno of Sunset avonuo fifty feet *, thence southerly a t r iphtangleaw lth SunBotavonueono hundrodtarid fifty foot; tlieuco easterly parallol w ith Bunsotavenue fifty foet; Whence northerly again at'/right angles with Sunset avenuo 'one hundrcwand fifty reot to tho placo o f beginning.’ Selzedi'aa tho property of Elizabeth A. Tilton,

taken In oxecutlon uttheBultA of William T Hon- drlckBun Ond Robort Carson, and to bo B o ld by• .. . . . THEODORE FIELDS, SlMirilf.

Ha"wkin8 & DuBANn, A tt’ys and Sol’rs. - , Dated April 11,1889. , fP r’s fee, $5.40.]

E s ta b l i s h e d 1 8 8 1 .

E V E R E T T E . IWAWY,P R A C T I C A L . , ,

House, ! Sign ’Painter,710 Cookman avenuo, , ■

Res. ^15 M attison avo. ASBURY PARK, N.

B e a | K s ta te C o n v e y an ces .U s t o f c o n v e y an c e , M onm outh C ounty

Clerk’s office, fo r tho weok en d in g April 530, 18S9:

A9UUBT PABK. . *Mary J . Gonung to Alfred V. C. Gcnung—lot

Asbury Park. 0.James A. Bradley to Elltabcth C. B ergcn-lo t

Asbury Pnrk. f l . m James A. Bradley to Lewis C. Layton—lot As­

bury Park. $3,500.__''OCBAN OROVB.

Henrietta A. Johnson to Sarah A. F ling—lot 1012, p a rt 1GI0. 53,600

Irad Downs to William O. R om aln-lots 900.302. 303. *1,

\VllHam o. Roma) u to I rad Downs—lota 800, 301 802, 303. 91. • '

Isabella P. Sloan to II. II. Rceglo~lot 1402. IGOO. J . William llc tlluger to Milo C. G rlfiln-lot IMA 1600.

• Samo to same—lotl044. 3400.v SKPl'llBl'TOWllBllIK? . . . .

acrcs Ncptuuo towmdiIp. t l .Samo to Ramo-undivided hair o f 5 acres Nbp-

tune township..8L........ —---------•J. W .-Flclaer, J r . to samo— 5 acresNcntmiotownBhlp;-4®!,

Itoso Thompson rt al. to Asher 8. Burton—lot West Asbury P a rt. SHOO.

Perm ellaF. Woolley to Armenia B, Tappan—2 lols Neptune township, $i. . • . -^^Barxlllal Grover to tmtim—lot Neptune township.

Mcrebali Howland to Foster N. Smith—38 74- 100 acres Neptune township, 87,748.

MI8CBLLANBOU8.,, M. Howard Mans el a l to Edward Wheeler—lot West Long Branch. SG00.

Tunis Denise to Michacl D,* Conway—2 9Q-100 acres Marlboro township. ■ ;

Peter G. Conover, by cx’rs. to Samuel P. Luy* ster—43 8-100 acres Marlboro township, Jft.tfOO.

Hannah Sutphen to Jamqs Patten—102 75-100 acres Freehold township. »7,000.

John H. Davliton to Delilah J. Davlson-lot' Long Branch. 81,250.

Elizabeth C. Cottrell to Charles E. Hall—lot Freehold, flio ,

Jos. A. Throckmorton to Jane E. Bordon-2 lots Red Bank. 8190.

Wm. H. Wolcott to Bloomfield D. Wolcott—2 tracts land Eatontown township. 11.

John Kelly to Augusta F. P a rk er-lo t near Shrewsbury. $1,Robert White et at. to «am e-sam e property, f i . Augusta F. Parker to Margaret Dondlcan—samo

property. 8350. .. P,avls* by adm’r. to Peter B. Tallm an-5lots Middletown township. $2,100.^ P h ilip Daly to Thomas Jolly—Ini

Same to samo—lot Long Branch. $1.Thomas Jolly to Catherine Daly—lot Long

Branch. $1. •Same to Bam e-lot LongBmhcb. II.Gcoreo B. Miller toSarah M. H ank lns-lo t Free­

hold. irw .Wm. P. Taylor to J, Ward Gamble—2 lols Mana-

squan. 8125,Deborah D. Marsh d ai. to the First M. E.

................... uMai .........

> Thomas Jolly—int Long .Branch,

Church, 8ouan VlII■ go—loi-Manasf|nftUr fcW).iSAlah Ball to Samuel A.-Patterson—2 lots, Villa

Park. $10,500. ‘Mortlock P cttltt to George W. H lbblts-14 51-100

and 7 51-100 acres, Manalai»an township. W00.PhtUp Daly to Thomas Jo lly -lo t 29027 Ocean

Beach. 81.Samo to same—2 lots Long Branch, f I. , Thomas Jolly to Catharine Daly—lot 2332, Ocean

Beach, f i.Samo to same—2 lota Long Branch. Si,Edward T. Welch. exT,* to Daniel W. WbltOr-

lot Occan port. $830.Catharine A. Casler to John T erhuno-32ti and

25 acres, Marlboro and Matawau. $1.^Frederick Bear to Henry E llls - lo t a t Hiilsdalo.

Tho Atlantic Hlghlandn .Assoclallon to James f 11 itiO, 451, -Atlautie lllgh-lands/ftlOO.

Ellas Allen, by ndm’jrw jrf_Atma CUAIlou-nfliHu Wkll towiiHinp“v Stephen Allen, by ex ’r, to .sam o-2 acres, Wall township. $200.

Henry A. Crawfo/d to Auna C. Crawtord—2 lots Keyport. $175.

Thomaa Lovell to Joseph Lovell—all his InterestIn lands, Howell township, old deed, $&. .

Frederick polmorgeu to Frederlck;aHllcr-8 25- 100 acres. Atlantic township. $950.

Lydia A. Morris to Eckford W. 81'nonson—lots 212o, 2127, Ocean Beach. $2,500.*

M. Howard M apsrta/., to Abram T. Mctzgar- lot Eatontown township. 8800.

E. Delafleld 8mlth to Kmellno K. Smith—lot Shrewsbury townshfp. 8700.

Samuel T.- Hendrickson rt a l ; to Jemima C. Cooper—lot Ocean township. $800.

Robert Allen, Jr., to T. W. Throckmorton—lotFair JIavon. $215;— ■ — --------‘—

Thomas T. Rogers to Benjamin H. Crata^-lnt 1002, Atlantic Highlands. $150.

Amelia A. Ellis to Wiljiam A . VanScbolck—lot RedBank, $175,

Seabury Tredwell, by ex’r, to Johu.IHiftelmann —3 93-100 acres, Shrewsbury township. $1,965.

IL M. JeOrcy Hu!., to Jw ep h Robbins—lot Long Branch. $581,*.

Robert Tappin to same—lot Long Branch. $750. .Ilcm y Hyer to Francis J, Moulton—lot Key­

port. $150. /Tho inhabitants of toWnsbip of'Ocean to F. P.

McDermott—lot Ocean township. $88.08.John II, Wagoner to Lydia A.. Morris—34 01-100

acres Howell township. $1,400.Catharine A. Stevens,to Mrs. Emma Abbott—loi

Eatontown. $200. < ■Charles E. Noblo to William Thompson—1 88-

100 acres, Ocean township. $ |0. ■

B n iltU n s C o n trac t* .r iL K D TO, A M ! 1NOI.UDINO ,\V ttlI.0 U .

a w l - J - . i M i r a l o a i , w i t h W . K lik lirldc-litW house a t Aabnry Park. $3,742. 1 ,

3G02-I. S. Darling With^S. W. K lrkbrlde-addl- tlons, Ac., bouse Asbury Park. $7G0. ,

2003—J. K. Parker with Cottrell Bros.—now house a t Asbury Park. $1,735.

2004—David Hulse "with Alonzo Brower—now' house at Freehold. $9:10. •

2006—Norman L. Munro w ith.Jam es Cloughley & 8on»—addition to stable, liong Branch. $*^0.

2000—Daniel Decker with George M. Y o ung- new building a t Keyport. $1,085.

2Q07—Tho Ixmg Branch Athletic Association with Thomas L, worthlcy—grading at Klkwood Park. Per yard.

2G08—Benjamin Albertson with Thomas Bryan plumbing, &c., now building Key East. $215. 2fio$>— Mrs. J . T . Rosell with J. J. Brierly—addi­

tions to house at- Freehold. $C79.2011—James W. Shorman with John Falklnburv

—new house a t Manasiiuan. $l,6o0. 62012—Georgo C, Hulett wRh John M. Dey—cot- Lge a t Occan Grove. $C<i0,2613—The Water Commissioners, Asbury Park,

with Daniel R. K elly-excavatlng for and laying

with John S. Dbugherty et ol.—englno house, Asbury I*arkvJ$3l0.,

2015—Same with Donaldson Iron Company—Iron

Pl& -\V c » lo y B. Stout with Nelson II. Klimci*-- new house a t Loeh Arbour. $1,050.- « .

, A G fn n t T in le p ic c e .Philadelphia w lirn o t bo a t a losa to je a ro

tho tlm o o f d ay o r n ig h t a f te r ibo. big clock th at la to o rnam ent tho tow er o f the pnbllo build ing l?;put In to po a ltlo a ., A person can form Bome'ldea o f its im m ensity w hen Influ­en tia l olockm akers-Bay th a t . I t je l l l^ ta k e -a wholo calendar yoar to pfaceTHcT cioOk nia- chinory 1^ tho tow er a fte r the building shall ha?e been completed: The bell is to wei^h between 20,000 and 35,000 pounds, second only In weight to tho g rea t M ontreal C athe­dral boll, which weighs 28,000 p ounds, and its poalinga are caloulattiii to bo heard oven to the m ost d istan t p arts o f tho cfty? The W est­m inster chim es nsed, ringing on tho q uarter^half, ^hrco-quartets and hour. Tho centre of tlie W al (twenty-flye feet lu djam e- tc r )^ w ill bo ‘301 feet above th e s tree t, order to distinguish the tim e a t n ig h t tho d ial will bo Illum inated by oleotrlcity , ao th a t- th o position of tho hands can bo located from any p o in t in tho c ity . The m inute h an d i s to be tw elve feet a u d 'th e hour hand n ine fee t in length, whjlo tho Rom an tfgnres o n th e d ial will cach m easure two fee t e ig h t inches in length. A s lea tu engine will be placed In tho tow er to w ind up tho g ian t tlraopleco oacH day. AH lu all, I t will bo an ,im m e n se affair, an d o fitting omblffm to tho. g ian t build ing now In course o f orcctlon — Jeteellers’ Hevieio.- *

. — —Mr. 8cribbloburst-r “ l la v a y o ^ seen m y lasfc,

book? I t ’s tho bqstth]i]gi42vo'abtH3.^ Miss p o w n e i^ -^ No, I hayort*t-Eoon; I t, b u t I ’ve heard noth ing b u t good o f I t so fa r .” Mr* 8. (delightedly) r " W hom havo you heard speak o f I t j Miss D.—■“ N obody h o t yoji;”^ . .

A u n t (w ith l lttlo g l r l ) ^ “ Do you .take o^il^ -dreh, ! m adam f” Landlady Ob, yes, m a’a m ; we love children ; the fam ily "OB'tbo th ird ,floor have five, on tho eocorid floor th ere , a re seyen^ and Wo have threo o f ^ u r own. Y ou noedn’t fool any hcaliancy on th a t score. ” A pp ilcan t—“ I l ’raf yes. _ I tJiilnk ,I wIll look a llttlq fqirtlier, m adam .”; ; « . ... •- i

' T h e V ersa tile B a b y .A PARCE.

r 1 DRAMATJS TSRSO NJt.' i f A; the bobtfg mother. .

. I ‘A, the bob}/«father.HAJty. thebov him*)/.CUOItUd, ulsters, covstn*, auntfi, gror\tlma.

i f a. < .n »

Como, Baby, show theao people hero How very smart you are.

Call Pa.* Baity. S .

Ba I b a ! Bopup. xChorus.

-P rec iousheart,., '■ ■ :How very smart. , > •

i".** ’ v/<; Pa.Nojy, darling, sine tfiat

Baby._JBft ! ba J Bopnp.

• Chorus.Well, I declare,W hat genius rare I , -

. . . . Ma. ■ _ :And now, my precious little one,Say by-by to Papa. >. . >


Ba I ba | Bopnp. - Chorus. - -o il, wonderlhl I magnificent I bU 11 ko was never

seen ; ,w"A most preoocloub youth is this whose weeks a re

i-but eighteen,To say so much, and eke to Bay i t all so very plain! Ills equal ne’e r has been before, nor will bo e ’er

agAln. *>Upon h la natal day the Fates In union must have

smiled,For uothlng else could havo produced so vcreatlle

a child.• - v —Harper'll Maffazhie.

E d i s o n ' s £ < a te s t .

** W ho is tho new m an on tbo fo rce f ” • Ther_e^was no answ er. N one o f th e officers

osseinblod a t headquarter^ know any th in g concern ing him , excep t th a t th « rIn sp ec to r had brough t him in quietly a fe w evenings before an d in troduced him a s S erg ean t F ejeb - em. Tho strange lnappropriatqm jss o f eucH a nam e fo r a detective had s tru ck them a t once, b u t tlio now m ao had gone t o w ork w lthpn t.a ward, a ffjn h o ro n g h ly fam ilia r w ith h is dntles, and his first jo b h ad been the a rre s t of a b u rg ­lar whom he cau g h t In tbo a c t an d overpow e re d r b rin g in g him to th o a ta llo n ^ale^eTdo-; sp lio tho fact th a t tho p risoner was a burly , powerful fellow, nearly tw lco th e s ize o f h is captor.

Every day B i n c o his accession to th e force .Jio baa signalized blm sel^by som onnhoard-of- oxplolt.^ Uo had discovered h n est o f co u n - torfoltera, a rres ted and p u t ln ja il a hitherto unBiispcoted A narohlst, whoso al t ie was full of dynam ite, bom bs, and loeated a b a n k dm-

J ieS llfiT -ffhn-had c l udcd^ Uio-puHuu - fo> two,; wholo years. AM th is he had done, a s a m a t­ter of course, an d had listened im passively to

_th9 encomiumB passed upon his s in g u la r skill an d adroitnesa. Tho o th er m em bers o f th o -detective corps b^gan to grow jealous, an d a w atch w as p u t u p o n blB actionii. I lo had no d lm culty in evading them in the perform ance OHils du ties, b u t th ey m ade thed isco v ery th a t ho was 'c loseted w ith tho inspector fo r a b o u t live m inutes every M onday m orning . Tho m oat diligent,effort failed to d iscover th e ob jee t of these conferences, if such .they, wore, for Ko couveraatlon betw een the chlot and tbo new detective ev6r reached tho e a rs o'f tbo listeners on tho outside. ■ ■ ■

O qJH onday m orning, im m edlaiely aft'erone o f these secret Interviews, Sergeant Fetphetn w as seei^ to leave tho offlc6 and board au out­w ard bound tra in . H e wfis n o t seen again d u rin g * tho week. M onday m orning camo again and ho had oOt yet tu rned up. Tho in­specto r w as visibly uneasy.-

If.he is not.horo HUess th an an h o u r all is lo sV ’ m uttered , as he glanced a t h is wStch an d w ent to the d o o r to look up a n d dow n tho strept. I t was snow ing furiously.

Soized w ith a su d d o a im pulse, lie liftllej| a passing c a b and w as driven to a railw ay s ta ­t io n In tho suburbs, reaching I t ju s t In tirao to g e t aboard a train com ing in to the c ity . Aa hg entered (ho forW ard door of a car ho 'saw a, m ao rap id ly go o a t thfOhgh the re a r door, ju m p off the tra fn ’ah d d isappear In th e 'b lin d ­ing snow storm . * y -'

W ith a c ry of d ism ay tho inspec to r ru sh ed - d ow n tho alelo. W hen half way th ro u g h tho c a r he stopped suddenly. In ono o f th e seats w as the m otionless figure of S ergean t Fotcb- em. i t was In a balf-orect position, w ith one a rm extondod. Tho oyes were g az ing in to vacancy w ith a lack-lustre expression .

Too late 1” exclaim ed the inspector, bit­terly -* “ F ifty thou&and do llars gone 1 T h a t m an who le ft tho c a r a m om ent ago was TascoU ,”

T bo pahsongers crow ded a ro u n d . T hey ex­plained th a t tbo S ergean t a f e w m in u t os be- fore liad m ad e a sudden b u t ap p aren tly weak effort to fas te n himBtilf with a cha ln^ to his prisoner, b u t the la t te r had quickly rlaen and g rappled w ith him. The Sergeant had nearly Buccoedcd in his design, w hen sud d en ly ho seem ed to stiffen. H is g rasp relaxed , h la arm rem ained Btretched out, a glassy look camo in to his e/es,, ^nd -his Wholo fraufo became m otlonleds. The p risoner b roke aw ay from him an d was o u t of tho car bofore tho sp ecta­to rs had recovered from tbclr su rprise .

Such w as th e Btory they told th o inspector.“ W hat Is^the m atte r with tho ofilcer? I s he

doad tn ibey Inqulrod. ^ '4‘ Ho has ru n dow n,” groaned the InsiH-'Ctor, Fool 1 Id io t th a t I w as n o t to havo m et him

o n e ’sta tio n beyond here I This doteatlyo,” ho explained, “ was a cunn ing p iece o f m achin? ety . i t took EdiBOU a yoar to m an u fac tu re him , a n d ,I p a id him $10,000. Ho w arned .m e th a t If l over failed to w ind him u p a t a regu­lar hour he w ould be ru ined . Sergeant Fotch- ora was a seven-day defective. I wound him up as usual las t M onday m orning a n d sen t him o u t to search fo r T asco tt. I u ilght have k n o w n ," ho added b itte rly , “ th a t If ho h ad n ’t c au g h t him he would have reported o n tim e. ThlB failure is all ow ing to my blind ueglecL T asco tt’s gone again now, an ti ho’U e ta y gone.” / .

't'he Inspector idoked long a n d taournfully a t tho w onderful and costly piece of m ach in ­e ry , uow ra l hod forever, , r ' •

Ho was a w oodem dotectivo ,” ho sa id a t last, *> b u t ho was w orth a dozen, t i f th e ord l- hary k ind ." — CMcapb Tribune.^

No. ir .:

H oard o f C om m issioners.- A p tl l2% 1889.




T im J o urnal has alw ays fo lly criticised the ac tio n s o f o u r borough officials w hen cir- cnmatanceA w arran ted It, an d It has a lso q u ito 09 folly com m ended them whon U considered oom m ondation dno. W ithin the p a s t few m onths it has spoken several tim es o f tho prorpptness of tho Com m issioners io attebd* ?. Ing tho m eetings and perform ing their duties. Too m uch pralso is som otlm os worse lh aa ' none a t all, and It m ay bo th a t wo h avo been pfofuse, A t any rato, I t seem ed like o ld tim es

^ ^ q d a j r n igbt wbpo the b o iir fo ^ jh e e l ing ’ Tt o u n d l i r Br^rffey tb o Ohly C om m lssloner in the building, and the resem blance bocapio moro vivid aa tho m inutes rolled a ro u n d to ­w ard tho eighth hour with n o fa r th e r add i­tions to the angUHt body. I t was a f te r S o’clock wliou tho thrdo o thers requ isite to a quorum arrived , and somo tlmo later, when , the fifth, au d last, took bis seat. P resldont Boeglo being absont, Com. A. D. Bailey was elected to .th o ch a ir fq r tho evening,

Tho Police Com m ltteo reported th a t Ofilcer O ’Brien had retu rn ed and waa again o n d u ty . Com. Bradley said th a t Officer J Iu r ley e x ­plained th a t when he bad arrested m en fo r violating (ho license law and tak en them b e­fore Ju s tic e flo lm es the' Jnatlco w ould send them to somo o f tho Com m issioners to have them pass on tho case, and tho re su lt was th a t uo ono was punished. T he com m ittee h ad acc<g5tcd his exp lanation an d reco m ­m ended th a t he be reinsta ted . Tho Board adopted tho* recom m endation, a n d som o one suggosted th a t i t would now bo In ofrder to suspend the Ju stice , b u t It was n o t flerloosly considered,

Mr. W illiam Mills a sked th a t a crossw alk be placed rfver G rand avenue a t Second avenuo. There waa none there now and ono was greatly needed. Tho S treet Corom ittco waa instructed to lay it.

The StreeL Com m ittee reported th a t a OQm- bcr of board sidew alks th at were In a danger- oua co pdltlofjJiftdLbeen taken up on tlro ly -to avoid accidents to pedestrians. Tbo ow ners bad In every caae been notified, b u t b a d failed to d o ’anything. There were m any , o th e r • : w alk B lu a donsvroiia condition—which fhoy proposed to removo, b u t they doslred th o re ­corded sanction of I ho Board. T h e com m it­tee was Inetrncted to con tinue the work.

Mr. Fees, of Fees Bros., asked fo r p$rm!a- slon to sprinklo Main a ttoet from L ake avenue to the Ocean G rove fiebool-houao, h e to fu rn ish 1 the wagon, learn aud d river if tho Board would allow him to take w ater from tho h ydran t o f tho A sbury P a rk sp rink ling line. ‘ A bou t h a l f . of-lUla ie rr lto ry ia^iIitafd<rnie lk’rough, b u t it would be a g ie a t advantage to tho P ark and Grove to have it Well sprinkled. Com . B rad­ley though t th a t the request was an unusual one aud {feints m ight bo raised a fte rw ards (hat: m igh t not-bo floggoatod now. H o thought tb & ^ b e W ater Com m issioners should be con­sulted, a s the sup p ly was undof’lh eir control. The m atter w^s finally laid over u^ tll the nex t m eeting, the S tro e t-C o m m ltto e-m -th e-: meanwhile to consiilt tho W ater Cominlaslon-,era, ......................................_

The Ordinance aod.By-Law Commltteo sub- . mltied the outline of an ordlnonco relatlug to : tho constrnctlofrof sidewallc~vaultsr- It^was referred back with instructions, to have tho corporation couhsul put it In proper shape forpassage. ■ - t " :

Com. 8m lth m oved th a t the Police Ju s tic e be Instructed to^finforce the license ord inance . and collect fines for violations. As th e ques­tion of tho pow er o f the Board to enfo rce tho law Had arjeen, tho c le rk read a n opinion^ from tho counsel s ta tin g th a t tho law waa, constitu tional and could bo e n fo rc e d / .

A representative of tho Schenectady Flro E scapoC o. exhibited h is device before the Roard, b u t no official opinion waa expreaaed. -

Mr. W illiam T. Rush ton asjcod fo r perm la- slon to co n stru c t a sewer c^lch baaln u n d er the^ldow alk on Oookman a v e n u e . ' Referred to Street Commltteo.

A le tter from tho A dvance E lectric L ight Co. s ta ted th at It unOcratood ih a t A sbnry *- Park wa^ ab o u t to e re c t i ts own elec tric ligh t plant, and requested io bo allowed to p u t in ,a bid. I t w^aa uowa to tho Board and tho lottor was filed. 7

Mr, Jlalaoy W ilco^, of tho Ix>eh H arbor Ice Co., aald th a t he had been notified by th£ police th a t he m ust pay license fo r bla wagons. Tho com pany ownod the pond, h arvested th e Ico and dulivered it to cuatom ere, a u d -h o h a d a Ipgal opinfon th a t thoy camo in th o samo category with furm ors who raised th e ir own p ro d u ce ; hcnco no llconse foe could bo co l­lected. His com pany ran tw o d e liv e ry jsa g -.

'dns and tw o p e d d iT fr^ ’’ wagons. He w anted to do w hat ^vas right, au d ju i thlstr wagona usod tbo streets they should pay aom othjpg tow ard keeping them in rep a ir. He h ad paid p e t-y e a r and was W illing to con tinue ft,' whether tho borough dem anded It o r not.

Somo o f Vho fcommlasjoners though t th a t ; the paym ent of th is m oney'w as n o t r i g h t , I f the ice com pany was a p ro d u cer w lth la tbo m eaning o f the law, no fee could b e Im posed ; ,If It was n o t, then the $35 waa n o t enough fo r *the four wagons. T|»p question waa Anally referred to the C orporation Counsel fo r a n o p in ion . ,. •

Com. Bradley s ta ted th a t be had been filling in his sidew alk on Main s tree t a t th e head o f Wesley Lake and tho new gro u n d h ad n o t y e t se ttled . T he need o f a Bidewalk waa great, b u t I t would bo useless to lay I t u n til tbo gro u n d had B etllb d . H e asked fo r perm ission to lay a tem porary plahk walk, prom ising to - • p u t down the perm anen t one a t the earliest m om ent practicable. Perm ission waa g ran ted .

As some of tho JJo ard will a tte n d the W ash - lijg tohC en teun la l nex t M onday an d Tuotid%y^ tho m eeting was ad jo u rn ed un til M onday evening, May C, i '


Judge—“ If I got as lotoxlcaled as you do, I’d Bhoot myself.'1 P*lsdner^-'“ If you was’s tdsalcated I am, you couldn’t hitter barn dotir.’’ ' ^ V v

-Tho latest case of absence of mind is that of a young lady, .who, upqp returning from a Walk with her lover, rapped blur on the. face andjiado good night to the door. '--i— •

U nfortunato Skater Help l Help-1’* Party on Bank—“ Hold on I Hold on I Lljljl ron right home and get my book on ‘How to Itosusoitate tho Drowned and Relievo ibo. Frost-Bitten;?'-’ ’ - -

-Ten T h o u s a n d W a sh - L ad ies.The washerwom en of P aris , to the num ber

o f 10,000, “ fully qualified' an d duly oooted* ( Itod ," havo agreed to form .thcm aelves ln to a ayndlcato, fo r the .purposd 'o f looking a fte r th eir In te re s ts ;^ a n official m anger. They,re­solve to havo a m ark e t o f tholr ow n( whoro . they can go In o rder to he hlr^d for. w ork and to m ake their ow n term s. The m eeting of washerwom en d t w hich tho reaolatlon rela tive to tho syndicate w as carried ty&s addressed - by a fem ale prealiiout, w ho apoke like a prac- ;

jtlcal debater a t \ d t f i ® w^ges to b e do;,;, nmnddd'^By her co-w orkefs a t 'th ro o francs " sevputy-fivo centlm&s a day, or* ab o u t sovepty^. five cents.

J a l i a s :T-*‘ O h.^lf yo u only loved ' m e as I - d o yoi^—" Nellie—*VWo w ould both be cre­m ated , I fear.”

" ’Tla saId*Lovo'a blmd, and oartnot aoo "*' Just where b lad a rts to aim —r -

’Tla noticed,.though,,that aplto of this, .Love gets there Juat tho saoio,

- y


and m o h m o u t h r e p u b l i c a n .JOHN l_ COFFIN twioa

T H E A S B U l^ " pT r ^ P rVn TINQ H O U SE,, ■" •*— # ,t,o o rm ’


Entered assecond-class matter dl thiTAsbuty Park Post Office, February 7, 1888.

It t e r M s o f ,s u b s c r i p t i o n , ^1 year,in -advanoe, ........ 4. .. .\7 .$ 1 BO8 m onths,In advance,. ,v .. . . . . . : . . 7 53 m onths, in advanoe,................................. 4QSingle c o p ie s ,.. ..V .. .. .- ;’ .......... 8

tb H it tK sn iD im .r '• Wo Bhall be glad to receive Items of nows and

communications on subjects of In terest to th is * community. •

In writing artloles intended fo r publication, o n r friends will please bear in m ind th a t a Bheet w ritten on both B id e s has to b e copied before go- 1ug tb the p rin ter—a labor we cannot undertake.

All communications shpnldbe accom panied by the fall nam e and address of the w rite r, no t neoessarlly for publication b u t as a guarantee of.

. good faith . Anonymous le tte rs w ill not, .be , ' noticed.

. W e cannot Yeturn rejected communications, b a t will hold them for a lim ited tlm eif requested

• to . \ • • • .1All le tters intended for the editorial o r news

departm ent should b® addressed to th eEditor o f Tim Jotrpif*x ahd R kpubuojim,

Asbury Park . N ew Jersey.

SATURDAY, APBH i 27,1889.

S P E C I A L JTOTICIO.O n th e la b e l o f «M h p a p e r w il l be

fou n d the, date, o f « x n |r a t lo n o f “A * ■n b *c rip tld n . I f tb l» d a te !■ w r e n * ple aae n o tify na a t oueef i f yo n a r e 1» nrreani p le *a e r e m it a t on ee.

'P r e m a t u r e . .

‘ . Tho proposed constitutional amend- -m ont in Massaclinaettfl, proliibitingtlio * manufacture and sale of intoxicating

liquors, has been defeated by the enor­mous majority of 44,552 votes.' The magnitude of this defeat not only doonifl constitutional prohibition, but /will serv ously retard restrictive legislation. The prohibition gun was fired before i t was

-loaded and the result is a very expensive butclear lesson that haste is not always speed. Prohibition is right and* will finally prevail, but there must be a higher degree of popular eduoation on the sub­ject, for no law, however just, can be enforced unless it has the backing of the supreme power in our land—the 'will of

"tile people. In tho meantime it is ranch better to accept and enforce restriction in the shape of local.option and high license than to waste energy in a strife for the nnattainable. The lesson of Massachu-

' Botta ought not to be lost on the third party prohibitionists of New Jersey.

For tho introduction of strict businessmethods in our municipal Affairs our cit-

— izens can thank Commissioners John D. Beegle and Geo. F . Kroehl more than any others. In the two terms*they have now nearly Completed their zeal for the wdfaW:of on?-:seaside city lias never abated. At great personal sacrifice they liave performed arduous duties promptly and thoroughly, giving for the benefit of onr Borough the full measure of their exceptional business talontsi ^lfc-ia an

. >l_hnnmitft- linnlinaflnaflnjnflmbfir^cf_Qpi:governing body; it is a g ra te r honor to leave behind them such a record/ We sincerely hope that both of these gentle­men ma^ be induced to serve again; party politics should not ihterfere’ t F the nomination of either. ’

E a s te r a n d tl io S erv ices.I t m atte rs J ti ito th a t wo hfcvo n o t tho ex a c t

chm nolog lc^U record o f tho resu rrection o f onr B a v io a r; ne ither is i t o f any g ro at mo* m en t th a t the Greek, R om an an d ~ P ro to stan t churches colobrate Ihe ev en t a t n o fixed or e x a c td a to , - "

I t is enough to know th a t i t was in tbef sp rin g tim e w h en a& lBra b u ta tfijp tth fro ro -lte w intry, bonds of ap p a re n t d ea th , and th a t because o f a risen Lord , C hristian h ea rts a re rejo icing th a t beyond the ,tom b is a risen life m ore glorlnuB, m o re Joyous th an any 'know n here below.- , . . . ►

I t Is mcto then th a t E aste r Is celebrated w ith glad acclaim , a n d th a t th o churches should exalt tho day .as tho ann iversary of a n event so fall of sacred m em ories, au d w hich to tho religious world typlfios the a d v e n t w ith the now life fwyond the grave. /’■

8 nnday was Indeed a filling d ay for such a com m em oration. Tho w arm show ers d u r in g tho n igh t bad refreshed every blade? b u d an d blossom. T h6 b irds sont fo rth tholr g lad oarols a t b reak of day, a s if rejo icing in the ad v en t of a new sum m er. A U tt le J a te t - th p , g rea t‘o rb had risen over-the' ocean ,, dispelled tfieynteta und tbe rem ain ing oloudsi an d the glad sunahloo w arm od every p la n t and crea­tu re in to now and brigh to r l ifo .^ -

No heart, how ever Gallons, b u t In th e con­tem plation ■;of the rev iv ing influences of sp ring , whon-stho nature* life Is .b reak ln g Its ' sleep o f w inter and gertris b eg in to * b u rs t th e ir cerem ents, m ust acknow ledge thero is a power, a creative force, t h a t In th e beginning p u t th is life in operation . I f th en there is ,a God In na tu re inanim ate , It Is b u t a s tep to th a t o f the higher n a tu re of l ife an im ator The G od of na tu re oreated on a n ascend ing scale .' T he las t of his g rea t w ork w as 'm ah, a fte r his own im age . 1 W ith this la s t and high­est of his workB, ho linked som ething o f b is own being, tho in Quite. T h is is tho connec­tion th a t m akes us ak in w ith C h rist and glve% the significance to .th e resurrection celebrateda t E astertide .

The serv ices.a t a ll o f th e churtihcs p artook m ainly o f the lessons o f tho day. Tho chan-

Del of t r i n i t y and,Ttho 7>ulplts~of the o th e r churches were decora ted w fth choicest bloom ­ing plants. Some were m assed In m ounds and b a n \s , while a t o thers they w ere placed prom iscuously w ith little g roup ing . The sing­ing was uhuBally flno an d added m uch to th e im pressiveness af the services.

P lu m b e rs a n d H e a l th B o a rd .F o r tho p ast m onth o r two therd haa been

considerable friction betw een th e Borough Board of H ealth an d the plum bors, with refer­ence to the new rules adopted b y th e B oard, which the p lum bers say a re so a rb itra ry and obscurtf th a t they can n o t conform to .them o r fully understand thom . I lo n ce th o ir business Is nearly a t a standstill, and bu ilders a n d o thers req u lr ld g ^ h e lr 'se rv ic e s a re suffering, from delay../ ‘The m em bers of the Board o f 'H e a lth havo used th eir boat Judgm ent in a scerta in ing the beat m aterials, and tho p roper m ethod fo r the construction of drains and appllpncos thereto , as given by tho best .p ractical san ita ry scien­tists. I t Is barely possible th a t somo o f the

-rogulatlonsare-needleasly—rig o ro n a o rjn lg h L bo mpdifled, b u t If in e rro r , i t is fa r b e tte r to e rr on tbd safe side w hen tho health o f a fam ­ily orr perhaps th e-w h o le com m unity Is a t stake.

But, a re not tho p lum bers them selves p artly to blam e for the adoption of a v igorous codo ? Is i t n o t a fac t th a t somo o f th o p lum bers havo evaded the m ost Im portan t requ irem en ts merely for the Bake of lessening th o co s t in m aterial and work even where full prices were secured ? Only this week tho a ssis tan t in­specto r found a n Inch pipo su b stitu ted whore- a 1 K -lnch w as required.

G ra n d e s t o f a ll P a g e a n ts .T he flrst th ree days of n e x t week- will wit­

ness the g randest pageantry ever seen o n th is contlnont, Neither has an y c ity o f the.w orld o r n a tio n ever a ttem pted a d em o n stra tio n so g rea t in proportions and m agnificent In detail.

A n I n q u iry a s to l u n a c y . •Ja co b B ennett is a res id en t o f N eptune

■cat in p roportions auu ruugumceui. m iiu u tii. town8hjp ow n,Dg qDlte an ^ t a t o on Shark H ad tlm o perm itted , unci tho I’rosldon^ 3 ^ — hlB ance8tore an(1 descendants.

conid have left M onnt V ernon by p riv a te con­veyance aa W ashington did 100 years ago , apd then followed his ro u te en tirely , i t w ould have addod much to tho sem blance, b u t In tho p resent order, ho will reach E lizabeth by tra in ,

•r a n d from th a t poin t tho dem onstra tion will '* begin. ■ -* ’ ■ o

T he details o f tho m afine parade wo gave las t week, the en tire naval arm am ent; e sco r t­ing tho ficqxitch, on Whlch tlio P residen tia l p arty will em bark»from E llzabetbgprt, follow--

' ed by tho m erchan t vessels a n d a lT tlio s team ­ers In. tho harbor. The aftefnoon will be sp en t In tho reception, welcom ing^and ban­queting, w ith a reception a t the C ity H all and

“ g ran d ball a t n igh t ~ \ j i .Tuesday will bo m ilitary day, and i t is be-

— lloved a t least 00,000 men will bo In line u nder tho d irection o f Gen. Jo h n M. 8 chofleld, F onr hundred bands and drum corps will b e In line, and the display p ro ra te s to bo tho m ost im posing m ilitary spectacle s e e n , s lnco '1 the

' * c losing of the w ar. T he proccssion will move* • i f r o m W all s tree t u p Broadway a t 10 a . m., the

s various divisions falling in line f ro m J to s id estreets. Following tho m ilitarybrlgadesfr& m

_j.ho S tates will oomo the Loyal Legion and Posts of th e G rand A rinyof tho Republic. The v isiting troops will b o accom m odated in the a rm ories, public halls a n d .so m e on* steam ­b o a ts lying a t the wharves.

W cdnosday’s industria l parado will eclipso any th in g ever before .attem pted . Indeed,

“ the fipplluuHoTJtf for placoa have* m ultip lied to th a t ex ten t th a t M arshal Gen. Daniel E. But-, torfield has been obliged to refuse a n y fu rth e r applications. As i t is, somo o f th o civic

-T-r bodies will fo rm in doublo'Oolumn. I t Is esti- m ated th a t tho line will ex ten d l& m llos, an d c an n o t b e all reviewed before n ightfa ll.. A m ong the floats will appear fonrtoon pre*-

‘ ^ pared by tho d irection of the.,com m ittee, rep* * resen ting S la tes and tab leaux o f g ro a t liis-

. to ric events. . * ..iA dded to all th is grand d isp lay o n the

s tree ts , the. public buildings, s to res an d pri­va te houses have been profusely decorated : w ith b n n tlng and m ottoes. G rand s tan d s havo bepn erected along the rontG'~Whord sight-seers m ay view tho 'jgroat procoswionH, provided hlways th a t they dan p ay tho price, p f course tho m asses will occupy th e side­walks, and every placo whero a foo t can rest o r an e^e ge t a g lim pse of this g ran d est o f a ll p&geants. ' I ‘i‘ " - - .. ■

D is t r ic t S te w a rd s ’ M e e tin g .T h e D istrict S tew ards of the .Now B runs­

wick D istrict pf tho M .. E. Conforenco will m eet a t Freehold on T uesday m orning , May 7, and a m issionary convention will b e held in the evening. T h o sp eak ers w U LboJteyfS. E. Post, Tlev. J . L .4T iirlbut, D .D., Rev. J . W ard Gam blq and Rov. Dr. Baldwin. •

A C e n te u p la l W lndfcw .M r. W illiam B. Dougla^, tbo m nstd dealer

o f llnnd stree t and M attison avonuo, haa in his window four largo and handsom o plo tures em inently ap p ro p ria te to the W ashington In au g u ra tio n CoNtonnial. Ono la a tine por-. .tra it of. W ashington, pain ted by a son of Mr. Dodgias, now d ec ea se d ; ^ tho othora aro •• W ash lug tonfB iiom o a t M ount V ernon,” 11 W ash ing ton 's M arrlage^ - a n d “ W ashing­to n ’s H eadquarte rs o t Newburgh on th e H ud­son .’^ Tho ""collection will bo viewed w ith m uch In terest by oar’n itlzehs.

It^is n n fo rtn n a te th a tf tl tB b a rd a n d li lu m b ^ ore have not boen able to a d ju s t th e ir differ­ences. . The m em bers o f the Board can have n o personal in terest In tho‘ m a t ^ . On the o th cr^ h an d th e p lum bers, find-: their .former^ looso m ethods . checkm ated, and a p p a re n tly aro not w illing to sub m it to tho new r e g u la ­tions. A nother grievance w ith th e p lum bers appears to be tbo Inspector, w ho from h is s tr ic tn ess In passing u p o n th e i r -w o rk r i ja s b rough t him8elf In an lagonism w ith them ;

have dredged oysters from the tim o o f tho first settlem ent. J a c o b h a s raised a largo fam ily of. boys an d girls, fairly educated them , has assisted them In business and given some of them -homes, n o has been a h a rd w orker early and late, and like m any o th er w aterm en acquired a tas te fo r d rink .

A bout a year ago Jaco b had a severe illness, which w illrh is d rinking h ab its ra th e r affected bis m ind for a time. W hile moat o f his b<Sys and daughters Jiave worked for th e comm on good of all, ono son, w ith the sonsrin law an d mother, according to^.the accounts, SEo_en- deavoHng to g e t contro l of tho esta te , pr-afc- lqaat to deprive him of the cu sto d y o f i t." .

llenco the^W lfS^petitioned tho G h an ee llo r for an inquiry in to bis condition . Sho was represented^ by ‘ M essrs.. H arvey arid S tout. The Chancellor appo in ted asfthe Com m ission­ers Isaac C .kKcntfedy, E sq ., a s P resident, with Dr. H enry M ltohell fB a rC T T . Bailey. Sam uel jA . Patterson r^presonted^M r. B ennett.

Several days hftvo been occupldd ln tak in g the testim ony, w hich Is very_volum inous. Officer H am pton s e cu red ^ h efo llo w in g jarb ra :

Wm. n . S m ith ,’ItB^ry^L. O gden, Jo h n Si Voorbees, Jas. II. Bird, W m . W. Coolbaugh, Sam ’l F. Now<ll, Ja co b W . H ayw ard , Jo h n L . Schneider, Ja c o b R. B orden, W m . W. Dor-

^sett, J a s . R. Com pton, J a s . II. Rom ain. r Thoy mado the following re p o r t : “ T h a t tho said Ja co b Bonnotfcat the tlm o o f tak in g this requisition is of sound m ind a n d under­standing , and is capablo o f tbe governm ent of himself, his lands, tonomonts, goods and cha tte ls .”.;

Tho Com m issioners d id n o t c o h cu r l/i the abovo retu rn , aud it is u ncerta in w hat w ill bo tho dqclslonpf tho Chancellor. *

V K illed b y tb e T rain .. i M r. A nthony Jeh l, a w ell-known gentlem an residing a t E lberon, was k i i i e d ^ n tho tra c k near th a t place on Thursday , a llttlo a ftor 11 o ’clock jL m. . • 4 . V . v

n o waa walking on tho railroad track j an d stepped from th o north * tortho so u th bound track , o n t of the Way of V an H oughton’s tra in , directly In tho way of tho graVel t ra in . IIo-was so badly In jured th a t ho d ied in tw o hours.

Tho tra in men op tho Long B ranch road lose a generous friend .in tho d ea th o f "Mr. Jeh l. Ho was very liboral and a lw ays m ado the boys presents a t thp holiday season,__

R ailroad M atters.'D"f ~ :F o r tho New Y ork Centonnlal, A pril 2$», 80,

and M ay 1, the New Y ork & L ong Branch R ailroad will Issue roducod ra to ticke ts, good to re tn rn u n til M ay 0, lncluBlvo, a t fa te o f $1.53 f fo m ^ s b u ry Park.

To acqoBjmodato tho people jo ta rn ln g from the Centennial, a special tra in w ill.leavo Now York from foot ot .L iberty s tre e t o n tholiiight o f Aprll 80, a t 11 o ’clock.

A n A pril 29, 80, and May l , a spcolal t ra in “w tllleavo Now York, foot of C ourtland t a n d D esbrosses streets, a t 11.30. P. m., fo r a ll stal- tlons on Now 'York A Long Branch Railroad. Tho f a ll tim e-table of th is tra in is g iven In a n ­o ther colum n. A nnex b o a t le a v e s Brooklyn a t 11 o ’clock for th is tra in ,. •

Com monclng AprlJ 29, tra in s will leave AB­b u ry P a rk for Philadelphia, fBroad S t.) i t 7.45 A. M r,'12.27, 4,00, p.30 J*. M., {express) return lpfj, leavd Brqad St.', Philadelphia, f o r soa shorcrpotnta a t 0 no, H 00 (oxpressj^ 11,15 a . at., a m l 4*00 p. m . • ' /

» T b e y W e re till Saved .T he 735 passengers and soamen of th o fated

s leam er Danm ark, ab o u t m uch ap­prehension w as felt las t w ock j'aftd r I t was reported tho s team er had beon deserted In mid-ocean, a re all sa fe save th e engineer, who waBfclllod In tho m achinery.

F rom tho accounts, the sh a ft of tho Hian- marfe broke eir-ApttV <rthirt)reaktU K" ing rho s te rn of iho vessel and causing a leak. A s thoro w as no s to r a g e way thh-vessel fell in to tho trough of tho soa an d labored heav­ily. Signals of distress were sot and th e noxt d ay thp freight s team er JI/fMotirf, o f th o At- la n tle lin e , fo r Philadelphia, -cathe to th e ir re-' Jlef. N ot hav ing passenger accom m odations, .the cap ta in of^tho Missouri proposed to tak e th e disabled vessel lu towY heading for S t, Jo h n s, N. F . The w ind Inoreased an d l t was^ found no progress could bo m a d e a g a in s t the gale, and I t w as decided to m ako St. M ichaels. ono Of tho Afcoroa. . .

O n ; tho Gtb, Saturday , tho captain o f the" D anm ark signaled th a t tho w ater waa gain ing on the pum ps, and .later, th a t his sh ip w as In a s in k in g condition . Tho b o a ts o f b oth sh ips wore p u t in to BorvlcQ an d tho people w ere a ll tran sfe rred to tbo Mitsonrx, th e captain being tho last one to leave hla ship. In tho m ean tim o the crew o f the 3(lasouri had loosened a portion of tho cargo betw een.docks, co nsist­ing o f baied! rags, and throw n thorn Over­board to m ako room foe tho Increased passen­g er list..

Though E n co u n terin g a bad storm the ves­sel reached St. M ichaels-on tho 11 th ,Jand lng 370 of tho D anm ark's passengers' and c rew ,, m ostly 8lnglo persona. Tho fam ilies were k ep t on bdard the JMis^mri, and a tO P. jtf. the sam e day,* the I n t t r r u p te ^ t r lp was resum ed, with 365 of the D anm ark's peoplo. ■ j

.Thoj of the safety of tho passon- gera was received on Sunday* com ing by way ots^em allsBteam er plying betwodn’F ay al and Lisbon, th en ce by cable from Lisbon j via C openhagen to New York. There w as great, rejoicing:

B u t g rea te r-re jo ic in g and g rea te r dem on­s tra tio n aw aited C ap t. H am ilton Murrell* o f ; the^/iMOJa-i, whon his steam er passed inside tho Delaware h re a k w a tir . S team ers and h a r­bor tugs su rroundod h is vessel, and the young c ap ta in —only 29 year% old—Is the-hero' they all delighted to honor.vA ll the w ay u p tho Delaw are C apt. M urrell

received a con tinnal Bbower of congratu la­tions. Tho-tu g of P e ter W righ t & Sons, tho sh ipp ing agents, w ith representativea o f the Thingvalla line, boarded th e Missouri and tendered tho w arm est praises. A n o tb e rp a rty presented him with a jiandaome floral sh lp ,to ‘ all o f which ho m odestly replied, “ 0 ;well, anybody w ould have done tho sam o.”

Beneath th e eheda of -tho g rea t ptor whero th e 1 s team er lauded were, Immonso tab les

'sp re a d with eatab les for tho passengers.’ C apt. M urrell passed am ong them to b id th en rg o o d bye an d received, m any a w arm blfesslng, a n d in re tu rn ho wished them a god speed and prosperity in their now homes. Tho Pennsyl­vania R ailroad C om pany provided a special tra in and nearly. 300 were soon oh th e ir west­w ard journey to now hdm es. O thers w en t on to Now York where thoy had friends.

C apt. M urrell will bo lionized an d 'fe a s te d fo r several days.— lV ople^novor-tiro -in show­ing th eir appreciation of such noblo deeds.

Am ong tho incidents, afte r tak in g tho pas­sen g ers from thoItoH M flriy w as tho b irth o f a- girl .baby. I t was nam ed A tlan ta M issouri Liable. T he /m o th er was a young D anish dam o who was com ing to this co un try to jo in h e r husband who had preceded her a few m oiiths.

T h e F ortn lffb tlle fc ’ R eceptiopfJU Tho e v e n f of tho season u p to d a td and t i e leading , topic o f conversation slnco th e announcem ent w as m ade, Was tho reception g iven b y tho F ortn lghtlios o t E d uca tiona l H all, T uesday ovenlng. . - , -

T he bom m ittco in charge o f the affa ir-had been w orking for nearly tw o wcoks pdrfocting th e VttVIoiia firratigem etita th a t n o t aittltoB o ccurred in any o f tho details. T ho hall p re ­sented a very a ttrac tiv e appearanco , an d th£ costum es of tho .partic ipan ts wore e laborate and nbtloable for their good taste.

Tho muglc wa^ by- Mr. I t. H i W ortm an an d h is orchestra. Tho danolng b egan a t ten o ’clock, and whs k ep t u p till, th e m orning h ours began to lengthen w ith o u t Interm is­sion, excep t fo r refreehm onts. " C a te re r s '^ c a

^hado a specialty o f this spread an d set-iho- tab les w ith thec, chdiceat dolicacles. -Muph p ratse ls duo them , for the excellen t stylo In which the repast w as,served. ' 1

A m ong thoae p resen t w oro: R obt. Holbrook an d wlfo, W . H. C arm an and wife. A.*’ Dey a n d 'V lfe , S. A. P a tte rso n and w ife, W. B. Tonkins and wife, Mr. Applegato and w lfo ; M isses Sadie Borden, C arm an, G ertie. A tktn- Bon, L ulu Forker, Lou DosA nges^JennleW li* llam son, L ou Ja,mes, C arrie Howland,'Gufisld Hulso, A d a S tansbury , E v a A pplegate, F . M orris, Effio C ovington, Minnio K itted Llufe Stllos, C layton, W right, Rice, 8 ."' Gold803|ilb> H annah Wells, E lla Fay , Sobotky* D cL a^je , Whedlor, Allio K ing, Bay H art, M am efiw ^f* , Slocum, Dovino, B eathorp, Zahboll? ; Mfs;; f* Dreyer, M rs. G M cKenzte. M essrs. A st^W H op% R ufus Cook, H .'a n d W. Nafial,t J l,w'' 'k W ilspn, E. Craig, L. Bartnoro, - i la r ry 'R o rd en , H a rry B ritton , L . Browfif P. Brown, G. Bond, F . C unningham , <2| Cooper, H . DesAngos, E . F lite rp ft, B. Fee#, Eirgeflo Fay, T . Fraley, Geo. H opper, W ni. H am ilton , Isaac Green, E arl M oM artln'-D.- M cCulldm, Chas, Barnott, Chas. Palm ateer, T, A. Roberts, W m. Rom alu, Jo h n Rock a te l­ier, Neal Rogers, F red . Sm ith, L iu. Shephord, G. SchenebrH j-B.-Thom as,' G .T h o m p so n , E ; Stiliw aggon, M onroe Sussm an, M. Std)h, W. Simpadn, W . \Visoman, Sw an W ittenberg , F . W tlght,- Thos. W inoklor, Sam nel Cpoper, 8 im p8o n ,T . Goldamith, J . S tout, S . I. N aftai.

I t i iH l i i i i f f f o r t h e N ew JL d U M l* .

™T4iEurnHhot-miners-jiniLad^eMUJK]^to„Cal.ifo rn ia In ’49 and ’50, w as aa a rush lig h t to fB ^ eIec tf id ~ ^ © h 7 " iii “eoui|WflsoiV Wltii“ tho m ighty to rre n t of aottlors who havo been g a th ­erin g on the borders of Oklahom a,' tho now El Dorado oM ejillo lands lying in tho In d ian

.T erritory , a n d which by tho p roclam ation and o rder of P residen t n a rriso n , was opened on Monday, to tho first comers. ’

N ev er before in the history o f the world was tho se ttlem en t o f such a g reat territo ry accom ­plished so quickly. The'* even t will bo mem- orabl o f o r m any -years n o t only^for its i>resont' excitem ents b u t for tho prospective litigation of rival c la im an ts .' Thero is n o t a section but haa a c la im an t and Homo havo m any w ho se t u p the clalth o f p rio rity to tho s am e heritage. L and sharks and aitoruoys will reap a harvest a t thb expense o j poo? and honest settlors.

Tbo s6 un d rof tho/buglo of tbo U. 8 , C avalry fo r noon, .was tho /signal when tbo g rea t to r­re n t of h um an ity began tho m ovem ent for which they had been w atching and w aiting w ith in tensest in terest. On foot, on horse­back, In lu m b trln g wagonB, in carav an s and by long tra in loads, ,tho eoramblo began; Thoso in w agons an d by caravans, finding

^thoy^wel-o 'o u td is tan ced j by tho horseback riders, c u t looso th e ir 'le a rn s , leav ing their effects on tho p rairies ,-m o n n td frth o lr horses and pushed ^oh. M any ex c itin g scenca re­su lted 'j in d rf sq u a tte r a fter d rlY ^g h is sta l/e w as obliged^ to dofend bis r ig h t a lm ost tfy fo rc o o f arm s. ?- •

Tho next rnsh waa for tho land officea a t G uthrie and Lisbon. They were b e s t^ e d by su rg ing m asses of m en, all anx ious to have th e ir claim s recorded . Tho land a g en ts.and thpir assistan ts could n o ta t te n d to a h u n d reth p a rt of the w ork th a t was pressed upon them , and it was necessary to; call a do tachm ont o f tto o p s to preserve order.

V ery m any a re disappoin ted in n o tsecu rlo g tho m o re eligible au d favorite sites'. I t la not Improbable th a t there will bo'raOT^ljIo&d shed, aa m any of tho boom ers are despera te characters. Only by tho presence o f the troops will o rd e r bo m ain tained for som o'tlm o to como.

T r i n i t y O f f i c e r s .

A t an election held a t Trinity^ church on Tuesday ovonlng, tho following:\ycrp;ohosoh officers for tho onau ing 'year: I' ' ,

Senior W arden—J o h n A.-Glthens. : ^ ^ Ju n io r W arden—Sam ’l W . K lrkbrlde." V e^ ry m en —Geo. F , K roehl, M illard F .

\B lrd, Jo h n Form an, J r . , F red A. Loggott, C harles J . H un t, Am oa LippinCdtt,fiApt. J . 8 . T om kins. ;; ' i - s ■■

A N ovel M orse Kac<STho ownors of/tyro fas t stopping horeCs a t

Freohold havo lately indulgod In considerable ta lk .abon t the speed an d .endurancO“'Of their respoctivo steeds, and .on , Tuesday th e tow n- ers, M r. F ran k 10vos and Dr. Stauw oud, uuu* sented to a tes t fo r a purso of $ 5 ^ Tho course was-'f ro m Freohold to -L o n g Branch a n d retu rn , a d istance of 32 m)lQ«.. E ach drivor. carried dno p asaenger an d they .wefd tw o hours an d forty-tw o m inutes on tho ro ad , Tho Btanwood horao won by a fow lohgths.

G o sp e l T e m p e ra n c e .A series o f Gospel T o m p tran co ' Meotlngp,

u n d e r tho auspices of Mho U . ofA sbury Park an d O ccatiOrove, will bo hold In tfoo hall of tho Y onng.M en’s C hristian Asso­c ia tio n - fo r -onO week, cdm m onclog M onday ovoning, A pril 29, to bo conducted by M r. W. R ufus Uird, tho reform er, assisted by Mr. Charlbs W. Krohook, tho ovangoliat. Moot­ings comraoneo a t 7.30 w ith a song servlco. All a re welcomo. Adm ission freo. t

M r. B ird ,h aab ad a rom arkabloand-thrilling oxporionce, w ith m any narrow OBcapea from d e a th .x Mr, C. W , Frohock. who has iatoly bcon-in Brooklyn, will^also Interest tho peoplo w ith his ovongolistlc work.

A n A cco m p lish ed E d ito r .“Jeff Grave*” -T ay lo r, of tho Long Branch

Record, has' learned to sm oke o lgarottes.

■ s T l t e ^ A U W a u t i t .

^M r. Geo. M. L ane h asroceivcd tw o p a ten ts bn his reg u la to r for arc lights. Throo o f the la rg e s t eiootrlc light; com panies in tbd co u n ­try are anxIouB to havo it, and aro now work­ing on it to tes t Its availab ility . T his week It w ent to P ittsburg , whoro It will bo subjected to still fu rth er teats a t tho hands o f ex p e tW o f tho ..W estinghouao^ Com pany. W hlohover com pany w ants it m ost will pay tho b iggest price, and Mr. Lano will havo a n o th e r golden nest-egg to lay aw ay ag a in st old ago.

’ T h e C lo s in g C o n c e rt.Tho lecture com m itteo o f tho L ib rary AssO:_

ela tion has arran g ed for a G ran d 'C o n ce rt of tho best Ibdal m usical ta len t of A sbary P a rk an d Oiiean Grovo, to bo given a t L ibrary H al M onday ovonlng, May flth. Tbo co n cert is nnder tbo d irection of M iss E. G. Farrington , who has a lready sccured i a n um ber of o u r favorite vocalists an d Instrum ental perform ­ers for th a t occoslon. MdVo no dllier arrange- m ents for tjia t n igh t, and glvo th e L ibrary a grand benefit. - -

A ssa u lte d tl io O fficer.On Tuesday afternoon Officer K ipp was

notified t h a t a d runken m an was ly ing .on tile stoop in fron t o f Lowla & C o ’s lum ber office an d th a t it was desired th a t ho bo rem oved. ^

Tho m an gave h is nam o as M ichael McGI^- ley, but ho was n o t so d ru n k a s ho appeared , a n d -gavo th o . officer., a - h a r d tu ss le ,i oven w resting his c lub from him . Kipp recovered h i^d lu b again a n a waa joK1 tg ed 'K T b a o itr lja subdu ing his prisonor* whom bo finally l a k d ^ in tho lock-up. _k • , * ’*. »’

Ju a tico Bordon com m itted him to tlje doftnty ja il In d e fau lt o f $500 bail, to answ er for assau ltin g tbe ofllcorr •,

F i r e a t E lb e ro n .A new h o u se ^ e a r ly -^ n iY rp M d d 7 o r~ M r.

Chas; Je lil, a t ‘E ib o rd n ,: w as b urned W e d n c^ day m orning betw een 2 an d 4 o ’clock. Wo havo n o t learned tho o rig lu o f th e fire. Tho build ing waa valued a t #4*000. In su rance ^ 000. . .

;:Ile liOves S p r in g B o iin e ts .Ono o f our c ity fatherf:hasltU48-PJ«wo8^on

an lntore8tJng p u p ..- L ike m ost Jdvenlio dogs it has procliv ities for m ischief th a t dogs of m atu re ago will n o t stoop to perform .

S a tu rd a y evening last tho good wife brought homo for tho little d au g h te r a nea t E aste r h a t an d deposited it on the piano. T he n o ^ t m orning, on p reparjng fo r-c h u rc h , the h a t had disappearedI a n d a f te r a Bparch, je tn n a n ts o f s traw , fea th e rs an d rib b o n w ere found scattered ab Q u t; tho pu p had m ado ^ u Eastor offorliig of It.-f‘ ------ -- ------—‘-i. ; ’ ’

A Red 7 0 , a n d j^ r ls k y .Jo h n 11. T ruax Is a farm er resid ing a t Sum-

merfiold, tw o m iles w est o f A sbury £ork . L ast week, to show , th a t he was halo and hearty a t tho ago o f 70, ho s ta rte d in for a d ay ’s plow ing, and was ablo to k eep u p with tho rest, w lthquj an y ap p a ren t w e a rIn o ss_ .

r T lio F ish in cr S easo n O p en ed .On F riday M n W illiam Brum akor fancied

thero wore fish w aiting . io r his hook a t th e FJshlng P ie r. T ruo enough, a nino-poufld' skato—no. d oub t w aiting ab o u t tbo P ie r s ince Mr. B rum akor w ound up his reel las t fall—- took kindly to tbo b a it an d becam e tho first, Qsh of tho season. ’ . • - ‘

T h ^ R u n a w a y C irc u s B e g in s .Charloa E.- B orden’s calico horse ran aw ay

o n F rid ay from h is store; m ak in g a com ^lete1 dlroait o f the,M ain etreet, M attison avenue, B<md s tree t and C ookm an a v o n u e -b lo o k ^ W w’ogon a n d its con ten ts w ere s trew n a lo n ^ th p track . W bou ro u nd ing In to M attison avdnue ‘fo r a home-Btrotch on the second round he elippod o n tho crossing in fron t o t the t e w bank and tu rned a com pleto sum m ersault. O n regain ing hia foot he appeared dazpd, a |id before bo got his bearings.ho w dsicaptunjtL

— -•———F iu e d fo r A b u s in g a H o rse .

W olcott P oland, o f Ocoi^i P ark , la tho ow n­e r of a g ray horao which: is som ew hat vloluua ^n d balky, no d o u b t m a d o - s ^ iy ^buso and unkind trea tm en t. Poland jo m e tim e,slnco was a rraigned boforo Jn s tic c B o |d e n for m is­using hla horso*', a n d ,was lot off w lth “a: ligh t fine on a prom ise th a t i t should n o t befco- peatpd.- ' ' - '. On S a turday , A pril 18, ho was agalij scon

to cruelly abuse h l t horeo in com pany w ith1 H artson Poland, who s tru ck tho anim al with a olub ovor tho head, according to tho tes ti­m ony of an oyo witness. Again on-S unday, P oland was d r lv in g .u p and down tho tu rn ­pike, c u ttin g tho horso w ith a w hip , vooring from ono eldo of tho ^ o a d ,to W o other, on-, daogoring tho llvcs^of o thers passing up th e street.

Officer K ipp entorcd com plain t aud tho healing was befo re Ju e tico Bordon on M on­day, on Indictm ents a g a in st oach o f the l*o- lahds. Tho Sooloty fo r P revention o f Cruelty, to A nim als by tbreo goottw ltnessos estab lish­ed the facts th a t tho borlfo beon‘crdelly b ea ten ' and unnecessarily drlvoo. T he d e ­fendan t b rough t a num ber of w itnesses b n t tho lr tostlm opy was m ostly o f a tiegative charactor and of llttld valno.

Tho justice lm p w ed a fide of $25 aud coats on* W olcott P o la n d • and |1 5 an d Ngoqt9. .o h ; H arlsd n P o lan q . „ *

* I t W a s a B a d B a rg a in .* t .M r. A. L. C layton, one o f o u r A sbnry P ark

mHkmon, h a s had a n oxporionce, In horso tra d in g th a t will p robab ly las t fo r years^ H e an d Jo h n B. Cor lies Concluded; a d icker on the 4 th of A pril. C layton had a horso a n d buggy. Corllea h ad a horse a n d c a rt which! heyproposed to glvo C layton forJbl§ rig , an d ae ’Uti Ihducom ont te n d e rs ! him a $35 check on tho A sbury P ark a n d Ocoan Grovo Bank.

Tho trad e was consum m ated, a n d noxt m orn­ing th o horso th a t C layton reoelved w as only w orth hie w eight as offal,, hav in g djed. Tho an im al had been docto ipd fop broken w ind, al though declared sound. . Tho do c to rin g had boon too s tro n g an d instead o f Im p ro v in g th e hbrso’s w ind it had doprlycd him of- w hat l(ttlo ho had. In addition to th ls4 th o m aker p f tho Corlios check h a d ’no m o n ey In tho b a n k n or b ad ho ever a oent on dep o sit in tho b ank . '

C layton b rough t a su it In to r t agalnat Cdr- llos and tho case w as tried before. Justlco Bordon and a Jury on S aturday . C ounsellors .Patterson an d Stout resp e^ Iv o ly represented tho parties w ith their usual skill, b u t tho ju ry quickly found for tho p lain tiff In. a yo rd tct Of $100. - Corilos will appeal tho case. «

*• A n O p e r e t t a . - V :

1 Tho ‘“Lend a H and” circle of K ing’s D augh­ters will give tho o p ere tta of “ Red R iding n o o d ” a t E d uca tiona l n a il , T h u rsd ay even­ing ,.M ay 2 , fo r the bon eflto f tho poor who aro u n d e r tho lr oare. Tho publio a re oarn- oatly^requeatod to lend them a liberal band^

. ' * i u n l o r C lass C p n te s t.■ \T he p relim inary tria l in declam ation fo r a ptaco In tbo final co n tes t for tho Bradley and K eato r prizes took placo T hursday afternoon a t tho A sbury P ark H igh School. T he judgea wore Rov. D r. Chandler, Rov. F . C.- Colby andM r. W m. F. LeKoy. ^__

T he full c lass en tered in to tho cootest, and a cq u itted them selves very woll considering'th a t thoy wero declaim ing b efo re critics alone,- w ithout the excitem en t of* a, largo audience. Mlaa C lara Cornell, Je sse M inot and Mies A nna Prico were unanim ousiy-so- leCted as com petito rs for tho b o n P rso r tho class a t the annual com m encem ent. .

T he JunlQ r and B classes, w ill havo th e ir con tests tb day (F riday) for o th er prices.

A G o o d R id d a n c e .To-day tho ope hundred and th irteen th

session of the Now Jersoy Legl*laturo com es tQ.p closo. F o r fifteen weoks tb ls body h as ployed such fan tastic trloka before a n as to u n d ­ed people as to -call- fo rth unrestra ined rid i­cule and un tem percdroproaoh from all Whose songg^Qf S ta te honor • Is “h o t iflfliiltdslmal." Thoso who ap preciate tho solem n a n d pa trio tic d u ty of preserv ing the S ta te ’s p ro u d nam e ag a in st reproach , ag a in st contdrnpk ag a lu st suspicion, have w atched the proceedings o f tho body th a t ad journed Jo -da y w ith feelings of m ingled sbamo and disgust.

The c rack of tho p arty v^hlpipllcd with re - lontlosa a rm haa been hoard every d ay o f the flftpon weeks which tho L egisla ture has bpoji In session. ‘ / Im ost 100 lawB'.'^dominatctl by^ caucus, forced through b o th HoUses with t h e pow er of a m achine, havo been placed upon tho s ta tu te books. Scarcely six o f theso law s Borvo any o ther purpose th an p o litic a l; fow o f them a re In the in terests of; peacefor m oral­ity a n d somo of thom .are flatly a n affron t to thousands of peoplo, who will flnd ln tho a d ­jo u rn m en t an occasion to rojolco.

Abovo th o c rack of tho whip, r ising higher t h a n t h o p ro test of re lu c tan t partisans, h^S boon- the sh o a t of fraud , of b ribery an d o f strikes. Theeo ugly alicgatfona o f . rascailty havo n o t been tho so unds o f a n "o p p o sin g press ; they \1 Id-not find voice In the crow d o f hangers on th at havo hpvored lik e b irds o f prey a ronnd th is m ost rem arkab le Legisla­ture , b u t thdy havo beon thundered from tho floor of th e H ouse and beon echoed In th e lobbies an d In the hotels. I f tho L egisla ture goes dow n 'ln to h istory as th e m ost degenerate th a t bas been the 'm lsfortune of N ew Jersey to record, tho ehamo of i tm u s tb e e h a rg o d to th e estim ate m ado by-lts ow n m em bership..

I t Is neither delectable n o r p leasan t to dwell npon the ddingq of tl^e Ono H undred an d T h irteen th Legislature. I t is no mprp. I f Its career shall servo a s a u aw ful exam ple to thoso th a t m ay succeed it, tho S ta te m ay find

: { a n a tom o f solaco in th a t-fa c t.—iyctoarA: iny News, {Dan ) April 20. • • • ■ '

^ H a i f C e n tu ry S ince .T h e daguerreo typo waa lnvontojl In Franco

fifty years ago. ‘____^I t is fifty y e a * since the M assachusetts Ab­

olition p arty was organized.T he b an k s o t the U nited 8 tatos resum ed

specie paym ents fifty years ago.F ifty years ago tho first norm al school was

organized a t Lexington , M ass. .F ifty years ago tho M orm ons wcro: driven

from M issouri to Nauvoo, III. . v "• Old Black H aw k, tho noted In d ian chicf- ta in , died tlfty yoars iago a t K eokuk, Ia . .

F ifty yeara ago a survey waa maile by Jo h n Balloy for a canal across C en tral A m erica. -

n a i f i^eeiltU ry ag o the f irst p a te n t was g ran ted to Goodyear for vulcanized india- ru b b er gO ods/ _______________

Jo h n Ericsson was al I o wed, le tters p a te n t on a 8team .“ propeller ” boa t h a lf , a cen tu ry ago. • -V' David G. B urne tt began to floryo a s actings

p resident of the “ republic of T e x a s ” fifty years ago.

F ifty years havo olapsod since b ee t sugar- was f irsrm ado by David L . Child, o f N orth­am pton, M ass.

F ifty years slnco was established tho first Com m ercial collego in A m erica, Com er’s Col- Jege, o f Boston.“ 'i’Be pdpu I a tidn o t vho U nli'ed o nly 17,697,420 fifty, years ago. Tho census c ost tho Governm ent f833,427.: F lf ty y e a ra ago tho gherokeo In d ians were

rem oved from Georgia and p lac c ^ w e s t o f the M ississippi river.

I t is fifty years slnco a law was enacted ag a in st dueling In tho D istrict o f Columbia. I t grow o u t of tho CUley-Graves duel.,

Ono thousand reform ed d ru n k ard s m arched in procession a t ftho firdt ann iversary o f tho W ashington Soeloty fifty years agp . V

H alf a cen tu ry ago Frederick Douglas, tho fam ous negro o rato r, jo u rn a lis t a n d poll-; tlc lan , eScapetW ronreiavofy a t Baltim ore,M d,

F ifty years ago Jo sep h A. A dam s, fo r the first tjm o, m ado use o f the idea now em bodied In tho a c t o f olcotrotyplng by reproducing from wood cuts.

I t is half a c en tu ry ago s in ce th e flrst-power loom for weaving carp e ts waa se t in m otion by E. B. Bigelow, of Boston. T en y a rd s a d a ywas U's oflg lnal capacity .- - .......i F ifty years have transp ired slnco t^o. first w heat was sh ipped from Chicago, am ounting to seventy-eight bnshols. I t w as-sont east­w ard by the lakes to Buffalo.

H alf a cen tu ry has elapsed since C ongress appropria ted $ 1,000 to w ard co m p llln g agricu l­tu ra l sta tis tics by the largo Im portation of brcadstuffs sh ipped to Afuerica th a t year.

F ifty years ago tho W hig p a rty .bqld Its first convention a t H arrisburg, l*a., nom inating General* W illiam H enry H arrison, of O hio, for P reafdent of tb e U n ited Stales.

I t Is fifty years slnco tho first railroad spike' m achine was p u t In to use, m aking fifty a m in­ute, fo rm ing b a th poin t and head . H onry Burden, o f Troy , N . Y ., was tho inventor. I t ranked am ong tbo best-paying )tivontton*,of m o d em tim es. ' ■ % '

i > S p e c ia l R a t^ s .All tho arran g em en ts fo» the 'h rllllaoL celo

A ra tloh of the Inauguration1 o f G oneral Wash- Ington in New York, A pril29th, 30th 3 nd May lBt, bavo been com pleted, a n d th eaffa lr prom ­ises to be tho m ost intoreatlng one o f Its kind

%eypr hoid. Tho naval dem onstration on M on­day, th e m ilitary parado on Tuesday, tho in ­du stria l and trades d isplay on W ednesday, w ith tho special features of each evening, fill up the en tire period w ith a h igh order o f en ­terta in m en t. ^

F o r the benefit of v isitors tbo Pennsylvania R ailroad C om pany will sol) excursion tlukets t o Now Y ork from all principal s ta tio n s o n its

■system, April 27th, 28th, 29th, 30th, a n d for tra in s a rriv ing in New York p r io r to ^ o o u of May 1st, a t ono and a half cen ts per mild, T ickets aro good only for con tinuous pasaago on through tra in s to Now York, and valid for re tu rn trip u n til and-including M ay 0 , 1QG9.

As m apy w bo^U B ually-take p a r t in tho L ib rary m eetings doslro to a tten d tho Conton- n lal ce lebration In NdW~York, thoro will bo no exercises noxt M onday ev en in g .,.On M onday, May Ctb, thero will be a G rand Concort by local talen t given u nder tho direction o f Miss F arring ton . ■" - . . ' . ■ -$ .

Very llttlo has been done yet jow drds p rr- toctlng tho bluff a t L ong Branch, wl)ich evory easterly storm sooma to tako a flondfsh delight in cu ttin g aw ay. I t w lll-rcquire an o u tlay of thousands of dollars, bu t tho boftt w a y " to hi mud the wonoy la w hat p ro v cn ls 'an iinmd- dlato resort to repairs.

Mr. 11, M. Flaglor, o.wnor of tho t ’onco do Leon, Cordova and Alcazar, a t S t . A ugustlno, bas dooldod to keep tbe la tter hotel open all tho year, provided yellow fever d o e sn 't m ake It necessary to establish q u a ran tln o ag a ip st outside places. The A lcazar has a casino and

*ono o f tho handsom est baths In. tho world, em bracing evorytblog an c ien t and m odern In tho way o f m othodaof cleanliness.. Mr:.F lag r ler Is reported to havo lost ^rom $30,000 to ' $r>0,T)00 on tho C ordova and Alcazar la s t w in ­ter, b u t to a mau* wH-h p lenty o f m oney th la makes uodlfferenco. - '

. T lio C e n tu ry fo r A pril',Tbo^April Century Is a [Centennial rium bor,

onp-half of Its pagoa being devoted to this subject. Tl^o frontisploco Is a p ic tu re -b y I. R. Wiles, “ W ashington T a k ln g ^h o O ath a s P residen t.” Tho first a rtic le is a h istorical s k o j e ^ g t ^ ^ ^ . jn a B g u ra iln n -o f—W ashing­to n .” w ritten by Mr. W. Bowen (Secretary o f ' tho C entonnlal Committee). This Is foilowod b ^ tw o artlclos from th e pen of M rs, l ju rto n H arrison ; u W ashington a t M ount Vernon a fte r the Revolution,” add

^Washington In Now York ^1 1789 ” Mr. Char lea H enry H art o f Philadelphia, ono of the b est au thorities on this su b je c t In th d ' country; describes tbo “ Original P o rtra its of vyasbln^ton,” and M cM aster, tho 'h is to rian ,

W rites concerning “ A C entury o f C onstitu­tional .In te rp re ta tio n .” Mr. Buwen’s article, Mrs. H arrison’s two papers, an d the brief paper b y M r. H art, a ro all illustra ted with au then tio p o r tra its , o f persons, places, and ob jec ts perta in ing to. W ashington and hls tim es. S tu a rt’s v original studles for h is por- tra jts o f G eneral land. M artha W ashington a re reproduced,-and o ther p o rtra its a re engraved fo r th is nnm bor which, It Is though t, h av e not before seen tho light.

Besides this profusion of Centennial; m ate­rial, (bo M agazine trea ts of a ^variety o f sub­je c ts : Mrs. Fpoto’s novel, “ Tho L ast Assom-- bly Ball,.” is continued ; Georgo K dnnan has a chap ter qn “ T he Russian Polled ” ; Rem ­ington, tho a rtist, w rites and illu s tra te s ,a n article on tho colored U nited S ta te s troops of the W e st; M r. H arry 8 . E dw ards, a u th o r of

Tw o R unaw ays,” g ives a ch arac te ristic story—‘IA Born Inven to r.” ; th e L incoln H is­tory trea ts , of “ R etalia tion , th e Enrollm ent, and the. D ra f t” ; a n ew w riter, M iss Viola, Roschero’, bas an illUBtratod story , “ A J e s t of F a te ” ; and one of T. Cole’s , exqu is ite e n ­gravings, in tho Old .M aster series, is prin ted 'Without any type on tbo baok—th e a r t i s t 'th is m onth being A m broglo LoronzettU

Tho Bpeclal com m issioner, Mr. Georgo II.

A n E n jo y a b le T re a t .Tho B ap tist C hurch w as well filled Tuesday

evening, i t being tho occasion or th o appoar- Onco o f tho ilo tch k ln Fam ily , ju s tly celebrar rojhfor tho novel apd varied c h a ta c tc rb f t h e i r r por^ormonco. - ‘ • ‘

Tho e n tire p rogram w as so excellent, an d each lady took h e r p a r t so well, th a t n o com - parison is a dinlssablo. M iss A nna, however, appeared to ' bo a favorite , perfo rm ing with equal skill on tho violin, zither, g u ita r , c o r ­net, xylophone an d bells. In fa c t th e w hole com pany appears to havo m usical genius. Tho bell choruses wore exceedingly fine, an d like the o ther num bors, received sp o n tan eo u s

"Bates, oont by tho U n ltedU ta tes to Sam ^TflT p rin ts ;a brief v b u t cxtrom eIyA tlm oly

paper on “ S o ^ io . A spects of. th o . Sam oan Question. --■*• f-

“ Topics of tho Timo ” trea t o f “ Tho F irs t In au g u ra tio n ,” “ C onstitu tional Amende m ents,” “ Tho Coast an d the N avy,” “ Rp-

^publicanUm In F ranco .”Tho poems o f this num ber, includ ing those

In “.B rlo -^B rac ,” a reJiy :T hom as W entw orth H lgglnson, C hristopher. P. C ran ch , C harles H enry W ebb, W alter Learned, Louise Mor­gan Sm ith, K em per Bocock, E d w a rd A. Old­ham; and W illiam Z achary G ladw in.

A C lose C a ll.Saturday,dvdhldfe camo v e ry 'n e a r being tho

.last d ru n k for J o h n .McM ahan, a lab o re r w ho lives on Ju d g o H erb e rt’s farm . Ho had beon lo Freohold during tho day an d s ta r te d hom e otirtho 4.30 tra in , which Is conducted t jy Jk JU F a rrin g to n . „ On the-tra in a bottlo o f whiskey waa taken from him an d throw n aw ayj Mr, -Earrlngton’s tra in , re tu rn in g to F reehold, le ftM ataw an a t G;30 o’clook. BetWddn VVickatonk and Bradovolt a s tho tra in cdme around a sh a rp cu rv e it was suddenly stopped, b n to n ly six foot from M cM ahan, w ho was bo tw een th e rails on th e Ire s tto -w o rk o f “ H erbert’s D ry Bridgo ” on his hands an d knees. Baggage­-man DoW ltt E m m ons ran an d to o k him off th o track and tho tra in w ent on. Engineer Mooney Is to bo praised fo r h is cooi presence of m ind In r. versing tho m otion o f his loco­m otive a n d p e ltin g on all b r a k e s / M cM ahan d id R ot k now ady ih jng a b o u t Jt u n til th o n o x t day when it was told to h im .—Democrat.

A ^B lt o f H is to ry .Tho approach ing “ centennial*’ gives spe­

cial In te rest to th o follow ing e x tra c t from tho life of Mrs. Mary D. James*:

Early in tho year seventeen hundred dnd pluhty-niue Trenton, tho capital of New Jersey, w itn e B a e d an occurrence which has passed into history. iGenorai Oeorco W ashington, who had hdfett chosen flrtt l ’rcsluent o f tho new Republic, was on his way to»New York city fo rth e inaugu­ration odremonlesr-r-Hlfc . whole jonrnoy was a trinmpiial march, hut nowhere waa he treated w ith more cordiality than in Trenton, the scene of ihe first decisive victory o f tho llttlo American army twelve years before. Young ladles from leadlnE families strewed his path w ith flowers, and all olttSfigsJjollRkted to do him honor. Onth# day befcrfB'Tfcre'Brriral-ofUheaU&thmuiehed visitor tlie placo was thronged with peonloeager to see tbo preparations for hlS 'receptlon, and eai^claily the trium phal areh vundcr which ho was to pass. * ■ ■

This a rch has boon preserved, a n d is to be brough t from th o /a t t i e whore It has been treasu red so m any years to grace tho '^ag 'ean try of tho com ing contennial. T he book goes op to tell how B enjam in Xd.rd, a y oung car- peuter a t Work on the arch , fell In love w ith a young lady in tho crowd of spectato rs, a. M iss Priscilla Keen, whom ho eabsequently m ar­ried , - - .

T hat the llttlo blind god should bo "on h an d In tbo m idst of such pom p and cerem ony is, perhaps, n o t so rem arkable as tho w onderfdl am oun t o f patrio tism engendered tln the do- sceqdan ts of tho young couplo w hp m ot In th is rom an tic m dnner. *

Mr. aud Mrs. Benjam in Y ard were tbd p a r ­en ts of Mrs. Jam es, w ha w as Woll-known fo r hor pa trio tic sym pathy w ith o ur s o ld ie rs ; her brothers, C ap tain Joseph Y ard a n d itieu to n - a n t B enjam in Y afd, served in tho M exican war, tho la tte r dying in M onterey, th o form er one of the first to resp o n d ed P residen t L in­co ln ’s call for soldiers, w h ilo elgl^t grandsons of Prlsoilla Keen and Benjam in Y ard, w ho first m ot under th is h isto ric arch, rendered valuable Borvice iu tho lato war a s dhaplaln , su rgeon, m ajor, «otonel, a n d o th er officers, one o f whom ha& recontly received tho a p poln tm ont of, Commandor-in-Chlof o f H he G rand Arm y .o f the R epublic .— Christian Advocate. . -■>* . ' . • ... r.

. M anager Long, of the N ew G rand, has to g u a ran to e a largo certainty^ fo M iss Nollid M cH enry’s m anager, and consequently Hvill look for a ll his pa tro n s on Thursday , May 2 .

Mr. T. F ra n k ” Apploby h as purohased the In terest of his p a rtn e r, Mr. W illlsford Dey, In. tho real* estate and insuranco business con­du c ted for jbo m any years on C ookm an ave­nuo, an d will take sole possession on M ay L M r. Dey will dovotd his tim e and enorg los-to tho«8 hpldon House, Ocean Grovo.

Dr. W allace, o f tho Record, h a s nearly re covered from tho effects o f tho carbuncle which prostratod him a oouploof m onths, and can run fo r a tra in with his accdstom od vim and elaaiiuity. IIo_ is a firm bolfovor in the Bkill'Of D r. B arr to tackle dnch cases, apd in tho com forts o f tho H ygienic In s titu te to bring b ack healthHhnd s trep g th aftor p r^ - Idngod slckneps. V ^

—— -—■— • —■— - ‘ .Mr. .Bradley’s 20 foot sidew alk o n .th o AB­

bury P a rk sido o f the lake, and tho Assoola- t io n ’rt ex tension o f tbo-samo im prdvom ont to- wnrd the main ontranco g a te s of t)ccan Grove, m akes u vast difference ig tho looks o f th is h ith erto neglected s tr ip y o n tho turnplko . Whon leveled und ' I aid i .^.'conorcte, th ere will bu Romo lnducem ont . u o o t passengors to tako th is wfly of g e tting Aud from tlio Grovo.

I, o f f t \ iMr. II. \V. Douglas, of^S \ Wlokliffo stroot, Nowark, has bpeti v lsltln^ | ln tho P a rk an d O ’rovo .thla week, Mr. D ^K Jas Is assis tan t publisher o f tho Christian 'a t- irorfc, hpd Is proud of his paper. Uo m ay woll be, for i t la, ono of thp best unscctarlau relig ious new spa­p ers published In this co u n try .1' I ta illus-

H ratiops forrfi a now and pleasing feature, /while tho charactor of its articles re tra in s a t tho h ighest p o in t,’ . W o cordially ' recom m end7 It as ono of tlro’bcst bf fam ily v isito rs .' -

C a p i t a l , ' $ 1 0 0 , 0 0 0 . .

Authorized by law to act as Executor, Admin­istrator, Guardian, Trustee. Assignee, Receiver, A g o n te tc ., and for tho fajthful performance- or d l such duties Its capital styck and surplus are liable; also to UeceWp and lixboulo Trusts ot every description, from tho Courts, Corporations and Individuals.

AU Trust Kundd and Investments arc Inscribed In tho names of tbff owners o f tlu\propcrty held In trust, anti aro kept separate and ap art from thelassets of tnb Company.

I n t e r e s t A l lo w e d o n D e p o s i ts ,S a fe D e p M lt T a n lfN n t f l rn a n d b u r .

t l » r p r o o f b u l ld lu fc now In courad'of eree- ion, cornor Mat,tIson avenuo and Bond street.Wills rccolpteU for and kefit w ithout eliargo.

ISAAC a KRNNKDY, president.I)B. II. H. KKATOK. Vice l W t ^ :II. 11. VAItD.Heorotary.- *.

• A, Q^TWININQ. Treofluror.- DIRECTORS: ’ . '

G. D. W. VKOOM, Trenton, N» J . a W. J i IIAIUUSON, Lakewood, N. J .,

OLIVER II. BROWN, Spring Lake, N. J . IIENRYU. YARD, Ocean Ileach, N .J .1 .11. UUCnANAN, Spring Lake. N. J.

1 JOSEPH MaDERMOTT. Freehold, N. J.JI, B . PIEHSON, Philadelphia, Pa. * . GEO. F. KHOEIIL, Asbury I*ark, N. J . BRUCES. KEATOR,M .D.,'♦ •» '

. A. C. TWINING. ” “ ...ISAAC C. KENNEOX. " “

F e d e ra l Office.I w ent to ope a gentlem an who has held

offlco hero for fo u r years. W hen ho cam o o tit of the WcBt ho left thero a homo and a busi n cbs o n t of which ho bad obtained a conipof tency.

I found him a t his lunch hour. ( A p itcher of m ilk a n d -tw o pieces of bread , s tuck to- ge ther w lth a bountifu l supply o f b u tte r , wore on hla dealt, f ils sa lary la $3,500.

“ W h at aro you going to d o w hen you ge t fcTcTtedoutof h ere?” I asked. I sa id kicked becauso.I k p ew jh 0 w ould never go unless ho was kicked.7 UT d o n ’t know;1’ Ee'FepIidd'. Alfd" he- Cfist

a longing look away tow ard tho m agnificent dom e of tho Capitol a s if ho w ished bo were’ the’bronzo figure on top , th a t ho m ight linger Ip thlp beautiful city forever,

“ I wouldn’t have enough com ing to mo to-day ,” ho said, “ if I was kicked out, a s you call it, to take mb back home. A nd whon I g o thom o l will find i t m ortgaged, an d my business long slnco pneaed o u t o f my hands, I d o n ’t know w bat will become o f m e.”

Thon ho g rabbed tho two p ieces of bread fran tically , as jf bo were try ing to plug u p his w o n th ^ n ta w hlnh-hla h o a tV »a^rla ln ffold sto ry of office-holding In W ashington I- R t .

M r. and M rs. W. ‘IL Sfauffor retu rn ed from F lorida by stpam or on T hursday .

Thoro was a sigh ofj;e ltef a il o v er Now Jor- soy las t S a tu rday w hen tho S tato Legislature ad journed sine die. Thoro was also a heavy thundor show er In tho ovonlng to a ssis t inpurify ing tho air.* v . ...., ...........

—1 ’C adet JVilliam 8 . Clokd, who w aspri the U

8 . m an-of-w ar it^ tho h a rb o r o f A pia,d a rin g tho disastrous s to rm o f M arch 1-t, has

*5iflVed a t hom o. H e Is tho son o f E d ito r Cioko of tho Slate Oazelte.

Root & Dibblna’ saw mill a t Red Bank was In jured by firo M onday n ig h t to the e x te n t o f $500. Insu red . Tho fire s ta rte d n ea r the boiler, aud b u t fo r p ro m p t w ork by th e fire­m en tho ontird’ estab lishm ent w ould have boen burned . ’______ _

D eal Lako Is full of su n flsb .' Boys and mon havo only to b a it tholr hooka apd th row in to catch all they can carry homo. They bito as th ough hungry a fte r a w tntor’s h ibernation, "May 1 is the tim e to fish for plko an d pickerel an d D eal Lako la a g re a t place for thom.

A bright, farcical p iece by E dw ard E. Kid- dor, called “ Thrpo of a K irid,” lia d introduced tbo old favofltos, . Nellie M cHenry & Co. p leasan tly an d prosperously, and should not be m issed. Thoy will ap p ear a t tho G rand O pera House T hu rsd ay , May B eats-w w : ou sale a t K Inm onth’s.

Tho las t aoclablo of the season, given T hurs­day evening b y tho ladles of Iho P resby terian Chprdh, a t Mr. Wm. J . C ooper’s, was well a ltonded and very m uch enjoyed b y o ld an d young. Thanks &ro duo to Messrs. Broad- meadow and Blau velt fo r holding a Car fo r the convenience o f thoeo living down town.

Dr. B arr has reduced the p rice o f T urkish baths to 15 c en ts for children, b u t thoy m ust como in tho a f te rn o o n s . betw een 3 an d 5 o ’clock. This la a good way fo r Inothors -to g e t o u t of the worrying S a tu rd a y n ig h t s c ru b ~ a n d who w ouldn’t glvo the am o u n t to bo rid o f such a jo b t Let the youngsters try It.

I f a building catches flro In its u p p e r.s to ry it-m ay burn dow n. If i t takes fire In the basem ent It m ay burn u p .^

“ A n d how d id Blifkins bocqrae insane ?” “ By absorp tion . Ho s lep t fo r th ree m o nths beneath a crazy q u ilt.**

S P E C I A L T R A I N— -FROM-----



PENNSYLVANIA R. R.A P E IIi 23th, 30th and MAY 1st, 1888.

For tho accommodattou of residents along tbo lino of tho Now York <k Long Branch Railroad tho Pennsylvania Railroad company w lllnm aH PK - CIAL TRAIN from Now York to Point P leasant on tho above-named dates on tho followlngsched- u lo ; ’

Leave Brooklyn by Annex Boat at II r . M.- Lv. New York Il^sor.M, * - * •— ” ------

Jereoy City 11.42 Ar. R ahw ay... 12.16A.M.

“ WQQdbrl'gli'2ft *♦" 1’tli. AmbyUL8-l. “ " PRRCro«8l2.IO ““ "So Amboy.12,42 “" Morgan ...12.46 " cunvvood i24y

Matawan .12.62 "“ llazlfit ...12.60- "" Mlddleto'u 1.04 •« " Red Bank. 1.12 “" Lit. Silver. 1.17, '4 “ Branchp't; 1.22 “

CHAS. E. I'uflH,Gcn’l Manager.

Ar.l/NO Bbanch!.2I»a.m " West E n d .... 1.27 '*“ Holly wood...1.27 “ ' ** K lbcrou ....:.l.:tt .*•-*' Deal . . . . . . . . 1.S4 "*“ N.Asbury l-bl.37 “ “ Asbury Park. 1.40 " ** Ocean Grovo 1.40 " “ Key E ast.....1 44 "

""'"Ocean Beach 1 40 "" Como'Trr.-. . . 1.48 **" Spring I^k o . 1.61 "“ HeatnTrt 1.6.1 «‘*~Manas<pian..l.68 . “ -“ Pi.P leasant..2.00 14 *; • J . H. WOOD, Goh’l*Passongcr Agent.

.Is j-o u r B u s in e ss n u l l ? M a k e l t l .lv e ly l>y AUvortiKiufj


T28 M attison A vo./opp. P . O.A B B U ItY P A R K , N E W J E U 8 E Y .


Tx>ans mado od improved property In sums o f $1,000 and un wards. • .6s o i i , J a f i Loans. Hgasonabla.Ghargss,T<» non-rbsldonts o f Asbury P ark would refer to

First N ational Bank, Asbury Park—G. F. Kroehl, presldcBt, A. C. Twining, cashier.

Asbury Park and Ocean Grove Bank—H. C. Win- \sor, president, E, E. Dayton .ca sh ie r ..,........

Monmuutlx Trust and Safe Deposit Co.—Isaac C.Kennedy, president. m

Jam es A. Bradloy, Asbnry P ark, N..T. **Whitman & Phelps, Wholesalo Dry Goods, 40-42

Grand st& N. Y. >D. E. Converse, president Clifton Mills, S. C.A. J7 MilstKid,' sup’t Tallasseo Falls Milts; Ala^ : Amos Clark, Globo Mills. Augusta, Ga.v *

LAURUS LOOMIS, Asbury Park, W.T. Residence—IKad Of Grant avOr^Deal Beach, N .J.

M O N EY T O LOAN5 p er cent, p er A niuun,

On Real Estate, in sums of $1,000 and upwards.

Apply toil E. G. HARRISON,. ‘ Board of Trado Rooms, Asbtiry''PHtk* N, J .

$ 1 5 , 0 0 0 ^ ' ) j fTo Loan on Good Mortgages.

S. C. CO W ART^Froehold, N. J .

j^O X X tlE.Notice is hereby given th at all porsons having

claims against the estate o f Jerem iah Jackson Morris, la te of New Bedford, 'N. J . , deceased, are requested to p rese n tjh e samo to tho .sub­scriber for thoir settlem ent, and thoso Indebted to tho esta te aro requested to mako Immediate payment. : JONATHAN Y. MORHIS,•April fi, 1889. ■ Administrator.

N 'O T IO E O F D I S S O L U T IO N .

Notice Is hereby given tb a t tbo pam ershlnfor­merly Miilmlstliig betw een .Samuel Ludlow and Garret B. Ludlow, under tho 'lino name of N. Ludlow & Sons, has been dissolved l> consent. Alt money ilue the firm wld be received by Garret B. Ludlow, who will continue tho bus­iness and pay all claims ou tho Into firm.

-■ iUMUtfL-L-UDM*H\“-------

Dated April 1st, 1


j^ O T IO E TO CREDITORS.Pursuant to a dcereo of tho C ourt of Chancery

of New Jersey m ade in a cause between The Kecond N ational Hunk of Red Hunk, complain- ant.-am l Jo h n (J. F arr and others, defendants, notice is hereby given ty all creditors of the lalo partnership o f J , tj. Farr & Co , o f Anbury Park, to como before mo and prove their claims a t my office in Jersey City on Thursday the Twentieth day of Juno next.i^t 10 a . in. or thoy will-bo burred from a sham in tbo distribution of tho _ said partnership estate.

WASHINGTON B. WILLIAMS;Special M aster in (.'hannery.

Dated Aprjl I®®* U*r’s feo, $ii Of.)

A S S I G N E E ’S N O T I C E , . /

Notleo Is horoby given to tho, creditors of WH; Ham W. DeWitt, ot Neptune towns)dp, Mon­mouth county. Now Jersey, th at all claims against his estate m ust bo exhibited to the su b ­scriber. his assignee, a t Its ofllce in tho Borough o f Asbury Park, New Jersoy, under -oath o r affirmation, on o r before tlio Ninth day o f May A. D. 188U, or bo forever barred from com­ing In for a dividend of the es ta te ; and said creditors a re further notified th at a list of tho claims against tlio said William W. DoWltt will bo tiled w ith tho Surrogate of tho said county of Monmouth on Thursday tho Ninth day of May, 1880. whon exceptions thereto may bo filed by any person interested.MONMOUTH TRUST AND SAFE DEPOSIT CO.,

Dated March 21,1889. . . Assignee-


at Mattison Avo. and Bond St., is near­ing completion, and will bo roady for

oconpanoy on or about April 1.- Tlio offloes on tho second and third floors of the building will bo finished In hard wood, windows of plate glass, insltlP blinds, and furnished with , ovory modern convenience, Including Steam Thoso rodms are now offered to the public FOR ' - RENT, for uso EXCLUSIVELY AS OFFICKM, a t rents ranging from $U0 to $150*per annum each ; the rental to Includo gas, steam hoatlng and reg­u lar dally jan ito r sorvlco.

For further particulars apply a t COMPANY’S OFFICE, No. 72H M attison avo.,

whore p lans o f rooms can bo soon.

Pianos and Organs. R E P A IR E D , r e » c l a t e d a n d

- 3 Z K .

j o h n i w m T I r v i n g ,the only Professional Tuner an d RopalrerWi tho

coast. yoars- experience lu Bng- - land an d America.

RE-STRINGINGJRE-CAPPING,All kinds of matosSll constantly on hand for

Orders m ay beitJu a t iny office and residence, 82 Mt. Uertnon Way, Ocean Grove, 1 block from tho post offlco, or a t Mr. Wm. B. Douglas's Muslo store, cor. Bond 8t. and Mattison avo.,. Ashurv Park ; also a t Mr. David Crawford’s Palaco of Muslo, 149 and 145 Main st,, ABbury Park,

t reat Reduction!n Furnishings, Notions, Fancy Goods,

~ Toys, Plated Ware, S c ./W ill sell a t a great sacrifice before moving to

Dietz.Block from my present store, 721 Cook­man avenue. H I M . GE«». llE C H T K Ir-

; E s o ‘C T K . i v r E i ,,' | s ; , I-HtlLISH.^ONTC . .

Dyspepsia M ilswill not only glvo ease, but. p e rm a n iitly euro. IndIgeatlon. Dyspepsia, or any gastrli trouble. '•

For Sale by ail Druggi .Electric Door Bells, \v

Oas-JLighting Apiiarat.iij. mill Burglar Alarma.

Sloros and HtaWos oonhcctod w ith residences by Call Bell or Uurglar Alarm system . Estim ate for atiy Kloctrlcal work cheerfully glveu. Door Bell outfits, Batteries, Etc., for sale.

•C. 1LZACH ARIAS.Caro W estern Union Tclograpli (iflico./

N O V E L T J E SFlue stationery, DollM, Toyn,

Cutlery, W r i t i n g M a td V ia l N , e t c . C l r c u l a t l n & r l ib r a r y .

At QUIN B Y & CO.'S N E W B B IC K 9 T O R E

A S B U R Y : P A R K J O U R N A L , S A T U R D A Y , ^ P R I L 2 7 , J 1 8 8 9 .i s £ : : v • ...

*no 'M O N M O U T H R E PU B LIC A N .

8 A T U B D A Y , A P R I L 27 , 1889.

BM IM o f A d v e r t i s in g .

--------- ” 'wB»Kar ----- MONTH h:— ------ -

spac s:1 ‘J a i a 9 j « 12)

« T n T ~~~ib 91 00 $125 $175 ^)50|S100 $cbo70 i p.'k INI 1 75 « 25 4 00 0 0G 1000

1 w l IW>m

275 4 85 550 80C 14 002 »• 1 a (xi a fvi r. (Ml 7 00 lOOfl 1H 003 ♦* ' t?5 AM 4 50 700 0 00 1500 asoo4 “ -jr, awi 4 50 5 fiO H00 13 00 2000 . 35 00H H 00 4NI ft 50 7 50 1H(H) 18 00hiooo 50 00

ftrsi KM 11 M 15 00 25 00 85 00 55 00 85 001 “ 1000 1700 iwoo WOO 4.’) 00 05 OOlflO 00 150 00

. LooaI. Notioba.-^A lim ited num bor o f local notifies will ho adm itted nt tho ra te o f fifteon cputs nor Itno. Thoy will bo placed a t tho hot-? tom oi tho local columns only, and m ust havo “ ado ” a t tho ond. Whon continued four weeks or longer, a d iscount of 85 por cent, la ailowod. •. T kumr.—Y o a r ly a d v d r t lH e m e n ts a r b p a y a b le q u a r t e r l y . In a a v a n e e : a d v e r t i s e m e n t s f o r le s s p e r i o d t h a n . t h r e o m o n th s a r o c a s h .

O n r A g e n t s . .' TJOeoJ P. Ttowoil & Co., 10 Borneo St., New York

<W. W, Sharp A Co.. SI Park Row* New York. Kdwln AUlon JfeBro.,140 Nassau St., Now Yorjt,

And Clnolnnatl. . .J . II. Bates, 41 Park Row, Now York."N , W. Ayer & Ron, Times Build In S. Phlla’d .

’ P ra tt <fc Co., Ninth and Arch fits., Phlla’d.Will reoeivo advortlBomoftta fo r T ub J ournal

a tre g u la r published rat«B.In all oases we roaorvo tho right to roloot any

advertisem ent th a t m ay be objectionable to os.

t « l « l KoIIcm . •

O nr friends *H11 please bear In m ind th a t Tnv J ouunai, is a legal newspaper, and as suoh Is th e ' proper m edium for all legal notices. Homo a d ­vertisem ents bolohg to u» by law , whilo w ith many others It Is optional with tho p arty Inter* eateu aa to w h a t paper should publish them .

“ F r e e N o t ic e s , ’*- By-m utnal agroem ent,-and by rooommonda- tion o f tho Now .Jersey Editorial Association, tho newspapers of Asbury Park havo decided to abolish tho unfair and 'unw arran ted custom of giving frco local notlccs to entertalnm onts of any kind whloh havo as tholr objoct th e raining of money-. for_the_ benefit of societies o r Indi­viduals. Itoroaftor wo Rhall mako a charge of fivo cen ts por line to Residents and ten oonts por line to traveling or outsido companies o r persons

Tho banka will be elosed on T uesday noxt.

T h e borongh oloctlon will bo bold o n Tuea day, May 14. ' . . -

Tho -A tlantic H igh lands boats will begin ru n n in g on M ay 1,

I t is reported t h a t there aro e igh t “ poker jo in ts ” a t lied Bank.

Ex-P residen t and Mrs. C leveland sp e n t last S unday a t Lakewood.

T hero has been a general b reak ing u p of the old board w alks th ro u g h o u o boropgli.

^ v M r .E i W . G ardener n n d s o n r o t Philadel­p h ia , sp eu t th e w eek a t M arine Villa,. Second avonuo. ■ _

A lexander Thom pson was a rres ted on’Tuds*■ ' ^ ■ ’‘fl&y fo r be ing drunk , and ijnBtlce Holm es

fined him *2 a n d _cqsta. ‘ .

'Z X -Z N o rn ian L . M nnro has (fourteen cottages a t Norwood Park , hon g B ranch, all o f which

'"Viavo been ren ted for the sum m er.

P arties having c laim s o r b l^ s ag a in st the borough of A sburyi_Park aro requested to presont them a t onco to tho clerk .

Tho new Tow nship Com m ittee, a t their m eeting on Saturday , gave ju risd ic tio n to tho borough pollco In. an y p a r t o f the town-:

■ " • •^ considerable q n an tity of household goods

* Cottage, Third avenue, on Tuesday afternoon;

Kov. J . M. Donton, o f Ocean Beach,' has accepted a unanim ous call to tho P resbyterian C hurch a t Y aphank, L . I ., a n d will movo th ere a bo u t M ay 1st. . ■ ■'_________________

C upt. Mucroll, who rescued th e peoplo from itio steam er D anm ark, Is to recolvo tho Impe­rial decprallon from K ing C hristian , In recog- n ltlp rfo f his services.

Yellow fever p t 8anford , F la ., Is causing m uch a larm , b u t tho san ita ry nuthoriiiu s a re confident of confining th e d isease to th e sin­gle c ase so fa r rcportod. ' . . . ..*■

A tfiOO organ, I^as boon placed In tho*M. E Church a t i ta r th j ^ n g B ranch. ,

$3,500 has a lready boon subscribed fo r a iidw M ethodist Church d t Seabrlght.

W ork has been resum ed on tbe H udson rlvor tunnol betw een Jersoy City a n d Now York

Two Cam den bojrs on a bloyolo tou r, reached Asbury I’a rk last S a turday , on th ^ lr rotuiip

Mr. O. W. B yrata an d bride a re com fortab ly settled In tholr tem porary reeidonco In Aebtiry fa rk . ‘ - * *

’ Lewis II. W illiams, tho now p o stm aster o f Long Branch, received hla com m ission o n last F riday . - ' : r

Tho soinl-annual tnooting of tho Ocean Orovo A ssociation will bo held tho socond weok In M a y ..

Mr. II. L. M addox has been rolristatod on tho Townflhlp pollcoforco. n o bogan sorvtoo M onday night.

Cottrell Uro. havo laid a now stono sldo walk In fron t o f J . II. Jo n o s’ honao, M uttroo avonuo and E m ory stroe t.

T itos ^ C onrad, tho woll known c o n trac to rs and builders, of T renton , have failed. Ltabll- 4ties,-$24,000; assets, *15,000.

S uperin tenden t I1III, o f -C la rk ’s Milo End Throad W orks, Nowark, is a freq u en t v isito r a t tho A tlantlo Hotise, Ocean Grove.

A il tho ca rp e ts an d furn iture-Jn-IIotoI- An­bury b avo bad a thorough renovation slnco Mr. M. Longyear took charge a s m anager.

Tho provident of tho local Board o f H ealth, Dr. Neal .Mitchell, donlcs tho reported o u t break o f yiillow 'fever a t Jacksonville , F la .

— Troops bf-scboo l-ch lld rcn "go o n t dally a lte r thp J sh a d flower.

Mr. T . F rank Apploby and bis brldo re tu rn od to Aabury J.’a rk last-_Eriday evening , after- an ex ten d ed to u r to V irginia nnd o ther States.

Tho Ladies’ Parsonage Association of F irs t M. E . church , will hold a s traw berry 'f^stlval in E ducational Hall on W cdnosday ovenlng, May 8. ‘ ' '

Plenty of herring m ade tho p ro fits o t tlio bUtchors decidedly slim la s t week. Ono m ar­ket m an said ho had n 't h ad such a du ll week IU fivo years.

On Satu rday tw o im proved m oto r tru ck s wero unloadqd from flat-cars fo r th e e lectric s tre e t railw ay, to tak e th e placo o f o th ers worn o u t o r d isabled. ’ ^ V

Miss M ulford expects to reopen th o Bristol, o n Ocoan avenue* ab o u t Ju n o 1. T his was thq flrst o f tho A sbury P a rk hotels to send o u t c ircu lars fo r tbe season of 1889.' -

M asentfiliW ts, by a yoto o f 44,000 h as d e­clared a g a in st constitu tiona l p rohib ition . ^ I t is^ lr tu a lly a sanction o f the local op tio n an d high \ t ^,000) license law already in forco.

M r-N r^ V ^ 't t lo i ia r 'im p ro v o d h ls ijro p o p tjr a t Sewoll avenue and E m ory etroot by p a in t­ing. ‘ T he sidew alk has b ad a Btono cu rb ing sot and the portion In f ro n t o f h is m arke t laid with s to n e walk. .

W iliam C .C arro ll, the flagm an a t thocross- ing a t R ailroad avenue, h as como in to a sn u g fo rtune by tho doath o f his fathor io tho old country . Ho ^as resolved notice to go an d se ttle up tho ostato.

M r. E . S. L ongstrcct, the section m aster o f th is division of tho railroad ,has p laced a larg e

-cu lv e rt-p lp 0" u u d e r- th o -ra llfo a d - tp a c k :“th a t drains tho S u rfaco w atcr 'Yrom W est Grovo a n d W est B radley Beach. ^ • A

Deverenx & BurM xpocty to resume active bnslness now th a t tho Legislature is no more.

T h e Hpray will dem and th e ir undivided a ttan - tio n fo r fo u r m onths to com e, and ofllcehortnr will bo from early till late. %

haven ^han C anada in tho fu ture . T h a t-d o ­m inion h a s passed a bill w hereby crim inals m ay be su rrendered who a tte m p t to m ake It a n asylum ag a in st prosecution .

Miss D obbins’ kindergardon o n Sewall avo- nno ia vory highly B pokon of b y its patrons, an d Is likely to becom e an Im p o rtan t t$ u ea - tlonal in stitu tio n of tho placo.

C apt. Charles A. Y oung Is p u ttin g tho Bel­vedere In flno trim fo r Its reopening. T’ho

•Belvedere Is a lw a y ^ th o first ho tel to nil, and i t kcep ag ftjin til late*in th e fall.

Mr. 9 . I. N aftal, leader of tlio G. A'. It. d rum corps, desires a full a tte n d a n ce a t the

' Poat room this (F riday) ovoning, p repara to ry to g oing to Now Yorfe-on M onday. ,.*■

Mrs. E . M. B again a t l h o Belvcdero for tho n in th season and tho fourteen th a t the Parki^ - Mrs. B lague Bays thjitAelM UJ^Park Is a parad ise o f health an d rest to her. [

1 Mrs, M. i t A say has secured a fivo years*1 lease o f the How land no u so , Ocean Grove. U nder hor m anagem ent in 1887 tho How land was a prosperous and p rofltajdo hotol, ^

. Proftpeet C ornet Band, through tho Jotm * k al , tdhdor th an k s to M r. J a m e s A. Bradley for the use of E ducational Hall on the occa­s ion of tholr reception on M onday evening.

M r. L anrus Loomla presented e ig h t choice Hhado trees to the A sbury Park school as a gupplem ent to A rbor Day, and on M onday they wero put o u t ou tho B ond Btruot front>

s M r. F ran k Bodlc, of M ataw an, Is an old iind ^exterislve dealer in horses, l i e h as ju s t ro- ce iv 'ed a fresh supp ly of flno an ljp a ls which m ay Interest.som e^of our eltlsaflj}. w ho aro In need o f them . I lls card appears elsew here.

C l o t l r l n g . C l o t h i n g .

A largo line of Men}s 8uit8 , all wool, at.$10, w orth $15. Children’s SUltSj $2.15. Spring O vercoats a t $10, less than coat tam ak o . l ’hja S a tu rd ay a t C , C . Clftyton’s.—^dw. ■ :

/ ' F o r S easo n o r Y e a r . . •;O w ner will leas? largeToom in b est location

in A sbury P ark for res tau ran t, an d tak e ren t• in raoals. Splendid opening to-'thoronghly

c o m p eten t person. Address“ ItBSTAtJHANT.” Caro Box J .

A sbury Park, N . J . —Adv.

* A c a rp e t and ru g boater la tho latent. See them a t Schneider’s.—Adv.

C a r p e t s .

Wo havo peourod an elogant a sso rtm e n t of< all wool e x tra j*bpor In g ra in C arpets, which wo will offer a t tho u nhcard o f p rice o f 50o, per yard. HotcJ kcepors take no tice th a t o u r huaaufuruUhlQg d ep a rtm cu t is com plete aud w ^tfefy com petito rs to sell a t o u r prices.M ■ S te lnbach Bros.—A d u ._

/■/ —■— — - J ‘ »•r ? l) r . W ilbur ho* rem oved hlBfofilco t o \ho itouthW est co rn e r G rand and A sbury a v k ~Ad».

7 • ;■I S t r i p e d S u r a l i H .[ . v

H enry Stelnbach, of tho Brick Store, will k .p u to u gale thlq S aturday , JO plcces S triped

Suruh a t 67e, w erth $l,~^4</i».

Com o m i d S o o M o . .( is o . E . Ho it b u , n e x t to post ofilco, h as the

iiuost an d m oat com plete s tock o f mcn’B fur- tilshlngs. N ockw earaud fanoy dreps sh ir ts a spoclalty. I^ook a l ehow window^=3<d».'

i . F o r t l l i z f t r * ! - -

S pecial’ grades for Potatoosj G ardon T ruck a n d G rain. Call a n ^ se o o ur testim o n ia ls^ ,

v . M onm outh F jsn m u K H — Ado. "« V'3 Ofllce, 708 CooKtnan a v o - ‘ 1

' In d ia Bliks’fp r drapery-sash cu rta in s ,, tidies, eto ,, a t SchooldSr’e, 107-100 Main s tre e t.—Adv.

C apt. W . J , Uenard, form erly stew ard o f tho Colonran* A sbury P ark , and tho A lcazarj St., F la , h as 'an offer frq»»-thc pm.- p r le f o ro f tho Scarboro , L ong B ranch, an d m ay locate there fo r tho sum m er.

Mr. R. Ayers an d —wIfc<*who havo been spending tlio w inter a t Ovid, N. Y ., baVo re ­tu rned to the P ark , In tending to m ako tho lr hom o with Mrs. C ocks an d Mrs.- F ord a t tlio W inderm ere, F o u rth avenue an d H eck s tree t.

Prospect C ornet Baud gayo a ball a t E d u ca ­tional H all M onday n ig h t and had an en joy­a b le tim e. There wero n o t as m any presont aa th e pro joctora had lioped, b u t th e expenses Wore h iet, leaving a sm all sum for the treasu ry .

j ’T l l c y a r e IC o a ) H n r f f f t i n s .

25 dozen U nlaundrled Sbfrts, m ade of Dw ight A nchor m uslin , 45c.

25 U nlaundrled Shirts, m ade o f^b est quality U tica h iu slln i’00c.

25 dozen M en’s full regu lar m ade Balbrlggan S h irts and D raw ers, 59c, w orth $1.

Don’t fail t o g e t s o m e . .H enry Stelnbach of Ihe Brick S to ro .-r^ ffr .

C arpets, M attings, Bugs, W indow Shades, i tc . NevTgoods, fresh stock, low prices.

W. M. Pawley & Co., 100 Main S t.—Adv.

C a r p e t s . C a r p e t s .

Ingrain C arpets from 25o up*.. in g ra in all-wool C arpets from 54o up. -T-Mattlng from $3.50 a roll u p , a t - H enry Stolnbaob’B B rick Storo.—^rfy.'

Don’t go to Now Y:ork to buy C arp e ts and- M attings whon yon can savo ten to tw enty- fivo'per cen t, by purchasing a t hqmOof W. M. Puwley i t Co.—i4d«. . - ;

J H 5 0 ( > ,0 0 0 - - •

T o loan on bond and tportgago. A p p ly 'to II. S. K lnm onth, A sbury P a rk :—A d v . . ,

A l . I i , B a m m a n , O u i i ^ r o c o r ,

has agnln reduced tho p rice o f hla T eas a ll around ; b u t ho does not glvo aw ay crockery o f oil palntingaC" Bowaro o f peoplo w ho w an t to plwu y o u -p o t^ tb ln g for. no th in g .— Adv.

l l o t e l / a i i A i t o a r U l i i u l l O i i f t c s .

Wo m ako a specialty of Sheetings, Table. LluoV^ C om fortab los ,n ilanko ts , (guilts, «Scc. G c tC i r p rlccs. , C. C; Cluyton,

Ocean Grove, N . J .— A dv !*

- N o w Is. t h e T i n i o ' v r

t£ h av u y o u r lawn piado borfutlful. Hayo> IV renew ed with u 8 ta r Lawn Dresser by t l»

\ Monmouth F r u t im zb k 'C o.,— Adv. Ofllco, 708 C ookm anuvo; -

“ Si'nator Quay’s door bell has boon phlloil out; by tho roots b y tho hungry .ofllco-scebors.” I f y o u r old/boH4»-in dangcr,4 iave ltroplac^jJ with^an electric bo]I. .J u s t tho th ing . C. R. '/aoWanae, care W. U . Telegraph offlco.—Adv.

■ Cottages by th e sea fur Bcaaon o f 1889.. Ad- drdsa o r call o a^I/ 'O /Ijovo , L and Oflloei,'opp. B ta t lo n , Koy E aat, N. J .—-Adv.

. Tho Freehold G raded Sohool build ing Is td b e oulatged, a n appro p ria tio n o l $5,500 h av­ing boon m ade for th a t purposo by a v o te o f 48 to 8, a t a moetlng'Ueld M onday ovenlng.

Hotels, Stc.

Rector Skene haq : presented eight o f the oholr boys of /Trinity C hurch wltii^badges for p ro m p t an d f a l t h f a r 7attondanco. "A M arge num ber of*the scholars o f thu Sabbath-scUool a lso received badges for falthfu luesa In th e ir■classesT'"— T 7 7"~ '

‘ n a r r y Des Anges, w ho took h la degree In the A sbury Pork P rin tin g I I oubo J n 1879, for threo y'oara faaa been. superlA teudout o f .ra il­w ay rep a ir sh o p s 'In 'L lm a , Ppro, is enjoying a much-noedod vacatloh in Afibury P ark w ith hla parents.

Mr. E dw ard Balnbrldgo and a .^oung frloud. lo ft Philadelphia M onday on tho ir bfoyclcs a n d arrived hero on Tuosday. Thoy s ta id hero Tuosday tfight and s ta rted fo r homo W ednesday m orning. T hoy mado a b o u t 00 tnllos por day.

Last yoar’a m auagor of tho A talauttt, M- P . Robinson, haa flocurod.a loaso of tho V ictoria, Saratoga, and oxpccfi to bo ready fo r g uests oarly in Ju n o . A sbnry P a rk pooplo w ho v lsli tho Springs can n o t do b o lte r • than secure accom m odations a t tho V ictoria.

M r. an d Mrs. T hom as P rocto r, don lzo n so f W est P ark , wore brought boforo Ju s tlco Bor­den on M onday by Ofllcer H ullck, chnrgcd by fim lly Cisco with breaking windows an d o th er d isorderly conduot. H e w as fined $7 a n d sho $5, and In each caso, a term of flOdays in ja il If n o t paid. . ..

Somo idea of the lmm ouso freight business dono a t this Btatlon m ay bo ga thered tro in a co u n t of the cars alw ays o n thc.sld ing oppo s lto B uchauou’s lum ber yard . I^ast week there wero cars from F lorida, M lchlgau, New York and Pennsylvania, loaded^ with tiinbet^ bcildos o thers 11 Hod with b rick .

Tho foundations o f tho dyuam oa uf>cd by tho ARbury'Park E lectric L ight Co. fo r s u p ­ply ing pow qt to tho- st re e t fall way boforo tholr own p lan t ready, have been torn o u t and will bo reb u ilt for a rc ligh t dynam os. These will bo on tho north sldo o f tho build­ing. Tho sou th sldo will bo usod exclusively fo r tbo Incandescent p lan t to be put lnflhortly.

M r. W illiam J . Cooper la m ak ing ex tensivo a lte ra tio n s and Im provem ents a t his Icecream gardon on Second avenuo. Tho capacity of tho B a lo o u will be n ea tly d o u b l e d , an d tho in ­

c re a s e p l^b la wholesale trad o las t y ea r has com pelled him to en large h is facilities and room for m an u fa c tu rin g . Tho fro n t w|ll bo raised, giving a su lto o f roolns on tho second floor. '■■■■% ‘

Rov. 8. Ed Young, o f W oatm lnatcr C hurch , passe"d tho exam inations o f tho 8 en |o r year d t Princeton Collogo th is weok and on Tuesday evening was regularly ordained to tbo m inis­try ln the F irs t P resbyterian C hnrch o f P rince­ton. Tho ord ination sorm on w as preached by Rov. W. H. Green, I ) .p . , L L .D ., tho charge waa glvon by Vrot. C. W. H odgo en d tho or- d a ln lng pray e r by Rov. 11 . .i lJ X Iu s d a lo , Ih elatto r gontlem an being Mr. Y oung’s pasto r.

sourco of am nsem out n o t only to tho owner, Mr. J . E . W ortm an, but to frequont visitors and hundreds who pans, l s th o a q n a - rlnm In his w indow ad jo in in g tho J o u h n a i, ofllce. I t is full o f fish of different varieties, largo and striall, from tadpo les to a yoting alligato r, which Mr.' J , B. Thom pson for­w arded from 'Florida. Two largo p lum p sun- flsb, beautifu lly m arked', a p p e ar to bo bosees of tho s i tu a t io n s C a tf l s h r ec ls and l i l lozeii: m innow s m ako tho w ator bubblo whon on onO. o f thoiF*sr'feear-*A -y o u n g -B n a p p e rrw iif ra " voraclouB appetite has taken a lik ing to the alligator. He slta on hW back and c W t ke shaken off, Tho •lllgatot barf had sovoral narrow escapes from d ra in in g because of the snapper’s fondness for hanging on.

B a rg a in s . -O n e cites of Drcsa; ehnleu pa t­

terns, 5>^c. p e r yard. .OnecOso o f Dress G ingham s, OJ^c. p e r yard.F ifty dozon Ladies’ Black Hose, fu ll regu lar

m ado, only 17c. per pair.Twenty-flvo dozen Men’s SeamlosH Half

lio se , 12>£c. p e r p a i r , worth 20c. ^Stelnbach Broa.—yJf/w.

'V B qatltiiH iness fo r S ale .Eam ea, t h o b o a t b u i l d e r , w i l l s e l l h l a e n t i r e

s t o c k o f b o a t s a n d f ix tu res ' f i t an oxqeedlngly lo w f ig u r e . This Is a b u s i n e s s e s t a b l i s h e d by O rm erod 15 y o a r s a g o . Reason for B e llin g , o w n e r has m o v o d o u t o f tftwri. A pply to '

W iL i . iS F o n n Djjv & Co.—Adv:’ •

B b n d S tro o t Bakery now read y to sup p ly the, b est B read, Cake, F i c i , Rolls an d Mufllns. Send o Thos. T. ( ira v a tt , 4^4 Brtnd sU

■Adv. '' C a rp e ts . C a rp e ts .

All-wool e x tra super Ingra in C arpets, a t 55c^- per yard , th is Sa tu rday , n t C. C . C layton 's .— Adv. . *

S h o es . » /“ $FIvfreHaes'Misses’ Kid Shoea, from 11 -to 2,

with o r w ithout heel, a t 75 cen ts p e r pair,Ono coso LadlOs’ K id Slices, worked b u tto n ­

holes, 89 cen ts p e r pair. Sam e as o th ers sell a t 99 cents, an d consider them a b argain^ To ^ e t a genuine bargain go to

Stelnbach B ros.—Ado.

Bourne’s English Dyspepsia P ills will enro tho.w orst ease of-dyspepstia, no m atte r l|ow long s tand ing . # In bovcro p a ro x y s im rtt‘ one doao does n o t rollovo, tw o w ill'—Adv..

A P r o in l n e n t C o rn e r .Store and dw elling a t th e .rap id ly grow ing

Key E ast, to le^. A pply to R obert C. Lovo^ Koy E ast, .o r . E. Batchelor, 12.31 C hestnut, s treet, Philadelphia.—Adv. '

A t Cusack’s P harm acy , ^15 M attison ave­nuo, n ea r the pOat office, yon c a n o b tain TftiS c h o lc e s t/a » j% remcdle*, and { touf physlciaus’ p rescrip tions wilt be p repared by oxperlenced chemlBts.—A dv. ■ ‘ ’ /

A sb u ry P a rk Lawn Grass, th e b est In uso for th e seashore, a t H . D. Colem an’s, co rner Bond stree t an d B angs avenue,— l<?»i . ; :

H ouso c leaners tako .oo tlcc , th a t Cusack’s fluid d isin fec tan t will ren d er y o u r room s pure an d awcct. Sold In any q u an titie s n t C usack’s Phannaoy , 715 M attison a v e n u e ,.a t m oderate flgur08.-“vtffc/. ■

" W lie n V o n t te a t lof tlio g ro at red ac tio n th a t ' M vLHJflm ntan, O ur (}rpcor, has mado Ip tho prices o f Teas, plcAso do n o t th ink th a t tho q u a lity will suffer —It positively will n o t ,—rAdv.

P lain an d faney-dressiuaklngr^A ccnrrtto fit b y tim ten t m ethods, Mrs. BlaOk, 512 8um m er- fiold avo., near EtUory s t.—Adv.

NewGrand Opera HouseFRED. Jf LONG, ^ylo ioSrteB'and Jlatmger-

Thursday, Ma^4 2d, 1889.‘ • ‘ THB (lltK ATksT

Fun M akqrs in th e W orld S A L S B U R Y T R O U B A D O U R S

Aobnowledgod tho m ost eomploto t ’oraody and m usical organization In Am orloa. -

T he Bewltehtng I Tho C a p tiv a tin g ! Tho Hpark- Hng! ? •

N E L L I E M C H E N R Y ,U L d e r the d irection o f W ebRter * Moedor. pre­

sen tin g E . E . K idder’s ,“ Trum p C a rd ,” in .8 A cts,en titled

3 ^ 3Z.T2T1DE n t ire ly K eW rlttenand ReeonHtruntod. T h o F u n ­

n iest 1/iarco-Cumudy l»oforo tho Public*PRICES, ^l/TCc., 50q„ B5o. and 25c,

SoaCs on sale at K lnm onth ’s d n ig store.

T H E O A K S ,M)C Third, avenue, Situated oppoalte Eduoa- tlonal Halt Snnare. Fall and winter term s 15 to •tt. Ileater, Ao. Bxoollent tablo, Opon entire year. Special terms to famllloa.

T H E H A M ILTO N ,214 Cookman avonuo,

W IL t^BFStf MAY 1. 1883. .l»ow prlcos for early applicants.

^ _________ — C.T.8MITI1,


plcasaritly an<L..convohlently located, having hcon thoroughly renovated and many Improve­ments mado for convenience o f guoHtB, l« now In perfect order and flrst^class Jn all respects. P o r m anent and transient guest« will flnd tho accom- modatlona and tablo oxeellont, and prices reas­onable. M. LONOYEAtt, PropriotCR.


SEA 80N-0F 188^ -Ju n o io to Hoptoinbor IB,

H O T E L B R I S C O , S S B K. . N KW*YORK OITY; -jr •

Con tra lly located, 2 b lo cks o f Bt-Oadwhy, 2 blocks of l^lftliavo. Modorat^ ratos by day o r woek.

*— --’SAM’l iB . MolNTYRE.

Grand Ave. Hotel,o , tho largest hotel otwn all the year.

/Complete,In all m odem appliance^ fo r tho health and comfort of W inter gnests. [

Artoalan water. Perfect dew orate .Steam heat all throngh:


T H E IR V IN G ,Third avenuo, near ocean,

A S B U R Y - P A E K , N E W J E R S E Y ,OPEN TllB EN TillE YEAR.

P o r fa rth e r p a rllcu lu m . addrons .M. LAUDSNSLAnER.


D EP A R TU R EC a z p e t s ,

^ T a t t i n . g ’s ,

”1 c S C C .

W indow S h a d e s an d Poles.Maw Goods—Choice Patterns:

— —

B o u g h t f o r G a s h a n d S o l d

L o w . ....

Fresh Stock arriving every day In

Crockery, Glassware, Lamps,uml In sho rt ovory depaTlnjrnt.

WvM. Pawley & Co,1 0 6 a n d 1 0 8 M a i n S t . ,

AN I1U RV P A R K , f i Jf.


■<F Z

H i W

O I q ;

o o

o r ■

wwo o


r a '*h ).


Oorland?s_ N ewspaper, Gorresponding and Advertising bureau ,MAIN OFFICE—Atlantlo avonuo, opposite Now Post Offlco and Opera H ouse' 4

ATLANTIC! CITY, N. J..Corresfjndent for Thi P ra t, Now fo rk ; JM fr Sumlav N m t. Plilla.. Pa.;

} z/i,f{[rrmirJt-Tde{jrni>h and JHtjiqtcfi. p ltuhurah , P a.: TM A m iricm . liattlmofro, Md. Also dlroot tioiloltor for Special o th er loading dally paporS.

vIslt .M bnry .P w k-onoe -a wookr until Jn ly »Rthr l8*>;- Kstl* motes furnished by mall. TOftUfl 0T payment, August 18th, , -

. \ ■ j , H , p o B t & S D , P r o p r i e t o r n o d N a n t iR e r .

. Organlzod February, 1886. ,.?■#GKO. F. KHOHHL, President. o . If, BRO.WN, Vlce-Presdent.



C a p i t a l , ^99,01)0 .00 . N t i r p l i i H , $ 2 5 ,0 0 0 .0 0POST OFKICK DUlLDINfj, MAIN HTRBBT AND MATTIH(>N^Ay5NUB^ ..... '

^ • '© •lo tto ttf ’orweaa^^avaW ihio in th o prlnolpal cities o f tlie worM. Vowlgn and d o n a tio exchanges bought and sold. -

tolloctlona carefully made and promptly aocotintod-for. ' %

n . P. Kroehl,B n ioo B. Koator,

I promptly aocountod-for.

BOARD O P DIRECTORS : Albert C. Twining, OllvorH ., Brown, •

Iwiao C. Konnody, t IIonry II. Yard.

H r n h y C . W in hor , President. Q ko . W.- E v a n s , vice-Prosidont. K jim unh E . D a y t o n , (A sh ler.

Aslmy Part ill Ocei&ove Bat,. COR. MATTISON AVE. AND MAIN ST., ASBURY PARK; ,

O ro a n izk d J a n u a r y , 1H89.C A P I T A ^ - - . - . 9 5 0 . 0 0 0 . 0 0 .

Transacts a general B an k in g Business. Istinea Foreign Km l Domt^Utt Drafts. ,; Protmit attontion given to all m atters cnirustcd toiis. 1

% ' D I R E C T O R S :. J . 8 . F E K 0 U8 0 N-. , C E O . W . KV A N 8 .(JBO. W . T R E A T . 1 - ,1 A . W A IN R W H T .JO H N H U B B A R D . H K N ItV O. W IN SO R. ,



*.----- ----------------- -----------------------p ^ ............

l>o you* Know wfiat Is going on over there ?. { * -

Do von know th a t thoro are groat hargahiH Iu lots down by tlio beach, nnd th a t tho Ocean Grove Ansociatlon trac t and the Jas, A. Bradley tra c t arc being, laid o u t ami Improved?

For particulars call and Inquire M ’ •

•Willisford Dey & Co.,t ^ - ■ -

— r- ?0Q Oookman Ave., Asbury Park; N, J.


n o n e c a p i t a l . ’

| i i .Open”all the

Year.Transient ItaLos, W ccuts a Meal

Perfect kyKton of drainage. l*ure A r- teslan wtUcr. Ru-atn beat Electric

lights Hun parlor.CIIA8. J. HUNT, Pronriotor.


Most Magnificent Stock ofSPRING

S. HEMMENWAY,615 C ookm an a v e ., - A sbury Park”, N. J.


F L A G S «»■ B U R G E E Sfor Hotels and Buslnoas purposes, a t very low la to s : and alao

T E N T S ol all kinds.Awnings for stores nnd private dwellings. Wagon Covers and

Canvass Goods of all kinds mado to order.Foiling for stonm nlpis and hollers. Awning fioodH aud Cotton Duck of all w idths for sale. All ordots promptly attended t o . . I t. K . JA C O B S , N n p e r in t o u t l^ n i .

D A I T I E L a . C O V E B T ,

H EA L ESTATE AND INSURANCE AGENT,t i i Pilgrim Pathway, Occan Grove, N. J.

^Al»o A f ro n t t o r ftho N to n f i*nrt C o n c rc * « W aIU a . Negotiates I^>ans on Real Estate, (forrcspondencoSollcItotl. A larcro num ber o f Boarding Houses and Cot­

tage* fo r Rent for tho Season of 1K80.

M ILA N R O S S ,Real Estate and Insurance Agent, '■

t 725 Coolimaa Avenue, Asbpiy Park, N. J .TranBacta a general Real Estate business, handling properties on following terms;

FOR BELLING, 2* PER CENT.; RENTING, ,5-PEIi OEN^E,r - - - — de<lnote<l as tho rout is collected.

t N c g o t i a U s a ^ o r t ^ g o LorriiH E fitu te;'" ~Represents LEADING INSURANCE COMPANIES.

■ w ':

h s




c 4

oPic b

%E dOo


f t

r t

( ! )H tH IW - i




JUST ARRIVED!A Fine Lot of Horses

For Heavy Work, Damage and Saddle• New lots being reooived^rrth'i tho \Vest.

Satisfaction guaranteed. Prlcos to su it all,0 F R A N K B E D L E ,

Sale and Exohahg^’Stabtoa, MATAWAN, N. J ,


P E R S O N A L P R O P E R T Y .The subscriber wl(l *>(Tor at.Puhllo Halo, on

TUESDAY, M A Y .,7 th , 1889 ,a t 3 o 'clock; a t

tTA Y LO R . C O T T A G E ,200 'I lilrd nvenuo, • AHBUliY p S rK , N."?..

tho following described Household Gooda :

Two Cook B tovos. Bureaus, Bedsteads, Mat- tro/fius. borhiijs, Cota, Toilet Hots, Crockery, 100 Yawls Malting, Dlulng Chairs, and othor artlolos too numerous to mention. .- ’ v

Conditions at aalo.

■ ' L A V IN IA : T A Y L O R ..

K Z E i r E A S T .' H O B T . C . L O V E ,

. - Resident Agent for 8alo and Rental of

K E V E A S T K E A I J E S T A T E .v ’c<*ttagos to le t fo r seoaon, Several for salo.


FOR SALE ,d t (101 Fifth avenuo, ono hod room sot (8 pieces), one lawn mower, 150 feet India rubber Uoac. All ’lu good order. • _

< 3 - © o . TXT. T a r a . a ^ c , -i Licensed Auctioneer;

8100,000 to Loan oi> 1st Mortgage.

REAL E S T A T E AND INSURANCE AGENT210 Main S t , Asbury Park, l i J.

The Aboife Hofuse of 15 R0omsf::Lot 50x150 Feet, in P ine IiOs alitovCHliiniiiiKl-

inj» View o f Ocoiin, : ».F O B S A L E A T A . B A R G A I N ,

CITY WATER AND 8E \\'E R CONNECTiqN. ,i f i X l L A N R O B B , Ccwkman avenuo. A8BURY PARK/

I h e s a P a l n ^ a a r o i n e v e r y r e s p e c t s t r i c t l y f ir s t- c la a a ,- b e m g c o m p o s e d o f t h e b a s t a n d - j r a r a s t m a t e r i a l s q b t a i n a W c , T h e y h p ,v o & l a r g e r s a l o t t a s a n y i j h e r p a i n t a m a d o i n t h i s c o u n t r y o r a b r o a d , a n d , a l f J io u g l i t h e y coafc a t r i f i a m o r s p o r g a l l o n , t l i e y w i l l d o m o r o n n t l b e t t e r w o r k f o r i n e s a m o a m o u n t o f m o n ey ." o w i n g t o t l i e i r w o n d o r f u l c o v e r i n g p r o p e r t i e s , w s s i o t h e i i j u p e r i o r d u r a b i l i t y r e m l a r a t h e m t h e m o s t c c o n p m i c a l p a i n t s I n t h e w o r l d S a m p l e S h e e t s a n d D e s c r ip t iv Q I ’r i e o L i s t f r e o b y in a iL

yj" We «rrt plMjjed to inpw.'.r inqniHes.ftum ,11 ” h■* contenipUla paistlnjf their m*ke iaagfHiioo, KRUilloa cojort to 1 'uicil, r1,o e9tini»iii o t iitwntHy »ad '■•■i ot r tin ia

p ) « . u i r r . Oorwipcriifeot, will plewfi .’ ( pajtlouijur, t«ii.i<11ub fttto. stylo. Bltu.uon &aa . n r7ro u n d in g s o f th o l r tm 11 d in g s , a n d s e n d p b o to g r s p h w h e n p o sa lb le , „

H : ' , W . J O H N S M A N U F A C T U R I N G C O . ,0OLB MAWCTiCTURKBS 0>'

H , W . J o h n s* A s b e s to s R o o f in g , S h cm th ln g , B u lId ld B F e l t , A ib e ito * - B tearo P a c k in g s , B o ile r C o v e r in g s , B o o l P a in t s , P J r o -P r o o f F a in ts , « t o .

m U K S T O I. M o n liled Via!cn-5J. P w ik ln s R ta t* , G juJt»u . FM klK E , * « . .

E lU b l t i h td 1 850 . 8 7 M A I D E N L A N E , N E W Y O R K ^ ^ V n L ' * 1" " * -

For S a le H. E, BUCHANON & CO., A sbury P a rk , N. J.If You W ant Anything-■ ' . / • ' — IN— ‘ •

General House F u n d in g ,W H IT E TO

F . R . B r o d h e a d & C o, — 257 Ganal St., New York City.

B 5T IM A T K S F U liN lS ltK D ON A L L W O RK .

W indow Hhmlos, Fom lturo ,' Patented Cotton -And H air M attresses. Carpots, I-aco and H eavy (J^^taios, Curtain l ’olea, A c. . ------- .

E m p lo y m e n t Office*r*** HB8.I»L.RKW TAiri

and 700 M attison avenue, PaTk..Oiiod reliable help fwmlshed and ftrat;Ctaasfilt*

patlons scoured. ,

ROBERT PETERSON,Auction and CommissionHouse

6 2 0 Cookman avenue.Regular Sale Every Saturday Evening.

Consignments o f goods from hooHekeenot*; dealers, manufacturer* and others respectfully solicited.Special Sales o f F in e O vid a n d S i l t c r IIrate7ic%both ladles' and gentlem en's; a lso .Towolry, Clialns, Rings. <fcu., V b i* * rld f»y n u t lN a tu r * d A j « v c u lo g N , I,aillon Invited. Kvery article w arranted asrepreHuiited o r tho money returned. These uoods may ho purchased atprw arfilialo a t a n y time. This ia your chanco fo r bargains. Don’t forget the pjacqj

..FOR SALEA n olght-veArpld hay horso, Rood tra v e ls r, Hound an a perpcetly safe for la«lles .d riv in g . A lso enrrlngifand imrnoaa. '

. • - MIW. S . M. A L L IS O N , •'■Wt F ifth .aven uo , A sb ury P v k . « , ^

^ e t S ,

S ^ S

S i

c s as r r s a

> - 3



e r a

3 !. ..... _m

t~CSM 9~

© 9

Ever Exhibited In the S ta te : now to be found a t the

b O B A ^ l P A L A C E TO F


FERGUSON’S Coal, Wood & Charcoal

GEO. E.'PAKMBK,--Proprietor,

Wholesale and Retail.' i. , _ • ‘ / ! ! I

A ll m y Htonk Is o f tho best q ua lity in -tho m arket, and Is now kept con stantly d ry un der com pleto cover. -

. I w a rra n t everythlntt I s o ll .^ U !»ot-a» roprosontcd the money w ll| he refunded. L


Y a rd an d O ffice, 5 1 S o u th ; M giii S t t e t ,' O pportlfoOceanrtrov'iM aln Entranoo. -

B R A N C H O P KIC RH --Bam m an,8 ( jro«ery sto re In tho P a rk . ;'V >Valnrlght& E rr le k so ii’s Sto re In th eJ3rovo.

t)r<Iors by m ull pr'omplJy received and d eli^ rO d . Com plete ■* ** Teleuhono Connection.

X i . M : .' - Hucijeasor to GRAY A'IT A TA YLOR, wholesale and retail d ealer in


lime, Lam, Hair, ., Gemeul, Plaslur

And all k inds o f


•, a t tho old established yard • •• ; >—I N R E A R O F L A K E V I E W H O U S E .

A full S tock o f tho above artloles will ho kept constantly on hand andsatisfaction guarautcod. Branch oftloos a t lleames’ CJrocory, AHhuf5r l rark. untl MuttuowH A UallardJs (irocery. Ocean Grovo


T h? OPERA PIANO!The Finest Upright Piano in the Market.All tho latest^ hnDrovoments. * Antique stylea

“ now1’ Walnut, Oak, Mahogany, Rosewood, and . Kbony llnlnh/ Hcnd^iy ((atalognu. Ka«v payments.—

Our repairing departm ent In onuiploUi; Helng inunufaoturerK. we ean renew old pianos a t amodor-

. all) price and give iwrfeot satisfaction. . *\ .

Pianos aqd Organs Taken la Bichange and f Poll Yalne Allowed for them.• Ihirchascrs will do woll to call and examine our stoek before puhOiUMlng. • >•

A few " Operas,” imed on|y a short tim e,-for rent, o r will bo sold vory .cheap, *•

Pianosr and Organs Tuned.







6V SUPERSTITIOUS PEOPLE.LOTS aim PLftTO a t JIT, PiiOSPKOT CRMK- TBUY. A p n lp U r t t II. TAYLOR, P in t OBleo Building, Room 1, Asbury Park. Ifardalilpn of o Herder During tlio Rainy

. Season—lie Wanted to 8 oe Ills Olrl InIjemrcr—Olvinjjr Up a Sound Tooth ailfLT h en Iliifitllnff Itafltt to Cn n ip .

“ CfinrlfoV M etcalf is an old tlm o cowboy,• Ona -wnuiii; nb tJcnosr. . J re taloftk.RL.Wn>*.. for bo kicked oiT bin spur* and dlsearth*! Ills som brero years ago. N or would a n y ono k n o w ,th at lid liad been a thea tH cal m anagor, a school toncher, a steam ship p u rser an d a p riv a te secretary , b u t ho has g o n o 'th ro u g h

,aU tl^cso cxperieftccR and runny m oro. H is first yen tu rn was ca ttlo raising. JIo h ad ju s t boon graduated^ from collogo whon bo w en t west to boeonio n “ca ttlo k in g .” Ah ho him-

; self tells tho s to ry , thoro'w oro m an y circum ­stances w hich conspired to p rev e n t his Ixv com ing m uch of n king. A n tho first placo, ho p u t nil h is m onoy ho luwijhito tirobm inosa. A ccordingly, whon somo c a tt lo , thioves swooped dow n upon his c a tn p o n o ''n ig h t an d stam peded w ith tho wholo hord tho young ca ttlo rnisbr found himself I n .th o position w hero tlte ro was n o t only no jjowor behind the k ihgV tbrono, b u t no throno. '

. In the lungnago of tiio plains, ho found himself a f te r th a t reduced from th o i>osition of a cnttlo ow ner to a "cow p uncher.” In th e cotirxo o f tho noxt foui* yearn by nm nngod to b ranch o u t a g a in , b u y ing somo hundred heatL Tho following w in ter w as som ething l lk o a prolonged a n d wiefcod b lizzard, an d

; whon spring camo Col. M Ctcalf (ho was called “ colonel” on tlio plains bocnuso Ho h a d tried to g o t ad m itted to W est Poin t, an d a lth o u g h he fallod dism ally , ho a lw ays boosted th a t ho passed his physical exam ination w ith credit) found him self tho ow ner of ju s t flve bony, dri«d u p head o f cattlo . Ho could n o t sell th em f-fo r-n o -o n o -w o u ld buy th e m r^ c r ho tu rn e d th em looso on tho p lains a n d again took to tho 8nddlo a t fflO a m onth , flour, spurs aud la r ia t th ro w n in. This w as in tho sp rin g of 1881,

HARD TIWK8 ON. THE HANQE.Tho “ colonel,” w hatever his failings a t

ca ttlo raising , tells a good s to ry . H o fell to ta lk in g w ith a friond tho o th er d a y a b o u t th o too thache, an il ho to ld . tho s to ry . o t . th o f irs t and only caso of toothache h<* over hatU Af-

-tea’ briefly skotching his tw o failures a t ra is­in g ca ttlo , he described the w in ter t h a t fol­lowed^hiAxoturA ta .‘.‘ ow p unch ing .”*; “ Tlio w in ter,” ho said, “ was n o t less sovcro th an th a t o f th o y e a r before, an d whon Ju n o of 1883 f inally cam o around wo wero a so rry looklug lot. E v e ry hon ler had begun tho season w ith fivo broncos. B roncos a ro tough, b u t t h a t w in ter sottled them , an d i t w ould havo settled us, too, if wo h ad n ’t had p lenty of b lankets, I nover saw a n y th in g liko tho w ay i t rained th a t spriug . O u r clothes, ten ts and b lankets g o t so soaked th a t fo r woeks wo h ad not had a d ry r a g on us. I l>e- gan to g o t p ro tty ^ lc k ot_being a cowboy, and w h a t mado m y com plain t worso w as th o fa c t th a t tho g irl to whom I v isit­ing re la tiv es in D enver, 1 h ad n o t scon h e r fo r th re e years, aud a lthough m y em ployer hod prom ised mo a week off w hen good w eather cafne, there secmod to bo no chanco o f go ing to D enver fo r a long timo, fo r wo w ero In a torrib lo fix. Our tem p o rary cam p was a t the old b a ttlo g round oii B ig B andy crock, w here tbo In d ian masBacro (‘massa-creo’ every ono calls i t there) w as co m m itted . in ’fift. b y tho F irs t Colorado cav alry , u nder Col. Chlv- ingtom I t w as ab o u t a ll wo could d o to h an g bn to tho ground to keep f ro m Slipping dow n tho sido o f tho gully . Tho ca ttlo wero s tam ­peding ovcry d a y , an d wo had to w ork a ll tlio tim o. To m ako m atte rs worso, th e re w nren’fc half enough broncos to go a ro u u d an d wo had to bo on o u r fee t a good deal o f tho tim e,. | a h a rd tria l fo r a cowboy. I

. THItBW AWAY A TOOTH. |“ I m ade u p m y m ind to g o to D enver, a n d

I began to cudgel m y brains* to find somo 1 good u x cu so fo r d eserting m y ‘ou tfit.’ I h i t 1 uj)ou tho tootlinehc, an d fo r th reo ilayn I su f­fered unto ld agony when a n y o f th o men woiif u i 'o iiird .' I p r o f o * ^ to bo unnbib to ' cat, an d tho m en began to fool a la rm ed al>out mo.- A t th o end o f tliroo days I i>egmi to "Weaken. I could n o t starvo to d e a th , an d I th o u g h t t h a t I m ust g ive u p tho tootluicho.I finally decided to tnko ‘W hisky I la n k ,’ tho cook, in to m y confidence, and I m ado n clean b reast of tho wholo th in g to him . A fter.' th a t ho b ro u g h t mo m y m eals w hen th o m en were all o il ‘punching’ th o c a ttle , ‘which ovcry d ay w ero becoming w ilder thnn.l>nlTn- loos. I k e p t th is u p fo r a week, w hen tho bead m an cam o to mo and said : ‘See hero, polonel, yo u g o to D onver an d g o t t h a t too th

tout,* I protested th a t i t w ould n o £ jw r ig h t for m o to dosert tho cam p a t su ch rfH lm o , b u t ho insisted, and finally I s ta rted .

“ M y em ployer was a t R iv e r Rend, 'the homo rancji, n ea r tho K ansas Pacific, nnd I s ta rte d fo r. K it Carson, tho nearest ra ilw ay s ta tio n , Jtw enty miles aw oy, in g re a t glee. I luuLnot been in a tow n , big o r littlo , f o r over a y e a r, and w hen I s tru ck D enver th o placo was n o t b ig enough to hold mo. I got.jthero in th o m orning and w en t s tra ig h t to th o S t . _ Jam es h o te l - A fte r feasting a t b reak fast, I ligh ted a c ig a r and stood on tho f ro n t steps a while, ju s t to feso w h a t clvillzod-pooplo looked liko. I was j u s t going d ow n to tho s tre o t to h u r ry arouud to H erm an avonuo, on Capitol J lill, wlion“T c a iu o f a ^ ' t d face w ith m y em - ployer. F q r a n in s ta n t I wished t h a t I wns back a t tho ()ld B attlo G round, chasing ca ttlo over th o B lip j^ y ground. I w hipped ou£ m y handlccrchfaj' an d c lap p o d i t u p to m y chock.

‘ * ‘Toot fVSchb—terxiblo,' I m u rm u red .“ ‘T oothache, eh? ho said, looking a t mo

keenly. ‘Coino w ith mo and havo i t o u t .’“ I liadn’t tho courage to Bay a w o rd an d

followed him m eekly aro u n d to tho.ofllcoof a d e n tis t I s a t down In tho c h a ir in a s ta te o f u tto r collapse, pointed out a back to o th an d groaned, ‘pull i t ’ Tho d en tis t h ad h a rd •work to got t h a t too th out, fo r I t w ns ono of tho beet tooth tlia t a m an over had. I had tD pay S2 fo r tho operation , too, a n d whon„tho tooth waa o u t and tbo d en tist had soothed m y w oundeth jaw m y em ployer took m o dow n to tho sta tion and saw mo off oq th o noxt, t ra in fo r K it Carson, bound fo r th o cam p. I novor dared to tell a n y of tho boys how I g o t boaton a t m y garno. Even th o cook never learpod tho t ru th .”—Now Y o rk Tribune.

* Mixed Up In Making Change.I t is odd how confusing somo littlo prob­

lems In figures will somotimes bo. A gentle- m an e a t m a bviBluesa m an's office w ritin g a le tter, the p ro p rie to r being closo n t-h n u d . W hen bo had finished ho askod fo r a stum p, 'and hia friond pullod open a d raw er h i tho

/desk an d hoi&pd him ono of tho littlo p o rtra it* of Georgo W ashington. Tho guest g av e h im . a nickel,- and w as in re tu rn g iven th reo pen­nies. A s ho wns p lacing theso in h is |>ockot ho th o u g h t of p lay ing a trick , au il d ropping ono of tlio pennies produced tho o th e r tw o ,\ Baying: “ \Vljy, horo, Georgo, I could havo given you tho oxact amount,*’ a t th o 6amo tim e ten d e rin g him tho copjwrs. H is friond took them an d gavo back th o nickel he still hold, pocketing-/the pcnulee w ith o u t ctw ord of protest. Tho guost doj«xrtod, b u t th o n ex t day cam o in ngnld, and hb was gn*cted by tho p ro p rie to r tho first th in g w ith : “ Say, Tom, ab o u t th a t stam p .” Ho g o t no f u rth e r, fo r th o laugh on tho visitor’s face show ed, h im th o job had boon py t up.—Chicago H er­ald. .

W hat tho A uelon t Illn to rlan a H av e R e­corded on th o SnlOect—Som o o f th o 1U>-

1_. m ark ah lo A crolU lo llem onstm tt«»n% -0rtoT lin t RcQtilrcd T liree U hjh to Cool,

_ . . . . “ ThohcavenB doclaro tho g lory o f God nnd th o - firm m nont shtprcth —b in - hatnliwoi k:H

W h a t moro s tr ik in g evidences o f om nipo ten t j)0>Vcr, of tho im m diisity of space, o r of tho u tte r weakness of huninulty. and th e ir inabll: i ty to copo w ith .tho elem ents, could be pro- am ted th an in an artlc lo g iv in g in chronolog­ical form a n account of a ll tho im m ense masses of stone w hich havo en te red o u r nt- raosphprp fro m tho-boundIfss regions known

■’ to nstrononiLra>(w “ space?”Tho .Word “ aero lite” la from tKo G reek,

aer, a ir, nnd litlios, stono, l ite ra lly “ u ir stono.” &>*no. w rite rs c la r i f y theso sk y stones, u nder threo heads: A erolites, those composed wholly o f stono; noro-sideritcs nnd

■ sldorolites. Of tho la s t tw o tho fo rm er n tp . com posw lof masses o f m eteo ric iro n an d tho la tto r ; of a conglom erate of stoiie, iron ,

. nickel, su lphur nnd o th er m lnoral substances,. Tbo o lder •writers, P liny , L ivy a n d others,

soom to havo used tb o w ord aero lite and m otoor indiscrim inately . Tho m eteor, as wo understand i t now, presents i tse lf to tho gazo iu bth o fo rm o f a “ nhoot^ng s ta r” a n d leaves tio \v lslb lo tra c o o f its v isit. On th e o th er hand, tho aero lites an d thp o th e r “ ites” notc<l abovo fa ll w ith a loud, hissing sound nnd j a r tho e a rth fo r mtlos a round when tlioy comp in co n tac t w ith ' i t , o ften bu ry in g them selves m an y fee t in tho ground.

E v e ry c o u n try a n d d v e ry ^ g o h a s i t s nomi- h istorical trad itions concerning th e fall o f

. immense stones, U v y tells i is :\iO to f tho fall of a .singlo aerolite, b u t of a rfhower o f stones w hlcli fell al»out th o y e a r <154 II. C ; on :a. n io iihtaih h e a r Itoino. Tho A rundul M arbles, o r P a rian Chronicles, which n ro inurbJo ta lv

j . lots g iv in g i n . chronological ordj*r even ts in G recian id s to ry fro m a b o u t 1.W3 B. C. down to2<s4 B. C ., givo. a n a n acco u n t o f a g re a t stono which fell a t JKogostami n b o u t tho

‘ year 407 B. C. P liny, who died In 79 A . IT^ says t h a t in his tim o th o g re a t a ir s tone wns E t i t l to ho seen on “th o IM Iesjw nt a u d adds t h a t i t was then a b o u t tho shco of a wagon, .but a s to tho size o f th o w a p o r ho leaves th e reatlor irf'tho d a rk . '*

Tho ovidenco adduee<l from th<X w ritin g s o f L ivy nnd P lin y wero receive*} by seiei^tific men as exaggera ted fam ines/a failtng to which all tho e a rly w rite rs, w ith fow exce|>* tions, wero given.

A SHOWER IN NORMANDY.In 180H a perfec t shoxver o f lltho-missik's

rained a round L’Aiglo, in N orm aiuly, on A pril .2(1, M. Blot, tho F ren ch a stronom er nnd philo8ophor, wnsdisiNitched by th e Itoynl fiocioty to m ako a fu ll in v estiga tion of the reported stono shower. W ell did ho perforin tho ta sk , fo r since th a t tim o a m an who would mako pretensions to scientific a tta in ­m ents jm d y e t d oub t tho rea lity o f th o fall o f nir.stones would l>o a s p ity ing ly regnrded ns tho poor follow who insists t h a t th o “ wor!<l isn s fiat as a pancake.” U p to th o end o f tho y e a r 1388 thcro ha<ll>een be tw een 2.v0 nnd 1500 n u thcn tlc recorded instances o f th o fall

. of stones from tho o u te r regions o f space; tho supposed falls and thoso unrecorded are , of course, s till moro nuifterous^..Tlio.ptonos lisually.faU-singly, somotim cs in

jviirs; and U«s fro<iuently iu showers. The showors wero thoso a t Etisisheim in Mitt, a t M ort in I7D0, a t A iro in I7IZI, a t Ju lin c in 1790, a t S lonna in 171M, a t Benares, In d ia , in 1798, n t L’Aiglo, as a b o u t m entioned , in 1803, a t S t. Qerm aino in 180S a n d a t New Con­cordia, 0 .7 in 1800. *

A ll o f thoso which o ccurred p r io r to tho L 'A iglo show er wrero givon th e scientific col<l

shoulder un til a f te r tho investigations o f P ro ­fessor Biot a t ' tho la s t nam ed place, siuco which tim e m oro credence h as been g iven tho testim ony of eye w itnesses t o the o th e r oc-

currenoea.” —■- ■■■■ ---------------------------:—- "Dr. A n d rews, of th e S ociety for tlm A d - .'

~ — — viureemEfifc “of “Science, London, r ^ a r d s f the . New Concordia Incident As be ing th o m cfii re

m arkab le au th en tica ted instance o f a show er of s tones over recorded, p a r t ly from th o ,fact th a t thoro wero so m an y oyo witnesses to tho phenomenon, i t h av in g occurred in broad d a y lig h t Tho day wi£s beautifu lly c le a rr not

. a cloud m arrod tho a iu ro of th o firm ajnent., Sudden ly^a . loud_ noiso resem bling; thunder

v?j\a hea^T ^ . Tho in h ab itan ts c a s t a b o u t fo r a dlstyLrlitutcp^ so m o o f

w hom w ero fo r tu n a t^ cn o fig lf t o sco 11 id g re a t ’ ; roosses' of gtbno m th e ir dow nw ard flight,'

, . . ' falling like L ucife r, novor to riso ngain . One'o f tho stones, “ a to u t tho sizo of a p a te n t

, bucket,” fell n e a r w here a r u s tic Concordian was w orking in a field. A s soon ns tho farm er recovered from tho shock caused by th o nwo inspiring sig h t ho set a b o u t d igg ing u p the w o n d e r. w ith h is hoo. W hen found i t was abou t tw o fee t belo>v th e surface, wedged tig h t against a “ nigger head,” still, w a rm and of a dull cerulean liuo. ,

Tho,num ber o f stones w hich fell, a t New ' Concordia d u rin g th o “ show er” tho w rite r

has nover seen s ta ted—perhaps 100,-or,md$T * bo ten tim es t h a t num ber. -N early 3,000 fell

d u r in g jtho. L ’A ig lo .show cr o n nn elliptical) * e igh t m iles b y fou^, n one of w hich weighed

•over sevcntoen pounds. Tho m ost.rem ark- ablo circum stanco in connection w ith th o oc-

. currenco i3 . th o fac t t h a t 1 as m any a s 800 wolghod w ith in . iuiILok jwuiuLof^ tho largest

, ono. •_. Tlioso stones w cro jiearly ’nll th ree sidetl, tho e n tire su rface of each being-coated w ith a th in varniah liko Kubstimco, black. Soverol of tho Now Concordia stones weighed botjveen tw enty-five niul seventy-five pounds.

A m o ONE.Jan . 7, 1877, according to Tho Eureka

(Nov.) Sentinel, tho m ost rcm uiirab lo singlo nuiss on record fell n t tho foot o f Dia­m ond m ountain , n ea r, th a t place. T ho spot w hero thp aero lite cam e in cou tncl w ith te rra •flrma xvus com'i>osed o f solid stone, q u ite as harti a s tho comjiosito m ateria l of „tho u ir

‘ stono itself, conscMjuently i t lay on tho surfaco glow ing a t a w hite h e a t several hours before i t could bo approached. •

A n hour a f te r tho fa ll tbo d lstanco o f 100 foot fro m tho w hite h o t m ass was q u ite un­com fortable, and s tr ik lu g ly rem inded thp singlo awo s tru ck v isitor, a M r. W.heelor, of tho placo Bob Ingersoll deuies so vehemently.

• * This E u rek a w onder fe ll '.a b o u t I o 'clock in tho m orn ing on tho tin to givon. abovo on .a ranch ten an ted hy thp gen tlem an above named. * W hoclcr h ea rd tho rack e t, a n d , be-

— sides, sayB ho fo lt tho ^nr qu ito fo rcib ly . Ho arose from his bod, dressed hluisolf a tid 8 t a r tr­od on a tour of discovery, soon .finding tho causo of tho disturbance. H o sta tes t h a t ho triod to ap’proach it, b u t did n o t kucccc<1 in g e ttin g noaror th an 100 y a rd s , oxcept o u oho 5do, w hero a largo bowlder shielded h im from tho h ea t, u n til tho no x t d a y noon. After, threo days h ad elapsed i t h a d cooled suffi­c ien tly to a d m it of h is ch ipp ing o if a pieco which ho took to Professor WhucEe, tho a&- sayer a t E uroka, w ho declared th a t traces o f

-g o ld and o ther procious m inerals- woro quite . a p p a re n t This aorolito measure<l 31 fee t in

length, 18 feet in w idth and 0 foot in height, an ti would, of courso, weigh sy'veral tons,—

— Jo h n W , W rig h t In S t Louis itepubllc.

LEA D IN GP p r S a l s , Farm, 80 Acres, a t Deal Beach, IU ,

(Konnody Ifomostoad) 10 m inutes from - ----------- l l i ' l l : M a t lo n . ..................... - ................

. : 4 0 0 0 PEAOH TREESin full nearIng .t Good btilldlngs. Ijm dau ltab lo for truok an ilgnnlen farming. Price modorato.

-I’erm scasy.O r will R K N T for term of ypaja.t-o ffood

teu a n ta t m oderate lHmt. AddressISAAC O. KENNEDY, Asbury Park , N .J . NEW JERSEY


SPRING a n d


STEINBACH B R O ^ tKooden Building, Hear the Lake.


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718 Mnttison Avenne,opposite Bank,

FOR SALETho Oldest Soed Flrm ’in A m et lea. Established • lu 1784.

W i i t e f o r O a r N e w C a ta lo g u e f o r 1 889NOVntEADV.

This pamphlet comprises a 11st of ReedB or Nov­elties and Standard .Sorts ottered by ns, With m hiuio dcsorintloua o f tlio qualities of tho vene-tahles whlelrtlio seedsAvlil yWHlueu.------

I t also contains prdotlcaH?nHnral Instnietlona -to.tho-^aidano¥--ft»tt-mituij,us4«4^o-produmlun- per achJ and modo of shipment. ■“— •—~

Fndo'reaoh Family of VcRetab’ca aro prlntod - Recipes f<»r their F ieparatlon and Cooking, the roolpea draw n by one o r the m ost celebrated French Cooks In tbo country, this alone making the pam phlet moro valuable than an y other Heed Oatalocue ever published.

Tho Pamphlet contains fuayenty-.two (72) Photor graphlo Illustrations o f Choice Vdcotables; tho best vegetable picture over Issued In any coun­try. Adiiress D. LANDRETII & SCNS, •

Seed Farm ers and M erchants,." Vhlladelphla,Pa.

[Mention A sntm r FAnjf JpuiiNAii.1 .

North Spring Laktv(Known as Lots Nos SO.'and 11,)

situ a ted within ir<o fco t o'f Ocean n70nnp within 100 yards of th e surf. BRUSH M ANUFACTURERS,

251 Pearl S treet, near Fulton Street,1 New York,i - Uavo occupied the same buildInsr moro than a Quarter of a century. Thoir Roods aro'shlpped to.nll p arts of tho United S t a t e s . —

Tho phit has a frontago of 100 feet on IlHghton avenuo and tho east lino Is »)1 feet In depth. On tho block ajljolnlng tho. Inr^o Hotel Wilhurton. Ju st tho tilneo for a ilno summer resftlunoo, with plenty or room for Btahlo and.carrlago houke.

*AntMlquor and anti nulnanco clausct-'ln a ll

deeds in tho nel«hborhood.

Tho p lo t will 1)0 sold a t a reasonablo figure, as. tho owners’ reiddenco and Interests aro olso- whoro. m " ' •

Inquire of

O. H. Brown <>r W. H. Potter,SI'IHNO LAKK Po s t OFFICE,

E. Wright, Asbury Pdrk,OR AT THE JOURNAL OFFICE,



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French, Bohem ian and Do­m estic 'Glass. ,,

fo r e ig n aii^Pom e^tic China and Table Ware.

Goods delivered Irr Asbury ParkTmd Oooan ^Grove.,

Sm oked MeatsSuperior Corned B eef

From Selected Stock, A rtesian W ater and Pure Plokllnj? Materials.

Vegetables' and FruitsFresh Dally froto Monmouth County

Farms. 4

C A N N E D V E G E T A B L E S , -, .. D EN SEB T. iP B U lfN ,

. P L U M P IT D D kN O , Afl-

Watchmaker and Jeweler

MAIN ST.I^ rp e eloek in

fron t of the store . DIAMONDS,I WATCHES and j , JEWKUtY 9 Flno repairhu? and

ad justhiK uspeulaltft

A BatlafaoU>ry placo to deal, w hero everything ftold In RUaranloed to bo the beat Itl the m arket.'A 'niarkodm an-^-Tho ta tto o ed intiividuai a t

th o d im o m useum.coALiwooJj

Tolophono connections with Park and Grove.

Crawford’s Palaca of Nlusic,the leading mnslo sto re o f the A tlantlo coast.JAMBS H. BIRDtW ir o R o i t a S o l / s o

G . J. S C H A N C K & SON, Succcssors‘to F r i E D L . S O M E 3 S I S ,

Aslmr.v Ave. and J liiin St., Anbury P a rk , 2V.«I.RRANC1I OFFICFB—Milan Ross’s, 120 Cookman avonue, Anbury Park, and G:,W. Martin’s, PilKrim1

Pathway, Ocean Urovo. whoro all orders received will bo promptly Ulled.o u u i u 5 z r c n n v u . j " :

All rite* and widttis. Qftt^sto rnniCl'\.in th in lin o o f F it K If I IIT F* »'>•, I ' ' r ^ J j S b ^ f.’X * 'T l l E M oM D L I.K N W OVKW W IK K

14(w. UttJUWO N, M arket St., Cklc»*o, w>V . KUbtKb a l\UuE.llu, • •_jngheHt. dcgreo iif nuolity insures lowest cost , M anufacturers and Dealers In a ll bronchos of

aud beat work. ■ • * ,,,Tho prieo per (tallon higher, but quantity need- T ' L_ ' ' - — r-—r ~ jr —--T ..

ediHloKKtbBiiirany other paints were used. • T V / T T T . T / f l > ? T: Any biUldiUK that 18 not satlBfiictorUy i\ainted * I ^1- V » ! 1 1 1 . r “ V V J U v . i M k . ['with it. o r uiioii which Its ubo has not cost less than ' J*________________________________________ ------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------,-4<—t f o t h e r i \ a ln t3 h a d h e o n u s e d , w l l ( b o r e p a i n t - • .i . t •* . - ^ ‘ k ‘

, Main Street, Munroe Avenue arid Railroad,Rain^TOils, Varn^as) Glass', &c., % ASBURY PARK, N. J . J ■

•Artists’ Tubo Colors, Brushes, Wall Paper. W in d o w r r a m m , N iu h .B llu d N . D o d n , M o n ld ln fp i* B m e k e i* a n d C a r v e l W o r k . NO. 20G BOND STREET, ' H a r d a n d N o ll W o o d M n u t c l M . X n r t t lo s : a n d N e ro ll N n w lo i a 8 | » .

Established 1WM) tAflburv Park, JM.S. c la |iy » D f a lg n a a n a P j r lw t f F n r i i l n h w l o»i A p p l l M i lo n .

. C m nltoand Marblo Monuments Tnmbstonoa, and a)l Cemetery W ork. Call a t o u r show-room and seo samples, mils, &C. Wo onn n»lt tnoual* ity and price. G E N U N G -«Sc C O .

710.Mattison ave., Asbury Park, N .J .

Cor<l\voo<l and Flrewoo<lFOR SALE

•ntTrittfflnRpn. Apply toKOUKUT PKTEH8 , II9U Cottago,

Muttlson avenue; Aahury Park, o r on tbo property. • Asbury Part Printing House.

Nqwest designs o f ty p o ; latest Improved roa- eh lncry t skilled workm en: ovaty description o f

■fcrfutlng; cslfmatesglvon. Bpoolalt>remlum8 fiotn thQ County Fair for fiqe pan ting .

Al!lffalor,.KahgUro<), Dongola. FronoffKitf, Kip and Calf, Paten t le a th e r , ItuKlisb Wator-Tlghts; eto. Now Klasllo Inserted in old Gnitore on our now llmdlmry Sowjng Machine.JO ? U p o h n i a n A v e . ,A « l» u r y 'P a r k , Ni J,

M o t i n'n B AfcBORY PARK PRINTING HO08BW TB* larvett and beet equipped In Uie C6unty.
