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Also in this issue:

Score A/S attend Offshore Northern Seas (ONS)

15 Years of The GLEN – A State of the Art Piece of Jet Engine History

PeterDeen project aims to help youngsters reach education goals

Restart a Heart

much more inside . . .

Score Apprentice Takes Home Prestigious National Title (P2)

High ‘Scores’ Again at NESCOL Graduations (P5)


In this issue. . .


Score Apprentice Takes Home Prestigious National Title . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1

Score A/S Attend Offshore Northern Seas (ONS) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3

Score (Brisbane) Pty Limited a Proud CQ Regional Finalist in Queensland Training Awards . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4

High ‘Scores’ Again at NESCOL Graduations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5

Score (Europe) Limited Cowdenbeath Congratulate Graduates . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6

Score Apprentices Sucessfully Complete 1st Year of Training . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7

Score Trinidad Congratulate Apprentices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8

Busy Quarter for Score A/S . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9

15 Years of The Glen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10

Score Group Appoint Non-Executive Chairman . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11

We Will Remember Them - Remembrance Tribute . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11

Score Introduces Graduate Apprenticeships . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12

Company Focus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13

Restart a Heart Day 2018 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14

Score Group Supports Employee Mental Health . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15

Score Trinidad Run for Cancer Society of Trinidad & Tobago . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16

University Students Visit Score Trinidad . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16

PeterDeen Project Aims to Help Youngsters Reach Education Goals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17

Kids Keep Active at Football Summer Camp . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18

The Big Party for Breast Cancer Care . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18


Score Apprentice Takes Home Prestigious National Title

The success of Scotland’s top Engineering Apprentices was celebrated at an award ceremony held in Peterhead on Thursday 4th October, as the winners of the 2018 Scottish Engineering Craft Competition were presented with their awards.

The competition, sponsored by Score Group plc, has been running for over 30 years and is recognised in the industry as the toughest competition of its kind for first year Engineering apprentices. Held annually, this year’s competition took place at NESCOL (North East Scotland College), Fraserburgh, in June 2018 when 12 mechanical and 4 electrical apprentices from 9 training centres and colleges battled it out to win one of two prestigious titles.

Open to every EAL (Excellence, Achievement & Learning Limited), the awarding organisation for the engineering, manufacturing and building sectors approved training centre in the country, this year’s competition saw both Mechanical and Electrical engineering apprentices travelling from as

Pictured is the 1st placed winner in the Mechanical Engineering category, Ben, employed by Score VAC Limited.

far as North Highland College, Thurso in the North to Border Engineering Training Association, Melrose in the South. Sponsor Score Group plc was delighted to see Score VAC Limited employee, Ben – entered by his training centre – Peterhead Engineers Development Limited (PEDL), winning first place in the Mechanical Engineering category, closely followed by another PEDL trainee, employed by Peterhead firm Bill Mackie Engineering. This year also saw North Highland College and Tullos Training taking home first and second places in the Electrical Engineering Category.

Simon Turner, Operations Director of Score VAC Limited is very proud of their award winning apprentice: “Since joining Score VAC Limited, Ben has proven to be particularly competent and has shown a flair for mechanical fitting. The skills he developed at PEDL provided the perfect platform to develop the instrument fitting techniques that he applies daily in his role at our workshop. His attention to detail is of a very high standard which is reflected not only in his workshop-based role but also during time he has spent in a client-facing role,

Pictured left to right are: Richard Hughes of North Highland College, accepting the 1st placed Electrical award on behalf of Alexander, Ross (PEDL) 2nd placed Mechanical, Ben (PEDL) 1st placed Mechanical and Matthew (Tullos Training) 2nd placed Electrical.


Kevin Wenzel (centre) of PEDL collecting the award for winning training centre in the Mechanical Engineering category alongside the two successful PEDL apprentices.

gaining experience within our sales office. We are very proud of Ben’s achievements to date and look forward to supporting him moving forward.”

The winners’ achievements are testament to the skills they have learned throughout their completion of the PEO (Performing Engineering Operations) Level 2 qualification and how well they applied these skills and technical knowledge during the completion of a series of gruelling practical and written tests. Each participant specialised in two chosen disciplines; vertical or CNC milling, centre lathe turning, bench fitting, electrical wiring or electronics.

Speaking at the awards, Leighton Willox, Director of Score (Europe) Limited, highlighted the fact that as a national competition, the skill level of each entrant is incredibly high. He said: “It was once again a pleasure for Score Group plc to be involved with the sponsorship and organisation of this great competition which year after year sees the best engineering apprentices in Scotland competing for the titles. Those presented with awards can be very proud of their achievements, they are already well on the way to highly successful careers in engineering.”

Score Group plc look forward to the continued success of the competition, with plans already underway to arrange next year’s event. Organisers are seeking a host and entry forms will be made available to all eligible training centres in Spring 2019, with a view to the competition running, once again, in June. 2

From the 27th-30th August Score attended the bi-annual Offshore Northern Seas(ONS) exhibition in Stavanger, Norway. Representatives from Score A/S, assisted by Score Diagnostics and Score Group directors, met a wide range of guests. Existing and potential new customers and suppliers were invited to see our latest technology and innovations supporting our Intelligent Valve Management approach, as well as discussing ongoing and new business opportunities. Score was represented in the harbour of Stavanger with M.Y Daydream, the same vessel as we had 2 years ago. Score A/S and Score Group plc logo banners and beach flags were hung from the boat, giving best possible corporate advertising in the heart of the busy harbour area. MIDAS Meter® Images and MIDAS® Valve Diagnostics logos were also displayed on company vehicles.

Score A/S staff aboard M.Y. Daydream.

M.Y. Daydream and Score A/S car displaying the logo.

Our focus and the key items launched and showcased were:

• Valve Visibility – New Tablet / App for Managing Customers’ Valve Populations was available for presentation to potential customers

• MIDAS Meter® Demo Panel – 5 Valve Manifold

• MIDAS Meter® Risk-Based Inspection Software (RBI) for guiding valve owners on valve survey periods / frequencies, based on risk was presented highlighting the shift away from calendar based maintenance and towards value based maintenance.

• Design simple, easy construction, low cost – previous event (2016) shelving was re-used.

• Practical demonstrations all very effective at getting the message over on features and benefits.

• Product displays were very well received and some genuine interest was recorded.

All enquiries and general interest is already being followed up locally by Score A/S personnel and by Score Diagnostic Limited.

Score A/S Attend Offshore Northern Seas (ONS)

During ONS several Score Group directors addressed a group of Score A/S trainees. The directors, including, Ian Cheyne, Ian Davidson, Dave Anderson, Conrad Ritchie, Ronnie Simpson and Scott Will, spoke of their own personal journey and how they have reached where they are today. Through their own experiences the directors encouraged trainees to put in maximum effort to everything they do, and be inquisitive. Trainees were told to be safe, and appreciate and respect the company values. There was also strong emphasis on understanding

their position in society; focusing on the future, aiming to be the leaders of tomorrow and making their goals reality. Trainees were left with the inspiration to understand that they were all winners and ‘special beasties’.


Score (Brisbane) Pty Limited a Proud CQ Regional Finalist in Queensland Training Awards

Congratulations to Score (Brisbane) Pty Limited on being selected as a finalist in the Medium Employer of the Year Award category at the Central Queensland Regional Final of the Queensland Training Awards. The Medium Employer of the Year category recognises outstanding achievement in the area of vocational education and training by a Queensland business with 20 to 199 full-time employees. The award ceremony was held in Mackay on the 21st of July and was attended by Managing Director, Keith Simpson, Operations

Manager, Michael Stephen and Human Resources Administrator, Renee Shewan. Although Score did not win the award, placing top 3 in the region for the company’s commitment to delivering nationally recognised training through the company’s bespoke apprenticeship programme is a great achievement.

Michael Stephen and Renee Shewan with the Medium Employer of the Year Finalist certificate


High ‘Scores’ Again at NESCOL GraduationsSaturday (6th October) saw the 2018 North East Scotland College (Fraserburgh Campus) Graduation ceremony take place. Once again, Score Group plc was delighted to be part of the proceedings to not only congratulate its own graduates but also to share in the success of the future generation.

This year saw 33 of our apprentices graduate with Higher National Certificates (HNC) in Engineering Practice, Mechanical Engineering or Measurement and Control. A further four apprentices, two of which are now time-served, received Higher National Diplomas (HND) in Mechanical Engineering. Many of these two groups are now pursuing further education to HND and degree level.

Score is elated to see these young men and women achieve another milestone in their career paths and we look forward to see them progress for many years to come within the organisation. The company’s apprenticeship programme, both in Peterhead and at our global locations, is a steadfast component and will remain as such in the future.

As with previous years, Score Group sponsored a number of awards to college graduates who have shown exceptional

aptitude, commitment or determination during their studies and this year these awards were presented by Mr Bill Urquhart, Managing Director of Score Subsea and Wellhead Limited.

Following the presentation to graduates, Mr John Wallace, a prominent figure in Fraserburgh, Peterhead and beyond was presented by the college with an honorary fellowship award. After graciously accepting, he gave an inspiring talk to all in the atrium arena on how he worked first through adversity, later becoming an entrepreneur and ultimately playing key roles in the success and development of both Fraserburgh and Peterhead ports. His key message was to be all you can be, turn negatives into positives, and work hard to achieve your goals and dreams for the future.

Ms Liz McIntyre, Principal of NESCOL gave a final vote of thanks and congratulations to the graduates, and of course Mr Wallace before closing the ceremony.

We would like to once again congratulate all graduates on the awards they received and trust that they then went on to celebrate their achievements with family and friends.

HND graduates alongside (left to right) Dave Anderson, Ian Barbour, Bill Urquhart and Steven Wilson.

HNC graduates alongside (second row – left to right) Dave Anderson, Ian Barbour, Fiona Johnston, Bill Urquhart and Steven Wilson. 5

Score (Europe) Limited Cowdenbeath Congratulate Graduates

Congratulations to all of our apprentices based in Cowdenbeath who recently graduated from Fife College on Thursday 27th September. Held at St Bryce Kirk, Kirkcaldy, the 10 HNC and 1 HND Mechanical Engineering graduates were supported by fellow Score colleagues Conrad Ritchie, Ian Cheyne, Helen Campbell and Nina Alexander.

Graduates alongside Score staff:

(back row - left to right) Nina Alexander, Chris, Michael, Conrad Ritchie, Charlie, David, Lee, Ryan, Ian Cheyne.

(Front row - left to right) Helen Campbell, Amy, Chris, Connor (HND graduate), Ben, Morna.

“Congratulations, Graduates at



On Thursday 4th October Peterhead Engineers Development (PEDL) held its annual award ceremony for the 2017 intake of apprentices completing their first year of training.

This year saw 32 Score apprentices in total receiving certificates – 8 Administration trainees who had completed a National Certificate in Business and Administration and 24 Engineering apprentices who had completed the PEO (Performing Engineering Operations) Level 2 Award.

Among the awards presented on the day were the Administration Trainee of the Year and the Heather Wallace Award for Engineering Trainee of the year; both of which were collected by Score (Europe) Limited apprentices. Alana, who works in Sales/Services, took home the award for Administration Trainee of the year whilst Daniel, an apprentice currently placed in the Safety Valve division, was awarded the Engineering Trainee of the Year title.

The ceremony was led by PEDL Chairman Ian Barbour, who praised the PEDL staff for their passion for training and their guidance of the trainees throughout their time at the centre. He left trainees with an important message for the future, advising them that “There is no losing, only learning.”

All apprentices have now taken up posts in various departments throughout the Score Group, continuing to train, study for further qualifications and be assessed as they work.

Score Apprentices Successfully Complete 1st Year of Training

Engineering trainees and their awards.

Administration trainees and their awards.

Winner of the Heather Wallace Award for Engineering Trainee of the Year, Daniel, with Heather Wallace.


Score Trinidad Congratulate Apprentices

Score Trinidad is proud to announce that our 2017 intake of apprentices were all successful in their Year One studies at Automation Technology College, and as a result have achieved a City and Guilds Level 2 Diploma in Engineering Manufacturing Technology. We would like to commend these apprentices for their hard work in the first year of the programme, and encourage them to continue to succeed as they progress onto Year Two of Score Trinidad’s apprenticeship programme.

Keep up the great work!

Additionally, Score Trinidad recruited eight new apprentices effective September 10th, 2018 to join the Year One apprenticeship programme. These eight persons were the cream of the crop, and were selected out of a group of over forty applicants. They spent their first week at Score undergoing an orientation which consisted of health and safety awareness, general valve awareness, and also included meeting all of the various departmental heads in order to get familiarised with

Score as a company. They commenced their studies at Automation Technology college on September 20th, 2018, where they shall spend a year pursuing a Level 2 Diploma in Engineering IVQ – Manufacturing Technology. With the addition of these eight apprentices, Score Trinidad now has a total of forty apprentices in our employment.

“. . .our 2017 intake of apprentices were all successful. . .”

New apprentices with Lex Hinds, Training Coordinator on their first day of work.


New apprentices with Lex Hinds, Training Coordinator on their first day of work.

Busy Quarter for Score A/S

After completing a very successful ONS-2018, our local apprentices were invited for a fjord-cruise and lunch on board the M.Y. Daydream on Thursday 30th August. On a perfect day for a fjord cruise the apprentices were given product introductions and demonstrations and had the opportunity to learn about our latest technology products and services, followed by a couple of hours well-deserved break enjoying the breath-taking scenery of the Norwegian fjords. The fjord-cruise was rounded off with a lunch for all our apprentices together with the Score Group directors. This apprentice appreciation day was a great conclusion to a very successful ONS-2018 week, during which we were able to catch up with many clients and old friends whilst also making some potentially important contacts, either informally or formally at our organised presentations and meetings. Score A/S would like to thank everyone for their contribution in making Offshore Northern Seas 2018 a very successful event for Score.

The apprentices really enjoyed the day; Mailinn and Ida


It is with great excitement we can announce that Score AS came out as the preferred supplier, and successful bidder for the Wintershall Valve – Repair and Maintenance Service.

This contract was effective from 4th September 2018 and is valid for a period of 3 years, with option to extend the contract by 2 x 2 years. Five of our technicians went offshore for a mini-TAR, and the feedback from Wintershall after the offshore trip was; Thanks for a well done job. Feedback from Mechanical is that you have delivered very well. Easy and collaborative and dutiful while at the same time you are proficient.

MIDAS Meter® Lunch & Learn

During the ONS week a MIDAS Meter®

Lunch and Learn session with Dave Anderson was arranged at Score A/S training centre. Score AS technical team and focal points appreciated the opportunity

to hear the latest status of Score Diagnostics Limited products and services.

“Run for Fun”

“Run for Fun or Walk and Talk” was also this year arranged during ONS and a total of 2177 people participated in the event. A total of 10 took part this year from Score A/S. The Score branded blue t-shirts provided good positive advertising for the company. Even though there was some rain during the run it was not enough to dampen the team`s enthusiasm and sporty effort.

New Site Manager in Sandnessjøen

Snorre Sørensen has sought new challenges, choosing to leave his position as Site Manager in Sandnessjøen. However, we are very happy to announce that Halvard Lie has accepted the role of Site Manager in Sandnessjøen. A warm welcome to our team.

Apprentices Mailinn and Ida enjoying the fjord cruise.9

15 Years of The GLEN – A State of the Art Piece of Jet Engine History

In 2003, Score Energy Limited opened the Ground Level Engine (The GLEN) test facility, supporting the world’s most innovative dual fuel gas turbine test requirements for operators of legacy gas turbines, including Rolls-Royce Avon and Siemens TB5000/TB5400. Across the past fifteen years, through substantial financial investment, the facility has improved and developed its capabilities, and now has the ability to carry out more than 120 full performance and endurance tests each year.

The test stand used at the GLEN test facility has a long history of testing gas turbines, and for the majority of its lifespan was used to test jet engines for military and civil applications at the National Gas Turbine Establishment, Pyestock.

Power Jets Ltd was formed in 1936 by the founder of the modern day jet engine, Sir Frank Whittle, along with two of his colleagues. This then merged with the Royal Aircraft Establishment (RAE) Turbine Division in 1944 to form Power Jets (Research and Development) Ltd, before becoming the National Gas Turbine Establishment in 1946.

Pyestock was the leading establishment for design, development and testing of gas turbines and jet engines for over 50 years, being one of the largest of its kind in Europe, if not the world. During its lifetime V bomber, Harrier and Tornado engines were tested and developed at this facility. In addition it is rumoured that captured Soviet engines were apparently inspected and tested on the site in secrecy.

Score’s GLEN test facility was one of many test cells within the National Gas Turbine Establishment, known as the Glen Test House (Ground Level Engine Test House). The test facility was designed to test gas turbines under sea-level conditions. The test bed originally tested engines of up to

28,000 lbf of thrust; however the facility was later upgraded with shear force load cells allowing the measuring of thrusts of up to 44,000 lbf. Inlet air was supplied to the test cell through intake acoustic splitters which had been devised to endure 1000 lb/sec.

The test bed, along with the altitude test chamber known as Cell 3, was purchased by Score from QinetiQ in 2002, a company which had been formed from the Ministry of Defence’s Defence Evaluation and Research Agency (DERA).

In early summer of 2002 Score sent a team, led by Ian M Cheyne, down to Farnborough. The team worked on site for 8 weeks decommissioning both of the test facilities. The dismantled test beds were then moved almost 600 miles up to Peterhead by road transport. In autumn 2002, the ground work for installing the GLEN test facility in Peterhead began. The cement chamber of the facility was built first, and then a metal clad building was built around it expanding to almost 11,500m². This was later named the Ian M Cheyne building on 10th June 2009.

On 12th August 2003, the newly assembled GLEN test facility tested its first turbine under the Score Energy banner. The first test was conducted using Score’s calibration Avon engine, named Iona by the late Charles Buchan Ritchie, Score Group plc Chairman. The calibration engine was tested running on liquid fuel, and had previously been tested on three independent test beds prior to being tested on the GLEN test facility. The results from all four test beds were analysed and used to certify the performance capabilities of the new facility.

Over the past 15 years, Score’s GLEN test facility has met numerous significant milestones. Developing plug and play test stands for various engines has allowed

easy fitment to the test bed, saving time when changing between engine types. This has led to the GLEN testing a range of engines including Rolls Royce Olympus, Siemens TB5000, Siemens Tornado and Rolls Royce RB211. Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) testing capabilities have been installed and commissioned. Score has also used the facility on behalf of an operator, for revolutionary prototype testing of Steam Injection for the Avon Gas Turbine to reduce NOx and CO emissions, whilst seeking to improve power and efficiency, and lowering operating costs and fuel consumption.

More recently in 2016, the GLEN test facility went back to its roots, and was used to functionally test a fuel delivery system for the Ministry of Defence to aid in investigation of perceived performance issues in the marine applications. 2017 saw a major refurbishment of the control room facilities introducing an improved HMI (Human Machine Interface) experience for both the operator and the customer. This year, in 2018, the latest improvements saw the refurbishments of the LNG facility for improved gas delivery for the gas turbine under test.

The original design of the facility allowed it to be easily modifiable and accommodating for past and future developments. The test bed remains technologically advanced today and has the ability to support future engine types.

The gas turbine market is extremely competitive, however the facilities owned and developed by Score Energy including this state of the art test facility, ensures the business can continue providing world leading services for Operators, OEM’s and other service centres well into the future.

The Test Cell at the National Gas Turbine Establishment, Pyestock before transfer to Score Energy.

The fully assembled GLEN Test Facility within Score Energy.


Score Group Appoint Non-Executive Chairman

We would like to welcome Keith Cochrane to Score Group plc. Keith has taken up the position of Non-Executive Chairman with effect from October 1st 2018. This appointment will be welcomed by our various stakeholders and we trust you will also welcome Keith and support him in his new role. Keith is highly regarded in our industry and we look forward to having his input and guidance.

On the 11th of November 2018, the nation fell silent to remember and honour those who had sacrificed themselves to secure and protect our freedom. This year, it is particularly significant when on the eleventh hour of the eleventh day of the eleventh month one hundred years ago, the guns fell silent marking the end of World War 1. To mark this milestone, Score Group plc has manufactured and gifted these Tommy soldier silhouettes to its home town of Peterhead, Scotland which are now in place at the town’s War Memorial on South Road. This small token pays tribute to those in our nation, many of whom were from the local area who fought or lost their lives through World War I, World War II and more recent conflicts.

Conrad Ritchie from Score Group commented, “We were honoured to come on board and assist with this project. It is vital that we remember and appreciate the sacrifice made by so many service men and woman to secure the freedom we enjoy within the United Kingdom today. These soldiers will stand the test of time and help educate and remind future generations of the human sacrifice made to secure their futures.”

At the going down of the sun and in the morning. We will remember them.

Photo approved for use. Michal Wachucik/Abermedia 2018 - Copyright.

We will Remember Them - Remembrance Tribute

(From left to right) Conrad Ritchie, Robert (Mac) McDonald, Mark Cameron - British Legion and Councillor Diane Beagrie. 11

Score Introduces Graduate Apprenticeships


– BEng (Hons) Engineering: Design & Manufacture

Recently employed by Score Europe Limited, Brodie is gaining valuable work place experiences in preparation to starting the Graduate Apprenticeship. Brodie left school at the end of 4th year to study NC Mechanical Engineering and HNC Mechanical Engineering at NESCOL as a full time student before joining the company, so is well placed to undertake

the programme.


– BEng (Hons) Engineering: Design & Manufacture

Employed by Score Europe Limited since 2014 Samantha has now completed her Modern Apprenticeship, including an HNC in Engineering Practice. Samantha was top of her

math class and has excelled in her Modern Apprenticeship. She is hard working and committed to the degree route. As a STEM Ambassador, Samantha is a great role model

for younger apprentices.


– BEng (Hons) Engineering: Instrumentation Measurement & Control

Employed by Score VAC Limited involved in the supply, selection, repair and overhaul of industrial actuator solutions. Ben is in the final stages of completing a craft level apprenticeship including SVQ Level 2 Performing Engineering Operations, NC Level 6 in Measurement and Control, and SVQ Level 3 in Engineering Commissioning and Testing. Ben’s entry qualifications are by virtue of the NC technical and math units at higher level and his industrial experience.

Score Group plc has introduced Graduate Apprenticeships to new and current apprentices in Peterhead. This new programme allows Score Group apprentices to earn degrees in Engineering while continuing to work and gain valuable practical experience. There are many routes into a Graduate Apprenticeship; below we focus on three of our apprentices currently undergoing a Graduate Apprenticeship and the path they followed:


Company Focus

This feature is to give a brief insight to the companies within Score Group, whether you’re a new start, or just want more information on what we all do. This quarter we’re looking at Score Subsea and Wellhead Limited…

Based in Peterhead, our workshop facility of 6000m² has been specifically designed to accommodate our Clients’ valve, xmas tree, overhaul and testing. Complemented by an additional 4800m² facility, including 50te Overhead Crane and submersible Test Pit, for Subsea Stack-Up and SIT type works.

Located within our 160acre complex, we also offer clients’ safe, secure, monitored storage and maintenance healthcare contracts.

Additional Services include (but not limited to):

• Engineering Design & Consultancy

• Hydraulic Services

• Sealing Solutions: Design and Manufacture

• Transmissions: Repair & Recertification

• Waterjet Profiling

Score Diagnostics Limited are attending Valve World Expo, Düsseldorf, Germany

27th - 29th November, 2018

HALL 4, G54 13

Restart a Heart Day 2018

The chances of surviving an “Out of Hospital” cardiac arrest in the UK are less than one in ten, but in countries which teach CPR as part of the national curriculum, like Norway, this rises to more than four in ten. That is the statistic which motivated the Yorkshire Ambulance Service, along with the British Heart Foundation, to designate one day a year to teach as many youngsters as possible the basic skills required to potentially save a life.

This is the fifth year of the initiative which has now become an international event. October 16th saw the 100,000th student receive the training in Yorkshire, with over half a million in the UK. The training is carried out by volunteers from the emergency services and the voluntary sector. Amongst them is Qualtec Control’s Russell Blinman, a volunteer event first aider with St John Ambulance, who

From the left. Russell Blinman, Dave Manning of West Yorkshire Fire and Rescue Service and Student Paramedic Ashley Baxter

took a day’s annual leave to teach over 250 Year 8 students at Ryburn Valley High School.

Russell, who himself suffered a heart attack while at work in 2016, has first-hand knowledge of how vital this skill can be. At Huddersfield Town’s football stadium where he regularly volunteers as part of the stadium medical team, four lives were saved during the last season due to trained volunteers being ready to respond within minutes to provide lifesaving CPR and defibrillation.


Score Group Supports Employee Mental Health

Mental health is just like physical health: everybody has it and we need to take care of it

As a company, Score Group is helping break the stigma of Mental Health.

In order to help and support our employees we recently had two of our personnel qualify as Mental Health First Aiders (MHFA). After completing their course, our MHFAs have an understanding of mental health and what influences can affect well-being. They have gained skills that allow them to notice triggers and signs of mental health, and have the confidence to support those in distress.

Our Mental Health First Aiders are there for anyone who would benefit from non-judgemental listening, and all information will be received in the strictest confidence. They can help recovery by offering guidance to further support – including through self-help resources and the NHS.

It is possible to recover from a mental health problem and live a productive and fulfilling life. It is important to remember that if you have a mental health problem, it is not a sign of weakness.

There are several helplines with dedicated people who are ready to listen:

Samaritans: 116 123 -

Breathing Space: 0800 83 85 87 -

Anxiety UK: 03444 775 774 -

Mind: 0300 123 3393 -

CALM: 0800 58 58 58 -

Rethink Mental Illness: 0300 5000 927 -

YoungMinds: 0808 802 5544 -


Score Trinidad Run For Cancer Society of Trinidad & Tobago

University Students Visit Score Trinidad

For the third year in a row, Score Trinidad sponsored a team of eighteen ladies who participated in a national 5K Breast Cancer Awareness run in Trinidad on September 29th, 2018. The team wore T-shirts with the Score logo on the front and the words, “Strike Out Cancer” on the back. The proceeds from the run all went to the Cancer Society of Trinidad & Tobago. We would like to highlight Kima Lemessy, Sheronne Ling and Nicole Giuseppi who placed in the top 100 of the race out of 3600 participants.

Score Trinidad facilitated a tour of our facility/operations for twenty four Mechanical Engineering students from the University of the West Indies (UWI) on October 19th, 2018.

These visits are an integral part of the students’ training and an important element of their BSc curriculum. The industrial visits were implemented on the advice of UWI’s accreditation team (Institution of Mechanical Engineering – IMechE) and on the advice of their industry stakeholders and the main aim of these visits is to link the University’s classroom teachings to the practical applications that occur in the industry. Score was happy to be a part of the students learning experience and received great feedback from the University.


PeterDeen Project Aims to Help Youngsters Reach Education Goals

The power of football is being used as part of a new north-east project aimed at helping youngsters reach their education goals.

Score Group plc has joined forces with Aberdeen and Peterhead Football Clubs and Aberdeenshire Council for the PeterDeen programme.

The scheme is aimed at S3 pupils from Peterhead Academy who find it tough getting to grips with the traditional school curriculum.

PeterDeen will take them out of the classroom to take part in football coaching sessions, meeting volunteer groups and taking vocational qualifications while completing vital subjects like English and Maths in school.

18 pupils had already signed up to the two year pilot project at the launch, after being selected by Peterhead Academy following discussions with their families and an assessment process.

Score Group, Aberdeen FC Community Trust, and Peterhead Football Club are all involved in the new venture.

Conrad Ritchie, Director of Score Group plc, believes the results of this project will benefit all involved.

He said: “This is a new venture, a venture that has been created to address the needs of students that have difficultly conforming to mainstream schooling.

“Each individual has different lightbulb moments in life and it is hoped that PeterDeen will illuminate these lights and create individuals that can flourish.

“Attitude will always come before ability, yet ability will shine with the correct attitude, direction and personal commitment,

“We are excited to be involved in such a ground breaking project and are confident that the results will be beneficial for all.”


The Big Party for Breast Cancer Care

Kids Keep Active at Football Summer Camp

At the beginning of October Score Group supported The Big Party for Breast Cancer Case by wearing something pink to work.

Through donations the company raised a total of £885. Thanks to all those who participated and kindly donated.

Pictured is some of the staff in Brighouse who wore pink of the day.

On the 16th August 2018 over 30 children and grandchildren between that ages of 4 and 12 years old of Score Group employees were given a free football training session by Peterhead FC.

The session was organised by Nat Porter of Peterhead FC, Conrad Ritchie and Scott Will of Score Group.

The day was a real success with more free training sessions to take place in the future.

