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Success Accelerator

This material is copyright © Coaches With Clients, Christian Mickelsen, & Future Force, Inc. All rights reserved.

Christian: Welcome to the Success Accelerator training. Boy. When I decided to teach this, the world was in a much different place. Success. A lot of people were very success-focused. Is that vodka? No vodka. Only water. Only water. Yeah. They're both water. My limitless mastermind and my daughter's Do Not Stop Believing cup. Yeah. When I thought, "Okay. I'm going to teach an event."

I've been coaching my clients using the five golden keys to rapid success for a long time. In fact, when I got together just a few weeks back, in February, it feels like so long ago now since a lot of interesting things happened in the world. When we got together, this is my $250,000 per person mastermind called Limitless, I coached them through the five golden keys to rapid success. That's one of the things that we did.

This is something I've been doing with my clients for a long time. I've been a coach for over 20 years. I'm a best-selling author. Number-one best-selling author of many books including Get Clients Today. That was self-published. Abundance Unleashed is another one of my best-selling books. It was published by Hay House and I have many others. I'm trying to give you why you should listen to me. I'm going to teach you this goal, this stuff. Who is this guy?

If you've never been on any trainings with me, who is this guy that did that? Why should I listen to him? That's the thing that I know might be running through people's minds. I'll tell you what. I'll get to that in a second. One of the things I want to talk about is, I came up with the idea. I had these tools, these five golden keys that I've been using with my clients for a long time.

Not my first few years in coaching because I hadn't developed these five golden keys to success yet. I've been using for a long time. Finally I was like, "I need to take this and get it out in the world in a much bigger way." I decided to teach it as a live event. The live event would be happening actually right now in Phoenix. Here we are in this world with the Coronavirus, cancelling events and making us all self-quarantined all over the world.

We're all in this huge crisis. Right now, a lot of people might be thinking, "Why would we even want to focus on success? Is that selfish to be thinking about success? Is success even possible in today's world? Is it even possible? Maybe instead of thinking about succeeding, we should just think about surviving." If you had those thoughts, I totally get that. I had those thoughts, too. Does anybody want to learn success stuff right now?

Success Accelerator

This material is copyright © Coaches With Clients, Christian Mickelsen, & Future Force, Inc. All rights reserved.

Because there's people who may be going hungry soon or even going hungry right now. I just did a fundraiser and raised $40,000 to give to No Kid Hungry and we're going to do a little bit more, which I'll tell you about that later on today if anybody wants to participate in that. There's real challenges happening right now. People are out of work. Kids are at home from school. My kids are home in our home right now, too.

I think whether we call it success or not, I think these five golden keys are going to be more critical now than ever. Maybe your goals a few months ago would be like, "I want a fancy car or a fancy house or go on this dream vacation." I'm not saying you shouldn't still focus on those. I'm saying our priorities may have shifted. To me, success just means getting what you want. Right?

If you wanted a grilled cheese sandwich and then you've got a grilled cheese sandwich, success. Now, you don't necessarily need the five golden keys to get yourself a grilled cheese sandwich. If you want to achieve more in this world, then these principles are going to apply now more than ever. We've got to get ourselves. In fact, one of the things I learned from Tony Robbins years ago, he talks about this story of how he went and got race car lessons.

He was riding around in a race car around the race track. One of the things that they told him is as you're going around those curves, those turns at really high speeds, your instinct is you want to want to look at that wall because that's where the danger is. They said, if you look at the wall, you're going to steer into the wall and you're going to crash. You need to look where you want the car to go to make the car go there. The same is true for everything.

Right? Right now, we have this big crisis just get dropped on all of our laps. Now we're like, "Oh my God. What is this thing we got to do? I don't know." It's a real thing. I'm not saying we don't want to look at it at all. If we spent all of our time there, that's going to be a problem. We need to start thinking about where we're headed. Where do we want to go? What is it that we want to achieve? I believe that everything that you would want to achieve is possible.

It's still possible to achieve, right? Maybe there's some hiccups along the way here or road bumps. I know that might sound like I'm minimizing this huge, crazy thing that's going on. There's a part of me that's like, "Oh, this is terrible timing for me to teach this because now, I'm going to teach this program. It's going to be forever burned in this whole temporary thing that's going on right now. This COVID crisis is burned into the program."

Success Accelerator

This material is copyright © Coaches With Clients, Christian Mickelsen, & Future Force, Inc. All rights reserved.

Now it's like, "Is it going to seem old in two years or three years or five years or 10 years or 20 years from now if people are still studying programs?" I was like, "This is going to be in there. Do I want to edit that out?" Then I started thinking like, "Well, if we can have success now, then we can have success any time." Right?

If we can succeed in spite of these, maybe most challenging times worldwide that most of us have faced, unless your country is involved in a war in your home country right now, which that would be definitely way harder than this. Aside from that, this is one of the hardest things worldwide that's ever impacted the entire planet. If we can succeed now, we can succeed at any time.

There's an old saying that says, "We can't control the wind but we can control the sails." I've taken some kite surfing lessons. I don't know. Is that Jim Rohn? Somebody put that in there that Jim Rohn. I actually did a Google search. I was wanting to give credit to whoever is the original sayer of that. I don't know if it was him. I found a lot of versions of it and I didn't find a specific attribution to give that to.

You can't control the wind, but you can control the sails. I've taken some kite surfing lessons. It's possible. If the wind is coming from behind and then it's going to push you forward. If you're on a sailboat, if the wind's behind you, then it's easy to go in that direction. For the last bunch of years, our economy at least had a lot of back wind. I'm sure sailors are going to feel ... You guys know the right terms.

If you have the wind behind you, it's going to head you right where you want to go. That's smooth sailing and it's a lot easier. If you have the wind coming straight at you, it's still possible to sail into the wind. When you have a headwind, you can still go. If you're headed East and the wind is going West, you can still go East. It's more challenging. A lot of back and forth. It's not as much of a straight line.

Sometimes, the wind just completely dies and you're going to sit there. You just got to wait for the wind to come back. You get out the oars and you start rowing. The wind will pick back up and then you can get back moving. We don't know how long it's going to take to get to our destination but we can definitely still get where we want to go. I have a saying that success is inevitable.

Whatever it is that you want to achieve, you can absolutely achieve it if you're willing to do the work, if you're willing to take actions. You're not going to necessarily achieve everything that you want if you just sit around

Success Accelerator

This material is copyright © Coaches With Clients, Christian Mickelsen, & Future Force, Inc. All rights reserved.

and do nothing. You got to do things to make it happen. You also need to work on yourself. Because so much of success is the inner work.

Our mind, our emotions, our fears, our doubts, our limiting beliefs, all that stuff are things that we're going to need to work on in order to achieve what we want. I believe whatever it is that you want, you can achieve it. I heard years ago, if you want to be a millionaire, you don't want to just hope to be a millionaire. You don't want to just dream to be a millionaire. You want to decide to be a millionaire.

I heard that. I was like, "Oh. That sounds great. I'm going to decide." I decided many years ago to become a millionaire. One year went by. I didn't become a millionaire. Two years went by. I didn't become a millionaire. Three years went by. I didn't become a millionaire. Four years went by. I didn't become a millionaire. Five years went by. I didn't become a millionaire. Six years went by.

I didn't become a millionaire. Seven years went by. I didn't become a millionaire. Eight years went by. I didn't become a millionaire. Nine years went by. I didn't become a millionaire. 10 years went by. I still didn't become a millionaire. 11 years, finally became a millionaire and then eventually became a multimillionaire. All right.

You want to decide whatever it is that you want, decide to have it. Now, I believe success is inevitable. Is that always true for all things? No. If you're 90 years old and you want to be an NBA player, it's just not going to happen. I'm sorry. In that case, successes is impossible. Sometimes, success is impossible.

If you're young and that's your passion and you love basketball, is everybody going to be able to maybe make it into the NBA? You're probably not competing against as many people as you think. How many people have the determination to play nonstop, all day and love it and eat it up? Anyway, I don't know that everybody that wants to be an NBA player could be an NBA player.

Anybody who wants to be involved with the NBA and work in the NBA in some way, maybe being a coach or something, I think that is inevitable. Maybe it is even inevitable to be a player. I know I wouldn't be able to be an NBA player. A, I'm not great at basketball even though I love it. B, I'm 46 now and there are no 46-year-old NBA players. Anyway, bottom line is, yeah. There's some things that maybe are not inevitable, but the things that matter are.

Success Accelerator

This material is copyright © Coaches With Clients, Christian Mickelsen, & Future Force, Inc. All rights reserved.

If you want to be in a great relationship with someone you really love, that's inevitable. If you're willing to do the work, right? If you're willing to work on yourself, if you're willing to put yourself on the line and go up and talk to somebody that you would want to be in a relationship. If you're willing to open up your heart and take risks. Risk having your heart be broken, all that stuff. If you want to be wealthy, that's inevitable.

If you want to be in great health or great shape, that's inevitable. It's possible that some other outside forces could happen to derail your health, but I think mental health issues are much more solvable than we may realize. I will tell you more about that later. I've witnessed many miraculous health transformations using the tools I'm going to be teaching you here. The five golden keys to success. Many miraculous health changes.

I'll tell you more about that. Here's something else that I wanted to tell you is that right now, we have this big global bomb that is on everybody's lap and everybody's house and everybody's wherever. Most everybody's been touched by it. I would imagine that most of us have had worst times in our lives. I've had a lot of very tough times in my life. I grew up on welfare, on food stamps, special lunch programs.

I remember standing in line where all the poor kids had to stand in line, where everybody could see and we were waiting for the lunch to be handed out. We were in line to get the lunch. I just remember seeing people looking at us, feeling bad for us. That made me feel bad for myself. My brothers are eight and a half, nine and a half years older than I am.

I would wear their hand-me-down clothes that my parents would put up in the attic and then take back down 10 years later for me to wear eight years later. I was wearing bell bottoms in the '80s, which bell bottoms were cool in the '60s. They might've been still been cool in the '70s but they were not cool in the '80s.

I remember one day, the coolest kid in school started walking over to me while we were all waiting to go out for the bell to ring to go out for recess. He started walking over to me. You think things really fast. I was thinking, "Oh, why is he walking over to me? Is he really walking over to me?" He starts talking to me and then everybody else is going to think I'm cool and want to be my friend.

He walked over to me and then he looked down at my jeans and he was like, "Nice jeans." I was like, "Oh, maybe my jeans are cool." He reached down with his foot and he pushed his foot against the bottom of the bell-bottom jeans and he goes, "Ding dong." Everybody laughed and I felt

Success Accelerator

This material is copyright © Coaches With Clients, Christian Mickelsen, & Future Force, Inc. All rights reserved.

completely small and embarrassed. the bell rang and everybody went outside. I went in the bathroom to be by myself because I didn't know how to handle this intense embarrassment.

Another week later, I saw this other kid in class. His name was Ron. He got these new fruity-smelling markers. This was brand new back in the '80s that markers, you could actually smell them and not pass out from it. It smelled good, fruity-smelling markers. Everybody in the class wanted to borrow his fruity-smelling markers. Everybody kept saying, "Can I borrow your fruity-smelling markers? I'll be your best friend."

In my mind, unconsciously it was like, "Oh, poor." Wearing old clothes makes people tease you. Having new cool things people want to be your friend. In my mind I was like, "I'm ashamed to be poor. If you could have money, then people would like you and then you matter." These are unconscious things that I picked up when I was a kid and that was in grade school. In junior high, things were even worse for me. My parents had gotten divorced.

My mom was in a new relationship. They were fighting all the time. Yeah. Stuff I don't honestly want to go into and talk about. My home life wasn't great. I wanted to escape from home and I went to school and school was even worse. I didn't have any friends, girlfriends, guy friends, got teased, got bullied. I remember my first week going into junior high, my dad bought me some new clothes. I felt like, "Oh, finally, I have some nice clothes."

People even commented. They're like, "Oh, wow. You dress sharp." I was like, "Finally. I'm a junior high, I'm going to have friends. People are going to like me." A few weeks later, I'm wearing the same clothes every week because I only have a few nice things. All of a sudden, it was like, "Oh my gosh. You're wearing that shirt again?" I'm wearing the same shirt multiple times in one week. I remember I was bullied, beat up.

I just remember thinking, really considering suicide. I'm sure I'm probably not the only one that's ever felt that way. Junior high was definitely the worst time in my life. I didn't commit suicide. I didn't even attempt it. I did consider, what would be the ways I would do it if I was going to do it? Thankfully, I discovered books and personal growth actually at 12 years old. Honestly, if it wasn't for that, I don't know where I would be today.

I started reading a lot of personal growth books and realized that this, too shall pass. Eventually, started making friends, then I went to college. High school was tough, too. Junior high was the worst. High school was also terrible for me. My senior year of high school was decent. It wasn't terrible.

Success Accelerator

This material is copyright © Coaches With Clients, Christian Mickelsen, & Future Force, Inc. All rights reserved.

College was great and then the rest of my life has been great since college. Although I still had challenges, right? I've had relationships.

I've had health challenges, I've had all kinds of stuff. We all do. I'm not sharing this with you to think, "Oh. Feeling bad for Christian. He's had it so tough." I guarantee probably a lot of people have had it way harder than I have. This isn't about who's had it worse. I'm sharing this with you because we have a collective challenging time in our lives happening right now. I bet almost everybody here has had really hard times before in your life.

You've been able to get yourself through it. Even though right now we're all facing some challenging times, I'm going to share with you these five golden secrets that are going to help you get through tough times and help you achieve what it is that you want. I went from having no friends growing up, having no dates in high school. I didn't have a girlfriend in high school. I think I went on one or two dates but only one date each.

I was so insecure and un-confident. I went from having no friends to having lots of friends. I have great friends. I have a lot of famous friends. I went from not getting any dates to getting lots of dates and then marrying the girl of my dreams. We've been together for 15 years now and have three amazing kids. I went from growing up on food stamps to becoming a multimillionaire. I've done it without having to sacrifice like a lot of people do.

I've been able to grow my business. We made the Inc. 5000 List of fastest-growing companies in America. We did it four years in a row. All mostly while I worked part-time so that I could spend time with my wife and my kids and my friends and have a life outside of just work. How did I achieve all this stuff? Again, massive amounts of personal growth, lots of books, lots of seminars, lots of audio programs.

What I'm going to share with you in this program is really distilling down what I've found to be the best of the best that's taken me to where I'm at today. I get to live on the beach. I can pinch myself with how great life is and even still as great as life is, there's still challenges sometimes. God has blessed me. Absolutely. God has blessed me and I'm very grateful. That's one of the secrets to success for sure is gratitude. All right.

My childhood story I could feel brought the energy down. Let's bring it back up. I'm going to share with you the five golden keys to rapid success. I'm going to share all five of them with you. An overview of all five and then over these weeks, we're going to go deep dive into each of the five. My

Success Accelerator

This material is copyright © Coaches With Clients, Christian Mickelsen, & Future Force, Inc. All rights reserved.

goal is this is going to be not just a training program, but this is going to be a coaching program. I'm going to coach you. Let's do the work.

I don't want this just to be training. It'll be great. It's going to be great training but it's going to be even better if you take action and you let me coach you and guide you and you do the work in between each session so that you start getting the success. I want you to be on the fast track to success.

The five golden keys to success. Number one is having a ‘clear vision and direction.’ We're going to go more in-depth on this today because this is really important. Number two is ‘optimize your environment.’ Number three is ‘master your mind and emotions.’ Number four is ‘upgrade your skills.’ Number five is strategize. ‘Strategize your actions, strategies, habits and systems.’ Okay. This is our framework.

Each piece of these, we're going to go deep dive into every session. We have five sessions. We might do more than five. This was going to be a three-day live event. I'm going to condense it a bit and do it over these five sessions. It's possible we might do some extra sessions. We'll see. We'll see how it all plays out. We'll see how it goes. Okay. Let's talk about clarifying your vision and direction. The Bible says, "Without a vision, the people perish." All right.

We need to have a vision. Right now, that's why. Right now, this big bomb that just landed on all of our laps over the last couple of weeks and now we're having to go on self-quarantine and then shelter in place and then full-on lockdown and then National Guard walking the streets in some parts of the United States. That's pretty serious. A lot of things have slowed to a halt. Right now, you might have been laid off. Maybe you filed for unemployment.

Maybe you work from home. Maybe you don't work from home normally. I don't know. I know there's people all over the world tuned into this training. If you look at the disaster in front of you and you don't think about what you want and where you're headed, without a vision, people perish. Because we collapse into fear. We collapse into panic. We collapse into distress. All of the stress and anxiety and anxiousness about what's happening is, anxiety and anxiousness about what's happening is intense, right?

But you can still become a millionaire. Again, I decided to become a millionaire, it took me quite a long time, and success is kind of like this. This is the success arrow, okay? This is called the success arrow. So, let's say you want to become a millionaire, is your goal. Now I think it's a great

Success Accelerator

This material is copyright © Coaches With Clients, Christian Mickelsen, & Future Force, Inc. All rights reserved.

goal. I think a lot of people are going to judge like, "Well why, you know, it's all about money," or you know, dah, dah, dah. This could be health, this could be a great relationship. We could do this with a lot of things. And I want you to get clear about a lot of things, especially health right now because it's harder to be healthy in a shelter in place. It's harder to be healthy in lockdown. Well, in some ways it might be easier. Right now you have more time to exercise. Now you might have more time to cook and cook healthy meals, but it's hard.

I know for me, I can't go play basketball right now. That's a good cardio for me and I don't have a gym at home because really, I hop on a golf cart and I go to the gym and it takes me two minutes to get there and I do yoga classes regularly and there's no yoga classes. I can't lift weights. I can't sustain, I can't do anything. That's not true. There are things I can do right? But it's not as convenient right now for me. But for some people, it's like, "Oh I don't have time. I don't have time normally." Now maybe you have time, so maybe now it is more convenient for you to be in great shape, be in the best shape of your life or whatever it is that you want, okay? There is stuff you can do at home for sure. I actually have been doing yoga at home, just without a teacher. I've just been doing it myself, which also is great because I was doing it by myself today and I got this awesome idea, a business idea that I think is going to be really helpful for a lot of people.

So, let's say you want to be a millionaire. Maybe you don't want to be a millionaire. Maybe you only want to save up 20 bucks or $100,000 or maybe you want to have a $1 million dollar income, whatever it is, right? And a lot of times people wonder like, well how big of a goal should I set? You know, should I set like, oh, it's got to be achievable. It's got to be something like, should I ... Yeah, I want to be a millionaire, but shouldn't my goal be to get to $100,000 first or whatever. You don't have to pick. You don't have to pick between the small goal and a big goal, all right? You can have the giant goal, whatever your giant goal is, right? Maybe it's a billionaire. Whatever your goal is, you can then have other milestone goals along the way.

All right, let's say your goal is to have a business that generates $1 million a year, instead of becoming a millionaire, right? So then your first goal is to make your first sale, right? Your first dollar. That might be the first milestone. Now you're in business. Then your goal might be to get to $5,000 a month. Then your goal might be to get to a $10,000 month. And if you know anything about business, having your first $10,000 month, doesn't ensure that you're going to have $100,000 year. So because you might have your first $10,000 month, then you might have a $2,000 month, then you might have a $12,000 a month, then you might have a

Success Accelerator

This material is copyright © Coaches With Clients, Christian Mickelsen, & Future Force, Inc. All rights reserved.

$3000. You never know. But then after that, your goal might be to get your business to $100,000 per year, yeah? Then maybe 250,000 then 500,000 then 750,000. Then you get to the million. Yay.

And guess what's going to happen when you get to a million? Hopefully you celebrate and hopefully you celebrate every step along the way, and obviously your goals are going to get bigger along the way, and that's normal and natural, too. So this is the success arrow. Your smaller goals are nested within the big goal. And a lot of people are like, "Oh, I got to put timelines on all of these things." To me, I am a master of time. I have time down. My life is not rushed or hurried. I'm not stressed about time. I live an incredibly time abundant life because I have a very time abundant mentality. And for me, how fast I achieved these things, like putting a timeline, it's like, "Oh, I want to get here within a year or I want to get here within a year or I want to get here within a year. I want to get here within a year." I want to get there as fast as I can, which is the truth, right?

So how fast it happens, I don't feel like we have that much control over the speed of it. We have influence over it, right? We can take massive action, but I don't necessarily believe that working 80 hours a week is going to absolutely get you there faster than working 20 or 30 hours a week. It depends on how strategic you are. It depends on how focused you are. Depends on how ... It's not necessarily working harder, it's working smarter. That's going to go to a lot of these other pieces, right? Your strategies, your habits, your systems, all of these things that play a part. And the great thing is that all of these mean that you have much more control over where you're headed, than you may think, right? We think, "Oh my God, here's the economy." It's like, "Oh, I can't control any of that," and we feel all stressed and anxious.

But there's so much we have control over, right? We can be clear and focused on our vision and direction and that's important, right? And then the environment, who you surround yourself with, the ideas that you feed your mind, right? Being in this program right here that we're doing together, is part. It's creating an environment for you and it's an environment that can absolutely uplift you, right? It's a part of your mental environment. We're creating a Facebook group just for Success Accelerator participants and so the people in that group, we're going to be a community for each other and that's an environment. So we're going to go deeper into that later.

Mastering your mind and emotions is probably, out of everything on the list, is probably the number one most important thing. Optimizing your environment is actually probably the second most important. If I had to prioritize these in which is most important to least important, I would say

Success Accelerator

This material is copyright © Coaches With Clients, Christian Mickelsen, & Future Force, Inc. All rights reserved.

mastering your mindset is number one. Optimizing your environment is number two. And then I would say probably vision number three, strategies, habits, systems, number four and upgrade your skills probably number five. In short, out of all these, which is going to propel you to success the fastest? Mastering your mind and emotions. I believe over 90% of our success is the inner work. So we're going to do a lot on that when we get to that module, as we get deeper into this.

But for now let's focus more on vision and direction because it can be big goals, make $1 million dollars or it can be small things that you might want. So while we're in the great pause where the Pollard kids are home from school, like many of us. My daughter is interested in magic, so I bought a magic home online training program and the ... Hang on a second here. And the program, they had a contest to see like whoever did this certain trick the best would win a magic kit. So I saw the contest and I thought, "I want to win." Now there's, I don't know, 1500 people that are eligible to be in this contest. So what are the chances? Are the chances of my success one in 1500 to win? No. How many people are going to study the program? How many people are going to practice it? How many people are going to take the chance and shoot a video and put it inside the Facebook group showing the trick, right?

So my competition went from 1500 people down to maybe 20 people, but I set this intention that I wanted to win and I have the money, I could afford to buy this home study kit, it was less than a hundred bucks, so no big deal for me. But there was a glitch in the ordering process when I first ordered and I didn't get the kit as an upsell that I probably would've bought it and I didn't. And I didn't want to go through the hassle of pulling my credit card. But anyway, I just was like, "I want to win it." So, my daughter and I practiced a trick a couple of times and then we recorded it and I'm going to show it to you. This is my daughter and I just a couple of days ago.

Okay. {Christian Shows video of Magic trick performed with his Daughter}

What? All right, so that was the trick. That was the trick. So the reason I'm sharing that with you is because first of all, if you're at home with your kids trying to figure out stuff to do, that's something fun. Second of all, I set the intention to win and I just found out this morning he announced the winner and we won. Ahhh! Yeah, so just the power of intention. In fact, Wayne Dyer has a book called The Power Of Intention. The power of just being clear about what you want is extremely important, when you know what you want and you're clear about it. Now this ties into mastering your mindset, your mind and emotions, which we'll get into again in one of our future sessions. But one of the reasons why I think we won is because I

Success Accelerator

This material is copyright © Coaches With Clients, Christian Mickelsen, & Future Force, Inc. All rights reserved.

decided to win. I didn't just hope to win. I didn't just dream to win. I decided to win and, of course, I had to surrender to that.

And I couldn't say, "I'm deciding to win," and then of course know for sure that it's going to happen. I didn't know when we shot that video. We actually shot it like four or five times. And then that last one ... The first one I thought was good enough. I was like, "Oh, let's do that one," and my daughter was like, "No, let's do it again." Then we did it again and the other ones were a little wonky or whatever, and then we got that one and I was like, "Oh, I think that's good. Let's do that one." But I had the intention to win. It's not like, "Oh my God, I didn't make $1 million dollars, not a big deal," right? But this is what Success is. Getting what you want. If success is getting what you want, I just had a big success and I'd gotten here about an hour before this training and I showed my daughter that we won. So she was super happy. Actually, everybody in the family was cheering, we were all excited about it. And yeah, success doesn't have to be making a million dollars. Success doesn't have to be a fancy car or a beach front home, although those things also could be success.

And I want us to all to be careful not to judge our desires. One of the biggest challenges that we have and a lot of these things, if I were to draw a Venn diagram, overlap each other, like we only did vision and direction but we didn't talk about mastering your mindset at all, that would be kind of a shame. So I'm going to talk about this a bit here and we'll go deep into it when we get to that session. But optimizing or clarifying your vision and direction, if I was like, "Oh my God," well I don't want it like, "Oh, why do I want to win it?" Especially because I have money, I should buy it and let somebody else who maybe doesn't have as much money win it, I should ... "Oh, I don't know. I'm not that good. I just started learning magic recently. Like oh, probably not going to win." I didn't have doubt about it and I wasn't attached to it.

That's another thing, too is like if we're really attached, like, "Oh my God, I want to win it so bad and if I win it, my life is going to be so amazing. If I don't, my life's going to be miserable," right? If we're so attached and needy for it to happen, that pushes it away too. So being clear on your vision and direction, now that doesn't mean everything I decide and I win everything, and everything is a success. I have promotions all the time where my goal is to some giant number or something, and once in a while we exceed those expectations and oftentimes we come in below my expectations. Not everything happens and it's the little victories that lead to the big victories, you know?

In this case, winning this magic thing, I don't know if it's going to lead anywhere. Maybe my daughter will turn into a magician and that'll be her

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career, you know? I don't know. Maybe that will lead to something or maybe it won't. Maybe it just leads to a great relationship and bonding with my daughter. But, if you're in business, if you own your own business or in your career, small victories lead to big victories, but you aren't necessarily going to win every ... You may not win every battle, but you can still win the war. I hate to use war analogies or war metaphors because I'm a very peaceful, peace-loving guy. But I mentioned earlier that success is inevitable. Success is inevitable if you're willing to do the work, if you're willing to work on yourself, and if you never give up, success is inevitable. But failure is also inevitable. I had to practice that trick a lot of times, myself first and then together with my daughter, we'd screwed it up. And my other daughter, this is hilarious, too.

I have three daughters. Nala is my oldest, who we did the magic together. Zoe's my middle one, and Lily's my youngest. Zoe, all she wants to do is pick apart how we did whatever trick that we did. And so it drives my oldest daughter crazy because oftentimes we're practicing, it's still in front of her, so when we screw it up, and then she sees what we did and all that stuff. And then Nala gets upset because Zoe's figuring it out. But if I wanted to be the world's greatest magician, I would have to screw up the magic tricks a lot of times in the learning to be good, right? We all wish we could just start off amazing at everything. But success is inevitable, but so is failure. Failure is absolutely inevitable. And the failures are the bricks that pave the way to success.

So if you want to be successful, you have to be willing to fail. If you want to end up in a relationship, you're going to have to talk to people. You're going to have to ask someone out, or if somebody asks you out, you're going to have to go on several dates maybe with different people before you find somebody who's a match. So, failures are the bricks that pave the way to success. The more you're willing to fail, the more likely you are to succeed. And the biggest failures of all are the ones who never even start. A lot of people won't even let themselves dream, right? We judge ourselves like, "Oh, it's wrong. You see a sports car maybe that you like and you're like, "Oh, my God, I would love that sports car, but oh, if I took that money and I put it into that, then what would people think of me?

And if I was driving that car, people would judge me and think I was greedy, and stuff like ... We have so much, so much blah, so much gunk clogging up the works of even letting ourselves dream, even letting ourselves have a vision. And so we're going to spend some time today and between now and our next session, clarifying your vision. What is it that you want to achieve? If you could wave a magic wand and have your life be the exact way that you would want it to be, if you could wave a

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magic wand and have your life be the exact way you would want it to be, what would it look like?

No limits, right? This is my limitless mastermind. No limits. If you could push a button and have your life be exactly the way you would want it to be, what would it look like? Let's take a moment right now. If you have a journal, if you want to type it in your computer, if you want to write it down, whatever it is, no limits. If you could just push a button, bam and have it, what would it be? In fact, I was leading my limitless mastermind, the first one we did, we did it in Sedona, and I told everybody, if you could push a button and have everything exactly the way you want it, what would it be like? What would you want? And I had people start journaling and I was doing it myself and I started and I was about to write down to be in the best shape of my life. And then I thought, no, I don't know if I want ... I'm in decent enough shape.

I had to overcome a lot, because I was a little bit chubby as a kid. My parents used to call me a moose because I was chubby and so I've had some self-consciousness with my body for a long time. And then as an adult, I was always in pretty good shape. But then I started eating like crazy and I gained a bunch of weight and I then made peace with being out of shape. And then I was able to get myself back into decent shape without the judgment, without feeling like, oh, I have to look good, from a place of insecurity. Maybe I want to look good, just because I like to look good, but I had this in me like, "Oh, if I'm fat, then people won't like me," or whatever.

So I let myself get a little fat, not on purpose per se, but in doing so, it helped me to let go of my judgment about it and make peace with myself. And so then here I was in decent shape and I was about to write down to be in the best shape of my life, but I was like, do I really want to do all that it would take to be in the best shape of my life? I'm happy with how I am now, so I want to work out like a maniac, do I want to have to restrict my diet that intensely? And I realized that that wasn't the activity. The activity wasn't to just evaluate whether I would want to do what it would take or not, the exercise was just if I could just push a button and have it, what would I want? If I could push a button and have it, what would I want?

And then I thought to myself, well, if I could just push a button, if I didn't have to go through whatever I thought I had to go through to be in the best shape of my life, would I want it? And then the answer, of course, was yes. So I want everybody to do this right now. Just write down in all areas of your life, in your health, in your finances, in your career, in your relationships, in your fun, in your spirituality. If you could push a button and have whatever it is that you want, what would it be? I'm going to type

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all those categories and put them in the chat for you. And the interesting thing was, I realized they had a story about it. Like, oh, I have this story that it's going to be hard to get into the best shape of my life.

And once I let go of that story, with doing some mastering my mind and emotions, once I let go of that story, all of a sudden I realized, well, in some ways it's already true that I'm in the best shape of my life because I've been doing yoga a ton. So I'm way more flexible. My posture is the best it's ever been. I have overall core strength and flexibility that I've never had in my entire life. So in some ways, I'm in the best shape of my life right now. And it was like, wow, I instantly got a huge chunk of what I was wanting just by realizing I already had it by letting go the story, by doing this exercise of just letting yourself dream and have whatever it is that you want in all areas of your life. So let's see here.

All right, so we'll see if I can do this another way. So, health and then I've even gotten more clear about it. Whoops, there's not a way to ... I guess I'll just type them and not have them on different lines. So yeah, start typing for yourself. So typing or writing out, what is it that you most want in all of these areas? If you could just push a button and have it, what would you love? Yeah, health and your love life and as much detail as possible. All right, not just to have a great relationship, but get even more specific about how you want your relationship. Health, love life, career, finances, friendships, spiritual, spirit, time goals. You have time goals, yeah. And then just things that you might want and life experiences. Boom. There you go. A beach home near me? Come on out. A blue Porsche, nice. Abundant health, ideal body weight, all debts paid off, coaching business up and running, property sold, move south by the wintertime.

How long are we going to go today? Until we're done. We're going to go until we're done. Own my own home. Feels good to be able to think about these things, absolutely. We've got to let ourselves dream. We need it more than ever. Like right now, because our focus is so crisis-oriented, like, "Ugh!"

When we're under stress, our vision narrows, we can't see opportunities. We got to get centered. And we got to let ourselves dream. Without judgment. It's like, "Oh, it'd be wrong. It'd be selfish. What are people going to think?" Put all that aside.

Somebody's mentioning if I heard of a vision board. I have. In fact I recommend and that's going to be the homework assignment for everybody is to create a vision board and to keep it very simple. So you have one image of one thing that you're achieving maybe per category. Like if you want to be in great shape, maybe you have somebody... If you

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want to have chiseled abs, abs of steel or whatever, you can put a picture of somebody with great abs and then maybe put your own picture on their body or something like that, right? That would be one thing about health. If you wanted to have a lot of money, maybe cut out a big picture or print out a picture of a giant stack of money. In fact, this was, I made a vision board for myself many years ago and it was the first time I ever created a vision board and three years later I had manifested everything on my vision board.

I was living in Chicago at the time. I moved to a beautiful place in San Diego. In fact, there was... I put a picture of the car I wanted. I took it, I test drove it and I got a brochure and I tore out the picture from the brochure and I put it up on my vision board and the background from the vision board it was probably like somewhere in Italy I think, but I don't know where it was, but it was a picture of a mountain with a bunch of homes built into it in the background and where I moved, I moved into an apartment in San Diego and my view out my window had a similar looking mountain with homes on it and I was like, "Oh my God." And then I bought the car, I ended up buying the car.

Then I ended up... I had a picture of a girl and I ended up meeting my wife and like all the things I had on my vision board came true. So, and it took... I was like, "Oh..." And this is the thing about time, like now that I'm 46 three years feels like fast. Holy cow. I did it so fast. While I was in it, three years felt like forever. That was my early twenties. So I was much younger.

Yeah. So that is your homework assignment is to create a vision board and make it very specific. I've seen a lot of vision boards that are like a bunch of words and phrases and feelings and all very conceptual. I am not a fan of highly conceptual vision boards because the mind, it's like, "Oh." It's like you're kind of... It helps make you feel good when you see all that stuff. But I want to see the things that you want and have them be specific. If you want a specific car, put it on there. If you want a specific house, put it on there. If you want a specific... If you want to be in a great shape, put a picture of what you want to look like on there. If you want to be in a relationship, think of the kind of person you want to be with and put a picture of that person on there. Yes.

Yeah. If it's a specific person like I want to be in a relationship with, Matthew McConahey or something like that, I would not put... I would put a picture of somebody, maybe you don't have their face or have a face, but have it be not a famous person that you would know who they were and then you'll manifest someone who probably looks like that.

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Okay. Somebody is saying they can barely hear me. Can everybody else hear me okay? Yes. Okay, great. All right, so I want to tell you about something that I'm doing and then we're going to do a little bit more work. I'm going to answer some questions, maybe do some coaching and then we'll wrap up. But before we do, I wanted to let you guys know about something. If any of you are coaches, which I know most of the people on my email list are coaches.

If any of you are coaches, I did a special offer a couple of days ago where I was making it so that all of my online training programs were available for the price of one. So last August we did a launch for a program called big money business coach that teaches people how to coach business owners and how to get high paying business owner clients. And we launched that program for $5,000. Earlier this year we did a launch for a program called free sessions that sell the client sign up system, which teaches you how to sign up coaching clients. And we launched that for $2,000 and we have over 40 different online training programs. And so because of what's happening right now, I just felt like the best thing I could do would be to give everybody access to all those programs for one low investment. So we did that and I took... For every sale we made, I'm donating $1,000 to charity to help feed hungry kids that are struggling right now.

I grew up on a food stamps and the kindness of strangers as a kid. And so I want to return the favor. And so for everybody, every sale that... Everybody who purchases it, I'm donating $1,000 out of my pocket to feed hungry kids. So we had that, we ran that special and we raised about $40,000. Yay. But we got a lot of emails. We did it. So it was just a one payment. We didn't have a payment plan just because we did... All sales are final because we're giving a lot of this money to charity and we didn't do a payment plan and stuff like that, but we got so many emails from people who were asking us if we would make the... If we would give a payment plan. And so starting right now and only for the next 24 hours or so, we're going to make that available.

So if anybody wants to check that out, get access to all of our programs. If you've ever wanted to learn marketing or create your own masterminds, high end masterminds, I have an $80,000 mastermind. I have a $250,000 mastermind. We have a program called Mastermind Millions. If you've ever wanted to write a book, I have a program called Bestselling Book In A Day, four out of the five books I've written, I wrote in less than a day. And so I teach you how to write best selling books in a day. I have training on how to get JV partners to grow your email list. So many things. Basically my whole life's work we put into a bundle called secure your future now.

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This material is copyright © Coaches With Clients, Christian Mickelsen, & Future Force, Inc. All rights reserved.

And anybody who would like to take advantage of that, you can just go to

Basically, all of our programs combined, it's called coaching success university. The only people who get access to all of our programs are people who are in our masterminds. The people who pay 80 or $200,000, $250,000 but we're going to make that available to everybody here. If you just go to and we have a payment plan now, so that's why I wanted to mention that while we're on this call, this offer is only to be, we made it available, we close it out. We've got so many people wanting a payment plan. We're making a payment plan available so if you want to do it, it's only going to be good through till tomorrow at midnight Pacific Time. If you want to do it, you can do it right now or you can wait until tomorrow but you don't want to wait because we're never going to offer that again.

We will never offer this again. We're only doing it because I know people are freaked out and people have a lot of free time to study programs right now. And so I wanted to make this available. And again, we're raising money for hungry kids. So if you want to check it out, go to That's my one little commercial that we have right now during the program. Thank you guys for posting the link into the chat. We've never done it before. And I'm 99.9999% sure we will never offer it again. So if this is something you're interested in, if you are a coach, if you want to become a coach right now we have people who are out of work and if you can work from home, you have a huge advantage right now because you could still be working.

And this is one of the great things about having a coaching business is that you can work from home. So if you're already a coach and you want to learn how to get even better at sales and marketing, which you need to really be good at it right now to get people to sign up for your programs, now more than ever. So anyway, that's it. That's the end of my commercial go check it out.

I can't get on it. Is it because it's busy? Can anybody... Other people can't get on it either. Oho. Maybe let me see. Let me find another way to get there. Okay. Somebody else is getting it to work and they're putting a different link in there. Thank you. Ian's link works. I got it when I put it in. Okay.

So I'm not sure what's going on, but yeah, sorry about that. Hopefully one of those links work. Try them out. It is an incredible offer. It's an incredible offer and you guys are going to be so grateful. You're going to be so grateful. It's my entire life's work. Everything I've learned, everything I've...

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This material is copyright © Coaches With Clients, Christian Mickelsen, & Future Force, Inc. All rights reserved.

I've been a coach for 20 years and I've been helping other coaches for the last 15 and I've... Every time I learn how to do something myself, I create a program so I can leave a trail behind, leave the bread crumbs or whatever so that people can follow and all my programs, I sell them, like I said, just big money business coach by itself we sell for 5,000 and to be able to get that and everything else. Now if you're not a coach, maybe it's not for you, but yeah, people right here, they're saying "I paid..." You're saying it to me. So you might want to change your comments, John, from all panelists to all panelists and attendees or to everyone. So maybe if we can see that. Okay. All right, so, all right, link's working now.

Somebody else. "Yeah, I paid 3,600 for just for free sessions that sell." Somebody else paid 5,000. Yeah, and I know and I feel like anybody who paid a ton and you're like, "Oh." I hope hopefully if you've used it, then you've already made money from it. And I'm sure you're happy that you got it when you got it. If you missed out on this deal back then, I mean we're in a different time, it's a different world and I want to help people out and we're doing this one time. So all right, so we did the... Let's get back to vision and direction. So here's... You have two assignments. If you've already done this, the link is not connected. So just keep looking. Somebody is posting a different link that should work. So check that out.

It's still not working. Email, my team Somebody put that in there. for me too. And then also somebody put the phone number to call my team as well. Somebody can put those things up there. That'd be great. All right. And special offer, back to our content. So the five golden keys to rapid success. So we're talking about clarifying your vision and direction. So a vision is like, oh it's, I want this thing. Let's talk about a direction. So direction is really important and a lot of times direction is more important than vision. In limitless, $250,000 dollar mastermind, one of my clients in that program, he does real estate investing. And I was talking to him about his vision and like his biggest vision for what he would want to do and all that stuff.

And then I started asking why he wanted it. And he just talked about how much he enjoys the process. He's like, "I love putting the deals together." So like I love finding the deals and then putting them together. It's like I don't love everything that happens after that. And so we've talked about developing a team that then could just take it and run with it and now getting other investors so we could do more deals and bigger deals and do the stuff that he loves the most, right? That's what we want. We all want to be doing work that we love.

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This material is copyright © Coaches With Clients, Christian Mickelsen, & Future Force, Inc. All rights reserved.

One of the things I talk about are the five freedoms, the five freedoms. Are you guys ready for the five freedoms? The five freedoms are number one to be able to do work that you love for a living because... And this one's the most important. It's more important I think than... It's critical because you are going to work, right? Even if you didn't have to work, you would want to work. I set myself up many years ago where I was like, you know what? I could just not work. And so I didn't work for about three months and then after three months I was just like, I got to get back to work. I got to do something. I challenged myself more, but it was when I first moved to San Diego because I was like, "Oh my God, I'm on vacation every day. This is amazing." I bet nobody else's... Everybody else is working.

So that was a challenge for me, but also it's just like I loved networking. But I also love working. So we all... We need to work, we got to contribute, we've got to do something that challenges us, but we've got to find something that is meaningful, that is in our wheelhouse. That's... Like for me, when I was a kid, I just always knew I wanted to be a teacher and now here I am teaching. It didn't work out in the way that I thought it would.

I thank God it didn't because I wanted to be a school teacher and I went to college and I graduated with a degree in elementary ed and my plan was to be a school teacher and I did my student teaching and my first student teaching was amazing and when I was in college I taught gymnastics. So I loved working with kids and I did my first student teaching. It was awesome. I had a great cooperating teacher and I did my second student teaching. We had a completely different teacher, same grade, second grade and, but this teacher was teaching everything, forcing everybody to sit in desks, teaching everything on an overhead projector.

My other, my first second grade experience, they had people sitting on the floor a lot of the times and they had like doing projects and everything was really an integrated curriculum. We would be talking about this thing and then you build this thing... We built this tree out of construction paper, this apple tree and we did a lesson on science about planting trees. Then we actually planted seeds, the plant... Like we did all this thing in second grade and that second grade, which was amazing. Then the other grade it was all like, "Okay, sit still, sit still. Pay attention to what's on the overhead projector." I was like, "Whoa, that's so crazy." And then my third cooperating teacher was very uncooperative, was yelling and screaming in the kid's face on the first day and I thought, I should get switched out of this class and my guidance, my counselor lady was like, "Oh, that looks bad if you do that."

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This material is copyright © Coaches With Clients, Christian Mickelsen, & Future Force, Inc. All rights reserved.

And I thought, all right, well then I'll just do it. I'll stay here for the kids. And then I love these kids. All they were so used to being yelled at to be taken seriously. Eventually I started yelling and on my last day I was yelling at a kid a few inches from the space and I was like, "Oh my God, what did I become?" And I was completely like, I can't coach. I mean I can't... Even my coaching gymnastics I didn't love anymore and I was... My life was redirected in ways unexpected in a whole series of events that I'm not going to tell you all about on this, today's training, but I will tell you more about in future trainings, all the different twists and turns that... or many of the twists and turns that my life that has led me here where now I'm teaching, which is what I was born to do.

But I'm doing it for adults and I'm teaching them about topics that I'm really passionate about. And so you want to clarify your vision, but you also want to have a direction. You want to have a direction for your life. You want a direction for your business or for your career. And the five freedoms if you do work you love, the old saying goes, if you do work you love, you'd never work a day in your life. So it's really important that you have a great direction for your life and the direction will affect a lot of your outcomes. Your direction, and honestly, between the two, like you want to have a vision for your life. But if you didn't have a vision but you had a direction you knew, like I want to be a teacher and you're teaching, you're going to have a great life, you're going to have a lot of elements of having a great life will be present.

Now, if you also have a vision too, that's also great. But if you only have goals and it's just like, "Oh, I want to have that great car." But you don't have a direction, you could still achieve that too. But if you have both, that's the optimum. Clarify your vision and direction. Even when it comes to coaching, if you have a coaching business, having a niche market, right? It's like, okay, I have a direction I want to coach people. But if you can get more specific, I'm going to coach business owners to grow their business, that is a clear direction. It's going to help you get there faster. The more clear you are with your vision and the more clear you are with your direction, the better. So the five freedoms are number one, the freedom of doing work that you love because when you do work you love, you never work a day in your life.

That is the first freedom. The second freedom is to be able to do work you love and to do it for yourself as your own, as a business owner. Like having your own business, doing work that you love, because then you get to call your own shots. You get to be your own boss. The sky's the limit to how much money you can earn, right? So that's the second freedom is being your own boss, having your own business. Not everybody wants to be their own boss. Not everybody wants to have their own business, and

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that's okay. You don't necessarily have to have that second freedom. The first freedom is great. You have that one, it's amazing. The second one is working for yourself. The third one is to be able to make a great living working for yourself and doing work that you love. So financial freedom.

The fourth freedom is time freedom. To be able to work as much or as little as you want, right? There's a lot of people who do work they love, they get to be their own boss, they make great money but they don't get... They work like crazy. They were working 80, 120 hours a week and they don't want to work that much and they feel burned out. There's a lot of people that only have the first three. You want the fourth one, which is also to be able to work as much or as little as you want. I work as much as or as little as I want. I decide exactly how much I want to work. Sometimes... It's funny because since this crisis thing that's going on, typically I usually work three or four hours a day. Over this last week I've been working like 12 hours a day.

I feel energized not because like I'm not excited about what's happening, but I'm like I feel called to help. I feel called to serve more than I ever have. I feel like the world needs me now more than ever before and I need to step up and I am stepping up. So for me, I'm working exactly how much I want to work. There's been days where I've worked 12 hour days, right? But I'm enjoying it, right? Again, I'm doing work that I love and I'm in charge. I get to decide if I want to work that much or not. And right now I do. Right now I'm happy to, right now I'm enjoying it. So we want that freedom. It's not about, "Oh, I don't work. I only work three hours a day." That's not freedom if you won't let yourself work more than that.

So you want the freedom to be able to work as much or as little as you want. Take vacations when you want, travel when you want. Having total schedule flexibility, that's the fourth freedom and the fifth freedom, I love how you guys are like so... We live in a tic tac world where like, ah, 15 seconds. I can only have a 15 second attention span. Can I at least explain them and then I'll get to number five and number five is, freedom is, I don't want to say stress freedom because like there's positive stress, right? Taking new challenges. Right, we're going to have fears, doubts, living beliefs can still come up, but when it comes to time, you can work as much or as little you want. You can leverage time and schedule freedom. But what if you feel hurried and worried and rushed all the time. So then you don't really have time.

You don't have time. I have schedule freedom, but you don't have time abundance. Do you want to have that? The freedom of stress about time and those are the five freedoms and that's around work, right? This is all about work. This isn't about business. This isn't about like freedoms when

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it comes to health or freedoms when it comes to relationships or whatever. These are the five freedoms about work, time and money. I want these for everyone. This is something I want you to have that. I want everyone to have that. I want everyone to be able to do what they love for a living. In my team myself, we talk about this concept called cake and cringe. Well we want to find out like what's the stuff that's your cake? Like you just love it. You would eat it up for breakfast, lunch and dinner.

You would do it all day long. What's the work that you love to do and what's the stuff that you've, it's like the cringe stuff that you're like, "Oh I don't want to have to do that." Like, "Oh my God, if I had to sit there and file folders all day and figure out like, okay like that would be terrible, that would be not work I would love." I think I could get myself to the point where... In fact, I think I've gotten to the point where I don't know how much I really have that much cringy stuff because I've worked on myself a lot. Like even filing, I think I could get to a Zen space about it, but you want to focus on your cake because a lot of times people think, "Oh, I need to strengthen my weaknesses."

You want to strengthen your strengths. What are the things that you're good at? What are the things you love to do that are your innate strengths? Not necessarily like, "Oh, I don't know how to build a website so I'm not going to work. I'm not going to ever try it." If I had to figure out back in the early days, I learned how to build the website. 18 years ago, the first few years of my business, I didn't have a website. And then eventually I had a business card, picture of my business card for my website. And then eventually I learned how to make a website. And they were not great, but I had to figure that stuff out. So it wasn't necessarily my strength, but I could figure it out, right? You want to be clear about the difference between something being a weakness or so a new learning, right?

This is where upgrading your skills is really important. I would never say, "Oh, just because you're new at something that that's your cringe that you shouldn't do it. It's not your strength." Well, of course it's not your strength yet if you're brand new at it, right? Like learning magic. I didn't start on that. It's not a strength, I'm not great at magic yet. I'm upgrading my skill set there, but I enjoy it. And so there's... Right? I always want you to be careful of this cake and cringe concept. It's really important, but you want to be careful that if the cringe is because you're scared to do it, then you would want to master your mind and emotions about it, right? Like if you have to have some... You're going to do business coaching for the first time and you're going to talk to a prospective business owner and now all of a sudden you're like, "Oh gosh, I'm scared to have this conversation." Well, that doesn't mean it's your cringe. It just means you're scared, right?

Success Accelerator

This material is copyright © Coaches With Clients, Christian Mickelsen, & Future Force, Inc. All rights reserved.

That doesn't mean it's your cringe. It just means you're scared. Right? It means you're scared. You got to master your mind and emotions. Right? If you have what we call Free Sessions That Sell, you have a free coaching session with somebody, and you're afraid to do it, and they don't sign up, that doesn't mean you're not... Maybe you're new at that, it's a new skill. You got to learn sales skills or whatever. So, you want to be careful about the cake and cringe. It doesn't mean never do anything you're not good at. It doesn't mean that. It doesn't mean don't do anything that's scary. It doesn't mean that. It means that there's certain proclivities that you have that is like, I love teaching. Right?

That's cake for me. This is fun for me. I'm delighted to be here with you and to be teaching you. It's an honor, it's a privilege, and it's a joy to be able to do it. So, I love this. This is cake for me, right? But there's other things that it's like, sometimes my team, when we start talking about stuff and we get all caught in the... we talk about the super detail-oriented web part thing, membership, I'm like, "Oh, I don't need to be involved in this. Right?" That's kind of a cringe for me, not a strength, to get super, super detail-oriented. I like big picture. Right?

So, understand what your cake and what your cringe is, and then what I do in my business is then I orient everybody in my business, and I find out what their cake and cringe is, and as much as possible, help people have their dream job, because even if they're not working for themselves, if they're working for me, if they could be doing work they love, A, they're going to love their job. If we have a great culture, they're going to love being a part of the team. If we're constantly optimizing for what they most love to do, they're going to like it more and more. So, even if they don't have all the other freedoms, but they have that one, that's going to be great for them. Right?

So, this is something you could do, the cake and cringe thing. You could optimize for yourself, and then if you have a team, you could optimize it throughout your entire company, your entire organization. If you coach business owners, this is something that you could help them do, a little preview of the Big Money Business Coach Training. This is something that we teach in there, it helps your business owner discover their strengths and their cake and cringe so that they're spending most of their time... Because when we do work that we love, and we do work... It tends to be work that we're really good at, and so I don't want people doing the stuff that they're not good at on my team.

Now, again, if it's a learning curve thing, then of course we're going to need some training and to build up some capacity and some muscle, but I don't want people who hate their job doing stuff they don't like. Right? I

Success Accelerator

This material is copyright © Coaches With Clients, Christian Mickelsen, & Future Force, Inc. All rights reserved.

want people who are doing what they're born to do. So, that's a whole new paradigm for today's workplace, it gets people doing what they love and what they're really good at, and even optimizing their job around their cake and cringe so that their best people are doing the best work they can, their best... That becomes an optimized organization in so many ways.

There's a lot of things we can do to optimize an organization. That's one of them. It's really powerful and it's really important, and it's definitely something you can do for yourself. So, what I would recommend you do, and this is a great way to do it too, even if you have a job that maybe you don't love, like right now, maybe you have a job, and you hate it, but you could make a list of all the things that you do at work, and just look. Is there any of the things that you do that are actually cake, that you really enjoy? If you have your own business, you might make a list of all the things that you enjoy doing, or all the things that you do, and then put an A next to all the things that you love to do, a B next to all the things that are neutral, and a C next to all the things that you don't enjoy.

Again, be careful that the things you don't enjoy, if you don't enjoy it just because you're scared about it, that can be overcome. We can upgrade skills. We can master our mind and emotions, but there's certain things, innate things about us, that I like teaching. I think I'm pretty good at it. Right? But there's some things that I'm just like, even if I studied, tried really hard, and I practiced and practiced and practiced, I may never get great at it, and I'm never going to enjoy it. Right? So, we want to understand ourselves more, and this is tied into the direction. Right?

The more you can understand the things that you're born to do, and you get yourself doing the things you're born to do, so you could just make a list of all the things that you do in any given day or in any given week, and you put an A next to all the things that you love, a B next to all the things you don't... It's neutral, like I don't love doing it, but I certainly don't dislike it, and then a C next to anything that you don't like to do, and anything that's a C, then you want to start trying to figure out how to optimize for other people doing that. Does it need to get done? Maybe you could just say, "You know what? If this thing didn't get done, it's probably not that big of a deal."

For me back in the day, I used to save all my receipts, and I never... I still save all my receipts just for tax purposes. I put them in a shoebox every year. But used to save them all, and I would be like, oh, my god. I got to record all the registers in my bank register thing and all this, and I was like, oh, God. It was such a cringe, and I dreaded it, and then eventually I got to the point where I realized, you know what? Maybe I don't need to keep track of my finances to that level of detail, and I haven't since.

Success Accelerator

This material is copyright © Coaches With Clients, Christian Mickelsen, & Future Force, Inc. All rights reserved.

Somehow, I had less money when I was all stressed about that, and I have way more money now that I don't focus on all that level of detail. Right? It takes a lot of faith that the bank is going to add all that stuff up right, and you know what? Maybe they do, and maybe they don't. I mean, my guess is they probably are getting it right 99% of the time, and that's good enough for me.

All right. Okay. So, clarify your vision and direction. So, here are your assignments again. You want to write down all... If you could just push a button and have it however you want it, you want to write that list down, then you want to create a vision board, get pictures of the specific, concrete, tangible things that you want, not conceptual things. Conceptual things, it's not like there's anything wrong with that per se. Just seeing their comments in there is hilarious. I totally lost my train of thought. What was I just saying? So, vision and direction. Yes, direction is... What are the things that you love to do, where you're headed in life?

Oh, yeah. Yeah. Okay. The conceptual stuff, yeah. So, you want to have very concrete, tangible pictures of things that you want, not conceptual, but concrete, tangible, and I'd say limit your vision board to seven images. So, five to seven is good. A whole lot more than seven, if you're like, "Oh, I can't pick. I got to go eight," okay, whatever. You got to go with 10? You can do that, but I recommend five to seven, because you know what? Your mind, you want to use your manifesting power to pick your top priorities. This is also great too, just prioritization. That's actually a powerful skill that we're going to talk about later. Prioritization is so important. It's a critical skill that I overestimated for years.

In fact, this one thing of prioritizing was the thing that made me realize I wanted to teach the Success Accelerator Program, because I realized that I've been like, I'm really good at prioritizing. It's one of my key strengths that I've developed that has gotten me to where I am right now, because... Anyway, you're going to want to prioritize. If you had to just only pick five things right now, it doesn't mean you can't ever get the other things, but if you could only have five things right now that are really important, what would they be? Maybe it's five, maybe it's seven, but I would recommend keeping it limited to between five and seven, and put it somewhere where you're going to see it every day, because you're going to keep seeing it and go, "Yeah, I want that. Yeah, that's for me. Yeah, that's mine." Okay?

So, keep it clean, very specific, very concrete, tangible things. You want money? Put a big, fat pile of money, or put a picture of your bank account, and do some Photoshop, and add some zeroes or whatever, and put that where you will see it, but zoomed in, and you're going to see it. You see it, and you're like, "Oh, yeah. I can't wait until my bank account has a million

Success Accelerator

This material is copyright © Coaches With Clients, Christian Mickelsen, & Future Force, Inc. All rights reserved.

dollars in it," or whatever, all those things, and not a lot, five to seven things. That's it. Okay? Don't worry about short-term or long-term. Remember, when we talk about our goals, we talk about the success zeroes.

If you want the million, put a picture of a million. Right? Doesn't mean you're not going to be excited about and still celebrate the milestones, or maybe you want the million. Maybe put a picture of a hundred grand in cash. It's interesting because many years ago, when on my first vision board I got a picture of a big pile of cash, and I put it on my vision board, and I think it was $25,000. In fact, I remember thinking, because my goal was to have saved $25,000 and have $25,000 in the bank, and I remember that was my goal, and I think it was a picture of $25,000. At the time, that seemed like such a huge pile of money, like oh, my god, and now I think $25,000 feels like such a small amount of money.

Of course, as you grow, as you change, your perspective shifts. But yeah, do the push button goals, not the thing. It can be 100,000 and not a million. Maybe 100,000 maybe seems like a big stretch right now anyways. Put the 100,000 on there, or trust your intuition. You can't get it wrong. How about that? There's no doing this wrong. Then I would also recommend doing the cake and cringe process, because it's going to help you get more clarity for your direction, the things that you have a natural proclivity towards, the things that you are built for, the things you're meant to do, and the more clarity you have about that, those are the things that you should spend more time doing, and the other things are things you should find a way to spend less time doing.

Maybe there's things you could just cross off that really aren't even important, that are just taking up a lot of time and energy and mental space. Used to have all these stacks of business cards. I would go to all these networking events. I'd get all these stacks of business cards, and I was always lamenting how to get these business cards and then somehow enter them into my database and all this stuff, and eventually I'm just like, I'm never getting around to it. I'll have to find some other system, and then I did. I found a way to systemize it. So, one of our sessions is going to be about strategizing your actions, talking about building in habits, and creating systems for things so you don't have to constantly be doing everything yourself or having somebody else do the work. There's ways of systemizing things.

I used to teach this for years. I used to teach this as... Step one was to clarify your vision and direction, and step two was to strategize your actions. But I moved this all the way to session five. I moved it all the way down to step number five because one of the biggest things... The first

Success Accelerator

This material is copyright © Coaches With Clients, Christian Mickelsen, & Future Force, Inc. All rights reserved.

thing that kills our dreams is judgment, and can I even achieve it, and who am I to want this, and is it even possible, and all that self-doubt, all that crap. That's the first thing that kills our dreams. It doesn't even let us dream fully to begin with.

The second thing that kills our dreams is the stories about how hard it's going to be. Oh, my god. It's going to be so hard. I don't know how hard... Let all that stuff go. Then the third killer of the dreams is the how, like, oh, I can't have that dream until I know how I'm going to get there. No, let yourself live in the dream. I'm not going to stop you if you think about taking an action towards your goal. In fact, it'd be great if any one of your vision things, instead of creating a whole plan, if you have a vision for a car you might want to buy, you can't go test drive any cars right now, but you could go online, and you could start looking at the car on the website, and you can start picking out what colors you want. You could build it. Do you ever do the build your own car, you customize the car? Do that.

So, don't worry about the how, how are you going to get there? We'll get to the how. Right now, just let yourself live in the dream of having the things that you want, especially right now, because we're in such a place of, oh, my god, disaster. What's going to happen? I don't know. I don't know how I'm going to have this. I don't know. I have an old friend way back a long time ago. She was in a really tough financial situation. She was divorced recently. She didn't have a job, and she saw this bracelet, a beautiful bracelet, and she just felt like it was calling to her, it was singing to her. She felt like she needed to have it, but she didn't know how she was going to pay all her bills or any of the other stuff.

It made no logical sense, but she had such faith that things were going to turn out, and she went ahead and bought that bracelet, and then her whole life, things turned around. She ended up becoming a multimillionaire, and the how, she didn't know the how, but she had faith. Right? So, don't worry about the how right now. Clarify your vision, clarify your direction, make a list of all the things you want, make the vision board, do your dream, do your cake and cringe, and that's really all that we need to do between now and next week. We're going to send out a link to a Facebook group, a new Facebook group for Success Accelerator people.

I want you to post a picture of your vision board inside the Facebook group, and I'm going to pick one person who posts their vision board, and I'm going to coach you on our next session. You'll get a chance to work with me personally on our next session. Okay? All right. Any questions about anything we've covered so far? Yeah, we will send you the link to the Facebook group because it's a new Facebook group that may even be

Success Accelerator

This material is copyright © Coaches With Clients, Christian Mickelsen, & Future Force, Inc. All rights reserved.

created yet, or my team created it, and I don't have the link for it. Although, if my team has it, and if we've created it, and we have a link for it, we can put it in the chat right now if you want. Otherwise, we'll send it out. We'll send out an email about it.

If you've found this training to be valuable, please, when we send out the recording of it, please pass it on to everybody that you know. I think everybody needs this now more than ever before, and I would love to get this into the hands of as many people as possible. This is free. The entire training is free. I'm going to edit that out later because we probably won't be giving it away for free forever. We'll put it inside a members' area, and we'll be charging for this program. People were paying up to $2,000 for a ticket to the live event that would've been happening right now, but you guys are all... I'm giving it away for free to help everybody right now in these challenging times.

So, if you could pay it forward, if you found this valuable, please help me help more people. Please tell everybody about it, and when you are inside the Facebook group, then invite anybody that you want, that you know, that might want this to join the Facebook group as well. Okay? All right. Please post in the chat, what did you find most valuable about our time together today? These comments are going really fast. Great. You've learned a lot of these things from me in the past, but you always learn something new. Awesome. Thank you. Jennifer already invited a friend. Thank you.

Your link is working now, by the way. Yes. What is direction? Direction is just really where you're headed, and it's tied into who you are and the things that you love. For me, being a teacher is a direction. For my client who does the real estate deals, for him, finding the deals is the joy. Right? It's not just the vision of becoming richer and richer and making more money. He loves the work. He loves the finding of the deals, the putting the deals together. Okay. Cake and cringe, love the cake and cringe. Awesome. Love the homework. Vision to make a million dollars a year. Awesome. It's possible to do, right? I'm living proof now. You can make a million dollars a year, or more, millions of dollars a year.

All the discussions were great. Great. The homework assignments, cake or cringe, very specific vision board, you liked that. Just writing everything down was a game changer. Yeah. Let yourself dream. Again, you could push a button, if you could just wave a magic wand... I should've brought the magic wands we have from our magic kit. If you could wave a magic wand and just instantly... If you could push a button just instantly have everything you want, get crystal-clear about all the things that you want in

Success Accelerator

This material is copyright © Coaches With Clients, Christian Mickelsen, & Future Force, Inc. All rights reserved.

all those areas. Shinaz loved learning about the five freedoms. Yeah. So did Yerdis. Awesome.

The success zero, Jeff loved the success zero. Great. Ajeet liked really moving the strategy part to the bottom. Yep. Will a replay of the recording be available? Yes. This one will be available. I don't know for sure about the other ones, but... Everything was great, took lots of notes, my transparency, five freedoms, your generosity. You're welcome. Openness and willing to give yourself. Thank you. Thank you, thank you, thank you. Wow, you guys loved that cake and cringe. Man, I've been teaching that for so many years.

Time abundance mentality, oh, man. Yeah. You know what? Maybe at some point we'll bust out the abundance assessment so you can see just how abundant you are on internal abundance. Okay. Great. So, while everything else is going crazy out in the world, really just be focusing on these things. Get really clear about what you want and where you're headed in your life. Okay? I needed the energy, the power of intuition, the power of intention. Yeah, wasn't that fun? We need that. The timing of that is just perfect too because we did the magic thing, and then we just found out this morning that we won it. Yeah, the power of intention, just by getting clear about what you want, you could be starting to manifest what you want.

Okay. Yes. So, somebody's going to win a coaching session with me, so make sure you post... Create your vision board, put it up on your wall or somewhere, take a picture of it, and post it inside the Facebook group for a chance to win a coaching session with me on our next session. Okay. Obviously, a lot of similar repeating things that people loved. Yep. Then I guess I'll just say one last time, if you wanted to get all of our programs together, it's called We call it the Secure Your Future Now special offer. Somebody keeps calling it cake and poop instead of cake and cringe. I like cake and cringe because they both start with a repeating C sound, cake, cringe, but you can call it whatever the... Cake and crap. You can call it whatever the hell you want. You guys are hilarious.

Anyway, go to right now if you would like to get my entire life's work, all my online training programs for just the price of one. We now have a payment plan. This is only available now, and it's going to end tomorrow, so we're just doing it real quick to make this payment plan thing available for folks, so if you want it, get it. I hope you do because I know it's going to help you a lot. We're also going to be doing three live Grow Your Business coaching sessions with me where

Success Accelerator

This material is copyright © Coaches With Clients, Christian Mickelsen, & Future Force, Inc. All rights reserved.

we'll be focusing specifically on helping you. I'll be answering questions and un-muting people and doing some coaching with people.

We're going to have three live coaching sessions with me like this, but only instead of me teaching the whole time, I'll be answering questions and coaching people, and that's one of the bonuses. You'll get tickets to High-End Selling Secrets. This is another crazy thing too. High-End Selling Secrets is a $5,000 value. You're going to get two tuition waivers to High-End Selling Secrets. We already did early-bird sales for High-End Selling Secrets last year, and the early-bird tickets, people paid $2,995. Basically, $3,000 was the early-bird price for High-End Selling Secrets that we've sold several tickets to last year for this year coming up in October, and you're going to get two tuition waivers for that as well.

It's crazy, but I'm doing this because I just know right now we need to get... I'm on a mission. This is one of the things I say all the time. All around the world, people are struggling to make big changes, and people need our help. Let's get people coached. Well, I think that's never been more true than right now, and I want to get you guys coached. I want to get you guys the support that you need, and I want to be there for you so that when things turn around, I'm the person who got your back. I'm here for you now. I'm going to be here for you forever. Yeah. So, go check it out. If it's for you, if you feel called to it, it's an incredible deal, and it'll never happen again, and we have a payment, which I wasn't originally going to do, but so many people were asking for it, so it's there,, or whatever link the people have been posting.

So, remember that you are infinitely powerful. You can have, be and do anything that you want. Whatever the mind can believe, whatever the mind can conceive and believe, it can achieve. Whatever the mind can conceive and believe, it can achieve. Whatever the mind can see, can conceive and believe, it can achieve. You get it? See it, vision it, believe it, and achieve it. That is a quote from... Is it The Power of Belief? No. Anyway, it's an old book that I read a long time ago. Was that Napoleon Hill? Maybe it is Napoleon Hill. I thought it was one of the other early... Anyway, whoever it was, Earl Nightingale, it might've been Earl... Whoever it was, but just honestly, that phrase is so powerful. Whatever the mind can conceive and believe, it can achieve. You can achieve it. Your success is inevitable. Go crush it, and I will see you next week. Big hugs. I look forward to seeing you in person at some point when we can actually meet and hug and say hello, whenever that happens again.