subjects for an english training



a list of difficulties ESL learners face

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Topics (theme)


A. The verb

Present Time: Present Simple and Present Continuous

Future Time how to express it; differences in usage

Past Simple and Present Perfect

Past Simple vs. Past Continuous (?)

Past Perfect Simple vs. Continuous

Expressing conditions

Expressing wishes, hopes, dreams, preferences unreal times and subjunctives

Dont have to vs. must not

Shall and should

Can and could

May and might

Will and would

relative and non-finite clauses

Infinitive or -ing?

phrasal verbs

B. articles

C. neither nor/ either or

D. emphasizing; inversions



A: Customer relations:the importance of politeness when dealing with customers

B: Training:how to ensure training opportunities are taken up by as many staff as possible

C: Advertising:the issues to consider when drawing up an advertising budget for a new product

Linking words and expressions

British English vs. American English differences (spelling vocabulary)

Common Mistakes

1. Common spelling mistakes

its vs. its

their, there, theyre

ve, of (couldve, wouldve, shouldve)

to, too, two

of, off

your, youre

then, than

affect, effect

loose, lose

principal vs. principle

bellow vs. below

practise vs. practice

advice vs. advise

farther vs. further

2. Common grammar mistakes

any vs. some

who vs. whom

whos vs. whose

us vs. we

me, myself, I

improper use of the apostrophe (especially with plurals)

told vs. said

double negatives

informations, news, luggages, advices etc.

fewer/ less

more easier comparatives

Irregular past simple forms (taught not teached, drew not drawed, threw not throwed , spoke vs. speaked etc.)

The dangling participle

lie vs. lay

When I will know..../ If I will... (relative clauses)

Whether and If

Many writers seem to assume that whether is interchangeable with if." It isnt. Whether expresses a condition where there are two or more alternatives. If expresses a condition where there are no alternatives. e.g.,I dont know whether Ill get drunk tonight.e.g., I can get drunk tonight if I have money for booze.

Double subjects (its working the heater)

Ending sentences with prepositions

3. Vocabulary mistakes

amount vs. number

invite vs. invitation

i.e. and e.g.

which vs. witch

with vs. whit/ wit/ wheat

weather vs. whether

write/ right

were/ where/ wear

quite/ quiet

through/ threw/ thorough

so vs. such

disinterested vs. uninterested

improper use of anxious

literally, actually, like repetition & improper use

accept vs. except

here vs. hear

4. Style

Sincerely yours or faithfully yours? Best regards, kind regards?

SMS English (C.U., U2, gr8, str8, c u 2nite, lol, omg, brb, l8er)

What abbreviations can you use in business correspondence? (c. u. vs. ASAP, OOO, COB, FYI) . Appropriate contexts to use them

