Study on the Transformation Codes Stuff




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By Nuri Magaro on Thursday, October 23, 2014 at 12:27

Study on the Transformation Codes stuff (this material is in the archives - is a translation via Google Translate, so we have some difficulties in understanding)

1st day of study:

"Each color has a light frequency spectrum, the same can be said for the numbers and numerical codes."

- We start from the assumption that we understand what is frequency = Give the name of the greater or lesser frequency repetition in which an event occurs.

"... Each number has a special frequency and each numerical code has a certain frequency sequence seen as vibrations."

- This means that each number or set of numbers (sequence) emits a frequency, which is also understood as vibration.

"In addition to their own vibrations each issue contains a code, key information is a process and spiritual condition."

- Information key !!!! This means that each number or sequence brings the dog in particular and individually to a particular situation or condico it and like the fingerprint that there is only one for every human being, there are no two people with the same fingerprint, so Each sequence number or numbers translates to a particular fingerprint information and that is unique to it (the information)

2nd day of study:

"Every illness is a deviation from the norm. The deviation can be expressed in various cells in whole cell associations, such as organs, or against the whole oorganismo."

always evaluate what caused the shift in us. In addition to using the codes, verify the behavior and / or feeling in us was responsible for this or that situation. Working in the cause and effect whenever possible

"Acura for the disease only means a return to the norm."

- Interesting that has a code for Divine Rule, what makes you think that every time we work this code, we can align ourselves as a whole, "in" bringing into balance the divine standard.

"The codes provide this return. While you focus on them, you will become adjusted to the state, which is the norm. The result is a cure."

- It shows that it is a process, that is, will the setting and in the sajustarmos again, the process should continue until the full adjustment.

"When a body vibrates cell (having a frequency) different from the standard, means the appearance of a set of disharmony - as a result of a disease."

- Here we can think of at least two ways: 1st - from health to disease (are specific codes for the changes); 2nd - maintaining health, preventing disease (in this case, the code of Divine Rule and the Perfect Health become preventive

"We are the conductor of this orchestra that can restore harmony to the body."

- Viverno this, expand awareness, break free from false beliefs, form healthy habits and mainly: enter the Creator flow, font ...

Light hugs, NURIMAR

Normalization Weight

1-Imagine a small ball / ball and place it in the sequence 4812412 (Weight Disorder).

2-Press the small sphere to become one and enter it in thought, in the belly.

3-Imagine a new ball and place it inside the sequence 1823451 (Metabolism), and thought, insert it in the pituitary.

Source: "Introduction to the methods of the Teachings According Grigori Grabovoi - Part 1" chapter 3
