Study of the book FIQH US-SUNNAH - The Quran Blog · Study of the book FIQH US-SUNNAH ... to seek...


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Study of the book



In cooperation with

Islamic Center of Greater Austin


بسم هللا الرحمن الرحيم

• S A L A T A L - I S T I K H A R A ( P R A Y E R F O R G U I D A N C E )

• S A L A T A L - H A J A H ( P R A Y E R F O R N E E D )

• S A L A T A L - T A W B A H ( P R A Y E R F O R R E P E N T A N C E )

• S A L A T A L - K A S O O F ( P R A Y E R F O R E C L I P S E )

• S A L A T A L - I S T I S Q A ( P R A Y E R F O R R A I N )

• S U J O O D A L - T I L A W A H ( P R O S T R A T I O N O F R E C I T A T I O N )

• S U J O O D U S H - S H U K R ( P R O S T R A T I O N O F T H A N K F U L N E S S )

• S U J O O D A S - S A H U ( P R O S T R A T I O N O F F O R G E T F U L N E S S )




Fiqh us-Sunnah - Other Sunnah Prayers/Prostrations


Prayer for Guidance or Seeking Counsel

If deciding between permissible matters, the Prophet advised us to seek guidance from Allah SWT by making Salat al-Istikhara

Manners of performing Salat al-Istikhara

Pray 2 rakat of a non-obligatory prayer

Recite Surat al-Fatihah

Then recite whatever you wish from the Quran

Then one praises Allah and sends salutations to the Prophet

Then one recites the following supplication which has been recorded by al-Bukhari in Jabir's narration:


Fiqh us-Sunnah - Other Sunnah Prayers/Prostrations

Fiqh us-Sunnah - Other Sunnah Prayers/Prostrations 4

تك، وأسألك ك، وأستقدرك بقدر اللهم إن ي أستخيرك بعلم "

م، ول أعلم، قدر ول أقدر، وتعل من فضلك العظيم، فإنك ت

م الغيوب، اللهم إ خير -ا المر ن كنت تعلم أن هذ وأنت عل

اقدره ف -عاجله وآجله -مريلي في ديني ومعاشي وعاقبة أ

ره لي ثم بارك لي ف أن هذا المر يه، وإن كنت تعلم لي ويس

-له عاجله وآج -بة أمريشر لي في ديني ومعاشي وعاق

يث كان ثم واقدر لي الخير ح فاصرفه عن ي واصرفني عنه

".أرضني به

Jabir bin Abdullah (RA) said: The Prophet (SAW) used to teach us to seek Allah's Counsel in all matters, as he used to teach us a Surah from the Qur'an. He would say: When anyone of you has an important matter to decide, let him pray two Rak'ahs other than the obligatory prayer, and then say:

Fiqh us-Sunnah - Other Sunnah Prayers/Prostrations 5

Allaahumma 'innee 'astakheeruka bi'ilmika, wa 'astaqdiruka biqudratika, wa'as'aluka min fadhtikal-'Adheemi, fa'innaka taqdiru wa laa 'aqdiru, wa ta'lamu, walaa 'a'lamu, wa 'Anta 'Allaamul-Ghuyoobi, Allaahumma 'in kunta ta'lamu 'annahaathal-'amra-[then mention the thing to be decided] Khayrun lee fee deenee wama'aashee wa 'aaqibati 'amree - [or say] 'Aajilihi wa 'aajilihi - Faqdurhu lee wayassirhu lee thumma baarik lee feehi, wa 'in kunta ta'lamu 'anna haathal-'amrasharrun lee fee deenee wa ma'aashee wa 'aaqibati 'amree - [or say] 'Aajilihi wa'aajilihi - Fasrifhu 'annee wasrifnee 'anhu waqdur liyal-khayra haythu kaanathumma 'ardhinee bihi.

O Allah, I seek the counsel of Your Knowledge, and I seek the help of Your Omnipotence, and I beseech You for Your Magnificent Grace. Surely, You are Capable and I am not. You know and I know not, and You are the Knower of the unseen. O Allah, if You know that this matter [then mention the thing to be decided] is good for me in my religion and in my life and for my welfare in the life to come, - [or say: in this life and the afterlife] - then ordain it for me and make it easy for me, then bless me in it. And if You know that this matter is bad for me in my religion and in my life and for my welfare in the life to come, -[or say: in this life and the afterlife] - then distance it from me, and distance me from it, and ordain for me what is good wherever it may be, and help me to be content with it.


The Prayer of Need

The Prophet said: “He who makes wudu, and does it properly, then prays two rak'at, Allah will grant him whatever he may pray for, sooner or later.” (Ahmad)


Fiqh us-Sunnah - Other Sunnah Prayers/Prostrations


The Prayer of Repentance

Abu Bakr reports: "I heard the Prophet saying: 'Allah forgives the man who commits a sin (then feels ashamed), purifies himself, offers a prayer and seeks His forgiveness.' Then he recited the ayah: 'And those who, when they do an evil thing or wrong themselves, remember Allah and implore forgiveness for their sins - and who can forgive sins except Allah? - and will not knowingly repeat (the wrong) they did. The reward of such will be forgiveness from their Lord, and gardens underneath which rivers flow, wherein they will abide forever- a bountiful reward for workers."' [al-'lmran: 135-136]. (Abu Dawud, an-Nasa'i, Ibn Majah, al-Baihaqi, and at-Tirmidhi)

The Prophet said: "Whoever makes wudu' and perfects the wudu' and then stands and prays two rak'at or four rak'at, obligatory or non-obligatory, and perfects therein his ruku' and sujjud and then asks for Allah's forgiveness, he will be forgiven." (Tabarani)


Fiqh us-Sunnah - Other Sunnah Prayers/Prostrations


The Solar and Lunar Eclipse Prayer

The scholars agree that the prayer of the eclipses is a sunnah mu'akkadah (a stressed sunnah), which is to be performed by both men and women.

Manners of Performing Salatul Kasoof

It is best to pray it in congregation although the congregation is not a condition for it.

The majority of the scholars hold that it is to consist of two rak'at and that in every rak'ah one is to perform two bowings (ruku') instead of the customary one.

The reciting of al-Fatihah is obligatory in each rak'ah, and one may recite whatever one wishes to, after Al-Fatihah. It is allowed to make the recital audible or silent.


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Fiqh us-Sunnah - Other Sunnah Prayers/Prostrations 9

Aishah narrates: "There was a solar eclipse during the time of the Prophet and the Prophet went to the mosque, and he stood and made the takbir, and he put the people in rows behind him, and he made a lengthy recital during the salah. Next, he made the takbir and made a long ruku', but it was not as long as the recital. Following that, he raised his head, saying: 'Allah hears him who praises Him. And to You, our Lord, belongs the praise.' Afterward, he stood and made another long recital but it was shorter than the first one. Again, he made the takbir and made a ruku' that was shorter than the first one. Then, again he said: 'Allah hears him who praises Him. And to You, our Lord, belongs the praise.' After this, he prostrated. He did the same in the next rak'ah and finished four ruku' and four sujjud. The sun appeared again before he finished. Finally, he stood and addressed the people and praised Allah as He deserves it and said: 'The sun and the moon are two signs from among Allah's signs and there is no eclipse due to someone's death or life. If you see them occurring, hurry to pray.'" (Bukhari and Muslim)

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Ibn 'Abbas said: "There was a solar eclipse during the life time of the Prophet and he prayed with a long standing, similar to what it takes to recite al-Baqarah. Then, he made a long ruku'. After which, he stood and made another long recital but shorter than the first one. Again he went into ruku', but for a shorter time than in the first one. Following this, he made sajdah [twice]. Next he made another long standing (qiyam) which was also not as long as the first. After that, he made another lengthy ruku' but it was not as long as the first one. Again, he made another long qiyam [and recital] but it was not as long as the first one. After which, he made another lengthy ruku' but it was not as long as the previous one. Following this, he went into sajdah [and so on]. When he had finished, the sun had appeared. He concluded his prayer and said: 'The sun and the moon are two signs from the signs of Allah, and there is no eclipse due to the death or life of anyone. If you see it, make remembrance of Allah.‘” (Bukhari and Muslim)

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The time for al-Kasoof is from the beginning of the eclipse until the eclipse

It is preferred to make the Takbir, supplications, to give charity, and ask Allah for forgiveness during the eclipse

Aisha said the Messenger of Allah said: "The sun and the moon are two signs from among Allah's signs and there is no eclipse due to the life or death of anyone. If you see that [an eclipse] supplicate to Allah, extol His greatness, give charity and pray." They also record from Abu Musa that there was a solar eclipse and the Prophet said: "If you see something of this nature, rush to the remembrance of Allah, supplicating Him and asking His forgiveness." (Bukhari and Muslim)


The Prayer for rain

This prayer is taken recourse to when seeking rain from Allah during times of drought. It may be performed in one of the following manners: -1- The imam prays, with the followers, two rak'at during any time except

those times in which it is not desirable to pray.

-2- The supplication for rain can also be made on the occasion of Salatul Jumuah. In this case, the imam makes supplications during Khutbatu al-Jumuah with the people of the congregation saying (Ameen).

-3- One may also make a supplication (for rain) without it being Friday and regardless of whether or not the prayer takes place inside or outside the mosque.


Fiqh us-Sunnah - Other Sunnah Prayers/Prostrations

SUJOOD AL-TILAWAHThe Prostration During the Qur'anic Recitation

Whoever recites an "'ayah of prostration (sajdah)" or hears an "'ayah of prostration" should preferably pronounce the Takbir and prostrate and then make the Takbir again and rise from the prostration. This is called "the prostration of recital." There is no tashahud or taslim with the sajdah.

Ibn 'Umar said: "The Prophet would recite the Qur'an to us and when he came to an ''ayah of sajdah,' he would make the takbir and go into sajdah and we would make the sajdah." (Abu Dawud, al-Baihaqi, and al-Hakim)

Abu Hurairah narrates that the Prophet said: "If a son of Adam recites an ayah of prostration and prostrates, the Satan departs from him and cries: 'O woe, he was ordered to prostrate and he did, so for him is paradise. I was ordered to prostrate and I disobeyed, so for me is the Hell.'"


Fiqh us-Sunnah - Other Sunnah Prayers/Prostrations

Fiqh us-Sunnah - Other Sunnah Prayers/Prostrations 14

The Ruling Concerning Prostrating f0r the Ayat of Sajdah

The majority of the scholars say that prostrations for the “ayat of sajdah" are sunnah for the one who recites the ayah and for the one who hears it.

'Umar recited an-Nahl upon the minbar one Friday, until he came to the “ayah of sajdah," and he descended from the pulpit and prostrated along with the people. On the next Friday, he recited the same and when he came to the 'ayah of sajdah, he said: "O people, we have not been ordered to prostrate. Whoever does so has acted correctly, while, there is no sin upon one who does not do so." In another narration it is stated: "Allah has not forced upon us the sajdah but if one wishes to do so (he may make a prostration.)" (Bukhari)

Zaid ibn Thabit said: "I recited an-Najm to the Prophet and he did not prostrate during it." (The group except Ibn Majah). Ad-Daraqutni records it and observes: "None of us prostrated during it."

"The Prophet recited an-Najm and prostrated and we prostrated with him.” (al-Bazzar and ad-Daraqutni)

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Performing Sujood al-Tilawah

The number and places of the “Ayat of Prostration”

The conditions for Prostration of Recital

Supplications during the prostration

Prostration of recital during the prayers

Combining a number of sujood

Performing sajdah after recital

SUJOOD USH-SHUKRThe Prostration of Thankfulness

The majority of the scholars say that it is preferred to make prostrations of thankfulness (shukr) when one receives a bounty or is rescued from some trial.

Abu Bakr reports that, when the Prophet sallallahu alehi wasallam received something which pleased him or some glad tidings, he would make the sajdah in thanks to Allah. (Abu Dawood, Ibn Majah, and at-Tirmidhi)

Performing Sajdat ush-Shukr and its conditions


Fiqh us-Sunnah - Other Sunnah Prayers/Prostrations

SUJOOD AS-SAHUProstrations of forgetfulness during the prayer

It is confirmed that the Prophet sometimes forgot something in the salah. It is also true that he said: "I am a human being and forget like you forget. If I forget, remind me.”

How to perform prostrations of forgetfulness

When to perform prostrations of forgetfulness


Fiqh us-Sunnah - Other Sunnah Prayers/Prostrations



Fiqh us-Sunnah - Other Sunnah Prayers/Prostrations

May Allah increase our knowledge!

