Study Abroad Recruitment Activities Dan Koger Lindsey Wilson College


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Study Abroad Recruitment Activities

Dan KogerLindsey Wilson College

Opportunity Beckons Mid August, 2010

And then three months went by—

Basic Housekeeping Chores

Define Our Purpose

What Were Our Assumptions

Regarding Study Abroad, LWC Students Will Be:• Inexperienced

• Will Need Financial Aid

And-- We had plenty of time to prepare for the next summer

Core Recruiting Team

•LWC study-abroad faculty (Seven)• VP for Academic Affairs• Associate Dean of the Faculty• Director of Public Relations

Extended Recruiting Team

• Eduard Mandell, of KEI• Marilyn Radford, LWC finance specialist• Kim Gardner, ACA• Shawn Williams, Campbellsville University Political Science Professor

Start a Time Line

December 2010

Monday 12/20 Tues. 12/21

Wed. 12/22 Thurs 12/23 Fri 12/24

•Faculty team planning mtg.

10:30 am Dan’s office:•Review/improve kei timeline•Critique email announcement•Review View article•Review/post website materials •Review talking points/benefits of study abroad programs:•For students•For LWC•Dates/time for faculty to record brief info video for website•Putting the word out on social media•Plan for contacting program teachers from other ACA schools•Review/develop content of “Hometown Fundraising Kit” for students

> Share plan Merry Christmas

Phase OneRecruit interested students

Create a Recruiting Communication Plan

Public Relations Basics

Key Audiences• Prospective study-abroad students• Prospective study-abroad faculty• Academic leaders• LWC administrators• KEI• ACA


• Study abroad is good for you

• We’ll help you with the details

• You can do this

• Learn more from us

Message Delivery Systems

Print Materials

• KEI brochures• “Raider View” Student newspaper• Campus-wide posters

Electronic/Social Media

FacebookCampus-wide emailCampus radio showLWC web site

Face-Face/Word of Mouth

• Class announcements• Faculty meetings

• Information meetingsfor students

January 31 Student Information Meeting

• 39 students attended• VP for Academic Affairs validated the program• Highlights of financial-aid possibilities • Faculty briefly summarized their programs• Lots of time for informal faculty-student discussion

Phase TwoGet students what they need


• Fund-raising efforts• Financial-aid efforts• Answering questions• Addressing problems

Studying abroad ain’t cheap

Reliable funding sourcesneeded

Coordinator needed

The most important thing we learned: Lots of students want to study abroad; we need to find a way for them to do it!

Dan Koger

Associate Professor

Of Communication

Lindsey Wilson College