STUDENT WORKBOOK - 2019/Set Text book 9... · 3 Contents Mahābhārata Stories...


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Revised 1.11.16



Contents Mahābhārata Stories (adapted) .................................................................................................................. 5

Story 1: Bhis wma carries off three princesses ................................................................................................ 6

Story 2: The Paanwdwavas are born ................................................................................................................... 7

Story 3: King Duswyanta marries SZakuntalaa .................................................................................................. 8

Story 4: A vulture tests King SZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZibi’s virtue .................................................................................................. 10

Story 5: Arjuna defeats Karnwa .................................................................................................................. 11

Story 6: Krws wnwa is shot by a hunter ............................................................................................................ 13

Hitopadesza Stories ........................................................................................................................................ 15

Introduction to the Hitopadesza ..................................................................................................................... 17

Part One: King Sudarszana reflects upon his sons’ lack of education. ..................................................... 17

Part Two: King Sudarszana asks an assembly of the wise for help. .......................................................... 20

The old tiger and the traveller - Part One ...................................................................................................... 22

The old tiger and the traveller - Part Two ...................................................................................................... 25

The old tiger and the traveller - Part Three ................................................................................................... 28

Hitopadesza: The brahmin and his faithful ichneumon – Part One .................................................................. 31

Hitopadesza: The brahmin and his faithful ichneumon – Part Two .................................................................. 34

VERSE SET TEXT ............................................................................................................................................ 37

The Bhagavad Gitaa ........................................................................................................................................ 37

Chapter 1 v 36 ....................................................................................................................................... 38

Chapter 1 v 47 ....................................................................................................................................... 38

Chapter 2 v 3 ......................................................................................................................................... 39

Chapter 2 v 22 ....................................................................................................................................... 39

Chapter 2 v 48 ....................................................................................................................................... 40

Chapter 2 v 65 ....................................................................................................................................... 40

Chapter 3 v 19 ....................................................................................................................................... 41

Chapter 3 v 21 ....................................................................................................................................... 41

Chapter 3 v 30 ....................................................................................................................................... 42

Chapter 3 v 35 ....................................................................................................................................... 42

Chapter 4 v 10 ....................................................................................................................................... 43

Chapter 4 v 19 ....................................................................................................................................... 43

Chapter 5 v 10 ....................................................................................................................................... 44

Chapter 9 v 4 ......................................................................................................................................... 44

Chapter 9 v 7 ......................................................................................................................................... 45

Chapter 9 v 26 ....................................................................................................................................... 45

Chapter 10 v 3 ....................................................................................................................................... 46


Chapter 15 v 12 ..................................................................................................................................... 46

Chapter 18 v 53 ..................................................................................................................................... 47

Chapter 18 v 56 ..................................................................................................................................... 47



Mahābhārata Stories (adapted)


Story 1: Bhiswma carries off three princesses

1. sTyvTy|; pu]; ivic]vIyR; n|m«

2. k|l an ivic]vIyR; nÅp; a∫vt\«

3. yid ivic]vIyRSy ∫|y|R n ∫ivWyit tIhR yuvr|j; n ∫ivWyit îit ∫IWm; icNtyit Sm«

4. Svy,vr; a|sIt\«

5. bhv; r|jpu]|; Svy,vrm\ agCçn\«

6. tt\ dÅÇ| ∫IWm; aIp Svy,vrm\ agCçt\«

7. Svy,vre ∫IWm g~ kNy|; apHt|;«

8. t|; kNy|; aMb| aiMbk| aMb|ilk| c«

9. r|jpu]|; iv^Smt|; a|sn\ ∫Uimm\ aptn\ c«

10. aMb| ∫IWmg~ mu≈|«

Ivic]vIyR; (m) Vicitravirya aMb| (f) Amba a

yuvr|j; (m) heir apparent aiMbk| (f) Ambika a

Svy,vr; (m) self-choice ceremony aMb|ilk| (f) Amba alika a

k|lan in time iv^Smt) amazed

ap–Ht) carried off mu≈) freed

IGCSE vocabulary

icNtyit he thinks ptit he falls

r|jpu]; (m) prince ∫Uim; (f) ground / earth

aip also / even bhu) much


Story 2: The Paan wdwavas are born

1. mÅgSy vcn|in ÍuTv| p|ˆœu; du; en aicNtyt\ k†m\ mm pu]|; ∫ivWyiNt îit«

2. pur| tu yd| kuNtI kNy| td| Aiw; tSyE km\ aip mN]m\ add|t\«

3. ten mN]e~ k; cn dev; tuıym\ pu]m\ d|Syit îit Aiw; avdt\«

4. sUyRm\ icNtiyTv| kuNtI mN]m\ avdt\«

5. sUyR; t|m\ a|gMy tSyE pu]m\ add|t\«

6. s; pu]; k~R; n|m«

7. s; tu kuNTy| Ty≈;«

8. évm\ p{c pu]|; mN]e~ j|t|;«

9. tgw|m\ jnk|; dev|;«

10. te yui∂i„r; ∫Im; ajRun; nkul; shdev; c»

mN]; (m) mantra yui∂i„r; (m) Yudhis wtwt whira

∫Im; (m) Bhima ajRun; (m) Arjuna

nknl; (m) Nakula shdfv; (m) Sahadeva

Ty≈) abandoned

IGCSE Vocabulary:

p{c) five j|t) born d fv; (m) god sUyR; (m) sun k~R; (m) Karnwa vcnm\ (n) word

dd|it he gives


Story 3: King Duswyanta marries SZakuntala a

1. r|j| duWyNt; sEinkE; sh vne mºgm\ aNv∂|vt\«

2. aNtt; s: ∂Imt; kˆvSy a|%mm\ a|gCçt\«

3. t] duWyNt: atIv suNdrIm\ kNy|m\ apZyt\«

4. s: tSy|m\ anNtrm\ aiSnÄt\«

5. k| Tvm\ îit apÅCçt\ duWyNt;«

6. ahm\ zkuNtl| n|m ivZv|im]Sy duiht|«

7. mm m|t| menk| m|m\ vne aTyjt\«

8. jlm\ ipb aNnm\ ˚|d c îit avdt\ kNy|«

9. aicre~ tyo: ivv|h a|sIt\«

10. tyo; pu]: ∫rt: n|m a|sIt\«

11. s: is,h|n\ gÅhITv| tE; sh aFIwt\«

12. duWyNt: r|jgÅhm\ pun: agCçt\«

13. icre~ ∫rt: a|Íme avst\«

14. aNte tu ∫rt; pun: iptrm\ a|gCçt\ r|j| a∫vt\ c»

∂Imt\ (mfn) wise iSnÄit [+ 7th case] falls in love with

kNv; (m) Kanva duIht º (f) daughter

kNy| (f) maiden jlm\ (n) water

Ivv|h; (m) marriage

IGCSE Vocabulary

r|jn\ (m) king m|tº (f) mother kNy| (f) daughter, girl


sHink; (m) soldier jlm\ (n) water mºg; (m) deer

vnm\ (n) forest aNnm\ (n) food r|jgºhm\ (n) palace a|Im; (m) hermitage Iptº (m) father suNdrI) (f) beautiful

Tvm\ you k|) (f) who? what? ahm\ I

aNtt; finally aicr f~ soon t] there

punr\ (pun;‚ again atIv very aNth in the end

anNtrm\ straight away ∂|vit he runs gCcit he goes pZyit he sees iSnÄit he is fond of (+ 7th) p ºCcit he asks

Tyjit he leaves Fozit he cries out


Story 4: A vulture tests King SZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ ZZZZZZZZZZibi’s virtue

1. izib: nÅp: a|sIt\«

2. ékd| kpot: tm\ a|gCçt\«

3. he f|D nÅp gÅ∂/: m|m\ ˚|idWyit îit kpot: avdt\«

4. izib; fTyvdt\ ahm\ Tv|m\ rixWy|im îit«

5. gÅ∂/: tu nÅpSy vcnm\ ÍuTv| avdt\ he nÅp ySm|t\ Tvm\ kpotm\ mÁm\ n dd|is tSm|t\ tv m|,sm\ deih îit«

6. izib; Svdeh|t\ m|,sm\ iç>v| tt\ gÅ∂/|y add|t\«

7. gÅ∂/: tu s,t uXq: n a|sIt\«

8. nÅpe~ Svdeh|t\ m|,sm\ pun: içNnm\«

9. aNte gÅ∂/; s,tuXq: a∫vt\«

10. évm\ kpot: rixt;«

11. gÅ∂/: avdt\ Tvm\ Íe„: nÅp: lokí îit»

kpot; (m) pigeon m|,sm\ (n) meat, flesh ySm|t\ since

dgIh give! (sing. imperative) Svd fh; (m) own body ic>v| (m) having cut

lok; (m) world

IGCSE vocabulary nºp; (m) king vcnm\ (n) statement f|D) wise

gº∂/; (m) vulture aNt; (m) end %g„) best

Icn) cut s,tXq) contented ékd| once

évm\ thus pun; again fitvdit he replies

rxit he protects dd|it he gives


Story 5: Arjuna defeats Karnwa

1. ajRun: k-Ren sh yuåm\ akrot\«

2. k-R: ajRunSy izr: p/it zrm\ aiápt\«

3. t^Smn\ év k|le tu ;X-Sy m|yy| ajRunSy r@|: p¤e inmGn:«

4. tSm|t\ k-RSy zr: ajRunSy izr: n atudt\«

5. r@|: tu tSm|t\ p¤|t\ punr\ inrgCçt\«

6. tt; k-RSy r@|: aip p¤e inmGn:«

7. r@|Sy cÆm\ p¤e aitXQt\«

8. k-R; r@||t\ avóÄ ajRunm\ avdt\ zrm\ n iáp £it«

9. ajRunen yuåSy =mR: D|t:«

10. tt: s: n ikm\ ict\ akrot\«

11. ;X-: ajRunm\ avdt\ pUvRm\ =mR: k-Ren n kd| aip ;t:«

12. =mR: =|imRkm\ év nrm\ ráit £it«

13. tt\ %uTv| ajRun: k-Rm\ Vy|p|dyt\»

izrs\ (n) head inmGn) (mfn) sunk p¤; (m) mud

IGCSE vocabulary

zr; (m) arrow k~R; (m) ear ∂mR; (m) righteousness, justice

sh (+ 3rd ) together with pun; again fit (+ 3rd ) towards


tt; after that, therefore, hence év only, indeed, exactly aIp also, even

tu but, now, verily 1 pUvRm\ (+ 5th ) before tSm|t\ therefore

ixpit he throws tudit he hits ingRCçit he goes out

it„it he stands zÅ~oit he hears cFm\ (n) wheel

n Ik,ict\ nothing avrohit climbs down n kd|Ip never

D|t) (mfn) known


Story 6: Krws wn wa is shot by a hunter

1. ;X-: vºáSy a=: Ñp|ivzt\«

2. ék: Vy|=: ;X-Sy smIpe acrt\«

3. ten Vy|=en ;X-Sy p|dO év dUre dºXqO«

4. Vy|=: aicNtyt\ mºg: vºáSy a=: aiSt £it«

5. Vy|=: zrm\ zI /m\ aiápt\«

6. Vy|=Sy zr: ;X-m\ p/|ivzt\«

7. ;X-m\ a|gMy Vy|=: du:,en aÆozt\ he ;X- m|m\ Vy|pdy £it«

8. ;X-: tu avdt\ he Vy|= a#It: #v«

9. Tvm\ SvgRm\ gimXyis £it«

10. td| Vy|=: SvgRm\ agCçt\«

11. ;X-Sy sUt: t] a|gCçt\«

12. sUt: ;X-|y anmt\«

13. ;X-: tm\ avdt\ £d|nIm\ lok|t\ gCç|im«

14. s StuXq: #v«

15. =mRm\ kuó«

16. D|nm\ l#Sv £it«

a∂; (+ 6th case) beneath p|d; (m) foot Vy|∂; (m) hunter


a∫It) (mfn) fearless sUt; (m) charioteer SvgR; (m) heaven

l∫Sv find! (imperative)

IGCSE vocabulary

vÅx; (m) tree SvgR; (m) heaven p|d; (m) foot

∂mR; (m) righteousness mÅg; (m) deer D|nm\ (n) knowledge

zr; (m) arrow d ºXq) seen ék; (m) one, a certain

s,tuºXq) contented a∂; beneath tu but

dUre far away t] there zI©/m\ quickly

îd|nIm\ now du; gn unhappily ¨pIvzit he sits down

icNtyit he thinks a^St he is, exists Ixpit he throws Fozit he cries out Vy|p|dyit he kills a|gCçit he comes



Hitopades za Stories

The first of the original Sanskrit texts is from a work called the Hitopadesza. The word ‘hitopadesza’

means ‘good advice’, as this text was intended to instruct nobility in politics and ethics. It is a

collection of fables, most of which involve animals. Within the text, the stories are framed by

another story.

A king had some wild sons who were unteachable by normal methods. He became so worried that

he sent out a proclamation asking if there was anyone who could teach them the science of

statesmanship. Finally, the sage Vis wnwus zarman stepped forward and offered to teach them by means

of fables.

These stories in the Hitopadesza are expressed in both prose and verse. The prose sections

narrate the story, while the verses are reserved for morals and themes.

[Note to teacher: This passage and subsequent set texts in this series of books need to be

thoroughly prepared by the students with your help.]


Introduction to the Hitopadesza - Part One.

Words from the IGCSE vocabulary occur in the following story. Any closely related words are also noted:

anek (mfn) (like tt\ except neut. sing.) many

aip also, even though

a^St is

a|Tmn; his own / her own

îit thus

ékd| once, at the same time

év only, indeed,

k (m) who? what?

Ikm\ (n) what?

kívlm\ only

gu~ (m) virtue

icNtyit thinks (icNty|m|s he reflected)

j|t (mfn) born, arisen

t] there

tIr (n) bank, shore

tu but, now, verily

i√ (mfn) two

∂n (n) riches, wealth

∂|imRk (mfn) righteous, just

n no, not

ngr (n) city

nr (m) man

n|m by name

inTym\ ever, always

pQit reads (pQµm|n being read)

pit (m) husband, lord

pu] (m) son

pun; again

y; (m) (like tt\) who, which

r|jn\ (m) king

v| or

zº~oit hears (zu%|v he heard (perfect tense))

s (m) he

svR (mfn) (like tt\ except neut. sing.) all

Sv|imn\ (m) master


Introduction to the Hitopades za

Part One: King Sudarszana reflects upon his sons’ lack of education. NOTE: Use transliteration for Sanskrit names in your translation.

aiSt #|gIr@|ItIre p|qilpu]n|m=ey" ngrm\ « t] svRSv|imgu-opet:

sudzRno n|m nrpitr|sIt\ « s #Upitrekd| ken|ip pQµm|n"

Zlokèy" zu%|v «

aneks"zyoCçeid proá|@|RSy dzRkm\ «

svRSy locn" z|S]" ySy n|STyN= év s: »

yOvn" =ns"pi.: p/#uTvmivvekt| «

ékEkmPyn@|R|y ik" punStu ctuXqym\ «

£Ty|k_yR|Tmn: pu]|-|mni=gtz|S]|-|" inTymuNm|gRg|imn|"

z|S]|nnuXQ|nenoièGnmn|: s r|j| icNty|m|s «

ko÷@|R: pu]e- j|ten yo n ivè|Nn =|imRk: «

k|-en cáux| ik" v| cáu:pIwEv kevlm\ »


Introduction to the Hitopadesza - Part One

Underlined Vocabulary

n|m=ey n named p/#uTv n power

gu- m virtue aivvekt| f inconsiderateness

Ñpet mfn possessed of ékEkm\ ind singly

nrpit m king an@|R mfn disadvantage

#Upit m king ctuXqy mfn four

pQµm|n mfn being read (pres. pass. part.)

a|k_yR ind having heard

Zlok m verse ani=gt mfn unread

s"zy m doubt ÑNm|gR mfn improper

ÑCçeidn\ mfn resolver g|imn\ mfn ways, courses of action

proá mfn

invisible prs\- beyond –aá sight

z|S] m scripture

a@|R m object; benefit annuXQ|n n not carrying out, not attending to

locn mfn eye ÑièGnmn|: m he, distressed in mind (masc)

dzRk mfn revealer ivè|n\ m wise

z|S] n scripture, true learning

k|- mfn sightless

aN= mfn blind cáus\ n eye

yOvn n youth pIw| f trouble

s"pi. f endowment (with)


Introduction to the Hitopadesza - Part Two.

Words from the IGCSE vocabulary occur in the following story. Any closely related words are also noted:

ab/vIt\ said

a^St is

ahm\ I am (mm my, my| by me)

îd|nIm\ now

îv like, as if

¨≈ (mfn)said, spoken to, addressed

¨v|c he/she said

ék) (like tt\ except neut. sing.)

one, a certain étt\ (n) this

éit goes

c and

icNtyit thinks

–D (mfn) knower of

tt\ ( in a compound indicates any form of tt\ e.g. tSy ) that t†| just so

dev (m) god, lord

inTym\ ever, always

pi_wt (mfn) wise, learned

pun; again

mht\ (mfn) great

yt\ (n), y; (m), y| (f), (like tt\)

who, which yt; since

y|it goes

r|jn\ (m) king

r|jpu] (m) prince

zKnoit is able (zKyNte is able)

zº~oit hears (%Uyt|m\ polite imperative ‘listen!)

s (m) he

sm†R (mfn)(+ 4th, 6th or 7th) capable, fit for sh (+ 3rd) together with

Ih indeed, for


Introduction to the Hitopadesza

Part Two: King Sudarszana asks an assembly of the wise for help.

étiCçNtiyTv| s r|j| pi_wts#|" k|irtv|n\ « r|jov|c «

#o #o: pi_wt|: « %Uyt|m\ « aiSt kiZcdev"#Uto ivè|Nyo mm

pu]|-|" inTymuNm|gRg|imn|mni=gtz|S]|-|imd|nI" nIitz|S]opdezen

punjRNm k|riytu" sm@|R: «

yt: « k|c: k|{cns"sgR|å.e m|rktI" ƒuitm\ «

t@|| sTs"in=|nen mU,oR y|it p/vI-t|m\ »

ÑÇ" c « hIyte ih mitSt|t hInE: sh sm|gm|t\ «

smEZc smt|meit ivizXqEZc ivizXqt|m\ »

a]|Ntre ivX-uzmRn|m| mh|pi_wt: sklnIitz|S]t>vDo

bºhSpitirv|b/vIt\ « dev « mh|kuls"#Ut| éte r|jpu]|: « tNmy|

nIit" g/|hiytu" zKyNte «


Introduction to the Hitopadesza - Part Two

Underlined Vocabulary

s#| f assembly p/vI-t| f cleverness

k|irtv|n\ m he made (tavat-ending word)

hIyte is lowered

év"#Ut mfn of such a quality or nature; such

mit f mind, thought

ivè|n\ m possessing wisdom t|t m O son

ÑNm|gR m improper, or evil, ways hIn mfn low

g|imn\ mfn going or moving (in) sm|gm m association (with)

z|S] m scripture sm mfn same

ani=gt mfn unread smt| f sameness, equality

nIit f moral conduct, political science

ivizXq mfn distinguished, special

Ñpdez m a teaching ivizXqt| f distinction

jNm n birth, rebirth a]|Ntre ind hereupon, at this juncture

k|c m glass skl mfn complete, all

k|{cn n gold t>v mfn essence

s"sgR m association (with) bºhSpit m name of deity, chief of prayers and devotion

=.e acquires, gains kul n family

m|rktI f emerald s"#Ut mfn born

ƒuit f sheen, lustre g/|hiytum\ to grasp (infinitive)

st\ n the good

s"in=|n m proximity to

mU,R m fool


The old tiger and the traveller - Part One Words from the IGCSE vocabulary occur in the following story. Any closely related words are also noted:

aip also, even though

ab/vIt\ said

aym\ (m) this

arˆy (n) forest

a^St is

a|Tmn\ (m) one’s self

îdm\ (n) this

¨≈ (mfn) said, spoken to, addressed

¨v|c he/she said

ék) (like tt\ except neut. sing.)

one, a certain étt\ (n) this

év only, indeed,

k (m) who? what?

Ikm\ (n) what?

k n] where?

c and

crit walks

j|yte is born

jIvit lives

tt\ ( in a compound indicates any form of tt\ e.g. tSy ) that tt; after that, therefore, hence

t†| just so

t|vt\ for so long, meanwhile, now

tIr (n) bank, shore

tu but, now, verily

Tvm\ you (1st case sing.)

n no, not

nr (m) man

pZyit sees

∫y (n) fear

mºTyu (m) death

yt\ (n), y; (m), y| (f), (like tt\)

who, which y] where

vcn (n) statement, command

vdit says

vºå (mfn) old, increased

y|©/ (m) tiger

zº~oit hears (zº-u listen!)

srs\ (n) lake

svR] everywhere

suv~R (mfn) golden, gold

hSt (m) hand


The old tiger and the traveller

Part One: An old tiger offers a golden bracelet to a passing traveller

ahmekd| diá-|r_ye crNnpZym\ « éko vºåVy| /: Sn|t: kuzhSt:

srStIre b/Ute « #o #o: p|N@||: « £d" suv-Rk¤-" gºÄt|m\ «

tècnm|k_yR #y|Tko÷ip tTp|Zv ì n #jte « tto lo#|;Xqen ken

icTp|N@|en|loictm\ « #|GyenEtTs"#vit « ik" Tv^SmNn|Tms"dehe

p/vºi.nR iv=ey| « yt:

ainXq|idXql|#e÷ip n gitjR|yte zu#| «

y]|iSt ivxs"sgoR÷mºt" tdip mºTyve »

ik" tu svR]|@|R|jRne p/vºi.: s"deh év « t@|| coÇm\ «

n s"zymn|óÄ nro #¥|i- pZyit «

s"zy" punr|óÄ yid jIvit pZyit »

tiNnÓpy|im t|vt\ « p/k|z" b/Ute « ku] tv k¤-m\ « Vy| /o

hSt" p/s|yR dzRyit « p|N@|o÷vdt\ « k@|" m|r|Tmke Tviy

ivZv|s: « Vy| / Ñv|c « zº-u re p|N@| «


Hitopadesza: The old tiger and the traveller - Part One

Underlined Vocabulary

diá- mfn Southern s"deh m risk

crn\ m he, walking p/vºi. f activity

vºå mfn old iv=ey mfn to be practised

Vy| / m tiger £Xq mfn desired

Sn|t mfn bathed git f result

kuz m kus za grass zu# mfn fortunate

srs\ n lake ivx n poison

tIr n bank s"sgR m association

p|N@| m traveller p|N@||: vocative

ajRn n procuring

suv-R mfn golden s"zy m doubt

k¤- n bracelet a|óÄ ind having climbed

gºÄt|m\ let it be accepted #¥ n good thing

#y n fear, danger inÓpyit investigate

p|ZvR n vicinity t|vt\ ind a little

#jte one encourages, cultivates

p/k|z ind aloud

lo# m greed p/s|yR ind having stretched forth

a|;Xq mfn attracted m|re mfn killing / killer

a|loict mfn considered, reflected a|Tmk mfn by nature

#|Gy n good fortune ivZv|s m confidence

s"#vit it arises


The old tiger and the traveller - Part Two Words from the IGCSE vocabulary occur in the following story. Any closely related words are also noted:

anek (mfn) (like tt\ except neut. sing.)

many aip also, even though

aym\ (m) this

aXq (mfn) eight (aXqiv= eightfold)

a^St is

ahm\ I am (me me)

îit thus

îd|nIm\ now

¨≈ (mfn) said, spoken to, addressed

év only, indeed, exactly

k (m) who? what? (ken aip by some)

k†m\ how?

c and

tt\ (in a compound indicates any form of tt\ e.g. tSy) that tt; after that, therefore, hence

t] there

d|n (n) gift

∂mR (m) righteousness, justice

∂|imRk (mfn) righteous, just

n no, not

pu] (m) son

∫vt\ you, Your Honour

∫Uim; (f) ground (at the end of a samaasa

may also mean ‘object’) mnuWy (m) man

m|gR (m) road

m ºt (mfn) dead

v ºå (mfn) old, increased

sTy (n) truth

Sn|n (n) bath / bathing

Smrit remembers (Smºt remembered, said)


Hitopadesza: The old tiger and the traveller

Part Two: The tiger explains that he is a changed character and therefore not dangerous.

p/|gev yOvndz|y|mitduvRº. a|sm\ « anekgob/|ì-mnuXyv=|Nme pu]|

anekzo mºt| d|r|Zc « s|,p/t , invìzo÷^Sm « tt: ken|ip

=|imRke-|hmupidXq: « d|n=mRm|crtu #v|init « tdupdez|idd|nImh,

Sn|nzIlo d|t| vºåo giltn,dNto dy|v|,Zc k@| , n ivZv|s#Uim:«

ÑÇ, c«

£Jy|+yynd|n|in tp: sTy, ám| dm: «

alo# £it m|goR÷y, =mRSy|Xqiv=: Smºt: »

t] pUvRZctuvRgoR dM#|@|Rmip seVyte «

Ñ.rZc ctuvRgoR n|mh|Tmsu ivƒte »


The old tiger and the traveller - Part two

Underlined Vocabulary

p/|k\ formerly dNt m tooth

yOvn n youthful dy|vt\ mfn pitiful

dz| f state ivZv|s m confidence

duvRº. mfn wicked £Jy| f sacrifice

go f cow a+yyn n studying the Vedas

b/|ì- m priest, Brahmin class tps\ n austerity, penance

v= m slaughter íám| f fortitude

anekz: ind in great numbers dm m patience, self restraint

d|r m wife alo# m contentment, moderation

s|"p/tm\ ind now -iv= mfn - fold

inv ìz m without family pUvR mfn former

ÑpidXq mfn advised ctuvRgR four-fold class

a|crtu may he practise seVyte is practised

Ñpdez m advice dM# m ostentation

zIl n practice Ñ.r mfn latter

d|tº m giver n amh|Tmsu (double negative used for emphasis) among the magnanimous

gilt mfn decayed ivƒte is found

n, m claw


The old tiger and the traveller - Part Three Words from the IGCSE vocabulary occur in the following story. Any closely related words are also noted:

at; hence

a] here

aip also, even though

asO (m) he

a^St is

îit thus

îdm\ (n) this

¨≈ (mfn) said, spoken to, addressed (Ñü| having spoken to)

¨pgCçit approaches (ÑpgMy having

approached) év only, indeed, exactly

k|r~ (n) cause, reason

k|l (m) time

c and

j|t (mfn) born, arisen

tt\ (in a compound indicates any form of tt\ e.g. tSy) that tt; after that, therefore, hence

t] there

Tvm\ you (1st case sing.)

d|n (n) gift

dº¢| having seen

d fz (m) place, country, (proper place)

∂mR (m) righteousness, justice, law

∂ºt (mfn) held, seized

n no, not

pQit reads

ptit falls; flies (pitt fallen)

fivzit enters (f|ivXq entered)

mht (mfn) great

yt\ (n) (like tt\) who, which

y†| ≥≥≥≥ t†| as ≥≥≥≥ so

y|vt\ ≥≥≥≥ t|vt\ as long as ... ...for so long vdit says

Vy|©/ (m) tiger

znE; znE; gently

s (m) he (ten by him, by that)

srs\ (n) lake

Sn|n (n) bath (SnTv| having bathed)

Smrit remembers (Smºt remembered, considered as)


Hitopadesza: The old tiger and the traveller

Part Three: The traveller follows the tiger’s advice.

d|tVyimit yà|n, dIyte÷nupk|ir-e «

deze k|le c p|]e c tà|n , s|i>vk , Smºtm\ »

td] sris Sn|Tv| suv-Rk¤-imd , p/itgºh|- « tto j|tivZv|so

y|vdsO sr: SN||tu, p/ivXqSt|vdev mh|p¤e inmGn: pl|iytumám: «

p¤e pitt , dº¢| Vy| /o÷vdt\ « ahh« mh|p¤e pitto÷is « at-

STv|muT@||py|im « £Tyuü| znE: znEópgMy ten Vy| e/- =ºt: s

p|N@|o÷icNtyt\ «

n =mRz|S], pQtIit k|r-, n c|ip ved|+yyn , dur|Tmn: «

Sv#|v év|] t@||itirCyte y@|| p/;Ty| m=ur, gv| , py: »


The old tiger and the traveller - Part three

Underlined Vocabulary

d|tVy mfn should be given ÑT@||py|im I will lift

dIyte is given p|N@| m traveller

anupk|ir-\ mfn a non- assistant z|S] n scripture, book, teaching

p|] n a worthy recipient ved m Veda

s|i>vk mfn virtuous a+yyn n study, recitation

td] ind therefore dur|Tmn\ m a villain

suv-Rk¤- n golden bracelet Sv#|v m innate nature

p/itgºh|- accept (imperative) aitirCyte it predominates

ivZv|s m confidence p/;it f nature, character (p/;Ty| naturally)

p¤ m mud, quagmire m=ur mfn sweet

inmGn mfn sank go f cow (gv|m\ of a cow)

pl|iytum\ to escape pys\ n milk

aám: he was unable

ahh ind Ha!


Hitopades za: The brahmin and his faithful ichneumon – Part One Words from the IGCSE vocabulary occur in the following story. Any closely related words are also noted:

a] here

a† then, now

aNy (mfn) (like tt\) other, another

–a†R (mfn) for the sake of

a^St is

a|gCçit comes (a|gt come, a|gCçt coming)

îdm\ (n) this

¨≈ (mfn) said, spoken to,

k (m) who? what? (kiZct\ someone)

kroit does, makes (kyRtVy should

be done, ;Tv| having done)

kmRn\ (n) action

k|l (m) time

Ik,tu but

;t (+ 6th) for the sake of

gCçit goes

gt (mfn) gone

c and

icNtyit thinks

icr (n) for a long time

cet\ if

tt\ (in a compound indicates any form of tt\ e.g. tSy) that t†| just so

td\ then

dd|it gives (d|tum\ to give)

n no, not

n|m by name

ipbit drinks

pu] (m) son

b|lk (m) boy

yid ≥≥≥≥ tIhR if ≥≥≥≥ then

rxit protects, saves (rá m. protection)

r|jn\ (m) king

ÍuTv| having heard

s (m) he (tSy his)

sTvrm\ quickly

Sn|n (n) bath (Sn|tum\ to bathe)


Hitopadesza: The brahmin and his faithful ichneumon

Part one: A Brahmin is asked to perform a memorial ceremony by the king

aSTyuJjiyNy|, m|Qro n|m b/|ì-: « tSy b/|ì-I b|l|pTySy rá|@|ì

b/|ì-mvS@||Py Sn|tu, gt| « a@| b/|ì-Sy ;te r|D: %|å,

d|tum|æ|nm|gtm\ « tCç/uTv| b/|ì-: shjd|ird/µ|dicNtyt\ « yid sTvr, n

gCç|im td|Ny: kiZcCç/|å, g/hIXyit « ÑÇ, c «

a|d|nSy p/d|nSy ktRVySy c kmR-: «

iáp/miÆym|-Sy k|l: ipbit td/sm\ »

ik, tu b|lkSy|] ráko n|iSt « tiTk, kroim « y|tu «

icrk|lp|iltimm, pu]inivRzex , nkul, b|lkrá|@|RmvS@||Py gCç|im « t@||

;Tv| s t] gt: «


The brahmin and his faithful ichneumon - Part one

Underlined Vocabulary

ÑJjiynI mfn Ujjayini – name of a region

p/d|n n giving, presentation of an offering, a gift

b/|ì- m /b/|ì-I f Brahmin iáp/ ind immediately

b|l|pTy n little child aiÆym|- not being done

avS@||Py ind having left in charge td-rs m the best part of that

%|å n a ceremony for the benefit of a dead relative

rák m guard, protector

a|æ|n n invitation, summons y|tu ind Be it as it may!

shj-d|ird/µ n poverty endured from birth, innate poverty

p|ilt mfn kept, protected

g/hIXyit will receive inivRzex mfn no differently from

a|d|n n taking (for one’s self) nkul m ichneumon (mongoose)*



Hitopades za: The brahmin and his faithful ichneumon – Part Two Words from the IGCSE vocabulary occur in the following story. Any closely related words are also noted:

at; hence

anNtrm\ straight away

ab/vIt\ said (b/vIim I say)

aym\ (m) this (anen by this)

asO\ (m he ahm\ I am

îit thus

év only, indeed, exactly

;W~ (mfn) black

Fo∂ (m) anger

c and

tt; after that, therefore, hence

it„it stays, stands

d ºXq (mfn) seen

d ºÇ| having seen

pZyit sees

p|d (m) foot

pu] (m) son

b|lk (m) boy

mu (n) mouth, face

y; (m) who, which

y†| ≥≥≥≥ t†| as ≥≥≥≥ so

y|vt\ ≥≥≥≥ t|vt\ as long as ... ...for so long (as soon as ... in the meantime)

Vy|p|dyit kills (Vy|p|idt (was) killed,

Vy|p|idtvt\ killed)

s (m) he

smIpf÷smIpm\ (n) (+ 6th) near

sp (m) snake


The brahmin and his faithful ichneumon Part two: The mongoose looks after the child

ttSten nkulen b|lksmIpm|gCçt| ;X-spoR dºXqo Vy|p|idtZc «

a@||sO nkulo b/|ì-m|y|NtmvloKy rÇivilPtmu,p|d:

sTvrmup|gMy tSy cr-yolRuloQ « tto÷sO b/|ì-St , t@||iv=,

dº¢| mm pu]o÷nen #iát £Tyv=|yR Vy|p|idtv|n\ « anNtr,

y|vds|vupsºTy pZyit b/|ì-St|vä|lk: suS@|: spRZc

Vy|p|idtiStXQit « ttStmupk|rkmev nkul , inÓPy iv#|ivt;Ty:

s,tPtcet|: s pr, ivx|dmgmt\ « ato÷h, b/vIim «

yo÷@|Rt>vmivD|y Æo=SyEv vz, gt: «

s t@|| tPyte mUWo b/|ì-o nkul|ƒ@|| »


The brahmin and his faithful ichneumon - Part two

Underlined Vocabulary

nkul m ichneumon (mongoose) Ñpk|rk m

a helper

a|y|Nt mfn coming inÓPy ind

having perceived

avloKy ind having observed iv#|ivt-;Tymfn

an action which has been provoked

b/|ì- m Brahmin s ,tPt mfn grief-stricken

rÇ-ivilPt- smeared with blood cets\ n

mind, heart

Ñp|gMy ind having approached pr mfn

supreme, extreme

cr- m foot ivx|d m


luloQ he rolled (perfect tense) agmt\ filled with

(lit. ‘he went to’)

asO m he a@|R-t>v n the true facts of a case

t@||iv=, ind being in such a state ivD|y ind not knowing

#iát mfn eaten vz m (+gm\) falls under the power of

av=|yR ind having ascertained, concluding tPyte is tormented

ÑpsºTy ind having come near mUW mfn confused, foolish

suS@| mfn healthy



The Bhagavad Gitaa

The Bhagavad Gita a, which forms part of the great epic, the Maha abhaarata, is one of the most famous

and best-loved Sanskrit texts. Two armies, those of the Pa anwdwavas and the Kauravas, are on the

battlefield preparing to fight. Arjuna, the champion of the Pa anwdwavas, is struck down with despair when

he sees so many of his relatives and respected friends in the opposing army. He turns to his cousin and

chariot driver, Krws wnwa, for advice. The Bhagavad Gita a is the conversation that then followed between

Arjuna and Krws wnwa.

[Note to teacher: This passage, and the other set texts in this series of books, need to be thoroughly

prepared by the students with your help.]


Chapter 1 v 36

inhTy =|tRr|Ö|n\ n: k| p/Iit: Sy|Jjn|dRn « p|pmev|%yedSm|NhTvEt|n|tt|iyn: »1»36» inhTy « =|tRr|Ö|n\ « n: « k| « p/Iit: « Sy|t\ « jn|dRn « p|pm\ « év « a|%yet\ « aSm|n\ « hTv| « ét|n\ «a|tt|iyn:»

(Arjuna said:)

1.36. O Janārdana (Krws wnwa), what satisfaction would there be for us, in striking down the sons of Dhṛtarāṣṭra? Guilt, indeed, would trouble us after killing these aggressors.

Notes: _________________________________________________


Chapter 1 v 47

sØy Ñv|c

évmuü|÷juRn: sòµe r'opS' Ñp|ivzt\ « ivsºJy szrS c|pS zoks SivGnm|ns: »1»47» évm\ « Ñü| « ajuRn: « sòµe « r'-ÑpS' « Ñp|ivzt\ « ivsºJy « szrm\ « c|pm\ « zok-s SivGn-m|ns: »

Sañjaya said:

1.47. Having spoken thus on the battlefield, Arjuna sat down on the seat of his chariot, casting aside his bow and arrows, his mind distracted by grief.

Notes: _________________________________________________



Chapter 2 v 3

KlEBy" m| Sm gm: p|'R nEt>vYyuppƒte « áu¥" Hdyd|EbRLy" Tyü|ei.XQ prNtp »2»3» KlEBym\ « m| « Sm « gm: « p|'R « n « étt\ « Tviy « Ñppƒte áu¥m\ « Hdy-d|EbRLym\ « Tyü| « Ñi.XQ « prNtp »

(Krwswn wa said:)

2.3. Do not give in to cowardice, O son of Pṛthaa. It does not become thee. Abandoning this base weakness of heart, stand up, O tormentor of foes.

Notes: _________________________________________________


Chapter 2 v 22

v|s|"is jI-|Rin y'| ivh|y nv|in gºï|it nr|e÷pr|i- « t'| zrIr|i- ivh|y jI-|RNyNy|in s"y|it nv|in dehI »2»22» v|s|"is « jI-|Rin « y'| « ivh|y « nv|in « gºï|it « nr: « apr|i- t'| « zrIr|i- « ivh|y « jI-|Rin « aNy|in « s"y|it « nv|in « dehI

2.22. Just as a man, casting off old clothes puts on other new ones, so the embodied one, abandoning worn-out bodies, takes on others that are new.

Notes: _________________________________________________



Chapter 2 v 48

y|egS': kuó km|Ri- sô" Tyü| =nØy « isåµisåµ|e: sm|e #UTv| smTv" y|eg øCyte »2»48» y|eg-S': « kuó « km|Ri- « sôm\ « Tyü| « =nØy « isiå-aisåµ|e: « sm: « #UTv| « smTv" « y|eg « øCyte »

2.48. Fixed in Yoga, O Dhanañjaya, perform actions, giving up attachment, being unperturbed in success

and failure; equanimity is called Yoga.

Notes: _________________________________________________


Chapter 2 v 65

p/s|de svRdu:,|n|" h|inrSy|epj|yte « p/snÊcets|e Ä|zu buiå: pyRvitXQte »2»65» p/s|de « svR-du:,|n|" « h|in: « aSy « Ñpj|yte « p/snÊ-cets: « ih « a|zu « buiå: « pyRvitXQte »

2.65. When serenity of mind is reached, there is a cessation of all sorrows. For the intelligence of the

peaceful-minded soon becomes steady.

Notes: _________________________________________________



Chapter 3 v 19

tSm|dsÇ: stt" k|yÈ kmR sm|cr « asÇ|e Ä|crNkmR prm|Pn|eit pUóx: »3»19» tSm|t\ « asÇ: « sttm\ « k|yRm\ « kmR « sm|cr « asÇ: « ih « a|crn\ « kmR « prm\ « a|Pn|eit « pUóx: »

3.19. Therefore, always perform the actions which should be done without attachment; for, performing action without attachment man attains the Supreme.

Notes: _________________________________________________


Chapter 3 v 21

yƒd|crit %eXQSt.devetr|e jn: « s yTp/m|-" kuóte l|ekStdnuvtRte »3»21» yt\ « yt\ « a|crit « %eXQ: « tt\ « tt\ « év « £tr: « jn: « s: « yt\ « p/m|-m\ « kuóte « l|ek: « tt\ « anuvtRte »

3.21. Whatever a great man does, that alone other men do; whatever example he sets, people follow that.

Notes: _________________________________________________



Chapter 3 v 30

miy sv|Ri- km|Ri- s"NySy|+y|Tmcets| « inr|zIinRmRm|e #UTv| yu+ySv ivgtJvr: »3»30» miy « sv|Ri- « km|Ri- « s"NySy « a+y|Tm-cets| « inr|zI: « inmRm: « #UTv| « yu+ySv « ivgt-Jvr: » 3.30. Surrendering all actions to me, mind at rest in the Self, being free from expectation and selfish

desire, freed from mental anguish, engage in battle!

Notes: _________________________________________________


Chapter 3 v 35

%ey|NSv=m|Re ivgu-: pr=m|RTSvnuiXQt|t\ « Sv=mRe in=n" %ey: pr=m|eR #y|vh: »3»35» %ey|n\ « Sv-=mR: « ivgu-: « pr-=m|Rt\ « su-anuiXQt|t\ « Sv-=mRe « in=n" « %ey: « pr=mR: « #y-a|vh: »

3.35. One’s own duty, though imperfect, is better than the duty of another successfully performed.

Better is death in one’s own duty; the duty of another brings danger.

Notes: _________________________________________________



Chapter 4 v 10

vItr|g#yÆ|e=| mNmy| m|mup|i%t|: « bhv|e D|ntps| pUt| m‡|vm|gt|: »4»10» vIt-r|g-#y-Æ|e=|: « md\-my|: « m|m\ « Ñp|i%t|: « bhv: « D|n-tps| « pUt|: « md\-#|vm\ « a|gt|: »

4.10. Freed from passion, fear and anger, at one with Me, relying on Me, purified by the fire of wisdom, many have attained My state of Being.

Notes: _________________________________________________


Chapter 4 v 19

ySy svRe sm|rM#|: k|ms¤LpvijRt|: « D|n|igÊdG=km|R-" tm|h‘: pi_wt" bu=|: »4»19» ySy « svRe « sm|rM#|: « k|m-s¤Lp-vijRt|: « D|n-aigÊ-dG=-km|R-m\ « tm\ « a|h‘:« pi_wtm\ « bu=|: »

4.19. He whose undertakings are all devoid of desirous intentions, and whose deeds are all consumed in the fire of knowledge, him, the sages call wise.

Notes: _________________________________________________



Chapter 5 v 10

b/ì_y|=|y km|Ri- sô" Tyü| kr|eit y: « ilPyte n s p|pen pêp]imv|M#s| »5»10» b/ìi- « a|=|y « km|Ri- « sôm\ « Tyü| « kr|eit « y: « ilPyte « n « s « p|pen « pd\m-p]m\ « £v « aM#s| »

5.10. Dedicating his deeds to Brahman, abandoning attachment, he who acts is not defiled by sin

any more than a lotus leaf by water.

Notes: _________________________________________________


Chapter 9 v 4

my| ttimd" svÈ jgdVyÇtmUitRn| « mTS'|in svR#Ut|in n c|h" teXvviS't: »9»4» my| « ttm\ « £dm\ « svRm\ « jgt\ « aVyÇ-mUitRn| « mt\-S'|in « svR-#Ut|in « n « c « ahm\ « texu « av^S't:* »

9.4. This entire universe is pervaded by Me in My unmanifested form; all beings rest in Me, but I

am not contained in them.

Notes: _________________________________________________


*av^S't: - having its place or abode, engaged in, fixed, following


Chapter 9 v 7

svR#Ut|in k|ENtey p/;it" y|iNt m|imk|m\ « kLpáye punSt|in kLp|d|E ivsºj|Myhm\ »9»7» svR-#Ut|in « k|ENtey « p/;itm\ « y|iNt « m|imk|m\ « kLp-áye « punr\ « t|in « kLp|d|E « ivsºj|im « ahm\ »

9.7. All beings, O Kaunteya, go to My Nature at the end of a Kalpa*. I generate them again at the

beginning of the next Kalpa.

Notes: _________________________________________________


*Kalpa – 1,000 yugas, a day of Brahmaa

Chapter 9 v 26

p]" puXp" fl" t|ey" y|e me #ǵ| p/yCçit « tdh" #ǵupHtmP||im p/yt|Tmn: »9»26» p]m\ « puXpm\ « flm\ « t|eym\ « y|e « me « #KTy|* « p/yCçit « tt\ « ahm\ « #iÇ-ÑpHtm\ « aP||im « p/yt-a|Tmn: » 9.26. Whoever offers to Me with love, a leaf, a flower, a fruit or water, I enjoy that offering from the faithful one whose heart is pure.

Notes: _________________________________________________


*#iÇ – devotion, reverence, faith, trust


Chapter 10 v 3

y|e m|mjmn|id" c vei. l|ekmheZvrm\ « asMmUW: s mTyeRxu svRp|pE: p/muCyte »10»3» y: « m|m\ « ajm\ « an|idm\ « c « vei. « l|ek-mh|-£RZvrm\ « asMmUW: « s: « mTyeRxu « svR-p|pE: « p/muCyte » 10.3. He who knows Me as unborn and beginningless, the Great Lord of the worlds, he among mortals is undeluded and liberated from all evils.

Notes: _________________________________________________


Chapter 15 v 12

yd|idTygt" tej|e jg‡|syte÷i,lm\ « yCcNd/mis yCc|gÊ|E t.ej|e iviå m|mkm\ »15»12» yt\ « a|idTy-gtm\* « tej: « jgt\ « #|syte « ai,lm\ « yt\ « cNd/mis « yt\ « c « agÊ|E « td\ « tej: « iviå « m|mkm\» 15.12. That brilliance which exists in the sun causes the whole world to shine; that which is in the moon as well as in fire – know that light to be Mine.

Notes: _________________________________________________


*gt – gone, come forth, being in, situated in


Chapter 18 v 53

ah¤|r" bl" dpÈ k|m" Æ|e=" pirg/hm\ « ivmuCy inmRm: z|Nt|e b/ì#Uy|y kLpte »18»53» ah¤|rm\ « blm\ « dpRm\ « k|mm\ « Æ|e=m\ « pirg/hm\ « ivmuCy « inmRm: « z|Nt: « b/ì-#Uy|y « kLpte » 18.53. Having given up egoism, force, conceit, desire, anger, claim on property, free from selfishness and peaceful, he is fit for becoming Brahman.

Notes: _________________________________________________


Chapter 18 v 56

svRkm|R_yip sd| kuv|R-|e mèµp|%y: « mTp/s|d|dv|Pnoit z|Zvt" pdmVyym\ »18»56» svR-km|Ri- « aip « sd| « kuv|R-: « mt\-vµp|%y: « mt\-p/s|d|t\ « av|Pnoit « z|Zvtm\ « pdm\* « aVyym\ » 18.56. Trusting in Me, even performing all actions, by My grace he reaches the eternal unchanging Abode.

Notes: _________________________________________________


*pd – characteristic, footing, standpoint, position
