Student Success Program Review Update PRU Templates... · learning and achievement of our diverse...


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Revised 8/24/2017


Student Success Program Review Update Career & Workforce Solutions Center


Program/Service Description: Include Description/Mission Statement/Number of Years at COD/Benefits/Contact (source: Faculty/Dir/Coord/Dean – from AUR) Description: The CWSC started in 2016 after campus wide identification that the need for a designated Career Center exists. The conversation was augmented with input from the COD Foundation identifying a need for an outward facing, employer focused division they could refer contacts to with access to the students. Based on the foregoing, A Discussion Group was formed with membership from all College of the Desert campus stakeholders and a robust and transparent dialogue resulted in the Group’s unanimously recommending a College of the Desert Career & Workforce Solutions Center (CWSC). The CWSC works towards a number of Educational Master Plan (EMP) goals including but not limited to: Goal 3 Student Support Services: 3.3 Provide Effective, individualized counseling services 3.4 Provide comprehensive student services at all campus sites 3.5 Create comfortable, accessible, culturally welcoming campus environment Goal 4 Community Partnerships 4.2 Work with community partners to develop more internships and externships in the Coachella Valley Education Code §66010.4 [(a)(2)(C)(3)] states, “A primary mission of the California Community Colleges is to advance California’s economic growth and global competitiveness through education, training, and services that contribute to continuous workforce improvement”. College of the Desert’s stated vision is “to be a center of collaborations and innovations for education enrichment, economic development and quality of life in the Coachella Valley and surrounding communities”. And “Continuing to establish and maintain collaborative partnerships with business, industry, educational entities and government agencies and leveraging College of the Desert’s economic and workforce development initiatives/programs to increase the job training and opportunities for local students” are stated goals of the college’s strategic master plan;

In the fall of 2015 The College of the Desert Academic Senate and the College Planning Council passed resolutions endorsing the work of the CWSC Discussion Group and the resultant recommendations. The CWSC opened its doors in the Fall of 2016.

Mission Statement: The mission of the Career and Workforce Solutions Center is to enhance student success by empowering students with the tools and skills necessary to be active participants in their career development. The Center supports the economic vitality of the Coachella Valley and beyond by serving as a bridge between individuals seeking gainful employment and diverse industries needing to attract and retain a skilled and educated workforce. Number of Years at COD: 1 Participants in the program/service receive the following benefits: Career Counseling

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Employer Outreach Connections Work Experience Internships On Campus Events Library and Electronic Resources Career Fairs Resume and Cover Letter Writing Support Job Application Support Mock Interviews COD Job Hub Resume Genius Contact Person/Title: Robert St. Juliana, Director CWSC Phone: 760-674-7823

Population Served: Include Number/Eligibility (source: Faculty/Dir/Coord/Dean - from AUR) Number of Students Served: The CWSC is open and available to ALL students of COD. The CWSC is currently housed at are Palm Desert Campus in the ADMIN 5/6 Offices with hours M-F from 8a-5p and outside designated hours by appointment. The Career Center has captured student service data including: COD Job Hub New Student Accounts Year 1: 409 COD Job Hub New Student Accounts To Date Year 2: 321 Student Usage of the CWSC Year 1 & Year 2 YTD: 1921 Student Participation in Work Experience year 1: 337 Student Participation in Work Experience Year 2 YTD: 231 Career Fair Attendance Year 1: 375 Career Fair Attendance Year 2 YTD: 297 Total Students served Year 1 and Year 2 YTD: 3,891 Eligibility Requirements: All students are eligible to benefit from the CWSC services, no matter the degree, certificate, or educational path/program chosen. FTES Generated (if applicable): Work Experience FTES are reported on that Area’s PRU. Student contact hours are reported on that rea’s PRU.

Desribe how Program/Service align with and contributes to the College’s Mission: College of the Desert provides excellent educational programs in basic skills, career and technical education, certificate, transfer preparation, associate degrees, noncredit and distance education, which are continuously evaluated and improved. Our programs and services contribute to the success, learning and achievement of our diverse students and the vitality of the Desert Community College District, surrounding areas and beyond. The CWSC works towards a number of Educational Master Plan (EMP) goals including but not limited to: Goal 3 Student Support Services: 3.3 Provide Effective, individualized counseling services 3.4 Provide comprehensive student services at all campus sites 3.5 Create comfortable, accessible, culturally welcoming campus environment

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Goal 4 Community Partnerships 4.2 Work with community partners to develop more internships and externships in the Coachella Valley

Institutional Outcomes Program/Service Supports (Check all that apply). Source: College Catalog section “Who are we?” Critical Thinking and Communication

☐ 1. Apply principles of logic to problem solve and reason with a fair and open mind. ☐ 2. Compose and present structured texts in a variety of oral and written forms according to purpose, audience, and occasion with implementation of thesis, supporting details, and idea development. ☐ 3. Apply standard conventions in grammar, mechanics, usage, and punctuation. ☐ 4. Appreciate diversity as it is expressed in multiple disciplines and across various cultures through reading, speaking, and writing. ☐ 5. Conduct research, gather and evaluate appropriate information, organize evidence into oral and written presentation, using proper MLA, APA, and other discipline-specific formats to cite sources. ☐ 6. Summarize, analyze, and interpret oral and written texts, with the ability to identify assumptions and differentiate fact from opinion. ☒ 7. Utilizing various communication modalities, display creative expression, original thinking, and symbolic discourse.

Scientific Inquiry ☐ 1. Identify components of the scientific method. ☐ 2. Collect and analyze data. Skills of data collection include an understanding of the notion of hypothesis testing and specific methods of inquiry such as experimentation and systematic observation. ☐ 3. Predict outcomes utilizing scientific inquiry: using evidence and assertions determine which conclusions logically follow from a body of quantitative and qualitative data. ☒ 4. Analyze quantitative and qualitative information to make decisions, judgments, and pose questions. ☐ 5. Recognize the utility of the scientific method and its application to real life situations and natural phenomena.

Global Citizenship Scientific & Technological Literacy ☐ 1. Synthesize, interpret, and infer, utilizing information, data, and experience to solve problems, innovate, and explore solutions. ☐ 2. Utilize quantitative expression in a variety of contexts. These would include units of measurement, visual representations, and scales and distributions. ☒ 3. Produce oral and written information in various modes and media, using technology such as computers, the Internet, and library databases. Ethical Behavior ☒1. Integrate universally accepted values such as honesty, responsibility, respect, fairness, courage, and compassion into judgments and decision-making.

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☐ 2. Apply ethical reasoning to contemporary issues and moral dilemmas. ☒ 3. Appreciate the complexity of global relationships between self and others, as well as self and the environment. ☐ 4. Exhibit respect for self and others.


☐ 1. Apply and relate theories of aesthetics to everyday life. ☐ 2. Utilize the creative process to explain universal values such as beauty and truth. ☐ 3. Apply imagination to artistic expression. ☒ 4. Value appearance in terms of how pleasing it is in movement, form, and function.

Personal and Professional Development ☒ 1. Self-evaluate knowledge, skills, and abilities. ☒ 2. Develop realistic goals. ☐ 3. Display habits of intellectual exploration, personal responsibility, and physical well being. ☐ 4. Demonstrate an understanding of ethical issues to make sound judgments and decisions. ☐ 5. Value diverse cultures and populations. ☒ 6. Value the feedback of others.

Program/Service Specific Outcomes

Produce and promote a Fall 2017 Hospitality Industry Job fair to meet the hiring needs/timeframe of the Coachella Valley resorts, restaurants, etc in accordance with the Area population swell

Produce and promote a Spring 2018 Job far including businesses across all industries to appeal to students and upcoming graduates of all academic offerings

Increase year over year participation in the Work Experience class registration and completion

Increase year over year usage of the CWSC as captured by the student login computer

The creation of a student “Passport to Success” which guides students to workshops, job fairs, employer panels, and other events to become well rounded and compliment academics with a focus on professional development and employment

Faculty Presentations to all 5 academic schools covering our menu of services and increasing awareness to our in-class presentation offerings

At least 30 in class presentations covering the menu of services, benefits of using the CWSC, and the COD Job Hub

Produce and promote a Fall and Spring Semester “Employer Panel” of guest speakers covering hiring trends, qualifications, soft skills, and competitive advantages to being considered in a particular area or industry

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Program Requirements from outside agencies (source: Faculty/Dir/Coord/Dean) The CWSC is a recipient of Strong Workforce funds and are subsequently required to spend those designated funds in accordance with the Grant specifications and with the intended use of these funds as designated by the Strong Workforce initiative. Additionally, the Work Experience Division within the CWSC is likely to utilize Perkins Grant Funds and those subsequent requirements are likely to apply.


Staffing for Program/Service: Include Funding Budget Level/Current Staffing Level (source: Faculty/ Dir/Coord/Dean)

Funding Budget: Total Funding: Staffing: CWSC Director CWSC Specialist Career Counselor Work Experience Coordinator Work Experience Administrative Assistant Adjunct Faculty Work Experience Instructor Federal Work-Study Position Federal Work Study Position

Facilities (source: Faculty/ Dir/Coord/Dean)

1) List of all facilities (Please indicate if any of these were added last year): ADMIN Building Offices 5/6

2) Assessment of adequacy of current facilities:

Int it’s inaguaral year, the CWSC was located in a transitional location to house the department temporarily until and adequate facility could be built. Current Facilities are inadequate to house the current and future CWSC staff size and arrangements have already been made to relocate personnel because of office shortages. Facility space is an issue which is limiting the CWSC in its ability to achieve goal 3 objective 3.3 to provide effective, individualized counseling services, objective 3.4 to provide comprehensive student services at all campus sites. We currently have a shortage of office and desk space. 6 offices 2 desks Classroom and workshop space is adequate to host workshops with less than 20 student participants which is also inadequate for the student population volume we serve. Additionally we have 17 workstations with desktop computers which we will outgrow in the near future.

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Equipment and Supplies (source: Faculty/ Dir/Coord/Dean) Palm Desert 2 flat screen monitors Copy machine Color Printer Comuter Lab with 17 Work Stations Faculty staff desks and computers (8) Indio 1 flat screen monitor Copy machine Color Printer Comuter Lab with 10 Work Stations Faculty staff desks and computers (3)

Summary- Narrative Interpretation (source: Faculty/Dir/Coord/Dean) Staffing for Program/Service: Staffing Unmet Need: Assistant Director of CWSC (1), Career Center Specialist (2), CTE Career Counselor (1)

Funding/Budget: Although not ongoing, Strong Workforce Grant funds may be utilized in the future for staffing the Indio Campus and additional support.

COURSE INFORMATION (Complete only if Applicable)

Course Level Assessment Completed (source: Faculty & OAC Coordinator)

Cycle I Comments Assessment Report & Discuss Implement Changes

Cycle II Comments Assessment Report & Discuss Implement Changes

Cycle III Comments Assessment Report & Discuss Implement Changes

Cycle IV Comments Assessment Report & Discuss Implement Changes

Changes Implemented as a Result of the Assessments (source: Faculty/Dir/Coord/Dean

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Student Success Data for Academic Courses if applicable (source: Office of Institutional Research)

Note: Retention is the percentage of students who remain in the course after the census date until the end of the term. Success rate is the percentage of students who earned a grade of A, B, C, or Cr in the class.

Summary - Narrative Interpretation (source: Faculty/Dir/Coord/Dean)


Program/Service Goal Summary for year (source: Faculty/Dir/Coord/Dean) As a new Center, there were no established goals for the CWSC in the inaguaral year.

Program/Service Accomplishments for year (source: Faculty/Dir/Coord/Dean) Spring Career Fair Hired New Director (May 2017) Hired Specialist Partnered with riverside County to host them in the CWSC bi-weekly 143k Strong Workforce Grant Funds Class Presentations Flex Presentations

Staffing for courses if applicable (source: Office of Institutional Research) Subject =

FT Headcount

PT Headcount



Total FTEFac FT and PT

% PT/FTEFac Total


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Student Success Data -Program/Service (source: Office of Institutional Research) This was the first “baseline” year for the CWSC. YOY increases in the student service areas/metrics are the main focus. CWSC Center Student Usage Year 1: 1921 Students NEW COD Job Hub Accounts Year 1: 409 NEW Employers Registration Year 1: Data request Sent Work Experience Participation year 1: 337 Year 1 Career Fair Attendance: 375 Career Counseling Appointments Year 1: Data Request Sent

Program/Service Challenges: (source: Faculty/Dir/Coord/Dean) Organizational Structure: The CWSC is made up of components currently reporting to three different departments on campus. This poses a challenge for collaboration and a uniform approach towards success in the CWSC.

Program/Service Objectives/Goals for 2017-18 (source: Faculty/Dir/Coord/Dean) Increase our students outreach and number of students served to equal or greater than the campus growth contributing towards EMP Goal 3 Student Support Services: 3.3 Provide Effective, individualized counseling services and 3.4 Provide comprehensive student services at all campus sites Increase student participation in our Passport Program – which will improve attendance at workshops, CWSC events, job fairs, employer panels, etc. contributing towards EMP Goal 3 Student Support Services: 3.3 Provide Effective, individualized counseling services Job Fairs in both semesters – Industry Specific (Fall) and All employer (Spring) YOY Increases from year 1 Measured Service Metrics: CWSC Student Center usage (captured on student login computer), COD Job Hub new account registration, Cod Job Hub new employer registration, Work Experience Participation, Career Fair Attendance, Career Counseling Appointments. All of these metrics are outcomes associated with EMP Goal 3 Student Support Services: 3.3 Provide Effective, individualized counseling services and 3.4 Provide comprehensive student services at all campus sites

Program/Service Objectives/Goals for 2018-19 (source: Faculty/Dir/Coord/Dean) Service to our Indio Campus: Staffing increase for our office potentially ready in 2019

Completed By: Date:

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PROGRAM REVIEW UPDATE Program Name: Career & Workforce Solutions Center 1. Staff Needs

NEW OR REPLACEMENT STAFF (Administrator, Faculty or Classified) 1

1 If your SLO assessment results make clear that particular resources are needed to more effectively serve students please be sure to note that in the “reason” section of this form.

List Staff Positions Needed for the upcoming Academic Year. Please justify and explain each faculty request based on rubric criteria for your college. Place titles on list in order (rank) or importance.

Indicate (N) = New or (R) = Replacement

Annual TCP*

1. Outreach Specialist, CWSC Reason: Our current staffing model does not allow the CWSC to reach the full potential of student, graduate and employer contacts needed to be successful in our mission and to give every COD student access to the resources at the level that matches our student body enrollment and to reach the Educational Master Plan goal 3 Student Support Services, objectives 3.3 3.4 to provide effective individualized services provide comprehensive services at all campus sites. The Outreach Specialist will help with both inward and outward facing duties, allowing us another staff member to leverage our outreach efforts at a level that comes with authority and scope beyond a Specialist role. This staff member will also allow the CWSC to have a simultaneous management presence at both our Indio and Palm Desert locations in concert with the Director of the CWSC. . Additionally this position will help the Director towards the Educational Master Plan goal 4, objective 4.2 to work with community partners to develop more internships and externships in the Coachella Valley.

N 67,500

2. CWSC Specialist Reason: Our current staffing model does not allow the CWSC to reach the full potential of student, graduate and employer contacts needed to be successful in our mission and to give every COD student access to the resources at the level that matches our student body enrollment. The addition of another CWSC Specialist will help with administrative and day to day office duties, represent the CWSC at satellite COD campuses – including at our potential new permanent CWSC offices in Indio, student outreach, and employer relationship building/maintenance, and event planning duties so we can bring more resources, events, and outreach to our students. This will allow the CWSC to contribute to the Educational Master Plan goal 3 objective 3.3 to provide effective, individualized services, specifically to implemement best practices to increase accessibility, and goal 3 objective 3.4 to provide comprehensive student services at all

N 58,500

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* TCP = “Total Cost of Position” for one year is the cost of an average salary plus benefits for an individual. New positions (not replacement positions) also require space and equipment. Please speak with your college Business Officer to obtain accurate cost estimates. Please be sure to add related office space, equipment and other needs for new positions to the appropriate form and mention the link to the position. Please complete this form for “New” Classified Staff only. All replacement staff must be filled per Article I, Section C of the California School Employees Association (CSEA) contract.

campus sites.

3. CWSC Secretary Reason: Our current staffing model does not allow the CWSC to reach the full potential of student, graduate and employer contacts needed to be successful in our mission and to give every COD student access to the resources at the level that matches our student body enrollment. The addition of a CWSC Secretary will help with administrative and day to day office duties, office organization, coordination, and maintenance, and event planning duties so we can bring more resources, events, and outreach to our students. This will allow the CWSC to contribute to the Educational Master Plan goal 3 objective 3.3 to provide effective, individualized services, specifically to implemement best practices to increase accessibility, and goal 3 objective 3.4 to provide comprehensive student services at all campus sites.

N 61,200

4. CTE Program Specialist Reason: In an effort to reach the Educational Master Plan objective 3.3 of providing effective individualized counseling services, specifically enhancing CTE counseling the CWSC will benefit from a full time Program Specialist dedicated to the CTE program and professional development for students, give specific direction with regard to CTE, and to alleviate the workload of our current staff to help the entire student body.

N 67,500

5. Reason:

6. Reason:

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Program Name: ______________________________ 2. Equipment (excluding technology) Needs Not Covered by Current Budget 2

List Equipment or Equipment Repair Needed for the upcoming academic year. Please list/summarize the needs of your unit on your college below. Please be as specific and as brief as possible. Place items on list in order (rank) or importance.

*Indicate whether Equipment is for (I) =

Instructional or (N) = Non-Instructional purposes

Annual TCO**

Cost per item

Number Requested

Total Cost of Request

1. Golf Cart Reason: For Cwsc staff to help with job fair and big event loading and unloading, for staff to navigate around campus to distant and/or multiple meetings, and for transporting guests of the CWSC who may have trouble with mobility.

1 $7500

2. 6 Ft. Tables Reason: These tables will be used for event setup within the CWSC and to host employers on campus who wish to have a presence outdoors during passing periods.

2 $200

3. CWSC Banners “Pop-Ups” Reason: These pop-ups will be used when setting up booths at job fairs, community events, etc. to increase our marketing presence and overall presentation. Additionally these can be used on campus at various events and within the CWSC to let COD know about the CWSC.

2 $1500

4. Reason:

5. Reason:

6. Reason:

* Instructional Equipment is defined as equipment purchased for instructional activities involving presentation and/or hands-on experience to enhance student learning and skills development (i.e. desk for student or faculty use). Non-Instructional Equipment is defined as tangible district property of a more or less permanent nature that cannot be easily lost, stolen or destroyed; but which replaces, modernizes, or expands an existing instructional program. Furniture and computer software, which is an

2 If your SLO assessment results make clear that particular resources are needed to more effectively serve students please be sure to note that in the “reason” section of this form.

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integral and necessary component for the use of other specific instructional equipment, may be included (i.e. desk for office staff). ** TCO = “Total Cost of Ownership” for one year is the cost of an average cost for one year. Please speak with your college Business Officer to obtain accurate cost estimates. Please be sure to check with your department chair to clarify what you current budget allotment are. If equipment needs are linked to a position please be sure to mention that linkage.

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Program Name: _______________________________ 3. Technology (Computers and equipment attached to them) ++

Needs Not Covered by Current Budget: 3 NOTE: Technology: excludes software, network infrastructure, furniture, and consumables (toner, cartridges, etc.)


Place items on list in order (rank) or importance.

New (N) or

Replacement (R)?

Program: New (N) or Continuing

(C) ?

Location (i.e. Office,

Classroom, etc.)

Is there existing


How many users


Has it been repaired


Cost per item

Number Requested Total Cost of Request

1. Department Laptop Usage / Justification: We currently have two department laptops which is not a sufficient amount for the presentations and daily usage needed. We find ourselves scheduling around availability of laptops too often. N C

ADMIN 5/6 1


1 750

2. Department Laptop Usage / Justification: We currently have two department laptops which is not a sufficient amount for the presentations and daily usage needed. We find ourselves scheduling around availability of laptops too often. N C

ADMIN 5/6 1


1 750

3. IPad Pro Usage / Justification: This portable device is needed for usage for Career Center Staff to check-out when they are out in the field meeting employers, networking, giving presentations so that they have the technology to both show off the CWSC tech assets and to stay N C

ADMIN 5/6 5


1 1100

3 If your SLO assessment results make clear that particular resources are needed to more effectively serve students please be sure to note that in the “justification” section of this form.

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connected to email and other forms of communication when away for longer periods of time. 4. Usage / Justification

5. Usage / Justification

* TCO = “Total Cost of Ownership” for one year is the cost of an average cost for one year. Please speak with your college Business Officer to obtain accurate cost estimates. Please be sure to check with your department chair to clarify what you current budget allotment are. If equipment needs are linked to a position please be sure to mention that linkage. Please speak with your Microsupport Computer Supervisor to obtain accurate cost estimates. ++ Technology is a computer, equipment that attaches to a computer, or equipment that is driven by a computer. Remember to keep in mind your college’s prioritization rubrics when justifying your request.

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Program Name: _______________________________ 4. Facilities Needs Not Covered by Current Building or Remodeling Projects*4

List Facility Needs for the upcoming academic year. (Remodels, Renovations or added new facilities) Place items on list in order (rank) or importance.

Annual TCO* Total Cost of Request

1. New Office Space – Palm Desert Campus Reason: We have already outgrown the office space in the ADMIN 5/6 location after one year. Our growing staffing needs and facility space needs are essential in our effort to realize Educational Master Plan goal 3, objectives 3.3, and 3.4, and 3.5 to provide effective services, comprehensive services at all sites, and provide a comfortable and welcoming environment. Desk and office availability, and student instruction/workstation space is not adequate to house our staff nor serve the needs of our students and business community.


2. Office Space – INDIO Campus Reason: It is essential to continue to provide support to our locations outside the main campus to continue towards our goals of realizing Educational Master Plan goal 3, objectives 3.3, and 3.4, and 3.5 to provide effective services, comprehensive services at all sites, and provide a comfortable and welcoming environment. Desk and office availability, and student instruction/workstation space is not currently available for the CWSC to have a permanent presence at our growing Indio Campus.


3. Reason:

4. Reason:

5. Reason:

6. Reason:

* Please contact your college VP of Business or your Director of Facilities, Operations and Maintenance to obtain an accurate cost estimate and to learn

4 If your SLO assessment results make clear that particular resources are needed to more effectively serve students please be sure to note that in the “reason” section of this form.

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if the facilities you need are already in the planning stages.

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Program Name: _______________________________

5. Professional or Organizational Development Needs Not Covered by Current Budget*5

List Professional Development Needs for the upcoming academic year. Reasons might include in response to assessment findings or the need to update skills to comply with state, federal, professional organization requirements or the need to update skills/competencies. Please be as specific and as brief as possible. Some items may not have a cost per se, but reflect the need to spend current staff time differently. Place items on list in order (rank) or importance.

Annual TCO*

Cost per item

Number Requested

Total Cost of Request

1. Reason:

2. Reason:

3. Reason:

4. Reason:

5. Reason:

6. Reason:

*It is recommended that you speak with Human Resources or the Management Association to see if your request can be met with current budget.

5 If your SLO assessment results make clear that particular resources are needed to more effectively serve students please be sure to note that in the “reason” section of this form.

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Program Name: _______________________________ 6. Student Support Services (see definition below**)

Services needed by your Program over and above what is currently provided by student services at your college. These needs will be communicated to Student Services at your college6

List Student Support Services Needs for the upcoming academic year. Please list/summarize the needs of your unit on your college below. Please be as specific and as brief as possible. Not all needs will have a cost, but may require a reallocation of current staff time.

1. Reason:

2. Reason:

3. Reason:

4. Reason:

5. Reason:

6. Reason:

**Student Support Services include for example: tutoring, counseling, international students, EOPS, job placement, admissions and records, student assessment (placement), health services, student activities, college safety and police, food services, student financial aid, and matriculation.

6 If your SLO assessment results make clear that particular resources are needed to more effectively serve students please be sure to note that in the “reason” section of this form.

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Program Name: _______________________________ 7. Library Needs Not Covered by Current Library Holdings 7 Needed by the Program over and above what is currently provided. These needs will be communicated to the Library

List Library Needs for the upcoming academic year. Please list/summarize the needs of your unit on your college below. Please be as specific and as brief as possible. Place items on list in order (rank) or importance.

1. Reason:

2. Reason:

3. Reason:

4. Reason:

5. Reason:

6. Reason:

7 If your SLO assessment results make clear that particular resources are needed to more effectively serve students please be sure to note that in the “reason” section of this form.

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Program Name: _______________________________

8. Learning Support Center Services Not Covered by Current budget *.

List Learning Support Center Services Needs If your unit is responsible for running a learning support center such as the Writing and Reading Center, the Math Learning Center, Computer lab or similar learning support center please address those needs here. These do not include laboratory components that are required of a course. Place items on list in order (rank) or importance.

Total Cost of Requests If the cost is the responsibility of an administrative unit you do

not need to list it here.

Cost per item


Requested Total Cost

Ongoing (O) or one-time (OT)


1. Reason:

2. Reason:

3. Reason:

4. Reason:

5. Reason:

*It is recommended that you speak with your college IMC and/or Lab Coordinators to see if your request can be met within the current budget and to get an estimated cost if new funding is needed.

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Program Name: _______________________________ 9. OTHER NEEDS not covered by current budget 8

List Other Needs that do not fit elsewhere. Please be as specific and as brief as possible. Not all needs will have a cost, but may require a reallocation of current staff time. Place items on list in order (rank) or importance.

Annual TCO*

Cost per item

Number Requested

Total Cost of Request

1. Reason:

2. Reason:

3. Reason:

4. Reason:

5. Reason:

6. Reason:

Completed by: Date:

8 If your SLO assessment results make clear that particular resources are needed to more effectively serve students please be sure to note that in the “reason” section of this form.

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