Student Privacy: Trusted Learning Environment Seal...Does earning the TLE Seal ensure a school...


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Student Privacy: Trusted Learning Environment Seal

Dr. Richard Hughes

Superintendent, Central Valley CSD


Why is Data Privacy an Issue?

Fair Information Practice Principles - FTC• Records, Computers, and the Rights of Citizens – 1998

• Notice – data collectors must disclose information practices before collecting

• Choice – consumers must be given options how information is collected and may be used

• Access – consumers able to view and contest accuracy and completeness• Security – data collectors must take reasonable steps to assure information

is accurate and secure from unauthorized use• Enforcement – mechanism to impose sanctions for non-compliance – critical

for regulation


Fair Information Practice Principles

• Transparency

• Individual Participation

•Purpose Specification

•Data Minimization

•Use Limitation

•Data Quality and Integrity

• Security

•Accountability and Auditing

Data Privacy Regulations

•Federal Trade Commission•Sector Rules•State Regulations•District Rules

= Local Problem

Regulations by the Numbers

•2013-2016: 73 new student data privacy laws across 35 states

•2015: 187+ student data privacy bills introduced in 48 states

•2015-2016: 9 federal bills

•2016: 110 bills with student data privacy provisions across 34 states

New York Student Data Privacy Regulation

•Parent rights: FERPA access provisions

•Contract provisions:•How student data will be used•How the vendor and its subcontractors will abide by

data protection and security requirements•What happens when the contract expires•How accuracy of the data may be challenged•Data storage and protections

How Did We Get Here?

Real and Imagined Fears




•Cyber Threats

•Data Breach

•Selling Data

How Did We Get Here?

Knowledge: The Antidote to Fear

•Know where you are

•Act where you can•Policies•Process• Training

•Transparency with your community

A seal of digital privacy distinction.

By school system leaders…

For school system leaders.

28 School Districts from:Alabama Arizona Colorado Florida Georgia Illinois Indiana Kansas

Louisiana Massachusetts Missouri New Hampshire New York Ohio

Pennsylvania Rhode Island Tennessee Texas Virginia Washington

With support from lead partners...

Additional partners...

Additional Partners

What is the TLE Seal?

The TLE Seal is a mark of distinction for school systems, signaling they have

taken measurable steps to assure the digital privacy of student data.

How is the TLE Seal different from other privacy pledges and programs?

The TLE Seal is the only privacy assurance program for school systems, and developed by K-12 school leaders

for K-12 schools.

Who is eligible to earn the TLE Seal?

School systems of all governance structures; public, private, charter and parochial. Individual schools within a

larger system are not eligible.

Does earning the TLE Seal ensure a school system has complied with federal and/or state privacy laws?

Compliance with applicable privacy laws should be considered the minimum

standard. The TLE seal considers practices that may not be required by law, but are

important to protect student data.

Five areas of practice..



•Data Security

•Business Practice

•Professional Development


•34 TLE Practices

•Example of Evidence for Each Practice

•Overview Sheet

•Fact Sheet

•FAQ Sheet

•CoSN’s Protecting Privacy in Connected Learning Toolkit

•Online Application Tool

Process•Website live May 2nd

•Applications: First Cohort Open May 2nd – Close June 30th

•Reviewed by Group of CTO Peers and Privacy SMEs

•Applicants Notified by August 15th

• Seven School Systems Awarded

•Next Cohort – Fall 2016

• TLE Seal Valid for 2 years

First Schools

•Butler County Schools, AL

•Cambridge Public Schools, MA

•Denver Public Schools, CO

•Fulton County Schools, GA

•Lewisville Independent School District, TX

•Miami-Dade County Public Schools, FL

•Raytown Quality Schools, MO

Website Overview


Dr. Richard Hughes

