Student Chapter Annual Report Form · 2018-11-15 · SOCIETY OF ECONOMIC GEOLOGISTS, INC. 7811...


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SOCIETY OF ECONOMIC GEOLOGISTS, INC.7811 Shaffer Parkway • Littleton, CO 80127-3732 USA • Tel: +1.720.981.7882 • Fax: +1.720.981.7874


Student Chapter Annual Report FormThis form is used to report on Student Chapter activities over the previous year. The report provides a useful medium to doc-ument the status and progress of individual chapters. Annual Reports are used to evaluate applications for SEG support and tokeep information up-to-date on the SEG website. Please provide a summary of chapter activities in a concise form as suggest-ed below. Description of programs may be supported by a limited number of photographs and figures in a format appropriatefor publishing on our website.

Submission Deadline: September 30th Submit to:

Month/Year Reported: From _______________________(mm/yyyy) – To _______________________(mm/yyyy)

Chapter Name: ________________________________________________________________________________________

Chapter Mailing Address: _______________________________________________________________________________

Chapter E-mail: _______________________________________________________________________________________

Chapter Website: ______________________________________________________________________________________

Chapter Facebook: _____________________________________________________________________________________

Chapter Executive Committee (in office during the time frame captured on this report) (type “Vacant” if position not filled):

President: __________________________________________ __________________________________________Name E-mail

Vice President: __________________________________________ __________________________________________Name E-mail

Secretary: __________________________________________ __________________________________________Name E-mail

Treasurer: __________________________________________ __________________________________________Name E-mail

Chapter Academic Sponsor (SEG Fellow membership in good standing):

______________________________________ ______________________________________ ______________________Name E-mail Phone

_____________________________________________________________________________ ______________________Address Fax

Chapter Industry Sponsor (SEG Fellow membership in good standing and not affiliated with the student chapter’s institution):

______________________________________ ______________________________________ ______________________Name E-mail Phone

_____________________________________________________________________________ ______________________Address Fax

Sponsoring Institution or Company (name): _________________________________________________________________

Attach: 1. a list of names of all Student Chapter members (please indicate by * if SEG Student Member).2. complete Student Chapter Membership Information form with the current Executive Committee listed on page 1.

On a separate page(s) provide a summary of student chapter annual activities:


1. Regular meetings, lectures2. Field trips (dates, area visited, field trip leaders, num-

ber of participants, sponsors, benefits for students).Note: this is not the place for a detailed field tripreport that is required from a chapter who has receivedfunding from the Stewart R. Wallace Fund.

3. If your chapter received funding from the Stewart R.Wallace Fund, please submit a separate actualaccounting of how chapter funds were spent/used.

4. Organization of conferences, workshops, short courses (theme, number of participants, benefitsfor students)

5. Participation in conferences, workshops, short courses (theme, number of participants from thechapter, benefits for students)

6. Fund-raising programs7. Other programs8. Future plans

April 2018 August 2018Western Cape Society of Economic Geologists (WC SEG)

University of Stellenbosch, Earth Sciences Departmentwesterncape.segsga@gmail.comN/AWC SEG-SGA (

Lindo Makhathini

Tanisha Schultz

Bridgette Murathi

Naledi Parkies

Dr. Bjorn von der Heyden +27 (0) 21 808 3122

Kamer van Mynwese Gebou, Ryneveld Street, Stellenbosch

Mike Venter +27 83 384 5985

pH Consulting, Studio 104, Palmyra Junction, Claremont, Cape Town

Society of Economic Geologists

Annual Report of the Western Cape SEG Student Chapter 2018

April – September 2018

Annual Report

The Western Cape Society of Economic Geologists Student Chapter (WC SEG) was founded in April 2017 and continues to be an active society comprising of students from Stellenbosch University (SU), University of Cape Town (UCT) and the University of the Western Cape (UWC). The society has operated under the aim of broadening the knowledge of students on Economic Geology through a variety of activities such as field excursions, conferences and social evenings. Primary objectives that the student chapter aimed to fulfil in 2018 include the following:

- Bridge the gap between the academic and industrial realms of Economic Geology - Exposure of the society with the intension of growing the membership database - Developing well rounded economic geologists through community interactive measures

The student chapter has experienced a decline in the membership from 2017’s 52 members to 41 members in 2018 due to the delayed election of the new committee and therefore organization of appropriate activities and events. Students who are SEG Student Members are stated below and their membership numbers are indicated. Due to there being no representative from the SGA, the student chapter has been operating as ‘WC SEG’ as of August 2018 and will resume its affiliation with the SGA in 2019.

All activities were funded by the WC SEG, therefore the student chapter relied heavily on the contributions of external companies, in addition to the SEG (and SGA). The student chapter received no funding from the Society of Economic Geologists (SEG) or Society of Geology Applied to Mineral Deposits (SGA), therefore attempts to acquire external funding were made to economic geology affiliated and non-affiliated companies to fund events or sponsor field trips. Companies such as First National Bank (FNB), Sorbet, PetroSA, Anglo American, ABSA, Kropz, Vedanta Resources, Woolworths and Foschini Group were approached.

The major challenges that the student chapter faced include: miscommunication and misguidance from the 2017 committee and advisors, lack of funding to execute planned activities, and student enthusiasm and participation from all universities.

Advancements that the student chapter has made in 2018 include: establish a communication network with Black Mountain Mine (Northern Cape), Elandsfontein Mine (Western Cape), and Steenkamskraal REE Mine (Western Cape), build relationships with students from SU, UWC and UCT (postgraduates AND undergraduates), acquire potential job opportunities for students at the aforementioned mines, and the promotion of the society via various social media outlets (Instagram and Facebook). Community interactive measures were met through the movie evening held at Stellenbosch University and the upcoming student presentation evening briefly discussed below.

Executive Committee Meetings

The executive committee had regular meetings usually centered around preparing for an event. Meetings were held at UWC or SU for intervals that did not exceed 2 hours. Additionally, teleconferences were held to accommodate all members. The table below summarises the date, venue and purpose of the meeting.

Date Venue Purpose 16 April 2018

University of Western Cape

Strategy Meeting - Planning of events for the year (Plan of action was

drawn) - Discussion of roles - Organisation of Thayer Lindsley Lecture (logistics,

catering, venue) 2 May 2018 Stellenbosch

University Communication:

- SGA (no representative or contact person) - UCT (no academic advisor or student willing to

help) - No funding due to 2017 miscommunication

5 June 2018 University of Western Cape

Feedback: - Thayer-Lindsley Lecture - Budget - Sponsorship

Field trips: - Elandsfontein Phosphate Mine - Black Mountain Mine (waiting for funding

response) - Steenkampskraal REE mine (waiting for response)

23 July 2018 Teleconference (WhatsApp)

Field trips: - Confirmation with Elandsfontein Phosphate Mine

and Black Mountain Mine - No response from Steenkampskraal REE mine - No funding awarded - No response from external companies.

25 July 2018 Teleconference (WhatsApp)

Elandsfontein Mine Visit: - Logistics and advertising to student chapter


Activities for 2018:

The following segment is a summary on the activities that the student chapter had in 2018:

Jordan-Hour Bay Field Excursion

Date: 14 April 2018

Venue: Kuilsrivier Hills and Hout Bay

The second year Earth Sciences students from Stellenbosch University had a day excursion, visiting the old Tin adits at Jordans wines in Stellenbosch, as well as the old manganese mines located in Hout Bay near Chapmans peak, led by Dr BJ von der Heyden, Lindo Makhathini, Tanisha Schultz, and Naledi Parkies. Approximately 30 students were present.

Jordans winery in Stellenbosch is home to what once was, a tin mining industry. Tin deposits were first discovered in 1902, and the main ore bearing minerals, Cassiterite and Wolframite. The discovery led to large prospecting within the region, with many of the adits still visible today. Mineralization within this area was controlled by hydrothermal fluids associated with the emplacement of the Kuils River Batholith, an intrusion locally associated with the Cape Granite Suite.

Manganese ores occur as veins within the Sandstones of the Table Mountain Group and are thus fault-controlled deposits. The main ore bearing mineral is psilomelane, with minor pyrolusite and cryptomelane. These reserves were not very large, and an estimated 5000 tons of ore was produced during its life time. Trails leading up to the old mines are littered with these manganese bearing rocks, and close to the adits, large piles of sorted ore are visible. One can also view the alteration textures associated with the mineralization type, as well as follow ore rich veins still in the rock.

The purpose of the visit was to expose the students to different economical mineralization types, while being exposed to basic field work techniques. Students were encouraged to take strike and dip readings using a Krantz compass, as well as relating these readings to the greater geology of the area. The excursion had a secondary agenda, whereby the WC SEG SGA committee were able to interact with the undergraduate students, forming relationships, as well as gaining momentum for future SEG SGA members.

Thayer Lindsley Lecture: Professor John Dillies

Topic: Tops and Bottoms of Porphyry Copper Deposits Revisited: From Source Magmas to Lithocap Alteration Zones

Date: 1 June 2018

Venue: University of Stellenbosch, South Africa

The WC SEG SGA student Chapter had the privilege of hosting the Thayer Lindsley Visiting Lecturer, Professor John Dilles, and his family, from Orogen University, in June 2018.

Professor Dilles delivered an enthusiastic lecture on Cu-Mo Porphyry Deposits: Multiscale Practical Approach from Magmas to Minerals.

Students from the University of Cape Town (UCT), University of the Western Cape (UWC), and Stellenbosch University (SU) attended the talk. Lecturers from the respective Universities also attended, as well as Industry Leader, Richard Menell.

This was the very first official gathering of the Student Chapter members at one University, which allowed for the opportunity to network and grow the Student Chapter Database. It was also a great opportunity for students to network with the lecturers from all three universities, as well as form relationships with members from the other universities. Thirty-Five (35) new members were added to the Student Chapter that day.

To prepare for the lecture, it was decided to get pens branded, and membership forms printed (See Appendix) to create a sense of involvement from the students.

Elandsfontein Phosphate Mine Visit

Date: 18 August 2018

Venue: Elandsfontein Phosphate Mine (Kropz), 130 R45, Hopefield, Western Cape, South Africa

The Elandsfontein phosphate mine is located 12 km from Langebaan and borders the West Coast National Park within the Western Cape Province. The mine visit was coordinated and led by the mine’s principal geologist, Philip le Roux.

A total number of 11 students attended the Elandsfontein Phosphate mine visit. 7 students came from the University of Western Cape and 4 from Stellenbosch University.

The main purpose of the mine visit was to expose students to the mining industry additionally by making them aware of the different aspects involved in planning and execution (mining, environmental, economic, to name a few). Additionally, students were informed of the rehabilitation measures currently taken, how the mine will be refurnished into a tourism hub soon, and briefly were thoroughly informed of the extent of the impact such measures have on the community of Hopefield (increased job opportunities). Students were also able to engage with the knowledgeable geologist on site about the geology and in turn, gain more knowledge on the geology of the Western Cape province.

Movie Evening

Date: 20 June 2018

Venue: Stellenbosch University, South Africa

The 2018 Honours class at Stellenbosch University had the opportunity to tour South African mines in the North West, Gauteng, Mpumalanga and Limpopo provinces. As part of their projects, they were required to document their journey through short films. The best 10 videos were selected, and prizes were given to the winners. The objective of the evening was to formulate a relationship between the students at Stellenbosch University and student chapter.

First Annual Women’s Day Talk – WC SEG-SGA

Date: 31 August 2018

Venue: University of Western Cape, South Africa

To celebrate women’s month, the society organized its first (annual) women’s day inspired talked hosted by the University of the Western Cape on the 31st of August 2018. The idea of the event was to align with the International Women’s Day campaign for 2018 (#PressforProgress). The society adopted the campaign’s objective to work towards gender parity by challenging preconceived notions of how womanhood affects performance in the office and the field, and how to overcome challenges faced by female geologists. The objective of the event included: firstly, exploring the different facets of Economic Geology, secondly, encouraging student engagement with professionals from different tiers in the field of economic geology, and creating a networking opportunity. Guest speakers that shared their experiences included:

Chazanne Long, an experienced Managing Director and Senior Geologist. She is the founder of Sci-Ba – a scientific consulting company comprised of specialists in the field of environmental science, chemistry, hydrochemistry, geology and mineralogy. High quality testing services are provided from exploration and mining through to waste and recycling. Ms Long focused on the topic: “Women in the Corporate World” where she brought to light the gender-related biases she has faced in the industry along her journey to create her business and how she addresses these challenges.

Sukey Thomas, a consulting geoscientist for TECT Consulting. The company specializes in constructing fully-constrained 3D geological models to understand the structure of mineral deposits. Ms Thomas focused on the topic: “Women in Technology” where she elaborated on the progress made in female geologists embracing the technical aspects of the industry and elaborated on the differences that exist between technologically-driven and conventional (traditional) field techniques used in the 21st century.

The event was attended by 28 members and non-members of the student chapter whom were comprised of undergraduate and postgraduate students. The costs associated with the event are included in the Financial Report.

Upcoming Events:

PASA Core Logging Visit

Date: tbc (week of the 15th – 19th of October 2018)

Venue: Somerset West, Western Cape, South Africa

A field excursion to further expose students to the mining industry with emphasis on a hands-on approach. Students will be taught the fundamental tools of core logging and will be given an opportunity to participate in a core logging exercise.

Student Presentation Evening

Date: 29 October 2018

Venue: University of Cape Town

The purpose of the event is to assist postgraduate students who will be graduating at the end of 2018 with their dissertation defense, primarily to open an opportunity to participate in public speaking and gain different perspectives on their projects.

Proposed events for 2019:

The following events were initially planned for 2018, however due to funding, were not able to be executed. It is in the discretion of the 2018-2019 committee whether they are executed or not.

- Black Mountain Mine (Northern Cape) visit - Picketberg Tungsten Mine visit - Industry or Academic lecture - Potential participation in the Mining Indaba 2019

The executive committee would like to extend our sincere gratitude for allowing us to serve this organisation. A new executive committee will be elected in November 2018.

Kind regards,

The WC SEG Executive Committee 2018s

Lindo Makhathini Tanisha Schultz

WC SEG-SGA President 2018 WC SEG-SGA Vice President 2018

Financial Report: Break down of the expenditure in 2018

Activity Date Location Expenses Expenditure Field Trip 1: Kuilsrivier Hills and Hout Bay

14 April 2018

Jordon Wine Farm; Hout Bay

Transport Covered by Stellenbosch University

SEG Lindsey-Thayer Talk

1 June 2018 Stellenbosch University

Catering R 1075.00 Promotion

(posters) R186.50

Miscellaneous (Beverages for speakers and colleagues)


Gift for Speaker R87.45 Cutlery, Serviettes

and Coffee R267.93

Field Trip 2: Elandsfontein Mine

18 August 2018

Elandsfontein Phosphate Mine

Transport R 2000.00

Women’s Day Talk

31 August 2018

University of the Western Cape

Catering R 834.60 Transport R 739.00 Miscellaneous

(Gifts) R 309.00

Hiring R 345.00 Field trip 3: PASA Core Yard Visit

15-18 October 2018 (tbc)

Somerset West, South Africa

Transport R800

Student Presentation Evening

29 October 2018

University of Cape Town

Catering R990

Miscellaneous N/A Society Promotion (Geology Movie Evening – Stellenbosch University)


Branding (Pens) R 596.85

Initial funds: R 10149.27

Current available funds: R 3180.06

Total Expenditure as of 31 August 2018: R 6969.21

No.  Name and Surname Email Address Position (if applicable)

1 Lindo Makhathini President

2 Tanisha Schultz Vice‐President

3 Bridgette Murathi Secretary

4 Naledi Parkies Treasurer

5 Stelvio Sidre SC Member

6 Stephan C. Dunn SC Member

7 Lebogang Babedi SC Member

8 Joshua Chisambi SC Member

9 Christina Comusco SC Member

10 Luke Adriaans SC Member

11 Musa Mhlanga SC Member

12 Aidan Leetz SC Member

13 Carmen van Wyk SC Member

14 Keenan Woolfe SC Member

15 Arthur Mangalisa SC Member

16 Chandre Appolis SC Member

17 Mmakoena Rammutla SC Member

18 Ayabulela Manjezi SC Member

19 Zisekho Mtshixa SC Member

20 Thandokuhle Mkhangazi SC Member

21 Awonke Malgas SC Member

22 Lutanda Ngcobo SC Member

23 Kirezi Steven SC Member

24 Seona Shin SC Member

25 Tara De Jongh SC Member

26 Yaa Agyare‐Dwomoh SC Member

27 Britt Turner SC Member

28 Dylan McEwan SC Member

29 Albert Stephan Burger SC Member

30 Fiona Joy MacDonald SC Member

31 Raya Stavreva  SC Member

32 Hugo Schmidt SC Member

33 Lorena Andrea Tafur SC Member

34 Jonathan Gloyn‐Jones SC Member

35 Neldah Malapela SC Member

36 Samkele Mleni SC Member

37 Jean Christian Loock SC Member

38 Student A SC Member

39 Student B SC Member

40 Mbalenhle Motha SC Member

41 Vutomi Silinda SC Member

Appendix A

Western  Cape  Society  of  Economic Geology  Student  Chapter  Financial 


Over  the  course of  2018  the WC SEG Student Chapter hosted  several  events  for  the  student 


Financial report for 2018. 


The  Thayer‐Lindsley  Lecture  served  as  the  first  official  event  of  the  year  and was  hosted  by 

Stellenbosch  University.  The  costs  involved  in  organising  the  event  amounted  to  R  1568.04. 

Additionally, R 596.84 was used to purchase and brand merchandise (pens). These were given to 

students and lecturers who attended the talk to promote the society. The society hosted a movie 

evening where  economic  geology  related  short  films were  screened  –  the  cost  of  the  event 

amounted to R 61.88 (popcorn, gift for winners). The Women’s Day inspired industrial talk served 

as the second event of the year as was hosted by the University of the Western Cape. Expenditure 

came  primarily  in  the  form of  transport,  catering,  hiring  cutlery  and  crockery,  and  tokens  of 

appreciation for the guest speakers. The cost for the event amounted to R 2222.6. The final event 

of the year is organised for the 29th of October (Student presentation evening) and is estimated 

to cost approximately R 990 (Catering and transport). 

Field trips: 

The first field trip of the year was to Kuilsrivier Hills and Hout Bay. This field trip was organised 

exclusively by the Department of Earth Sciences in Stellenbosch; therefore, the society did not 

contribute financially. The second field trip that was organised was to Elandsfontein Phosphate 

Mine in Hopefield. Transport (R 2000.00) and lunch were the primary costs for the trip, however 

Kropz was able to sponsor the group with lunch.  In October, there will be a field trip to PASA 

where  students  will  learn  about  core  logging.  The  estimated  cost  for  this  event  is  R  800.00 



Several events had  to be postponed due to  insufficient  funds. These  include: an  industry  talk 

previously scheduled for August, and two mine visits to Black Mountain Mine (Aggenys) in the 

Northern Cape and Steenkampskraal REE Mine in the Western Cape.  

Sponsorships or donations for events were sought after from First National Bank (FNB), Anglo 

American, PetroSA, FOSHINI Group, ABSA, Vedanta Resources, Kropz, Woolworths and Sorbet, 

but unfortunately no reply has been received. 


Naledi Parkies 

WC‐SEG‐SGA Treasurer 2018 Financial Report: Break down of the expenditure in 2018 

Activity  Date  Location  Expenses  Expenditure Field Trip 1:  Kuilsrivier Hills and Hout Bay  

14 April 2018 

Jordon Wine Farm; Hout Bay 

Transport   Covered by Stellenbosch University  

SEG Lindsey‐Thayer Talk 

1 June 2018  Stellenbosch University 

Catering   R 1075.00 

Promotion (posters) 


Miscellaneous (Beverages for speakers and colleagues) 


Gift for Speaker  R79.60 

Cutlery, Serviettes and Coffee 


Field Trip 2: Elandsfontein Mine 

18 August 2018 

Elandsfontein Phosphate Mine 

Transport   R 2000.00 

Women’s Day Talk 

31 August 2018 

University of the Western Cape 

Catering   R 834.60 

Transport  R 739.00 

Miscellaneous (Gifts) 

R 304.00 

Hiring  R 345.00 

Field trip 3: PASA Core Yard Visit  

15‐18 October 2018 (tbc) 

Somerset West, South Africa  

Transport  R800 

Student Presentation Evening  

29 October 2018 

University of Cape Town 

Catering  R990 

Miscellaneous    N/A  Society Promotion (Geology Movie Evening – Stellenbosch University) 


Branding (Pens)  R 596.85 

Initial funds:            R 10149.27 

Available Funds                                                                       R 4587.26  

Total Expenditure as of 31 August 2018:     R 6449.37 

