STUDENT ATTENDANCE POLICY - Faith in Learning ATTENDANCE POLICY ... A reward system is in place for...


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Agreed by: Governors’ Student Equality, Diversity Inclusion Committee Date: 23rd September 2013, Reviewed in September 2014



Section Page

Attendance Policy


Appendix 1: Attendance Procedures Flow Chart


Appendix 2: Register Marking Protocol


Appendix 3: Staff Absence Procedures for the Marking of Registers


Appendix 4: Changes in attendance-what does it mean to me?



Attendance Policy

1. Purpose

The purpose of this policy is to explain the principles of good attendance and punctuality that we work to in the College, to identify the responsibilities of staff, students and parents/carers in relation to attendance and punctuality, and to outline the procedures that need to be followed to manage this area effectively. At St Brendan’s, we aim to support all our students to maximise their achievement and get the most out of their time at the College. We recognise that there is a clear link between good attendance and educational attainment. Regular and punctual attendance not only at subject classes, but also at workshops, tutorial, Religious, Philosophy and Ethics(RPE) sessions, and all of the wide range of enrichment activities is vital if students are to benefit fully from the academic, personal and social opportunities which are offered to them. We recognise that parents/carers play an important role in encouraging students to reach good attendance levels and in supporting the College policy, and we will take every opportunity to explain this to them. The Parent Portal is now available so they can track the attendance of their young people on a regular basis. We will also take appropriate action to promote and encourage good attendance and punctuality with students through a range of communication channels e.g. posters, tutorial sessions, 1:1s, student portal. 2. Principles

Full attendance and punctuality is expected from all students. Attendance less than 90% is considered unacceptable, and

will have particular consequences in relation to the disciplinary process, progression, mandatory payment of examination fees, withdrawal of Bursary funding etc.

Arrival at a class more than five minutes after the start is considered as ‘late’ and recorded as such on the register.


More than 5 unexplained ‘lates’ in a term will be considered to be unacceptable, and may lead to disciplinary action.

The College staff will work with students and parents/carers to act swiftly where there is a sudden deterioration in attendance or where attendance is consistently poor.

A reward system is in place for those with attendance over 95%.

On a regular basis, the parents/carers of students whose attendance has fallen below 90% or whose attendance has fallen below 90% in a specific subject,( including Tutorial and Religion, Philosophy and Ethics), will be contacted and informed of the students’ cumulative attendance for the academic year and of the consequences for progression etc.

The Attendance Officer will e-mail or write to parents/carers to alert them after 3 days of consecutive OR 5 days of non-consecutive unexplained absence (i.e. no contact from home) and ask them to explain the reason for absence.

Electronic registers must be completed for all teaching sessions, tutorials or any other activity that counts towards a student’s study programme.

The procedures linked to this policy aim to identify students with poor attendance, and to use appropriate mechanisms at College to address the problems.

3. Responsibilities:


Every student has a legal ‘duty to attend’ education or training, and it is their responsibility to ensure that they get to College every day and attend each lesson.

If they are absent from College (unwell or on an arranged educational activity), they should notify the College absence line or email by 10.30am on the first and each subsequent day of absence.

For any pre-arranged notified absence, the student should complete a form and provide the required evidence.

Every student is expected to be punctual and any student arriving more than five minutes late to a class or planned activity will be marked as late on the register.



It is the responsibility of all staff to promote good attendance by highlighting the link with outcomes at every opportunity, and by following the College policy and procedures.

It is expected that all staff will act as positive role models in terms of their attendance and punctuality.

It is the responsibility of the member of staff taking each class (teacher or Pastoral Support Tutor (PST)) to take the register while in class, or, where this is not possible, to complete it by 9am the following morning (or 9am on Monday for Friday’s register) and to ensure it is accurate.

The Administrative Team will take any notified absence from the answer machine/email account and enter the marks on the registers and enter the reasons on Civica.

It is the responsibility of the Curriculum Manager/Pastoral Support Manager to ensure that registers are marked for absent team members (see Appendix 3).

All teachers and PSTs will regularly monitor the overall attendance of their individual students and their classes. The attendance of any student about whom they have concerns will be dealt with according to the agreed process (see below).

4. Sanctions:

A variety of sanctions will be applied for poor attendance; however this will always be within the framework of the College Disciplinary process:

Informal Stage

For poor attendance in a subject, tutorial or RPE, the subject teacher or PST will discuss the situation with the student, and reiterate the importance of full attendance and will try a range of strategies, (including contacting parents/carers if appropriate, explaining consequences, addressing any barriers , sending postcards etc.), to improve the situation.


Formal Stage 1

If no improvement is made, the subject teacher will refer the student to the Curriculum Manager/Assistant Curriculum Manager (CM/ACM) for a Formal Stage 1 of the Disciplinary Process. This may include employing a range of strategies including consultation with parents/ carers. If there is no improvement, a Subject Warning Letter will be issued.

If the concern relates to attendance in tutorial sessions, the PST will also employ a range of strategies and then, if not successful, issue the Subject Warning Letter.

If the concern relates to Religion, Philosophy and Ethics (RPE), the RPE teacher will employ a range of strategies and then, if not successful, a Subject Warning Letter will be sent by the Administration Team.

Formal Stage 2

If there is no improvement or if the attendance has improved but is still too sporadic, the CM/ACM or relevant PST will refer the student to the Attendance Officer. Concern over RPE attendance will trigger a referral to the relevant PST or Attendance Officer for Stage 2 of the Disciplinary process

Stage 2 relating to only attendance/punctuality will be carried out by the Attendance Officer and will involve a number of strategies including liaison with home, attendance contacts, daily check-in, mandatory payment of examination fees, withdrawal of Bursary etc.

If there are concerns that are wider than just attendance/lateness (e.g. missing deadlines, behaviour) or concerns over attendance in a specific subject inc. tutorial and RPE, the CM/ACM should make a Stage 2 referral to the PST, who will put them on a Behaviour Support Plan and Stage 2 of the Disciplinary Process.

Formal Stages 3 and 4

If the poor attendance persists, the student will be referred to the Pastoral Support Manager for Stage 3 of the Disciplinary process.


Failure to improve at this stage will subsequently result in a Stage 4 Stay or Go Meeting with the Director of Student Experience. The outcome of this would either be a permanent exclusion, an agreement to terminate the learning Agreement or a return to a monitored Stage 3.

Parents/guardians will be given procedures if they wish to appeal against a permanent exclusion.

Other sanctions

At the end of the Spring Term (March/April) students with overall attendance of under 90%, will be invoiced a £30 contribution towards examination fees/assessments for each subject where they have less than 85% attendance

Failure to pay the examination/assessment fee invoice will result in the withholding of the deposit and /or examination certificates.

Any student on the Bursary with less than 90% attendance will have the Bursary withdrawn for a period following consultation with their PST.

Attendance Exceptions

Before applying any sanctions, consideration will be given to any mitigating circumstances such as ill health, family crises etc.

The Learning Development Manager, Attendance Officer or PST will notify by email all staff working with any student who has particular reasons for poor attendance (ill health, mental health issues, family problems, bereavement, complex needs, child protection or learning support needs etc.) This will be noted on Civica as ‘Attendance Exception’ and no sanctions should be applied without prior consultation with the PST or Learning Development Manager.


ATTENDANCE PROCESS (2014-2015) Lha 16jul14

Formal Stage 2 (led by the PST or Attendance Officer)

If the issues relate only to attendance/lateness (where overall attendance is below 90%), the CM/ACM/PSM refers the student to the Attendance Officer for a Stage 2 Attendance Contract led by Attendance Officer.

The Attendance Officer will also prompt a Stage 2 referral from CM/ACM’s where there are continued attendance concerns and an Attendance Contract may be an appropriate strategy.

If the issues relate to more than just attendance/lateness (e.g. there are also issues with behaviour, meeting deadlines, disruption, coursework) or attendance is below 90% in any specific subject including Tutorial and RPE - CM/ACM refers

student to PST for a Stage 2 of the Disciplinary Process led by PST.

If SUCCESSFUL, student notified during weekly

meeting, letter home and noted on civica.

If UNSUCCESSFUL, moved to Stage 2 Daily Attendance Contract. Student notified during weekly meeting, letter home and noted on civica.

Further attendance concerns, student re-referred to Attendance Officer for

additional Stage 2 Strategy.

Formal Attendance Stage 1 (led by Attendance Officer) Weekly email/letter from Attendance Officer to all

parent/carers (copied to PST and noted on Civica) where there are:

∙ three consecutive non-notified OR ∙ five non-consecutive non-notified absences.

Warning Letter home with AA&E Report to any students with overall attendance under 90% explaining consequences (noted on Civica):

∙ October 2014 (Stage 1).∙ January 2015 (Stage 1 if no previous Stage 1 OR

Stage 2 if any other Stage 1 letter has been previously sent).

NB. Letter not required with May 2015 AA&E as Exam/Assessment Fee letter/invoice sent (see separate process).

Formal Disciplinary Stage 1 (led by CM/ACM or PSM regarding Tutorial)If no improvement in attendance/punctuality after a range of strategies are employed then:

Stage 1 Subject Warning Letter home with timescales for improvement.

Noted by Admin Team on Civica.

Informal/Verbal Process (led by Subject Teacher/PST regarding Tutorial)Informal process led by Subject Teacher/PST (regarding Tutorial). A range of strategies employed e.g. chasing up, speaking to student, telephone calls home, postcard home

(actions recorded on Civica). Admin Team to record notified absence on Civica.

Verbal Warning for attendance/punctuality issued, reported to PST and CM via email and parent/carer notified. Actions recorded on Civica.

If no improvement, move to Formal Stage 1 of the Attendance/Disciplinary Process.

(2A) Weekly Attendance Contract (acts as first part Stage 2 of the Disciplinary Process).

Attendance Officer meets student and agrees an Attendance Contract for 2 weeks*. Any absences must be notified by Parent/Carer only. Letter home to

explain, noted on Civica and CM/ACM informed. A subject teacher/PST’s (regarding Tutorial) signature is required for every time tabled lesson and

workshop. Student to meet with Attendance Officer each week (time/date agreed at initial meeting) to discuss attendance during contract period and

return signed timetables to the Attendance Officer. Attendance Officer to place contract update on Civica each week within notes/events.

*Attendance Officer is able to extend contract if required.


Formal Stage 3 (led by PSM)PSM acknowledges referral from Attendance Officer, and

meets student for an Attendance Review within 10 days of initial referral (Stage 2 BSP or Stage 3 disciplinary, as required).

PSM reviews the situation which may include: Family conference, temporary exclusion, removing student from

course, or other strategies. Formal Stage 2 or 3 letter sent home explaining targets for


Formal Stage 4If, after 3 weeks, the targets of Stage 3 are not met,

a Stay or Go Meeting is held with Director of Student Experience. Parents/carers will be invited

and notified of the outcomes.

Permanent exclusion(Appeal to Assistant Principal

within 10 working days. Appeal to Panel convened by Principal including Governor

in 10 working days)

Refer back to PSM for monthly review of Stage 3


Mutually agreed:Termination of

Learning Agreement

(2B) Daily Attendance Contract (acts as second part Stage 2 of the Disciplinary Process).

Attendance Officer meets student and agrees Daily Attendance Contract for 2 weeks*. Any absences must be notified by Parent/Carer only. Letter home to explain and

noted on Civica. A subject teacher/PST’s (regarding Tutorial) signature is required for every time tabled lesson and workshop. Student checks in with Attendance Officer DAILY at 1025 in B211e and also meets WEEKLY with Attendance Officer in B211e

(time/date agreed at initial meeting) to discuss attendance during contract period and return signed timetables. Attendance Officer to place contract update on Civica each

week within notes/events.If no improvement or conditions not met, Attendance Officer refers student to PSM

for an Attendance Review, with option for Stage 3 Disciplinary Meeting or Stage 2 BSP, as required. (copy ACr).

If UNSUCCESSFUL, referred to PSM. Student notified during weekly

meeting, letter home and noted on civica.

If SUCCESSFUL, student notified during weekly

meeting, letter home and noted on civica.

Further attendance concerns, student re-

referred to Attendance Officer for additional

Stage 2 Strategy.

*Attendance Officer is able to extend contract if required.


Appendix 2 Register Marking Protocol

Codes to be used

Code Description Used By Use Attendance Statistics

Educ- ational Activity

/ Present Teaching Staff To identify students that have attended the class

Positive attendance


L Late Teaching Staff To identify students that arrived late for a class

Positive attendance


E Exam or Educational activity

Admin & Teaching staff

To identify where the learner may not be present in class but is still undertaking an educational activity (see list overleaf).Reason picklist

Positive attendance


A Absent Admin & Teaching Staff

To identify students that have not attended the class. Admin to record reason if notified.

Non attendance


Other codes not to be used by Admin or teaching staff:

Y Timetable Error

MIS Staff To identify Classes that should not have been timetabled.

Excluded from statistics

T Transferred Civica Cannot be changed by Teaching Staff

Excluded from statistics

W Withdrawn Civica Cannot be changed by Teaching Staff

Excluded from statistics

C Complete Civica Cannot be changed by Teaching Staff

Excluded from statistics


Code details Code / - All students present and on-time are marked with / . Code A -Used to record if a student is absent. Code L – Used if a student arrives more than 5 minutes after the beginning of the lesson. Code E – Exam or educational activity:

a) Student has a College organised trip b) Student is on an Open Day or interview at university (letter needed). c) Student has an exam in College (data entered by college). d) Teacher not present but work has been set e) Self-study agreed by teacher f) Work Experience agreed by College g) Interview arranged by College h) Representing the College at sport, educational activity or external event i) Learning Development Activity (to be used by Learning Dev Team only) j) Undertaking college business agreed by SLT e.g. interviews, Student

Council k) Tutorial 1:1s l) Strike action-independent study

Absent A Reasons to be available as a drop down for notifiable absence: Notified illness (by parent/carer Notified illness (by student) Notified dentist/ opticians Notified hospital, doctor appt Notified family holiday Notified funeral Notified interview Notified driving test Notified family emergency Notified-agreed religious holiday Notified maternity/paternity leave Notified-Other Signing out sick Not notified-no reasons given


Appendix 3: Absence Procedures for the Marking of Registers (Teaching and Pastoral Staff)

Supply Staff providing cover for absent staff

Cover staff must be provided with an IT account in order to access the IT system even if they are only in College for a very short period of time. This is top priority. Details are forwarded by HR to the IT team. The IT team notifies MIS and HR of the new account by email and MIS then create an account for Civica. In order for IT to create a new account, they will select an unique username based on initials and will require the supply staff to enter a password of their choice in the I.T room. Supply staff will also be provided with a mini induction pack which will direct them to the MIS produced User Guides on Civica and they will have signed a confidentiality agreement about the use of data. In employing supply staff, the importance of completing registers for classes in a timely way will be highlighted. HR will also notify IT and MIS of the leave date for supply staff and IT will confirm with HR/MIS that the accounts have been disabled accordingly.

Notified absence

If a member of staff telephones ahead of time and notifies the College of their absence, arrangements must be made by the Curriculum Manager or Pastoral Support Manager for someone within the curriculum area/pastoral support team to mark the absent staff’s registers during their absence. Either a colleague will be notified of this responsibility by the CM/ACM, or PSM. The CM/ACM or PSM will mark the registers. (Often paper registers are collected to collect details of attendees). No special login is required!

Non-advance notified absence (e.g Emergency on the day)

The person leaving college must notify the CM or ACM or PSM before they depart in person and additionally by email. (If these managers are absent from College, a Director may be notified instead). Arrangements must be made by the CM/ACM or PSM for either a colleague to mark the absent member of staff’s registers. Ultimately, responsibilities for ensuring registers are marked and in a timely way lies with the CM, ACM or PSM in each area. All registers must be completed before 9am the following morning, except on Fridays when they must be completed no later than 9am the following Monday.


Appendix 4: Changes in attendance policy-what does it mean for me? (Guidance for teachers/ PSTs) 1. I thought attendance was a PST’s responsibility.

Attendance is everyone’s responsibility- Pastoral Support Tutors will intervene at a Stage 2 of the Disciplinary Process if no progress has been made following the actions taken by subject teachers, ACMs and CMs and a Subject Warning Letter being sent. However, they will also be monitoring attendance of all students as part of their regular 1:1 meetings. The Attendance Officer will also be looking at students’ overall attendance and taking action. 2. Why is attendance so important? There is a lot of evidence to show the link between successful academic outcomes and good attendance which will be highlighted to students at every opportunity. Average attendance at the College in 2013-2014 was 90.5% and it is a key strategic priority to improve on this and reach 92% in 2014-2015. In addition, the Raising Participation Age requires all 17 year olds to attend education or training and they now have a legal ‘duty to attend’ which needs to be reinforced. The introduction of Civica and the appointment of an Attendance Officer allows us to become more sophisticated and streamlined in the way we monitor, and track and respond to poor attendance patterns. 3. How do I know if one of my students is a poor attender? Civica lets us see the pattern of absence of any of your students in any lesson. Furthermore a series of reports will be produced regularly by the Attendance Officer in partnership with MIS so that actions can be taken in order to tackle poor attenders quickly. 4. What do I do if one my students is regularly late/absent from my lesson? You must tackle this issue as quickly as possible. Discuss it with the student at the end of the next session or ask him/her to make an appointment to see you. You can also e-mail or text them directly through Civica if they fail to turn up. If attendance/punctuality still remains an issue afterwards you must take further action - there is no single route that will suit all as every case is different, but you may want contact their parents/guardians directly and then move to a verbal warning. If there are still no improvements contact your CM/ACM who will talk with the student concerned and take further actions leading to a Subject Warning Letter if appropriate. Please note any actions you take/contact with home on Civica to avoid duplication.


5. I’ve spoken to the student, taken actions, got my CM/ACM involved and now it’s with the Attendance Officer or Pastoral Support Tutor - how do I know what other actions have taken place? All actions regarding a student’s attendance will be on their Civica ‘notes’ .If they are on an Attendance Contract this will be noted, and if they are on a Behaviour Support Plan this can be viewed through clicking the ‘documents’ tab on the student’s page. Admin. will be inputting any notified absences. 6. What’s the ultimate sanction? Poor attenders seem to always “get away with it”. Dealing with poor attendance can be a lengthy process - the College is trying to be as supportive as possible, but ultimately a student will be asked to leave through a ‘Stay or Go’ meeting if there are on-going issues with attendance which haven’t been resolved despite numerous actions taken and the various stages of the Disciplinary Process completed. Sanctions are in place so there is less ‘getting away with it’ such as the Attendance Contract, Daily check-in and a requirement to pay a contribution to exam fees. We do also recognise that there are a number of students who do not attend due to ill health, mental health issues, family crises etc. and they will be dealt with sensitively by the PST, Learning Development Manager or Attendance Officer with teachers kept informed through Civica. 7. Why are we contacting parents/carers? Good attendance should be students’ responsibility. Good attendance is the responsibility of the students; however, parents/carers are a great source of support in most cases and are very keen to support the College - by keeping them informed they can respond appropriately outside College to their son/daughter’s poor attendance. A student portal is available and this year we have also introduced a Parent Portal so parents/carers are able to access their young person’s attendance record in real time. 8. What about students with long term health issues/family problems


As a College, we pride ourselves on our pastoral support and do not want to be in the situation of penalising students for particular absence e.g. due to physical or mental health, bereavement, family breakdown/child protection issues. This relies on everyone making full use of ‘notes’ on Civica if they become aware of any pertinent issues, and always communicating with the PST and other teachers through the group email facility on Civica . Please always check the ‘health’ section of the student’s page and look at ‘notes’ before taking any action. If it says they are an ‘Attendance Exception’ , please do not take any action without talking to their PST or Learning Support.
