Student Assessment Al-Madinah International University | All Rights Reserved ©2012


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Student Assessment

Al-Madinah International University | All Rights Reserved ©2012

Al-Madinah International University | All Rights Reserved ©2012


The Objective is to measure and evaluate all three domains of educational activities:

1. Cognitive: mental skills (Knowledge)2. Affective: growth in feelings or emotional areas (Attitude)3. Psychomotor: manual or physical skills (Skills)

Cognitive: mental skills (Knowledge)A l - M a d i n a h I n t e r n a t i o n a l U n i v e r s i t y

Affective: growth in feelings or emotional areas (Attitude)

A l - M a d i n a h I n t e r n a t i o n a l U n i v e r s i t y

Psychomotor: manual or physical skills (Skills)A l - M a d i n a h I n t e r n a t i o n a l U n i v e r s i t y

Types of Comprehensive Assessment

• Pre assessment

• Continues assessment

• Final assessment

Educational semester coverage:

Pre- assessmentcontinues


Mid exam continues assessment

Final assessment

A l - M a d i n a h I n t e r n a t i o n a l U n i v e r s i t y

All assessment should be:1. Clear2. Consistent3. Effective4. Reliable5. Support LOs

Educational semester coverage:

Pre- assessmentcontinues


Mid term continues assessment

Final assessment

Types of Comprehensive AssessmentA l - M a d i n a h I n t e r n a t i o n a l U n i v e r s i t y

Pre assessment

Continues assessment

Final assessment

Types of Comprehensive Assessment

Pre assessmentObjective: Determine the readiness level of a student to join the program.

Pre assessment models:1. Language proficiency test.2. Initial approval of a proposal.

A l - M a d i n a h I n t e r n a t i o n a l U n i v e r s i t y

Types of Comprehensive Assessment

Objective: Evaluate the learning process of the students throughout the semester, from its beginning to the end.

1. Self-assessment via SCORM.All topics within an interactive courseware have the following

a. Training quizzes follow each element. b. Overall Exercises comes at the end of each chapter.

2. Classroom activities:Assessment - Short test - Forum - Research Project - Class discussions - Exercises – Training – Presentations

3. Midterm Exam.Via a written Subjective and Objective fairly generated questions.

A l - M a d i n a h I n t e r n a t i o n a l U n i v e r s i t y

Types of Comprehensive Assessment

Final assessmentObjective:To measure the achievement of the Learning Outcomes of the targeted educational objectives within the allocated timeframe (e.g. 14 weeks).

Final assessment models:

A l - M a d i n a h I n t e r n a t i o n a l U n i v e r s i t y

• suitable for the level of bachelor students in all disciplines.

Final Exam Assessment only:

• suitable for graduate students , structure (A).

Viva and Thesis Assessment only:

• suitable for graduate students structures (B, C).

Viva and Final Assessment of the thesis or the research project:

Types of Comprehensive Assessment Bachelor assessment stages:

Assessment Stages of student bachelorPlacement test (MEPT/MAPT)

Centre of language

Program start

Mid-term exam

Final exam

Continuous Assessment


Continuous Assessment


A l - M a d i n a h I n t e r n a t i o n a l U n i v e r s i t y

Types of Comprehensive Assessment

Post-graduate assessment stages: Assessment Stages of Graduate

students Placement test (MEPT/MAPT)

Canter of language

Program start

Subject studies

Mid-term exam

50 % Continuous Assessment

Final exam

50 % Continuous Assessment


Pre-Assessment of the plan

Propose a Plan

Semester progress report

End of Study Assessment

Supervisor External Examiner

Internal Examiner

Structure B Structure A

Project research

Structure C Structure C

Pre-Assessment of the proposal

End of semester Assessment

Propose an idea

Submission of the Project project

Internal Examiner Supervisor

Supplementary SubjectsSupplementary Subjects

A l - M a d i n a h I n t e r n a t i o n a l U n i v e r s i t y

Al-Madinah International University | All Rights Reserved ©2012

Assessment Questions Models

Assessment Questions Models

1. Multiple choices question and one answer 2. Multiple choices question and multiple answers3. Question pairing (and matching)4. Question blanks5. Question of right and wrong (Yes or No)6. Sort answers a question7. Essay questions (essay the long and short essay)

A l - M a d i n a h I n t e r n a t i o n a l U n i v e r s i t y

Assessment’s ToolsComprehensive assessment Assessment’s tools

Assessment type Assessment models On campus learning Online learning

Pre assessment

Entitlement to pre-requisite subjects for graduate students.


Determine the language proficiency test

Language proficiency testing system

Language proficiency testing system

Assessment plans of postgraduate students

Classrooms- on campus system

WizIQ system- on campus

Assessment continuous

Class discussions Classrooms WizIQ system-ALIM system

Class activities ALIM system ALIM systemMid-term exam Headquarters test – ALIM-

system Headquarters test – ALIM-system

Self-assessment ALIM-system (SCORM) ALIM-system (SCORM)

Final assessment

Final exam only ALIM-system ALIM-system Thesis assessment only classroom WizIQ systemFinal exam and thesis assessment or research project

ALIM system- Headquarters test

ALIM system- WizIQ system- Headquarters test

Test Venue and proctor’s tasks:A l - M a d i n a h I n t e r n a t i o n a l U n i v e r s i t y

Med term exam and final exam take into account the following:

Availability of invigilators (proctors) and maintain ratio of observers (2:20) students.

Availability of equipped PCs with good connection to the Internet to perform the exam via an approved system by the university.

Test Venue and proctor’s tasks:

1. Preparation of the students’ list attendance paper, and requiring students to sign it before the exam start and ensure that about the student personal identities card.

2. Pull the students attendance sheets after the signing of the students, and sent to the official exams in all educational centres.

3. Communication with officials of examination centres to find out passwords and any amendments thereto, on the exams.

4. To Ensure the safety devices and include a copy of Windows, and connected to the Internet.

5. Monitor students and keep their commitment to the performance of controls testing.

6. To allow students to leave the committee after the time allowed.

A l - M a d i n a h I n t e r n a t i o n a l U n i v e r s i t y

Tasks of the invigilators are as follow:

Distribution of the Questions’ Styles on theComprehensive Assessment

Comprehensive assessment Assessment type

Assessment models Question Pattern

Entitlement to pre-requisite subjects for post-graduate students

Examination of documents - oral / interview

Continuous assessment

Classroom discussions Oral / interview

Classroom activity Written / objective questions- Essay questions

Midterm exam Written / objective questions- Essay questions

Final exam

Final exam only Written / objective questions-Assessment the message only Oral / interviewFinal test and evaluate the message or the research project

Written / objective questions- oral interview

Al-Madinah International University | All Rights Reserved ©2012

Question BankDevelopment Fields

Questions’ Bank System& Development Fields

How to Build the Question Bank

1. Use of all types of questions that are currently available in the questions Bank system included in the ALIM system.

2. Linked each question with the following information: • The element- the lesson-The difficulty level-degree of differentiation -

Educational objective-learning outcomes-the cognitive ability.

3. Review all questions bank within three phases• Phase I: scientific and linguistic review to be assigned to one of the

lecturers, and it could be the same lecturer of the subject. • Phase II: educational review to be assigned to educational expert• Phase III: Endorsement and approval by the Head of Department or

external evaluator.

A l - M a d i n a h I n t e r n a t i o n a l U n i v e r s i t y

Test paper specifications:

1. Distribution of lessons, where required to cover more than 80% of the course

2. Measuring educational goals and fruits, which represent the cognitive aspect of which 70% of the questions, and the skills (behavioural) 20%, and the emotional side of 10%..

3. Measurement of mental abilities, as it represents the ability of conservation and remember 30% of the questions, and the ability of understanding 30%, and the ability of the application of 20%, and the ability of analysis, 10%, and the ability of composition 5%, and the ability of assessment and opinion 5%.

A l - M a d i n a h I n t e r n a t i o n a l U n i v e r s i t y

Questions’ Bank System& Development Fields

Test paper specifications:

1. Distribution of lessons, where required to cover more than 80% of the course

2. Measuring educational goals and fruits, which represent the cognitive aspect of which 70% of the questions, and the skills (behavioural) 20%, and the emotional side of 10%..

3. Measurement of mental abilities, as it represents the ability of conservation and remember 30% of the questions, and the ability of understanding 30%, and the ability of the application of 20%, and the ability of analysis, 10%, and the ability of composition 5%, and the ability of assessment and opinion 5%.

A l - M a d i n a h I n t e r n a t i o n a l U n i v e r s i t y

Questions’ Bank System& Development Fields

Test paper specifications: 4. Levels of difficulty and ease, distributing to 30% easy, 50% average,

and 15% difficult, 5% is very difficult.

5. Degrees of excellence, which it should be all the questions from of patterns (a good discrimination) and above.

6. the questions patterns which the multiple choice selection represent 60% , true and false 40% in the final exam , The Midterm Exam the multiple choice selection represent 40% , true and false 20% , Essay 40% .

7. The guarantee of achieving the quality of the exam paper.

A l - M a d i n a h I n t e r n a t i o n a l U n i v e r s i t y

Questions’ Bank System& Development Fields

Questions’ bank systemand its development fields

Exam paper qualityA. Objective selection of the question, which it cannot affected with the

responsible desires, and it can eliminate the phenomenon of expectation and guesswork that used by students which only the memorization of some of the lessons.

B. The comprehensive Questions which it can cover the entire all the curriculum, and the most of the lesson elements.

C. Credibility of the results whereas it can express about the actual of the student level , and it can also distinguish between students depend on their efforts

D. The chance equality between the students through

A l - M a d i n a h I n t e r n a t i o n a l U n i v e r s i t y

Feedback from comprehensiveassessment system

Objectives:• Developing the educational curriculum• Develop the lectures performance• Develop question of questions banking

Academic analysis


Statistics analysis

Measure the level of difficulties

Measure distinct degree

Joining the answer percentage with outcomes and objectives

Student’s results

Joining the answer percentage with knowledgeable and

behavioral and affection skills

Joining the answer percentage with lesson

Joining the answer percentage with the mother language

Develop Questions Banking

Develop lecturer performance

Develop the educational


A l - M a d i n a h I n t e r n a t i o n a l U n i v e r s i t y

Al-Madinah International University | All Rights Reserved ©2012

Comprehensive Assessment Quality

Comprehensive assessment quality

1. Holding practical sessions to lectures and the persons who in charge of Questions Banking to lift the qualification levels in putting questions and auditing to be able to measure the range of achieving the objectives of the courses and its outcomes, and assessment whatever student negativities and support their positivity.

2. Assigned a task of assessment of University comprehensive assessment system to one of the specialist and outer assessment too , and diagnosing questions banking system before the final exam to make sure that readiness of the banking, after the final exam to follow the result statistics analysis .

A l - M a d i n a h I n t e r n a t i o n a l U n i v e r s i t y

Comprehensive assessment quality

3. Exams times distributed through the semester, whereas all semester parts should be covered to enable fasting discover the difficulties faced by the students and trying to overcome.

4. Integration assessment types among itself in measuring the level of collections.

5. Covering comprehensive assessments types for eights fields to Malaysian accreditation authority, and this demonstrated through the next distribution

6. Questions categories integrations included measuring knowledge skills and student behavioural Affective.

A l - M a d i n a h I n t e r n a t i o n a l U n i v e r s i t y

التقويم أنواع

التقويم صور





skills and responsibiliti


Ethics, professionali

sm and



on, leader

ship and

team skills


methods, critical thinking

and problem solving skills


learning and information



Entrepreneurship and managerial skills

1 Pre Assessment

الطالب لغة اختبار √ √


الخطط تقويم √ √ √ √ √

3 Continues assessment

الصفية المناقشات √ √ √ √ √ √ √

4 الصفية األنشطة √ √ √ √ √ √ √


Final Assessment

فقط النهائي االختبار √ √ √ √

7 فقط الرسالة تقويم √ √ √ √ √

8أو الرسالة مناقشة

البحث مشروع

√ √ √ √ √

Comprehensive assessment qualityA l - M a d i n a h I n t e r n a t i o n a l U n i v e r s i t y

Comprehensive assessment quality

األسئلة أنماطKnowledge

Practical skills

Social skills and responsibilities

Ethics, professionalism and humanities

Communication, leadership and team skills

Scientific methods, critical thinking and problem solving skills

Lifelong learning and information management

Entrepreneurship and managerial skills

1Oral Assessment الشفوي النمط

Oral discussion - الشفوية √ المناقشات √ √ √ √ √ √


Written Essay المقالي التحريري النمط

- الطويل formativeالمقالي- القصير summativeالمقالي

√ √ √ √ √ √ √


Written Subjective Assessment التحريري النمط


Multiple choice single answer - واإلجابة متعدد من االختيار


Multiple choice multi answer - واإلجابة متعدد من االختيار


True and false - والخطأ الصواب

Matching -المزاوجة

Ordering -الترتيب

Fill the gap - الفراغات ملء

√ √ √ √


Practical Assessment التطبيقي العملي النمط

Research Project - البحثية المشاريع

Seminar Presentations - السنمارات ) تطبيقية عروض

√ √ √ √ √ √

A l - M a d i n a h I n t e r n a t i o n a l U n i v e r s i t y

Comprehensive assessment quality7-covering the questions categories for all eights fields that approved from Malaysian

accreditation authority and it is clarifying as the following :

Questions categories


Practical skills

Social skills and responsibilities

Ethics, professionalism and humanities

Communication, leadership and team skills

Scientific methods, critical thinking and problem solving skills

Lifelong learning and information management

Entrepreneurship and managerial skills

1- Oral patterns - Oral discussion √ √ √ √ √ √ √


- Written subjective essay- long essay (formative)

-short essay (summative)

√ √ √ √ √ √ √


Written objective questions:• -Multiple choice and the answer is one• -multiple choice and the answers are many –True and

false• -Pairing• ordering

√ √ √ √ √


Practical Activities-Project-Seminar Presentation

√ √ √ √ √ √

A l - M a d i n a h I n t e r n a t i o n a l U n i v e r s i t y

Comprehensive assessment qualityومعيار والوزن، األنماط، وتنوع الزمنية، الفترة حيث من بينها فيما األسئلة أنماط تكامل

المنهج أجزاء تغطية وشمولية التقييم،

األسئلة أنماط

Duration الفترة Diversity التنوعWeightage الوزن Criteria المعيار

Coverage الشمول

Self Assessment (SCORM) سكورم الذاتي التتقييم• Training quizzes(التدريبات • Exercises والتمارين)

Long طويلة 2 0%Subjective موضوعي


1Oral Assessment الشفوي النمط

Oral discussion - الشفوية المناقشاتMiddle متوسطة 1 10%

Objective ذاتي



Written Essay المقالي التحريري النمط

- الطويل formativeالمقالي- القصير summativeالمقالي

Middle متوسطة 2 30%Objective

ذاتيLimited محدود


Written Subjective Assessment التحريري النمط


Multiple choice single answer - واإلجابة متعدد من االختيار


Multiple choice multi answer - واإلجابة متعدد من االختيار


True and false - والخطأ الصواب

Matching -المزاوجة

Ordering -الترتيب

Fill the gap - الفراغات ملء

Short قصيرة 6 50%Subjective موضوعي

Middle شامل


Practical Assessment التطبيقي العملي النمط

Research Project - البحثية المشاريع

Seminar Presentations - السنمارات ) تطبيقية عروض

Long طويلة 2 10%Objective



A l - M a d i n a h I n t e r n a t i o n a l U n i v e r s i t y

Comprehensive assessment quality

8. Correlation assessment questions with the objectives of the syllabus and its educational outcomes.

9. Flexibility doing the exams on the online and on campus teaching on various syllabus exams and differences time.

10.Question secrecy , safety doing the exams

11.Conjunction the compulsory procedures to do exams and integrate between the educational practical elements: academic, technology, management ,as it clear from figure (making exams scheme)

12.Gradual decision making which can achieve integrating the experiences and dividing the tasks and the flexibility of performing tasks as it clear from the figure

A l - M a d i n a h I n t e r n a t i o n a l U n i v e r s i t y

Thank You
