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Structureand written expression. Test 2.

1. __________ aspects of his talk have global applications.

(A) One of the

(B) Some of (C) Any of the

(D) Although some of the. !he Ame"ican #ay of life __________ 

(A) has a$mi"e$ an$ c"itici%e$.

(B) has been a$mi"e$ an$ c"itici%e$.

(C) have been a$mi"e$ an$ c"itici%e$.(D) has been the ob&ect of a$mi"ing an$ c"itici%ing.

'. Afte" a $ays #o"k in the lab all the _________ 

(A) stu$ents han$s(B) stu$ents han$s

(C) stu$ents han$s(D) stu$ents han$*. Special ai"plane fa"es fo" tou"ists make t"avel________ thaneve" befo"e.

(A) e+pensive an$ att"active

(B) less e+pensive an$ mo"e att"active(C) less e+pensive but att"active

(D) less e+pensive the"efo"e att"active

,. __________ people stu$y -atin se"iously #hile most seem top"efe" Spanish talian

an$ the like.(A) -ittle

(B) /e#

(C) 0any(D) 0uch of 

. __________ the less inte"este$ #e have become in ou" "eligionnationality an$ family

life.(A) !he fu"the" the centu"y p"og"esse$

(B) !he fu"the" the centu"y has p"og"esse$

(C) !he mo"e the centu"y p"og"esse$

(D) As the centu"y p"og"esse$2. 3e cannot believe that he is the man __________ save$ you f"om$"o#ning.

(A) that

(B) #hom

(C) #ho(D) #hose

4. 5ohn an$ 6amela hate$ __________ fo" not being by thei" littlesiste"s si$e at thehospital.

(A) he"self 

(B) they(C) themself 

(D) themselves

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7. !he only thing__________stoppe$ he" f"om going to stu$y ab"oa$#as the plea$ing of 

he" g"an$mothe".

(A) #ho(B) #hich

(C) #hom

(D) #hy18. __________ is a #ay of life fo" them not something thatte""o"i%es them.

(A) -iving #ith $ea$ly snakes

(B) 9aving live$ #ith $ea$ly snakes(C) -iving $ea$ly snakes

(D) Dea$ly snakes

11. She also #"ote poet"y __________ a"ticles fo" the localne#spape".

(A) alongsi$e she #"ote(B) besi$e #"iting

(C) as #ell as #"iting

(D) besi$es #"iting

1. !he $epa"tment o"$e"e$ _________ ne# fu"nitu"e to "e$eco"ateits offices.(A) many

(B) a la"ge numbe" of (C) a la"ge amount of 

(D) seve"al

1'. Since the beginning of time #omen __________ of as infe"io"to men.(A) a"e thought

(B) have been thought

(C) a"e thoughtful

(D) #e"e thought1*. __________ about the nee$ to e$ucate people on "ecycling thespeake" st"esse$ the

impo"tance of conse"ving pape".

(A) Du"ing talking(B) 3hile talking

(C) n the event of talking

(D) A talk 1,. A metapho" _________ compa"es t#o things that a"e $iffe"entbut have something in


(A) often use$ in poet"y

(B) has use in poet"y(C) is use$ in poet"y

(D) has uses in poet"y.

1. /o"eigne"s #ho un$e"stan$ the styles of Ame"icancommunication #ill :fa" less likely be :

to :cont"ibute to: misun$e"stan$ings an$ negative feelings an$ :thei":oppo"tunities fo"

const"uctiveinte"action :#ill be: much g"eate".

12. Once :the: p"ovince of aging sc"een sta"s an$ :#ealthy:cosmetic su"ge"y no#

att"acts mi$$le;class office #o"ke"s :many: in thei" '8s an$ *8san$ many of them


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14. :Self;e$ucate$ philosophe": an$ o"phan #ho #ea"ily :t"avelle$:China a$vocating


t"a$itional Chinese #ay of life Confucius su"vive$ all th"ee ofhis chil$"en an$ :neve":fulfille$ his

:life;long: sea"ch fo" a gove"nment post in #hich hecoul$$emonst"ate his teachings.

17. <eithe" :too much: "est :no": :a: $iet of "ich foo$ :a"e:goo$ fo" the bo$y.8. Associate$ :#ith: Af"ican;Ame"ican music has :been the:lively :an$: sentimental

minst"el songs #"itten by compose"s :such as: Stephen /oste" an$5ames Blan$.

1. Once consi$e"e$ a lu+u"y :the: vi$eo "eco"$e" :has become: a:necessa"y: :evenfo":

mi$$le class people all ove" Ame"ica.

. Columbus lan$e$ :on: an islan$ :in: the Ca"ibbean Sea offthe coast of <o"th

Ame"ica :in: Octobe" 1 1*7 an$ thought he ha$ "eache$ :n$ia:.'. :!he: commissions "epo"t suggeste$ :to: the ag"icultu"alcount"ies :that: continue

#ith thei" 

o#n fa"ming metho$s instea$ of :blin$ly a$opting: the metho$s of$evelope$ in$ust"ial

count"ies.*. !he Classic 0aya :#ho consi$e"e$: the numbe"s an$ the $ays inthei" calen$a" :as

a: p"ocession of =o$s :#ho ma"che$: along an ete"nal t"ail :#ith: nobeginning an$ no


,. -ike most othe" mo$e"n inst"uments the >u"opean lute :#as:me"ely a "efinement of:a:

 <ea" >aste"n mo$el #hich :"eache$: at >u"ope :$u"ing: the 0i$$leAges th"ough

Spain an$ the slamic con?uests.

. /o" yea"s Some"set 0augham #as the most popula" sho"t;sto"y#"ite" :in: >nglishan$ his sto"ies :like: those of 0aupassant :is: $i"ectness an$fi"m st"uctu"e a"e still

:#i$ely "ea$:.

2. 0ost :animals fee$: :is: ma$e f"om a mi+tu"e of co"n an$#heat chaff :"athe"::than :chemicals.

4. Almost :8 pe"cent: of /inlan$s population :closely: 788888people live in the

:ten;"egion: met"opolitan a"ea :of: 9elsinki.7. :An Ame"icans: faith in the "ule of la# e+plains theconviction #hich many hel$

:an$: many

fo"eigne"s coul$ not un$e"stan$ :that: 6"esi$ent <i+on shoul$ be"emove$ :f"om office:

as a "esult of his behavio" in connection #ith #hat #as calle$the @3ate"gate Scan$al.@'8. :As: small talk house#ives :#hose: numbe"s a"e stea$ily$ec"easing in Ame"ican

society a"e :liking: to talk about :thei": chil$"en if theyhave any o" about

househol$matte"s o" pe"sonal ca"e.'1. !he $am :use$: as a $"inking #ate" "ese"voi" until "ecently:#hen: the oil spill f"om

an :e+plo$ing: tanke" ma$e the #ate" :unusable:.

'. >ach speciali%e$ g"oup :coins: ne# #o"$s :#hile: some ofthese sp"ea$ ?uickly:especially:

#hen they a"e picke$ up by ne#spape"s an$ the television an$"a$io me$ia

othe"s :of these: may become popula" only in one city o"geog"aphic "egion.

''. :On: the basis of annual flo# combine$ #ith :consi$e"able:height. =uai"a locate$

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:bet#een: B"a%il an$ 6a"aguay is the #o"l$s :g"eate": #ate"fall.

'*. :By having: fa+e$ the synopsis she :only nee$e$: to follo#it :up: #ith the :full;


',. 3hen given :a: choice bet#een a mic"o#ave :an$: an e+e"cisemachine. 6at"icia

sai$she :coul$: "athe" have the :fo"me".:

'. f :ea"ly: a""ival of the $octo" o" ambulance :is e+pecte$:t"y not to :a$ministe"ing:

me$ical assistance :on: you" o#n.'2. A "ecent :stu$y: of #oo$pecke"s :may have solve$: :thei":myste"y of #hy these

 bi"$s $o not suffe" b"ain $amage o" concussions :as: they hamme".

'4. t :ha$ been: a long t"a$ition :bet#een: the 0ontague familyan$ the Capulet family

to ?ua""el :#ith: :one anothe":.'7. :3holely: the book #as less inte"esting :than: the in$ivi$ualsections :$esc"ibing:

the st"uggles :face$: by the cavemen.

*8. Although the &ustices :have been: tole"ant in the past in"ecent yea"s the ma&o"ity

:have vote$: to pe"mit the sea"ch of :stu$ent: possessions#ithout a #a""ant a :"esult:of 

the e+cessive $"ug abuse in school campuses.
