Stress Management to Enhance Mental and Physical Energy in the Workplace


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Stress Management to Enhance Mental and Physical Energy in

the Workplace

Introduction and Goals

•Introduction - EAP

•Learn the mind-body connection to stress

•Learn techniques to manage stress at home or in the workplace

Centenerian Personality*What we can learn from 100 yr olds• Sense of humor• Sense of hope• Engagement• Coping with loss• Stress reduction• No catastrophic illness• Not obese• Rarely smoke

*Information taken from presentation by Monika White, PhD, President\CEO Center for Healthy Aging, Santa Monica, CA on Aging Smart….Aging Well, March 2006

Why is Stress Reduction Important?

• 1/3 of our longevity is inherited. That means that we have control over 2/3*

• Brain waves study (Jon Kabat-Zin, Psychology Today, 2004)

• The more you learn techniques, the faster your body will go into a relaxation state

*Information taken from presentation by Monika White, PhD, President\CEO Center for Healthy Aging, Santa Monica, CA on Aging Smart….Aging Well, March 2006

What are your stressors and how does stress manifest for you

physically, behaviorally, mentally?

Moderate Stress

Tension headaches

Lack of concentration


Muscle tension

Tight jaw

Sweaty palms

Cold hands


Loss/increase appetite

Sleep Disturbance

Severe Stress

Chest pain

High blood pressure









Symptoms of stress


Hormones & The Brain

Glands / Nerve Cells

Secreted by:

Epinephrine / norephinephrine

(adrenal glands)


Adrenalin Rush





Real or imagined


+ heart rate

+ blood pressure


+muscle tension

+blood flow

Sound knowledge of the body’s reaction to perceived stress

Sound knowledge of mental, physical, emotional and spiritual factors associated with stress

Utilization of several coping techniques to work towards a resolution of the causes of stress

Regular practice of relaxation/ exercise routine to maintain balance of the body

Balancing work and home life


Know limitations/ boundaries

Effective Stress Management


• A + B = C

• Strategies for Managing Stress

*Taken from film Short Circuiting Stress.

Changing the way you think about stress with

Robert S. Eliot, M.D.

Mindfulness:“Don’t just do something, sit there”

• A strategy to keep attention in the present • Observation without judging• Acceptance of what is occurring in the

moment• No intent to change anything• Awareness of every thought and emotion • Allows feelings to emerge without


Benefits of Mindfulness

• Takes us out of a “doing” state

• Helps us to live more fully

• Keeps us in the here and now

• Expands our awareness of ourselves

• De-conditions our responses

• Affects our physiology in a positive way

• Helps us to respond, rather than react

Helpful Reminders for Mindfulness

• Turn off the automatic pilot

• Focus on sensations

• Live each second fully

• Observe thoughts and reactions, don’t judge

• Ride the wave of feelings

• Practice mindfulness daily

Examples of the Mindful Experience

• Enjoyment of food, music, scenery, conversation, interactions

• Tolerance

• Renewed energy

• Remembering things

• Slowing down

• Enjoyment, peace

Mindfulness Exercise

• Sit comfortably

• Concentrate on your breath

• Observe the feeling

• When thoughts drift, return to your breath

• Observe thoughts, acknowledge them

• Label thoughts as ‘thinking”

• Use breath as an anchor

• Practice daily for five minutes daily to start

How can you incorporate mindfulness in the workplace?

Refer to handout

How to Create your Own Environ Program

• The Environ Machine at UCLA (Photo by Reed

Hutchinson for UCLA Today)



Components of the Environ Stress Reduction Chamber

• Lights

• Aromatherapy

• Purified Air

• Relaxation Tapes

• Measures (body temperature, emotions, muscle tension)

• No Interruptions

• Set time

Your Personal Relaxation Tools

• Techniques (mindful meditation, progressive relaxation, visualization)

• Relaxation Tapes (refer to handout)

• Biodots

• Aromatherapy (refer to handout)

• No interruptions

• Scheduled time and place

Progressive Relaxation*The purpose of this exercise is to tense and relax

different muscle groups. While relaxing focus on the feeling of letting go of tension.

• Hands and Arms –make a fist, then relax.• Arms–bend the hands back at the wrist.• Shoulders and neck –pull shoulders up to ears and

head down into your shoulders. Now relax.• Cheeks and jaw: Grin from ear to ear.• Face and nose-Wrinkle up your nose. Now relax.• Stomach- Tighten all the muscles in the stomach.

Relax.• Legs and feet-Push legs and feet down hard on the

floor. Relax. *Source: Ollendick (1978)

Relaxation Meditation

• Sit in a comfortable position with back straight

• Close your eyes

• Imagine a relaxing scene

• Let the music help you to relax and focus. Playing background music helps to improve your focus and helps to stop unwanted thoughts.

• You can repeat this exercise anywhere including in your office during your lunch break.


1. A little stress reduction goes a long way. Practice techniques daily.

2. Be mindful of your thoughts, actions, and behaviors and come back to the present moment.

3. Stress reduction varies from person to person. Pick techniques that work for you.
