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Strategic Plan for Tourism 2017-2022 Executive Summary









Headingfor the future

Strategic Plan for Tourism

The guiding principles of Italy's tourism system for the next 6 years are:

innovation, sustainability and competitiveness

With the Strategic Plan for Tourism (PST – Piano Strategico del Turismo), the government is reshaping its plan for the tourism economy, putting it at the heart of national policies, and implementing a strategy to create a standardised vision for tourism and culture.

The PST serves to bring together under one umbrella all tourism operators in Italy with a consistent and coordinated approach, improving policies in terms of both the demand and supply. It aims to provide a simple and clear framework to improve the decisions made in the sector and promote integration.

The document has a time horizon of six years (2017-2022) and is based on key drivers such as technological and organisational innovation, skill building, and quality services.

These aspects are integrated with the need to have a lasting and sustainable approach to our environmental and cultural heritage.

The PST enhances previous planning in this field, but takes on a new and innovative approach based on an open and participative method to share strategies, targets and areas of

intervention, with the aim to become a stable system of governance for the sector.

To this end, the Plan drawn up by the Standing Committee on Tourism Promotion in Italy consists of an efficient system of organised and ongoing cooperation of all stakeholders – at various levels (national, regional and local) – to help boost the country's competitiveness.

The operational tools of this strategy are:• launching Inter-institutional joint

forums (set up at DG Tourism of the MiBACT) between central governments, local authorities and

stakeholders on topics of specific interest for the sector

• enlarging the document/IT system to support decision-making relating to the "regulations-planning-promotion" cycle of tourism, including creating a specific dashboard to monitor Italy's competitive positioning based on select criteria

• implementing digital communication and exchange systems to enable ongoing consultation with stakeholders

• adopting a system to monitor and track the Plan, which serves as both a "social report" for citizens and an "ongoing improvement and update tool" for the Plan itself

All of these steps allow joint strategies to be set out for the medium-term as well as yearly programmes to implement priority and/or pilot activities.

The PST is a system of ongoing cooperation between stakeholders in the tourism sector

Taking part to plan together

Plan methodology

An open and collaborative process: meetings, round

tables and online tools

For the first time in Italy, the Strategic Plan for Tourism was drawn up by the Standing Committee on Tourism Promotion and through joint working sessions with a fully open and participatory method.

The process was coordinated by the Directorate General of Tourism of the MiBACT and took place through direct meetings, round tables and online tools. These activities made it possible to gather together a wide range of thoughts, analyses and contributions to the development of the Plan, which serve as valuable core knowledge and information for future work.

The Plan was developed through a close exchange between the MiBACT, the Regions, central government, local authorities, economic actors and other associations that share responsibility and express a collective or corporate interest in the area of tourism policy.

Great attention was devoted to consulting economic operators and associations, analysing the needs of the tourism system, sharing the decision-making process and collaborating to implement the relevant actions.

The key moments of the process were the States-General of Tourism of Pietrarsa (October 2015 and especially April 2016).













Logical structure

COMPETITIVE SCENARIOThis is a summary of the keyexternal and internal factors guidingItaly's tourism strategy.

VISION AND STRATEGYThese set out Italy's tourismscenario, considering the factorshighlighted by the analysis.The vision is based on four strategic approaches.

OVERALL TARGETSThese are based on the visionand monitored through specifictargets.

SPECIFIC TARGETSThese help to achieve theOverall Targets.

AREAS OF INTERVENTIONThese are the areas of operationto achieve each specific target.

OVERARCHING PRINCIPLESSustainability, accessibility andinnovation are the principlesunderpinning the Plan.

ACTIONS These are the key strategic initiatives in line with the Plan, which will be part of a yearlyimplementation programme, specifying its costs, financial sources and organisational andmanagement methods.

A world on the move

Tourism today

The key role of the web in the growth of the tourism demand. Holidaymakers plan and share their own

experiences first-hand

In 2015, world tourism saw international arrivals up 4.4% (1.19 billion) compared to the previous year, generating a turnover of approximately 6,500 billion euro (approximately 10% of global GDP) with direct employment covering around 108 million jobs (amounting to around 5% of overall employment).

Europe is the macro-area with the largest share of arrivals (51.3%) while Italy registered around 110 million arrivals.For 2016, the forecasts also point to an international growth of around 5%. This projection – going up until 2030 – confirms an upward trend of around 4% per year on average.The tourists who travel abroad the most are the Chinese, Americans and Germans. In 2015, the data for Italians also saw a growing trend compared to previous years.

Modern travellers

Similarly to other sectors, tourism is undergoing an increase in demand that no longer focuses only on the destination, but seeks out unique and sensational trips to transform a holiday into an experience to be shared and remembered. The approach to the market has also seen profound changes;

just think that only one international tourist out of ten comes to Italy as part of an organised tour and that, besides planning their own trip, tourists use social networks to become reviewers and, in turn, influence the choices of other travellers.

The digital revolution has brought about a change in consumer behaviour, from the decision stage through to pursuing authentic experiences.

Of all web browsers:

• 91% have booked online at least one product or service in 2015 and use search engines as their primary source when planning a holiday

• 42% use a smartphone or tablet to book and get information

During the consumption stage (once at the destination):

• 58% use online sources to look up activities and services

• 40% directly create new content and share it

Future planning must also consider the fact that by 2025, "Millennial" consumers will make up half of all travellers worldwide.

The impact of the sharing economy

Another important aspect is the growth of the sharing economy, a trend that requires careful consideration to seize opportunities and curb potential problems. It is estimated that by 2025, global

transactions relating to the sharing economy in the five key areas (collaborative finance; private accommodation; private transport; domestic services on demand; professional services on demand) will be worth an estimated 570 billion euro.Companies in this sector with the highest turnover are those relating to tourism, making up 1% of the global value. Yet the most important data is the growth rate, which is over 50% per year.

50%The annual growth rate of the sharing economy

Living up to our excellence

Italy on the world stage

A destination of excellence that can strive for better


Italy is well-established as a destination of excellence, but can still strive to improve its positioning in terms of competitiveness compared to countries that lack the same level of cultural, historical and environmental heritage.

Italy's competitiveness – despite remaining extremely high in terms of the attractiveness of its resources – is less solid in terms of its prices, infrastructure and business environment. It also appears to be struggling to gain ground with respect to emerging markets and demand in general, despite the fact that in surveys ranking countries in terms of "Global Reputation", Italy excels in the tourism-culture duo.

Added to this is the major issue of tourism sustainability in our country, as visits are still too concentrated in a few key sites of exceptional value.

Tourism is key to Italy's development

In 2015, the total contribution of the entire tourism sector to the Italian economy was 171 billion euro, amounting to 11.8% of GDP and 12.8% in terms of employment.

Spending generated by international arrivals on the rise

The data on overall arrivals in Italy (both Italian and international arrivals) rose by 11% between 2010 and 2015. As for international arrivals, more than 60% head to four regions: Veneto, Lombardy, Tuscany and Lazio. From 2001 to 2015, the average length of stay fell from 4.1 days to 3.6.

11.8%The percentage of GDP generated by tourism in Italy in 2015

Culture is the strong point of Italy's tourism supply The Travel and Tourism Competitiveness Index (TTCI) of the WEF includes market prices, infrastructure and circumstances to promote businesses among the aspects to be improved. The main strengths of Italy indicated by the WEF are its unique cities in general, its monuments, as well as its numerous world heritage sites (number one in the world rankings). The cultural and tourism experience puts Italy in 1st place on FutureBrand's Country Brand Index 2014-2015. With this in mind, the data on the growth of the number of visitors and the revenues of government museums confirm these aspects to be key strengths for Italy, allowing it to compete internationally.

Source: Mara Manente/States-General of Tourism, Pietrarsa 2016

Flows and profitability trends of certain tourist products in 2020

Getting familiar with tourism

Outlook for Italy

Good flow from countries outside Europe over the

next two years

In the three years from 2016 to 2018, arrivals in Italy are expected to grow by over 3%, mainly thanks to movement outside Europe (+5%): the positive trends from the emerging Asian markets have been confirmed, as has the excellent upturn in the tendency to travel abroad from the traditional overseas markets.

Source: Confturismo-CISET/TRIP forecasts

Letting Italy win us over


Reviving Italy's leadership in the tourism market

The Strategic Plan for Tourism is the result of an analytical and participative process that outlines a scenario of renewed impetus for the attractiveness of Italian tourism.

With this direction, Italy is striving to reassert its leadership in the tourism market, making the beauty of its heritage and land a unique and distinguishing factor to achieve competitiveness and appeal.

Tourism, which is at the heart of the development model, can contribute to the sustainable management of natural and cultural resources, while generating economic and social benefits for the local area.

This vision is inspired by a completely new approach to tourism supply models, which are geared towards sustainability, digital innovation, quality accommodation/services and adaptation to the new trends of the demand.

Starting with mature destinations, the Plan aims to broaden the supply, thanks to its enormous potential, and to encourage the emergence of new models to add value.

The PST's vision is to:

TERRITORY AND HERITAGEItaly's cultural and territorial heritage is also fully enhanced through the sustainable management and innovative use of its territory.

COMPETITIVENESS AND EMPLOYMENTThe national tourism system is boosting its competitiveness, while generating further added value and increasing the quantity and quality of employment in tourism.

PUTTING THE TOURIST AT THE CENTREThe Italian travel experience adheres fully to the tourists' demands and expectations.

INTEGRATION AND INTEROPERABILITYThe system of tourism associations and operators is fully integrated. It encourages interoperability and promotes joint decisions and responsibilities.

Revive Italy's leadership in the tourism market and boost its contribution to the economic, social and sustainable development of its local areas.







Targets and overarching


Efficient governance to invest in sustainability,

innovation and accessibility


To achieve its vision, the PST has set out four broad targets:

A. To innovate, specialise and integrate the country's amenities

B. To boost the tourism system's competitiveness

C. To create effective and innovative marketing

D. To achieve efficient and participatory governance when drawing up and establishing the Plan.

Each of these overall targets is broken down into specific targets. The areas of intervention are the operational tools to achieve each specific target.


The PST identifies three strategic principles that cut across all of the Plan's targets and measures:sustainability, innovation and accessibility meaning physical and cultural permeability.

To innovate, specialise and integratethe country's amenies

To boost the tourism system'scompeveness

To create effecve andinnovave markeng

To achieve efficient and parcipatorygovernance in the process of dra�ing andestablishing the Plan and tourism Policies














The PST highlights sustainability not only in environmental terms, but also with respect to economic development, mobility, accessibility, using heritage, using financial resources and enhancing identities.

Sustainability in tourism is a key element of competitiveness and must therefore help to maintain the natural resources and landscape, and attract investment for their protection.

A sustainable vision for tourism is geared towards sharing opportunities among the country's central and inland areas throughout the year, bringing employment not only to already well-established destinations.


The topic of innovation covers tourist destinations, business models, professional profiles, marketing, communication, pricing and the quality of services and products.

Innovating the organisational and product process entails the challenge of digitisation – the real frontier of change.

More than ever before, the viral distribution of information, decision-making by travellers, and the expansion of informational tools are the new key features.

The abundance of data and tools available helps us better understand the direction the market is taking, and fine tune our marketing techniques.


Accessibility, in terms of physical and cultural permeability, means:

• gaining access to places using sustainable mobility systems, which break the isolation of marginalised or under-served areas

• giving all people the chance to benefit from tourism, regardless of age or state of health

• giving tourists the opportunity to fully appreciate the beauty and uniqueness of the heritage they are visiting

Especially in a country like Italy – where the travel experience is characterised by its rich offer of culture, landscape, art and traditions – access to the area's resources must be fully guaranteed.

En route to our targets


Putting the area at the centre

To innovate, specialise and integrate the country's


The Plan aims to broaden Italy's tourism supply and make it more sustainable and competitive. To this end, starting with major attractions, tourist flows are promoted by:

• redefining the great Italian seaside "landmarks" and main cities of art as "gateways" to other emerging areas.

• creating alternative modes of travel (e.g. roads and paths) as tools to reinforce knowledge of Italy's far-reaching history and heritage

• boosting the attractiveness of UNESCO sites and cities of culture, to place Italy among the European leaders in terms of cities

• making responsible use of natural settings such as nature parks and marine parks, mountains and rural areas.

The Plan also aims to ensure a broad, integrated and complementary supply in terms of Italy's major destinations and tourist products (seaside, mountains, business, outdoors, spas, food and wine).

In this sense, actions will aim to enrich the existing supply and ensure that the appeal of major sites becomes an opportunity to spread out tourists among lesser-known areas.

The overall target is broken down into three specific targets corresponding to three levels of development for mature, emerging and new destinations, which can be enhanced and promoted.

Specific targets

A.1 – MATURE DESTINATIONSTo enhance strategic tourist sites and their respective products with an integrated approach

In areas with a strong tourist appeal (mature destinations), the PST aims to increase the quality of governance, cooperation between the institutions, and public-private partnerships to make the tourism supply more sustainable, innovative and diverse.

The Plan will also help to upgrade destinations where – as a result of excessive use – there has been a major impact on the environment, landscape and cultural heritage.

In collaboration with the Regions, the PST intends to acknowledge destinations that present a collection of attractive resources and certain tourism products. This work – in line with the Plan's open and iterative method – will make it possible to set out guidelines for national policies on destinations and products and to develop targeted promotion activities based on an analysis of the demand.

A.2 – EMERGING DESTINATIONSTo enhance emerging tourist destinations with an integrated approach

Destinations with high potential, but still not fully recognised as "tourist spots", can benefit from action to better distribute flows of visitors by broadening the supply and providing a "newer" tourism experience.

The PST is therefore aiming to support and strengthen emerging destinations – cities of art, towns, parks, mountainous and rural areas as well as protected zones – where tourism products can be created or reinforced based on responsible use and innovation, while promoting and enhancing the quality of other local resources.

In carrying out this target, particular emphasis is placed on the cities involved in the "European Capital of Culture" initiative and "Italian Capital of Culture" of the 2019 Italy Programme of the MiBACT. The attractiveness of these

cities lies in their status as places that produce culture, express Italian style and craftsmanship, and disseminate cultural and creative industries.

Moreover, an important role will be played by minor areas where cultural and tourism development (particularly in the 2014-2020 territorial cohesion policies) is one of the strategic guidelines to revive local development processes, tackle depopulation and ensure the public has adequate services.

The PST encourages a targeted approach to identifying emerging destinations in line with a clear development principle based on the individual resources of each local area.

Under this specific Target, applying the methods and processes of the European Charter for Sustainable Tourism in Protected Areas (ECST) is key to the overarching principle of sustainability.

A.3 – NEW DESTINATIONS AND PRODUCTSTo expand, innovate and diversify the supply

The PST aims to increase the capacity of the Italian tourist system to develop new destinations and new products. In particular, it supports planning itineraries between regions as a bridge

between specific types of tourist experiences, connecting top tourist spots to less visited areas. The itineraries will form closer ties between tourism and other activities (food and wine, Italian craftsmanship, culture, etc.). In this regard, museums can play a role to connect with their surrounding areas, contribute to cultural permeability, and look ahead by providing a forum to

generate new culture. A new approach to tourism as a "generator of culture" – and not just as something to be consumed – will lead to a new type of supply that helps to show, convey and share the vitality of our cultural heritage.

The Plan also aims to integrate the tourism supply with products and services from Cultural and Creative Industries, and bring about a major innovation to local tourist information.

ATo innovate, specialise and integrate the country’s amenities

A.1.1 - A.2.1 - A.3.1Ongoing mapping of regional tourist destinations and their products

A.1.2Support for public/private governance and consolidation processes for destinations and products

A.2.2Enhancing regional intervention and Tourism Districts

A.3.2Creating inter-regional tourism itineraries

A.1.3Support for upgrading amenities of major attractions and mature tourist destinations, with a view to sustainability

A.2.3Support for tourism development in emerging destinations, such as cities of art and villages

A.3.3Revival and reuse of government property for tourism purposes

A.2.4Support for the national strategy for parks and protected areas, rural and inland areas

A.3.4Harmonisation of tourist information offices and reception standards

A.2.5Upgrading the ECST method and processes (European Charter for Sustainable Tourism in Protected Areas), including the tourist-cultural supply

A.3.5Support for innovative and creative businesses to develop new products








To boost the tourism system's competitiveness

This target aims to create favourable conditions to revive the tourism sector and specifically:

• to promote innovation, digitisation and creativity

• to adapt infrastructure to improve accessibility and inter-modality

• to increase the quantity and quality of employment

• to ease legal, bureaucratic and tax burdens

• to strengthen business networks and supply chains

Specific targets

B.1 DIGITAL DEVELOPMENTTo digitise the Italian tourism system

The Plan's actions will primarily be geared towards developing new network services by full engaging regional and local businesses. With the participation of all stakeholders, the creation of a "digital ecosystem of culture and tourism" aims to create the necessary conditions to bridge the digital divide.

Indeed, priority will be given to systemic actions, such as the management of open data and interoperability of databases, in order to produce effective collaborations between stakeholders through the use of new technologies.

B.2 – MOBILITYTo adapt the infrastructure network to improve accessibility and inter-modality

In collaboration with the Special Plan for Tourist Mobility of the Ministry of Infrastructures and Transport, the government is committed to improving mobility for tourism by setting common goals with sector operators and key stakeholders, and implementing strategic-pilot projects to develop a "network of soft mobility" (e.g. cycle tracks, tourist rail services and paths).It will also encourage inter-modality, starting with the main "gateways" of international flows, to ensure the areas' "permeability" and to enhance infrastructural heritage as part of the overall strategy to make the areas attractive and promote their sustainable development.

B.3 – SKILLSTo enhance hospitality skills and develop know-how in line with market developments

Building hospitality skills also means developing new abilities and professionalism based on the changing demand. As such, innovative training methods dedicated to operators must be disseminated both in the segment of vocational schools and in higher education and post-university training.

The perceived image and quality of the occupation must also be improved, for example by reassessing the rules of alternating school-work and reviewing work placements with the involvement of associations and businesses in the sector.

B.4 – BUSINESSESTo develop and distinguish tourism businesses

This specific target is divided into two different strategies:

• to reward progress in terms of quality in the tourism sector through financial and tax incentives and by providing organisational and cultural support for enterprises.

• to encourage integration between businesses and develop accommodation network models and partnerships between business and public operators to develop a local systemic supply and reposition Italy's tourism industry on the international stage

B.5 - REGULATIONSTo develop a regulatory and organisational framework that promotes development

To improve the competitiveness of the sector, it is key to have a regulatory framework that can cope with rapid changes in the market, as well as ease the burden on businesses in terms of tax and social security contributions. At the same time, incentives are needed to tackle undeclared work and casual work, and effectively counteract all illegal practices.

BTo boost the tourism system’s competitiveness

B.1.1Creating a digital Ecosystem of Culture and Tourism

B.2.1Special Tourist Mobility Plan

B.3.1Developing new professional skills in tourism to boost employability

B.4.1Setting out measures to support tourism businesses and reduce their tax and social security burden to boost the competitiveness of the supply, productive investments, sustainability and seasonal adjustment

B.5.1Establishing regulatory coordination and creating operational links between financial support mechanisms for tourism businesses and tax treatment

B.1.2Infrastructure for “on the go” services (broadband, ultra-broadband, Wi-Fi, single access)

B.2.2Strategic mobility projects for tourism purposes (national cycle routes, paths, tourist rail services, slow mobility)

B.3.2Upgrading training activities, both in secondary education and management training

B.4.2Incentives to group together tourism operators and integrate services to develop and consolidate business networks

B.5.2Tools aimed at tackling illegal and undeclared work and the evasion of social security requirements

B.1.3DMS digital interoperability

B.2.3Mobility in tourist destinations with a view to sustainability

B.3.3Integrating skills and knowledge for an integrated promotion of the area

B.4.3Incentives for tourism business to develop specific segments of the demand

B.5.3Establishing unique national regulations on “sharing” activities, jobs in tourism, brokerage, government property and tourist tax

B.4.4Developing public-private cooperation to improve and expand the range of tourist products

B.5.4Tourist visa facilitation

B.4.5Upgrading the system of incentives to digitalise tourism businesses

B.5.5Setting up a national classification system of accommodation

B.5.6Regulations and checks to tackle improper activities and unfair competition







Demand and markets

To create effective and innovative marketing

The third overall target of the PST is to adopt a standardised approach to convey the Italian brand and all its distinguishing values. The Plan prioritises the use of online tools to attract demand, while encouraging dynamic management of target markets, products and strategies. The marketing Italy adopts must be differentiated and specialised, based on a portfolio of products and their respective targets, as well as an innovative collection and analysis of tourism data.

Specific targets

C.1 – BRANDTo strengthen the Italian brand's positioning and attractiveness, and facilitate promotion measures on the domestic market

To achieve the effective and innovative marketing set out under the PST, it is essential to operate with robust national coordination, using actions and tools that will improve the brand's market penetration. Promotional activity will have a multimedia approach, differentiated by market and geographical area, with a strong international presence. At the same time, it will be firmly committed towards development and differentiation with regard to the domestic market.

C.2 – MARKETSTo expand and diversify the supply and markets

Destination marketing will focus on markets and products with high potential for development in the medium to long term, and on those that can reduce seasonality and geographic concentration most effectively. Setting out shared strategies and inter-institutional partnerships makes it possible to implement effective joint activities on 'win-win' terms.

C.3 – WEB MARKETINGTo boost the digitisation of promotion and marketing services

The marketing approach set out under the PST must prioritise digital tools to promote the brand and local areas and to market shared products. Advanced destination management tools will be put in place.

CTo create effective and innovative marketing

C.1.1An Italian brand, standardised promotion and image coordination

C.2.1Reorganisation of the system for monitoring the supply and demand by developing joint MAECI-ENIT reports

C.3.1 Setting out common guidelines on publishing rules for digital conversations on destinations with a view to improving interoperability

C.1.2Integrated promotion of Italian craftsmanship and its sectors of excellence

C.2.2Three-year ENIT marketing programme

C.3.2Differentiating digital tools in line with individual markets

C.1.3Reinforcing the Italian brand by promoting intangible cultural heritage

C.2.3Programme for promoting mature tourist destinations and integrated experiences in areas in line with Overall Target A

C.3.3Coordinating local social media strategies

C.1.4Harmonisation of regional promotion plans in line with inter-regional projects

C.2.4Promoting the MICE sector

C.3.4Digital infrastructure to market the supply

C.1.5DMO Forum AR








To achieve efficient and participatory governance

when drawing up the Plan

The Plan's governance is based on a dynamic, multi-level process, whose key elements are: the Standing Committee on Tourism Promotion in Italy; the participatory platform; inter-institutional forums; and tools to monitor the Plan's progress. Governance ensures an ongoing dialogue between operators, stakeholders and government authorities at various levels.

Specific targets

D.1. - OPERATIONSTo promote integrated and participative management, while constantly updating the Plan and encouraging operators to make choices with a view to sustainability and innovation

Close collaboration between institutions and participation tools open to stakeholders in the tourism sector are required both when drawing up the Plan, and in the subsequent implementation and monitoring phases to ensure ongoing inter-institutional forums with the Regions and the central government.

D.2 – DATATo expand the information and availability of data on tourism in Italy

In terms of governance, the Plan must have reliable statistical data that it can quickly draw upon to help ensure efficient decision-making and effectively address the global trends of the tourism system. Information on tourism in Italy is being reorganised using innovative technological architecture, an expansion of statistical data, the creation of a specific "competitive dashboard" powered by key indicators, as well as the relaunch of the National Tourism Observatory overseen by the Italian National Tourist Board - ENIT.

D.3 – MONITORINGTo monitor policies and tourism development plans

Monitoring will take place through a "PST monitoring dashboard" which uses specific performance indicators to assess the effectiveness and efficiency of the strategies and actions implemented. This target also serves as a "social report" for both stakeholders and citizens, as well as an "ongoing improvement and update tool" for the Plan itself.

DTo achieve efficient and participatory governance in the process of drafting and establishing the Plan and tourism Policies

D.1.1Permanent inter-institutional forums at DGTurismo

D.2.1 Expanding and developing systems to produce and disseminate tourism-related data

D.3.1Creating a surveillance system on PST’s results and impacts

D.1.2Creation of a document/IT system on tourism for government bodies

D.2.2Identifying and implementing relevant indicator systems

D.1.3Digital communication and exchange systems to provide guidance and information to operators







Indicators of the redistribution of flows in areas to be made more attractive through specific activities and programmes(such as inland Areas or those which Paths cross through)Change indicators of well-being, quality of life, attractiveness and specialisation of the main Italian tourist destinationsChange indicators of costs for administrative formalitiesChange indicators of the proportion of high-end and luxury accommodationChange indicators of groupings of tourism businesses (consortia, networks, central purchasing groups, etc.) to boost their efficiency and improve the quality of the services on offerChange and start-up consolidation indicators for new entrepreneurship in tourismTraining adaptation indicators to develop new skills and professionalismNumber of inter-modal initiatives launched/fundedChange indicators of initiatives to digitalise public tourism promotion servicesChange indicators of Italy's tourism brand positioning in major markets and new marketsChange indicators in relation to trends of arrivals/stays for different areas of origin and promotion and marketing policiesChange indicators of Italy's competitive position in the destinations using digital tools, social media and networkingChange indicators of the adoption of stages 1, 2 and 3 of the ECST by protected areas.Change indicators of average tourist spending in protected areasChange indicators of green jobs in the tourism sector in protected areas


(*) Non-exhaustive list of the first set of performance indicators used during the observation period to monitor and assess the overall effectiveness of future actions of the PST.

All onboard towards one Plan

A constantly evolving Plan

The ideas and suggestions do not end here: the PST is a "living" document that is

constantly updated.

The implementation of the strategy described in the PST and the achievement of the targets lie with those who have contributed to the Plan according to their specific role and responsibilities.

The Plan is published under "ongoing review" on a participatory platform where it has reached its current state, and where ideas and suggestions can be put forward to update and implement it.

The standing committee sessions and forums are continuing their work to update the PST and transform it into yearly implementation programmes.


The Strategic Plan for Tourism was prepared by the Standing Committee on Tourism Promotion in Italy, which is made up of:

Claudio Albonetti, Magda Antonioli,Domenico Arcuri, Eduardo Balestra,Giovanni Bastianelli, Gianfranco Battisti,Fulvio Bonavitacola, Manuela Bora,Antonio Bravo, Maria Vittoria Briscolini,Marco Broccati, Stefano Ceci,Flavia Coccia, Andrea Corsini,Vincenzo De Luca, Leonardo Di Gioia, Piero Fassino, Enzo Feliciani,Andrea Gnassi, Cristina Grieco,Stefano Landi, Fabio Maria Lazzerini, Giovanni Lolli, Elena Lorenzini,Mara Manente, Francesco Morandi,Francesco Palumbo, Antonella Parigi,Mauro Parolini, Luca Patanè,Gabriella Pecorini, Armando Peres, Antonio Nicola Preiti, Paolo Rosso,Ugo Soragni, Alessandro Tonetti,Gianni Torrenti, Elena Vannelli,Vincenzo Zappino.

With the technical support of INVITALIA, this work was coordinated by the Directorate General of Tourism of the MiBACT:

• Francesco Palumbo, General Manager

• Francesco Tapinassi, Service Manager of Tourism Policy

Many thanks go to the editors, for their valuable work:Antonio Barreca, Giovanni Bastianelli, Antonio Bravo, Marco Broccati, Barbara Casillo, Stefano Ceci,Alberto Corti, Giuseppe Dell’Aquila, Tullio Galli, Manuel Roberto Guido, Stefano Landi, Mauro Maggi,Stefan Marchioro, Luisa Nicotera,Alessandro Nucara, Aldo Patruno, Ottavia Ricci, Maria Elena Rossi,Paolo Rosso and Luciano Sbraga.

The PST is the result of the work of thousands of operators, authorities and citizens who have contributed their ideas and proposals.

To find out

MiBACT - Ministero dei Beni e delle Attività Culturali e del TurismoDirezione Generale TurismoVia del Collegio Romano, 27 - 00186 Rome,
