Storyboard for ‘the Break of Faith’ Final


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  • 8/9/2019 Storyboard for the Break of Faith Final


    Storyboard for




    Here, the character of Luke isintroducedCamera shot/angle: Low angleDurat ion: 3 secondsSound: Jorge ende! " #old$%ra&atic&onologue

    Faith and Luke &ake eye contact and beginto con'erseCamera shot/angle: ( ide, &id"shot Durat ion: ) secondsSound: Jorge ende! " #old$%ra&atic&onologue to create a sense of e&otion andsorrow

    * &ontage is int roduced and the idea was toshow the de 'elo+&ent of the relat ionshi+fro& early on unti l their darkest t i&es

    Camera shot/angle: ( ide, two"shot Durat ion: secondsSound: Jorge ende! - #old$$%ra&atic&onologue to create a sense of e&otion andsorrow

    The audience is now aware ofCamera shot/angle: ( ide, two"shot

    Durat ion: . secondsSound: Jorge ende! "#old$%ra&atic &onologue to create asense of e&otion and sorrow

    Faith is wandering around a +ark inLondon, wri t ing notes as she is a wri ter Camera shot: /ye le 'e lDurat ion: secondsSound: Jorge ende! " #old$%ra&atic&onologue

    The audience sees a shot of the +arkin which Fai th is wandering aroundCamera shot: 0anDurat ion: ) secondsSound: Jorge ende! " #old

  • 8/9/2019 Storyboard for the Break of Faith Final


    *s both Luke and Fai th begin to hold hands ,the general feel i f ro&ance beginsCamera shot/angle: /ye angleDurat ion: . secondsSound: Jorge ende! - #old$%ra&atic&onologue to create a sense of e&otion andsorrow

    The &ontage +ersis ts and now there is ascenic ' iew of #entral LondonCamera shot/angle: 0an Durat ion: 1 secondsSound: Jorge ende! " #old$%ra&atic&onologue to create a sense of e&otionand sorrow

    Luke tucks a s trand of Fai ths hair behindher ear as a s igh of affect ionCamera shot/angle: /2tre&e close"u+Durat ion: . secondsSound: Jorge ende! " #old$%ra&atic&onologue to create a sense of e&otionand sorrow

    Both characters begin to ga!e in to eachothers eyes

    Camera shot/angle: Two shot , c lose"u+Durat ion: . secondsSound: Jorge ende! " #old$%ra&atic&onologue to create a sense of e&otionand sorrow

    The scene cuts to Fai th in another roo&changing the channelCamera shot/angle: High angle, c lose"u+Durat ion: ) secondsSound: Jorge ende! " #old$%ra&atic&onologue to create a sense of e&otion and


    Both characters are s i t t ing together,ha++y and watching TCamera shot/angle: two"shotDurat ion: secondsSound: Jorge ende! " #old$%ra&atic&onologue to create a sense of e&otionand sorrow

  • 8/9/2019 Storyboard for the Break of Faith Final


    Faith enters the house af ter co&ing backfro& workCamera shot/angle: id"shotDurat ion: 3 secondsSound: Jorge ende! - #old$%ra&atic&onologue to create a sense of e&otionand sorrow

    The scene cuts to Fai th wri t ing in herdiaryCamera shot/angle: ediu& close"u+Durat ion: 3 secondsSound: Jorge ende! " #old$%ra&atic&onologue to create a sense of e&otionand sorrow

    Luke hands Fai th a +air of keys so thatshe can &o'e in with hi&Camera shot/angle: /ye"le 'e l , c lose"u+Durat ion: secondsSound: Jorge ende! " #old$%ra&atic&onologue to create a sense of e&otionand sorrow

    Faith begins ty+ing a s tory of hers

    Camera shot/angle: High angleDurat ion: secondsSound: Jorge ende! " #old$%ra&atic&onologue to create a sense of e&otionand sorrow

    Luke enters the scene to +lace a chaste

    kiss on her foreheadCamera shot/angle: Two shotDurat ion: . secondsSound: Jorge ende! " #old$%ra&atic&onologue to create a sense of e&otionand sorrow

    (e see a shot of the f lowers, which Lukebought for her sy&boli! ing affect ion andhis lo 'e for her Camera shot/angle: #lose"u+

    Durat ion: secondsSound: Jorge ende! " #old$%ra&atic&onologue to create a sense of e&otionand sorrow

  • 8/9/2019 Storyboard for the Break of Faith Final


    uke beco&es angry and 4ealous as hees Fai th recei 'e a te2t

    amera shot/angle: 5 shoturat ion:

    ound: Jorge ende! - #old$%ra&aticonologue to create a sense of e&otion

    Luke is now wait ing for Fai th to co&e outof the bathroo&Camera shot/angle: &id shotDurat ion: seconds

    Sound: Jorge ende! - #old$%ra&atic&onologue to create a sense of e&otion

    Faith recei 'es a te2t &essage

    Camera shot/angle: high angle, c lose"u+Durat ion: . secondsSound: Jorge ende! " #old$%ra&atic&onologue to create a sense of e&otionand sorrow

    he &ontage of both characters - they

    e now in #entral Londonamera shot/angle: +anurat ion: 3 secondsound: Jorge ende! - #old$%ra&aticonologue

    This shot al lows the audience to be awareof the fact that the f lowers are f ro& LukeCamera shot/angle: high angleDurat ion: secondsSound: Jorge ende! " #old$%ra&atic&onologue to create a sense of e&otionand sorrow

    aith begins to +ick u+ the f lowersamera shot/angle: +anurat ion: 3 secondsound: Jorge ende! - #old$%ra&aticonologue to create a sense of e&otiond sorrow

  • 8/9/2019 Storyboard for the Break of Faith Final


    Luke raises his hand to hi t Fai thCamera shot/angle: o 'er"the"shouldershotDurat ion: secondsSound: Jorge ende! - #old$%ra&atic&onologue to create a sense of e&otion

    The +regnancy test shows that Fai th is+regnantCamera shot/angle: high angleDurat ion: secondsSound: Jorge ende! - #old$%ra&atic&onologue to create a sense of e&otion

  • 8/9/2019 Storyboard for the Break of Faith Final


  • 8/9/2019 Storyboard for the Break of Faith Final


    He abru+tly hi ts Fai th across the face#a&era shot$angle6 ( ide shot%urat ion6 . seconds

    Sound6 Jorge ende! - #old$%ra&atic&onologue to create a sense of e&otion

    Luke laughs at the s+il l on his la+#a&era shot$angle6 ( ide shot%urat ion6 . seconds

    Sound6 Jorge ende! - #old$%ra&atic&onologue to create a sense of e&otion

    Faith holds her bel ly#a&era shot$angle6 ( ide shot%urat ion6 . secondsSound6 Jorge ende! - #old$%ra&atic&onologue to create a sense of e&otion

    Faith touches her bruise#a&era shot$angle6 #lose u+%urat ion6 . secondsSound6 Jorge ende! - #old$%ra&atic&onologue to create a sense of e&otion

    Faith looks at the digi tal c lock#a&era shot$angle6 0787 shot%urat ion6 . secondsSound6 Jorge ende! - #old$%ra&atic&onologue to create a sense of e&otion

    Faith turns in her bed and looks for Luke#a&era shot$angle6 ediu& shot

    %urat ion6 . secondsSound6 Jorge ende! - #old$%ra&atic&onologue to create a sense of e&otion

    The ' iew of waterloo bridge#a&era shot$angle6 ( ide shot%urat ion6 3 secondsSound6 Jorge ende! - #old$%ra&atic&onologue to create a sense of e&otion

    Faith a++lies &akeu+ on her bruise#a&era shot$angle6 ediu& shot%urat ion6 . secondsSound6 Jorge ende! - #old$%ra&atic&onologue to create a sense of e&otion

  • 8/9/2019 Storyboard for the Break of Faith Final


    Faith holds her bel ly in +ain#a&era shot$angle6 ( ide shot%urat ion6 1 secondsSound6 Jorge ende! - #old$%ra&atic&onologue to create a sense of e&otion

    Faith walks down London Bridge#a&era shot$angle6 ( ide shot%urat ion6 . secondsSound6 Jorge ende! - #old$%ra&atic&onologue to create a sense of e&otion

    The %octor tel ls Fai th she is sorry f or herloss#a&era shot$angle6 /2tre&e close u+%urat ion6 5 secondsSound6 Jorge ende! - #old$%ra&atic&onologue to create a sense of e&otion

    Faith t r ies to cal l Luke but hangs u+#a&era shot$angle6 close u+%urat ion6 3 secondsSound6 Jorge ende! - #old$%ra&atic&onologue to create a sense of e&otion

    Faith holds her +regnancy scan#a&era shot$angle6 #lose u+%urat ion6 3 seconds

    Sound6 Jorge ende! - #old$%ra&atic&onologue to create a sense of e&otion

    Faith touches her bel ly in disbel ief #a&era shot$angle6 ediu& close u+%urat ion6 . seconds

    Sound6 Jorge ende! - #old$%ra&atic&onologue to create a sense of e&otion

    Faith breaks down#a&era shot$angle6 ediu& close u+%urat ion6 . secondsSound6 Jorge ende! - #old$%ra&atic&onologue to create a sense of e&otion

    Faith looks at Luke in anger #a&era shot$angle6 ediu& shot%urat ion6 secondsSound6 Jorge ende! - #old$%ra&atic&onologue to create a sense of e&otion

  • 8/9/2019 Storyboard for the Break of Faith Final


    Luke grabs a book fro& the dining table#a&era shot$angle6 High angled shot%urat ion6 . secondsSound6 Jorge ende! - #old$%ra&atic&onologue to create a sense of e&otion

    Faith +ushes Luke away#a&era shot$angle6 ediu& 5 shot%urat ion6 3 secondsSound6 Jorge ende! - #old$%ra&atic&onologue to create a sense of e&otion

    Faith looks u+ at Luke in fear #a&era shot$angle6 #lose u+%urat ion6 3 secondsSound6 Jorge ende! - #old$%ra&atic&onologue to create a sense of e&otion

    Faith f ights for air #a&era shot$angle6 /2tre&e #lose u+%urat ion6 secondsSound6 Jorge ende! - #old$%ra&atic&onologue to create a sense of e&otion

    Luke strangles Fai th#a&era shot$angle6 &ediu& close u+%urat ion6 3 secondsSound6 Jorge ende! - #old$%ra&atic&onologue to create a sense of e&otion

    Luke grabs Fai ths hair and +ulls her across#a&era shot$angle6 #lose u+%urat ion6 3 secondsSound6 Jorge ende! - #old$%ra&atic&onologue to create a sense of e&otion

  • 8/9/2019 Storyboard for the Break of Faith Final


    Luke sees Fai th for the f i rs t t i&e#a&era shot$angle6 #lose u+%urat ion6 3 secondsSound6 Jorge ende! - #old$%ra&atic&onologue to create a sense of e&otion
