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Toni: “Dad I’m tired of struggling just to get by, living hand to mouth!”

Drift Story SynopsisStory created and written by Cody Stoneroad

Drift is an adventure themed story based around a young girl named Toni and her adventures throughout the world that she lives in. The style of Drift is a mixture between fantasy and deiselpunk-like themes. The technology of the world ranges from 1950’s to 1980’s. Industrial revolution is a very prominent theme of the story. I originally decided to create a story long enough to span at least 2 to 3 seasons, but can be accommodated to new timeframes. Drift is based on an alternate reality of our own world, a Counter- Earth that has undergone drastic changes history and development.

The world is in a state of disrepair. A few hundred years ago, for an unknown reason, the core of the Earth has slowed its spinning almost to a halt. The loss of gravitational pull has caused the planet to break apart into large islands. Continents are non existent and once great oceans have been divided into gigantic waterways connecting the islands. Since the Great Drift, humans have learned to adapt. Many use air transportation to travel from island to island. The skies are ruled by diesel powered, makeshift helicopters and blimps rule the skies. The world has become extremely segregated due to lack of communication across long distances. This has forced the formation of new countries and villages. Neighboring enemy countries have been forced to combine their formation of new countries and villages. Neighboring enemy countries have been forced to combine their countries and citizens. Other countries and villages have been separated by the drifting islands. The majority of the world’s geologists have agreed that the Earth’s current state is perfectly safe to live in. These geologists have found no evidence of terrestrial drift for decades and have come to the conclusion that the world has stopped drifting apart and the core is perfectly fine in the state it is in. One scientist, Professor Anzin Arcane, however, claims otherwise and that his experiments have proven that the Earth is not only in a continuous state of drift, but that the damaged core will soon burn out. The world will collapse. This bold statement has earned him a one but that the damaged core will soon burn out. The world will collapse. This bold statement has earned him a one way ticket out of the scientific community. He is now a laughingstock and until he comes up with solid physical evidence to support his theory, he is stripped of his title and degree as a professor of Geology. The story follows the adventures of Toni Kash, the main character, who runs away from home and her overprotective father to seek adventure. Toni is a young girl who was raised in the Far East Mining Colonies. Ever since she can remember, she has had a strange yin-yang shaped mark on her forearm, but it has never been of much importance to her. Toni calls it her lucky mark. She travels west to the Eastern Ports and meets a charismatic young pirate, Captain (former) Miles Crow, looking to hire a new crew. Toni notices that Miles has a yin-yang shaped mark on his hand similar to hers. After being chased by some “old friends” of his, Miles and Toni set sail to a new world and a new adventure. Behind all the hustling and bustling commerce and trade in the new world, lies a seedy, dark underbelly. There is a world-wide organization that monitors all the world’s trade and business, The Union. This is not the union of the industrial revolution. This is a borderline Mafia organization that controls the world’s businesses through money and fear. At the heart of this darkness sits The Underminer, the self proclaimed leader of The Union. Toni soon learns that Miles secretly transports supplies to the Resistance, a small group that is thinly spread across the world dedicated to stop the tyranny of The Union. The Resistance is comprised of workers fired by The Union bosses and families threatened by The Union’s agents. Miles’ sister, Ashley Crow, is the leader of the Resistance. Ashley spots Toni’s birthmark and immediately tells her and Miles of the prophecy made by an ancient tribe lost to history. The prophecy stated that there will be six heroes of peace that will rise up to defeat “the Evil” and restore “what has been torn apart.” Ashley believes that the marks on her brother’s and Toni’s arms are a sign that they are the heroes of the old legend. Ashley quickly elects Toni and Miles as the first of a arms are a sign that they are the heroes of the old legend. Ashley quickly elects Toni and Miles as the first of a special team commissioned to infiltrate the nation’s capitols ruled by The Union’s bosses and take down the bosses in the name of the Resistance, in the name of Freedom. But, they first must travel the world finding the other 4 heroes from the legend. That doesn’t seem to be too hard a task, does it? After receiving the news from an informant that Toni and Miles are coming after him, The Underminer and The Union will stop at nothing, and do anything they have to, in order to keep the world a complex, segregated economic system that they have spent the last century forming. And they’re not about to let all their hard work go to waste.