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Cho Seung-Hui Virginia Tech

Jeff Weise Red Lake Indian Reservation


• Six to seven million children in the US are being drugged before they can come to school. They are using drugs like Ritalin, amphetamines, or other antidepressants. The Food and Drug Administration has warned us that these drugs may make our children suicidal. Some schools require the drugging. There is no diagnostic test for ADHD and the validity of it continues to be a problem.

The MechanismSSRIs block Serotonin

Antidepressant Impairs Mental Processing

1. They exhibit signs and symptoms of people experiencing severe mental disorders.

2. Out of Touch with the real world

3. Impaired Perception: They hallucinate

Corey Baadsgaard

• honors student who played on his varsity high school basketball and baseball teams in rural Washington State

• no memory of taking a high-powered rifle into his third-period English class, of herding his classmates and teacher into a corner, of holding them at gunpoint for 45 minutes, of being persuaded by the principal into giving up his gun.

• Eric Harris, the triggerman in the Columbine school shootings, killed his fellow students and took his own life while taking Luvox.

• Fifteen year-old Kip Kinkel killed his parents and two classmates while taking Prozac.

• Thirteen year-old Chris Fetters killed his favorite aunt while taking Prozac.

• Twelve year-old Christopher Pittman murdered both his grandparents while taking Zoloft.

• Thirteen year-old Mathew Miller hung himself in his bedroom closet after taking Zoloft for 6 days.

• Fifteen year-old Jarred Viktor stabbed his grandmother 61 times after 5 days on Paxil.

Eric Harris

Kip Kinkel

Christopher Pittman

Steven Kazmierczak

Paxil Birth Defect

Paxil causes Abnoral Bone Formation in Embryonic State

Prevention #1

• First of all, doctors and drug manufacturers must be held accountable for the consequences of drug therapy. There is no excuse. Children should be continually psychologically re-evaluated to find out if they are experiencing any unusual feelings and emotions. Most shooters experience demented thoughts, dreams, and hallucinations. It is common among shooters.

Prevention #2

• Secondly, is medication really necessary? Most people medicate their children due to recommendations from the school. It helps teachers control children more easily. The teachers do not have to put up with the restlessness these children exhibit. A drugged child is, by far, a child easier to deal with. That high energy level is absent.


• Drugging of our children is not the way. Patience, time, love and understanding, and the teaching of moral principles and good conduct are all essential elements when bringing children into this world and providing them with a proper childhood. I love children and antipsychotics and mind altering drugs are not the way.
