Stop Animal Testing



Freda and Vivian's AP Government interest group project against animal testing.

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Animal Testing is Animal Cruelty

Freda ByVivian To

To prevent cruelty to animals and to disseminate animal testing for the use of human products.

What is our purpose?

"It is totally unconscionable to subject defenseless animals to mutilation and death, just so a company can be the first to market a new shade of nail polish or a new, improved laundry detergent...It's cruel, it's brutal, it's inhumane, and most people don't want it.“ - Abigail Van Buren; testifying before the House Judiciary Committee Support of the Consumer Products Safe Testing Act, March 1988



but they don’t have feelings


Approximately 17-22 million animals are used in research each year

66,610 Dogs

57,531 Primates

58,598 Pigs

245,786 Rabbits

22,921 Cats

176,988 Hamsters

32,260 Sheep

221,286 Guinea Pigs

Over a million rats & mice

And those are just the ones that are reported.

Cosmetic companies perform a majority of all animal tests, but they are not the only ones.

Some other companies include: Arm & Hammer, Kleenex, Johnson’s, Banana Boat, Clorox, Crest, Glade, Huggies, Listerine, Lysol, Pantene Pro-V, Tide, Windex

What’s the point of testing when:

Animal experiments can be misleading considering an animal's response to a drug can be different to a human's.

Rats are only 37% effective in determining what causes cancer in humans.

The stress that animals endure in labs can affect experiments, making the results meaningless.

Animals are still used to test items like cleaning products, which benefit mankind less than medicines or surgery.

Most of these studies are flawed, resulting in incorrect scientific investigations that costs the American public $136 billion annually.

More than 25 billion animals are unnecessarily killed in the labs each year.

Is all of this really


Use these effective alternatives instead:

tissue culture system

chemical assay tests human skin patches

organ and cell cultures

cloned human skin cells

computer and mathematical models

How would you feel if they did this to you?


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