STFC Safety, Health and Environment (SHE) Group SHE Code 21: Management of Radioactive Waste


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STFC Safety, Health and Environment

(SHE) Group

SHE Code 21:Management of Radioactive Waste

All managers of staff, staff, Radiation Protection Supervisors, STFC site tenants, and contractor supervising officers who undertake work that may create radioactive wastes.

Who should use this presentation & read the code

Background• Radioactive waste arises from the normal use and

operation of radioactive sources and equipment in the STFC.

• Radiation hazards must be controlled throughout their life cycle through to their safe and controlled disposal.

• This Code addresses relevant waste and radiation legislation including: Radioactive Substances Act 1993 (RSA93); Ionising Radiations Regs. 1999; Carriage of Dangerous Goods Regs. 2007; and Environmental Protection Act 1990

Key points• The code addresses the storage, control,

security and disposal of accumulated radioactive wastes under conditions set out in Environment Agency Certificates of Authorisation (CoA) issued under RSA93

• The code outlines key roles for: – Group Leaders/Division Heads;– Radioactive Waste Consignors;– Radioactive Waste Managers; and– Radiation Protection Supervisors (RPAs)

• Where ever possible the generation of radioactive waste should be avoided or minimised

Key points• All work with radioactive waste must be subject to

documented Risk Assessment and Local Rules• All areas/equipment used to store or monitor

radioactive waste must be tested, calibrated and subject to preventive maintenance

• All radioactive wastes should be reported to local Radioactive Waste Consignors who will ensure it is disposed of through the site Radioactive Waste Manager (RWM)

• The RWM will process, categorise, consolidate, label and assay radioactive wastes maintaining records of all disposals

SHE TrainingA suite of radiation training is available for STFC staff and others. It can be booked by calling your local SHE training contact: DL/RAL 8288

Further questionsFor further help or advice with this code do not hesitate to contact your Radioactive Waste Manager or Radiation Protection Advisor (RPA): - Dave Ashcroft RAL, 6682;- Paul Wright, RAL, 5480; or- Louise Nicholson, DL, 3554.
