Stewardship: The The...


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Stewardship: The steward was a household servant who

managed the household affairs for the head of the

family. Managing the family involved delegation,

discipline, encouragement, and, most important,

accountability to the head of the household.

1. God’s kingdom does not arrive all at once, but the day is coming when it will be made complete. 19:11-12, 15a

People thought the kingdom would come all at once. But God’s

kingdom has two defining moments: when it begins and

when it is completed. 19:11

After his resurrection,

Jesus returned to his Father.


Jesus will return at the appointed

time. 19:15a

Has God’s kingdom arrived in my life?

Am I living according to God’s authority?

Am I looking forward to the return of

Christ at the end of all things?

2. Jesus’ servants serve faithfully and produce the fruit of the Spirit. 19:13, 16, 18

Jesus gives the Spirit and the gifts

of grace through the Spirit to his

followers so they can do his work until he returns.


“I am the vine; you are the branches. If

a man remains in me and I in him, he will

bear much fruit; apart from me you

can do nothing.”John 15:5

“It is for your good that I am going away. Unless I go away, the

Counselor will not come to you; but if I go, I will send him to

you.”John 16:7

There are different kinds of gifts, but the same Spirit.

There are different kinds of service, but the same Lord. There are different kinds of working, but the same God

works all of them in all men. Now to each one the

manifestation of the Spirit is given for the common good.

1 Corinthians 12:4-7

While all believers have the Spirit, not

all believers will produce the same results. 19:16, 18

What is my life producing?

3. When Jesus returns, he will hold all people accountable for their faithfulness to him. Faithfulness will be rewarded. Unfaithfulness has consequences. 19:15b, 17, 19, 26-27

Jesus will hold his servants

accountable for their stewardship of their gifts and God’s purposes.


Faithful stewards will be rewarded.

19:17, 19

Unfaithful stewards will be

disciplined. 19:20-26

Sorry/Not Sorry:used to express a

lack of regret or repentance over

an action or statement.

Those who reject Jesus will suffer

eternal consequences.


How am I responding to

Jesus, the King?

I invite you to allow God’s kingdom to come into your life. Willingly give to God the authority to rule over you.

I invite you to take your own measure and ask what your life is producing? Is your life accomplishing God’s purposes or your own?

I invite you to make a right response to Jesus Christ the King today.Accept him as your Savior, make him your Lord.
