Steve Maxwell 300 Spartan Workout Basic Level



Spartan Workout Basic Level

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300 Spartan Workout


Builds strength, stamina, flexibility, coordination and athleticism of a Spartan!

Program layout

300 repetitions divided over 5 pairs. Each pair consists of two opposing exercises of 30 reps each.

Three levels of difficulty: Basic, Intermediate, Advanced

Do each pair, shifting back and forth between exercises, matching reps, until you have a total of 30 reps for each exercise. Use strict form but do let yourself assist the exercises by making them easier by shifting leverage if necessary.

Start with the basic level, decreasing assistance, until you feel ready for the next level. Over time you will be able to do the real advanced Spartan 300 workout. When you can do the exercises easily within 40 minutes, you are ready to increase your level.


Pair 1

Assisted Chin-Up assist with feet on some elevated objectAssisted Push-Up assist with legs on some elevated soft object

Pair 2

Flat-foot full squat assist by holding on to some objectSit-up assist by placing arms differently

Pair 3

Body-weight row assist by changing position of legs and bodySimplified dive-through knees down first

Pair 4

Sumo squat you can use hands to hold knees openTwisting crunch box between 90 degree legs, elbow towards knee

Pair 5

Sprinter lunge hands elevated on objectSquat thrust squat then thrust

Assisted Chin-Up

Thumbs just outside shoulders, don’t flare your elbows.

Assisted Push-Up

Vary resistance by changing the part of your legs on the ball.

Flat-foot full squat

Flat feet shoulder width apart, straight back going down and just a slight bend when in bottom position, butt going towards the heels.


Vary resistance by putting arms further back. Notice the little rounded pillow under the small of my back.

Body-weight row

Resistance can be varied by extending your legs and moving your body more or less under the handles.

Simplified dive-through

Sumo squat

You can use your hands to keep the knees spread. Use the hamstrings to pull yourself down and try not to lean forwards too much.

Twisting crunch

Hold some object between your knees. Fingers interlaced behind your head and pull in against your shoulder. Twist your torso up and over, the knees stay fixed. One rep equals one on the left side and one on the right.

Sprinter lunge

Jump between positions. One rep equals one left and one right.

Squat thrust

Tighten your abs to protect your spine when thrusting backwards. Swing back and stand up. Repeat starting with the squat.
