Stephanofilaria habronema Transmitted by Houseflies Stable flies Infect wounds Cause Excessive...


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Stephanofilaria habronema Transmitted by

Houseflies Stable flies

Infect wounds Cause

Excessive granulation Proud flesh Summer sores

Onchocerca Transmitted by

Mosquitoes Gnats

Cause Skin reactions

Face Neck Chest Horse underline

Digestive System

Arthropods Bots

Larval stages of botflies Develop in stomach Affect horses Symptoms


Helminths Worms May cause infection or disease or both Clinical or sub-clinical

Affect health status Clinical

Obvious symptoms Anemia Diarrhea Emaciation

Sub-clinical No symptoms

Life span 1-12 months Animal resistance

Direct life cycle Eggs Larvae Adults

Indirect life cycle Intermediate host

Direct life cycle

Indirect life cycle

Nematodes Roundworms Large numbers Nutritional disturbance Damage

Stomach lining Intestine Blood loss Hemorrhages Migrating

Arteries Liver Lungs

Digestive inefficiency

Examples Trichostrohgyles (hairworms)

Stomach and intestines of ruminants Strongyles (bloodworms)

Large intestine of horses Hookworms

Small intestine dogs and cats Large roundworms

Small intestine of pigs, dogs, cats, horses and poultry

Whipworms Large intestine dogs and pigs



Infestation of Cow


Large roundworms


Symptoms Emaciation Rough hair coat Diarrhea Pale mucous membranes

Diagnosis Fecal floatation


Transmission Ingestion

Larvae Hairworms Strongyles Hookworms

Eggs Large roundworms Whipworms

Direct contact Skin

Hookworms In-utero

Hookworms Large roundworms

Tapeworms Small intestine Species

Dogs Cats Ruminants Horses

Diagnosis Gravid segments in

Feces Anus

Transmission Oral

Infected fleas Dogs and cats

Infected soil mites Ruminants and horses Tapeworms

Flukes Liver flukes Intermediate host

Snails Transmission

Oral Larvae encyst on grasses Cattle graze grass

Symptoms Acute liver disease (young animals) Chronic liver disease (older animals) Malnutrition

Diagnosis Fecal float Observation

Flukes Liver damage


Life Process of Flukes

Protozoa One-celled parasites Intestine Common

Carriers Disease

Young susceptible animals Poor diets

Examples Coccidiosis

Calves, dogs, cats, poultry Trichomoniasis

Dogs Giardiasis

Dogs Hexamitiasis

Poultry Symptoms

Enteritis or colitis Diarrhea

With or without blood and mucous





Circulatory System

Heartworms Nematode Climatic

High rainfall High humidity Large mosquito population

Disease Large amounts of worms affect blood flow

Symptoms Exhaustion Weakness Rapid breathing Coughing Ascites

Swollen abdomen

Diagnosis Blood smear Snap test

Life Process of Heartworm in Dog


Reproductive System

Protozoa Genital Example

Bovine trich Transmission

Veneral Diagnosis

