Step 1: Login to Your ASPEN Account · 2018-09-05 · Step 16.1: Check Your CEH (Practical)...


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Step 1: Login to Your ASPEN Account

Step 2: Enter the CEH (Practical) Dashboard Access Code

Step 3: Unlock the Dashboard

Step 4: CEH(Practical) Exam Process

Step 5: Schedule Your Exam

Step 6: Sign Up or Login to Schedule your Exam

Step 7: Schedule Session

Step 8: Select Your Exam

Step 9: Booking Of Exam Slot

Step 10: Exam Countdown

Step 11: Day Of Exam

Step 12: Connect with your Proctor

Step 13: Launch Exam

Step 14: Proctor Unlocks Your Exam

Step 15: Check Your CEH (Practical) Exam Status

Step 16.1: Check Your CEH (Practical) Status(Cont’d)

Step 16.2: Check Your CEH (Practical) Status

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