St.Bernard of Clairvaux Roman Catholic Church · James Giardino Please check your calendars and...


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St.Bernard of Clairvaux Roman Catholic Church

October 7, 2018 10755 N. 124th St. Scottsdale, AZ 85259

27th Sunday in Ordinary Time

Pastor Brian T. Bell Assisting Priests: Fr. Fred Adamson, V.G.

Fr. John Pearson, C.S.C.; Fr. Stephen Sedlock, C.S.C. Fr. John Coleman, Fr. Charles Keefe, Deacon Alan Hungate

MASS SCHEDULE Weekend: Saturday Vigil 5:00 PM Sunday 7:30, 9:00 & 11:00 AM

Weekday: Monday—Friday 8:30 AM


Reconciliation: Saturdays 4:00pm to 4:30pm

Baptism: Contact Parish Office 3 months in advance

Weddings: Contact Parish Office 9 months in advance


Divine Mercy Mass: Wednesday 8:30 AM Devotion to follow Mass

Padre Pio Mass: First Monday of the Month 7:00 PM Devotion to follow Mass

Spanish Mass: First Saturday of the Month at 8:30 AM

Office Hours: M o n - T h u r s 9 : 0 0 A M — 4 : 0 0 P M

(closed 12-1-lunch) Fri 9:00AM—12:00PM (NOON)

Page 2 October 7, 2018

Welcome to St. Bernard of Clairvaux Scottsdale, AZ

Fr. Brian Bell, Pastor Faith Formation News Page 3

Middle School Youth! Come and join us for the following Edge Events:

10/15 - "Good Things" (Monday from 6pm to 7:30pm in the Parish Hall) - How do you know if something is good? What is sin? What helps you make the good choices in your life?

10/29 - "Boundaries" (Monday from 6pm to 7:30pm in the Parish Hall) - Why do we have rules and laws? Does it help you or hurt you? How do boundaries set you free?

11/5 - "My Neighbor" (Monday from 6pm to 7:30pm in the Parish Hall) - What does it mean to say that everyone has dignity? Who is your neighbor? Why should you help them?

Shannon Hards - Director, Youth Ministry 480-661-9843 x310 or

High School Teens! Come and join us for the following Life Teen Events:

10/14 - "Just Justice” (After the 11am Mass in the Teen Room) - Why is there a need for justice? What is your role in protecting the innocent? What guidelines do you use to know if something is just or not?

10/28 - "I Am Free” (After the 11am Mass in the Teen Room) - What does it mean to be free? Does true freedom mean you should do anything you want? How does following Christ set you free?

11/4 - "You Matter” (After the 11am Mass in the Teen Room) - Do you feel like you matter? What can you do to free yourself from feelings of anxiety and depression? Where in your life do you need healing?

Shannon Hards - Director, Youth Ministry 480-661-9843 x310 or


"Whoever does not accept the kingdom of God like a child will not enter it." This verse is part of a beautiful reflection on childlike faith. We're reminded of the innocence of children, how eager they are to experience life and how quick they are to trust. Rarely do we hear it with the story that immediately proceeds it. The Pharisees question Jesus on the lawfulness of divorce! Hardly the sort of thorny moral conversation one typically has in front of children. Yet here we are.

Jesus' response goes further back then the Mosaic law. "From the beginning, God made them male and female the two shall become one flesh what God has joined together, no human being must separate." Jesus cites a particular set of passages from Genesis 1 and 2, before the Fall in Genesis 3. Adam and Eve possessed original innocence. How eager they were to encounter one another and to explore the garden! How immediate their initial trust in God. We no longer live in Eden. As we age in our fallen world, our childlike trust is wounded and betrayed. We become hardened to the beauties of life. We're quick to find a way around difficult moments.

In brief, things become complicated as we lose our innocence. The teachings of Christ and the Church on sexuality become more challenging or more objectionable. Jesus recognizes this in today's Gospel. His invitation is not to compromise with our broken reality. It is a return to beauty, to the fullness of life as it was meant to be. We can affirm our trust in God. We can view life with gratitude. We can experience healing of our lost innocence.

This is possible today -- now! -- by grace. Indeed, "the kingdom of God belongs to such as these." Excerpt from Arts and Media LPI

WEDDING BANNS Florence Stutzman

& James Giardino

Please check your calendars and note that there will be no classes for two weeks this year for our Fall Break. There are no classes for Elementary students Kindergarten through the Fifth Grade the weeks of October 8th and 15th. Classes resume on Monday, October 22nd. Please have a safe and enjoyable fall break!

Classes for the 2018-19 Faith Formation year began the week of September 10th. If you have not registered your children please do so this week. Registration is ongoing for the year for Kindergarten, First and Fourth/Fifth Grades. Sacrament classes will be closed by October 1st. Your second grader or third grader or Heritage student must be registered and attending classes by October 1st in order to receive sacraments in the spring.

Catholic School students wishing to receive their sacraments at St. Bernard’s will need to register for the second semester only in January.

First Reconciliation in this diocese is made in the second grade and Confirmation and First Eucharist in third grade. If you have an older child, who has missed the sacraments, for whatever reason, at the younger ages or is in need of baptism, please know that we have programs available to take care of their needs.

For more information on the program please contact me at or call me at the Parish Office 480-661-9843 ex 309

God’s Blessings,

October 6, 2018 through October 14, 2018 Page 4 October 7, 2018

06 Saturday 8:30 AM Hispanic Ministry 5:00 PM † Nick Beisser 07 Sunday 7:30 AM † David & Lucille Rice, Jr. 9:00 AM † Michelle Allen 11:00 AM St. Bernard’s Parishioners 08 Monday 8:30 AM † Charles Hoffman 09 Tuesday 8:30 AM † Irene & Charles Hoffman 10 Wednesday 8:30 AM † Gordon Garvey 11 Thursday 8:30 AM Phil Troilo 12 Friday 8:30 AM † Margaret Yanosky 13 Saturday 5:00 PM St. Bernard’s Parishioners 14 Sunday 7:30 AM Father Chris Helstrom 9:00 AM † Mr. & Mrs. George Saliba 11:00 AM † Stanislaw Burzynski


2018 ANOINTING OF THE SICK November 4, 2018 After 7:30 a.m. Mass

Please remain in the church as anointing will be after Mass.

In order to keep the prayer list current, names listed for more than 6 months will be removed . Please advise the parish office 480-661-9843 if any of the above names need to be removed.

Mario Acevedo Sandy Adducci Herbert Bargar Stephen David Bell Kay Berens Nicole Bulla Mickey Butcher Dolores Colman Jean Costello Baby Noah Crouch Stacey Daley Jim Dandy Geno DiMarco Laura Frederick Reid Gleeson Matthew Gross

Shannon Hards Carlos Julio I.A. Margee Woodill Bryan Krueger Loretta Kulczyk Bruce LaPlant John LaPlant Mary Kay LaTempa Mel Latimer Penny Latko Dennis M. Ramona McCarthy Sharon McWeeny Richard Ortega Phil Pecora

Linda Redendo Cathy Schira Trina Semoes Stephanie Simonson Joseph Simons Emilia Semplici Carmen Sotelo Jesus Sotelo Linda Stump Baby Reesa Stutzman Yoko Taylor David Truax Nina Vinnanve Diane Wright Arlene Zuiker


Readings for the Week of October 7, 2018

AN INVITATION TO ALL MEN Want to grow more fully alive as a Man of God, No matter where you are in your spiritual life? 6:40am – 8:00am in the Parish Center Hall.

This Fall we have all new speakers, with powerful testimonies and teachings.

We gather for light breakfast, followed by the video presentation of the day and then small group discussion. You’ll be out by 8:00am.

Curious? For more information contact

Kent at

A Time of Peace... Ecclesiastes 3:11

Patricia Reed


THE CATHOLIC CHURCH On October 14th, we will begin our classes for those 18 and older who want to come into Full Communion with the Catholic Church. We will meet from 8:30 AM until 10:45 AM on Sunday mornings in room 101 in the parish center. If you, a family member or friend feel God’s call to come closer to Him through worship in the Catholic Church, you are invited to join us this fall in RCIA. For more information about RCIA classes and how to come into full communion with our Catholic faith

community, contact Deacon Alan at 602- 228-7234.

Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults

Safe Environment Training: The Office of Safe

Environment is going through some changes right now

and there is a new Website. You can still access the old

site and it will take you to

the new site it is not compatible with Internet

Explorer; you must use Chrome, Firefox or Safari to view the videos. If

you have received an email that says you need to renew just follow the

link and renew your training online. Everyone who serves in ministry will

need to be compliant with their training by December 31st. If you are new

to ministry and not taken the foundation class, “Protecting God’s Children”

you need to go to the website and click on “register

for classes” and find the class called “Protecting God’s Children” at

another parish and register and attend that class. You can download the

paperwork and complete and bring it to the class have it signed by the

trainer and return it to me. The Office of Safe Environment has asked us

to be please be patient through this leadership transition. If you have any

questions concerning Safe Environment Training please call Kathie at the

Parish Office 480-661-9843 ex 309.

I am the Safe Environment Coordinator at St. Bernard’s.

Sunday: Gn 2:18-24/Ps 128:1-2, 3, 4-5, 6 [cf. 5]/Heb 2:9-11/ Mk 10:2-16 or 10:2-12 Monday: Gal 1:6-12/Ps 111:1b-2, 7-8, 9 and 10c [5]/Lk 10:25-37 Tuesday: Gal 1:13-24/Ps 139:1b-3, 13-14ab, 14c-15 [24b]/ Lk 10:38-42 Wednesday: Gal 2:1-2, 7-14/Ps 117:1bc, 2/Lk 11:1-4 Thursday: Gal 3:1-5/Lk 1:69-70, 71-72, 73-75 [69]/Lk 11:5-13 Friday: Gal 3:7-14/Ps 111:1b-2, 3-4, 5-6 [5]/Lk 11:15-26 Saturday: Gal 3:22-29/Ps 105:2-3, 4-5, 6-7 [8a]/Lk 11:27-28

Next Sunday: Wis 7:7-11/Ps 90:12-13, 14-15, 16-17 [14]/Heb 4:12-13/ Mk 10:17-30 or 10:17-27

Sunday: 27th Sunday in Ordinary Time; Respect Life Sunday Monday: Columbus Day Tuesday: St. Denis, Bishop, and Companions, Martyrs; St. John Leonardi, Priest Thursday: St. John XXIII, Pope

Next Sunday: 28th Sunday in Ordinary Time © LPi

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The Hispanic Ministry of St. Bernard of Clairvaux

Annual Festivities of Our Lady of Guadalupe

DECEMBER 8, 2018

This is a Fiesta for all Family and friends.

There will be Piñatas for the children, Mexican Dinner, 50/50 Raffle, D.J. for dancing and many


This week the Sanctuary Light will be lit in loving memory of

Evelyn Wilk

By: Linda & Peter Wilk

St. Bernard of Clairvaux’s Knights of Columbus’

Oktoberfest Saturday, Oct. 20, 2018—-In the Parish Hall

Cocktails, 6 pm | German Buffet Dinner, 6:30 p.m. Feast on Traditional German Cuisine & Dessert Enjoy Refreshments (Beer, Wine, Soft Drinks & Coffee)

The Evening will Feature Music & Dancing Only $15/Person

Event Limited to 350 Attendees (adults only) Get Your Tickets

In the Narthex of the Church after Saturday and Sunday Masses. Also available in the

Parish Office during the week.





OCTOBER 20 OKTOBERFEST NOVEMBER 18 Pancake Breakfast JANUARY 20, 2019 Parish Picnic at nearby park MARCH 2 Spaghetti Night & Talent Show APRIL 7 Pancake Breakfast

55+ Senior Social Club

We invite you to our first

Social of the Season Wednesday, October 17th

Hors D’oeuvres will be catered by Chompies. Bring your BYOB.

12:00 Noon in the New Parish Center

Guest Speaker – Fr. Brian Bell– He will talk about his life as a Missionary Priest in Jamaica and as a Military Chaplain.

Cost is $8.00, for Members, $12.00 Non-Members.

Please RSVP by Sunday, October 14th To: Josephine Zupancich at 480-451-5320.

We welcome new members. For more membership information, Call Josephine .

BAKE SALE Sunday, October 28th

St. Bernard’s Parish Hall. Enjoy cakes, cookies, brownies, and more. Sponsored by the Ladies of Welcome (Formerly known as Christ Renews His

Parish) Proceeds cover the cost of our annual renewal weekend February 16-17, 2019.


FEATURING CATHOLIC AUTHOR & SPEAKER: Dr. John R. Wood When: October 21-23, 2018

Where: St. Bernard Church, Scottsdale, AZ.

Three nights! Come to any or all nights! October 21st 7:00pm- INSPIRE: The Extraordinary Mission

October 22nd 7:00pm- DESIRE: The Light Entrusted to YOU

October 23rd 7:00pm- FIRE: Setting the World Ablaze.

Inspiring & practical experience. Dynamic teaching & application. Learn to apply the genius of Catholicism to every aspect of your life: Prayer & spirituality, work, dating & marriage, personal finances, health & well-being, parenting… & more!

Powerful for parishioners. Engaging for those searching for a faith home. Captivating for young people. Come! Be energized! Invite someone! John Wood has a passion that is contagious…make an effort to hear him speak!” -Matthew Kelly, author of Rediscover Catholicism and The 4 Signs of A

Dynamic Catholic

Adoration: Irene Hausmann 480-860-0502

Altar Servers: Richard Rutkowski 480-836-0568 Altar Society: Cheryl Roehm 480-236-5688 Linda Echsner 480-767-5285 Al-Anon: 602-249-1257

Baptism Preparation: Parish Office 480-661-9843 Bereavement: Ellen Florea 480-816-3551 Cancer Support Ministry Lynn Johnson 480-778-0618 Charismatic Prayer Mtg: Elena Konerko 602-741-8259

Christ Renews His Parish: Nancy Paulus 480-203-4428 “Renewal” (Women) Christ Renews His Parish: Paul Majcher 480-242-1725 “Renewal” (Men)

Edge (6th to 8th Grade) Shannon Hards 480-661-9843 Grief Support: Anne Pauly-Cerami 480-614-9327 Life Teen (High School Teens) Shannon Hards 480-661-9843 Faith Formation:

(Kindergarten to 5th Grade) Kathie Stine 480-661-9843 Finance Council: Tom Echsner 480-767-5285 Hispanic Ministry: Carmen Sotelo 480-860-6753 Hospitality: Jerry & Yvonne Grover 480-614-5429

Knights of Columbus: Bob Gomez 480-695-3229 Ladies Auxillary Lesa Harris-602-300-0545 Lectors (Min. of Word): Dr. Richard Rutkowski 480-836-0568 Legion of Mary: Loretta Curfman 602-545-6664

Liturgy Committee: Parish Office 480-661-9843 Ministers of Holy Communion: Tom Echsner 480-767-5285 Ministry of Care: Dan & Kerry Mueller 480-661-0523 Music Ministry: Kent Campbell 480-661-9843

Padre Pio Prayer Group: Nancy Rossiello 480-391-1257 Pastoral Council: Chris & Ann Foley 480-661-9843 Prison Outreach: Parish Office 480-661-9843 RCIA Dcn. Alan Hungate 480-661-9843

Sanctity of Life Committee: Shirley Towers 480-661-9843 Senior Social Club: Josephine Zupancich 480-451-5320 St. Vincent de Paul: On-Call cell phone 480-332-8742 Stewardship/Development: Mike Huesman 480-661-9843

That Man Is You: Kent Campbell 480-540–8850 Women’s AA Susan Lupo 480-556-1816 Women’s Ministry: Sandy Muszkiewicz 480– 314-5386

Welcome to St. Bernard of Clairvaux Scottsdale, Arizona

St. Bernard’s Ministries

Page 6

Parish Office

Telephone: (480) 661-9843 Fax: (480) 614-8092 Website: E-mail:

Administration Pastoral Assistant—Nancy Boettcher extension 300 Administrative Assistant-Bette Brown extension 301 Administrative Assistant-Cheryl Roehm extension 301

Faith Formation –Kindergarten thru Middle School Director — Kathie Stine extension: 309 Youth Group—Edge & Life Teen

Edge (6th-8th grade) — Shannon Hards extension: 310 Life Teen (High School Teens) Shannon Hards extension: 310

Music Director—Kent Campbell extension: 311

Stewardship and Development Director—Michael Huesman extension: 302

Facility Managers Steve Cassar 480-309-9443 (after office hours only),

Hernando Cifuentes

Parish Center Manager Director– Art Stine 602-866-7900, Events Coordinator Linda Wisniowski 602-369-4068


September 30, 2018—-Sunday Collections

Sunday Collection

envelopes: $8449.00

electronic giving: $ 0

(Building/Debt Reduction Fund) envelopes: $ 178.00

electronic giving: $ 0

Thank you for your ongoing generosity

ROSARIES AT ST. BERNARD OF CLAIRVAUX WEEKDAYS Daily Rosary Adoration Chapel after 8:30 am Mass

FIRST SATURDAY Sanctity of Life Ministry Rosary 4:30 p.m. Other Saturdays Pro Life Rosary Adoration Chapel 4:30 pm FIRST MONDAY St. Padre Pio Rosary and Mass 7:00 pm TUESDAYS Planned Parenthood 8:00 am Mass at St.Daniel the Prophet WEDNESDAY Divine Mercy Rosary after 8:30 am Mass FRIDAYS After 8:30 am Mass—Devotion in New Parish Center

DONATIONS FOR ANDRE HOUSE The homeless served by Andre House are in need of clothing, blankets, sleeping bags, back packs, hotel size toiletries (shampoo, conditioner, body wash, tooth paste, etc.) Please call Dennis Whitmer 480-440-1055 or for any appropriate item you have to donate.

PLEASE NOTE: Bulletin Submissions for Upcoming Events must be made by Tuesday, 2 weeks prior to that given weekend.

We reserve the right to edit, include or not include, your submission. If interested in submitting an article, or with any questions regarding the bulletin, please contact the bulletin editor Bette Brown:

First Friday Devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus

Please join us every First Friday to pray the Litany and Consecration to the Sacred Heart of Jesus immediately following the daily Mass.

Are you suffering from Domestic Violence?

We are here for you.

Did you know? One in every four women experiences domestic violence during her lifetime. One in seven men also experiences abuse.

For immediate assistance call our 24-hour hotline at 480-821-1024. Catholic Charities has been helping domestic violence survivors flee from abusers for over 30 years. My Sister’s Place provides shelter, resources and case management so survivors can have a safe future.

To learn more about our services and programs, to volunteer, or donate, please call 602-285-1999 and visit us at

Speak out in defense of the poor-Proverbs 31:8-9
