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Statistica Sinica Preprint No: SS-09-226R1 Title Penalized blind kriging in computer experiments

Manuscript ID SS-09-226R1 Accept Date 2010-04-12

URL Complete List of Authors Ying Hung

Corresponding Author Ying Hung E-mail

Notice: The creation of this version of the paper preceded the subediting process to which all papers accepted by Statistica Sinica are subjected.


Penalized Blind Kriging in Computer Experiments

Ying Hung

Department of Statistics, Rutgers, the State University of New Jersey

Abstract: Kriging models are popular in analyzing computer experiments. The

most widely used kriging models apply a constant mean to capture the overall

trend. This method can lead to a poor prediction especially when certain strong

trends exist. To tackle this problem, a new modeling method is proposed, which

incorporates a variable selection mechanism into kriging via a penalty function.

An e!cient algorithm is introduced and the oracle properties in terms of selecting

the correct mean function are derived according to the fixed-domain asymptotics.

The finite-sample performance is examined via a simulation study. Application

of the proposed methodology to circuit-simulation experiments demonstrates a re-

markable improvement in prediction and the capability of identifying variables that

most a"ect the system.

Key words and phrases: Computer model, Fixed-domain asymptotics, Gaussian

process model, Geostatistics, Oracle procedure, Variable selection.

1. Introduction

Physical experimentations can be intensive in terms of material, time, and

cost. The advent of modern computers and the advancement of computer aided

design methodologies have given rise to another mode of experimentation, which

is served as an economical alternative. It is known as computer experiments,

by which experimentations are performed in computers using physical models

and finite-element-based methods. The analysis for computer experiments has

received a lot of attention in the past decades (Kennedy and O’Hagan 2000;

Oakley and O’Hagan 2002; Higdon et al. 2008).

A feature of many computer experiments is that the output is deterministic.

That is, replicates of the same inputs to the computer code will produce iden-

tical outputs. To take into account this property, Sacks et al. (1989a, 1989b)

proposed to model the deterministic response as a realization of a stochastic pro-

cess. This approach is desirable because it provides estimates of uncertainty of

the predictions in computer experimentations. In this work, we focus specifically

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on modeling computer-simulated outputs as a Gaussian process (GP) with a

spatial correlation structure. This model is known as kriging and is particularly

attractive because it fits a large class of response surfaces and widely used in the

computer experiment literature (Santner et al., 2003; Fang et al., 2006; Linklet-

ter et al., 2006). Moreover, several empirical studies have proved its superiority

over the other interpolating techniques (Laslett, 1994).

A kriging model basically incorporates two parts: one is a stationary Gaus-

sian process and the other is a mean function. Most of the kriging models

used for analyzing computer experiments either assume some known important

trends/variables in the mean function, known as universal kriging (UK), or use

a grand mean to capture the overall trend, known as ordinary kriging (OK). Due

to the fact that the important variables are rarely known before experiments,

OK is commonly used in practice. It has been observed that the OK prediction

can be poor if there are some strong trends (Martin and Simpson 2005) and

the prediction accuracy can be improved by selecting variables properly into the

mean function (Joseph et al. 2008). This issue is important. However, it has not

received much attention in the literature. Even though some studies pointed out

the benefits of using more complex mean functions (Martin and Simpson 2005;

Qian et al. 2008), there is no systematic methodology for obtaining such models.

A recent approach, blind kriging (Joseph et al. 2008), integrates a Bayesian for-

ward selection procedure into the kriging model. This method e!ectively reduces

the prediction error and demonstrates the advantages of combining variable se-

lection techniques with kriging; nevertheless, further improvements are needed

because of the following reasons. First, the iterative Bayesian estimation is com-

putationally intensive. Second, studying the selection consistency is crucial as

identifying the correct mean function is an important element to ameliorate the

prediction accuracy. This topic, however, is hard to pursue with the forward

selection procedure. Hence, new methods with e"cient estimation and rigorous

theoretical studies of the selection property are called for.

A new approach is proposed in this paper to overcome the foregoing prob-

lems. The idea is to incorporate a variable selection mechanism into kriging via

penalized likelihood functions. Although the penalized likelihood is a common

technique, its utilization in the kriging models to achieve variable selection is

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new and have not been systematically studied. It poses some challenging tasks

in that estimation and inferences with kriging are more complicated. New es-

timation procedures and the corresponding algorithms are required because the

standard maximum likelihood methods for kriging are not applicable. Moreover,

the classical results of the asymptotic properties, such as variable selection con-

sistency, cannot be applied because they are mainly constructed based on the

independent assumption on observations. This assumption is violated according

to the fixed-domain asymptotics, in which theoretical issues on modeling re-

sponses from computer experiments are generally constructed (Ying 1993; Stein

1999; Zhang 2004). Hence, in order to pursue the large sample behavior, cer-

tain Markovian properties need to be exploited so that the correlations among

observations can be taken into account.

In this literature, there are numerous methods along the line of variable se-

lection in computer experiments. Welch et al. (1992) proposed an algorithm to

screen important variables sequentially and Linkletter et al. (2006) proposed a

Bayesian variable selection procedure combining with Gaussian process models.

These methods, however, are di!erent from the proposed approach mainly in

two aspects. First, they focus on identifying variables with significant impact on

the process being studied, which is the main goal in the early stages of experi-

mentation (referred to screening in Wu and Hamada (2000)). Nevertheless, our

objective is to enhance the prediction accuracy with the help of variable selection.

Thus, the variable selection and modeling is achieved simultaneously. Second,

existing variable selection criteria are constructed based on the estimated corre-

lation parameters, which appear to be numerically unstable (Li and Sudjuanto

2005; Joseph 2006). Therefore, the selected variables may not be reliable. In

contrast, the proposed approach performs variable selection through the mean

function and the Gaussian process part is used to achieve interpolation. More-

over, even though the Bayesian variable selection discussed in Linkletter et al.

(2006) is easy to implement, it is computationally demanding especially with

Gaussian process models.

The remainder of the paper is organized as follows. A new modeling method

is proposed in Section 2 and the theoretical properties of the estimators in the

new model are discussed in Section 3. An e"cient algorithm is introduced in

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Section 4. In Section 5, simulation studies are carried out to examine the finite-

sample performance. Application of the proposed method is illustrated in Section

6 by computer experiments based on a circuit-simulation code. Discussions are

given in Section 7.

2. Penalized blind kriging

In this section, a new methodology for analyzing computer experiments is

proposed. It is motivated by some existing methods; therefore, we first review

some of the details.

2.1 Kriging preliminaries

The UK model can be stated as follows. Assuming that the true function

y(x), x ! Rm, is a realization from a stochastic process

Y (x) = µ(x) + Z(x), (2.1)

where the mean function can be written as µ(x) =!K

i=0 µi!i(x), the !i’s are

some known trends/variables, and µi’s are unknown parameters. The term Z(x)

is a weak stationary Gaussian process with mean 0 and covariance function "2#,

where "2#(h) = cov{Y (x + h), Y (x)} is a positive semidefinite function with

#(0) = 1 and #("h) = #(h). In this formulation, µ(x) is used to capture the

known trends, so that Z(x) can be a stationary process. In reality, however, rarely

will the trends be known and thus a special case, the OK model, is commonly


Y (x) = µ0 + Z(x). (2.2)

Instead of assuming some known trends, this model uses a grand mean µ0 to

capture the overall trend. The OK model is one of the most popular methods in

analyzing computer experiments (Santner et al. 2003). It is easy to implement

and works well in general, but without taking into account important variables

in the mean function can lead to a poor performance in prediction. Furthermore,

including unimportant variables in the mean function can also deteriorate the

prediction performance (Joseph et al. 2008). Therefore, blind kriging (Joseph et

al. 2008) is proposed. Instead of assuming the mean function to be known in the

UK models, they are identified by Bayesian forward selection. Even though blind

kriging reduces the prediction error, the Bayesian forward selection is computa-

tionally intensive and the theoretical properties are somewhat hard to understand

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because the forward selection procedure ignores stochastic errors inherited in the

stages of variable selections.

2.2 Penalized blind kriging

We propose a new model in which a variable selection procedure is incorpo-

rated in kriging. This is along the line of blind kriging; however, the variable

selection is achieved by a penalized likelihood. We name it penalized blind kriging

(PBK) model. The PBK model can be stated as

Y (x) = f(x)!$ + Z(x),

where f(x)! = (1, f1(x), . . . , fp(x)) are candidate variables and $ = ($0,$1, . . . ,$p)!

are the corresponding coe"cients. To select the important variables from the

candidates, the coe"cients $ are estimated by maximizing the penalized log-


Q($, %,"2) = L($, %,"2)"p"


P!(|$j |), (2.3)

where the log-likelihood function can be written as

L($, %,"2) = "1

2[N log "2 + log(det(#(%))) + (y " F$)T#(%)"1(y " F$)/"2],

y = (y1, . . . , yN )! are the computer experiment outputs collected at N design

points {x1, . . . , xN} with xi = (x(1)i , . . . , x(m)i ) for i = 1, . . . , N , F = (f(x1),. . .,

f(xN ))!, #(%) is an N # N matrix with elements #(xi " xj), % represents the

correlation coe"cients involved in the correlation function, and P! is a penalty

function. More discussions on various penalty functions can be found in Fan and

Li (2001) and Zou and Hastie (2005). In this paper, we focus on two popular

penalty functions. One is the Lasso (Donoho 1994; Tibshirani 1996, 1997), which

is a technique used for simultaneous estimation and variable selection, and the

other is a modification of the Lasso, named adaptive Lasso (Zou 2006).

Because the penalty term is not a function of % and "2, the maximum like-

lihood estimate of % can be obtained as in the universal kriging. That is,

"2 =1

N(y " F $)!#(%)(y " F $). (2.4)

Substituting the values of $ and "2 into (2.3), the maximum likelihood estimate

of % is obtained by

% = argmax"{Q($, %, "2)}. (2.5)

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It follows that

% = argmin"{N log "2 + log(det(#(%))) +N}. (2.6)

The PBK predictor, which has the same form as that of the UK predictor (Sant-

ner et al. 2003), is given by

y(x) = f(x)!$ + #(x)!#(%)"1(y " F $), (2.7)

where #(x)! = (#(x" x1), . . . ,#(x" xN )).

The objective of PBK is to identify important mean functions from a set

of candidate functions (or variables). If some simple functions are used in the

candidate set, then the predictor can be easily interpreted using the first term

f(x)!$. The second term on the right hand side of (2.7) is used to achieve


More than a simple extension of existing methods, the PBK models posts

some challenging tasks. To detect important variables automatically, a penalty

function is included in the likelihood that makes the estimation complicated

and di!erent from the classical maximum likelihood methods in the GP model-

ing. Another important issue is the asymptotic properties. Capturing important

variables in the mean function plays an important role in the improvement of the

prediction accuracy; thus, rigorous study of the selection consistency is required.

Existing results, however, mainly focus on independent observations (Fan and

Li 2001; Zou 2006) and therefore they cannot be directly applied to the PBK

models. Hence, new theoretical results need to be developed to account for the

correlated observations in the PBK models.

3. Asymptotic properties

Large sample properties of the estimators in PBK models are addressed in

this section. One particular interest is the variable selection properties because of

their crucial role in enhancing the model prediction accuracy and interpretabil-

ity. In addition, the asymptotic behavior of parameters, such as the correlation

parameters % and variance "2, are discussed. There are two distinct asymptotics,

which can be referred to increase domain asymptotics and fixed-domain asymp-

totics in spatial statistics (Stein 1999). Increasing domain asymptotics assumes

that more data are collected by increasing the domain (Mardia and Marshall

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1984) while fixed-domain asymptotics assumes that more data are collected by

sampling more densely in a fixed domain. The theoretical derivations herein are

constructed based on the fixed-domain asymptotics because they are appropriate

for the study in computer experiments and we hope simulations can reveal how

appropriate the asymptotic results are in a specific finite-sample setting (Zhang

2004). More formal definition, theoretical justification and discussions can be

found in Ying (1993).

Numerous studies regarding variable selection properties are available in the

literature, but they mainly focus on linear or generalized linear models and the

results rely on the independent assumption on observations. According to the

fixed-domain asymptotics, this assumption does not hold and thus new asymp-

totic properties are called for. The main challenge is that the central limit theo-

rem cannot be used because of the violation of independent assumption. Instead,

the asymptotic behaviors need to be pursued based on a carefully constructed

martingale di!erence sequence. Note that, the correlation function # is assumed

to be the power exponential product correlation

#(h) = exp("m"


%j |hj |a), (3.1)

which is generally used in computer experiments.The smoothing parameter a is

often predetermined and indicates the smoothness of the underlying process. In

this paper, exponential correlation function (a = 1) is assumed in order to help

constructing the Markovian properties (Ying, 1993). Under this assumption,

we denote % = (%1, . . . , %m). The criteria used to examine the optimality of the

variable selection procedure associated with the PBK models are known as oracle

properties, which are popular criteria introduced by Fan and Li (2001).


$ = ($!(1),$



where $(1) = ($1, . . . ,$q)! and $(2) = ($q+1, . . . ,$p)!. Without loss of generality,

assume that $(2) = 0. Furthermore, assume F !#(%)"1F/N $ C, where C is

positive definite and can be written as

C =


$ C11 C12

C21 C22


& .

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To obtained the main results, the following assumptions are required.

Assumption 1: Assume that design points are taken from the experimental region

which form a complete lattice.

Assumption 2: There exists a positive constant vector &, such at |C21C"111 sign($(1))| %

1"&, , where 1 is a p"q by 1 vector of 1’s, q is the length of $(1), and the inequality

holds element-wise.

Assumption 3: Denote (v1, . . . , vp"q)! =(C21C

!111 F "(1)"F "(2))#

N, where F (1) and F (2)

denote the first q and the last p " q columns of F . There exist M1,M2 > 0 so

that ||vi||22 % M1 and 1!#(%)"11 % M2.

Assumption 1 is used for all theorems. It is required due to the notational

convenience and some technical di"culties, which is similar to the issue discussed

in Ying (1993). The lattice-type designs result in some convenient representa-

tions, such as the correlation functions can easily written by the use of Kronecker

product. Assumptions 2 and 3 are similar to the well-known necessary condi-

tions for Lasso consistency with independent observations (Zou 2006; Zhao and

Yu 2006). They are required for Theorem 1. Proofs are given in the Appendix.

In Theorem 1, we show that the PBK estimates with the Lasso penalty

(P!(|$j |) = '|$j |) enjoy the oracle properties, which indicate the consistency in

variable selection and the asymptotic normality.

Theorem 1: Denote $ = ($!(1), $


! as the PBK estimates based on the Lasso

penalty. Suppose ' & N1+!2 , where 1 > ( > 0. Then, under Assumptions 1 to 3,

the PBK estimates must satisfy the following two properties as N $ ':

(i). $(2) = 0 with probability 1.

(ii).(n($(1) " $(1)) $D N (0, C"1

11 ).

The adaptive Lasso (Zou 2006) can be written as P!(|$j |) = ')j |$j |, where) = ()1, . . . , )p) is a known weights vector. The specification of ) can be fairly

flexible and more discussions can be found in Zou (2006). Here we consider a

weight vector suggested in Zou (2006) with ) = |$|"# , where * > 0 and $ is a

root-n-consistent estimator of $. For the adaptive Lasso, with a proper choice of

' and some regularity condition, the oracle properties hold as follows.

Theorem 2: Denote the PBK estimates based on the adaptive Lasso penalty as

$$ = ($$"(1), $


!. Suppose that !#N

$ 0 and 'N (#"1)/2 $ '. Under Assump-

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tion 1, the PBK estimates must satisfy the following two properties as N $ ':

(i). $$(2) = 0 with probability 1.


(1) " $$(1)) $D N (0, C"1

11 ).

Theorem 3 addresses the consistency and asymptotic normality of % and "2

in the PBK models. It is an extension of the results in Ying (1993), where the

main focus is the zero mean OK models. The derivation is analogue to that in

Ying (1993) and is omitted.

Theorem 3: Under Assumption 1, the PBK estimates for % and "2 satisfy the

following properties as N $ ':

N (m"1)/2m


( % " %

"2 " "2


* $D N


( 0,


$ $" b

b! 2"4 !mi=1(1 + %i)"1




* , (3.2)

where $" = diag(2%21/(1 + %1), . . . , 2%2m/(1 + %m)), b = (b1, . . . , bp)!, and bi =

"2"2%i/(1 + %i)

4. New algorithm

To estimate the parameters in the PBK models, a new algorithm, iteratively

reweighted least angle regression (IRLARS), is introduced. The idea is very

intuitive. That is, for fixed % and "2, the estimation of $ can be formulated into

a standard linear regression problem with unequal weights #(%)"1/"2, which

can be easily solved by existing methods, such as the well-known least angle

regression algorithm (Efron et al. 2004). Then, the correlation parameters % and

variance "2 can be estimated by the standard maximum likelihood methods. By

iteratively reweighting F and y with respect to the updated correlation matrix

#(%) and "2, the final estimation can be obtained. The computational details

are illustrated below and the proof is straightforward and so is omitted. This

algorithm is easy to be implemented and can be simply modified to take care of

di!erent penalty functions.

Algorithm: (IRLARS algorithm for the Lasso penalty)

Step 0: Set up initial values for $(0), %(0), and "2(0).

Step 1: Define #(%(l))"1/"2(l) = R!R, y$ = Ry, and F $ = RF . Then, solve the

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Lasso problem for all ',

$(l+1) = argmin||y$ " F $$||2 + 'p"


|$j |.

Step 2: Applying the estimated $(l+1) in Step 1 and then solve % and "2 by maxi-

mizing the likelihood as described in (2.4) and (2.6). We have

%(l+1) = argmin"{N log "2(l+1) + log(det(#(%)))},


"2(l+1) =1

N(y " F $(l+1))!#(%)(y " F $(l+1)).

Step 3: If the convergence is achieved, then declare $, %, and "2 to be the estimates.

Otherwise, return to Step 1.

To estimate the parameters with the adaptive Lasso penalty, Zou (2006)

proposed a modification of the original LARS algorithm. With the similar idea,

the IRLARS algorithm can also be extended to the adaptive Lasso penalty by

replacing Step 1 with Step 1$ as follows.

Step 1$: Define #(%(l))"1/"2(l) = R!R, y$ = Ry, F $ = RF , and F $$ = F $/) =

RF/). Solve the Lasso problem for all ',

$$ = argmin||y$ " F $$$||2 + 'p"


|$j |.

Update $(l+1)j = $$

j /)j .

The algorithm can be generally used to estimate parameters in PBK mod-

els. Although only the Lasso and adaptive Lasso are illustrated in this study,

the algorithm can be further extended and implemented to other penalty func-

tions by modifying Step 1. In optimization, such an iterative algorithm is called

block coordinate descent or nonlinear Gaussian-Seidel method (Bertsekas, 1999).

It is well known that this type of algorithm converges under mild conditions.

Particularly, the optimization in step 2 can be solved by standard nonlinear pro-

gramming methods, such as quasi-Newton algorithms. When the dimensionality

of % is large, the result may be trapped in some local optimal solutions. To avoid

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this, multiple initial settings should be considered and further improvement can

be achieved by combining the ideas in heuristic search (Aarts and Lenstra, 2003),

such as simulated annealing (Kirkpatrick et al., 1983) and genetic algorithm. An-

other important issue in practice is tuning, including the specification of ' and

sometimes the parameters involved in the definition of weights vector ). We sug-

gest using the cross validation method along with the LARS algorithm to search

for the optimal setting.

5. Finite-sample performance and empirical application

In this section, the finite-sample performance of the PBK model is studied

based on a known function and a circuit simulation experiment.

5.1 A known function

To evaluate the finite-sample performance of the PBK model, we first con-

sider a known function. Even though it is not in a standard form of computer

experiment models, it provides a better way to compare the performance of vari-

able selection. The performance will be evaluated in two aspects: the accuracy

of variable selection and prediction errors. The accuracy of variable selection is

measured by two scores. One is the average number of the relevant variables cor-

rectly identified in the repeated simulations, and the other is the average number

of the irrelevant variables misspecified. The prediction accuracy is measured by

root mean square prediction errors calculated based on the randomly generated

testing data. The PBK models with the Lasso and adaptive Lasso are illustrated

and the results are compared with those according to the OK and UK models.

To demonstrate the performance with the increase of the sample size, simulations

are conducted for di!erent N given a fixed number of variables.

The known function is defined on a twelve-dimensional (m = 12) input space

[0, 1]12 where the first 6 variables, (x(1), . . . , x(6)), are involved with decreasing

e!ects to produce the computer experiment outputs and the remaining variables,

(x(7), . . . , x(12)), are irrelevant (i.e. zero coe"cients) to the output. The function

can be defined as

y(x) = 0.4x(1) + 0.3x(2) + 0.2x(3) + 0.1x(4) + 0.05x(5) + 0.01x(6) + e, (5.1)

where e ) N (0,"2e) and "e = 0.05. The response are generated independently us-

ing (5.1)and the experimental designs used are Latin hypercube designs (McKay

et al. 1979) with 12 variables and sample sizes N = 50, 80, and 100. Latin

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12 Ying Hung

Table 5.1: Comparison based on a known function


Methods N = 50 N = 80 N = 100 N = 50 N = 80 N = 100

PBK.L 4.49 4.50 4.51 0.60 0.22 0.05

(0.7479) (0.7500) (0.7511) (0.1002) (0.0372) (0.0089)

PBK.ada 4.49 4.52 4.52 0.57 0.27 0.05

(0.7481) (0.7528) (0.7539) (0.0954) (0.0445) (0.0078)

UK 6 6 6 6 6 5.98

(1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (0.9961)

hypercube designs are a popular choice for computer experiments because they

can be generated with minimal computational e!ort and fill the design space

relatively well. The four methods are used to analyze the simulation outputs and

for each fitted model, root mean square prediction errors (RMSPE) is calculated

according to 100 randomly generated testing data.

Based on 500 iterations, the variable selection performances of the PBK

models with the Lasso and adaptive Lasso are shown in Table 5.1. PBK.L and

PBK.ada denote the results, respectively. Note that, the vector ) used for the

adaptive Lasso penalty is defined according to one of the suggestions in Zou

(2006), which is a function of the ordinary least square estimators ) = |$ols|"1.

The column “ACI” represents the average number of variables correctly identi-

fied (i.e. the average number of estimated non-zero coe"cients for x(1), . . . , x(6))

and the values in the parentheses, ACI/6, represents the correct identification

rate. The column “AMC” represents the average number of variables misspec-

ified (i.e. average number of estimated non-zero coe"cients for x(7), . . . , x(12))

and “AMC/6” represents the variable misspecification rate. These performance

measures are evaluated for all the three sample sizes and the results are com-

pared with UK, where all the 12 variables are considered in the mean function

(i.e. K = 12, !1 = x(1), . . . ,!12 = x(12)). For the sake of comparison, estimated

coe"cients in UK are truncated to 0 if they are smaller than 0.001. Note that,

the OK models are not included herein for the comparison of variable selection

as they use an overall mean in the mean function without any selected variables.

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In general, both PBK models perform well in terms of identifying the cor-

rect variables in the mean function. The average number of variables identified

from x(1), . . . , x(6) is more than 4.49, which leads to 74.79% correct identifica-

tion rate, and the average number of misspecified variables is lower than 0.6,

which is 10.02% misspecification rate. Another interesting observation is that,

the misclassification rate is e!ectively reduced with the increase of the sample

size. Specifically, when the sample size increases from 50 to 100, the misclassi-

fication rate is reduced by more than 91% (= (0.57 " 0.05)/0.57). The e!ect of

the sample size is somewhat smaller upon the correct identification rates. This

is not surprising because the last two variables have relatively small e!ects (0.05

and 0.01) and thus they are di"cult to be detected. On the other hand, both

correct identification rates and misspecification rates of the UK models are close

to 1, which indicate that the irrelevant variables cannot be distinguished from

the important variables. Moreover, the selection property of UK cannot be suf-

ficiently ameliorated by increasing the sample size. Therefore, the PBK models

are favorable with respect to UK in detecting important variables.

To further assess the fitted PBK models in terms of the variable selection

accuracy, the frequencies of individual variables identified (with non-zero esti-

mated coe"cients) from 500 simulations are plotted in Figure 5.1. The results

from three sample sizes, n = 50, n = 80, and n = 100, are considered. For

each sample size, three methods are compared. The rectangular represents the

frequency according to PBK with the Lasso, the cross represents that based on

the PBK with the adaptive Lasso, and the dotted point represents that based

on UK. The PBK models with both penalty functions perform similarly. For the

first six variables, their identification frequencies are decreasing as expected due

to the reducing e!ects in the simulation setup (equation (5.1)). Among these six

variables, the top three can be successfully detected (with frequency 1) even for

a smaller sample size. The frequency of detecting the fourth variable increases

from 0.94 to 1 after the sample size increases from 50 to 100 while relatively

smaller increases happen for the fifth and six variables. For the last sixth vari-

ables, their misspecification frequencies are low (smaller than frequency 0.1) and

they become even lower when the sample size increases. According to the UK

models, it is observed in Figure 5.1 that all candidate variables are specified to be

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● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ●

2 4 6 8 10 12








variable (x)





● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ●

2 4 6 8 10 12








variable (x)





● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ●●

2 4 6 8 10 12








variable (x)





Figure 5.1: Comparison of individual variable frequency

important, which means all the six irrelevant variables are completely misspeci-

fied (with frequency 1). Furthermore, the misleading results cannot be corrected

by increasing the sample size.

The RMSPEs based on the 500 simulations are summarized in Table 5.2 to

assess the prediction accuracy of the fitted models. The values in the parentheses

are the corresponding standard errors. The results are compared with the OK and

UK predictors. It shows clearly in Table 5.2 that the PBK models consistently

outperform the OK and UK predictors in terms of RMSPE. In particular, the

RMSPE for the UK predictors can be up to 8%(= (0.2282"0.2115)/0.2115) larger

than the PBK predictors. Note that the RMSPEs for UK are in general higher

than those for the OK and PBK models. Thus, including unimportant variables

in the mean function can actually deteriorate the prediction performance. It

shows the importance of careful variable selection and the superiority of the

PBK models.

5.2 Circuit Simulation

The proposed method is illustrated based on the circuit-simulation code

(Sacks et al., 1989a). There are six (transistor widths) inputs in this experiment

Statistica Sinica: Newly-accepted Paper

Penalized Blind Kriging 15

Table 5.2: Compare RMSPE based on a known function

Methods N = 50 N = 80 N = 100

PBK.L 0.2133(0.0065) 0.2108(0.0062) 0.2084(0.0062)

PBK.ada 0.2115(0.0063) 0.2113(0.0063) 0.2092(0.0061)

OK 0.2237(0.0065) 0.2220(0.0062) 0.2200(0.0061)

UK 0.2282(0.0067) 0.2266(0.0061) 0.2238(0.0061)

and the response is a clock asynchronization or “skew”. A total of 32 runs of

the simulation experiments are conducted. This data set is also analyzed by

other methods in the literature with the nature of relationship between skew and

variables x(1), . . . , x(6) well-understood (Welch et al., 1992); therefore, it can be

used to illustrate the accuracy in terms of variable selection as well as prediction.

In order to compare the performance of di!erent methods, we randomly split the

data set into two parts, where a half of the data (16 runs) are used for training

and the other half for testing.

To predict the clock skew as a function of the six input variables, the PBK

models with two penalty functions are applied. Assuming that the candidates

in the mean function are f(x)! = (1, x(1), . . . , x(6)). With the Lasso penalty, the

fitted PBK model can be written as

y(x) = f(x)!$ + #(x)!#"1(y " F $), (5.2)

where F = (f(x1), . . . , f(x16))!, % = (0.01, 0.01, 0.01, 3.21, 0.01, 1.75), "2 = 0.04,

the coe"cients estimated by (2.3) are $ = ("0.77,$PBK.L)!, and $PBK.L are

listed in Table 5.3 for further comparison. If we change the penalty function

to the adaptive Lasso, the fitted PBK model is similar to (5.2) with di!erent

estimated parameters "2 = 0.14, and $ = ("0.79,$PBK.ada)!, where $PBK.ada

can also be found in Table 5.3. The correlation parameters are the same as the

estimates in PBK with the Lasso penalty.

In addition, the OK and UK models are fitted for comparison. The OK

predictor based on (2.2) can be written as

y(x) = µ0 + #(x)!#"1(y " µ0),

where µ0 = (1!#"11)"11!#"1y = "0.77, % = (0.02, 0.07, 0.12, 0.06, 0.10, 0.18)

Statistica Sinica: Newly-accepted Paper

16 Ying Hung

Table 5.3: Compare the estimated coe"cients

Methods x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6

$PBK.L 0 0.39 "0.58 0.19 0.63 "0.61

$PBK.ada 0 0.65 "0.64 0 0.70 "0.67

$UK 0.19 0.39 "0.64 0.10 0.66 "0.53

and "2 = 0.70. If some prior knowledge is available and shows that all the six

variables have strong linear e!ects on the response, the fitted UK model should

include all candidate variables in the mean function. Therefore, we have the

fitted UK predictor as

y(x) = f(x)!$ + #(x)!#"1(y " F $),

where "2 = 0.02, $ = (F !#"1F )"1F !#"1y = ("0.77,$UK)!, and % is the same

as the estimation in the PBK models.

The fitted coe"cients from the foregoing methods (excluding the OK model)

are listed in Table 5.3, by which the performance of variable selection in the mean

function can be compared. According to the fitted coe"cients, the PBK predictor

with the Lasso penalty identifies five important variables (out of six candidates)

in the mean function by removing x(1). This result is similar to that found in

Welch et al. (1992), where a sequential variable selection algorithm is performed

and five variables are identified in the order of x(5), x(3), x(6), x(2), x(4). A slight

di!erence is that the orders of x(3) and x(6) are exchanged if we rank the estimated

coe"cients. This is reasonable because their e!ects are not significantly di!erent

from each other based on the sensitivity plot in Welch et al. (1992). With the

adaptive Lasso, the PBK model identifies four variables in the mean function by

removing one more variable x(4), which is shown to be the least important one

among the five selected variables in Welch et al. (1992). In contrast, the UK

model has non-zero coe"cients for all of the candidates which means no variable

is removed from the mean function.

With the help of selecting important variables in the mean function, the

main objective of the PBK model is to increase the prediction accuracy. Hence,

RMSPEs for the testing data are summarized and compared in Table 5.4. It

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Penalized Blind Kriging 17

Table 5.4: Compare RMSPE

Methods Number of variables RMSPE

in mean function

PGP with Lasso 5 0.097

PGP with adaLasso 4 0.095

OK 0 0.123

UK 6 0.101

appears that the PBK predictor with the adaptive Lasso performs slightly better

than with the Lasso penalty in this example and both OK and UK predictors

provide larger RMSPEs compared with the PBK predictors. Particularly, the OK

predictor leads to 27%(= (0.123"0.097)/0.097) and 29%(= (0.123"0.095)/0.095)

increases in RMSPE over the two PBK predictors, with the Lasso and adaptive

Lasso respectively. Due to the fact that most of the variables (except the first

variable) have significant e!ects on the response , the UK predictor is expected

to work reasonably well in this example. Surprisingly, it can still lead to a 6%(=

(0.101" 0.095)/0.095) increase of RMSPE compared with the PBK predictor.

6. Discussion

It is worth noting that a naive two-stage method, estimating the mean func-

tion by various variable selection methods in the first step and then using them

as a known trend in the UK models, will not work well in general. This is be-

cause the performance of GP model is quite sensitive to the choices of the mean

function. Moreover, the proposed approach uses the penalty functions to identify

important variables and includes the constant mean as a special case. Namely, it

may happen that constant mean in the GP model is the optimal predictor, which

cannot be detected in the naive two-stage method. Hence, the PBK method that

achieves simultaneous variable selection and GP modeling is desirable.

An interesting extension of the penalized blind kriging is to select important

variables based on both the mean function and the Gaussian process. It relies

on a careful study of the relationship between the mean functions and the Gaus-

sian process. Research on this topic is currently ongoing and will be reported


Statistica Sinica: Newly-accepted Paper

18 Ying Hung


The research was supported by U.S. NSF grant. The author thanks the

editor, an associated editor and two referees for their helpful comments and



The proof consists of several lemmas that culminate in the final proof of

Theorem 1.

Lemma 1 Let g and h are N # 1 vectors with elements denoted by gd1,...,dmand hd1,...,dm , where 1 % di % n, for all i = 1, . . .m, and N = nm. Based on

Assumption 1, the N experimental points (x1, . . . , xN ) in a m-dimensional space

can be rewritten as {(s1d1 , . . . , smdm) : 1 % di % n, 1 % i % m} and the elements in

the N#N correlation function #(%) can be rewritten as exp("!m

i=1(%i|sik"sil|)),where 1 % k, l % n and %i > 0. For simplicity, assume sik " sik"1 = + for all i.

The following equality holds:


= g!(*mi=1#i)"1h

= g1,...,1h1,...,1 +!n




+ . . .+(g1,...,1,d1"exp(""m$)g1,...,1,d1!1)(h1,...,1,d1












+ . . .+(g








d1=2 . . .!n








where * denotes the Kronecker product, #i is a n # n matrix with elements

exp("(%i|sik " sil|)), 1 % k, l % n,

g(1)d1,...,dm= (gd1,...,dm " exp("%1+)gd1"1,...,dm),



= (g(m"2)d1,...,dm!1,dm

" exp("%m"1+)g(m"2)d1,...,dm!1"1,dm


and similar definition is applied to h(1)d1,...,dm, . . . , h(m"1)


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Penalized Blind Kriging 19

Proof of Lemma 1 The result is an extension of the two-dimensional case in

Ying (1993). It can be derived by mathematical induction and the detail of the

proof is analogue to Ying (1993).

Lemma 2 Under Assumption 2,

P ($(2) = 0) + 1" P-....(C21C

"111 F !(1)" F !(2))#(%)"1 y " F$(


.... +'(N


Proof of Lemma 2 The penalized log likelihood estimators can be calculated


$ = argmin%12 [log(det(#(%))) + (y " F$)!#(%)"1(y " F$)] + '

!pi=1 |$i|

= argmin%

-NL($) + '

!pi=1 |$i|


Let u = $ " $, we have

u = argminuNL($ + u) + '||$ + u||1. (7.2)

Applying Taylor expansion, the first term on the right hand side can be written


NL($ + u) = NL($)" u!F !#(%)"1(y " F$) + 12u

!F !#(%)"1Fu

= NL($)" u!F !#(%)"1(y " F$) + (#Nu)"C(


2 ,(7.3)

If there exists u, the following result holds based on the Karush-Kuhn-Tucker

(KKT) optimality condiction


(Nu(1) "

F (1)!#(%)"1(y " F$)(N

= " '(N

sign($(1)), (7.4)


-(Nu(1) "

F (2)!#(%)"1(y " F$)(N

/.... %'(N

1. (7.5)

From (7.4) and (7.5), we have



"111 F (1)! " F (2)!

/#(%)"1(y " F$)(


.... %'(N

-1" |C21C

"111 sign($(1))|



Thus, Lemma 2 holds by Assumption 2.

Proof of Theorem 1

Statistica Sinica: Newly-accepted Paper

20 Ying Hung

We first focus on the consistency. Based on Lemma 2, the following inequal-

ities hold

P ($(2) = 0) + 1" P-....(C21C

"111 F (1)! " F (2)!)!(")!1(y"F%)#


.... +!#N&/

+ 1"!p"q

i=1 P-....v

!i#(%)"1(y " F$)

.... +!#N&i

/ (7.7)

where v1, . . . , vp"q are defined in Assumption 3. Next, we need to show that

v!i#(%)"1(y " F$) $D N (0, v!i#(%)"1vi). (7.8)

For notational convenience, the case when m = 2 is illustrated, namely, #(%) =

#1 * #2. The result can be simply extended to higher dimension, but the

experssions become more complicated. Define the N # 1 vector (y " F$) by

(z1,1, . . . , zn,n)!, where N = n2, and denote N#1 vector vi by {(wk,l) : 1 % k, l,%n}. Based on the result in Lemma 2, we have

v!i(#1 *#2)"1(y " F$)

= w1,1z1,1 +!n




+ (wj,1"exp(""2$)wj!1,1)(zj,1"exp(""2$)zj!1,1)1"exp("2"2$)



(1)j,l "exp(""2$)w


(1)j,l "exp(""2$)z




= w1,1z11 +!n

j=2 ,j


where z(1)j,l = (zj,l " exp("%1+)zj"1,l) and w(1)j,l = (wj,l " exp("%1+)wj"1,l). It

is not di"culty to see that {,1, . . . , ,n} is a martingale di!erence sequence with

respect to the "-filtration Fj = "{zi,l, l % j, i = 1, . . . n} and the following results


!nj=1E(,2j |Fj"1) $P



1"exp("2"1$)+ (wj,1"exp(""2$)wj!1,1)2




(1)j,l "exp(""2$)w





!nj=1E(,4j |Fj"1) $P 0.


Hence, based on (7.10), Lemma 2 and the martingale central limit theorem (Pol-

lard, 1984), the result in (7.8) follows. Then, apply this result to (7.7), we obtain

!p"qi=1 P

-....v!i#(%)"1(y " F$)

.... +!#N&i


= (p" q)O(1" %( 1M1


mini &iM2


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Penalized Blind Kriging 21

The proof of consistency is completed.

Now we prove the asymptotic normality. Based on Lemma 1 and the same

argument for equation (7.8), it can be shown that

u!F !#(%)"1(y " F$) $D ((Nu)!N (0, C).

Therefore, according to (7.2), (7.3) and following the same argument in Theorem

2 of Zou (2006), we have

(Nu(1) $D C"1

11 N (0, C11) and(Nu(2) $D 0. (7.11)

Thus, the asymptotic normality holds.

Proof of Theorem 2

The proof is alone the lines of Theorem 2 in Zou (2006). Based on the

adaptive Lasso penalty

u = argminu


where &(u) = NL($ + u) + '!p

j=1 )j |$j + uj |. By Taylor expansion, we have

&(u) = &(0)"u!F !#(%)"1(y"F$)+((Nu)!C(





)j(|$j+uj |" |$j |).

Borrowing the result in Theorem 2 of Zou (2006), the following statement holds



)j(|$j + uj |"| $j |) $P



0 if$j ,= 0,

0 if$j = 0anduj = 0,

' if$j = 0anduj ,= 0.


Then, by Slutsky’s theorem, for every u,

&(u)"&(0) $D


3"u!(1)F (1)!#(%)"1(y " F$) +



2 ifu(2) = 0,

' otherwise.

With the same construction of martingale di!erences in Theorem 1 and the help

of result in equation (7.8), the asymptotic normality holds by the martingale

central limit theorem.

To proof the consistency, it su"ces to show that P ($(2) ,= 0) $ 0. Again,

using the KKT conditions, it follows that

2F (1)!#(%)"1(y " F $) = ')(1), (7.13)

Statistica Sinica: Newly-accepted Paper

22 Ying Hung

where )(1) is the weights corresponding to the first q variables. The left hand

side of (7.13) can be written as

2F (1)!#(%)"1(y " F $)(

N= 2

F (1)!#(%)"1F ($ " $)(N

+ 2F (1)!#(%)"1(y " F%)(


It follows normal distribution because of the similar argument in (7.8), while the

right hand side of (7.13) follows ''(1)#N

$P ' (Theorem 2, Zou 2006). Therefore,

P ($(2) ,= 0) % P-2F (1)!#(%)"1(y " F $) = ')(1)

/$ 0,

and Theorem 2 holds.


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