Statement of Community Involvement Draft 3€¦ · APPENDIX 1 Consultation Leaflet APPENDIX 2 Plan...


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Statement of Community Involvement

Proposed Residential development of up to 80 dwellings

including public open space and landscaping, Land south of

Radford Bank, Stafford

on behalf of

R P Ward Estate

Date of Report: December 2013

Liberty Stones BA (Hons) Dip TP MRTPI

Fisher German LLP

St. Helens Court

North Street

Ashby de la Zouch

Leicestershire LE65 1HS

Tel: 01530 567478


R,P. Ward Estate Statement of Community Involvement



1.0 Introduction 1

2.0 Policy Framework 3

3.0 Methodology 5

4.0 Response to Comments 9

5.0 Conclusion 13

APPENDIX 1 Consultation Leaflet

APPENDIX 2 Plan of area the leaflet was distributed within

APPENDIX 3 Consultation Event Display Boards

APPENDIX 4 Blank Comments Form

APPENDIX 5 Photos of Consultation Event

APPENDIX 6 Comments Received

R,P. Ward Estate Statement of Community Involvement



1.1 The proposal comprises a residential development of up to 80 dwellings including public

open space and landscaping on land to the south of Radford Bank, Stafford. The site is

located to the west of the Wildwood area.

1.2 The submission of a planning application for the proposed development follows consultation

with residents living immediately surrounding the proposed site, in the Wildwood area. The

proposal is also informed by technical advice from landscape, ecology and highways

consultants. This Statement of Community Involvement (SCI) outlines the adopted approach

to engagement and consultation in respect of the proposed residential development and is

submitted in support of the planning application.

1.3 The importance of engaging with the local community as part of the planning process is

highlighted by the Localism Act. The Act makes pre-application consultation with local

communities compulsory for development over a certain size. Public consultation provides

the local community with the opportunity to comment on and shape the proposals.

1.4 As set out above outline planning permission is sought for up to 80 dwellings, including public

open space and landscaping on land south of Radford Bank. As part of the consultation

process, a public consultation exhibition was held at Wildwood Community Centre, Stafford,

ST17 4RA, between 4 pm and 7pm on the 28th November 2013.

1.5 This this SCI has been produced in support of the proposal to erect up to 80 dwellings on the

land south of Radford Bank and details the process of community engagement undertaken

in respect of the proposal.

1.6 This statement should be read in association with the following plans and documents:

• Site Location Plan

• Indicative Masterplan (Dwg:5274/ASP3)

• Site Access Plan (Dwg: F13096/01)

• Planning Statement

• Design and Access Statement

• Extended Phase 1 Habitat Survey

• Transport Assessment

• Landscape and Visual Impact Assessment

R,P. Ward Estate Statement of Community Involvement


• Flood Risk Assessment

• Tree Survey

• Cultural Heritage Assessment

• Topographical Survey

R,P. Ward Estate Statement of Community Involvement



2.1 The following policy is considered to be relevant to this SCI:

Localism Act

2.2 The Localism Bill received Royal Assent on the 15th November 2011, creating the Localism Act,

giving additional rights to communities and individuals and promoting the involvement of

communities throughout the planning process.

2.3 Part 6, Chapter 4 of the Act details that there is a requirement to carry out pre-application

consultation where:

“(a) a person proposed to make an application for planning permission for the development

of any land in England; and

(b) the proposed development is of a description specified in a development order.”

2.4 The Act then goes on to detail how development which meets the above criteria should be

publicised and consulted on with the local community.

The National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) (March 2012)

2.5 The NPPF received Royal Assent on the 27th of March 2012. The NPPF places importance on

early and meaningful engagement.

2.6 Paragraph 189 of the NPPF states that local planning authorities should “encourage any

applicants who are not already required to do so by law to engage with the local community

before submitting their applications.” The NPPF goes on to state that early engagement has

significant potential to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of the planning application

system for all parties.

Stafford Borough Council Statement of Community Involvement

(July 2006)

2.7 The Borough Councils Statement of Community Involvemen states that the Local Planning

Authority will “ensure as far as possible, that all sections of the community, and other

interested parties, have at least a reasonable opportunity to engage with the plan-making

R,P. Ward Estate Statement of Community Involvement


and planning application processes, and are not precluded from taking part in the planning

system should they wish to do so”.

2.8 The document states that “developers are encouraged to undertake pre-application

discussions and early community involvement.” The Council notes that enabling the

community to participate in “identifying issues and debating options from the onset”

provided ownership of decisions.

2.9 The SCI states that “The submission of a supporting statement with the application; showing

the degree to which potential problems and possible public objections identified at the initial

pre-application stage have been addressed would assist in consideration of the application.

2.10 The SCI goes on to state that “Evidence of any pre-application public consultation for major

planning applications should include a Statement of Community Involvement.” The SCI

suggests that major planning applicants/agents should consult through leaflets/letters and via

a public exhibition at the pre-application stage. Once consultation is complete, the

developer will need to assess the implications of any response from the consultation and then

submit the planning application.

R,P. Ward Estate Statement of Community Involvement



3.1 The applicant has undertaken pre-application consultation to inform the submitted proposals

with the following parties:

• Stafford Borough Council – A pre-application advice request was sent to Stafford

Borough Council on 6 August 2013; a response was never received. Engagement with

other Borough Council departments has been undertaken to understand the extent of

the S106 contributions which would be required.

• Local Stakeholders – Including the Environment Agency and Staffordshire County

Council Highways Department.

• Local Community – Through a Public Exhibition at Wildwood Community Centre,


3.2 This statement seeks to detail the consultation undertaken with the local community.

Public Consultation Event


3.3 A public consultation event was held on Thursday 28th November 2013 at Wildwood

Community Centre (within close proximity of the proposed development site on land to the

south of Radford Bank). The event was open to all members of the public and ran from 4pm-


3.4 The intention of the event was to inform the local community about the proposals, discuss

any concerns, answer questions, and provide an opportunity for local residents to comment

on the proposals.

3.5 The date and time were chosen for the following reasons:

• It facilitated attendance by both working and non-working persons;

• It avoided the weekend when people are likely to be away or spending time with their


• It avoided school holidays;

• It gave the applicant enough time to incorporate any feedback into the development

of the proposal.

R,P. Ward Estate Statement of Community Involvement


3.6 Wildwood Community Centre was chosen as the venue for the consultation event due to its

close proximity to the proposed development site. The centre is well used by local residents

and accessible to all.


3.7 A leaflet was distributed to just short of 800 dwellings on the Wildwood estate (properties to

the north of Wildwood Drive); properties on Radford Bank fronting onto the development site;

and, properties overlooking the development site on Windsor Road to the west of the site. A

copy of the leaflet is included within Appendix 1. The area which the leaflet was distributed

within is identified in Appendix 2.

3.8 A leaflet was also left at the Co-op supermarket at Wildwood Gate, Radford Bank Inn, The

Wildwood and Wildwood Community Centre.

3.9 Copies of the leaflet were also sent to local Councillors. In addition copies of the leaflet were

also sent to The Baswich Community Group.

3.10 Following the leaflet distribution it became apparent that residents on Ripon Drive had not

received a copy of the leaflet. A letter apologising for the error and enclosing a copy of the

leaflet was sent by post to the properties immediately. An electronic copy of the leaflet was

also sent to one of the residents living on Ripon Drive for circulation amongst his neighbours.

3.11 One of the Councillors contacted Fisher German to request that properties on Meadow

Ridge and Radford Rise (off Radford Bank) received a copy of the leaflet. Letters enclosing a

copy of the leaflet were sent through the post to these properties.

3.12 A copy of the leaflet is enclosed in Appendix 1. The leaflet provided a brief summary of the

proposed development, a site location plan and details of the date, time and location of the

consultation event. The leaflet also provided a contact e-mail address and postal address in

the event that residents wished to comment on the proposal or ask queries but could not

attend the consultation event.

Display Material

3.13 A number of display boards were produced to clearly illustrate the proposals; the display

boards contained the following information:

• Introduction

• An explanation of why the application is being submitted

R,P. Ward Estate Statement of Community Involvement


• Discussion on local services and facilities, topography, flood risk and drainage, access,


• Details of the proposal

• Indicative masterplans illustrating one of which illustrated an access off Ripon Drive and

one illustrating an access off Radford Bank.

• Information on the next steps.

3.14 The display boards are contained in Appendix 3 of this report.

Record of Attendance

3.15 In order to record the attendance of visitors to the consultation event, a tally of attendees

was taken. A total of 244 people were recorded as attending the consultation event.

Opportunity to Comment

3.16 Three representatives from Fisher German were present at the event to discuss the proposals

and answer any questions.

3.17 Comment forms were provided at the event to ensure residents had the opportunity to note

their observations of the proposal and confirm whether they supported or objected to the

scheme. A blank comments form is provided in Appendix 4 and the comments from the

completed forms are provided at Appendix 6. Photographs of the exhibition are provided at

Appendix 5.

3.18 Residents were advised by Fisher German that it would be beneficial if comments could be

made regarding the merits of the proposal and any planning implications, rather than in

relation to personal concerns such as private views or house prices.

3.19 Residents were also asked to comment on whether they supported the proposal for a

residential development at Radford Bank; which access they thought should serve the

proposed development; whether they had any comments on the proposed layout of the

development; and, whether they had any comments on the amount of public open space


R,P. Ward Estate Statement of Community Involvement


3.20 A box was provided at the event for any comments forms to be left on the day and a postal

address and an email address were also provided should residents wish to send their

comments in at a later date.

3.21 It was requested that all comments should be received within two weeks of the public

consultation event, by 5pm on Tuesday 10th December. It should be noted that some

comments were received after this date, but that they have also been considered and

included within this SCI.

3.22 Residents who had contacted Fisher German to advise that they were unable to attend the

consultation event were emailed a copy of the consultation boards, the masterplans and the

feedback form the morning following the event.

Opposition Group

3.23 Members of an opposition group, Wildwood Gate Opposition Group, were present for the

duration of the consultation event. The members stood within the hall and provided residents

visiting the consultation event with a leaflet encouraging them to leave their contact details

to enable the Wildwood Gate Opposition Group to provide residents with regular updates.

3.24 The presence of the opposition group caused some confusion amongst residents in respect of

filling out the feedback forms. Whilst the Fisher German representatives sought to manage this

as far as possible, and advise residents of the difference between the feedback form and

Wildwood Gate Opposition Groups leaflet, some of the objection groups leaflets were

mistakenly posted into the Fisher German comments box. All leaflets relating to the opposition

group and mistakenly posted in the comments box were returned to the opposition group by


R,P. Ward Estate Statement of Community Involvement



4.1 A total of 92 response forms were received during and following the consultation event.

4.2 Eight of the respondents ticked the box on the feedback form supporting the proposed

development. Six of the respondents were unsure as to whether they supported the

development and 78 of the respondents did not support the proposed development.

Key Concerns

4.3 The key issues arising from the event and set out within the written feedback are set out



4.4 Residents expressed concern over traffic congestion in the area. Many commented on the

time it takes to get out of the existing estate onto the A34 Cannock Road. Concerns were

raised over further development exacerbating this issue further. Residents did not want to see

any more traffic using the Wildwood Drive/Cannock Road junctions.

4.5 Comments were also made about the BMW garage to the west of the site; vehicles delivering

cars to the garage are known to park on the road and contribute to the congestion in the


4.6 An overwhelming majority of residents preferred the Radford Bank proposal in comparison to

the Ripon Drive proposal. Residents commented that they would not want a link of Radford

Bank to provide a short cut/through route to the existing Wildwood estate.

Response - As a result of the resident comments and a review of the highways position, a

decision was made to pursue the Radford Bank option for vehicular access. A highways

assessment has been undertaken which evaluates the traffic and transport implications of the

proposed development. Vehicular access is proposed direct to Radford Bank via a T-junction

and is shown on Dwg reference: F13096/01 submitted with this application. The Transport

Assessment demonstrates that the proposed development can be served by a new access

from Radford Bank and would not result in an increase in congestion along the link; the

proposed development traffic increases should not have a detrimental impact on the

surrounding highway network in terms of capacity or highway safety and therefore no

R,P. Ward Estate Statement of Community Involvement


mitigating improvements should be required. The surrounding opportunities for sustainable

travel should also satisfactorily accommodate any increases in pedestrian, cycle and public

transport trips resulting from the proposed development. The new means of access to

Radford Bank is included in this application and not reserved for future approval.

Open Space

4.7 Residents stated that the site should be left as ‘open space’ and not built on. Others advised

that there would be some loss of open space but that they did not consider that this would

have a significant effect owing to the extent of formal open space to the south of the site.

Response - The importance of green space has been fully considered in the proposal. On site

landscaping and Public Open Space has been incorporated into the design of the

development. The site is currently in private ownership and agricultural use. The public open

space within the site will provide existing and future residents with formal access to this open


Affordable Housing

4.8 Residents expressed mixed views as to the provision of Affordable Housing with many stating

that they did not want any affordable housing in the locality. Others however welcomed the

provision of affordable housing as part of the proposed development.

Response – Affordable housing will be provided in line with policy. This will be agreed through

a S106 planning obligation to ensure that a percentage of the proposed new housing is

dedicated specifically to meet affordable housing needs including new shared equity and

social rented properties.


4.9 Some residents commented on the ecological value of the site advising that the site is home

to Great Crested Newts, foxes, Herrons and other birds.

Response - An extended Phase 1 Habitat Assessment has been undertaken which

demonstrates that there are no designated habitats on the proposed development site. Bats

may be present in the wood to the south of the site; mitigation measures including siting the

proposed development 20 meters from the woodland, have been incorporated into the

development as a precautionary measure.

R,P. Ward Estate Statement of Community Involvement


Employment Opportunities

4.10 Comments were made on the limited employment opportunities available in Stafford.

Response - The site is located in close proximity to employment opportunities in Stafford and

has good access to the nearby cities of Birmingham and Stoke-on-Trent.

Services and Facilities

4.11 Some comments were made as to the capacity of the local doctors surgeries and schools.

There was concern that increased housing in the area would put pressure on these services.

Response - The proposed residential development of up to 80 dwellings is not considered to

exceed the carrying capacity of schools, surgeries, sewerage and other amenities.

Educational contributions will be made as deemed viable by Stafford Borough Council.

Unallocated Site

4.12 Residents commented that the site is not allocated in the existing or emerging Local Plan.

Response - The Government requires all Councils to demonstrate a five year supply of

deliverable sites. Where Councils are unable to do this there is an opportunity to bring forward

sites which are not allocated in the Local Plan.

Stafford Borough Council is currently unable to identify a five year housing land supply and

must therefore consider sites which are not currently identified in its Local Plan in order to help

to meet its housing need. The development of the land to the south of Radford Bank,

Stafford would contribute to meeting this need.


4.13 Residents advised that the site was within the flood plain and therefore not suitable for


Response - The site is not at risk of flooding as defined by the Environment Agency’s flood

maps and demonstrated through further assessment in the Flood Risk and Drainage

Assessment which has been undertaken. The Staffordshire and Worcestershire Canal is not at

risk of flooding.

R,P. Ward Estate Statement of Community Involvement


4.14 Copies of all the consultation responses received are included as Appendix 6 to this


R,P. Ward Estate Statement of Community Involvement



5.1 The Localism Act emphasises the importance of consulting with the public on proposals for

development prior to the submission of a planning application. Stafford Borough Council’s

Statement of Community Involvement states that public consultation for a development of

this nature is not mandatory. However, it was considered important to consult with local

residents to inform the final proposal.

5.2 A public consultation event was held at Wildwood Community Centre, on Thursday 28th

November 2013. A total of 92 resident comments have been received in relation to the

proposal. The vast majority of the comments made related to highways and congestion


5.3 Following due consideration of the formal comments received, as well as comments voiced

by residents at the consultation event, further exploration of the vehicular access to the site

was undertaken by the highway consultants. As a result of this, Radford Bank has been taken

forward to deliver vehicle access to the site. The transport assessment prepared by the

consultants concludes that the proposed development can be served by a new access from

Radford Bank and would not result in an increase in congestion along the link; the proposed

development traffic increases should not have a detrimental impact on the surrounding

highway network in terms of capacity or highway safety and therefore no mitigating

improvements should be required.

5.4 All other concerns in relation to planning issues which arose as a result of the public

consultation have been summarised and responded to in Section 4 of this report. These

matters are considered to have been satisfactorily addressed in this planning application and

its supporting documentation.

Liberty Stones BA (Hons) Dip TP MRTPI

R,P. Ward Estate Statement of Community Involvement



Consultation event leaflet

R,P. Ward Estate Statement of Community Involvement


R,P. Ward Estate Statement of Community Involvement


R,P. Ward Estate Statement of Community Involvement



Plan of area leaflet distributed within

R,P. Ward Estate Statement of Community Involvement


R,P. Ward Estate Statement of Community Involvement



Consultation event display boards

R,P. Ward Estate Statement of Community Involvement


Thank you for taking time to attend this exhibition setting out

proposals for residential development on Land South of Radford

Bank, Stafford.

The RP Ward Will Trust, the owners of the site, wish to outline their

proposals to local residents before a planning application is

submitted to Stafford Borough Council.

The proposal is to provide a high quality residential

development which serves local needs and makes some

provision towards the Council’s significant five year housing

land supply shortage.

Members of the development team are here today and they

will be happy to assist if you have any questions, comments or


We welcome your feedback so please take a moment to

complete a comment form.

R,P. Ward Estate Statement of Community Involvement


The Proposal

The proposal is for a high quality residential development of up

to 80 dwellings. This will include the provision of open space and

landscaping, funding towards education, as well as a wide

variety of housing.

• High quality homes of varying sizes, types and tenures

• Affordable housing provision for local people

• On site landscaping and public open space

• Education contributions

R,P. Ward Estate Statement of Community Involvement


Why are we proposing this site for development?

The Government requires all Councils to demonstrate a five

year supply of deliverable sites. Where Councils are unable to

do this there is an opportunity to bring forward sites which are

not allocated in the Local Plan.

Stafford Borough Council is currently unable to identify a five

year housing land supply and must therefore consider sites

which are not currently identified its Local Plan in order to help

to meet its housing need. The development of the land to the

south of Radford Bank, Stafford would contribute to meeting

this need.

R,P. Ward Estate Statement of Community Involvement


The site

The site is located to the south of Radford Bank and west of

Ripon Drive. A woodland bounds the site to the south and the

Staffordshire and Worcestershire Canal forms the western

boundary of the site. The site lies 2.3 km to the south east of

Stafford town centre.

R,P. Ward Estate Statement of Community Involvement


Service and facilities

The site is located in close proximity to a good range of local

services and facilities, being near employment, local shops,

schools, community and recreational facilities, as well as having

good transport links.


The topography of the site is relatively level although there is a

steep bank up to Ripon Drive and Radford Bank.

Flood Risk and Drainage

The site is not at risk of flooding as defined by the Environment

Agency’s flood maps. The Staffordshire and Worcestershire

Canal is not at risk of flooding. A full Flood Risk and Drainage

assessment will accompany the planning application.


A new primary access point will be created. The site can be

accessed off Radford Bank or Ripon Drive; both options provide

a deliverable access solution to the proposed development

site. The planning application will be submitted with a single

point of access only.

R,P. Ward Estate Statement of Community Involvement


The existing footpath and cycleway along the eastern

boundary of the site will be retained. New, formalised footpaths

will be provided into the open space surrounding the proposed



There are no designated habitats on the proposed

development site. Bats are present in the wood to the south of

the site; mitigation measures, which include siting the proposed

development 20 metres from the woodland, have been

incorporated into the proposed site layout.

R,P. Ward Estate Statement of Community Involvement


The Proposed Development

The site constraints and opportunities, as described on the

previous boards, have been taken into consideration

developing the indicative masterplans for the site.

Housing Design

The proposal will progress in the form of an outline planning

application. As such, details relating to the design of housing

will be considered by the Borough Council at a later date as

part of a reserved matters application.

Housing Layout

The masterplans for the site illustrate a scheme of up to 80

dwellings. The schemes have been developed having regard


• The physical features of the site

o The woodland to the south of the site and canal to the

west of the site provide an opportunity to create a

belt of public open space and formal access to the


o The long thin site lends itself to a more linear road

network rather than a sinuous layout.

R,P. Ward Estate Statement of Community Involvement


o Existing vegetation will be retained and enhanced

wherever possible, especially to the boundary to the

east of the site, as well as the southern boundary

which abuts the woodland and western boundary

formed by the canal.

• Creation of a circulation route

o The creation of a loop road within the site ensures safe

vehicle circulation.

o The loop road also enables secondary pedestrian and

cycle access points through to the existing footpath

and cycleway to the east of the site and to the

proposed public open space.

• Urban Design Principles

o The proposed layout design seeks to create a

development which is of high quality design and

responds and integrates with its surroundings.

o The layouts ensure that the development has a sense

of identity and is legible.

o National and Local Policy and guidance has been

taken into consideration in the preparation of the site

layouts, this includes the Borough Council’s guidance

“Space about Dwellings”.

R,P. Ward Estate Statement of Community Involvement


Site Layout Option 1 – Access of Radford Bank

Site Layout 1 is accessed off Radford Bank. The proposed layout

provides for up to 80 dwellings with a belt of public open space

providing formal public access.

R,P. Ward Estate Statement of Community Involvement


Site Layout Option 2 – Access of Ripon Drive

Site Layout 2 is accessed off Ripon Drive. The proposed layout

provides for up to 80 dwellings with a belt of public open space

providing formal public access.

R,P. Ward Estate Statement of Community Involvement


We are seeking your views on…

• Do you have any comments on the proposed layout of the


• Which access do you think should serve the proposed

development site?

• Do you have any comments on the amount of public open

space proposed?

• Do you have any further comments on the proposed


R,P. Ward Estate Statement of Community Involvement


Next Steps

Following this public exhibition, we will analyse the feedback

that we receive.

We will then look to submit a planning application to Stafford

Borough Council by the end of the year.

We would like to know what you think of the proposals, and

would be grateful if you could take time to fill out a feedback

form. As part of the application we will produce a Statement of

Community Involvement which will be informed by your


Please leave your completed form in the Comments Box

provided, or alternatively, please send your completed form

back to Fisher German by Tuesday 10th December 2013 (return

details can be found at the bottom of the form).

There will be an opportunity to comment formally on the

proposals when the application is submitted to the Borough

Council for determination.

R,P. Ward Estate Statement of Community Involvement



Blank Comments Form

R,P. Ward Estate Statement of Community Involvement


Consultation Feedback Form

Thank you for coming to our exhibition today. Please tell us what you think.

Name: _________________________________________________

Address: _________________________________________________


Do you generally support our proposal for a residential development at Radford Bank, Stafford?

Yes No Unsure

Which access do you think should serve the proposed development?

Radford Bank Ripon Drive

Do you have any comments on the proposed layout of the development?

Do you have any comments on the amount of public open space proposed?

Please use the space overleaf to provide additional comments

Please return your comments to:

Radford Bank, Fisher German, St. Helens Court, North Street, Ashby de la Zouch, Leicestershire, LE65

1HS or by 5pm on Tuesday 10th December. Fisher German will only use the personal information you provide at this consultation for reference and will not contact you.

Fisher German will not publish/share/pass on/sell your details to a third party nor will the information be used for any marketing

purposes. Fisher German will keep this information for a maximum of 12 months, after this period the data will be destroyed


R,P. Ward Estate Statement of Community Involvement



Photos of Consultation Event

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R,P. Ward Estate Statement of Community Involvement


R,P. Ward Estate Statement of Community Involvement



Comments Received

R,P. Ward Estate Statement of Community Involvement

