State College Times


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I \II 1.1 I 1 ,.I 11\11 \\ 1 Irs1 \ tit 1(11tEll 7. .


Breaks Costs Locals Chance To Score; San Jose Shows Determination Coach Crawford and Gridders


� � Nominations Held HALF HOUR HELD Division Dean, Has co th

. firSI n101111111 11alia. ,i15011 against I h.

’I .rinc team last Sat -at the Spartan

’hcrines pushed user early in the dame ...rely in the fourth

mi. � t..tal eight points � tans nothing.

� de -ermined game !,..rn the inrunsis-,.!. men at crucial �., irst touchdow n � ...Me through a

lards by Cal-. penalty against yards and some

,[ plunging for the by Callahan and

seconel kick-off. fumbled to give

ss, ssion of the ball . line. Another

ds and several the Leatherneck..

.1 line. State .tiength by holding

taking the ball on 1 Marine’s final -

. hall oser the . men seeund invasion

� k Nool punted fifty-Imt the play waa

State retained the ,! :rine penalty. Wren

-.II tackle for St�tr’s ierd gAin of the year.

punted the Spartans ith a long forty -

n through the ..t.tanding point,

:, being the sersal� W....Cs punts. ’Hie ..1 hard ball to keep

.� m position for any .k.

h immered at the ,n t he second

7o eheeked by the -an Jose threat�

- same quarter. . ball by a aeries

� he fifteen 41.1 the A, beautiful pass Iluhhard netted

. .hree arils more. Another . the ,partami on the Ms -

,rd line. ’the half coded the attempt to

,111.1rIrr, Stale cries of lateral

1,, net Isvem

Dr. Sylvia Parker CAPPELLA CHOIR Is New Member 1,111 Jose Slate 11;15 done herself of State Faculty this year and among many

accomplished has added a more to the faculty staff,

shim, �f vinri., among which is now Nfr. Erleta-S.1,1 JOS/. Slate 11055 1111S /111 111:1 son, a new member iti Itie music stela-tor whose varied abilities] department. attest to her versatility.. The per-, "11r. Erletiplson comes from Vt11 1l fir. Sy Parker 17110 11115! Northfield, Minnesota. where lie pist paned the faculty in the ca- graduated from Saint Olaf\ Col-l.:icily p,f niathentato s and Its: a college or om� thothand

instrtielor. Iler doctor’s ile� students. While attending Saint gr.,. we+ in /...�1 Her other , (Plat’s. Mr. Erlendson was a mein -abilities ar, I. ,.;, , her of the fatuous A Cappella

At Mount I...r choir. About ime hundred and !miter, Dr. Park. i majored M. fifty students try P.ut each sear

and only about sods are chosen ?rum this 1111111114.r.

SI. Wats choir is America’s in rescart.h. lir. Pearl . filen,’ foremost choir and ts recognized of Dr. Paul tie Krill( ’,rote by leading 1111151c 1111,1111111-1111. -Slicrobe Hunters" ..n.1 fur- out the countrs-. F. Menus inslied the setentith� data f .r Christiansen the direetor. clan Lewis’ Nobel prite. -Nil- The01114110U1 the 1110. l’Iltilr smith." travels about Ili, I toted Stab.,

From Maim. she v.ent J and Canada giving . oncerts. Mr. Hopkins University with In. TrIctillson tells id how .1 ear agi, Pearl and engaged in iiiteicise this last summer thi. choir was re,earch on longevity�mang Eatit ""‘III,1 lb(’ N"r’’.....*glan arid

rats. and Lirros of Lerman governments I., coin’. to � �,�! their eountries and put on their

,,f population 5111.10,1 in re� Programs. The choir at that lime

1..tion to the length of life. Flies sang in the Cathedrals uf Cer�

NI 1 l� 1,111.11.111% 11,4111 01111)ing manY Norway.

congested lising ondittims toy While at SI. thars Nfr. Criend pheing Ilvaisainls of them in low son had the pleasure of nie,tIng

it...1 areas. Dr. Parker claimed author of the well \ died like Me-- under thew 1.11...All -1,1.1111% 111 Ille iiiiistanees’ also winked "Pore Imle mid many other

in the vital statistics department work,.

A Johns flopkin,. Itoh....g was head a the

1 Ins work was contintied at the ill of languages during Nli.

riii,ecsoN of (Admin.’, where. Lr1.101,. :.., stay al the . II. -

her 1111.01111W 4511111) 55:1% poultry-. tea. Ion, Norse, but he was

Experimental work oil 111�� 5:11�111. .lov to bad health .;

lion, in egg quality and the re. intim!, del, at! his entire

sunsuit locks was undertaken:to Itolvaag’s third le,..s.

color ..f the yolk and other fac- e.o.i.nuation uf "Iliaills in Me

tors arc important determiners 11.11Preled collie ola

the pro... of eggs; so definite this Lill. ortling to Alf. Etlend

value attached to finding out the’ son.

causes of these variations NI:- I.:N.11.1,mi said lie has read

their minim!. While al the Uni...ill cl book, and be-

sersity of California, Dr. Parker speak y�t.

also studied pore titanium:dip spent most of his Id..

mathematics, tb. went to Maine I niversits here she worked under Dr It ,, Pearl

nexpensive Reading

Ili /I .11 BOOKS

1:� prints of ((innerly Ilion expensive non-fiction

I.\ 1.1111tAltY

wilder:1 clas%ics. size. convenient. well bound

i.1 s )1, DisTisa:Tios; (�,,�, it & 1101114)p riprints .)utstaipling ’11,1. in no�i�ls.

’1%1 1;s�l. ; exe..ptionally lint ly edition.

;Ivry pick sigickv.


171 \SI ssX\ 1.� II

’son Lis., I alifot Ina Ballard 12M



Rally Numbers Among San Jose’s Best

After heroic efforts by Dr. De’ The ftrst concert of 1111. 111115117A Voss 1,, �rieutot,. the moitors ot, half-hour of the quarter will he iamb, in a their first gathering, the shy given Wednesday of this v.-eek Ina that tin pendassinen began a destiltory from 4:10 to 4:45 in Ilit. Littli., grandinpdh, 81’,11,11 N 111111 0111) Ca1111.111it or the Theater. ’,ended 1111 ". 11,11111’11111, the I:1St few minutes., All students are eordialls-The aforementioned doldrums, sited t� attend. The half-Inm. � broke V.11011 Ille 11:11111S children trooped out of the Little Theater low.11.1 Ilw noonday viands.

Dr. loc.’,,ss ealliol on the nes. student, , introduce theitiselses; then after jesting with members ,,f the class. he sent three husks barbarians for John Horning to take charge ,,r the meeting. Horn-ing swept in like .11 Capone vcith his Inalsgaard. but failed to int� bile the meeting with Ills enthu-siasm.

Nominations were opened by the S. li. president in rt wee, small

.11:ol 1111. IT51,011Se ’,NUS OVI�r-,11rliiillig. It look SO long for someone b. up. that the Intuit finally broke the ums" by Staub. ! not otily ’ h� this, but was sileiter oke up a couple 1.! 11111I� 11k, hl, .111\ Set11./aing of 1,1, "The second movement as viell I .t. r..eived his A.

Malls and at last the dare- from the Violin Concerto in li� and NI. A degrees front the Moots in the group managed to Nlinor," Its. I "...aV1011.1. ’1115��rsth of C.,1,,,aplo. and lit, rise and with quascring voices Dance in Cr Minor" by Dvorak- Ph. 11. from Stanford. liming Ilv and trembling limbs nominated Kri.iore, -melodic" be "’set., World War, Dr. lieVoss work..!

� !’"’" 4nd wthiwn s" IllaCkowsky, and "Cyarilas" by Alonti. for the government in the ari... � ’ ," � ’ eset�)one could dash out ip, lunch. liss Jean Sterling. a Inusw testing recruits as t.. their in- "’"

miss Ale su. 1111.1, rat ings.


1 hose elected are: President, Loren Nliller tided-

ed, e-Presplent, flowaril Net� � telected Secretary, Doris I...s telveleil., treasurer. firtice Stone tel. ete.1.; A. %V. S. itepre-sentati,. Juin. terson. Elsie Bates. hante.


What a freshman i lass! 1,, ’ smile one at one nine reb�r to it,. frosil baslIfIll 1,01,14 s? C.1115t� Of innumerable argon. t.� and what liaie sou. the hour :

me sponsored by the College 1 �t� but �1’. for the express purpose

bringing to the 511111elik Solitt�- ""c 11.01V. worth while in the way of the f. � mosm. jy,�

I , attend a "Half -Hour" tawans, hejd "f I th. ....cape from the blues. tine I "will .."’l can sit quietly anil just listen.’ dePart�

Ihrig Al worry. wait; relax and )Iian thit,k. dream if one so wishes. . from the h.& .. nerd

’II:, music soothes the nerves1 s,frUPgi’.; ,t1" f f..urteen The, 1,i...

aft, c a strenuous day’s life. To ’1,e,,Y;;’’s I" It’�� of . ,t ...1 lir...tiling tin. Exert’. lhe least, theY are inspiring.’i to order I, fur his mottle:, � molter, and Wednesday’s program. Miss’ h�itlo .11 Green, a prominent slu-.1 brother 011 uf his int

pl. 1.t around college. will tday the ’t r’ p.m,. offering two numbers, Tin, !ask, but "No. Itirite in E Flat" by Chopin.’ Young Ja.h. r grit was

major, accompans him oil file

Mr. Friena is now attending Stale. /le was heard last guar-ti�r and his playing was much em tosed. He is a pupil of Kathleen Parlow. one of the most notePI ,s01111�11 51,011111115 111 San Frail cote°.

1 he "11.dr-flours" are well ,sorth the time spent.

’Applainlitii; is discouraged--. !ovation r is encouraged ,


- ;

The r. (lisp.. �

Th. r. new m. s� was

I II.. f.�1’

1111111SIN P ./�,1 1,1’ 1111.

ler. DINO ,1 11.1, 11.111 .11 S.011 lo the 1., State since 11111111’1’11 hundred and , twents -two and ... dean of the La. upper division SlUllt�1115. Ile

Although nos ,, front Ills early ass. the Indians on th. and the hardships supporting a Land, farm, he Me. arty traii .�

be is at In.:. can al.. as be

_ tl.111�11 Nj.

fri,11111:111 �wt."! th.., Arm ’bird proseil much too short to settle,’ ing unit Laurel and Hardy could’ .. the weighty problems of the class I hardly I, in�,�0�,�.1. yet th.

the silletie side Dr. Par- 111 the Last, one tilight elections were postponed until quite diverse but equally ant. , ker 15 ac..1,1o1111511141 V1,0111110 11,,,1 550111,1 11,01 care for the next meeting. live personalities are featured and played in the tumor rivic forma, hut he said lie does like it. one election, hovvever. took the eurri�nt bills at the Fox � ssmpininy orchestra in San Fran- I to:vermin( our new attempt plaee, Ih41 (d’ansdle Se.rfkld fornia and the Fox Alission thp else". She Is I’lltl"IsI4stie nv’.r: along Ilillsit�31 lines. the organiza- for president. Seuffield ViaS pres-Sdn Jose State :is is also her lios’ of ati A t:appella choir of blunt of the Buys’ League in San 1--i� tt�.�p.r st�,,,

ton terrier. our 05511 looks favorable. Fort!’ Jose High School and was very wg .��� thed�.,_ - - .se s,gned up thus far. It Prominent in dramatic rind attv latest alld 1005511015 her great.

aild be a great thing fP,r Stale lilies. being a member of Me picture. It is a new type or 1., � a truly A Camelia football mutat! and a member lif mia,, Harding. one ,,

1. ha%e nu ’,Ica the Club swimming and which stir plays a dotible role-,’ \ ’ "In

-ell to join it and find out. but r those who eatinut carry a time

, dish pan A CapprIla means.

.00ting without music." and the

r.sult after mans, many hours uf

practice, is one Mat few 1..111

Mr. Erlendson pleserses a lot of

praise in his undertaking and we

Al hops. that by the end of the

quarter we shall be able to at-

tend at least Mc first recital.

I have in mv house cine chair

%..1Alpi.�. two for frienddiii,

and nor, f ,...irt.

Education Notice

+hen. will be a meeting this

evening in 1100111 7 Of 111.111

building at 7:311 for all Plissi-

cal Education majors. This

meeting is for incoming stu-

dents and for all old members.

Hans for the big tennis

tournament and the proposed

Fall bairn:intents for men stu�

.lents will be dismissed and

completed. liemember. the

meeting is tonight in Doom 7

:11 7:3o.

Martin Matheison, Seet.

Dodger I. Moore. Pres.

desire to the great le

, . g..! that ,

hosing teams. His election %%as ,rne as her charming self. and the t� ..s,� � . enthusiastically received by the. other a dowdy, inioile-aged gov-i smiles on all Ili ,P CI a .., . erness. A cast of extrialirifinarY, and he has sur. 1 s .

Prior to the nominations Dr., Proliortions has been assembled" that he has tone., ..�: n.t t’ MeQuarric 1,711Vt. a short talk pin, ,,bout itik mw." drpembble

the es ils %hid) Ilefall innocen world. � I. star. Leslie Howard plays the

freshmen who cut orientation. masculine lead and in lesser roles Leon Wartlike, %ice-president of are such fine eharacter players as

Ness girls at the i \1 t

the .1ssocialeil Students addressed (). ti. th,ggle. It�t��., winiants. iihnelitiast,t;ilaiwihtbdia (1:;ijatihn: 111,.,i,r1::,,

the frosh, urging them all to Fuse Dthiky Mimes, LOUISE. Closser Friday et, their support at the football Hale, Allison Skipwurth. Tempe

I l’ntler 11,,

games and athletic contests. . Pigott, little bouglass Seidl. and, Min of President Valerie .

1 he freshmen women were 111 ninny others. Itobrrl Milton di- ct Iii..,i s% rua in nilunadl ea ref fiaoi,r .17.s v i m I.

%lief! t1/ i11111 tile 1reC11111e11 W1/111- recir,i. 1 Garnett. 1111n1.111g and refr. ’

en’s Luncheon Club which meets Other features on the bill are! ments served to make the p..,.

1.5 cry .111111’,10 ill the 11"1"’ Ow Mickey Mouse cartoon. "Fish- itienti.raide. Economies building. mg Around"; "Fur Fur AW115", 01

listing 10 the lark of time no , ,Iking ,...,nied,, ...i.v.ilight 0.,

he ea, 11 Ile,1 " r loek in the

discussion . tate.’ students’ put

was hehl an.1 th. � mat lee wits apppoi

. Id Horning: N :mike, e -to

o. Nforris f tla I s. 1;1.01-fre I

. hair, m of finance. N.11 . nit list. t Ill 11-

’’ MAT, .r is Ilt. 1,t,.

111, I

plans v.ere made for the annual Veldt"; the Metrotone New, bonebrakel ono’ an organ selection, Kreislei’s

-Liebt.sfip�int" lis II Ir..1.1 It, .1.

I he Freshman women has, THE MISSII)N

siAt te,I A new custom with Equally attractive, but .quite plif

lain.11, on LIM, which is dcsigneO f. rent, is the current bill at the

onwards to In In the freshman I os Mission theater. There tau

’omen in tel and Ilartly. Mint pair of pop

luncheon is sponsored bv the tiler cntneilians, hold forth

’11’. W. C.. A. and all women are their first feature length mein’,

urged to partieipate. "Pardon l’s". The age-old �

’I he first meeting will lie this lwrry" is at its height of atm

Thursilas noon in Boom of the ’ l’ardon Cs". Ail a couple a / Home Making building. Mis, hirons these famous

Koticher has offered t.. t as 111 .11.1. throu.n into prison rind Slav -

formal chairman and the disem- -rarrberry". the result of a

spin wi.. eVo e I 5 11 1 ’ "I III III. 5%11 s 100111. doesn’t help matters at all.

mid means of orienting one’s self It gets them into one. serape after

the college. Foil, Inas eith.r another, and Italie is kept Miss

litiv their lunch in the i deter, esplaining that the CaUse of 11 1111

or bong lunches ith them. is a loose tooth.

Salk Captain Bud Nelson, ’3 f, has been al,

pointed by Leon Narmke

sophomore captain for the an�

twat honehreakar. The organ�

iration id the class and its team

o planned for next Thursday. in unwsual feAure of the %opt’. I.ITIllte orgare�atioa this year is that it 15 under the direct �pon-..,,r.hip of the seniors, and the soph� �re certainly looking for ward to winning the affair Nelson. who wait president of his clafol s5 hen they were frost’ took part in the f year.


A.,. 11,11 a all 111,

11..1 (���1111, ill Ito. f i_11�11�11 rauf..r.1 sat .1, wn .ifind .. thunder of al,

I: 1..VS11)1111.11-, I ill< NEI I


[our studet.I. this v....4.k !or

adershtip ih.:r Addy.

rt I Palmer. .1 1 null -01 ’



14DIt ODA Alla 1

1�,� 51.11.11/2:515

1,0115) le I IZI.%)


I \

1,11%1 ‘Nil


FREI. i.�IthISi.

San Jose Auto Laundry Parking Station

(Next to t.

I Sitio Os I �-�

- *s^’’ -

Ill S. Ist Street

sion that would naturally arise if stadiums aliine of college property were taxed. What about the rest of the institu-tion’s plant? flow could the auditorium. to which thou-sands might be admitted at sizeable fees to hear a profes-sional tenor sing. or lyceum lecturer state his time-worn views. be allossed to go las-free, When SIallin111 is taxed? flow could th, administration building he which taken in many tam � the football inc � through student fees for acti% dies be excused from taxation?

If football is 1,, kept under the control of the cen-tral administration. and we certainly believe Mat it should be. then football stadiums must 11:1Ve .11111 rclain the S.1111t� S1i1.1.1S ;IS Ille It CitIrt’ room or thi� science laboratory. The I football field cannot iisstitim the classification of a corpor-ation w ithout di-troying its identity as an integral part of ! The First National the eilucato dial program.

"I tuay not aigal, with thing that you say. but I will light to

the death for your right to say it."-Voltaire.

San Jose

State College Times Editor atotp,i, o t , i . ,1 - Managing Editor Atiot EAU., MoNItt,/, ; k I, \ 1.11

Deek FILIAAT lillaW, ti,,e; -- - -

hasture Editor Sporn klititur Swint, &Mora

b.dtterlat denoted.. Constance Sunsa Janow Etttarrald Hermes Stmt., lioroths F�ila lior,thf Anut.en lior..ths 14, Imam Dart Concannne Ruth Iluoin Marl,lit Heath Thelma Vickers Atish 11. Masada Lawrence li11(1.1411 Edith Boas. Herman Le Vine

URAL ti.;;

Alfred Dunn Hsr.ld t ItH.rd Masan 1,at.erthe Wenner kl 1

Spada. N risers JIMMY (LANCE r N 11.�41 %HRH




’0A.StNikkie 4.� (lere/NNINI �� Member)


Publiolistt rairularl, every Wed...Mr donna rh� collate rear br Associated Students of San Joe* State College.

tittered as Sec mtl-ctes� Matter at the San J...., alt/��rnts. P..ot�fr.s. Vehrunr, lIrJ"

PniNs Wright�E4, IS N St S�in .e. Calif.rnta


Again They Cry--Fcotball

Not content with the furore it caus. in the national

and college press two years ago with its famous Bulletin

23, in which it vigorously condemned the allcged r-

cialization of college athletics. the (.:arnegie Foundation for

the Advancement of Teaching in its twenty-tilth report re-

cently issued. charges that football stadiums should not be

tax-exempt since they are "commercial institutions-.

1)r. Henry Smith Pritchett, president-eineritus of the foundation. and the one responsible for the report. sa.� that "lin agency that makes ;it a single game is in no position to ask for the exemption of this money -111A, r from taxation.- The report goes on to say that not only because of its huge income is the football stadium tax -worthy, but that "the exploitation of the student, his diver-sion from genuine college study and social life. his sers ie. under professional trainers are in preparation for a C0111-incrcial show before the pUblic.

It appears to be the sante old song and dance on th commercialization theme in college sports made famous by the foundation’s Bulletin 23, in which it was claimed that college sports were no longer a colleg.� activity; that they were professional. and were not even under the con-trol of the administration any longer. In this older repor! the whole idea seemed to he to destroy the alleged com-mercialization of college athletics and to reinstate football tinder the direct control of the collogo administration.

fillt ils latest report the foUndation seems curiously out of step with its earlier Mateo’. nts. On the one hand the Carnegie Foundation would ilcstroy the commerciali-zation of football. while with the other hand seeks to encourage that .11 by taxing the places in which the game is played. making some kind of income necessiir to pay the tax.

In addition to seeming to defeat the conclusions of a

Ebitorial tlatir of Or #tate Tollrgr CrAntrii � oi Jost% California, Wednesday. Oct. 7, 1931



1)1,11 11’s

SI/ Cal \ 0,1.1. -

dill all) thing. I tind now that ’

outside the col.’ kW’ has been reading this col -1 umn. I hopail’ we could make. it rather per-

sonal, just keep it to oursehes. Some uf you have been

enough to come in fur a visit. has been a great delight. No. am not busy, come along.

Parking is a problem. ItiO.

I:tainting the high school. evening high. college. public librar.,. workmen, visitors, and interlop�; ers, a good ten thousand people’ use this MINIM. daily. Means a lot of cars. Unless one arrives early he must park his ear al block away.. A irritated when he finds some cars taking two spaces. One young plained, "The heap went dead on’

right there. SD I left it." Please I take up as little space as possible,’ in parking your car. Considera-tion for others. Intelligence.

Must mention it again. ’flier, are thieves about. Look out for your belongings. The college has already lost some valuable equip-ment. The sneak thief takes any-thing. clothes, purses, pens, musi-cal instruments, library books. Slay not be registered. Entitled to no quarter.

I suppose most thieves arc a bit warped. a little off, poor :�rt�a-tures. They covet what they min’t earn. and convince that stealing will meet their needs.

NI.. I suggest to the young woman who combs the young man’s hair in the front quail each noon that the case is hopeless. Bettrr sell him to Mars Bros. 11 think he likes it all right. man influence on certain types

shovvs in the face.1 the young 111:111 or woman

who wrote to ine this week anti signed the letter "A Student" please come in to sec ine. I can’t possibly agree I.. read unsigned letters. I didn’t reall that one, and don’t know what it said. It may has, bc. n all right. but if I read unsigned letters it gives un-authorized persons. outsiders. too

much of an opportunit. to Inflate their egos. Sign your letters, or cume In and talk it over. I can’t possibly feel critical of anyone

The other night I knocked off , poen.. N I shall I

forthwith proceed to foist on al long-suffering public. 11 guess I’m just naturally Illeall /.


I Composed after a strenuous Week-End i

"You’re here for a frolic," my host said to nu,

So do what you want. und have a good I.

liut don’t forget breakfast at six-furty-three;

"And then you can frolic," niy host said to me;

"tte sure to play tennis just be-fore tea,

Anil if sou refuse it will just be a crime! remember tu frolic," my host said to II1C,

just what yuu want-and have a good time."

Did you see that groanie called

"The Last Flight?" Its theme

seems to be the attitude of fran-

tic paganism that immediately fol-

lowed the war, and its tragic re-

sults. It got just as near tu Ern-

est Hemingway as it possibly could without being accused of down right plagiarism. 111 you

haven’t read "The Sun Also

Rises" and "A Farewell to Arms,"

you should du as immediately%)

Anyway. getting back to this

squawkie, it deals milli five ex -

aviators who drink indiscrimi-

nately of the waters of I.ete land

Cognac, in order to (base hideous

war-time memories from the re-,

cesses of their sub-conscious’

minds. (Iteally. now. Scales- i

They all die except Iiichard:

Itartlichness; he’s saved for an-

other picture. the theme is all

right. but the plot reeks strong- ’

ly of the obrodous weekly mag-

azine in which the story.

first published. on., in a while

there is a promise of ...Nile real-

ly dialogue. lait alas! it I. naught. The

heroine. for 111st:titre, turns out to:

be a personable. sophisticated I girl; why is she first introduced’

as the butt for a cheap, moth-

eaten gag? Anil why should the

villain choose a crowded amuse

nient park in whieh to draw a

gun on the girl he desires?!?’

Please. Mr. Hays! Let Us ha% I.

I itiur:ni�lut Igitt; flut,hi.:.nts!

who holds an lioni�st opinion. and

if it isn’t hon. st. I’m n..t inter


former report, the foundation failed to clear up the confu-WI- Y01.11

Flowers FROM

HARDINGS (//0.16/.S 1 S/’/ / 1 /.1 )

and S-111 Carlos -De ht II tilt 1 11111.rtillser,-

FOR THOSE 8 O’CLOCKS 1111;11- I U.AltM 1.fn KS

89c Fully filiorunleed


Spartan Drug Company 7.1 L S \NIA Cl..�14.1. sTREL r

Porter Building Pone Ballard 11619 San Jose, f I

The "dor,. of Personal Service

.1v lid to o Perfect Skin BA1111111.� Got ID CLEANSING CliEAM

/ !naively at WOLFF’S Ballard 171


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Now Located in


1&5 South First Street

Columbia 128

Haircutting Shop 1,:itronage

h Floor

First National Bank Building

Haircut. 10 Cente

1- I_ PIllmh


S’ll DEN I S

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N. I


Your Jewekr

First and San

Political Profundity 11...,.cr ...Mimics baseball game; Wickersham makes report on

lin 18 months).

He "Got By" At School forYears Without a Good Ptn -hut it cod bim min’, a fro, WI

,t .1! J tor h re pm! a Lin ! cin .!:,tort it o.rite, a, eiole breath.: v.:1th AfILIZ-

Press,..rcless Touch A pen you lend when called

on, as buofold owners do, aid,. wit fro’

You’ll find other penS priced sn’; higher tLin the Parker Duo-) .11,1r ttr 1).14,1-1 at $5, t

’I he Parker Peri

di rice r 1),./0frim

GJAPAN,r[LiOu .1.� ’tit)

Prrearis is match t I

A l’. E. major was shot at a re-

cent sunrise for treachery. Ile

was heard whistling "Just a,


The Cowls chalk up another vie. tory, with inure to come. Yet. not su many years ago, Cal beat them 123-1). In the years slave. st. Mary’s hai$ built up a football team that is among the hest in the United States.

� ’ � San Jose State has been criti-

cized fur nut having a high-class team. State CUM offer the same advantages to prep stars that the Saints ciin. Just between you and me we could have as good a team as our northern neighbors. Instead of criticizing a coach let’s get out and ativerlize our college.

We have a school spirit. Some-where. in most of us. is that feel-ing of appreciation for what we have received here, a feeling of fellowship with other State stu-dents. We have it. Then why the Someplace don’t we show it?

� � �

Here’s a hint to a certain min-, ority. Leaving cigarette snipes’ and burned matches on the pave-ment anil driveway at the cm’, trance to the college detracts! from the natural beauty. Don’t du it.

Another way you can show your school spirit is to take back those library books that are lying around your house.

� � �

Of course, if you prefer, the lounge of the C. W. C. is also good.

I mutimant Baldwin

burst .11. into his general’s

room and erMil hoarsely: "For

God’s sake, General! t p! p.

and come. Spotted Lightening has

carried off your daughter, Inez!

General Slpasher sprang to his

feet in dismay.

"What!" he cried, "not Spotted

Lightening, ille chief of the Ki.a

nas, the most peaceful tribe in

the reservation?"

"The same." "timid heavens! You know

what this tribe is when aroused?" The lieutenant cast a swift

look of intelligence at his com-mander.

"They are the most revengeful. murderous. and vindictive Indians in the west v.-heti on the war-path, but for months they have been the most peaceable," he an-...set-ed.

"Come," said the general. "v.. 11...i. not a moment to lose. What

been done?" "There are fifty cavalrymen

ia�aily to start. with Bowie Knife

MIL the famous scout, ta track them"

Teti minutes later the general and the lientenaut, with Bowie Knife Bill at their side, set out

a swinging gallop at the head ol

the cavalrs� column. Bowie knife Bill, with ltm

traint�il instinct of a bordm sleuth-hound, followed the trail of Spotted Lightening’s hors.

with unerring swiftness. "Pray God we ma) not t��

late," said the general as spurred his panting steed ’ Spotted Lightening, too, of all ti.

chiefs! Ile has always t

be our friend."

... and it’s no "namby-pamby" talk,


a � 1911. boom � Myna Tobacco Co.

Sib Soc

Stat A


��’ in. on," cried Lieut:mint Bonod of oto,1

lialdwin, "there IMO’ )CI 1st I ot 1)100In Upoli 11111V." 11.1 111.1111 ;I kat’ I.

Mile ;after mile the pursue’, o think it wasn’t 1,. 1 osereil, pausing not fur food 01 \�ith (.11,,,,Ilt.ts

water, until nearly sunset. lmt ay% er a %WI is si.�

a� Knife Hill pointed t- 1.1,

thin ...Minn of smoke in 11., �1: 1 ..1 thorns . . �

e and said: "Thar’s th, ..,I� Eildisru Ho, 1.11.1 t,-.

mils ramp." The hearts of all Mel

it.�11 Itil (I/W.10110H :IS - - -

is -Mot tile spot. NATI- STI -Arc %%,- was the ’ I don’t inean natur.

ent question m the mind of each. The hills, the sk)--They .1,1,110.1 into all open lir,. 11,, little king,

space of prairie and drew rein lake the butterfiN near Spotted Lightening’s lent. Nature is fine The 11,ip was closed. ’1 he troop- As a general thing ers swung themselves from their: But the frogs act so hi�rses. lit the early spring.

"If it is as I fear," muttered the 11’e can’t ask more

general hoarsely to the beaten - (a a mirrored tat,. ant, "it nicaus war with the Koala

Me can overlook nation. Oh. why ifid he not Like

The rattlesnake. some other instead f my daugh

"Nature is Coal ter?"

At that instant the door of the I know I know:,

lene opened. and Inez Splasher. 11,11 the 111’�11

the general’s daughter, a maiden of about thirty -seven summer.. emerged, bearing in ber hand the =-

1411:10 �1.11111 itt SpttlIcti Lighten- ;t. Bill. tf.liting 1...

"1-0., critol tile 1-111 Nth

lit fril sritto�11-, frtolll Ito to. yr g.t. t1c

()It 1.1 11.

1,1C1..1..11Sit,’ 1’111 EN I I 11. 1 E.At III It-.

ike ...ur adquat Ices hire We are .411-.41 to ser.,

mot Mi. � . wish rot s. load seal ’


Words can mean lots of things-hut you can alisay

trust your URN.. If a cigarette Mites

right, if it satisfies you right ilosin

the ground, then it is right.

There are all kinds of tobaccos

some good. some not so good. toil

there’s the Che�terfield kind the lost Turkish and tlie Doniestie that

grows. Full -ripe, sun -cured, aged in

Nature’s thoroughgoing way and as

mild and smooth and aweet an WWI -

ripened fruit. Chesterfields taste right

1-CA E I I 11 7=77


4561( 1014/


r arias .1 In

DI I’ttar .0 10,1 /4 Wu

M-4-1 �.� 11,

- because they nre re.:10

Ana PI .thing you egret -that’s important too: The fin. I

cigarette parr so pure it burns et �th

out taate or odor! Anil behind this unchanging go-,

taste., all the resources of a gr, organitation tarn, lllll nt y. CNN...knee. tiara them Oil 10 mak.

� great cigarette, and they’re all E hind Chesterfield.

Your taste is dead right. Chi sterfield-

du outi.f).

GOOD . . . they’re got to be good!

1 ( 1)1 I 1 (.1 11\11.S, WI:I/NI.:‘.11/11. II \ 1.1 I II I

tih? * [VC

Is Fall INFORMAL TEA Sappho Breakfast Is Silver Tea , IS GIVEN BY Second Rush Event ERO SOPHIANS Planned for Season

Smock’nTamClub Ai, tea %VS Vt.11 by Si1111)11.1 1.111vr I


1111. 1-.t., Sociel) oil last number of rushee.. at a I.:. �1e.lnesday afternoon. Miss Mir- 11011 al the home of 111

k laiii held its 111,1 lant Hart v.tis the gracious hostess Wilson on Morse ASA�1111, im.,�iing of the quarter assisted by Miss Nadine Timmy- (lay morning between

,..las, October 2nd, at 12:15. soli, iiresiikrit, in welcoming the. 4 It) o’eloek and 12 tt’t

..cting was concerned guests. In tune with the autiiiiiii with the discussion of Aleail twent)-four rushee.. at-. son were the decorations 1(11 1,.�

for a 1111111.l. Y.111tb will, tended the tea :IS 1,1111,111 of the tables placed under the grape dds be held on December society. Nfusie and refreshments arbor on tfw garden of the Wil-

d: I added to the pleasantness of the son home. Fifly guesis

.111 old and new. members of1 afternoon. present.

. ure urged to ald Among tm. This �,.as se,...0.1,,f

tht. sehotukii i;ich tart-wilt were Aliss Margaret of rust) parties given the Sale:

,,,,dings for this quarter are M�)17-s. sorority. The first th:11

WillbST 34)th’� 1;ribari, \Ills. F. lloPper, ..rr

1.311, ;mil 29111 ,and gie ogier, Miss Mae Ncis...1, Nliss them. 11,1,11 S(1011, Miss Dorothea Itlitt- The chaperones were 11r, Li

. . . \le, Barbara Lewis, Nliss onel latto.x. Mrs. Wal.h Ifelen Nliss Lois NI. .ind NIP.. 11 It. Wilson.

Lemie ha, Bath Nlailscii. Nt, - - .11 who are inlet ilal Shalt/. NI: to � 1

. members of Miss Lois Ito., Homecoming Reception the � 1�1,1�11111t1, N11,, 11111144i , .L.

the initiation partN Miss liens i Is Planned for Oct. 8 � b.. held on Wt.t111., 1�11,1�I I Miss Ntarv .110 -

lictolier 14th. Fur. 11itt. mf. � . dint’ t aiiii:1 :t - ’meat COnC1.1111111.,

1111,11 11.gtion, head (if tti. and Iduce FORMAL TEA IS GIVEN a.aking department an-

. i:::ii w,il be posted on 0.� maim., the annual autumn re-: ..1:1:11 in the art tai,i�. BY PHI KAPPA PI ception to be given the evening

4 hursday, ()(14)),r tith. front rcally interested in a. seven to 111111.. III lb /1,111 The

...come an active member of rtil ’ft ’ir %%knell is formal is in lion-rganization, for it is not formal tej Aternoon ..t :f the English faculty who arc

mat )0u be an art: the holm. of Miss Is.,11.1cen (Am, teae.eil in the home making build -or even enrolled in art in East Highlands. I his first rush ing this >ear.

fartheriuure. it as not all party of the laid season of Phi ollicr govsts include the Art -.lion whose membership kappa 1.1 11 � 11.11 ki (fa f,rallit) 11,,,N t�ti car frll111

inr.n MISS (-.1,11""’S beautiful Spanish’ the lionic making Imiiding to the . � 110% s"cielY lir"%1,1019 lo,c1, ’citing’ new art building, and the Coin-

. 1 to CUSS’S! WedlleSday, IOU I Ilr formal dresses i,f the girls awry’. farilltv who formerly or-.. 1411).. of the sorority. NIrs. F.:, and eopied the rooms now used bs

_ Mrs. Clare presided over th,. long the F:riglish leachers. 11,ifors and t"ble f"" whirl"""" minors in home making will also

Stidte Faculty Attend freshment� were served. attend.

I Classified Advertisements .. the faculty of ‘i �

tollege attended .taling of the Alan.. � ’. !tank of San Jose.’ orner of First and Santa (Java St.

S111111:1) at Corigress,� � 7 � home :war Dublin. I ..� r� 221 S.intli Second Struct

group is one of the old illARIIEH � most active groups that First Nato.nal haircutting Tir-st Nat’l Bank 111(1g., 6111

Alumni Association. I here .:::mata has been disoleil intol pARLoRs,

17 East San Antonio Strect :.� sixty members tires In/DK SIMMS SND siArl0NERS

s:m.1.1). A barbeitur lunch .1 ions lands., 17 East Santa Clara Sire..

.,t-, ,:f interest to the grout,’ 1,1’11.�,11{""i‘ 77 South Second Street

� .1.s. ussed and it was an- �"1" r1‘ :1,1 East San Ank.m. r. Whin. Hobert% and Ilarwoz th 162 South First stie.�t I .t alu bulletin will

,l2. 4 WIN %.1.4r in fUtir SeC’l t:REAMERIES imrden f ats Creamery 71; East Santa Clara She, � two supplementary,

the 11111111 iSs.11(.,s. 142 South First Street I 11.11tARIES rst

17 Fast Santa Clara Street s al.�ut the alunini clubs all ea) East San Fernando Street %tate. I

Ili; Oat speakers at the 11,1: � 1. 77 South Second Street ltt:i South First Stria.1 were lir. T. W. McQuar- M. Mord

I’. N. Roberts :10 Last San Antonio Street I 11 .! s�en. the faculty of C1.0T/lING SPIRES

:Atte who at.’ I. S. Williams 227-233 South First Str.i

d the meeting were Dr. and lioos Bros. I. irst Street at Santa-Clar

NI, (ju.,1-1,-. Mr. Minssen.’�:pritt,f, Sant.) Clara Street at \lark. i

Martha I Miss \ �. 111 Its

. Viss Emily 11,� ror and San Aitt.aii..

. Nliss Helen %loon and Mrs. I/1-1.11t 1111.N i ���,1.ittLst

.�!, r.

A!ameda Alumni Meeting


Clarinet Ter Sale


Paul Keil lia Ilth hire.

The Little Book Shop I 110’1 I \ 11\1, \

60 E. San rurnando Columbia 7Is

.1 rent., � day for first week 5 rents � day thereafter

t 11 until .......�-����������������N

1),(11,1�� N1114 %at( Sandwiches, 2.’w

Stalled Milk, 15, Sunday limner from 4 to 8 I’. M. coloioeneing octolitir 4


\I Wiwi II de Br,-


i 11.muncr’s iukor’s DRUG STORE!4

spartan 1/rug Warbos’s

’Wolff’s Drug Co iiss Ell

� shop \Itit\N V111, ts1(11LES

11.11,1A fl t�

J1 th 1,1 sToRrs I’s

\II .1. 1 I kt 11ERS

111 .-I. . I Mos,. I louse Mckiernan Music Co Sil.TS

4’../41e’S Nut Katlic oFFICE STIIRE 42/111�MENT

,),�1 111 1: Minter

. I, ),..a finil a at 1�110T0 SUPPLIE8 Webb’s

%II 8. J. E. Ruclolplis l’F.NS Parker Pens.

Eao San Antonio PI. \t ES To EAT 1,... Slo,t.

Shake. la Cent,

83 VI South First SIN, 21; South First %tie,

First and San Carlos Stn. t Nanta I Fara anit Nlarlet Street

119 South First sir.. 132 South I list Mr.,

51 East Sant C1.11 cc

Sit11111 First Sim . 94 South First Streit

Seel11111 San Carlos Streets

fi2 West San F. rrt ,

16f1 South Fast sit... t

First and San Anfon.:.

17 18 Alliance 111(1., East Santa (3.11.1 stt

252 South First Slr’

14 East Salt Anton., Stn.. t

44 North Hist Strait

71-73 East San Fernand,. St, .1

flft South First Street

120 South First Street

IRV South First Strect 222 South First Strect

36 East San Antonio Sire.,

TENNIS SHOPS Motrasers Teams Shop 3r.I floor. Porter Bldg_ 2nd and Saida Clara

THEATERS Fox Califiamia Folit Mission 141110F, REPAIR SToRES


345 Smith First Strect

228 South First Strect

157 South Second Street

135 South First Street

SOCIETY SECTION Hostess at Sappho Breakfast Allenian Society

Open Rush Season With Tea Dansani


A siiit found going, :rds of students who wish 1: blast ot a California redwood tree iourses must be filed el �:. last week. ’the ilefen.lans. %ay..

(Mice by Saturda, ,� Bin flogen, will probably stiv he is taakhig root beer. 1,,b.r the thirty-first.

4 StU110111 %OH, ,A11111 t.. � . . urses most be filed tit tle

Ohio Fnisi�rsitv has :.rar’s oat, o I.� S coUrm� in MIA.. waiting. t. I r tho third.

TYPEWRITERS AU Standard Stakes

(0pn lyp�wril,r ymtr (.Itowe. (air flail will

f ’rainy years.

\ \ I. \TIT!) M.11.111NE

I �111:101...DS h111

I . ( s111111, 101111 %III

from $21,111 to $7.1.041 from $19.:’,(1 to $50.110 from lt211.011 to $60.00 from $22.30 to from $1s.50 to 860.00

I $5.1.10 per month

Itt: \ REpuRs 0.(iEs

Office Store Equipment Co. I.: I.: NI Elf

71.73 Etisl NtN11.1:\ 1Nli., -I 11.

si,. Rates ly Students

1 S-1.1141,t � � t �-. iii i i-i i ht -t i-i ..-1-6, i-, iitlivs 1404*

The Del Monte Shop , at

I-IAM M R stf:

117-119 South First Street


Our New

Sports Shop The Schiaperelli


$5. 9 5

sinarti t,,, ep worts rock (.1

7.1)11y Jersey Nliy Willi vith.

IttfuJ tri� c.ii) si

1�101, 1,t, eti, 1111itini

1,11.,r.1.),1 Ithic

Sit. s 11 lit 20 1

10�111114 -

The home . early fall fb.,, sages or mat. I

1 .

Made ,,,,

vsork after II,: h.

ittli, ’1.

1 he for ( ’flings to I

e I the ,t �

t� th�� for

,..kt ist 4111- 1111e

\ ers’ Chatterton Bakery 221-2213 ?second

f I t ..11 .1 \In’



Coffee Tavern tirner 1st and :.san ot,

Ill.! \kr \N’IN.

1.1 \ ill II\ ’s

I \

����1 1, \ 1 11 1)%!


HAMBURGER 10c 141)in a Slut r

11(11001%1. ak

DRINK A .1 hie TtiscriiI,

I \ 11 1

COFFEE 10c Steaming lust at the

Coffee Tavern

Planning a Party .16r

I 1,:llotc,-,’cri?

IMelvin, Robeits & horwarto

S1�1.1 1./411 I - Iltr,g Binder.

stooautoin Hooka \ ota 11,,to

Winch &Marshall sal, Jaw � 41,1

rH11%1. tIA I 1.A HI,

r.P411 " oun’t.ra 4 SI OS

Sao our hot- or Stet/one., �t %Mae t,te 1.rott�

- I 1 1 \ 1st!’

F11.11-. IN BY 12 Si),

(it T AT 5

WEBB’S I:. N. Al, I ,:-.1 str.. t

.1 Tri


San Jose

Creamery 1-10 Sollth First !,"

lia 1 la ril tit iS

� � 6.1 444.44 S. .


1i M 1’1 I I \

1111. IN 11

hi-111\1.111h )111 It


t I S

111. \ I. \ I

10\\I It

Sul, IA




IfLa_CLASSIC The Greek Sandals

Secret of Charm

1 lit .1.

\ 1 \ I \ IN 11’11 It

11,1 r tl.., I t ,t,.. t.t. �.,..1 , , old ,1 1.. 1..tale� I .1,1,, �, �- .1. .. I� that .1a. tatat,,I,,,t. .1 .1 It, 1. put .t ,t t., t.11

f at tot evening footwear.

11111.1- Styles at *7)1111 atill

I3LOOM’S 135 South First Street 1. MILLER SIVIEs

rilt411-1-4^.11-0�4-1(4.**11-0,411-11411.0. �111h4.14�11.(1,4,44 1.10�+11-1114

t4i.1, v. ttrir

title. sity lines. The first night out the’

Martin Matheison, Cupetrinu al- for a twents yard lose. JO S

for being the tallest man around And-look at the punishment WIll Sponsor Fall DEFENDS SPORTS San Jose Soccer Team 12 to 0

froah threw the ’manly backfield phy Ed Ma r . � � titude expert, captures the prize

Some oddities or facts about Yet he figures as one of the p. �

BETWEEN YOU AND NE-Bob Elliott .State College Sports SAN JOSE SQUAD GOOD the football team include the fact bk. therats un the Spartan asl,

� � . ALTHOUGH OUT-WEIGHED Harold DeFraga tips the scales at

212 pounds for the hew., weight Tbe froah are hasing quit. a

STATE WEDNI 11 I )111�11 7, MI.

_ _

little fun tearing through the var-

the beld. that has followed that. Esers


COACHING STAFF , Speaking in defense of colleg, r sports, particularly football, be -

only unmarried 111.111 .11 the Statil

. . . night the fetish have been led to

Freshman Touch Mesh is thc the ’laughter’ enms Tournament

Former Golds Sta fore a George Washington Uni-If more of the big so.called he. San Jose States first big ten-

� � �

of the physival education depart-, men of the campus would come

ment. out for the squads, the lowly

frosh ssould nut have to bght � " Only four or five of the incom- hard to take such beating..

ing froth failed to enter school � ’ � with reputations aa "All" this ur ,liniter to the first frosh inan

that. N1�411.1.1,4 .1 111111 lidf,An against the

� ’ � is Is 1,,re N,�sember 1.. 1931.

1’1,n:unite Joe F:lia is gradualls tad that’s no fo-litia. . .

sewing down to business. Jue is smallest man on the squail.! .tmen. the


TENNIS PLAYERS SPECIAL Regular Price Student Price $11.00 !Jackets strung with .trinouc’s Super Speeial

Cut $12.00 15.110 Barker, strung with Daniproof Ihir.ttex 1,110 9.00 1.25 3 Championship Tennis Balls 1.tiO 2.71 White Duck *tennis Trousers 1.95 1.50 Shoes--buitt up arch anti le el 2.75 3.00 I i�!ii Shoes. strch cushion, heel cush: ea.’

arch stay . 3.71 .73 Finest Athletic SoCk on the market .15

Get your racket restrung where thi� do. I number National Champion. a.:a � Cup Players among my satisfied east, Recommending .tritiour’s Super (Oa f.,r

Tournament playing. A Super Special Label on your racket .1..ur,.. s�at

-I the quality.

MATRAVERS TENNIS SHOP 1rd Floor. l’orter Building

Phone Columbia 1764 2nd and Santa i sis


’Visit the



Chocolate Shop

1 Co-ed Dresses At New Low Price Levels

Etat Crepes Rich .sutnts

Wool 1.repes Chiffons

Travel Prints (leflrylq11.$

-There’s a world f fashion an these little frocks for ally $9.75 . . And they all look like lir more ex-pensive dresses. Tlicir materials are of exCellent <plants. their styles, positively the last w -f-,1 in chic; their lines, just as ste, k and sophis-ticated as can be!

-And at a pro.. we’re certain fits nicely into the s, hoot imsses budget.

’hot" St. Floori

$9. 75 H ART’S

GIVE .4.4)c

Green 1, Sri 11111

color. Mork Firnwn ’,gyp hsltwe 1.reen Spanl�It Tao Perttlan

end ennta


Inflate your self esteem

with a

Castlerock two-pant suit

’29" lit blue. brown anti oxford lots they’re tai-lored expressly for Roos Bros. by the most fam-ous .... manufacturer of college clothes in this country. Snug lilting hip lines, higher longer vests AND two pair of trousers with every suit

Noob), B itoN NIFit

I 0 Str!!I !I Stu’

nis tournainent of the year is be-ing planned and sponsored by the men’s Physical Education major organization according to a re-cent announcement by Rodger L. Stuure, president.

The Phy Ed men held a meet-ing last Monday at which time plans were discussed for this tournament and for other athletic :activities for the campus.

Since the conception of this or-ganization last December, it has jumped to the lead in college ac-tisities. The Majors sponsored init.:I-mural basketball, volleyball and baseball during the last col-lege year.

Walter Hill. Ted Henderson and 4 i us Peterson were appointed members of the committee to eomplete the plans for the com-ing tennis tournament. ’plaint-ing to members of this group, the schedule will probably be an elimination affair, starting about october 15. This will be the first organized

t.,urnament fur the new tennis ,,urts. All students interested Mould watch the front bulletin board for further announcement.

Mr. T. F:. Blesh, formerly of San Jose, und more recently of :::.laaru.tauqua, New York, is one of the new members of the Physical F:ducation staff for the current

According to department an-nouncements, Mesh will coach freshman football this fall. Ile, will also handle the varsity track; squad next spring. Besides thesel positions, Mr. ’flesh will teach several classes in the department curriculum.

Blesh graduated front San Jose high school in 1924 and attended State for the following twu years. While a student here, he Speeill1-1 Ord in a general physical educa-tion course. During 1927 and 1928, he attended the Springfield College of Physical Education at Springfield, Ohio.

Priur to coming to State, Nfr. Mesh taught basketball and track at Chautauqua high school, New York.


Advice You can spend your Aprils fishin’. liut that dix�snIt pay tuition.

Welcome Back


Our Stock of Sheet Music, Music Books and Supplies is More Complete than ever.

ALICE BERETH Sheet Music Dept., at

Ferguson Music House


done with

+ +

IFIllied$98### S. 2nd St., seer

Fos liEsT !Mot: IMPAliti�G


Milk Shakes, Malt M.1111. 111 RCA


Garden City Creamery

it; E. Santa Clara St.


McKiernan Music Co. I4 E. San AntImio St.


Books Mtisti� requir, ’ il "State" itioeitys on ban,:

Circulating Library


F’iction awl Non-Fictiini

P. S. Roberts

30 East San Antonio St.

San Jose. Cal.

versity Wet ic banquet, Maj. J h Griffith West Conf �r-enee athletic commissioner, said:

"College athleties are conitner-’cial in the same sense that the I schools, the colleges, the art gal-

publie.libraries and hospit-!als are coinutercial.

"Football is a commercial -phil-anthropic rather than a mercen� ary-counnereial enterprise.

"The Carnegie report, which the way %Va. nnt a true report

since it depicted largely the bad side or athletics, resulted in the, piddle gaining the impression’ that college athletics were for the! most part corrupt.

"College athletics are not ideal but the American people arc: inore punctilitTh regarding the, manner in which uur games are cunducted than they’ are regard...! ing the ways in which other hu-, man acto dies are carried on."


A pep rally. was held in the aul ditorium Thursday evening fur! the A. W. S. to arouse enthusiasm! for the ruining football ganies.I Under the direction of Berta! Gray. president of the girls’ or-ganization, the following program took place:

Selections from the band, short pep talks from Coach Walt Craw-1 ford, President MacQuarrie, Pres-ident John Horning, Dean Dim -1 mick; yells and songs led by liud

’ genie McClay, Mildred SieupsotaI und Frankie Covello.

The A. W. S. is serioutly think-1 ing of organizing a unified root-. ing section 1,, bark the school ath-

* Ides in their games.

o n F

You’ll find every style at Zukor’s and

Zukor’s First

Four Popular Price Groups


S 7.95 $9.75

S1 :#")


132 South First Street

Blum’s Collegienne




and Thursday

\ ’,at or _fres,. up .0 f $20 $1 ’ff

Any Coat or et) aff Dress up to 0#,IU .1,

Any Coat or a" n on Dress up to 414U 1114,1 -

Dress up to .En $4 off Any Coat or OM,

GOIFIEX Apparel at Blum’s only.

C 0 - ED r the rdartifiea. nog nark el �Il shirr rs iriorri re It’ll JI � IOW C011.


’1 6 "

"They came, they saw, they

conquered." This quotation nia#

be applied to the University of

California’s soccer team which

defeated State by the overwhelm-

ing score of 12 to O. The Bears presented a sensa-

tional offense that featured the clest�r dribbling of their forward line, especially Brusa. right sving. Starling oft with a rush the Blue and Gold team ran up a nine -point lead in the first half.

Several changes at the begin-ning of the second half by Coach Walker proved instrumental in the holding the visitors to three points in the remaining part of the game.

Despite the overwhelming de-feat, the Stale team showed oc-casional flashes of ability, both on defense and offense, that au-gers well for the future. Ciento, Stratton and Wallace Leslie proved to be the oustanding mem-bers of the Spartan team.

Saturday, the State quad will meet San Mateo J. C. defending champions of the California In-tercollegiate Soccer Conference. at the Spartan soccer field at la a. in.

San Mateo, according to reliable reports, has another good team this year, having recently defeat-ed California. Despite this the State team will, with several

itaailinued from Page tine) 111.11. 111e .111.1’s scellle.1

ty�fise yards. Out Wool again uncertain about :4 ate men ar

good condition as time t. railed only once. No to,. knocked out or in any w pled so as not to he able tonne the game.

Coach Crawford spent the time handling the I, men, while assistant co.t.

sard line for another first and kr�,wit,,,, ad"," him

ten. A bad pas,: from center cost the low,

State a safe!) and two points. The next game will be

Stewart. tackle.; Kazarian and Bps . 1:1-11 Collins, guards, and Henderson.:

bui b�iji field fhb, next Saturday noon.

paratisely strong line with Bub. SAN JOSE bard and Goodell. ends; Buss and Iltilittaril I.E11...

Sa 1.M. neo,, h,(1.


pulled several Miners from \tome Wren made some nice tackles. but 11

center. In the backfield, he used! Henderson . hin.t Nona Itloore, Peteraun and Wren.! Kazarian

Wool played a bang up 14,1,,, � Stee.:111

Wolal Wrenn Peterson . "1111’;

Ile has learned plenty. Peterson plugged along until relieved by the dashing Clay. Nloore called signals until late in the game, Substitutions N.11,1 f when Banter replaced hon. tins, MOWN.’ for ilend,a

Hubbard and Kazarian ..ere ilerson for Moore, k Kazarian. Kazarian , Carmichael! for Kaz.ii ders for Stewart. Del Saunders, Sanioni for I, Countryman for (Modell.. ell for Countryman, Ilm for (Pude’’, Harder for countryman for Wool, f.; countryman, Clay for I., Peterson for Clay, I I!

the only Spartans capable of hard tackling. Hubbard ..11./4 ouietand-ing in his work. Countryman re� hesed Wren at full-back and late’ was shifted to the line.

showed that he is a fine end, when shifted there, 1,N making 111111C driving tackles that the Marines felt. AN a half. 1,.. k, not su good. 1/111 an end y, Peterson, Clay for Haley.

F:d Riley thaws plenty of pos. NI ’Hilt). but %SS rather nervous sesi aogE As,

more days practice. be able tit Saturday. Coach Crawford ehoved contest their claims to the chain- Clay. Harder, Taylor and Elia First downs piunship. into the backfield in the order 1,.,11 "It 0

named in a last quarter attempt to score. But the breaks were tompleted IOTA SIGMA PHI stacked the other way. Ineomplete 3

, lieFraga and Paul buss �,, Iota Sigma l’hi shop fraternity,

of this institution, held its first dinnermieeling of the year Tues-day evening, october the first.

Members of the order invited all new freshmen to the Indus-trial Arts department to attend with the result that nearly sex-enty-five students v.:ere in attend-ance.

were the in,tinst.ts s t.f the dcf. during the Nti: in,- goal line at-tacks.

The game indicates that Cap� tain Nool is read) for a Urcal sear. Ile aseraged forty.fise sards on his punting. It showed that Dick Clay again has the old lire of his first year at State. As to the line. the first men are

I 1, intercept. 3 I a id 0

-Inpleted 0 Incomplete

’,reties I -11. 1,1 Void alt.! 1..,i� !olown \ Arils n tito 123 I. 1,t,ls lost 27 So tuber f I I � 2

The meeting was preceded by capable of plenty. hard work. But 1 a delicious "Southern Baked the relief is not quite hardened lfam" dinner, which was pre- to the teak of dosing, idIcIng� terdage lost by penal 50 pared by none other than mem-, coming out and deati-ese tackling. .r kickoffs 1 hers of the fraternity.. (San Jose women students should find some interesting material in Ibis.)

The speaker of the evening. Dr. MacQuarrie, spoke to the club on matters concerning its interest., After business a musical prio grain -

Boys Look

I KICIIIIII. Sail:1.111., Nrrtel, f ..r- As..r.,,,. 1,.mak 42

1 michael, Sinioni and Ilariliiiten ji,,,,p,, ., ,,g.,,�,,j 6 were all in the game at sallow, %ser. nigth of returns 21 intersals. Klemm stands out a.apia.r pup, . 9 from this group as a good relief Ase. length punts 412

EX-BOARD by President Horning. Aft. r , all th.� minutes %err aptirotVell.

(Continued from l’age Onet �Vbeti t’ � man and will apj to ord. . ommittee. nt�ss Ito ;. d,t,,. ..1 good to,o:, I.. ’1.1 rmgene Beguiler, f..t /1.e’s in.m. it Ild111.11 a. 11,111 of the hours. I nqui re ager, gas., a report from the for- lair, .11 La the year wa,

I le F.ast Santa Clara Street I th�partment and gait. ,in out- finned by the Lx�Ituaril. line of the debate plans for the litpork Were 121’ �

+44-11,1144+4114-11.404-644������ tom j na year. MfIltre. 11101’. all Adjournment followed. Itorothy smith.

manager. and Howard N. September 29. 1931. ittir of La ’lore,

The regular 11111111W of tile Ex. tt tb ‘,Y ecutise Board wis ealled to order

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BY POWERFUL DEVILDOCS had to punt the hall.

Early in the fourth quarter the Marines carried the ball to the State three�yard line. ’I he line

held and again took the ball ass 10

from San Diego. Clay and Moot

returned the ball to the eighteen-



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