Startup weekend brasov 3rd to 5th of july chamber of commerce and industry brasov



Startup Weekend is an intense 54 hour event which focuses on building a web or mobile application which could form the basis of a credible business over the course of a weekend. The weekend brings together people with different skill sets - primarily software developers, graphics designers and business people - to build applications and develop a commercial case around them. The first Startup Weekend Brasov will take place in 3rd to 5th of July 2014! Please subscribe to our newsletter and stay up to date with info about the great things that we are planning. Our Twitter ID is @SWBrasov, and our official hashtag will be #swbrasov.

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Get a bright idea. Know your customers. Get the legalities right

at the start. Get to market fast.

Don't waste time chasing money. Understand cash flow

Don't underestimate entrepreneurship's toll

on marriage, family, and friends.


Put a fair price on your productKnow your numbersKnow your vision, mission

and strategy

Global Sponsors

Technicals Creatives Business Adminstrators

Computer Engi -neering, ability to construct.

Graphic Design, Illustration, Adver -tising, Media, Enter-tainment, Develop -ment.

Business Develop-ment, Marketing, Sales, Production, Strategy.

Project Manage-ment, Planning, Organization, Coor-dination, Finances.

Startup Weekends are…

Startup Weekends are 54-hour events designed to provide superior experiential education for technical and non-technical entrepreneurs. The weekend events are centered on action, innovation, and education. Beginning with Friday night pitches and continuing through testing, business model development, and basic prototype creation, Startup Weekends culminate in Sunday night demos to a panel of potential investors and local entrepreneurs. Participants are challenged with building functional startups during the event and are able to collaborate with like-minded individuals outside of their daily networks.

Startup Weekends attendees' backgrounds are roughly 50% technical (developers, coders, designers) and 50% business (marketing, finance, law). Twenty nine percent of Startup Weekend participants attend an event to network, 20% attend to develop/build a product, and 13% attend to learn how to create a new venture. Roughly 80% of attendees plan on continuing to work on their startup after the weekend.

Who you'll meet at Startup Weekend:

Startup Weekend Brasov

· Education: Startup Weekends are all about learning by doing, whether you're learning a new skill or a new way of thinking. Don't just listen to theory, build your own strategy and test it as you go.· Co-Founder Dating: The people who come to Startup Weekend are serious about learning how to build and launch startups. Create relationships that last long past the weekend.· Build Your Network: Startup Weekend works hard to recruit high quality, driven entrepreneurs- like you!· Learn New Skills: With a whole weekend dedicated to letting your creative juices flow, Startup Weekends are prefect opportunities to work on a new platform, learn a new programming language, or give marketing a try. With nothing to lose there's no reason not to step outside your comfort zone.· Learn How to Launch a Business (and Actually Do It!): Startup Weekend is the epitome of Lean Startup Methodology. · Mentorship: Local tech and startup leaders participate in Startup Weekends and give feedback to participants. Interact with the movers and shakers in your community.· Get Access to Valuable Startup Resources: By participating in Startup Weekend you are given instant access to great products and tools. No one leaves Startup Weekend empty handed!

· Save Money: Startup Weekends are affordable (typically $99, only $60 for students). Your ticket includes seven meals, snacks, and all the coffee you can drink.

What you'll get out of the event:


Adelina PelteaCo-founder of, author of Customer SeductionAdelina is a second time entrepreneur, tech blogger and book author. She loves technologies and startups. Originally from Romania, she started working on international projects 5 years ago and currently collaborates with an Egyptian co-founder on a truly global business.

Cosmin MihaiuCo-founder and CEO of MIRA RehabCosmin has a passion for technology and how it can be creatively used to improve day-to-day activities. He enjoys playing video-games, which some may say is a trivial hobby, but it taught him to think about how to use what is fun, engaging and addictive in new ways. He is also passionate about improving health and well-being. Combining his fascination with the video-game industry, personal experience and interest in health, as well as being part of a great team led to the creation of MIRA Rehab.MIRA Rehab was part of the Healthbox Europe Accelerator (Oct ’12 – Jan ’13), winning the nnovation Award (Jan ’13). At Healthbox Innovation Day, MIRA Rehab introduced the MIRA product to over 250 medical leaders and investors which voted the company out of the 7 participating, as the most innovative solution to a challenge of the medical industry.In Feb ’13, MIRA Rehab was selected by the Kairos Society in the Kairos 50, representing “the 50 most innovative student-run businesses in the world” and in Mar ’13, Cosmin was featured in Forbes Romania Special Edition “30 under 30”.

Gregory RondinDirector PentaLabbs, Delivery Center Manager Bucharest, PENTALOG RomaniaWithin a few years, Gregory has made the difference in many fields of activities of Pentalog’s clients, and in various functions including that of project manager and branch office manager in Romania. His “geek” side makes him a partner at the cutting edge of technology who is always eager to work on new products and ready to adjust to any type of context in order to be a real solution-oriented and proactive team player in each project. Catalina RusuCOO/ Co-founder at GEEKCELERATORGEEKCELERATOR acts as an investing studio, creating tools for founders and investing in startups that build tech tools for other founders.Catalina has previously worked with early stage startups on defining their roadmap from point zero to Problem/Solution Fit, on practical implementation of Customer Development principles and on employing customer centered design methods in building their product.


Experts of the 2013 event:

Experts of the event:


Tudor BirleaEntrepreneur and Legal Strategist @ Rewind Solutions Ltd.Tudor Birlea is a lawyer specialized in commercial and corporate law, international transactions and IP. He is currently living in London where together with Gabriel Dombri co-founded Rewind Solutions Ltd. Their focus is on providing founders and startup teams with key services such as business model creation, pitch preparation, fundraising and legal setup. Tudor is currently co-founder in three startup projects.

Mircea VadanCo-founder of UseTogetherMircea is a startup founder (UseTogether) and organizer of Open Connect meetings in Cluj-Napoca. He is passionate about entrepreneurship and education. In the past, he was involved in many community volunteering projects, but now he is focused on startups (more on Emanuele MusaFounder & CEO at BabeleElectronic engineer, and MBA in International Management (Paris, London, Rio de Janeiro) Marius UrsacheFounder at GrapefruitMarius studied to be a plastic surgeon, but instead he became a designer. In 1999 he founded Grapefruit, a Romanian digital product development agency. Today, Marius works closely with Bill Aulet, Managing Director of MIT Entrepreneurship Center on the “Disciplined Entrepreneurship” book and framework, and develops, a set of online checklists and tools for disciplined entrepreneurs.


Mukul PalFounder at Orpheus CAPITALSMukul is a Chartered Market Technician and MBA Finance. He has more than a decade of Capital Market experience dealing with derivatives and global assets. He has worked for Bombay Stock Exchange, multinational Banks and brokerage house in leading research positions before starting Orpheus in 2005. He has actively researched on ‘Time’ and has written seminal papers on the mathematical hierarchy of time. He is in the top 10% authors on Social Science Research Network (SSRN). Mukul has presented at various platforms for the Bombay Stock Exchange, Prague Stock Exchange, Bucharest Stock Exchange, Canadian Society of Technical Analysts, Saxo Bank, Thomson Reuters, Princeton Univeristy and University of Chicago etc.


Monica JimanDeputy CEO at PentalogMonica is a professional when it comes to turning ideas into business process. She is endowed with extraordinary management skills and strong leadership. As Depupty CEO at Pentalog, Monica is in charge of operational management, including the management of production and production structures, financial and reporting management, administration and development of existing partenership, supervision of the information systems, technical management and the startup incubator.

David SzaboIntrapreneur (Microsoft Windows Azure Evangelism team)David is a Cloud Strategy Advisor and an Intrapreneur in Microsoft’s Windows Azure cloud business in Central & Eastern Europe. He is advisor to several startup businesses and a change agent using LEGO SERIOUSPLAY to rejuvenate old tech firms in quest of new business models. Fellow member of the European Entrepreneurship Foundation. Prior to his current role, he has been a managing consultant in Microsoft Consulting Services in Ireland and in the UK. David is also a husband, dad, barefoot runner, hobby drummer and blogger.

Andrei RothGeneral Manager Recognos RomaniaAndrei graduated with a Bachelor’s Degree from the Haas School of Business at the University of California, Berkeley, where he also founded the first Romanian student organization. After working as financial analyst for Microsoft in Silicon Valley, in 2008, Andrei had a great opportunity to return to Romania and apply his experience in the telecommunications industry as a business development director and then CFO for several major telecoms.He now runs a software development company while being involved in several NGOs dealing with entrepreneurship and also part of the team starting the first startup accelerator in Cluj.Andrei is passionate about entrepreneurship, aviation, political economy and tourism, and he is keen on helping Romania realize its potential by nurturing its human assets – he sees the country’s multicultural landscape as key to its growth – as well as by protecting and promoting its natural beauty. Andi is an Aspen Institute Fellow.

Catalina AmihaiesiManager at Spherik AcceleratorCatalina has a background education in psychology and community development, with a 4-year experience in fundraising for public higher education projects. In 2012 she launched, a Romanian crowdfunding platform for creative ideas and in 2013 she joined Spherik Accelerator in Cluj-Napoca as a program manager, being in charge with developing powerful tools for Romanian startups.

Experts of the event:

Experts of the event:

Key numbers

Key numbers regarding the first Startup Weekend event that took place in Brasov, event that took place from 25th until 27th of October, at Coresi Business Park

Total no. of participants and mentors: 80

Total no. of ideas pitched: 7

1. 3D gate: With the 3D gate platform/app, anyone can view 3D models of buildings, hotels, museums, homes and much more. While they use 3D gate, they can start exploring in 3D, try touristic tours or check out how their future room or home will look like, even though they are far away of the actual place.

2. RideCompThe idea was to create a sensor and an app that can calculate the bike mass in order to facilitate the bike tracking and the shock absorber.

3. The CashmonitorThe team developed an app that can monitor your income and expenses in order to facilitate the economies through the connection with the bank accounts.

4. DoozillaThe idea was to create an app that facilitates the communication between children (5-14 years old) and busy parents. The user interface is different for each kind of user and it has different rewards and quizzes.

5. Moshu' Delivery 24/7 The idea is very simple, but based on the Brasov City needs. The purpose is to create an online platform that facilitates the order of different kind of products 24/7. During the event, a small research has been made and the team found out what kind of products people would buy and how much they would pay for such a service.

6. FreelosophyThe team based the pitch on a wellness platform that can facilitate the booking, ranking and review of a beauty saloon.

7. Eden gardenDuring the presentation the customers were described and the idea was to create a communication platform for the green community. For the ones interested in green solution for all kind of issues that might appear, sell or buy bio-products and others.

Startup Weekend2013

Key numbers

Startup Weekend2013

Gold Sponsors:

Silver Sponsors:

Contributing Sponsors:

Media Partners:

Official website: Media coverage:

Media coverage: over 45 media apparitions and support from 15 Facebook pages

The number of people who saw any activity from our page including posts, posts by other people, Page like ads, mentions, and check-ins reached almost 17k during the event.


Ionut Tata | Organiser OfficerTelefon: +4 0722 52 66 97E-mail: ionut.tata(at)

Alin Grigoras | Organiser OfficerTelefon: +4 0727 69 05 83E-mail: alin.grigoras(at)

Corina Stirbu | PR OfficerTelefon: +4 0746 65 54 70E-mail: corina.stirbu(at)

Medeea Petrovan | Organiser OfficerTelefon: +4 0737.03.25.04E-mail: medeea.petrovan(at)

Irina Albu | FacilitatorTelefon: +4 745.02.51.64E-mail: irina.albu(at)