

To contribute to carbon sequestration Opuntia and Aloe vera CAM plants were grown in pots. A campaign to promote them in households started on the eve of WORLD ENVIRONMENT DAY.

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First they ignore you, then they ridicule you, then they fight you, and then you win. Mahatma Gandhiji

Anumakonda Jagadeesh Facebook 3 June 2015 First they ignore you, then they ridicule you, then they fight you, and then you win. Mahatma GandhijiSTARTED CAMPAIGN TO GROW CAM PLANTS FOR CARBON SEQUESTRATIONAloe Vera is a care free growth,regenerative CAM plant which has abundant uses. This can be grown in houses in pots which act as Carbon Sink. We have these in pots in our house since long. This plant is tied before the house(at entrance) to offset DRISHTI (Evil Eye).There is a correlation between carbon dioxide in the atmosphere and rise in temperature. Most of the natural calamities(number of deaths in India this summer) are due to rise in temperatures.Let us take a pledge to grow this Aloe Vera in pots starting from WORLD ENVIRONMENT DAY,June 5. I have drawn a program on this.It is a colossal waste of money in the Government launched program of NEERU - MEERU. More propaganda than real achievementAlso Opuntia,Cactus another CAM plant can be planted in pots.In the vast waste lands care-free growth,regenerative CAM plants like Agave and Opuntia can be planted on a massive scale which can be input for Biofuel/Biogaspower/Biochar.Bioenergy has a major role in the Energy Mix.I STARTED PLANTING ALOE VERA AND OPUNTIA IN MY HOUSE(Refer Picture).On 5th June 2015,I w3ill be delivering a talk on CLEAN ENERGY AND ENVIRONMENT,Akshara School,Venkatachalam,SPSR Nellore District and initiate Planting of Aloe Vera and Opuntia in the School Campus.MAY I EARNESTLY APPEAL TO MY FACEBOOK FRIENDS IN JOINING ME IN THE CAMPAIGNCAM PLANTS AS CARBON SINK CAMPAIGN BY INDIVIDUALLY PLANTING THEM IN THEIR HOUSES. 1+1+1+1 makes infinity.

I am hopeful of the success of this movement around the Globe.

At the UN 2nd Forum on Sustainable Energy for All held during 18 21 May 2015 in UN General Assembly,New York,I presented a Note on this to Top Officials of UN,The World Bank,FAO,UNDP etc. The Under Secretary General UN and CEO of Se4All very much appreciated my plan.

I get inspiration from Mahatma Gandhijis Quote:NOT MASS PRODUCTION BUT PRODUCTION BY THE MASSES.I respectfully dedicate this people's movement to Mahatma Gandhiji whose profound concern for humanity inspired me and many others to plan and bringing science to the doors of those who needed it.Dr.A.Jagadeesh Nellore(AP),IndiaDirectorNayudamma Centre for Development Alternatives

Opuntia and Aloe vera

Aloe Vera and Opuntia
