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Duration of the ProjectStart > 01/11/2013 - End > 30/10/2015

The Partner:The project partnership consists of different expert organizationsfrom six European countriesAUSTRIALebenshilfe Graz und Umgebung VoitsbergThis is a non-profit organisation that offers services and support measures to people with disabilities, or special educational needs, and their - www.lebenshilfe-guv.atPOLANDSpo�eczna Akademia NaukThis is a private university of Social Sciences in Łodź - www.spoleczna.plSPAINAsociación de Servicios a Empresas y Actividades Diversas de MadridADESEMA is located in Madrid with the objective of involving those organisations and companies whose main activities are the service delivery to - www.adesema.orgMALTAAġenzija ŻgħażagħThis is a public entity that aims to develop and implement youth policy in areas such as employment, health, education and other fields in which young people are - www.agenzijazghazagh@gov.mtGERMANYStephansstift Zentrum fŸr ErwachsenenbildungThis is a regional provider for adult and further adult education in - www.zeb.stephansstift.deITALYEURO-NETThis is a non-profit organization and expert in networking and public -

Associated Partner:AUSTRIASozialministeriumservice, Landesstelle SteiermarkThis belongs to the Ministry of Labour, Social Affairs and Consumer Protection and is an important focal point for people with disabilities. SMS promotes the vocational integration of people with disabilities and is coordinating and funding offers connected to this aim. The SMS services are addressed to employers and


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This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.> Project's code: 2013-1-AT1-LEO05-09480

MY WAY is a European project under the Lifelong Learning Programme, Leonardo da Vinci - Transferof Innovation.

What is MY WAY?MY WAY is a European project developed in the framework of the Lifelong Learning Programme Leonardo da Vinci - Transfer of Innovation of the European Commission and based on the Council Recommendation of 28 June 2011 on policies to reduce Early School Leaving. The project is basedon the fact that the partners from all European countries are in the process of finding replies and solutions to similar questions concerning youth unemployment and its many ramifications. The multidisciplinary partnership faces up to the difficult situation of young people on theirtransition from school into the labour market.

Activities and products realized during the projectDuring the project the international partnership developed various products and activities, which are explained in more detail in the MY WAY Compilation:

1. The Common Desk ResearchIn the first phase of the project, the consortium carried out an important research on the general situation of youth at risk, measures and supports for young people and national strategies against youth unemployment and early school leaving.2. Good PracticesThe partners collected good practices concerning youth at risk, educational and vocational services, methods and programs to improve soft skills and national strategies against youth unemployment. The partnership analysed EU projects and good practice examples from specific, previously discussed and defined, points of view.3. The Austrian Youth Coaching ModelThe project promoted the “Austria Youth Coaching” Model that offers support for young people and also gave some insights into new developments of the Youth Coaching by introducing actual pilot programs which target different groups of young people.4. Peer EducationThe project was innovative thanks to the participative and inclusive approach. The development of the Peer Education component was the core of the project and one could say that the developments have been the most exciting and enlightening parts of the process. The work with young people was subdivided into three parts: the Basic Groundwork, the International Peer Education Seminar and the National Peer Group Workshops.

MY WAY CompilationThe MY WAY Compilation, as the main project output, provides data and tested measures for interested persons and organisations in Europe that want to contribute to the improvement of the situation of youth at risk. Partner countries and other interested countries may step out of their national well-known intervention programs, learn from our experiences and try out new ideas and successful measures such as the Austrian Youth Coaching Model. The innovative Peer Education sessions, the recommendations from the final beneficiaries and the Austrian Youth Coaching Model can be adapted for the use in all European member states. The Compilation is therefore an effective tool for further developments towards social inclusion of youth at risk:




to improving the knowledge of professionals, experts, and trainers in the social and employment field;to widening the intervention program in EU countries for unemployed youth;to raising awareness about different intervention programs, needs of youth at risk, to reaching youth at risk, integration of youth at risk into training or education;to improving the Austrian Youth Coaching concept with pedagogical materials and interventions from EU good practices and recommendations from the direct beneficiaries.

5. Results and RecommendationsThrough the Peer Education sessions the partners gathered recommendations for the improvement of the Youth Coaching and new ideas on support targeting youth at risk directly from the young people themselves. These recommendations are very interesting for further developments of supporting measures in the youth sector.6. Transferability GuidelineThe partnership worked a lot in finding suggestions for the transfer and implementation of the Youth Coaching in all the interested countries.

The target groupThe final beneficiaries of the MY WAY project are young people at risk of social exclusion (furtheron: youth at risk) and NEETs.These groups of young people were deeply involved in many phases of the project.
