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STAR WARSBoba Fett and Aurra Sing:

Hunters and Hunted

an original screenplay


Tom Schmidt

©2003 e-mail:

PAN DOWN to see a yellow planet and two suns. A ship approaches in the distance and heads toward the planet.


Bounty hunter AURRA SING and ten-year old BOBA FETT sit at the ship’s controls, viewing at the planet that lies directly ahead. Boba looks very sullen while Aurra Sing looks like she’s intent on killing her prey.

AURRA SINGWe’re approaching Tatooine.

Boba Fett nods, his mind elsewhere.

AURRA SINGI want you to stay with me.

She sees his depressed state.

AURRA SINGWhat’s troubling you now? Is it your father?

BOBA FETT (nods) Yep.

AURRA SINGThat’s the first word you’ve spoken.

BOBA FETTWhy are we going to this place?


(sighs)To train you, of course.

BOBA FETTHow? Nobody was as good as my father. You’re not as good as him.

She slams her fist on a console, gives him a cold stare. Boba looks scared.

AURRA SING(very angry) Listen, Lord Tyranus is paying me good money to train you, you ungrateful-

She stops herself, allows herself time to settle down. She shakes her head.

AURRA SINGLet me warn you, my pet: when we get to Jabba the Hutt’s, you’d better watch your hide VERY carefully!


Slave I descends into the atmosphere of Tatooine. We see winds sweeping sands across vast desert wastes.


Aurra Sing and Boba Fett exit the ship, facing the large palace. Two GAMMOREAN GUARDS and BIB FORTUNA, Jabba’s number one, approach them from the palace. Boba Fett looks around nervously.

BIB FORTUNA(in Huttese) Ah, Aurra Sing. My master awaits you.

AURRA SINGGood. (to Boba Fett) Let’s go, Boba.

He stands still, unhearing, gazing at several distant BANTHA herds.

AURRA SING(pulls him away) BOBA!


Bib Fortuna and the Gammorean guards lead them through a darkened corridor. Sounds of laughter, shouts, and uproar as they approach the Throne Room. Boba Fett takes it all in, startled by sharp noises.


As Boba Fett and Aurra Sing arrive, the room is in commotion. JABBA THE HUTT and his bloodthirsty cronies watch a fight between a NIKTO felon and a helpless GRAN. They roar with approval as they wrestle on the filthy floor. The Nikto gains the upper hand, pulls out a jagged dagger and stabs his opponent in the chest. The Gran lets out a blood-chilling scream, and falls still. The room explodes with laughter. Boba Fett glances at Aurra Sing, who gives him a defiant look back.

The Nikto takes out his blaster, but a grizzled man stops him.

RANCOR KEEPERNo. We have a better way of dealing with this.

Two Gammorean guards press several buttons on a wall panel, and an opening appears in the floor. They pick up the Gran corpse and toss him to the RANCOR. The grunting of a large beast is heard throughout the room. A giant belch signals the beast has finished his dinner.

Bib Fortuna slowly makes his way to Jabba the Hutt, whispers something. Jabba recomposes himself, looks in Aurra Sing’s direction.

JABBA THE HUTT(in Huttese) Well, the lovely Aurra Sing. Your trip here was pleasant?

AURRA SINGYes, Your Excellency.

JABBA THE HUTT(in Huttese) Who is this boy beside you?


He is Boba Fett, son of the late bounty hunter Jango Fett.

Jabba and other cronies fall silent for a few moments. Out of the corner of her eye, Aurra notices an unshaven man with a long scar on his face staring at her.

JABBA THE HUTT(in Huttese, addresses the crowd) Mmm. The Clone Wars has already damaged business. Revenues have fallen as the major trade routes have been disrupted.

Several cronies chattier among themselves nervously.

BIB FORTUNA(in Huttese) Silence!

JABBA THE HUTT(in Huttese) There are always other ways to gain back our money, heh, heh, heh. We must eliminate Ambor Tin and take over his monopoly on the spice trade!

His cronies roar with approval, some stomping their feet. They become as noisy as when the Gran was killed. Jabba and Bib Fortuna smile with approval. Jabba pulls out a creature out of his tank and eats it.

JABBA THE HUTT(in Huttese) To the demise of Ambor Tin!

More roars of approval. Aurra Sing sees the scarred man scowling at her again.

AURRA SING(to Boba) Go to our room and stay there until I come back.

He nods sullenly. Aurra disappears into the crowd, trying to find the mysterious man. Finally, she sees him from a distance and approaches him cautiously. He talks to two Rodians when she bumps into him.

AURRA SINGHave we met before, scum?

The man stares at her defiantly. She matches his stare. Finally, he walks off, a disgusted look on his face.


Boba Fett heads toward his room. Suddenly he runs into a Gammorean guard.

GAMMOREAN(in native tongue) Watch where you’re going, boy, or you’ll be Bantha fodder!

Boba peers at him timidly, shakes his head and walks off. He hears snickering. He turns and finds a young Rodian laughing at him.

BOBA FETTWhat are you laughing at?!

RODIAN(in Huttese) You. You don’t look like you could survive one night here, heh heh heh….

BOBA FETTDo you know who I am?

RODIAN(in Huttese) Yeah, Greedo knows everything. You’re a pathetic outworlder about to be killed.

BOBA FETTYou’re lucky my dad isn’t here, slime ball, or he’d blast your tongue out!

Boba stomps away. GREEDO watches him leave, then snickers again.


Sounds of laughter, music, and shouts. On stage, a band plays with a KITONAK wailing away a solo on his horn. All the criminals are getting drunk, except Aurra Sing, who scouts for potential threats. She feels a sensation from her sensor implant in the back of her head, warning her of danger. She feels a sensation in her right arm and notices

a drunken CORELLIAN SMUGGLER touching her skin in wonder. She draws her nails.

AURRA SINGTake your filthy hands off me!

The man erupts in guffaws.

CORELLIANIs that skin…really…white?

AURRA SINGToo much to drink, Corellian?

CORELLIANHow’d…you know where I’m from?

AURRA SING (jabs a finger into his chest) It’s written all over your shirt, scum.

Another round of wild guffaws. She glares at him coldly.

CORELLIANWhat’s a girl like you doing here?

AURRA SINGI was going to ask the same question.

The man erupts in drunken laughter.

CORELLIANI got somethin’ special to do.

AURRA SING(sarcastically) I wouldn’t be surprised.

CORELLIANNo, it’s really special. I’m gonna kill…Jabba the Hutt. Heh, heh, heh.

AURRA SINGI doubt you are capable, fool.

CORELLIAN(pulls out a detonator) You’re gonna see the biggest supernova…

Aurra Sing whips out her blasters instantly! She blasts the Corellian several times. He falls to the floor, dead, smoke pouring out of gaping holes in his body. The music and laughter stops as she quickly retrieves the small detonator, checks to see if it’s activated. Two Gammorean guards and Bib Fortuna approaches the scene.

BIB FORTUNA(in Huttese) What happened here?

AURRA SING(pointing at the body) This jerk tried to assassinate your boss.

Bib Fortuna examines the body, her.

BIB FORTUNA(in Huttese) What have you done?! This man was a valuable guest of my master!

AURRA SINGGuest? He almost blew this place to bits!

BIB FORTUNA(in Huttese) This man is very important. His death will not go away easily.

AURRA SINGWhat are you talking about?! Is this the gratitude you show to someone who saved your master’s life?

BIB FORTUNA(in Huttese) I will tell Jabba about this. You must stay here until he reaches a decision.

Bib Fortuna walks away. Aurra Sing watches him with disgust. The Gammorean guards push aside stragglers to get to the body. INT. JABBA THE HUTT’S PALACE- BOBA FETT’S QUARTERS

Boba Fett examines a model starfighter when he sees Aurra Sing enter the room. He notices her unpleasant expression.

BOBA FETTAre we going to leave this place soon? I really don’t like it here.

AURRA SINGYou’ve got to take a little rough and tumble.

He glances at her troubled.


Aurra Sing takes Boba Fett to Jabba’s throne room. Most of the party sleeps off their drunkenness on the floor. Bib Fortuna whispers something to Jabba.

JABBA THE HUTT(in Huttese) Very trigger happy are you, my dear?

AURRA SINGYour Excellency, a creep tried to assassinate you and destroy us all last night with this. (holds the thermal detonator)

JABBA THE HUTT(in Huttese) The man you fried worked for Gardulla the Hutt. He will be most upset when he hears the news.

AURRA SINGBut Your Excellency…

JABBA THE HUTT(in Huttese) His death is not cheap. Gardulla will kill his murderer gladly.

AURRA SINGBut Your Excellency, you know my reputation. Why are you throwing me away to…

JABBA THE HUTT(in Huttese) Business is business, Aurra. But…

Bib Fortuna whispers something to him. Jabba’s expression changes.

JABBA THE HUTT(in Huttese) Because you are so special, Aurra, there is a bargain for you. You have 3 days to find who this Devan Jhara worked for.

AURRA SINGAnd if I don’t?

JABBA THE HUTT(in Huttese) Then I have no choice but to feed you to the Sarlaac Pit.

Boba Fett stares at her ominously. She shakes it off.

AURRA SING(to Boba Fett) Let’s go.

Out of the corner of her eye, Aurra sees the scarred man again, this time with a smile.


Boba Fett helps Aurra Sing load their gear onto Slave I. After they finish, Boba sits down in the cargo hold.

BOBA FETTSo they’re going to kill you?

AURRA SINGNot if I can stop them.

BOBA FETTI’ve been orphaned once. I don’t want to be orphaned again, especially here.

AURRA SING(sharply) Boba, someday you’re going to have to survive on your own. Did you get the body of our friend?


AURRA SINGGood boy. We’re going to find out where this scum really came from. I know someone in Mos Eisley who can help us. Let’s go.


Mos Eisley Spaceport bustles with space traffic as freighters come and go in the sky. Slave I slowly descends toward a landing platform. Aurra Sing and Boba Fett exit the ship; Aurra gives some coins to an ATTENDANT. A groupof JAWAS gather around the ship, but the attendant chases them off.

AURRA SINGI’m going to visit an old acquaintance in the business. You’ll have to be careful, this place swarms with wretched scum. I want you to watch everything I do. Got it?

Boba Fett nods, reluctantly.

AURRA SINGWhy do I get the impression your mind is elsewhere?

BOBA FETT(shrugs) I don’t know. I just wanna be left alone.

He starts to walk off. She grabs him by the shoulder.

AURRA SINGListen, life isn’t like Kamino, where you lived a sheltered existence. Besides, where would you go? Do you think you’ll be safe by yourself back with Jabba the Hutt and his company? You don’t have any payment to hop a freighter out of here either. Now come on.

Reluctantly, he follows her.


A band is playing to an audience of mixed races. WUHER, the bartender, moves around the counter as the new party enters.

WUHER(pointing at Boba Fett) We don’t serve kids here!

AURRA SING (V.O.)Surely, you can make an exception for an old friend.

WUHERYou’re asking for trouble if you ask…Aurra? Is that Aurra Sing?

AURRA SINGAlways stubborn, Wuher?

WUHERI knew it! How’re you doing, pirate!

He moves from the counter and embraces her. He holds her a little too long, and she pulls away.

AURRA SING(pointing at Boba Fett) Can you get something for him?

WUHERSure, I’ll do anything for you. Can I get you something?

AURRA SINGNo drink. We need to talk about something.

WUHERSure. Can we talk in the back?

She nods, looking at Boba Fett. As they leave, Boba gazes at the various aliens in the bar with awe. They pick a table in a secluded part of the room.

WUHERSo what brings you back to this rock?


WUHERWhat’s the problem now?

AURRA SINGLast night we stayed at Jabba’s palace and I shot a creep threatening to assassinate him. The problem is, this smuggler has a big name with Gardulla the Hutt. Jabba says he wasn’t dangerous.

WUHERWhat was his name?

AURRA SINGDevan Jhara. Know anything about him?

Wuher nods at her. After a brief moment, she pulls out a small bundle of credits. He smiles.

WUHERYeah, I heard of the fellow. He was always around here, sticking his nose into other people’s problems. Said he was several thousand credits in debt from betting on all those pod races.

AURRA SINGAnything else?

WUHERNo…well, yeah, I guess so. He said he was working some deal with a big figure to help him get out of trouble.

AURRA SINGMoreover, who was that?

WUHERHey, Aurra, I’m just a barkeep. I just listen to all the conversations of the outworlders who pass through here.

AURRA SINGYou know the answer.

WUHER(smiling) It’s gonna cost you big.

Aurra lays down a large stash of credits on the table. Wuher still grins. She pulls out her blaster and presses it against his face.

AURRA SINGTell me, or I’ll blow you and this wretched joint to pieces!

WUHER(chuckling) You know I’m just messin’ with you, Aurra. (clears throat) All right, he was telling this Sullustan fellow that a Twi’lek crime lord named Ambor Tin said he’d clear all his debts if he did him a little favor.

AURRA SINGAnd what was that?

WUHERYou won’t believe this, but he said he was gonna take out Jabba the Hutt.

AURRA SINGSo I was right! Jabba mentioned something about taking over the spice trade from Ambor Tin. The problem is, nobody knows where he lives.

WUHEROh yes they do.

AURRA SINGI’ve had enough of your games. (lays down all her credits) Don’t ask for anymore.

WUHERIt’ll take a couple days for my contacts to find out.

AURRA SINGImpossible! Jabba gave me 3 days to find Devan Jharra’s employer or he’ll feed me to the Sarlaac Pit. Gardulla the Hutt won’t let him get away with this case unpunished.

WUHERHmm. That is a problem. All right, come back two days from now and I’ll see what I’ve got.

She nods, gets out of her seat.

WUHERSay, Aurra, who’s that kid? I didn’t know you had a son.

AURRA SING(sighs) He’s not my son. He’s…the property of a client.


Aurra Sing and Boba Fett walk along Mos Eisley’s busy streets. Ships fly overhead. They pass a pair of DEWBACKS tethered to a post.

AURRA SINGWe’ll stay here for 2 nights. My contact promised he’d have our information by then.

BOBA FETTYou gave all our credits away? How stupid.

AURRA SINGListen, smart boy, we had no choice! He’s a man we can trust. If you want to be a bounty hunter, you need to network to track down your prey. You have a better idea?

Boba stares at her skeptically. She shakes her head angrily. They walk toward the landing platform where Slave I is parked.


Pan across space to Nar Shaddaa, known as the Smugglers’ Moon.


A decrepit, run-down neighborhood of crumbling tenement quarters. A lone, tall palace-like building stands in contrast. Airspeeders circle throughout the night sky. On the ground, armed WEEQUAYS patrol on foot.


The sound of booming laughter echoing in the halls. Female giggling in the background.

AMBOR TIN, the obese Twi’lek crime lord, sits in a large throne-like chair built for his enormous size. He rubs his hand across his mouth, wiping away the drink. He motions to his Twi’lek pleasure girls, NALA and ORDA nearby.

AMBOR TIN(in Twi’lek) Bring me some more.

The smiling girls open the flask. He seizes it, gulps down the liquor with a swig, some of it running down his chin. EVKO JURRISS, a muscular Twi’lek and Ambor’s chief lieutenant, stands beside him. Nala and Orda stand close to him. Nearby is TORSSK, a Trandoshan bounty hunter. The room is filled with Weequay guards.

EVKO JURRISS(in Twi’lek) What about Devan Jhara?

AMBOR TIN(in Twi’lek) I am sure he will accomplish his mission on Tatooine. If he fails, another agent in Jabba’s court will do the job.

He belches, lets out another round of wild laughter.


(in Twi’lek) And if the plan does not work? Jabba the Hutt is not one to anger.

AMBOR TIN(in Twi’lek) Bah! Jabba knows not to trifle with me. I have the best assassins in the galaxy. I pay them better than he does. Isn’t that right, Torssk?

Torssk grunts a reply in his native language.

AMBOR TIN(in Twi’lek) Besides, Jabba does not know my location.

Ambor Tin erupts in uproarious laughter again. He drinks down the remainder of the liquor, and smashes the flask against the wall, motions to the two girls.

AMBOR TIN(in Twi’lek) Come here, my lovelies.

They approach him with wide smiles.


Wuher is back at the bar, serving two starpilots in heavy space suits. He notices Aurora Sing and smiles widely.

WUHERAh, Aurra.

AURRA SINGDo you have the information?

He motions her to another corner of the room.

WUHERMy contact traced the location of Ambor Tin. He’s on the moon of Nar Shaddaa.

AURRA SINGNar Shaddaa? I was born there. How could he be there? The Hutts control the moon.

WUHER(shrugs) Don’t ask me. That’s what he said.

AURRA SINGAnything else?

WUHERYeah, he talked about a Rodian dealer named Keego who trades pretty girls to Ambor Tin. Don’t know if it’s any help.

AURRA SINGWhatever, scum.

WUHER(shouting) Hey Aurra, you sure you want to bring that kid with you? Those streets are so mean, takes a tough fellow to survive.

AURRA SINGI think he’ll make it.


Slave I rockets across the sky.


The ship jumps into hyperspace as it leaves Tatooine’s orbit.


Aurra Sing and Boba Fett sit at the controls. He sets a course for Nar Shaddaa.

BOBA FETTWhy don’t we just run away? Surely, Darth Tyranus will protect us.

AURRA SINGIf you become a bounty hunter, Boba, that is, if you live to be one, you will learn that the predators have many ways

to kill their prey. No one who has ever received a death mark from Jabba the Hutt and not paid has lived.

Boba looks at her with wide eyes.

AURRA SINGBesides, we can make a fortune if we take down Ambor Tin. We will be MANY credits richer.

BOBA FETTAnd once this is over?

AURRA SINGThen we will resume your training. Of course, this is part of your training now.

He looks at her skeptically.

AURRA SINGYou don’t like me, do you? Well, I don’t like you either. But we have to work together.

She reaches up, presses several overhead buttons. As she reaches, Boba Fett notices something in her belt. The shiny object is a Jedi lightsaber.

BOBA FETTAre you…a Jedi?

She throws him a quick glance.

AURRA SINGWhat makes you say that?

BOBA FETT(pointing) The lightsaber in your belt.

AURRA SINGNo, I am not a Jedi.

BOBA FETTThen what are those lightsabers-

AURRA SINGEnough of your prodding!

She gives him an angry look.

AURRA SINGYou’ll take the ship and await my signal. I have modified the sensor implant in my skull used to track my prey to send a signal. Once you receive it, you will begin the attack with the ship. And don’t even think about leaving. You have no chance of survival on your own.

He flinches at the last sentence.

BOBA FETTBut what about this guy’s men?

AURRA SINGThat’s where you improvise.

BOBA FETTBut what-

AURRA SING I don’t know! I’m sure you’ll think of something.

She reaches for something below her.

AURRA SINGIn case you run into trouble, you might need this. (hands it over). It’s a disintegrator.

Suddenly he notices something in the forward viewport.


On the forward screen is an armada of Republic assault ships in the distance, carrying troops to far away battles.


They’re off to fetch their kill. And so are we.


Slave I launches into hyperspace.


Slave I roars across a decayed urban landscape.


The Rodian KEEGO sits behind a crude desk, working on a handheld device. A buzzer rings and he presses a button. Another Rodian enters the room with three beautiful young girls: two Twi’leks and a local.

KEEGO(in Rodian) Ah, Lusto, you found more beauties?

LUSTO(in Rodian) Yes. They are fine specimens.

Keego examines the scantly-dressed Twi’lek girls. He runs his fingers down the smooth arm of the golden-skinned female. She smiles seductively. He touches the cheek of the maroon one.

LUSTO(in Rodian) Ambor Tin will be pleased.

KEEGO(in Rodian) Yes. Take these three outside and wait for the air transport.

Lusto nods. The girls follow him.

Keego goes back to his desk, works at his handheld. He gets so involved in his work he doesn’t see the white-skinned woman enter.


KEEGO(in Rodian) Who are you?!

AURRA SING(points her blaster at his head) The one who ends your miserable life.

KEEGO(in Rodian) Wh-what do you want?

AURRA SINGI want you to draw up a license for me. To be one of Ambor Tin’s pleasure girls.

KEEGO(laughs shortly, in Rodian) You thinkhe’ll take you?

She tightens her grip on the blaster.

AURRA SINGDo it now!

Keego nods. He presses something on his handheld device. After a few tense moments, he offers it to her.

KEEGO(in Rodian) Here, take it. The others are waiting outside.

She snatches the handheld away from him.

AURRA SINGThanks, I don’t know how to repay you.

She blasts him several times. His head hits the desk, dead.


Lusto and the three exotic girls wait on a nearby landing pad. Petty thieves roam the nearby crumbling streets. He sees Aurra Sing approaching them.

LUSTO(in Rodian) Who are you?


Sorry I’m late. Keego just gave me a license.

LUSTO(in Rodian) Let me see it.

She hands over the handheld device. He glances at it, looks at her.

LUSTO(in Rodian) Come with us.

A silver air transport lands near them. The five enter the main ramp. After a few moments, the ship lifts off and blasts into the sky.


Ambor Tin sits at a large table with food, devouring everything in sight. He takes a bowl of yellow-colored food, chomps it down. He throws the bowl against the wall. Nala and Orda apply a cloth to his mouth.

AMBOR TIN(in Twi’lek) Thank you, my lovelies. (belches)

The girls smile. He unscrews the cork of a purple flask, guzzles its alcohol. Evko Jurriss enters.

EVKO JURRISS(in Twi’lek) Lusto is here.

AMBOR TIN(in Twi’lek) Bring him in.

Lusto enters with the four women. Ambor Tin smiles at the Twi’lek ladies. He scans Aurra Sing with great interest.

LUSTO(in Rodian, pointing at Aurra Sing) This one came late.

AMBOR TIN(in Twi’lek) She looks…interesting. Do you have much experience in these matters, dear?

AURRA SINGI’ll do you good.

AMBOR TIN(in Twi’lek) I’m sure you will. (gives several credits to Lusto). Take your money, Lusto. Send Keego my greetings.

LUSTO(in Rodian) A pleasure, Ambor.

He exits.

AMBOR TIN(in Twi’lek, to Evko Jurriss) You take these girls. (pointing to the Twi’leks). This one (points to Aurra) is mine. The other one can go to Torssk.

EVKO JURRISS(in Twi’lek) You want her?!

AMBOR TIN(in Twi’lek) I am curious about her. I’m sure she will make a fine pet. (erupts in wild laughter)


Slave I blazes across the horizon, heading downward.

Twelve armed airspeeders take off from the ground, their cannons blazing.


Boba Fett sees the oncoming airspeeders, alarmed. A voice booms from the ship’s communications system.

AIR CONTROLLER (V.O.)This is Patrol 1-J. Your presence is unauthorized in this sector. Pleasestate your business here.


Help! Help! My engines are malfunctioning!

AIR CONTROLLER (V.O.)Who is this? We’re sending two escortsbehind you.

BOBA FETTNo, don’t do that! I’ve got a majorburnout!

He presses several buttons simultaneously. The ship shudders.


A blue-orange flame darts out from one of the thrusters, nearly catching one of the airspeeders in its path. The other speeders back off.


Boba Fett takes his hands away from the controls.

AIR CONTROLLER (V.O.)All right. Can you make it to Sector2794-B?

BOBA FETTUh- negative, the problem’s gone from bad to worse.

AIR CONTROLLER (V.O.)Follow us down to coordinates 138 point77. We’ll be guiding you all the way.

BOBA FETTAffirmative.


Slave I touches down with a thud. The airspeeders land shortly after. Three humans emerge and approach Slave I, covering it with their guns. Boba Fett emerges out slowly.


You know you have no business over this zone! Where is your captain?

BOBA FETTHe’s dead.

PILOT What? Who are you, then?

BOBA FETTI’m a Corellian apprentice. My masterwas killed in a landspeeder accident.

PILOTYour ship doesn’t look Corellian.

BOBA FETTIt’s not. The Merchant Guild supplied it to us.

The pilot confers among his men. After a few moments, he returns.

PILOTAll right, I’m sending for a crew to repair your ship. I’ll have to tell my boss about this. You must stay here. Understand?

Boba Fett nods. Satisfied, the pilot turns to his men. They walk away briskly as Boba Fett heads back to the cockpit.


Boba Fett returns to his seat, breathes a sigh of relief. He hunches over a computer display.


In a suite with panes facing the derelict buildings, Ambor Tin lies on his front on a piece of furniture, Aurra Sing massages his shoulders. He smiles as her fingers stroke his lumpy skin.


(in Twi’lek) When I first saw you…I thought you looked like a bounty hunter.

She looks at him with wide eyes.

AURRA SINGSorry, I’m not.

Suddenly he erupts into laughter. She laughs, too.

AMBOR TIN(in Twi’lek, pointing to a flask) Gimme some.

Aurra Sing pours the blue liquid into a mug. He reaches for it, his fingers shaking, having had too much to drink. He takes the mug, guzzles the drink down.

AMBOR TIN(in Twi’lek, gets up) Did I show you my newest innovation?

AURRA SING(shakes her head) No.

AMBOR TIN(in Twi’lek) Come here.

He gets up with some difficulty to what appears to be a dark room, activates a switch on the wall. A hologram takes shape, shifting into the form of Jabba the Hutt.

AURRA SINGWhat is that?

AMBOR TIN(in Twi’lek) I can kill Jabba at any time of my choosing. Of course, I win all the time. (laughs at his own joke)

He pulls out a small weapon, aiming and firing at the hologram. Large gaping holes appear within Jabba’s hologram, following by sharp cries of pain. Finally, he hits the switch and the image fades.

AMBOR TIN(in Twi’lek) What do you think, dear?

AURRA SINGImpressive. But why don’t you kill himyourself?

AMBOR TIN(in Twi’lek) Bah, he’s probably dead already. I bought off a fella who works for Gardulla the Hutt, Devan Jharra’s his name, he’s gonna kill him for me. And if he doesn’t do it, I have someone else to do the job.

AURRA SINGWho is that?

AMBOR TIN(in Twi’lek) An ugly fella Ryrgen. Ryrgen Offus.

She laughs softly. He starts in another round of uproarious laughter.

AMBOR TIN(in Twi’lek) Then Jabba’ll be out of my way for good.

More booming laughter. Suddenly he stops, looks at her seriously.

AMBOR TIN(in Twi’lek) That’s a secret, dear. Don’t think of telling anyone else.

AURRA SINGYou have my word. Would you likeanother drink?

AMBOR TIN(in Twi’lek) Bah, I’m drunk enough already.

AURRA SING(pours) This one will make you feel MUCH better.


(in Twi’lek) All right, I’ll take it.

She pours him a drink. As he takes the mug from his hands and raises it to his lips, Aurra Sing locks him in a sleeper hold, rakes his face with her claws. He spits out the drink, struggles to breathe. Finally, Aurra sticks him in the neck with a syringe-like instrument. His struggles cease and she throws him on the floor.

AURRA SINGYou’ve got some answers Jabba’ll wantto know.


Shouting in Twi’lek. A girl’s sobs. Evko Jurriss stands over the near-naked golden Twi’lek girl.

EVKO JURRISS(in Twi’lek, bellowing) You call that pleasure, you pitiful wretch?

She sobs louder, clutching a blanket to conceal her chest features.

EVKO JURRISS(in Twi’lek) Leave! I don’t want you near me. Guards!

After a moment, two Weequays appear.

EVKO JURRISS(in Twi’lek) Take this slut and feed her to the animals on the streets.

The guards hoist up the golden Twi’lek. One Weequay covers her screaming mouth as they march her down a corridor. Suddenly, they see Aurra Sing blocking their path, her projectile rifle drawn.

Before they can utter a warning, Aurra Sing blasts them away! She looks at the frightened Twi’lek girl.

AURRA SINGDon’t worry, I’ll put you out of your misery.

She fires as the golden Twi’lek falls dead.


Night has fallen. Strobe lights of different colors illuminate the landing pads.


Evko Jurriss walks down a hall to Ambor Tin’s main suite. A Weequay guard runs up to him.

GUARD(in Weequay) We can’t locate the Boss.

EVKO JURRISS(in Twi’lek) What do you mean?

GUARD(in Weequay) He’s not in his suite or any of his rooms.

EVKO JURRISS(in Twi’lek) Then check the other rooms!

GUARD(in Weequay) We did. We found something else.

EVKO JURRISS(in Twi’lek) What?!

The Weequay escorts him down a corridor. They find the bodies of two Weequays and the golden Twi’lek girl.

EVKO JURRISS(in Twi’lek) Assemble all your men! Do anything necessary to catch this assassin! I’ll get Torssk.


Torssk growls, curses as Evko Jurriss enters abruptly.

EVKO JURRISSWe don’t have time for this, Torssk! We have an assassin to catch!


Aurra Sing moves stealthily down a corridor, her blaster drawn. She approaches a corner cautiously. As she moves forward, she sees a group of six Weequays blocking her path. Six other Weequays appear in the opposite direction.

WEEQUAY LEADER(in Weequay) Fire at her!

Before they can fire, she leaps in the air. Before she lands, she pulls out two lightsabers and ignites them, one yellow, and one violet. She slashes off the heads of two guards as she lands. She stabs two other guards nearby. Within a few moments, she’s killed all but five of them.

WEEQUAY LEADER(in Weequay) Get some help, you idiots!


Evko Jurriss paces back and forth like a caged animal. Out of frustration, he picks up a statue of Ambor Tin and smashes it against the wall. A Weequay enters.

WEEQUAY (in Weequay) We have found the assassin!

EVKO JURRISSIt’s about time! Gather all your men and capture her!


Boba Fett hunches over the computer display. It reads:





Boba Fett stares at the screen thoughtfully. A series of loud beeps. He realizes it’s her signal.

BOBA FETT(to himself) Dad, what would you do?

He settles in the pilot’s seat, torn with indecision. Part of him wants to leave Aurra Sing behind, return to Darth Tyranus, and declare her dead. However, he’s become more interested in her after learning about her former Jedi past and her slayings of several Jedi. A blast. He sees several Weequay sentries running toward the ship.


Boba presses several buttons. He activates the ship’s laser cannons, but nothing happens.


He presses several controls frantically. Nothing happens. Through the cockpit window, he sees several guards pointing their blasters in his direction.

MAIN GUARDCome out with your hands up!

Boba Fett raises his hands, moves slowly away from the cockpit. He warily exits the cargo bay door.

MAIN GUARDGive me your weapons.

He hands over the disintegrator.

MAIN GUARDAre you connected with that woman?

Boba doesn’t look at him. The guard slaps him sharply.

MAIN GUARDAnswer me!

BOBA FETTI…I don’t know what you’re talking about!

MAIN GUARDYou are lying. I can see it in your eyes.(to his other men) Take him.

Two guards grab him. Boba Fett tries to resist, hitting and kicking. He bites one of the guard’s hands. The guard grabs him by the neck.

MAIN GUARDWhy would this woman bring along a pathetic little kid?


The guards march Boba Fett to the giant building belonging to Ambor Tin. The main doors open, smoke pours out. The inside reeks of ozone. Several guards cough.

GUARD #2 (in Weequay) What’s going on in there?

MAIN GUARD(in Weequay) The situation here is worse than expected. Stay with the boy. Keep his weapon.

The guard nods. The others leave to join the fight.


A dozen Weequays join the fight against Aurra Sing. She slashes ten of them down with her lightsabers in seconds.

Suddenly a blast hits Aurra Sing in her right leg. She falls, tries to rise, but falls again. She tries to reach her fallen lightsabers, but the Weequays retrieve them. Another blast rings out, and the guards look at a lone figure standing over them.

TORSSK(in native language) I will deal withher!

He picks her up, throws her against the wall.

TORSSK(in native language) You are very skilled, but Torssk will finish you now!

He strikes her hard in the face. She recoils. He hits her again. And again. The Trandoshan grabs her hair in the back of her head. The two stare at each other, eyes burning. Without warning, Aurra Sing spits blood in his face.

Torssk covers his face. It gives her a momentary distraction, she kicks him in the midriff. She knocks him down, and they wrestle.


The Weequay guard throws Boba Fett into the lift, despite his squirming. The Weequay grabs the disintegrator, pulls him up.

WEEQUAY(in Weequay) You’re going to have some explaining to do!

Suddenly Boba Fett kicks him in the midriff, takes the guard by surprise. Boba grabs the disintegrator from his hand, fires.


Boba Fett presses several controls. The lift descends to the first level.


As the doors hiss open, he runs toward the building entrance. The doors don’t budge. He hits several switches, but nothing happens. He realizes he can’t get out on his own. Suddenly five Weequays appear from a nearby corridor, charging at him.


Boba Fett runs back toward the lift, firing away. The doors close and he heads toward the center of the action.


The two surviving Weequays watch in fascination as the two bounty hunters wrestle on the floor. Aurra Sing seems to be getting the upper hand. Evko Jurriss walks in, grins savagely at what he sees. Boba Fett cautiously approaches from the elevator.

Torssk is on top of her. She butts her head against his twice. One hand reaches to crush his larynx while the other tries to retrieve the blaster on the floor.

Evko Jurriss sees what she’s doing. He tries to warn him.

EVKO JURRISS(in Twi’lek) No, Torssk…the blaster!!

Aurra’s fist connects with his larynx. Torssk gasps for breath. Quickly she retrieves the blaster, fires at him pointblank.

The Trandoshan gasps, falls dead. Aurra Sing collapses, her exhausted body bloodied and her red jumpsuit drenched with perspiration. She tries to rise.

EVKO JURRISS(in Twi’lek) Had enough for one day, dear?

She looks up warily. He walks toward her.

EVKO JURRISS(in Twi’lek) You’ve done very well. Do you know where my boss is?

She stares at him defiantly.

EVKO JURRISS(in Twi’lek) No? My boss was so fat hecouldn’t do a thing without me, but not with this Twi’lek.

He reaches down and grabs her wrist. Her face writhes, trying to conceal the terrible pain.

EVKO JURRISS(in Twi’lek) Scream you Jedi scum. Scream as I crush your wrist. Scream as I crush your neck.

He kicks her. The Weequay guards laugh.

EVKO JURRISS(in Twi’lek) Where is my boss? Tell me and I’ll stop torturing you.

AURRA SING(gasps) I’ll…never tell you!

He releases her, throws her to the floor. Before she can get up, he’s on top of her. He pulls out a long dagger, holds it against her throat.

EVKO JURRISS(in Twi’lek) I’ll miss your death. We haven’t had this much excitement in a long time. I was getting bor—

The sound of a blast echoes.

EVKO JURRISS(screaming) Aaaagggghhh…

Aurra Sing winces, sees the Twi’lek begin to disintegrate. She hears two other blasts and the cries of the two Weequays. She reaches for her blaster, ready for a new enemy.

She sees Boba Fett, his guns smoking.

AURRA SINGBoba! Where were you?

BOBA FETTAre you all right, Aurra?

AURRA SINGI’m fine…just a few scratches. Now where were you?

BOBA FETTThey disabled the ship. They surrounded me before I knew it.

He offers her a hand as she pulls herself up.

AURRA SINGWe’re taking Ambor Tin back to Jabba’s. But we’ve got to hurry, there’s about to be another attempt on Jabba’s life.

She leads him to a storage area where she hid Ambor Tin’s body. The two drag his body to the lift.


Boba Fett and Aurra Sing pull Ambor Tin outside the main entry. They step over dozens of Weequay bodies. Aurra Sing throws an explosive into the open entrance.

AURRA SINGTake cover!

BOOM! They dive behind a parked airspeeder as Ambor Tin’s palace explodes. Debris goes everywhere. The remaining structures are ablaze.

AURRA SINGWhere’s the ship?!

BOBA FETT(pulls out a comlink) My dad wore this in his helmet. It could contact the ship from a distance. But I don’t know if we have full power.

AURRA SINGYou’re thinking like a bounty hunter. But we don’t have much time to spare!

Slave I appears out of the sky from nowhere and descends near them. The cargo hold door opens.


They load Ambor Tin’s unconscious body in the cargo hold. They race into the ship, Boba fires up the engines as the door closes.

AURRA SINGWe need to figure out what the hell’s wrong, and get out of here.

BOBA FETTI’m trying, I’m trying.

He presses several buttons and switches frantically, making beeps and various noises. Aurra Sing looks out the viewer, sees five Weequays coming fast.

AURRA SINGWe’ve got company! Fire!

Boba Fett presses several buttons again, fires. Nothing. The Weequay party prepares to mount a large swivel gun. Boba Fett desperately throws a switch as the leader gives the order to fire-

BOOM! The ship’s ion cannons fire, instantly vaporizing the party. Boba Fett fires again, the volley blasts a field generator. Slave I blasts off away from the widening fireball.

A dozen airspeeders race toward them.

BOBA FETT(points at the incoming speeders) Look!

AURRA SINGI know, my pet. Get rid of them.

Boba smiles, pulls the trigger.


Slave I’s ion cannons fire in rapid succession, exploding two airspeeders immediately. The ship fires again, eliminating two more.


Boba cheers wildly.

BOBA FETTThey’re running!

AURRA SINGYes, they are. Set a course toTatooine.

He nods, pushes a lever.

AURRA SINGThanks for covering my hide back there. I sense you have more of an interest inme.

BOBA FETTI realize now how much I can learn fromyou. (pause) I know about your Jedi past.

She looks at him sharply.

BOBA FETTMy father was killed by a Jedi on Geonosis. Since then, I’ve wanted to kill every Jedi I find. But I can’t do it without your training.

She chuckles slightly, looks at him with a thoughtful expression.

BOBA FETTWhen I disintegrated those people, I imagined they were Jedi.

She smiles slowly.

AURRA SINGIf you stay with me, my dear, we’llkill plenty of Jedi.

They both laugh. She affectionately ruffles his hair.

BOBA FETTWhat about that blob in the back?

AURRA SINGOh, he’ll be out for some time.


Slave I rockets away from Nar Shaddaa.


The two suns set in the distance. Slave I makes its descent near Jabba’s palace. Bib Fortuna and two Gammorean guards await them below. Aurra Sing and Boba Fett descend from the ship, her projectile rifle slung around her back.

BIB FORTUNA(in Huttese) Aurra Sing? What a surprise.

AURRA SINGYou can tell your master we have a gift for him.

The cargo hold door opens. Bib Fortuna and the guards move closer. Bib Fortuna gasps as he sees Ambor Tin’s body.

BIB FORTUNA(in Huttese) Where did you find Ambor Tin?

AURRA SINGOn Nar Shaddaa. Your master will bepleased that his empire has been destroyed.

Bib Fortuna smiles with a twisted grin.

AURRA SING(points to Ambor Tin) He’s still alive. I need to speak to your master now. Jabba the Hutt is in grave danger.

Jabba’s Twi’lek henchman motions for the Gammorean guards to fetch Ambor Tin’s body. He takes Aurra Sing and Boba Fett inside the palace gates.


Jabba watches gleefully as KUNA, the green Twi’lek slave girl, dances before him and an audience of cronies. Bib Fortuna whispers to Jabba. The giant Hutt first reacts with surprise, almost hitting Bib Fortuna with his hand. Jabba wiggles in Aurra’s direction.

JABBA THE HUTT(in Huttese) Ah, Aurra, you have returned. Your time has almost run out.

AURRA SINGNot quite yet.


AURRA SINGI bring you a fortune, Your Excellency.

JABBA THE HUTT(in Huttese) A fortune?

AURRA SINGI tracked the source of the aborted assassination to Ambor Tin. He’s hereright now.

The Gammorean guards drag Ambor Tin’s huge body before Jabba. The Twi’lek crime lord makes some noises, slowly waking.

Jabba’s face turns from astonishment to excitement he can’t conceal.

JABBA THE HUTT(in Huttese) Aurra, you are the best! So this Twi’lek fool tried to kill me?

AURRA SINGYes, Your Excellency. He told me everything in his drunkenness. His statements match what a contact told me.

JABBA THE HUTT(in Huttese) Interesting.

AURRA SINGYour life is still in danger, Your Excellency. An assassin named Ryrgen Offus is still loose here. Ambor Tin named him.

JABBA THE HUTT(in Huttese) Ryrgen Offus… (to guards) Go fetch him at once!


RYRGEN OFFUS lies on his bunk, fast asleep. The two Gammorean guards and Aurra Sing enter quietly.

AURRA SINGGet him. Don’t make any noise.

The guards quietly but swiftly drag him out of bed. Aurra looks at his face, recognizes the scar.

AURRA SINGSo it was you. (to the guards) Take him.


The two guards drag Ryrgen through a damp, musty hallway. A slithery creature moves near them. One Gammorean kicks the creature with his foot.

The other guard opens a cage door, where Ambor Tin stirs. They toss Ryrgen’s body inside, and leave. Ambor Tin slowly gets up unsteadily.

AMBOR TIN(groggily, in Twi’lek) Where am I?

He moves slowly to Ryrgen, turns his face.

AMBOR TIN(astonished) Ryrgen?!

Ryrgen Offus stirs. He recoils in shock at the sight of Ambor Tin.

RYRGEN OFFUSAmbor Tin?! What are you doing here?

AMBOR TIN(in Twi’lek) Tell me where ‘here’ is!

RYRGEN OFFUSHow did you get to Jabba’s palace?

AMBOR TIN(in Twi’lek) Jabba’s palace….

He gets up, shock on his fat face. He bangs on the bars with frustration.

AMBOR TIN(in Twi’lek) You…you brought me here! Why didn’t you take out Jabba, you imbecile?

RYRGEN OFFUSI was going to…

The sound of laughter. Booming laughter. Ambor Tin and Ryrgen Offus shudder as the laughter grows even louder.

Ambor Tin peers out of the cage. Jabba the Hutt and his cronies laugh hysterically, several pointing fingers at them. The fat Twi’lek’s eyes show fear.

JABBA THE HUTT(in Huttese) Enjoy a good laugh, Ambor? Or only when it is not on you? Heh heh.


JABBA THE HUTT(in Huttese) I have long waited for this moment. You will die shortly.

AMBOR TIN(in Twi’lek) How…how did I get here?

Jabba smiles wickedly. Aurra Sing steps out of the shadows. She puts her fingers to his chin.

AURRA SINGIt was me…pet.

She unleashes her claws, shoves his face into the bars. Ryrgen Offus scowls at her.


AURRA SINGYes? Oh yes, you were the one staringat me the night I put Devan Jhara out of his misery.

RYRGEN OFFUSYou…you killed my brother after he didn’t pay his debts from the pod races. He would have repaid you, you…

She pauses, stares at him.

AURRA SINGAh, yes, now I remember. Bohricc Offus. That was ten years ago. The race whereSebulba totaled.

He stares at her in shock.

AURRA SINGI’m looking forward to seeing yourdeath as much as his.

More laughter from Jabba and his cronies. Aurra Sing smiles, satisfied.

BIB FORTUNA(to Jabba, in Huttese) Let’s feed them to the Rancor.

JABBA THE HUTT(in Huttese) No, no. There is a better fate for them. Heh heh heh.


Jabba’s sail barge and a skiff skirt over endless dunes. On the skiff are Ambor Tin and Ryrgen Offus, both bound. Several grim-faced Gammorean guards watch over them.

The vessels continue their trek. Finally they stop, hovering over what appears to be a giant pit.


Jabba the Hutt, Bib Fortuna, Aurra Sing, Boba Fett, and several cronies gaze out toward the endless dunes. Boba Fett runs over to Aurra Sing.

BOBA FETTWhat’s happening?

AURRA SINGThey’re going to feed them to the Sarlaac Pit, where they’ll be digested over the course of a thousand years.

The sail barge moves into position over the Sarlaac Pit. Its tentacles are flailing. Aurra Sing watches Boba, a wide grin on his face. Clearly, he’s enjoying it.

Jabba nods to Bib Fortuna. The Twi’lek henchman raises his arm so the skiff crew sees him. A Gammorean guard nods in acknowledgement.

BIB FORTUNA(loud, in Huttese) On the order of the mighty and illustrious Jabba the Hutt, you are condemned to die in the Sarlaac Pit. Your agony will be long and painful. Have you anything to plead before your pathetic deaths?

AMBOR TIN(wincing as the guards prod him on the plank)(in Twi’lek) Jabba, please! We can make a bargain! Don’t waste a…

JABBA THE HUTT(in Huttese) The time for bargaining is over, my good friend. Heh heh heh. (to Bib Fortuna) Order them in.


Bib Fortuna nods, waves his hand at the skiff. The guards push Ambor Tin near the edge of the plank. He struggles to

stay onboard. One Gammorean hits him over the skull with his stick. Ambor Tin falls off the plank, hits the ground. He rolls down the dune to his doom.

AMBOR TINAaaaaaagggggggghhhh!

After a few rolls, he lands square in the mouth of the Sarlaac, followed by a big belch.

On the barge, Jabba the Hutt and his cronies roar in laughter. Boba Fett is laughing, too.

The guards on the skiff hustle Ryrgen Offus to the plank. He thrashes, but the guards restrain him. They push him over the edge of the plank.

He tumbles haplessly toward the pit. The Sarlaac’s tentacles catch one of his legs. He screams powerlessly, flailing his arms madly. After a moment, the creature pulls him into its mouth.


JABBA THE HUTTHeh, heh, heh…

Aurra Sing turns away from the deck’s edge, faces Jabba.

JABBA THE HUTT(in Huttese) We owe you a great debt, Aurra. Now we have the monopoly over the spice trade!

AURRA SINGMy pleasure, Your Excellency.

JABBA THE HUTT(in Huttese) I had no doubt you would succeed.

AURRA SINGThe boy performed well.

Boba Fett hears them, makes his way towards her.


(in Huttese) You are still the best, Aurra.

AURRA SINGFor now. Someday he’ll replace me.

She joins Boba Fett on the deck.

BOBA FETTI’m beginning to like this place.


Boba Fett enters his quarters, opens a large box. It reveals his father Jango Fett’s Mandalorian armor suit and helmet. He stares at it with awe, knowing someday he will take his father’s place as the most feared bounty hunter in the galaxy.


