Stanford Philosophy, Literature, and Theory Catalog 2012


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Literature &Theory

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2 Lerare & thery


Hip FiguresA Literary History of the Democratic Party 

Michael F. Szalay 

Hip Figures dramatically altersour understanding o the post-war American novel by show-ing how it mobilized antasieso black style on behal o the

Democratic Party. Fascinated by  jazz, rhythm and blues, and rock and roll, novelists such as Nor-man Mailer, Ralph Ellison, JohnUpdike, and Joan Didion turnedto hip culture to negotiate the

 voter realignments then reshap-ing national politics. Figuratively transporting white proessionalsand managers into the skins o Arican Americans, these novel-

ists and many others insistedon their own importance to theambitions o a party dependenton coalition-building but notully committed to integration.

“This od ad igious

ook givs us th hipstr’s

racia ackgroud, ut aso

a crucia gimps ito how

cutura poitics mattr to

poitics i th wightist ad

most straightorward ss.”

—Bruce Robbins,

Columbia University 

352 pp., 20129780804776356 Paper $24.95 $19.96 sale9780804776349 Cloth $80.00 $64.00 sale

Florence Dore and Michael Szalay, Editors

Post•45 Group, Series Board

Post•45 puishs groudrakig work 

o U. S. cutur atr th Scod Word

War. Our goa is to qustio rathr tha

rproduc critica orthodoxis—to ask 

asic qustios aout how to rad ad

catgoriz Amrica writig sic 1945.

 Though th sris wi gravitat toward

itratur, w wcom writig o awid rag o popuar ad avat-gard

cutur, icudig m, drama, music,

graphic arts, ad computr-asd orms.

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3Lerare & thery

 TAble OCOnTenTS

litratur & Thory .....2-15

Phiosophy .....................16-19

exam Copy Poicy ............ 13

Ordrig .................................14


Corporate ArtTe Studio Authorshipof Hollywood MotionPictures

Jerome Christensen

Contrary to theories o singleperson authorship, America’sCorporate Art argues that thecorporate studio is the author

o Hollywood motion pictures,both during the classical era o the studio system and beyond,when studios became players inglobal dramas staged by mas-sive entertainment conglomer-ates. Hollywood movies areexamples o a commodity that,until the digital age, was rare:a sel-advertising artiact that

markets the studio’s brand inthe very act o consumption.

“This highy origia ad gag-

ig study maks a sigicat

cotriutio to Amrica m

history ad to m ad mdia

thory, particuary mdia idus-

try studis. no othr author has

aayzd studio authorship with

th dpth, car, ad compxity

that Christs xhiits hr,or has such a argumt

supportd with cos radigs o 

idividua ms.”

—Thomas Schatz,

University o Texas at Austin

400 pp., 102 illustrations, 20129780804778633 Paper $29.95 $23.96 sale9780804771672 Cloth $90.00 $72.00 sale


Comics and the History of wenty-First-Century Storytelling

Jared Gardner

Projections argues that the seem-ingly sudden visibility o comicsis no accident. Beginning withthe parallel development o nar-rative comics at the turn o the

20th century, comics have longbeen a orm that invites—indeedrequires—readers to help shapethe stories being told. oday, withthe rise o interactive media, thecreative techniques and the read-ing practices comics have beenexperimenting with or a century are now in universal demand.Recounting the history o comicsrom the nineteenth-century riseo sequential comics to the news-paper strip, through comic booksand underground comix, to thegraphic novel and webcomics,Gardner shows why they oer thebest models or rethinking story-telling in the twenty-rst century.

“Origia, provocativ, dpy

iormd, ad a much dd

corrctiv to th prstistias o comics studis.”

—Charles Hateld,

Caliornia State University, Northridge,

author o Alternative Comics:

An Emerging Literature

240 pp., 69 fgures, 20129780804771474 Paper $24.95 $19.96 sale9780804771467 Cloth $80.00 $64.00 sale

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Cover drawing: Friese Undine. “TheInternational College of Somnology.”Ink and enamel on aluminum, 2007.

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4 Lerare & thery

Te Stillbirth

o CapitalEnlightenment Writingand Colonial India

Siraj Ahmed

Tis book targets one o thehumanities’ most widely heldpremises: namely, that the Eu-ropean Enlightenment laid thegroundwork or modern impe-

rialism. It argues instead that theEnlightenment’s vision o empirecalls our own historical and theo-retical paradigms into question.While eighteenth-century BritishIndia has not received nearly thesame attention as nineteenth- andtwentieth-century empires, itis the place where colonial ruleand Enlightenment reason rst

became entwined. Te Still-birth o Capital makes its caseby examining every work aboutBritish India written by a ma- jor author rom 1670 to 1815.

“This amitious ook taks o co-

tmporary critics o cooia dis-

cours studis ad maks a pow-

ru argumt aout th viot

historis o europa miitarizd

tradig compais i th IdiaOca ad th capacity o igh-

tth-ctury txts to criticay

rgistr ths viot practics.”

—Suvir Kaul,

University o Pennsylvania

304 pp., 20119780804775236 Paper $24.95 $19.96 sale9780804775229 Cloth $80.00 $64.00 sale

Monopolizing the MasterHenry James and thePolitics of ModernLiterary ScholarshipMichael Anesko

Henry James deed pos-terity to disturb his bones:he was adamant that hislegacy be based exclusively on his publications andthat his private lie and

writings remain orever private. Despite this, almostimmediately aer his death in 1916 an intense strugglebegan among his amily and his literary disciples tocontrol his posthumous reputation, a struggle that wascontinued by later generations o critics and biogra-phers. Monopolizing the Master gives a blow-by-blowaccount o this conict, which aroused intense eel-ings o jealousy, suspicion, and proprietorship amongthose who claimed to be the just custodians o James’sliterary legacy. With an unprecedented amount o new

evidence now available, Michael Anesko reveals theremarkable social, political, and sexual intrigue thatinspired—and inuenced—the deliberate constructiono the Legend o the Master.

“Micha Asko comis schoarship with th writr’s crat

to gag oth th sasod Jamsia ad th ducatd

gra radr. Th story h ts is sigicat ad compig:

it promiss to chag oc agai th way that w udrstad

Hry Jams, a whi opig a widow oto acadm’s

samir sid.”

— Greg Zacharias, Creighton University 

“As this xtraordiary work o schoarship shows, it woud

amiy, rids, puishrs, iographrs, ad critics who strov

to prptuat o or aothr ‘Hry Jams’ i accordac

with thir viw o th dad author. Asko givs a vivid prs-

c to ths scodary actors ik th ovist’s phw, Pr-

cy luock (th rst ditor o Jams’s ttrs), ad lo ed,

whos succssu campaig to otai ad rtai xcusiv

rights to puish Jams’s ttrs ad iography is a scada o 

modr schoarship oy ow ig xposd i dtai.”

—Millicent Bell, Emerita, Boston University 

272 pp., 8 illustrations, 20129780804769327 Cloth $35.00 $28.00 sale

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5Lerare & thery


Ends o EnlightenmentJohn Bender

Ends o Enlightenment exploresthree realms o eighteenth-century European innovation that remainactive in the twenty-rst century:the realist novel, philosophicalthought, and the physical sciences,especially human anatomy. Tisbook’s resh perspective consid-ers the novel as an art but also asa orce in thinking. Te criticaldistance aorded by a view back across the centuries allows Benderto redene such novelists asDeoe, Fielding, Goldsmith, God-win, and Laclos by placing themalong philosophers and scientistslike Newton, Locke, and Hume

but also alongside engravings by Hogarth and by anatomist Wil-liam Hunter. His book probes thekinship among realism, hypoth-esis, and scientic act, dening inthe process the rhetorical basis o public communication during theEnlightenment.

“bdr is our st idx to th

xtraordiary orscc o 

ightth-ctury studis at thtur ito th w miium. His

ouvr is a sstia hadook or

thos who car aout th gacy

o eightmt.”—Cliford Siskin,

New York University 

320 pp., 17 photos, 20129780804742122 Paper $25.95 $20.76 sale9780804742115 Cloth $85.00 $68.00 sale

Royal Censorship

o Books inEighteenth-Century FranceRaymond Birn

oday, we are inclined to believethat intellectual reedom has nogreater adversary than the censor.In eighteenth-century France,the matter was more complicated.

Royal censors envisioned them-selves not as ullling a missiono state-sponsored repressionbut rather as guiding the liter-ary trac o the Enlightenment.In essence, eighteenth-century French censors served as culturalintermediaries who bore respon-sibility or expanding publicawareness o the progressive

thought o their time.

“Ors richy documtd isight

ito th compx mta word

o eightmt-ra csors,

aog with a compig accout

o how th govrmt ma-

agd thir work, ad i th ort,

dd up capsuatig so may

o th ky paradoxs o modr-

izatio i th ightth ctury.”


216 pp., 20129780804763592 Cloth $60.00 $48.00 sale


Te Holocaust inItalian Culture,1944–2010Robert S. C. Gordon

Tis book is the rst major study o how postwar Italy conronted,or ailed to conront, the Holo-caust. Fascist Italy was the modelor Nazi Germany, and Musso-

lini was Hitler’s prime ally in theSecond World War. But Italy alsobecame a theater o war and a vic-tim o Nazi persecution aer 1943,as resistance, collaboration, andcivil war raged. Gordon probesa rich range o cultural mate-rial as he paints a picture o thisshared encounter with the dark-est moment o twentieth-century 

history. His book probes aspectso Italian national identity andmemory, oering a new modelor analyzing the interactionsbetween national and interna-tional images o the Holocaust.

“This outstadig ook s a criti-

ca gap i th itratur ad has

prooud sigicac or th

study o Itay ad or th mmory

o th Hoocaust.”—Marla Stone,

Occidental College

304 pp., 20129780804763462 Paper $24.95 $19.96 sale9780804763455 Cloth $80.00 $64.00 sale

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6 Lerare & thery

Nelly Sachs,Flight andMetamorphosisAn IllustratedBiography 

Aris Fioretosranslated by omas ranæus

Tis richly illustratedbiography is the rst book in English to chroniclethe lie o Nelly Sachs

(1891–1970), recipient o the 1966 Nobel Prize in Liter-

ature. Te book ollows Sachs rom her secluded yearsin Berlin as the only child o assimilated German Jews,through her last-minute ight rom the Nazis in 1940,to her exile in “peaceul Sweden”—a time o poverty and isolation, but also o growing ame. Enriched by over 300 images o Sachs’s manuscripts, photographs,and possessions, Nelly Sachs, Flight and Metamorpho-sis not only oers detailed insights into the contexts o Sachs’s ormation as a writer, but also looks at themes o trauma and testimony in her central works.

Aris Fioretos draws upon many previously unknownmanuscripts, documents, medical records, and pho-tos to produce the rst reliably detailed narratives o Sachs’s oundational experiences: her teenage yearswhen she experienced the unrequited love later desig-nated as the source or her entire oeuvre; her involve-

ment with the Jewish Cultural League—seven yearsmarked by mounting terror but also by her rst publicrecognition as a writer; and her exposure to the radicalModernism o Swedish poetry in the 1940s.

“or som yars th tim has rip or a itrary iography

o ny Sachs. now ths thorough, thoughtu, dpy stud-

id pags, ivd y rmarka imags, shoud com

a ditiv sourc. Aog with hr cos comrad Pau Ca,

though ot whoy ik him, Sachs draws us ito a mot his-

tory w orgt at our pri.”—John Felstiner, author o  Translating Neruda: The Way to Macchu Picchu,

Paul Celan: Poet, Survivor, Jew , and Can Poetry Save the Earth? A Field

Guide to Nature Poems

320 pp., 339 fgures, 20129780804775311 Paper $29.95 $23.96 sale9780804775304 Cloth $90.00 $72.00 sale

Te Collected

Letters o RobinsonJeers, withSelected Letterso Una JeersVolume wo,1931–1939Edited by James Karman

Te 1930s marked a turning

point or Robinson Jeers, bothin his career as a poet and in hisprivate lie. Te letters collectedin this second volume o anno-tated correspondence documentJeers’ rising ame as a poet, hiscontroversial response to theturmoil o his time, his strugglesas a writer, the growth and matu-ration o his twin sons, and the

network o riends and acquain-tances that surrounded him. Teletters also provide an intimateportrait o Jeers’ relationshipto his wie Una—including aull account o the 1938 crisis atMabel Dodge Luhan’s home inaos, New Mexico that nearly destroyed their marriage.

“Ths ttrs ar crucia to ay-

o workig sriousy o Jrsad his potry ad wi dpy

rward ay radr itrstd i

his work ad i.”

—Tim Hunt,

Illinois State University 

1128 pp., 44 illustrations, 20119780804777032 Cloth $95.00 $76.00 sale

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7Lerare & thery


Teater o StateParliament andPolitical Culture inEarly Stuart England

Chris R. Kyle

Tis book chronicles the ex-pansion and creation o newpublic spheres in and aroundParliament in the early Stu-

art period. It ocuses on twoclosely interconnected nar-ratives: the changing natureo communication and dis-course within parliamentary chambers and the interactiono Parliament with the widerworld o political dialogue andthe dissemination o inorma-tion. Concentrating on the

rapidly changing practices o Parliament in print culture,rhetorical strategy, and lobby-ing during the 1620s, this book demonstrates that Parliamentnot only moved toward thecenter stage o politics but alsobecame the center o the post-Reormation public sphere.

“rams th dmotics, thatrics,

ad stagig o pariamtaryspch i trms o th history

o commuicatio. no accout

o ary modr poitics wi

compt without this.”

—David Cressy,

The Ohio State University 

288 pp., 20129780804752886 Cloth $60.00 $48.00 sale

Te Worldin Play Portraits of aVictorian ConceptMatthew Kaiser

Nineteenth-century Britain was a world inplay. Te Victoriansinvented the weekendand built hundreds o parks and playgrounds.In the wake o Darwin,

they re-imagined nature as a contest or survival.Te playul child became a symbol o the uture.

A world in play means two things: a world in uxand a world trapped, like Alice in Wonderland, ina ludic microcosm o itsel. Te book explores theextent to which play (competition, leisure, mischie,luck, estivity, imagination) pervades nineteenth-century literature and culture and orms the ounda-tions o the modern sel. Play made the Victorianworld cohere and betrayed the illusoriness o thatcoherence. Tis is the paradox o modernity. Kai-ser gives an account o how certain Victorian mis-ts—working-class melodramatists o the 1830s, thereclusive Emily Brontë, ree spirits Robert LouisStevenson and John Muir, mischievous Oscar Wil-de—struggled to make sense o this new world. Inso doing, they discovered the art o modern lie.

“It has a og tim sic I hav rad ay w critic who

has mad m sit up ad tak otic with virtuay vry i,

ut Matthw Kaisr is such a critic, a w ad pottiay

major voic i itrary criticism. Th ook is riiaty writt,

witty without ig cut, prooudy ssitiv to aguag,

ad truy origia.”

—George Levine, Emeritus, Rutgers University 

“Sophisticatd, thorticay astut, ad uaiigy itrstig,

The World in Play maks a compig cas or th ctraity o 

pay to Victoria cocptios o modrity.”

—Stephen Arata, University o Virginia

216 pp., 20119780804776080 Cloth $50.00 $40.00 sale

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8 Lerare & thery

Milton and the

Post-SecularPresentEthics, Politics,errorism

Feisal G. Mohamed

Our post-secular present, arguesFeisal Mohamed, has much tolearn rom our pre-secular past.Trough a consideration o poetand polemicist John Milton, thisbook explores current post-secu-larity, an emerging category thatit seeks to clariy and critique. Itexamines ethical and politicalengagement grounded in belie,with particular reerence to thethought o Alain Badiou, JacquesDerrida, Jürgen Habermas, andGayatri C. Spivak.

“This is a imprssiv work, o

i which a powru itct

grapps with dicut pro-

ms ad spurs us o to urthr

thought. Mohamd’s xamia-

tio o th tsios tw

pr/post-scuar i ad mod-

r iraism shoud itrst

ot oy itrary critics ut aso

thoogias, schoars o rigious

studis, phiosophrs, ad poiti-

ca thorists.”

—Tyler Roberts,

Grinnell College

Cultural Memory in the Present

192 pp., 20119780804776516 Paper $21.95 $17.56 sale9780804776509 Cloth $65.00 $52.00 sale


Te Beauty o the RealWhat HollywoodCan Learn from

Contemporary French ActressesMick LaSalle

Even as actresses becomeincreasingly marginalizedby Hollywood, Frenchcinema is witnessing

an explosion o emale talent—a Golden Age unlike

anything the world has seen since the days o Stan-wyck, Hepburn, Davis, and Garbo. In France, the joy o acting is alive and well. Scores o French actresses aredoing the best work o their lives in movies tailored totheir star images and unique personalities. Yet virtually no one this side o the Atlantic even knows about them.Viewers who eel shortchanged by Hollywood will bethrilled to discover Te Beauty o the Real .

Tis book showcases a range o contemporary Frenchactresses to an audience that will know how to appreci-ate them—an American public hungry or the exactqualities that these women represent. o spend timewith them, to admire their ashing intelligence andearless willingness to depict lie as it is lived, gives uswhat we’re looking or in movies but so rarely nd: in-sights into womanhood, meditations on the dark and

light aspect’s o lie’s journey, revelations and explora-tions that move viewers to reect on their own lives.Te stories they bring to the screen leave us eelingrenewed and excited about movies again.

“laSa udrstads how wom i rch movis ar a-

owd to dpr, odr, ad mor ra tha most Hoy-

wood charactrs.”—Roger Ebert 

“Mick laSa’s iorma, ucid pros rigs aiv th magic o 

rch cima ad its riiat array o ma actors, cotrast-ig thm with thir Amrica quivats ad, i so doig,

rvaig th distictiv charactr o rch mmakig. This

ook is spciay vaua or its rst-had itrviws with

som o rac’s gratst scr actrsss.”

—Peter Cowie, Film historian, author, and ounding editor o the

International Film Guide

216 pp., 17 screenshots, 20129780804768542 Cloth $24.95 $19.96 sale

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Te Long andShort o ItFrom Aphorismto Novel

Gary Saul MorsonBrevity may be the soulo wit, but it is also muchmore. In this explorationo the shortest literary works—wise sayings,proverbs, witticisms, sar-

donic observations about human nature, pithy evoca-

tions o mystery, terse statements regarding ultimatequestions—Gary Saul Morson argues passionately orthe importance o these short genres not only to schol-ars but also to general readers.

We are ascinated by how brie works evoke a powerulsense o lie in a ew words, which is why we browsequotation anthologies and love to repeat our avorites.Arguing that all short genres are short in their own way,

Morson explores the unique orm o brevity that eacho them develops. Apothegms (Heraclitus, Lao zu,Wittgenstein) describe the universe as ultimately un-knowable, oering not answers but ever deeper ques-tions. Dicta (Spinoza, Marx, Freud) create the sensethat unsolvable enigmas have at last been resolved. Say-ings rom sages and sacred texts assure us that good-ness is rewarded, while sardonic maxims (Ecclesiastes,

Nietzsche, George Eliot) uncover the sel-deceptionsbehind such comorting illusions. Just as witticismsdisplay the power o mind, “witlessisms” (WilliamSpooner, Dan Quayle, the persona assumed by Mark wain) astonish with their spectacular stupidity.

“A passioat, imagiativ ook, u o rgy ad wisdom.

The Long and Short of It  is a xcitig, horizo-opig ssay

o itrary short orms that provid a itrac tw it-

ratur ad phiosophy.”

—Thomas Pavel, University o Chicago

288 pp., 20129780804781695 Paper $24.95 $19.96 sale9780804780513 Cloth $80.00 $64.00 sale

9Lerare & thery

Accident Society 

Fiction, Collectivity,and the Productionof Chance

Jason Puskar

Tis book argues that languageand literature actively producedchance in the late nineteenth andearly twentieth centuries by cat-egorizing injuries and losses as

innocent o design. Automobilecollisions and occupational inju-ries became “car accidents” and

“industrial accidents.” During thepost-Civil War period o racial,ethnic, and class-based hostility,chance was an abstract enemy against which society mightunite. Accident Society revealsthe extent to which Americancollectivity has depended—andcontinues to depend—on theliterary production o chance.

“Th itctua rag o this

ook is staggrig. each chaptr

ot oy shits th discours

aout a particuar itrary txt,

dig hidd iumiatios, ut

aso radiats w possiiitis

or udrstadig th socia,

phiosophica, ad poitica coor-diats that situat th txts. It is

truy a riiat ook.”

—Eric Wertheimer,

 Arizona State University 

280 pp., 20129780804775359 Cloth $60.00 $48.00 sale

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10 Lerare & thery


Afer La Dolce Vita

A Cultural Prehistory of Berlusconi’s Italy 

Alessia Ricciardi

Tis book chronicles the demiseo the supposedly leist Italiancultural establishment duringthe long 1980s. During thattime, the nation’s literary and

intellectual vanguard managedto lose the prominence handedit aer the end o World WarII and the deeat o Fascism.What emerged instead was auniquely Italian brand o cul-tural capital that deliberately avoided any critical questioningo the prevailing order. Ric-ciardi criticizes the develop-ment o this new hegemonic

arrangement in lm, literature,philosophy, and art criticism.

“Thr is o swtss, ight-

ss, wakss, or sotss

i Ricciardi’s idictmt, ut

hard acts ad ittr truths

pid up to havy cocusios:

Itay’s itctua i is th vry

cuprit o a historica procss

o progrssiv civic ad socia

dgratio that has d to

th catastroph that may hav

cad bruscoi’s Itay. A vry

couragous ook.”—Roberto M. Dainotto,

Duke University 

Cultural Memory in the Present

352 pp., 20129780804781503 Paper $22.95 $18.36 sale9780804781497 Cloth $75.00 $60.00 sale

Obscure Invitations

Te Persistenceof the Author inwentieth-Century American Literature

Benjamin Widiss

Literary studies in the postwarera have consistently barredattributing specic intentionsto authors based on textual

evidence or ascribing textualpresences to the authors them-selves. Obscure Invitations arguesthat this taboo has blinded usto undamental elements o twentieth-century literature.Widiss ocuses on the particu-larly sel-conscious constructionso authorship that characterizemodernist and postmodernist

writing, elaborating the narra-tive strategies they demand andthe reading practices they yield.

“Obscure Invitations wi

rcogizd as a sigicat i-

trvtio i Amrica itrary

studis. each o th radigs it

cotais is a tour d orc: w

rsarchd, gaty writt,

ad powruy prsuasiv.”

—Loren Glass,University o Iowa

“A importat w assssmt o 

th pac o th author i twti-

th-ctury Amrica arrativ.”

—Mark Maslan,

University o Caliornia at Santa Barbara

224 pp., 20119780804773232 Paper $21.95 $17.56 sale9780804773225 Cloth $65.00 $52.00 sale

Julian Bell

From Bloomsbury tothe Spanish Civil War

Peter Stansky andWilliam Abrahams

 Julian Bell explores the lie o ayounger member, and sole poet,o the Bloomsbury Group, themost important community o British writers and intellectuals

in the twentieth century, whichincludes Virginia Wool (Julian’saunt), E. M. Forster, the econo-mist John Maynard Keynes, andthe art critic Roger Fry. Tisbiography draws upon the ex-panding archives on Blooms-bury to present Julian’s lie morecompletely and more personally than has been done previously.It is an intense and proound

exploration o personal, sexual,intellectual, political, and literary lie in England between the twoworld wars. Trough Julian, thebook provides important insightson Virginia Wool, his motherVanessa Bell, and other memberso the Bloomsbury Group.

“A itrgratioa covrsa-

tio, tw th yougr ad

th odr Ptr Stasky, as w as

tw Juia b ad his drs

i th boomsury Group. A w

Juia b mrgs [i this] au-

tiu, tragic ook.”—Peter Mandler,

University o Cambridge

328 pp., 20129780804774130 Cloth $45.00 $36.00 sale

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11Lerare & thery


Robinson Jeersand the AmericanSublimeRobert Zaller

Robinson Jeers and the Ameri-can Sublime is the most com-prehensive and most substantialcritical work ever devoted to themajor American poet Robinson

Jeers (1887–1962). Jeers, thebest known poet o Caliorniaand the American West, particu-larly valorized the Big Sur region,making it his own as Frost didNew England and Faulkner,Mississippi, and connecting itto the wider tradition o theAmerican sublime in Emerson,Toreau, and John Muir. Te

book also links Jeers to a Puri-tan sublime in early American verse and explores his responseto the Darwinian and Freudianrevolutions and his engagementwith modern astronomy.

“This ook sts out to th

ust ad most dtaid xpi-

catio o Jrs’ arg ody o 

potry ad his itrary carr,

ad it divrs o that ami-tio. It is th st sig critica

ook aout Jrs ad sts a

chmark that wi dicut

to mt, t ao surpass.”

—Albert Gelpi, Emeritus,

Stanord University 

440 pp., 20129780804775632 Cloth $65.00 $52.00 sale

Our ConradConstituting AmericanModernity 

Peter Lancelot Mallios

Our Conrad is about the Ameri-can reception o Joseph Conradand its crucial role in the or-mation o American modern-

ism. Although Conrad did not visit the country until a yearbeore his death, his ctionserved as both oil and mir-ror to America’s conception o itsel and its place in the world.

“A strikigy origia study o cu-

tura ifuc. Maios args

our udrstadig o th ra

cosmopoitaism o our most

homgrow itrary gurs.”—Geofrey Harpham,

President and Director,

National Humanities Center 

“Our Conrad is o th most

stimuatig works o schoarship

I hav rad i som tim. [It]

wi mracd y schoars i

egish ad Amrica itratur

ad Amrica history, as w

as radrs outsid acadmia

who wat to udrstad thcoctio o Amrica with

th rst o th word durig

th ary twtith ctury.”

—Fred Hobson,

University o North Carolina at 

Chapel Hill 

488 pp., 15 illustrations, 20109780804783132 Paper $27.95 $22.36 sale9780804757911 Cloth $65.00 $52.00 sale

Now in Paperback 

Mimesis and Teory Essays on Literatureand Criticism,1953–2005

René Girard

Edited and with an Introduc-tion by Robert Doran

 Mimesis and Teory brings together

twenty o René Girard’s uncol-lected essays on literature andliterary theory, which, along withhis classic, Deceit, Desire, and theNovel , have le an indelible mark on the eld o literary and culturalstudies. Spanning over y yearso critical production, this anthol-ogy oers unique insights into theorigin, development, and expansion

o Girard’s “mimetic theory”—agroundbreaking account o humaninteraction and o the genesis o cultural orms.

Te essays run the gamut o West-ern literary culture, rom Racineand Shakespeare to Simone deBeauvoir and Jean-Paul Sartre.Stendhal, Proust, and Dostoevsky receive extended treatment, and

Girard’s observations on the chang-ing landscape o literary studies arechronicled in several essays devotedto psychoanalysis, ormalism, struc-turalism, and post-structuralism.

Cultural Memory in the Present

344 pp., 20089780804781077 Paper $24.95 $19.96 sale9780804755801 Cloth $50.00 $40.00 sale

8/3/2019 Stanford Philosophy, Literature, and Theory Catalog 2012 12/20

12 Lerare & thery

How Strange

the ChangeLanguage, emporality,and Narrative Form inPeripheral Modernisms

Marc Caplan

In this book, Marc Caplanargues that the literatures o ostensibly marginal moderncultures are key to under-

standing modernism. Caplanundertakes an unprecedentedcomparison o nineteenth-century Yiddish literature andtwentieth-century Anglophoneand Francophone Arican lit-erature and reveals unexpectedsimilarities between them.

Trough comparative readingso narratives by Reb Nakhman

o Breslov, Amos utuola, Yisro-el Akseneld, Cheikh HamidouKane, Isaac Meyer Dik, amongothers, Caplan demonstratesthat these literatures’ “belated”relationship to modernizationsuggests their potential to an-ticipate subsequent crises in themodernity and post-modernity o metropolitan cultures.

“A mastrpic i comparativ it-

ratur that wi quicky staish

its as a cassic i oth Yiddish

ad Arica itrary studis.”—Ato Quayson,

University o Toronto

360 pp., 20119780804774765 Cloth $60.00 $48.00 sale

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SephardismSpanish Jewish History and the ModernLiterary ImaginationEdited by Yael Halevi-Wise

Arguing that the Sephardicexperience played a much more vital role in the development o modern nationalism and literary history than has been generally acknowledged, this book dem-onstrates how modern writersrom Europe, the Americas,North Arica, Israel, and Indiahave used Sephardic history toexplore the role and status o minorities and dissidents.

“This ook ors a rsh ad

crativ tak o th ways that

modr authors hav imagid

Sphardic Jws or mpoyd th

trop o Spharad i ordr to

advac various poitica, mora,

or itrary projcts.”

—Julia Phillips Cohen,

Vanderbilt University 

“A tour d orc i th study o 

Jws as ‘othr’ i th modr it-

rary cosciousss....A impor-

tat additio to vry irary.”

—Sander L. Gilman,Emory University 

376 pp., 1 fgure, 20129780804777469 Cloth $45.00 $36.00 sale

Sanctuary in

the WildernessA Critical Introductionto AmericanHebrew Poetry 

Alan Mintz

Sanctuary in the Wilderness is acritical introduction to Ameri-can Hebrew poetry, ocusing ona dozen key poets. Tis secular

poetry began with a preoccupa-tion with the situation o theindividual in a disenchantedworld and then moved outwardto engage American vistas andJewish ate and hope in midcen-tury. American Hebrew poetshoped to be read in both Pales-tine and America, but were disap-pointed on both scores. Several

moved to Israel and connectedwith the vital literary scene there,but most stayed and persisted inthe cause o American Hebraism.

“This asciatig itrary study

o twv Hrw pots who

fourishd as a ‘virtua commuity’

i Amrica aout th midd o 

th twtith ctury rviss

ad xpads our udrstadig

o potry, modrism, Hrw,ad, ot ast, Amrica. It i-

vits us to wodr wh ad

udr what coditios such

a isad o Hrw crativity

might surac hr agai.”

—Ruth Wisse,

Harvard University 

544 pp., 8 illustrations, 20119780804762939 Cloth $65.00 $52.00 sale

8/3/2019 Stanford Philosophy, Literature, and Theory Catalog 2012 13/20


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13Lerare & thery

Music rom a

Speeding rainJewish Literature inPost-Revolution Russia

Harriet Murav 

Tis book explores the uniquely Jewish space created by Jew-ish authors working within thelimitations o the Soviet culturalsystem. It situates Russian- and

Yiddish- language authors inthe same literary universe—onein which modernism, revolu-tion, socialist realism, violence,and catastrophe join tradi-tional Jewish texts to provide theramework or literary creativity.Tese writers represented, at-tacked, reormed, and mournedJewish lie in the pre-revolution-

ary shtetl as they created neworms o Jewish culture.

“This piorig ook ors a

iumiatig itrprtatio o 

Sovit Jwish cutur, tratig

this compx phomo

rom a rrshigy w itrary

prspctiv. It is th rst itrary

study to covr th tir Sovit

priod ad da quay xprty

with Yiddish ad Russia txts.”—Mikhail Krutikov,

University o Michigan

416 pp., 2 illustrations, 20119780804774437 Cloth $65.00 $52.00 sale

A Jewish Voice rom

Ottoman SalonicaTe Ladino Memoir of Sa’adi Besalel a-LeviEdited by Aron Rodrigueand Sarah Abrevaya Stein

ranslation, ransliteration,and Glossary by Isaac Jerusalmi

Tis book presents or the rst

time the complete text o theearliest known Ladino-languagememoir, transliterated rom theoriginal script, translated intoEnglish, and introduced andexplicated by the editors. Tememoirist, Sa’adi Besalel a-Levi(1820–1903), wrote about Otto-man Jews’ daily lie at a time whenthe long-ascendant abric o Otto-

man society was just beginning tounravel. His vivid portrayal o liein Salonica, a major port in theOttoman Levant with a majority-Jewish population, thus provides aunique window into a way o liebeore it disappeared as a resulto proound political and socialchanges and the World Wars.

“This prcious historica sourc

is a grippig rad ad wiadvac th schoary agda

o Sphardic studis.”

—Francesca Trivellato,

Yale University 

432 pp., 1 illustration, 3 maps, 20129780804771665 Cloth $50.00 $40.00 sale

8/3/2019 Stanford Philosophy, Literature, and Theory Catalog 2012 14/20

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14 Lerare & thery


Across MeridiansHistory and Figurationin Karen ei Yamashita’sransnational Novels

Jinqi Ling

Over the course o the last twodecades, novelist Karen ei Ya-mashita has reshaped the AsianAmerican literary imagination in

proound ways. In Across Merid-ians, Jinqi Ling oers readers themost critically engaged examina-tion to date o Yamashita’s literary corpus. Craed at the intersec-tion o intellectual history, ethnicstudies, literary analysis, andcritical theory, Ling’s study goesbeyond textual investigation tointervene in larger debates overpostmodern representation, spa-tial materialism, historical orm,and social and academic activism.

“With this itctuay rigorous,

origia study o th compt

ctioa ouvr o Kar Ti Ya-

mashita, Jiqi lig producs th

rst ook-gth tratmt o a

ovist whos audacious, ig-

ious visios o th Amricas ad

o th cotmporary crisscrossdgo hav awaitd just such rich,

sustaid atttio.”

—Caroline Rody,

University o Virginia

Asian America

264 pp., 20129780804778015 Cloth $49.95 $39.96 sale


Te Semblanceo Identity Aesthetic Mediationin Asian AmericanLiterature

Christopher Lee

Te history o Asian Americanliterature reveals the ongoingattempt to work through the

raught relationship betweenidentity politics and literary representation. Tis relation-ship is especially evident inliterary works which claimthat their content representsthe socio-historical world.Te Semblance o Identity argues that the reraming o the eld as a critical, rather

an identity-based, projectnonetheless continues to rely on the logics o identity.

“The Semblance of Identity maks

a imprssiv cotriutio

to Asia Amrica studis y

providig a rsh ook at th

d’s uasy ratioship

with th ‘idtity poitics’ rom

which it was or. l o-

rs a gat, thorticaysophisticatd pictur o what

‘post-idtity’ Asia Amrica

studis might ook ik.”

—Timothy Yu, University o 


Asian America

208 pp., 20129780804778701 Cloth $50.00 $40.00 sale

okyo in ransit

Japanese Culture onthe Rails and Road

Alisa Freedman

352 pp., 16 fgures, 3 illustrations, 2 maps, 20109780804771450 Paper $22.95 $18.36 sale9780804771443 Cloth $65.00 $52.00 sale

8/3/2019 Stanford Philosophy, Literature, and Theory Catalog 2012 15/20

15Lerare & thery


StraitjacketSexualitiesUnbinding AsianAmerican Manhoodsin the Movies

Celine Parreñas Shimizu

Tis book looks to cinematichistory to reveal the dynamicways Asian American men, romBruce Lee to Long Duk Dong,create and claim a variety o mas-culinities. Representations o love,romance, desire, and lovemak-ing show how Asian Americanmen ashion manhoods thatnegotiate the dynamics o sel and other, expanding our ideaso sexuality. Te unique waysin which Asian American men

express intimacy is powerully represented onscreen, oeringdistinct portraits o individualsstruggling with group identities.

“A uttry origia xamiatio o 

Asia Amrica mascuiity o

th sivr scr, Straightjacket 

Sexualities is a critica tour-d-

orc that rvas cima to

a thica vt. It ors a thory

o rsposiiity i th ac o vu-raiity ad prscutio to -

courag th mrgc o w

ad ttr orms o mahood.”

—David L. Eng,

University o Pennsylvania

Asian America

304 pp., 27 haltones, 20129780804773010 Paper $22.95 $18.36 sale9780804773003 Cloth $70.00 $56.00 sale

On Uneven

GroundMiyazawa Kenji andthe Making of Placein Modern Japan

Hoyt Long

Te history o literary and artis-tic production in modern Japanhas typically centered on theliterature and art o okyo, yet

cultural activity in the country’sregional cities and rural townswas no less vibrant. On UnevenGround recovers pieces o thisneglected history through thegure o Miyazawa Kenji (1896-1933). While alive, he remaineda mostly unknown and unreadprovincial author whose ex-periments with narrative ction,

amateur theater, and armer’s artreveal an intense determinationto reimagine and remake hisnative place, in the northeast o Japan, meaningul.

“Provids rsh isight ito Mi-

yazawa Kji’s ouvr, as w

as th compx ratioship -

tw th istitutios o cutura

(r)productio ad th itrary

product, thry dstaiizigprsistt otios o a siguar,

mooithic atioa Japas


—Edward Mack,

University o Washington

312 pp., 20119780804776868 Cloth $60.00 $48.00 sale


Reading Colonial Japanext, Context,and CritiqueEdited by Michele M.Mason and Helen J.S. Lee

Reading Colonial Japan is aunique anthology that aims todeepen knowledge o Japanese

colonialism(s) by providing aneclectic selection o translatedJapanese primary sources andanalytical essays that illumi-nate Japan’s many and variedcolonial projects. Te primary documents highlight howcentral cultural productionand dissemination were to thecolonial eort, while accentuat-

ing the myriad ways colonialismpermeated every acet o lie.

“A spdid coctio o co-

oia writigs i trasatio,

paird with critica ssays

that addrss historica ad

thortica cocrs i origia

ad gagig ways. It is a

xcptioa achivmt ad

a truy importat additio to

cutura studis, Asia stud-is, history, ad th study o 


migratio, ad trasatio.”

—Sabine Frühstück,

University o Caliornia, Santa Barbara

336 pp., 2 fgures, 20129780804776974 Paper $24.95 $19.96 sale9780804776967 Cloth $75.00 $60.00 sale

8/3/2019 Stanford Philosophy, Literature, and Theory Catalog 2012 16/20

16 Phlphy

Te Power o Lie

Agamben and theComing Politics

David Kishik 

Giorgio Agamben’s work devel-ops a new philosophy o lie. Onits horizon lies the convictionthat our orm o lie can becomethe guiding and uniying powero the politics to come. Inormed

by this promise, Te Power o Lie weaves decisive momentsand neglected aspects o Agam-ben’s writings over the pastour decades together with thethought o those who inuencedhim most (including Kafa,Heidegger, Benjamin, Arendt,Deleuze, and Foucault). In addi-tion, the book positions his work in relation to key gures rom

the history o philosophy (suchas Plato, Spinoza, Vico, Nietzsche,Wittgenstein, and Derrida).

“Prsts w iographica

matria aout Agam, whi

providig a ov ad ucid itr-

prtatio o his work that ocuss

o its capacity or imagiig w

orms o i ad trasormig

our thica, poitica, ad phio-

sophica thought ad practic.”

—Matthew Calarco,

Caliornia State University, Fullerton

144 pp., 20129780804772303 Paper $21.95 $17.56 sale9780804772297 Cloth $65.00 $52.00 sale

Te Kingdom

and the Glory For a TeologicalGenealogy of Economy and Government

Giorgio Agamben

ranslated by LorenzoChiesa (with MatteoMandarini)

Why has power in the West as-sumed the orm o an “economy,”that is, o a government o menand things? I power is essential-ly government, why does it needglory, that is, the ceremonialand liturgical apparatus that hasalways accompanied it?

Te greatest novelty to emergerom Te Kingdom and the Glory 

is that modern power is not only government but also glory, andthat the ceremonial, liturgical,and acclamatory aspects thatwe have regarded as vestiges o the past actually constitute thebasis o Western power. Withthis book, the work begun withHomo Sacer reaches a decisivepoint, prooundly challeng-

ing and renewing our vision o politics.

Meridian: Crossing Aesthetics

328 pp., 20119780804760164 Paper $24.95 $19.96 sale9780804760157 Cloth $70.00 $56.00 sale


Te Future andIts EnemiesIn Defense of Political Hope

Daniel Innerarity 

ranslated by Sandra Kingery 

In Te Future and Its Enemies,Spanish philosopher Daniel In-nerarity makes a plea or a newsocial contract that would commitus to moral and political responsi-bility with respect to uture gen-erations. He urges us to becomeadvocates or the uture in the aceo enemies who, oblivious to thecosts o modernization, press orendless and unproductive accelera-tion. His accessible book proposesa new way o conronting the

unknown—one grounded in thecalculation o risk. Declaring theclassical right-le divide to beredundant, Innerarity presents hishopes or a renewed democracy and a politics that would nd con- vincing ways to mediate betweenthe priorities o the present, theheritage o the past, and the chal-lenges that lie ahead.

“Thaks to its car aayss ad its

mutip avus o iquiry, this

ssay poits th way to a w

dmocratic ucidity.”

—Pierre Rosanvallon,


Cultural Memory in the Present

160 pp., 20129780804775571 Paper $21.95 $17.56 sale9780804775564 Cloth $70.00 $56.00 sale

8/3/2019 Stanford Philosophy, Literature, and Theory Catalog 2012 17/20

DawnToughts on thePresumptions of Morality, Volume 5Friedrich Nietzsche

ranslated by BrittainSmith, Aerword by Keith Ansell-Pearson

Dawn is the most recent volume to appear in therst complete, critical,and annotated English

edition o all o Nietzsche’s work. Te edition, orga-nized originally by Ernst Behler and Bernd Magnus,is a translation o the celebrated Kritische Studienaus-

 gabe in 15 Bänden (1980) edited by Giorgio Colli andMazzino Montinari. Te book is the rst to appearunder the editorial direction o Alan D. Schri, KeithAnsell-Pearson, and Duncan Large, and to incorporatesubsequent corrections to the 1980 edition.

Continuing the positivistic turn o Human, All oo

Human, Dawn is the second installment in the reespirit trilogy that culminated in Te Joy  ul Science.One o Nietzsche’s “yes-saying” books, it marks hisrst signicant conrontation with morality and o-ers glimpses o many o the signature themes in hismature works. Dawn has come to be admired inrecent years or its ethical naturalism, psychologi-cal observations, and therapeutic insights. Presentedin Nietzsche’s aphoristic style, it is a text with hidden

riches, one that must be read between the lines andone that the discerning reader will admire and cherish.

“This sris wi com th ditiv rsourc or egish


—Gary Shapiro, University o Richmond 

“Th rst voum udr th gra ditorship o Aa D.

Schrit ad Duca larg, Dawn rprsts a hug ap or-

ward. W ca ay ook orward to th comptio o this

it-voum sris, which wi ivaua ot oy tospciaists ut aso to studts ad ayo itrstd i this

rmarka thikr.”

—Alexander Nehamas, Princeton University 

The Complete Works of Friedrich Nietzsche

456 pp., 20119780804780056 Paper $21.95 $17.56 sale9780804728768 Cloth $65.00 $52.00 sale



the ImageFrom Literatureto New MediaEdited by Jacques Khalipand Robert Mitchell

Releasing the Image understandsimages as something beyondmere representations o things.Releasing images rom that unc-

tion, it shows them to be sel-re-erential and sel-generative, andin this way capable o producingorms o engagement beyondspectatorship and subjectiv-ity. Te essays included herecover historical periods romthe Romantic era to the presentand address a range o topics,rom Cézanne’s painting, to im-

ages in poetry, to contemporary audiovisual art. Tey reveal theaesthetic, ethical, and politicalstakes o the project o releasingimages and provoke new wayso engaging with embodiment,agency, history, and technology.

“A stuig coctio o s-

says y adig phiosophrs

ad mdia thorists who

rak with otios o th im-ag as roz or static, ad

rocus th dat aroud

topics o modimt, agcy,

virtuaity ad tmporaity.”

—Tim Lenoir,

Duke University 

304 pp., 16 fgures, 20119780804761383 Paper $24.95 $19.96 sale9780804761376 Cloth $75.00 $60.00 sale

8/3/2019 Stanford Philosophy, Literature, and Theory Catalog 2012 18/20

18 Phlphy

Te Problem

o DistractionPaul North

We live in an age o distraction.Contemporary analyses o culture,politics, techno-science, and psy-chology insist on this. Tey oensuggest remedies or it, or waysto capitalize on it. Yet they almostnever investigate the meaning andhistory o distraction itsel. Te

Problem o Distraction corrects thislack o attention. It inquires intothe eects o distraction, denednot as the opposite o attention,but as truly discontinuous intellect.Human being has to be recon-ceived, according to this argument,not as quintessentially thought-bearing, but as subject to repeated,causeless blackouts o mind.

“This thoughtu study asks

what woud ivovd i

thorizig th itrprtiv

ramwork through which a

itrrogatio o distractio

woud rst com thika.”

—Gerhard Richter,

University o Caliornia, Davis

“This supr aaysis o distrac-

tio ad our ack o atttio

to it raks sigicat wgroud i our critica history.”

—David Ferris,

University o Colorado at Boulder 

248 pp., 20119780804775380 Cloth $55.00 $44.00 sale


Post-Postmodernismor, Te CulturalLogic of Just-in-ime

CapitalismJerey . Nealon

Post-Postmodernismbeginswith a simple premise:we no longer live in theworld o “postmodern-ism,” amously dubbed “the

cultural logic o late capitalism” by Fredric Jameson

in 1984. Far rom charting any simple move “beyond”postmodernism since the 1980s, though, this book argues that we’ve experienced an intensifcation o post-modern capitalism over the past decades, an increas-ing saturation o the economic sphere into ormerly independent segments o everyday cultural lie. I “rag-mentation” was the preerred watchword o postmod-ern America, “intensication” is the dominant culturallogic o our contemporary era.

Post-Postmodernism surveys a wide variety o culturaltexts in pursuing its analyses—everything rom theclassic rock o Black Sabbath to the post-Marxismo Antonio Negri, rom considerations o the corpo-rate university to the are at the cineplex, rom read-ing experimental literature to gambling in Las Vegas,rom Badiou to the undergraduate classroom. Insoar

as cultural realms o all kinds have increasingly beenovercoded by the languages and practices o economics,Nealon aims to construct a genealogy o the Americanpresent, and to build a vocabulary or understandingthe relations between economic production and cul-tural production today.

“This is a work o vry cosidra importac. now prhaps

mor tha at ay othr tim, cutur ad th coomy co-

stitut a samss who: vrythig ca giv its pric.

nao poss th qustio: i postmodrism was th cutura

ogic o at capitaism, what is th cutura ogic that has ac-

compaid our currt rgim o accumuatio? His aswr is

ov ad igious.”

—Kenneth Surin, Duke University 

248 pp., 20129780804781459 Paper $22.95 $18.36 sale9780804781442 Cloth $80.00 $64.00 sale

8/3/2019 Stanford Philosophy, Literature, and Theory Catalog 2012 19/20



AppropriationTrough Pollution?

Michel Serres

ranslated by Anne-Marie Feenberg-Dibon

“Malfeasance is a wcom i-

troductio to, ad a gat

dmostratio o, Mich

Srrs’s rct work. I th ac

o poutio’s caamitis, Srrscas or rsposi actio, a

w socia cotract, a pac-

u compact with th word.

Rvrsig Roussau’s gativ

commad—’This is mi’—h

prors, ‘This is ough or m.’”

—Pierre Saint-Amand,

Brown University 

104 pp., 20109780804773034 Paper $15.95 $12.76 sale

9780804773027 Cloth $40.00 $32.00 sale


GuiltTe Bite of Conscience

Herant Katchadourian

“Sut, grous, ad oth

iormd ad iormativ.

It aso has th rar mrit o 

adhrig to soid acadmicstadards yt ig accssi

to a gra itrat audic

.... Highy rcommdd.”

—H. Oberdiek,


392 pp., 20099780804778718 Paper $24.95 $19.96 sale9780804763615 Cloth $35.00 $28.00 sale


Arendt and AdornoPolitical andPhilosophicalInvestigationsEdited by Lars Rensmannand Samir Gandesha

Hannah Arendt and Teodor W.Adorno, two o the most inu-ential political philosophers and

theorists o the twentieth century,were contemporaries with simi-lar interests, backgrounds, anda shared experience o exile. Yetuntil now, no book has broughtthem together. In this rst com-parative study o their work, lead-ing scholars discuss divergences,disclose surprising anities, andnd common ground betweenthe two thinkers. Tis pioneering

work recovers the relevance o Ar-endt and Adorno or contempo-rary political theory and philoso-phy and lays the oundation or acritical understanding o politicalmodernity: rom universalisticclaims or political reedom to theabyss o genocidal politics.

“Th ook assms th most dis-

tiguishd xprts o Ardt ad

Adoro. Th mutua atipathy -

tw th two thikrs, th study

rvas a surprisig aity, sp-

ciay with rgard to th critiqu

ad rthikig o modrity.”

—Fred Dallmayr,

University o Notre Dame

384 pp., 20129780804775403 Paper $24.95 $19.96 sale9780804775397 Cloth $85.00 $68.00 sale


esting the LimitDerrida, Henry,Levinas, and thePhenomenologicalradition

François-David Sebbah

ranslated by Stephen Barker

esting the Limit claims that thetextual origins o phenomenol-ogy determine, in their temporalrhythms, the nature o the sub- jectivation on which they ocus.Te book situates these consid-erations within the broader pic-ture o the state o contemporary French phenomenology (chiey the legacy o Merleau-Ponty), inorder to show that these three

thinkers share a certain “amily resemblance,” the identica-tion o which reveals somethingabout the traces o other phe-nomenological amilies. It isby testing the limit within thecontext o traditional phenom-enological concerns about theappearance o subjectivity andipseity that Derrida, Henry, and

Levinas radically reconsiderphenomenology and that Frenchphenomenology assumes itspresent orm.

Cultural Memory in the Present

328 pp., 20129780804772754 Paper $29.95 $23.96 sale9780804772747 Cloth $90.00 $72.00 sale

8/3/2019 Stanford Philosophy, Literature, and Theory Catalog 2012 20/20

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