Standard 5


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Man versus Nature


God announced His departure to the earth.

1. Who announced his departure to the earth?2. Did God sing His departure to the earth?3. Did God announce His arrival to the earth?4. Did God announce His departure to heaven?5. Did God announce His departure to hell?6. What did God announce?

God disguised Himself as an old man.

1. Who disguised himself as an old man?2. Did the angel disguise himself as an old man?3. Did God disguise Himself as a young man?4. Did God disguise the angel as an old man?5. Did God disguise Himself as an old woman?6. What did God disguise Himself as?

The river is polluted by industrial waste?

1. Who is polluted by industrial waste?2. Is the river cleaned by industrial waste?3. Is the air polluted by industrial waste?4. Is the river polluted by industrial smoke?5. Is the river polluted by climate change?6. What is the river polluted by?

The land is polluted by insecticides and fertilizers.

1. Who is polluted by insecticides and fertilizers?2. Is the river polluted by insecticides and fertilizers?3. Is the land made fertile by insecticides and fertilizers?4. Is the land polluted by insects and fertilizers?5. Is the land polluted by insecticides and fruits?6. What is the land polluted by?

The wind is polluted by poisonous smoke.

1. Who is polluted by poisonous smoke?2. Is heaven polluted by poisonous smoke?3. Is the angel polluted by poisonous smoke?4. Is the wind polluted by poisonous snakes?5. Is the wind polluted by pure smoke?6. What is the wind polluted by?

Fill in the blanks by choosing the right verb adding the gerund ‘-ing’ to the verbs:

1. The wind is _________ steadily.2. The river is _________ smoothly. 3. The land is __________fruits and vegetables.4. Toxic waste, gases, and chemicals are ___________the environment.5. Humans are not _________enough about the environment.6. Pollution hinders nature from _________.

Pollute Flow Care

Blow Yield Grow

Explain the types of pollution in your own words, three sentences each:

Air pollution

Water pollution

Soil pollution

Noise pollution

Passage Comprehension:Read the passage and answer the questions given below.

Environment Pollution

All our surroundings including air, water, soil, trees, and animals make up our environment. When the normal relations among these elements of natures are disturbed, the ecological balance is hampered and it is called environmental pollution. Environment is polluted by way of pollution of the factors that constitute it. Air pollution, water pollution, sound pollution and odour pollution together with deforestation are the main conditions that pollute environment. The impact of environment pollution is very dangerous. The smoke from factories and other vehicles contains harmful substances like carbon-monoxide and sulfur-di-oxide. These hamper the cleanliness of the air. Mills and factories set up on river banks let out chemical wastes in to the river water. These poisonous substances are destroying the plants and aquatic life. Pesticides and chemical fertilizers used in agriculture are also polluting water. When people drink this water or take a bath in the polluted water, they are attacked with stomach and skin diseases. Besides, the birds and beasts have to lose their habitats and are badly affected by environment pollution which may often bring about the extinction. Environmental pollution may be controlled by taking different measures. We may increase after station. If trees are planted in large numbers, we can be benefited in different ways. Trees also increase rainfall and prevent air pollution. Laws should be passed to prevent factories from dumping wastes. Moreover, every conscious individual and institution should come forward to solve this problem for the sake of our existence.


1. Define environment.

2. What is environmental pollution?3. Frame a sentence with the word hampered. Do not repeat sentences from

the passage.4. What are the main conditions that pollute the environment?5. Give two causes of air pollution.6. Why is pollution dangerous to aquatic life?7. Are there ways to control environmental pollution? Mention any two.

A Golden Hour


Anand was sitting in class with a sad look.

1. Who was sitting in class with a sad look?2. Was Sunil sitting in class with a sad look?3. Was Anand standing in class with a sad look?4. Was Anand sitting in class with a happy look?5. Was Anand sitting on the playground with a sad look?6. Where was Anand sitting with a sad look?

Vanitha broke Anand’s piggy bank without his permission.

1. Who broke Anand’s piggy bank without his permission?2. Did Mrs. Kamala break Anand’s piggy bank without his permission?3. Did Vanitha break Mrs. Kamala’s piggy bank without her permission?4. Did Anand break Mrs. Kamala’s piggy bank without her permission?5. Did Vanitha break Anand’s doggy bank without his permission?6. Whose piggy bank did Vanitha break without his permission?

Anand had been saving money for six months.

1. Who had been saving money for six months?2. Had Vnitha been saving money for six months?3. Had Mrs. Kamala been saving money for six months?4. Had Anand been saving money for six weeks?5. Had Anand been saving money for six years?6. How long had Anand been saving money for?

Vanitha needed money to give first aid.

1. Who needed money to give first aid?2. Did Anand need money to give first aid?3. Did Vanitha need food to give first aid?4. Did Vanitha need water to give first aid?5. Did Vanitha need first aid to give money?6. What did Vanitha need to give first aid?

Vanitha used the money to save the accident victims.

1. Who used the money to save the accident victims?2. Did Anand use the money to save the accident victims?3. Did Vanitha use the money to bury the accident victims?4. Did Vanitha use the money to go shopping?5. Did Vanitha use the money to go travelling? 6. What did Vanitha use to save the accident victims?

Subject-verb agreement

From the choices provided after each sentence select a word that would correctly complete the sentence.

1. There _____ several ways to help other people.o Areo Is

2. Kindness ____ one of the virtues of human beings.o Areo Is

3. Showing kindness towards others _______ a feeling of joy and mirth to the recipient.

o Giveo Gives

4. Each and every individual ________________ and _________ the language of kindness.

o Understands, speakso Understand, speak

5. An act of kindness never _____ futile. o Goo Goes

6. Being kind to others __________ a positive feeling and ________ this world a better place to live.

o Instill, make

o Instills, makes

If you had money with you like Anand, what would you do? A) Donate to a charity, B) Donate to a cancer institute, C) Deposit it in a bank. Choose any one and explain why.

If I had enough money, I would….______________________________________












The following passage has a few spelling and capitalization errors. Spot the errors and correct them.

It is important to be kind to people. Kindness and compasion are invalauble qualities to have. only when you show kindess to people will they be kind to yuo in return. Always treat people the way you would want to be treated yourself. helping people gives a sense of satisfraction. any act of kindness must be done wilingly, not out of obligation. Helping others can be done in several ways. fro example,

caling an ambulance when there’s been an accident, calling the police in case you witness any kind of violence, giving food to the poor instead of money, donating old clothes to charity or old toys to orphanages, etc. caring for each other is an esential part of society. It engenders selfless attitude in onesefl.











