Stalemated Seventies 1968-1980 Chapter 39. Increasing women / teenagers = work force Decline in...


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Stalemated Seventies1968-1980

Chapter 39

Increasing women / teenagers = work force

Decline in new machinery

Government regulations

Vietnam = drained tax dollars = deficit spending



Knowledge of Foreign Policy Vietnam = public uproar

Vietnamization Withdraw 540,000 over extended period South could take over

Nixon Doctrine Honor existing commitments, but Asians /

others would have to fight their own wars w/o large bodies of U.S. troops

Nixon - Vietnam


End war, but win by other means

Antiwar protestors Candle vigils

Appeal to silent majority Antiwar demonstrators =


1970 Longest war in

American history 40,000 killed 250,o00 wounded Unpopular = Troops /

draft College students

exempt Least privileged

My Lai Massacre


Cambodia Used by the North Nixon orders US / South

Vietnamese to clean out enemy sanctuaries Neutral?? No congressional

approval Angry students

Kent State University National Guard kills 4

Wounding more

Rioters / Arsons Hawks v. Doves Nixon withdraws troops

Gulf of Tonkin blank check Senate repeals

26th Amendment Lowered voting age to 18

Pentagon Papers leak Blunders = JFK, LBJ

Dr. Henry A. Kissinger = National Security advisor Meeting with North Vietnam End the War??

Nixon Visits China = February 1972

Economic / diplomatic relations

Neither would dominate Pacific

Scientific / cultural exchanges

Reunite Taiwan with mainland


Visits Moscow = May 1972 Sell food - $750 million worth – grain

SALT (Strategic Arms Limitation Talks) = freezing nuclear weapons 5 years

ABM (Anti-Ballistic Missile) = 2 clusters

Leonid Brezhnez

Détente Cont.

Chief Justice Earl Warren = Dealing w/ Social Problems Gideon v. Wainwright ( 1963) = Entitled to legal counsel

Escobedo (1964) Miranda (1966) = Right to remain silent Miranda Warning

Separation of church and State = school prayer

Nixon appoints 4 conservative justices Tried to stop the “meddling” Warren E. Burger = Burger Court Roe v. Wade (1973) = Legalized abortion

Supreme Court

Increased entitlements Food Stamps Medicaid Supplemental Security Income (SSI) Increase in Social Security = Cost of Living

Philadelphia Plan = Black apprentices Hiring quotas = Affirmative Action

Opened opportunities for minorities / women

Home Front

Home Front

Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Silent Spring =


Earth Day

Clean Air Act of 1970

Endangered species Act of 1973

Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) Working Conditions

Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) Harmful products

Vietnam escalating

Democrats = George McGovern Pull troops out in 90 days Vice President = Psychiatric care

Republicans = Nixon Wound down war = Kissinger

Nixon Landslide

Fighting escalated again Two week bombing

Force North back to conference table

Treaty of Paris = January 23, 1973 Cease Fire U.S. = Withdraw remaining 27,000 Reclaim 560 POW’s N. Vietnamese allowed to keep 145,000 in South Retreat???


3,500 bombing raids against N. Vietnamese in Cambodia Neutrality being respected??

Bombing continued after cease fire = communist forces Veto bill to stop him

War Powers Act – Nov. 1973 Passed over Nixon’s veto

Report to Congress within 48 hours after committing troops to a foreign conflict / enlarging forces

New Isolationism


Yom Kippur War Syrians / Egyptians = surprise attack on

Israel Regain territory – Six Day War

Kissinger – Sec. of State Flew to Moscow – restrain / arming attackers

$2 Billion in war materials sent to Israelis Cease fire – diplomacy OPEC = Embargo on oil shipment to U.S.

Shortage = Energy Crisis = price

Energy Crisis


June 17, 1972 5 arrested Electronic bugs = Democratic

Head quarters

CREEP Committee to Re-elect the


Dirty Tricks Forging documents

Discredit Democrats IRS Pentagon Papers Psychiatrist

VP Agnew resigns = Oct. 1973 Bribes / Maryland /


Gerald Ford New VP = 12 term

Congressman / Michigan

Senate Committee Hearings Televised Nixon denies knowledge Obstructing justice?? Tape recorded Oval office conversations

Nixon refused to hand over tapes

Saturday Night Massacre = Oct. 20, 1973 Fired his prosecutor

Fired Attorney General, and Deputy Attorney General

Watergate Cont.

Watergate Cont.

Spring 1974 Agrees to release a portion

of tapes Obscenities

July 24, 1974 Supreme Court

Ruled = turn over all tapes

3 subpoenaed tapes June 23, 1972 Conversations with Chief


Smoking Gun tape 6 days after Watergate

Ordered CIA to hold back inquiry by FBI Cover-up

House Judiciary Committee Impeachment

Obstruction of justice Abuse of power Contempt of Congress

August 8 1974 Nixon convinced to Resign Televised Constitution works

Cleaned its own house

Nixon Resigns

Gerald Ford = August 1974 Selected, not elected

Pardons Nixon Democrats outraged

Unelected President

July 1975 = Finland

Helsinki Accords 34 Nations Official boundaries

End WWII = Soviet Union and Eastern Europe “third basket”

Liberal exchanges – people / information Protect basic humane rights


Defeat in Vietnam

1975 North Vietnamese drive


South Collapsed

Americans evacuated by helicopter April 29, 1975

140,000 South Vietnamese rescued

$118 Billion 56,000 Dead 300,000

wounded America lost face

Antiwar movement = Feminists


Title IX = Education Amendments Prohibiting sex discrimination Create opportunities for girls = Equal

Equal Rights Amendments (ERA) Equality of rights shall not be denied or abridged by

the U.S. or by any State on account of sex

Feminist Victories

Feminists cont.

Feminists blamed for divorce rate Tripled

Nixon vetoes public day care

ERA defeated

Antifeminists Phyllis Schlafly Feared the removal

of traditional values Not equal to men

The Seventies

Milliken v. Bradley Move across district lines Suburbs??

Affirmative Action Reverse


Native Americans Used Civil Rights Separate, semi-sovereign


United States v. Wheeler 1978 Unique and limited

sovereignty Subject to Congress not to


Bicentennial Campaign

Election 1976 Republicans = Gerald


Democrats = James Carter “Jimmy” Peanut farmer Former Governor of

Georgia Baptist “I’ll never lie to you”

Carter wins 297 to 240 = 51% of

popular vote Democratic majority
