Staff Survey 2016 - Bolton NHS FT€¦ · TRUST ID: RMC SURVEY ID: UKSTA16ACO. 1 Staff Survey 2016...


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Staff Survey 2016


Final Report


1 Staff Survey 2016 - Acute Community | Bolton NHS Foundation Trust

Picker Institute Europe

Picker Institute Europe is an international charity dedicated to ensuring the highest quality health and social care for all, always. We are here to: ο Influence policy and practice so that health and social care systems are always centred around people’s needs and preferences. ο Inspire the delivery of the highest quality care, developing tools and services which enable all experiences to be better understood. ο Empower those working in health and social care to improve experiences by effectively measuring, and acting upon, people’s feedback. © Picker Institute Europe 2016. All rights reserved. Published by and available from: Picker Institute Europe Buxton Court 3 West Way Oxford OX2 0JB Tel: 01865 208 100 Fax: 01865 208 101 Email: Website: Registered Charity in England and Wales: 1081688 Registered Charity in Scotland: SC045048 Company Limited by Registered Guarantee No 3908160 Picker Institute Europe has UKAS accredited certification for ISO20252:2012 (GB08/74322) and ISO27001:2013 (GB10/80275). Picker Institute Europe is registered under the Data Protection Act 1998 (Z4942556)

2 Staff Survey 2016 - Acute Community | Bolton NHS Foundation Trust

Section Contents


Introduction 1.................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

Survey Response (survey activity) 2.................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

Positive Score Summary (overview of results by section) 3.................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

Ranked Positive Scores (where most staff report room for improvement) 4.................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

Historical Comparisons (comparing results with previous years) 5.................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

External Benchmarks (comparing results with other organisations) 6.................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

Internal Benchmarks (comparing results within the organisation) 7.................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

Frequency Tables (a detailed breakdown of your results) Appendix 1.................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

Questionnaire Appendix 2

4 Staff Survey 2016 - Acute Community | Bolton NHS Foundation Trust



6 Staff Survey 2016 - Acute Community | Bolton NHS Foundation Trust

Staff Survey 2016 - Acute Community

Bolton NHS Foundation Trust Background to the Survey The results presented here are from the Staff Survey 2016, carried out by Picker Institute Europe on behalf of Bolton NHS Foundation Trust. This survey is an annual study, first run in 2003, and is required by NHS England for all NHS organisations in England. The Picker Institute was commissioned by 20 acute community organisations and the report will present your organisation's results in comparison to the average for these acute community organisations. Survey Methodology The survey was undertaken using a postal questionnaire sent, in most cases, to staff work addresses in September/October 2016, by administering the survey online, or by using a mixed mode approach (both paper and online). The NHS England guidance says that an increased number of staff members could be included in the ‘basic sample’. This means that anything up to a census of all staff could be submitted as the basic sample, as long as the staff members were all selected at random and surveyed in the same way i.e. entirely online, entirely on paper or using the mixed mode approach. The basic sample size guidelines from previous years have been changed this year; the minimum basic sample size is now 1,250 staff, rather than varying by organisation size. Staff were sent a questionnaire, a covering letter from NHS England and a freepost return envelope. Organisations had the option of personalising the NHS England letter by adding their letterhead, an additional organisation specific paragraph and their CEO's signature. Some organisations also chose to send their own letter as well. Staff wishing to complete the survey filled it in and returned it to the Picker Institute in the freepost envelope. Non-responders were sent a reminder card 2-3 weeks after the initial invitation and another questionnaire a further 2-3 weeks after the first reminder. Organisations who chose to survey staff online, either for the basic sample or for an extended sample of people, followed a similar procedure to the one above. Staff were sent an invitation email with standardised NHS England text and six follow up reminders for non-responders, partly mirroring that of the paper survey methodology. NHS England included additional reminders for online surveys to help boost response rates at no extra cost to NHS organisations. The mixed mode approach was open to any organisation who had email addresses for some of their staff, on the condition that these were regularly accessed. The staff with email addresses were sent online surveys (in line with the methodology above), and those without were sent paper surveys. The entire mixed mode sample could be submitted to NHS England as the basic sample, regardless if it was a random selection of staff or a census. The Picker Institute ran a freephone helpline for staff who had any queries or concerns about the survey. Staff wishing to opt-out of the survey could do so by returning the questionnaire blank, or by calling the freephone helpline. This year, for the third time, maternity staff were eligible to take part in the survey. For a detailed description of the survey methodology, please see the published guidance for this survey:

7 Staff Survey 2016 - Acute Community | Bolton NHS Foundation Trust

The questionnaire The questionnaire used for the Staff Survey 2016 was developed by the NHS Co-ordination Centre. A copy of the questionnaire is provided in the Appendix of this report. This year the questionnaire remained the same as the previous year’s, so comparisons with all relevant questions is possible historically. Positive scores Based on feedback from our clients, for the first time this year we are using ‘positive scores’ instead of ‘problem scores’. We are using the concept of ‘positive scores’ as a summary measure, to help monitor your results over time and to show how your organisation compares to the average score for all 'Picker' organisations. What is a positive score? The positive score shows the percentage of staff who gave a favourable response to applicable questions. Not all questions will have a positive score; exceptions include background details such as gender, ethnic group, age etc. How are positive scores calculated? We calculate the positive scores by showing where staff are satisfied and for certain questions this will mean combining response categories. For example, for the following question, ‘Care of patients/service users is my organisation's top priority' we combine the responses 'Strongly agree' and 'Agree', to create a single positive score. In the Frequency Tables section of this report, asterisks indicate which response categories have been combined to create the positive score.

Positive score text: 'Care of patients/service users is organisation's top priority' 66% How should we use positive scores? As the name suggests, positive scores indicate where things are going well within the organisation; high scores reflect staff satisfaction with regards to that question. It is useful to keep in mind, that lower scores reflect poorer performance. Positive scores are an interpretation of the data made by the Picker Institute. Any comparisons made within the organisation (internal benchmarks, historic comparisons) or between organisations (external benchmarks) are made using these scores. When data is provided to NHS England, only the raw data is provided, not the positive scores. We calculate positive scores excluding no replies (i.e. we do not count staff members who did not respond to a particular question in the positive score calculation for that question).

8 Staff Survey 2016 - Acute Community | Bolton NHS Foundation Trust

Targeted questions In the interests of accuracy and to allow easier comparisons with the national scoring provided by the co-ordination centre, we use derived questions to produce more meaningful scores, for questions that may not be applicable to all respondents, but are not preceded by a filter question. To do this we remove response codes such as Not applicable or Don't Know. The purpose is to produce more precise indicators of where the real problems lie within the organisation. For these derived questions we have therefore re-calculated the scores, excluding those respondents to whom the question does not apply. The calculation will be illustrated in an additional question (e.g. Q14d+). Low numbers of respondents The questionnaire used includes some filter questions, whereby only relevant questions are asked of respondents. So, for example, staff who have not had an appraisal will not be asked subsequent questions about the appraisal. This means that fewer staff will answer some of the questions in the questionnaire. Where fewer than 50 staff have answered a particular question, the positive score will be shown within square brackets [43%]. If this is the case, the result should be treated with caution, as the number of staff answering is relatively small. Significant Differences In the report we have identified questions where there are significant differences between your organisation and the ‘Picker average’, or between your organisation this year and the previous survey. By 'significant' difference, we mean that the finding is statistically reliable and that the difference is 'real'. The calculation used to test the statistical significance of scores is the two-sample t-test. Rounding of percentages Note that throughout the report (with the exception of the Frequency Tables) partial percentages have been rounded to the nearest full number. For example 12.8% is rounded up to 13%, while 5.3% would be rounded down to 5%. Respondent comments Staff had the option of adding additional comments at the end of the questionnaire. These verbatim comments can be found on the results website, under Respondent Comments. How to use this report When deciding upon which areas to act, we suggest you address each section of the questionnaire. A useful approach is to look at a particular section and follow these steps: 1. Identify any questions where you consider the results to be unacceptable for your organisation. The positive score summary is the first step to pick out any questions where the results are better/worse than the ‘Picker average’. The next step is to go to the frequency tables for that question. You may also wish to feedback on the areas where your organisation is above average. 2. Address the areas where you have got worse over time. Are there particular areas that are getting worse over time? Our reports highlight significant changes from the previous survey and the longer term trends over the last 5 years. Our online system presents the trends in charts.

9 Staff Survey 2016 - Acute Community | Bolton NHS Foundation Trust

3. Are there areas of higher importance to your members of staff? Which areas are of high, medium or low importance to your members of staff? An area with medium level of importance with an average score would be less of a priority to address compared to an area that is of high importance and has a worse than average score. 4. Where have you got worse over time and are also below the ‘Picker average’? This is set out in your Executive Summary. 5. Identify departments or directorates within the organisation that are worse than others and areas of good practice that others can learn from. Go to the Internal Benchmark section to see where this is the case. 6. Additional analysis. To explore your results further, ask us to run some additional analysis (including demographic/organisation type breakdowns). If you would like your results problem scored rather than positive scored please make this request to your staff survey project manager. The Picker Institute can help you to use your survey results for improvement. We can be commissioned to run workshops or deliver presentations and practical sessions that are tailored specifically to your organisation’s needs. To contact us, or to share examples of good practice from within your organisation, email, or telephone 01865 208100.

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Survey Response

survey activity

12 Staff Survey 2016 - Acute Community | Bolton NHS Foundation Trust

Survey Response This section of the report shows the activity recorded for the survey, including: ο mailing dates ο response rates ο freephone calls Survey: Staff Survey 2016 - Acute Community NHS Trust: Bolton NHS Foundation Trust Locality 1: Acute Adult Care Division Corporate Elective Care Division Estates & Facilities Division Family Division Integrated Community Services Division Dates of Fieldwork: Initial Mailing 05 October 2016 First Reminder 26 October 2016 Second Reminder 16 November 2016 Response Rate: Initial Mailing 1250 Completed questionnaire - Hardcopy 409

Opt out/Refused 1

Not Eligible 3

Blank 3

Completed questionnaire - Web 38

Leaver - Hardcopy 27

Opted out - Web 0

Ineligible - Web 0

Leaver - Online 0

Undelivered - Web 2

Total Eligible 1218 Returned completed 447 Overall Response Rate 36.7% (total returned as a percentage of total eligible) Average Response Rate 42.3% (based on all 'Picker' Acute Community Trusts) The Picker Institute runs a freephone Helpline for staff. The lines are open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Your organisation received a total of 3 calls to the freephone Helpline.

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14 Staff Survey 2016 - Acute Community | Bolton NHS Foundation Trust


Positive Score Summary

overview of results by section

16 Staff Survey 2016 - Acute Community | Bolton NHS Foundation Trust

Positive Score Summary This section shows your positive score* for each question and a comparison against the average score for the 20 acute community trusts which commissioned the Picker Institute to conduct their Staff Survey in 2016. Significant differences between your organisation and the average are indicated as follows:

scores significantly better than average Organisation The positive score for your Organisation

scores significantly worse than average Average Average score for all 'Picker' acute community trusts

* For an explanation of positive scores and significant differences please see Section 1. Note that higher scores indicate better performance. Higher scores are better

YOUR JOB Organisation Average2a Often/always look forward to going to work 60 % 58 %

2b Often/always enthusiastic about my job 79 % 73 %

2c Time often/always passes quickly when I am working 80 % 78 %

3a Always know what work responsibilities are 92 % 88 %

3b Feel trusted to do my job 96 % 92 %

3c Able to do my job to a standard I am pleased with 85 % 80 %

4a Opportunities to show initiative frequent in my role 76 % 73 %

4b Able to make suggestions to improve the work of my team/dept 76 % 75 %

4c Involved in deciding changes that affect work 57 % 53 %

4d Able to make improvements happen in my area of work 56 % 56 %

4e Able to meet conflicting demands on my time at work 47 % 45 %

4f Have adequate materials, supplies and equipment to do my work 46 % 51 %

4g Enough staff at organisation to do my job properly 26 % 31 %

4h Team members have a set of shared objectives 74 % 71 %

4i Team members often meet to discuss the team's effectiveness 65 % 60 %

4j Team members have to communicate closely with each other to achieve the team's objectives

77 % 78 %

5a Satisfied with recognition for good work 57 % 51 %

5b Satisfied with support from immediate manager 70 % 66 %

5c Satisfied with support from colleagues 82 % 80 %

5d Satisfied with amount of responsibility given 76 % 72 %

5e Satisfied with opportunities to use skills 76 % 70 %

5f Satisfied with extent organisation values my work 50 % 42 %

5g Satisfied with level of pay 41 % 35 %

5h Satisfied with opportunities for flexible working patterns 49 % 50 %

6a+ Satisfied with quality of care I give to patients/service users 85 % 82 %

6b+ Feel my role makes a difference to patients/service users 94 % 90 %

6c+ Able to provide the care I aspire to 70 % 68 %

17 Staff Survey 2016 - Acute Community | Bolton NHS Foundation Trust

YOUR MANAGERS Organisation Average7a Immediate manager encourages team working 77 % 73 %

7b Immediate manager can be counted upon to help with difficult tasks 72 % 70 %

7c Immediate manager gives clear feedback on my work 61 % 61 %

7d Immediate manager asks for my opinion before making decisions that affect my work 57 % 55 %

7e Immediate manager supportive in personal crisis 73 % 73 %

7f Immediate manager takes a positive interest in my health & well-being 64 % 66 %

7g Immediate manager values my work 73 % 70 %

8a I know who senior managers are 85 % 81 %

8b Communication between senior management and staff is effective 40 % 39 %

8c Senior managers try to involve staff in important decisions 32 % 32 %

8d Senior managers act on staff feedback 33 % 31 %

18 Staff Survey 2016 - Acute Community | Bolton NHS Foundation Trust

YOUR HEALTH, WELL-BEING AND SAFETY AT WORK Organisation Average9a Organisation definitely takes positive action on health and well-being 37 % 29 %

9b In last 12 months, have not experienced musculoskeletal (MSK) problems as a result of work activities

75 % 74 %

9c Not felt unwell due to work related stress in last 12 months 63 % 62 %

9d In last 3 months, have not come to work when not feeling well enough to perform duties 30 % 41 %

9e Not felt pressure from manager to come to work when not feeling well enough 75 % 73 %

9f Not felt pressure from colleagues to come to work when not feeling well enough 79 % 79 %

9g Not put myself under pressure to come to work when not feeling well enough 8 % 9 %

10b Don't work any additional paid hours per week for this organisation, over and above contracted hours

68 % 68 %

10c Don't work any additional unpaid hours per week for this organisation, over and above contracted hours

44 % 41 %

11a In last month, have not seen errors/near misses/incidents that could hurt staff 80 % 83 %

11b In last month, have not seen errors/near misses/incidents that could hurt patients 72 % 74 %

11c+ Last error/near miss/incident seen that could hurt staff and/or patients/service users reported

93 % 95 %

12a+ Organisation treats staff involved in errors fairly 59 % 54 %

12b+ Organisation encourages reporting of errors 93 % 86 %

12c+ Organisation takes action to ensure errors are not repeated 76 % 68 %

12d+ Staff given feedback about changes made in response to reported errors 71 % 57 %

13a+ Know how to report unsafe clinical practice 97 % 95 %

13b Would feel secure raising concerns about unsafe clinical practice 75 % 70 %

13c Would feel confident that organisation would address concerns about unsafe clinical practice

68 % 57 %

14a Not experienced physical violence from patients/service users, their relatives or other members of the public

83 % 87 %

14b Not experienced physical violence from managers 99 % 99 %

14c Not experienced physical violence from other colleagues 98 % 98 %

14d+ Last experience of physical violence reported 72 % 66 %

15a Not experienced harassment, bullying or abuse from patients/service users, their relatives or members of the public

74 % 73 %

15b Not experienced harassment, bullying or abuse from managers 87 % 86 %

15c Not experienced harassment, bullying or abuse from other colleagues 81 % 81 %

15d+ Last experience of harassment/bullying/abuse reported 56 % 45 %

16+ Organisation acts fairly: career progression 92 % 82 %

17a Not experienced discrimination from patients/service users, their relatives or other members of the public

97 % 93 %

17b Not experienced discrimination from manager/team leader or other colleagues 93 % 91 %

19 Staff Survey 2016 - Acute Community | Bolton NHS Foundation Trust

YOUR PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT Organisation Average18a+ Had training, learning or development in the last 12 months 82 % 71 %

18b+ Training helped me do my job more effectively 83 % 85 %

18c+ Training helped me stay up-to-date with prof. requirements 87 % 88 %

18d+ Training helped me deliver a better patient / service user experience 86 % 84 %

19+ Had mandatory training in the last 12 months 98 % 96 %

20a+ Had appraisal/KSF review in last 12 months 93 % 84 %

20b Appraisal/review definitely helped me improve how I do my job 21 % 24 %

20c Clear work objectives definitely agreed during appraisal 31 % 35 %

20d Appraisal/performance review: definitely left feeling work is valued 28 % 28 %

20e Appraisal/performance review: organisational values definitely discussed 42 % 34 %

20f Appraisal/performance review: training, learning or development needs identified 69 % 68 %

20g Supported by manager to receive training, learning or development definitely identified in appraisal

49 % 51 %

YOUR ORGANISATION Organisation Average21a Care of patients/service users is organisation's top priority 80 % 73 %

21b Organisation acts on concerns raised by patients/service users 83 % 71 %

21c Would recommend organisation as place to work 66 % 58 %

21d If friend/relative needed treatment would be happy with standard of care provided by organisation

73 % 67 %

22a+ Patient/service user feedback collected within directorate/department 94 % 90 %

22b+ Receive regular updates on patient/service user feedback in my directorate/department 64 % 62 %

22c+ Feedback from patients/service users is used to make informed decisions within directorate/department

57 % 58 %

BACKGROUND INFORMATION Organisation Average27b+ Disability: organisation made adequate adjustment(s) to enable me to carry out work [74] % 71 %

20 Staff Survey 2016 - Acute Community | Bolton NHS Foundation Trust


Ranked Positive Scores

where most staff report room for improvement

22 Staff Survey 2016 - Acute Community | Bolton NHS Foundation Trust

Ranked Positive Scores This section ranks the scores from the lowest positive score (most respondents reporting room for improvement) to highest positive score (fewest respondents reporting room for improvement). Significant differences between your organisation and the average are indicated as follows:

scores significantly better than average Organisation The positive score for your Organisation

scores significantly worse than average Average (based on all 'Picker' Acute Community organisations)

Higher scores are better

Positive scores <50% Organisation Average9g Not put myself under pressure to come to work when not feeling well enough 8 % 9 %

20b Appraisal/review definitely helped me improve how I do my job 21 % 24 %

4g Enough staff at organisation to do my job properly 26 % 31 %

20d Appraisal/performance review: definitely left feeling work is valued 28 % 28 %

9d In last 3 months, have not come to work when not feeling well enough to perform duties 30 % 41 %

20c Clear work objectives definitely agreed during appraisal 31 % 35 %

8c Senior managers try to involve staff in important decisions 32 % 32 %

8d Senior managers act on staff feedback 33 % 31 %

9a Organisation definitely takes positive action on health and well-being 37 % 29 %

8b Communication between senior management and staff is effective 40 % 39 %

5g Satisfied with level of pay 41 % 35 %

20e Appraisal/performance review: organisational values definitely discussed 42 % 34 %

10c Don't work any additional unpaid hours per week for this organisation, over and above contracted hours

44 % 41 %

4f Have adequate materials, supplies and equipment to do my work 46 % 51 %

4e Able to meet conflicting demands on my time at work 47 % 45 %

20g Supported by manager to receive training, learning or development definitely identified in appraisal

49 % 51 %

5h Satisfied with opportunities for flexible working patterns 49 % 50 %

Positive scores 50% - 59% Organisation Average5f Satisfied with extent organisation values my work 50 % 42 %

15d+ Last experience of harassment/bullying/abuse reported 56 % 45 %

4d Able to make improvements happen in my area of work 56 % 56 %

7d Immediate manager asks for my opinion before making decisions that affect my work 57 % 55 %

4c Involved in deciding changes that affect work 57 % 53 %

22c+ Feedback from patients/service users is used to make informed decisions within directorate/department

57 % 58 %

5a Satisfied with recognition for good work 57 % 51 %

12a+ Organisation treats staff involved in errors fairly 59 % 54 %

23 Staff Survey 2016 - Acute Community | Bolton NHS Foundation Trust

Positive scores 60% - 69% Organisation Average2a Often/always look forward to going to work 60 % 58 %

7c Immediate manager gives clear feedback on my work 61 % 61 %

9c Not felt unwell due to work related stress in last 12 months 63 % 62 %

22b+ Receive regular updates on patient/service user feedback in my directorate/department 64 % 62 %

7f Immediate manager takes a positive interest in my health & well-being 64 % 66 %

4i Team members often meet to discuss the team's effectiveness 65 % 60 %

21c Would recommend organisation as place to work 66 % 58 %

13c Would feel confident that organisation would address concerns about unsafe clinical practice

68 % 57 %

10b Don't work any additional paid hours per week for this organisation, over and above contracted hours

68 % 68 %

20f Appraisal/performance review: training, learning or development needs identified 69 % 68 %

Positive scores 70% - 79% Organisation Average5b Satisfied with support from immediate manager 70 % 66 %

6c+ Able to provide the care I aspire to 70 % 68 %

12d+ Staff given feedback about changes made in response to reported errors 71 % 57 %

11b In last month, have not seen errors/near misses/incidents that could hurt patients 72 % 74 %

14d+ Last experience of physical violence reported 72 % 66 %

7b Immediate manager can be counted upon to help with difficult tasks 72 % 70 %

7e Immediate manager supportive in personal crisis 73 % 73 %

21d If friend/relative needed treatment would be happy with standard of care provided by organisation

73 % 67 %

7g Immediate manager values my work 73 % 70 %

4h Team members have a set of shared objectives 74 % 71 %

15a Not experienced harassment, bullying or abuse from patients/service users, their relatives or members of the public

74 % 73 %

27b+ Disability: organisation made adequate adjustment(s) to enable me to carry out work [74] % 71 %

13b Would feel secure raising concerns about unsafe clinical practice 75 % 70 %

9e Not felt pressure from manager to come to work when not feeling well enough 75 % 73 %

9b In last 12 months, have not experienced musculoskeletal (MSK) problems as a result of work activities

75 % 74 %

4a Opportunities to show initiative frequent in my role 76 % 73 %

12c+ Organisation takes action to ensure errors are not repeated 76 % 68 %

4b Able to make suggestions to improve the work of my team/dept 76 % 75 %

5e Satisfied with opportunities to use skills 76 % 70 %

5d Satisfied with amount of responsibility given 76 % 72 %

7a Immediate manager encourages team working 77 % 73 %

4j Team members have to communicate closely with each other to achieve the team's objectives

77 % 78 %

9f Not felt pressure from colleagues to come to work when not feeling well enough 79 % 79 %

2b Often/always enthusiastic about my job 79 % 73 %

24 Staff Survey 2016 - Acute Community | Bolton NHS Foundation Trust

Positive scores 80% - 89% Organisation Average21a Care of patients/service users is organisation's top priority 80 % 73 %

11a In last month, have not seen errors/near misses/incidents that could hurt staff 80 % 83 %

2c Time often/always passes quickly when I am working 80 % 78 %

15c Not experienced harassment, bullying or abuse from other colleagues 81 % 81 %

5c Satisfied with support from colleagues 82 % 80 %

18a+ Had training, learning or development in the last 12 months 82 % 71 %

21b Organisation acts on concerns raised by patients/service users 83 % 71 %

18b+ Training helped me do my job more effectively 83 % 85 %

14a Not experienced physical violence from patients/service users, their relatives or other members of the public

83 % 87 %

8a I know who senior managers are 85 % 81 %

3c Able to do my job to a standard I am pleased with 85 % 80 %

6a+ Satisfied with quality of care I give to patients/service users 85 % 82 %

18d+ Training helped me deliver a better patient / service user experience 86 % 84 %

15b Not experienced harassment, bullying or abuse from managers 87 % 86 %

18c+ Training helped me stay up-to-date with prof. requirements 87 % 88 %

Positive scores 90% - 100% Organisation Average16+ Organisation acts fairly: career progression 92 % 82 %

3a Always know what work responsibilities are 92 % 88 %

17b Not experienced discrimination from manager/team leader or other colleagues 93 % 91 %

12b+ Organisation encourages reporting of errors 93 % 86 %

11c+ Last error/near miss/incident seen that could hurt staff and/or patients/service users reported

93 % 95 %

20a+ Had appraisal/KSF review in last 12 months 93 % 84 %

22a+ Patient/service user feedback collected within directorate/department 94 % 90 %

6b+ Feel my role makes a difference to patients/service users 94 % 90 %

3b Feel trusted to do my job 96 % 92 %

13a+ Know how to report unsafe clinical practice 97 % 95 %

17a Not experienced discrimination from patients/service users, their relatives or other members of the public

97 % 93 %

14c Not experienced physical violence from other colleagues 98 % 98 %

19+ Had mandatory training in the last 12 months 98 % 96 %

14b Not experienced physical violence from managers 99 % 99 %

26 Staff Survey 2016 - Acute Community | Bolton NHS Foundation Trust


Historical Comparisons

comparing results with previous years

28 Staff Survey 2016 - Acute Community | Bolton NHS Foundation Trust

Historical Comparisons The Staff Survey is currently repeated on an annual basis. By looking at changes in results over time it is possible to focus on those areas where performance might be slipping. Examining areas where performance has improved will help you to measure the effects of any improvements that have been put in place. A graphical representation of your historical data can be found on the on-line reporting website at: The scores below show your organisation’s reported Positive Scores for 2016 and for the previous year(s). Positive Scores are a summary score showing the percentage of respondents who are satisfied on each question. Note that higher positive scores reflect better performance. This section shows the positive scores for this year’s survey and a comparison against the scores from the previous surveys. Significant differences are indicated as follows:

scores significantly better than previous survey

scores significantly worse than previous survey 2012 The positive score for 2012 2013 The positive score for 2013 2014 The positive score for 2014 2015 The positive score for 2015 2016 The positive score for 2016 Higher scores are better

YOUR JOB 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2a Often/always look forward to going to work 57 % 54 % 61 % 66 % 60 % 2b Often/always enthusiastic about my job 73 % 69 % 75 % 78 % 79 % 2c Time often/always passes quickly when I am working 78 % 76 % 79 % 80 % 80 % 3a Always know what work responsibilities are 88 % 90 % 92 % 93 % 92 % 3b Feel trusted to do my job 93 % 95 % 95 % 96 % 96 % 3c Able to do my job to a standard I am pleased with 83 % 80 % 84 % 84 % 85 % 4a Opportunities to show initiative frequent in my role 73 % 68 % 75 % 76 % 76 % 4b Able to make suggestions to improve the work of my team/dept 78 % 73 % 79 % 79 % 76 % 4c Involved in deciding changes that affect work 61 % 53 % 63 % 57 % 57 % 4d Able to make improvements happen in my area of work 62 % 56 % 59 % 55 % 56 % 4e Able to meet conflicting demands on my time at work - - - 49 % 47 % 4f Have adequate materials, supplies and equipment to do my work 59 % 52 % 51 % 46 % 46 % 4g Enough staff at organisation to do my job properly 34 % 24 % 32 % 30 % 26 % 4h Team members have a set of shared objectives - - - 77 % 74 % 4i Team members often meet to discuss the team's effectiveness - - - 68 % 65 % 4j Team members have to communicate closely with each other to

achieve the team's objectives - - - 84 % 77 %

5a Satisfied with recognition for good work 56 % 49 % 55 % 56 % 57 % 5b Satisfied with support from immediate manager 70 % 64 % 67 % 70 % 70 % 5c Satisfied with support from colleagues 82 % 79 % 84 % 88 % 82 % 5d Satisfied with amount of responsibility given 78 % 77 % 81 % 80 % 76 % 5e Satisfied with opportunities to use skills 76 % 73 % 76 % 78 % 76 % 5f Satisfied with extent organisation values my work 44 % 37 % 45 % 48 % 50 % 5g Satisfied with level of pay 44 % 44 % 40 % 44 % 41 % 5h Satisfied with opportunities for flexible working patterns - - - 54 % 49 % 6a+ Satisfied with quality of care I give to patients/service users 87 % 85 % 86 % 85 % 85 % 6b+ Feel my role makes a difference to patients/service users 93 % 93 % 93 % 93 % 94 % 6c+ Able to provide the care I aspire to 76 % 75 % 74 % 75 % 70 %

29 Staff Survey 2016 - Acute Community | Bolton NHS Foundation Trust

YOUR MANAGERS 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 7a Immediate manager encourages team working 74 % 75 % 72 % 82 % 77 % 7b Immediate manager can be counted upon to help with difficult tasks 72 % 70 % 71 % 77 % 72 % 7c Immediate manager gives clear feedback on my work 59 % 57 % 58 % 66 % 61 % 7d Immediate manager asks for my opinion before making decisions that

affect my work 57 % 54 % 54 % 62 % 57 %

7e Immediate manager supportive in personal crisis 76 % 76 % 73 % 76 % 73 % 7f Immediate manager takes a positive interest in my health & well-being 60 % 60 % 61 % 70 % 64 % 7g Immediate manager values my work - - - 76 % 73 % 8a I know who senior managers are 81 % 73 % 79 % 85 % 85 % 8b Communication between senior management and staff is effective 36 % 32 % 37 % 38 % 40 % 8c Senior managers try to involve staff in important decisions 30 % 28 % 30 % 30 % 32 % 8d Senior managers act on staff feedback 28 % 24 % 27 % 29 % 33 %

YOUR HEALTH, WELL-BEING AND SAFETY AT WORK 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 9a Organisation definitely takes positive action on health and well-being - - - 38 % 37 % 9b In last 12 months, have not experienced musculoskeletal (MSK)

problems as a result of work activities - - - 74 % 75 %

9c Not felt unwell due to work related stress in last 12 months 62 % 58 % 66 % 67 % 63 % 9d In last 3 months, have not come to work when not feeling well enough

to perform duties 36 % 32 % 34 % 36 % 30 %

9e Not felt pressure from manager to come to work when not feeling well enough

69 % 68 % 78 % 73 % 75 %

9f Not felt pressure from colleagues to come to work when not feeling well enough

79 % 78 % 82 % 82 % 79 %

9g Not put myself under pressure to come to work when not feeling well enough

7 % 7 % 8 % 6 % 8 %

10b Don't work any additional paid hours per week for this organisation, over and above contracted hours

76 % 70 % 67 % 66 % 68 %

10c Don't work any additional unpaid hours per week for this organisation, over and above contracted hours

46 % 48 % 43 % 46 % 44 %

11a In last month, have not seen errors/near misses/incidents that could hurt staff

85 % 81 % 81 % 82 % 80 %

11b In last month, have not seen errors/near misses/incidents that could hurt patients

78 % 72 % 72 % 71 % 72 %

11c+ Last error/near miss/incident seen that could hurt staff and/or patients/service users reported

92 % 95 % 95 % 97 % 93 %

12a+ Organisation treats staff involved in errors fairly - - - 56 % 59 % 12b+ Organisation encourages reporting of errors - - - 93 % 93 % 12c+ Organisation takes action to ensure errors are not repeated - - - 75 % 76 % 12d+ Staff given feedback about changes made in response to reported

errors - - - 67 % 71 %

13a+ Know how to report unsafe clinical practice - - 95 % 96 % 97 % 13b Would feel secure raising concerns about unsafe clinical practice - - 77 % 73 % 75 % 13c Would feel confident that organisation would address concerns about

unsafe clinical practice - - 66 % 63 % 68 %

14a Not experienced physical violence from patients/service users, their relatives or other members of the public

90 % 84 % 83 % 81 % 83 %

14b Not experienced physical violence from managers - - - 100 % 99 % 14c Not experienced physical violence from other colleagues - - - 98 % 98 % 14d+ Last experience of physical violence reported 62 % 72 % 79 % 59 % 72 % 15a Not experienced harassment, bullying or abuse from patients/service

users, their relatives or members of the public74 % 70 % 72 % 69 % 74 %

15b Not experienced harassment, bullying or abuse from managers - - - 90 % 87 % 15c Not experienced harassment, bullying or abuse from other colleagues - - - 83 % 81 % 15d+ Last experience of harassment/bullying/abuse reported 50 % 51 % 48 % 24 % 56 % 16+ Organisation acts fairly: career progression 90 % 91 % 94 % 91 % 92 % 17a Not experienced discrimination from patients/service users, their

relatives or other members of the public 97 % 95 % 97 % 93 % 97 %

17b Not experienced discrimination from manager/team leader or other colleagues

93 % 95 % 95 % 94 % 93 %

30 Staff Survey 2016 - Acute Community | Bolton NHS Foundation Trust

YOUR PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 18a+ Had training, learning or development in the last 12 months - - - 74 % 82 % 18b+ Training helped me do my job more effectively - - - 85 % 83 % 18c+ Training helped me stay up-to-date with prof. requirements - - - 91 % 87 % 18d+ Training helped me deliver a better patient / service user experience - - - 85 % 86 % 19+ Had mandatory training in the last 12 months - - - 99 % 98 % 20a+ Had appraisal/KSF review in last 12 months 91 % 93 % 91 % 93 % 93 % 20b Appraisal/review definitely helped me improve how I do my job - - - 20 % 21 % 20c Clear work objectives definitely agreed during appraisal - - - 32 % 31 % 20d Appraisal/performance review: definitely left feeling work is valued - - - 30 % 28 % 20e Appraisal/performance review: organisational values definitely

discussed - - - 44 % 42 %

20f Appraisal/performance review: training, learning or development needs identified

77 % 77 % 75 % 69 % 69 %

20g Supported by manager to receive training, learning or development definitely identified in appraisal

- - - 58 % 49 %

YOUR ORGANISATION 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 21a Care of patients/service users is organisation's top priority 64 % 63 % 70 % 78 % 80 % 21b Organisation acts on concerns raised by patients/service users 68 % 68 % 75 % 80 % 83 % 21c Would recommend organisation as place to work 54 % 47 % 56 % 62 % 66 % 21d If friend/relative needed treatment would be happy with standard of care

provided by organisation60 % 57 % 64 % 73 % 73 %

22a+ Patient/service user feedback collected within directorate/department - - 96 % 94 % 94 % 22b+ Receive regular updates on patient/service user feedback in my

directorate/department - - 63 % 64 % 64 %

22c+ Feedback from patients/service users is used to make informed decisions within directorate/department

- - 59 % 61 % 57 %

BACKGROUND INFORMATION 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 27b+ Disability: organisation made adequate adjustment(s) to enable me to

carry out work 72 % 71 % 69 % 88 % 74 %

32 Staff Survey 2016 - Acute Community | Bolton NHS Foundation Trust


External Benchmarks

comparing results with other organisations

34 Staff Survey 2016 - Acute Community | Bolton NHS Foundation Trust

External Benchmarks This section shows how your organisation compared to the 20 acute community organisations which commissioned the Picker Institute to conduct their Staff Survey in 2016. The range of scores are shown as a blue bar from the worst score (to the left), to the best (to the right). The average score is shown as black line. Your organisation is shown as the yellow triangle.


Often/always look forward to going to work

Often/always enthusiastic about my job

Time often/always passes quickly when I am working

Always know what work responsibilities are

Feel trusted to do my job

Able to do my job to a standard I am pleased with

Opportunities to show initiative frequent in my role

Able to make suggestions to improve the work of my team/dept

Involved in deciding changes that affect work

Able to make improvements happen in my area of work

Able to meet conflicting demands on my time at work

Have adequate materials, supplies and equipment to do my work

Enough staff at organisation to do my job properly

Team members have a set of shared objectives

Team members often meet to discuss the team's effectiveness

Team members have to communicate closely with each other to achieve the team's objectives

Satisfied with recognition for good work

Satisfied with support from immediate manager

Satisfied with support from colleagues

35 Staff Survey 2016 - Acute Community | Bolton NHS Foundation Trust

Satisfied with amount of responsibility given

Satisfied with opportunities to use skills

Satisfied with extent organisation values my work

Satisfied with level of pay

Satisfied with opportunities for flexible working patterns

Satisfied with quality of care I give to patients/service users

Feel my role makes a difference to patients/service users

Able to provide the care I aspire to

UK 'Picker' Average

Bolton NHS Foundation Trust

36 Staff Survey 2016 - Acute Community | Bolton NHS Foundation Trust


Immediate manager encourages team working

Immediate manager can be counted upon to help with difficult tasks

Immediate manager gives clear feedback on my work

Immediate manager asks for my opinion before making decisions that affect my work

Immediate manager supportive in personal crisis

Immediate manager takes a positive interest in my health & well-being

Immediate manager values my work

I know who senior managers are

Communication between senior management and staff is effective

Senior managers try to involve staff in important decisions

Senior managers act on staff feedback

UK 'Picker' Average

Bolton NHS Foundation Trust

37 Staff Survey 2016 - Acute Community | Bolton NHS Foundation Trust


Organisation definitely takes positive action on health and well-being

In last 12 months, have not experienced musculoskeletal (MSK) problems as a result of work activities

Not felt unwell due to work related stress in last 12 months

In last 3 months, have not come to work when not feeling well enough to perform duties

Not felt pressure from manager to come to work when not feeling well enough

Not felt pressure from colleagues to come to work when not feeling well enough

Not put myself under pressure to come to work when not feeling well enough

Don't work any additional paid hours per week for this organisation, over and above contracted hours

Don't work any additional unpaid hours per week for this organisation, over and above contracted hours

In last month, have not seen errors/near misses/incidents that could hurt staff

In last month, have not seen errors/near misses/incidents that could hurt patients

Last error/near miss/incident seen that could hurt staff and/or patients/service users reported

Organisation treats staff involved in errors fairly

Organisation encourages reporting of errors

Organisation takes action to ensure errors are not repeated

Staff given feedback about changes made in response to reported errors

Know how to report unsafe clinical practice

Would feel secure raising concerns about unsafe clinical practice

Would feel confident that organisation would address concerns about unsafe clinical practice

Not experienced physical violence from patients/service users, their relatives or other members of the public

Not experienced physical violence from managers

38 Staff Survey 2016 - Acute Community | Bolton NHS Foundation Trust

Not experienced physical violence from other colleagues

Last experience of physical violence reported

Not experienced harassment, bullying or abuse from patients/service users, their relatives or members of the public

Not experienced harassment, bullying or abuse from managers

Not experienced harassment, bullying or abuse from other colleagues

Last experience of harassment/bullying/abuse reported

Organisation acts fairly: career progression

Not experienced discrimination from patients/service users, their relatives or other members of the public

Not experienced discrimination from manager/team leader or other colleagues

UK 'Picker' Average

Bolton NHS Foundation Trust

39 Staff Survey 2016 - Acute Community | Bolton NHS Foundation Trust


Had training, learning or development in the last 12 months

Training helped me do my job more effectively

Training helped me stay up-to-date with prof. requirements

Training helped me deliver a better patient / service user experience

Had mandatory training in the last 12 months

Had appraisal/KSF review in last 12 months

Appraisal/review definitely helped me improve how I do my job

Clear work objectives definitely agreed during appraisal

Appraisal/performance review: definitely left feeling work is valued

Appraisal/performance review: organisational values definitely discussed

Appraisal/performance review: training, learning or development needs identified

Supported by manager to receive training, learning or development definitely identified in appraisal

UK 'Picker' Average

Bolton NHS Foundation Trust

40 Staff Survey 2016 - Acute Community | Bolton NHS Foundation Trust


Care of patients/service users is organisation's top priority

Organisation acts on concerns raised by patients/service users

Would recommend organisation as place to work

If friend/relative needed treatment would be happy with standard of care provided by organisation

Patient/service user feedback collected within directorate/department

Receive regular updates on patient/service user feedback in my directorate/department

Feedback from patients/service users is used to make informed decisions within directorate/department

UK 'Picker' Average

Bolton NHS Foundation Trust

41 Staff Survey 2016 - Acute Community | Bolton NHS Foundation Trust


Disability: organisation made adequate adjustment(s) to enable me to carry out work

UK Picker Average

Bolton NHS Foundation Trust

42 Staff Survey 2016 - Acute Community | Bolton NHS Foundation Trust


Internal Benchmarks

comparing results within the organisation

44 Staff Survey 2016 - Acute Community | Bolton NHS Foundation Trust

Internal Benchmarks This section shows how the scores for each site, department or division compare. The blue bars show the percentage of staff who are satisfied with a particular aspect, represented by the positive score rating. Please note that the higher scores (i.e. larger bars) are better, the smaller the bar, the greater the problem. Locality Mailing Qty CompletedAcute Adult Care Division 252 63Corporate 86 48Elective Care Division 442 182Estates & Facilities Division 66 24Family Division 273 90Integrated Community Services Division 131 40

Where fewer than 50 staff have answered a particular question, the result should be treated with caution as the number of respondents is relatively small.

YOUR JOB 2a - Often/always look forward to going to work Acute Adult Care Division (n=57)


Corporate (n=48)


Elective Care Division (n=179)


Estates & Facilities Division



Family Division (n=90)


Integrated Community Services Division



2b - Often/always enthusiastic about my job Acute Adult Care Division (n=58)


Corporate (n=47)


Elective Care Division (n=177)


Estates & Facilities Division



Family Division (n=89)


Integrated Community Services Division



45 Staff Survey 2016 - Acute Community | Bolton NHS Foundation Trust

2c - Time often/always passes quickly when I am working Acute Adult Care Division (n=59)


Corporate (n=47)


Elective Care Division (n=179)


Estates & Facilities Division



Family Division (n=89)


Integrated Community Services Division



3a - Always know what work responsibilities are Acute Adult Care Division (n=59)


Corporate (n=48)


Elective Care Division (n=181)


Estates & Facilities Division



Family Division (n=89)


Integrated Community Services Division



3b - Feel trusted to do my job Acute Adult Care

Division (n=59)


Corporate (n=48)


Elective Care Division (n=180)


Estates & Facilities Division



Family Division (n=88)


Integrated Community Services Division



46 Staff Survey 2016 - Acute Community | Bolton NHS Foundation Trust

3c - Able to do my job to a standard I am pleased with Acute Adult Care Division (n=58)


Corporate (n=48)


Elective Care Division (n=175)


Estates & Facilities Division



Family Division (n=88)


Integrated Community Services Division



4a - Opportunities to show initiative frequent in my role Acute Adult Care Division (n=59)


Corporate (n=48)


Elective Care Division (n=180)


Estates & Facilities Division



Family Division (n=88)


Integrated Community Services Division



4b - Able to make suggestions to improve the work of my team/dept Acute Adult Care Division (n=58)


Corporate (n=48)


Elective Care Division (n=180)


Estates & Facilities Division



Family Division (n=89)


Integrated Community Services Division



47 Staff Survey 2016 - Acute Community | Bolton NHS Foundation Trust

4c - Involved in deciding changes that affect work Acute Adult Care Division (n=59)


Corporate (n=48)


Elective Care Division (n=180)


Estates & Facilities Division



Family Division (n=90)


Integrated Community Services Division



4d - Able to make improvements happen in my area of work Acute Adult Care Division (n=58)


Corporate (n=48)


Elective Care Division (n=179)


Estates & Facilities Division



Family Division (n=88)


Integrated Community Services Division



4e - Able to meet conflicting demands on my time at work Acute Adult Care Division (n=59)


Corporate (n=48)


Elective Care Division (n=178)


Estates & Facilities Division



Family Division (n=90)


Integrated Community Services Division



48 Staff Survey 2016 - Acute Community | Bolton NHS Foundation Trust

4f - Have adequate materials, supplies and equipment to do my work Acute Adult Care Division (n=59)


Corporate (n=48)


Elective Care Division (n=180)


Estates & Facilities Division



Family Division (n=87)


Integrated Community Services Division



4g - Enough staff at organisation to do my job properly Acute Adult Care Division (n=57)


Corporate (n=48)


Elective Care Division (n=178)


Estates & Facilities Division



Family Division (n=89)


Integrated Community Services Division



4h - Team members have a set of shared objectives Acute Adult Care Division (n=58)


Corporate (n=48)


Elective Care Division (n=178)


Estates & Facilities Division



Family Division (n=89)


Integrated Community Services Division



49 Staff Survey 2016 - Acute Community | Bolton NHS Foundation Trust

4i - Team members often meet to discuss the team's effectiveness Acute Adult Care Division (n=59)


Corporate (n=48)


Elective Care Division (n=176)


Estates & Facilities Division



Family Division (n=89)


Integrated Community Services Division



4j - Team members have to communicate closely with each other to achieve the team's objectives Acute Adult Care Division (n=58)


Corporate (n=48)


Elective Care Division (n=177)


Estates & Facilities Division



Family Division (n=88)


Integrated Community Services Division



5a - Satisfied with recognition for good work Acute Adult Care Division (n=60)


Corporate (n=48)


Elective Care Division (n=179)


Estates & Facilities Division



Family Division (n=90)


Integrated Community Services Division



50 Staff Survey 2016 - Acute Community | Bolton NHS Foundation Trust

5b - Satisfied with support from immediate manager Acute Adult Care Division (n=59)


Corporate (n=48)


Elective Care Division (n=178)


Estates & Facilities Division



Family Division (n=89)


Integrated Community Services Division



5c - Satisfied with support from colleagues Acute Adult Care Division (n=59)


Corporate (n=47)


Elective Care Division (n=179)


Estates & Facilities Division



Family Division (n=89)


Integrated Community Services Division



5d - Satisfied with amount of responsibility given Acute Adult Care Division (n=61)


Corporate (n=48)


Elective Care Division (n=179)


Estates & Facilities Division



Family Division (n=89)


Integrated Community Services Division



51 Staff Survey 2016 - Acute Community | Bolton NHS Foundation Trust

5e - Satisfied with opportunities to use skills Acute Adult Care Division (n=61)


Corporate (n=48)


Elective Care Division (n=178)


Estates & Facilities Division



Family Division (n=90)


Integrated Community Services Division



5f - Satisfied with extent organisation values my work Acute Adult Care Division (n=60)


Corporate (n=48)


Elective Care Division (n=179)


Estates & Facilities Division



Family Division (n=90)


Integrated Community Services Division



5g - Satisfied with level of pay Acute Adult Care Division (n=59)


Corporate (n=48)


Elective Care Division (n=178)


Estates & Facilities Division



Family Division (n=88)


Integrated Community Services Division



52 Staff Survey 2016 - Acute Community | Bolton NHS Foundation Trust

5h - Satisfied with opportunities for flexible working patterns Acute Adult Care Division (n=59)


Corporate (n=48)


Elective Care Division (n=175)


Estates & Facilities Division



Family Division (n=90)


Integrated Community Services Division



6a+ - Satisfied with quality of care I give to patients/service users Acute Adult Care Division (n=61)


Corporate (n=48)


Elective Care Division (n=179)


Estates & Facilities Division



Family Division (n=88)


Integrated Community Services Division



6b+ - Feel my role makes a difference to patients/service users Acute Adult Care Division (n=61)


Corporate (n=48)


Elective Care Division (n=177)


Estates & Facilities Division



Family Division (n=89)


Integrated Community Services Division



53 Staff Survey 2016 - Acute Community | Bolton NHS Foundation Trust

6c+ - Able to provide the care I aspire to Acute Adult Care Division (n=60)


Corporate (n=48)


Elective Care Division (n=180)


Estates & Facilities Division



Family Division (n=88)


Integrated Community Services Division



54 Staff Survey 2016 - Acute Community | Bolton NHS Foundation Trust

YOUR MANAGERS 7a - Immediate manager encourages team working Acute Adult Care Division (n=61)


Corporate (n=47)


Elective Care Division (n=178)


Estates & Facilities Division



Family Division (n=84)


Integrated Community Services Division



7b - Immediate manager can be counted upon to help with difficult tasks Acute Adult Care Division (n=58)


Corporate (n=47)


Elective Care Division (n=178)


Estates & Facilities Division



Family Division (n=85)


Integrated Community Services Division



7c - Immediate manager gives clear feedback on my work Acute Adult Care Division (n=58)


Corporate (n=47)


Elective Care Division (n=177)


Estates & Facilities Division



Family Division (n=87)


Integrated Community Services Division



55 Staff Survey 2016 - Acute Community | Bolton NHS Foundation Trust

7d - Immediate manager asks for my opinion before making decisions that affect my work Acute Adult Care Division (n=60)


Corporate (n=47)


Elective Care Division (n=179)


Estates & Facilities Division



Family Division (n=87)


Integrated Community Services Division



7e - Immediate manager supportive in personal crisis Acute Adult Care Division (n=60)


Corporate (n=47)


Elective Care Division (n=177)


Estates & Facilities Division



Family Division (n=87)


Integrated Community Services Division



7f - Immediate manager takes a positive interest in my health & well-being Acute Adult Care Division (n=60)


Corporate (n=47)


Elective Care Division (n=178)


Estates & Facilities Division



Family Division (n=86)


Integrated Community Services Division



56 Staff Survey 2016 - Acute Community | Bolton NHS Foundation Trust

7g - Immediate manager values my work Acute Adult Care Division (n=60)


Corporate (n=47)


Elective Care Division (n=175)


Estates & Facilities Division



Family Division (n=88)


Integrated Community Services Division



8a - I know who senior managers are Acute Adult Care Division (n=61)


Corporate (n=47)


Elective Care Division (n=174)


Estates & Facilities Division



Family Division (n=87)


Integrated Community Services Division



8b - Communication between senior management and staff is effective Acute Adult Care Division (n=58)


Corporate (n=46)


Elective Care Division (n=178)


Estates & Facilities Division



Family Division (n=89)


Integrated Community Services Division



57 Staff Survey 2016 - Acute Community | Bolton NHS Foundation Trust

8c - Senior managers try to involve staff in important decisions Acute Adult Care Division (n=59)


Corporate (n=47)


Elective Care Division (n=178)


Estates & Facilities Division



Family Division (n=88)


Integrated Community Services Division



8d - Senior managers act on staff feedback Acute Adult Care Division (n=60)


Corporate (n=47)


Elective Care Division (n=177)


Estates & Facilities Division



Family Division (n=87)


Integrated Community Services Division



58 Staff Survey 2016 - Acute Community | Bolton NHS Foundation Trust

YOUR HEALTH, WELL-BEING AND SAFETY AT WORK 9a - Organisation definitely takes positive action on health and well-being Acute Adult Care Division (n=60)


Corporate (n=44)


Elective Care Division (n=174)


Estates & Facilities Division



Family Division (n=87)


Integrated Community Services Division



9b - In last 12 months, have not experienced musculoskeletal (MSK) problems as a result of work activities Acute Adult Care Division (n=59)


Corporate (n=48)


Elective Care Division (n=179)


Estates & Facilities Division



Family Division (n=88)


Integrated Community Services Division



9c - Not felt unwell due to work related stress in last 12 months Acute Adult Care Division (n=61)


Corporate (n=47)


Elective Care Division (n=180)


Estates & Facilities Division



Family Division (n=88)


Integrated Community Services Division



59 Staff Survey 2016 - Acute Community | Bolton NHS Foundation Trust

9d - In last 3 months, have not come to work when not feeling well enough to perform duties Acute Adult Care Division (n=50)


Corporate (n=48)


Elective Care Division (n=149)


Estates & Facilities Division



Family Division (n=71)


Integrated Community Services Division



9e - Not felt pressure from manager to come to work when not feeling well enough Acute Adult Care Division (n=35)


Corporate (n=23)


Elective Care Division (n=99)


Estates & Facilities Division



Family Division (n=48)


Integrated Community Services Division



9f - Not felt pressure from colleagues to come to work when not feeling well enough Acute Adult Care Division (n=35)


Corporate (n=23)


Elective Care Division (n=101)


Estates & Facilities Division



Family Division (n=45)


Integrated Community Services Division



60 Staff Survey 2016 - Acute Community | Bolton NHS Foundation Trust

9g - Not put myself under pressure to come to work when not feeling well enough Acute Adult Care Division (n=35)


Corporate (n=24)


Elective Care Division (n=104)


Estates & Facilities Division



Family Division (n=48)


Integrated Community Services Division



10b - Don't work any additional paid hours per week for this organisation, over and above contracted hours Acute Adult Care Division (n=55)


Corporate (n=47)


Elective Care Division (n=168)


Estates & Facilities Division



Family Division (n=82)


Integrated Community Services Division



10c - Don't work any additional unpaid hours per week for this organisation, over and above contracted hours Acute Adult Care Division (n=49)


Corporate (n=48)


Elective Care Division (n=168)


Estates & Facilities Division



Family Division (n=88)


Integrated Community Services Division



61 Staff Survey 2016 - Acute Community | Bolton NHS Foundation Trust

11a - In last month, have not seen errors/near misses/incidents that could hurt staff Acute Adult Care Division (n=58)


Corporate (n=44)


Elective Care Division (n=177)


Estates & Facilities Division



Family Division (n=89)


Integrated Community Services Division



11b - In last month, have not seen errors/near misses/incidents that could hurt patients Acute Adult Care Division (n=53)


Corporate (n=45)


Elective Care Division (n=178)


Estates & Facilities Division



Family Division (n=86)


Integrated Community Services Division



11c+ - Last error/near miss/incident seen that could hurt staff and/or patients/service users reported Acute Adult Care Division (n=23)


Corporate* (n=6)


Elective Care Division (n=68)


Estates & Facilities Division*



Family Division (n=20)


Integrated Community Services Division



62 Staff Survey 2016 - Acute Community | Bolton NHS Foundation Trust

12a+ - Organisation treats staff involved in errors fairly Acute Adult Care Division (n=57)


Corporate (n=48)


Elective Care Division (n=180)


Estates & Facilities Division



Family Division (n=89)


Integrated Community Services Division



12b+ - Organisation encourages reporting of errors Acute Adult Care Division (n=57)


Corporate (n=48)


Elective Care Division (n=178)


Estates & Facilities Division



Family Division (n=89)


Integrated Community Services Division



12c+ - Organisation takes action to ensure errors are not repeated Acute Adult Care Division (n=54)


Corporate (n=48)


Elective Care Division (n=178)


Estates & Facilities Division



Family Division (n=86)


Integrated Community Services Division



63 Staff Survey 2016 - Acute Community | Bolton NHS Foundation Trust

12d+ - Staff given feedback about changes made in response to reported errors Acute Adult Care Division (n=56)


Corporate (n=48)


Elective Care Division (n=177)


Estates & Facilities Division



Family Division (n=89)


Integrated Community Services Division



13a+ - Know how to report unsafe clinical practice Acute Adult Care

Division (n=56)


Corporate (n=48)


Elective Care Division (n=180)


Estates & Facilities Division



Family Division (n=90)


Integrated Community Services Division



13b - Would feel secure raising concerns about unsafe clinical practice Acute Adult Care Division (n=58)


Corporate (n=48)


Elective Care Division (n=175)


Estates & Facilities Division



Family Division (n=88)


Integrated Community Services Division



64 Staff Survey 2016 - Acute Community | Bolton NHS Foundation Trust

13c - Would feel confident that organisation would address concerns about unsafe clinical practice Acute Adult Care Division (n=53)


Corporate (n=48)


Elective Care Division (n=178)


Estates & Facilities Division



Family Division (n=88)


Integrated Community Services Division



14a - Not experienced physical violence from patients/service users, their relatives or other members of the public Acute Adult Care Division (n=53)


Corporate (n=48)


Elective Care Division (n=180)


Estates & Facilities Division



Family Division (n=90)


Integrated Community Services Division



14b - Not experienced physical violence from managers Acute Adult Care

Division (n=58)


Corporate (n=48)


Elective Care Division (n=180)


Estates & Facilities Division



Family Division (n=89)


Integrated Community Services Division



65 Staff Survey 2016 - Acute Community | Bolton NHS Foundation Trust

14c - Not experienced physical violence from other colleagues Acute Adult Care

Division (n=57)


Corporate (n=48)


Elective Care Division (n=180)


Estates & Facilities Division



Family Division (n=88)


Integrated Community Services Division



14d+ - Last experience of physical violence reported Acute Adult Care Division (n=21)


Corporate* (n=1)


Elective Care Division (n=33)


Estates & Facilities Division*



Family Division (n=11)


Integrated Community Services Division*



15a - Not experienced harassment, bullying or abuse from patients/service users, their relatives or members of the public Acute Adult Care Division (n=56)


Corporate (n=48)


Elective Care Division (n=175)


Estates & Facilities Division



Family Division (n=89)


Integrated Community Services Division



66 Staff Survey 2016 - Acute Community | Bolton NHS Foundation Trust

15b - Not experienced harassment, bullying or abuse from managers Acute Adult Care Division (n=52)


Corporate (n=48)


Elective Care Division (n=175)


Estates & Facilities Division



Family Division (n=89)


Integrated Community Services Division



15c - Not experienced harassment, bullying or abuse from other colleagues Acute Adult Care Division (n=54)


Corporate (n=48)


Elective Care Division (n=176)


Estates & Facilities Division



Family Division (n=89)


Integrated Community Services Division



15d+ - Last experience of harassment/bullying/abuse reported Acute Adult Care Division (n=25)


Corporate* (n=10)


Elective Care Division (n=69)


Estates & Facilities Division*



Family Division (n=35)


Integrated Community Services Division



67 Staff Survey 2016 - Acute Community | Bolton NHS Foundation Trust

16+ - Organisation acts fairly: career progression Acute Adult Care Division (n=56)


Corporate (n=48)


Elective Care Division (n=176)


Estates & Facilities Division



Family Division (n=88)


Integrated Community Services Division



17a - Not experienced discrimination from patients/service users, their relatives or other members of the public Acute Adult Care

Division (n=54)


Corporate (n=47)


Elective Care Division (n=173)


Estates & Facilities Division



Family Division (n=88)


Integrated Community Services Division



17b - Not experienced discrimination from manager/team leader or other colleagues Acute Adult Care

Division (n=55)


Corporate (n=48)


Elective Care Division (n=173)


Estates & Facilities Division



Family Division (n=86)


Integrated Community Services Division



68 Staff Survey 2016 - Acute Community | Bolton NHS Foundation Trust

YOUR PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT 18a+ - Had training, learning or development in the last 12 months Acute Adult Care Division (n=54)


Corporate (n=48)


Elective Care Division (n=158)


Estates & Facilities Division



Family Division (n=80)


Integrated Community Services Division



18b+ - Training helped me do my job more effectively Acute Adult Care Division (n=43)


Corporate (n=32)


Elective Care Division (n=126)


Estates & Facilities Division



Family Division (n=69)


Integrated Community Services Division



18c+ - Training helped me stay up-to-date with prof. requirements Acute Adult Care Division (n=44)


Corporate (n=32)


Elective Care Division (n=125)


Estates & Facilities Division



Family Division (n=68)


Integrated Community Services Division



69 Staff Survey 2016 - Acute Community | Bolton NHS Foundation Trust

18d+ - Training helped me deliver a better patient / service user experience Acute Adult Care Division (n=43)


Corporate (n=31)


Elective Care Division (n=125)


Estates & Facilities Division



Family Division (n=68)


Integrated Community Services Division



19+ - Had mandatory training in the last 12 months Acute Adult Care

Division (n=56)


Corporate (n=48)


Elective Care Division (n=177)


Estates & Facilities Division



Family Division (n=89)


Integrated Community Services Division



20a+ - Had appraisal/KSF review in last 12 months Acute Adult Care Division (n=59)


Corporate (n=47)


Elective Care Division (n=174)


Estates & Facilities Division



Family Division (n=87)


Integrated Community Services Division



70 Staff Survey 2016 - Acute Community | Bolton NHS Foundation Trust

20b - Appraisal/review definitely helped me improve how I do my job Acute Adult Care Division (n=49)


Corporate (n=42)


Elective Care Division (n=161)


Estates & Facilities Division



Family Division (n=80)


Integrated Community Services Division



20c - Clear work objectives definitely agreed during appraisal Acute Adult Care Division (n=50)


Corporate (n=43)


Elective Care Division (n=163)


Estates & Facilities Division



Family Division (n=78)


Integrated Community Services Division



20d - Appraisal/performance review: definitely left feeling work is valued Acute Adult Care Division (n=50)


Corporate (n=43)


Elective Care Division (n=159)


Estates & Facilities Division



Family Division (n=78)


Integrated Community Services Division



71 Staff Survey 2016 - Acute Community | Bolton NHS Foundation Trust

20e - Appraisal/performance review: organisational values definitely discussed Acute Adult Care Division (n=50)


Corporate (n=42)


Elective Care Division (n=158)


Estates & Facilities Division



Family Division (n=78)


Integrated Community Services Division



20f - Appraisal/performance review: training, learning or development needs identified Acute Adult Care Division (n=44)


Corporate (n=42)


Elective Care Division (n=153)


Estates & Facilities Division



Family Division (n=75)


Integrated Community Services Division



20g - Supported by manager to receive training, learning or development definitely identified in appraisal Acute Adult Care Division (n=32)


Corporate (n=25)


Elective Care Division (n=103)


Estates & Facilities Division*



Family Division (n=50)


Integrated Community Services Division



72 Staff Survey 2016 - Acute Community | Bolton NHS Foundation Trust

YOUR ORGANISATION 21a - Care of patients/service users is organisation's top priority Acute Adult Care Division (n=60)


Corporate (n=48)


Elective Care Division (n=177)


Estates & Facilities Division



Family Division (n=88)


Integrated Community Services Division



21b - Organisation acts on concerns raised by patients/service users Acute Adult Care Division (n=60)


Corporate (n=48)


Elective Care Division (n=180)


Estates & Facilities Division



Family Division (n=86)


Integrated Community Services Division



21c - Would recommend organisation as place to work Acute Adult Care Division (n=60)


Corporate (n=48)


Elective Care Division (n=180)


Estates & Facilities Division



Family Division (n=88)


Integrated Community Services Division



73 Staff Survey 2016 - Acute Community | Bolton NHS Foundation Trust

21d - If friend/relative needed treatment would be happy with standard of care provided by organisation Acute Adult Care Division (n=58)


Corporate (n=48)


Elective Care Division (n=177)


Estates & Facilities Division



Family Division (n=87)


Integrated Community Services Division



22a+ - Patient/service user feedback collected within directorate/department Acute Adult Care

Division (n=55)


Corporate (n=47)


Elective Care Division (n=161)


Estates & Facilities Division



Family Division (n=85)


Integrated Community Services Division



22b+ - Receive regular updates on patient/service user feedback in my directorate/department Acute Adult Care Division (n=48)


Corporate (n=18)


Elective Care Division (n=127)


Estates & Facilities Division*



Family Division (n=78)


Integrated Community Services Division



74 Staff Survey 2016 - Acute Community | Bolton NHS Foundation Trust

22c+ - Feedback from patients/service users is used to make informed decisions within directorate/department Acute Adult Care Division (n=46)


Corporate (n=18)


Elective Care Division (n=123)


Estates & Facilities Division*



Family Division (n=78)


Integrated Community Services Division



75 Staff Survey 2016 - Acute Community | Bolton NHS Foundation Trust

BACKGROUND INFORMATION 27b+ - Disability: organisation made adequate adjustment(s) to enable me to carry out work Acute Adult Care

Division* (n=8)


Corporate (n=12)


Elective Care Division (n=34)


Estates & Facilities Division*



Family Division* (n=7)


Integrated Community Services Division*



76 Staff Survey 2016 - Acute Community | Bolton NHS Foundation Trust

Appendix 1

Frequency Tables

a detailed breakdown of your results

78 Staff Survey 2016 - Acute Community | Bolton NHS Foundation Trust

Frequency Tables

This section shows a breakdown of responses for each question and how the positive score was calculated in each of them. The response categories that have been used to calculate the positive score are indicated with an asterisk. Question 29 shows a breakdown of which groups of staff responded to the survey.

YOUR JOB 1 - Do you have face-to-face contact with patients / service users as part of

your job? This organisation All organisations All Staff n % n %

Yes, frequently 316 72.0 25842 68.4

Yes, occasionally 68 15.5 6026 16.0

No 55 12.5 5910 15.6

439 37778

2a - I look forward to going to work. This organisation All organisations All Staff n % n %

Never 8 1.8 1026 2.5

Rarely 37 8.5 3703 9.2

Sometimes 128 29.3 12216 30.2

* Often 186 42.6 16245 40.2

* Always 78 17.8 7212 17.9

Positive score - This organisation 60.4% 437 40402 Positive score - All organisations 58.1%

2b - I am enthusiastic about my job. This organisation All organisations All Staff n % n %

Never 4 0.9 419 1.1

Rarely 16 3.7 1799 4.5

Sometimes 69 15.9 8430 21.2

* Often 195 45.0 15528 39.1

* Always 149 34.4 13540 34.1

Positive score - This organisation 79.4% 433 39716 Positive score - All organisations 73.2%

79 Staff Survey 2016 - Acute Community | Bolton NHS Foundation Trust

2c - Time passes quickly when I am working. This organisation All organisations All Staff n % n %

Never 2 0.5 508 1.3

Rarely 10 2.3 1228 3.1

Sometimes 74 16.9 7181 18.1

* Often 169 38.7 13868 35.0

* Always 182 41.6 16839 42.5

Positive score - This organisation 80.3% 437 39624 Positive score - All organisations 77.5%

3a - I always know what my work responsibilities are This organisation All organisations All Staff n % n %

Strongly disagree 2 0.5 504 1.2

Disagree 10 2.3 1802 4.4

Neither agree nor disagree 23 5.2 2703 6.7

* Agree 214 48.7 18916 46.7

* Strongly agree 190 43.3 16591 40.9

Positive score - This organisation 92.0% 439 40516 Positive score - All organisations 87.6%

3b - I am trusted to do my job. This organisation All organisations All Staff n % n %

Strongly disagree 1 0.2 382 1.0

Disagree 7 1.6 854 2.1

Neither agree nor disagree 11 2.5 2005 5.0

* Agree 193 44.3 16640 41.4

* Strongly agree 224 51.4 20309 50.5

Positive score - This organisation 95.6% 436 40190 Positive score - All organisations 91.9%

3c - I am able to do my job to a standard I am personally pleased with. This organisation All organisations All Staff n % n %

Strongly disagree 6 1.4 777 1.9

Disagree 26 6.0 3264 8.1

Neither agree nor disagree 34 7.9 3877 9.7

* Agree 191 44.4 17411 43.4

* Strongly agree 173 40.2 14828 36.9

Positive score - This organisation 84.7% 430 40157 Positive score - All organisations 80.3%

80 Staff Survey 2016 - Acute Community | Bolton NHS Foundation Trust

4a - There are frequent opportunities for me to show initiative in my role. This organisation All organisations All Staff n % n %

Strongly disagree 7 1.6 1018 2.5

Disagree 28 6.4 3262 8.1

Neither agree nor disagree 71 16.2 6610 16.3

* Agree 237 54.1 20569 50.9

* Strongly agree 95 21.7 8972 22.2

Positive score - This organisation 75.8% 438 40431 Positive score - All organisations 73.1%

4b - I am able to make suggestions to improve the work of my team /

department. This organisation All organisations All Staff n % n %

Strongly disagree 9 2.1 1096 2.7

Disagree 31 7.1 3100 7.7

Neither agree nor disagree 64 14.6 5980 14.8

* Agree 236 53.9 21173 52.3

* Strongly agree 98 22.4 9098 22.5

Positive score - This organisation 76.3% 438 40447 Positive score - All organisations 74.8%

4c - I am involved in deciding on changes introduced that affect my work

area/team/department This organisation All organisations All Staff n % n %

Strongly disagree 21 4.8 2837 7.0

Disagree 63 14.4 6870 17.0

Neither agree nor disagree 104 23.7 9385 23.2

* Agree 170 38.8 15270 37.8

* Strongly agree 80 18.3 6036 14.9

Positive score - This organisation 57.1% 438 40398 Positive score - All organisations 52.7%

4d - I am able to make improvements happen in my area of work. This organisation All organisations All Staff n % n %

Strongly disagree 14 3.2 1823 4.5

Disagree 48 11.0 5482 13.6

Neither agree nor disagree 128 29.4 10266 25.5

* Agree 167 38.4 17057 42.3

* Strongly agree 78 17.9 5702 14.1

Positive score - This organisation 56.3% 435 40330 Positive score - All organisations 56.4%

81 Staff Survey 2016 - Acute Community | Bolton NHS Foundation Trust

4e - I am able to meet all the conflicting demands on my time at work. This organisation All organisations All Staff n % n %

Strongly disagree 26 5.9 2867 7.1

Disagree 101 23.1 9195 22.9

Neither agree nor disagree 105 24.0 9878 24.6

* Agree 168 38.4 14940 37.2

* Strongly agree 37 8.5 3328 8.3

Positive score - This organisation 46.9% 437 40208 Positive score - All organisations 45.4%

4f - I have adequate materials, supplies and equipment to do my work This organisation All organisations All Staff n % n %

Strongly disagree 30 6.9 3014 7.5

Disagree 114 26.1 8463 21.0

Neither agree nor disagree 93 21.3 8111 20.2

* Agree 158 36.2 16760 41.6

* Strongly agree 42 9.6 3893 9.7

Positive score - This organisation 45.8% 437 40241 Positive score - All organisations 51.3%

4g - There are enough staff at this organisation for me to do my job properly This organisation All organisations All Staff n % n %

Strongly disagree 64 14.7 7027 17.4

Disagree 159 36.6 12085 30.0

Neither agree nor disagree 101 23.2 8869 22.0

* Agree 91 20.9 10119 25.1

* Strongly agree 20 4.6 2218 5.5

Positive score - This organisation 25.5% 435 40318 Positive score - All organisations 30.6%

4h - The team I work in has a set of shared objectives. This organisation All organisations All Staff n % n %

Strongly disagree 5 1.1 1214 3.0

Disagree 27 6.2 2959 7.4

Neither agree nor disagree 84 19.2 7394 18.4

* Agree 232 53.1 22043 54.8

* Strongly agree 89 20.4 6580 16.4

Positive score - This organisation 73.5% 437 40190 Positive score - All organisations 71.2%

82 Staff Survey 2016 - Acute Community | Bolton NHS Foundation Trust

4i - The team I work in often meets to discuss the team’s effectiveness. This organisation All organisations All Staff n % n %

Strongly disagree 22 5.1 2692 6.7

Disagree 59 13.6 5996 14.9

Neither agree nor disagree 71 16.4 7263 18.0

* Agree 191 44.0 17768 44.1

* Strongly agree 91 21.0 6530 16.2

Positive score - This organisation 65.0% 434 40249 Positive score - All organisations 60.4%

4j - Team members have to communicate closely with each other to achieve

the team’s objectives. This organisation All organisations All Staff n % n %

Strongly disagree 3 0.7 953 2.4

Disagree 21 4.9 1969 4.9

Neither agree nor disagree 73 17.0 5891 14.6

* Agree 205 47.7 21072 52.3

* Strongly agree 128 29.8 10393 25.8

Positive score - This organisation 77.4% 430 40278 Positive score - All organisations 78.1%

5a - How satisfied I am with the recognition I get for good work This organisation All organisations All Staff n % n %

Very dissatisfied 24 5.5 2869 7.1

Dissatisfied 64 14.6 6556 16.3

Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied 99 22.6 10127 25.2

* Satisfied 192 43.8 16242 40.4

* Very satisfied 59 13.5 4372 10.9

Positive score - This organisation 57.3% 438 40166 Positive score - All organisations 51.3%

5b - How satisfied I am with the support I get from my immediate manager This organisation All organisations All Staff n % n %

Very dissatisfied 17 3.9 2171 5.4

Dissatisfied 44 10.1 4182 10.4

Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied 72 16.5 7266 18.1

* Satisfied 193 44.3 16674 41.5

* Very satisfied 110 25.2 9877 24.6

Positive score - This organisation 69.5% 436 40170 Positive score - All organisations 66.1%

83 Staff Survey 2016 - Acute Community | Bolton NHS Foundation Trust

5c - How satisfied I am with the support I get from my work colleagues This organisation All organisations All Staff n % n %

Very dissatisfied 7 1.6 579 1.4

Dissatisfied 21 4.8 1780 4.4

Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied 52 11.9 5806 14.5

* Satisfied 220 50.5 20963 52.2

* Very satisfied 136 31.2 11034 27.5

Positive score - This organisation 81.7% 436 40162 Positive score - All organisations 79.7%

5d - How satisfied I am with the amount of responsibility I am given This organisation All organisations All Staff n % n %

Very dissatisfied 10 2.3 1013 2.5

Dissatisfied 27 6.1 3089 7.7

Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied 67 15.2 6960 17.4

* Satisfied 249 56.6 21939 54.7

* Very satisfied 87 19.8 7071 17.6

Positive score - This organisation 76.4% 440 40072 Positive score - All organisations 72.4%

5e - How satisfied I am with the opportunities I have to use my skills This organisation All organisations All Staff n % n %

Very dissatisfied 13 3.0 1335 3.3

Dissatisfied 23 5.2 3587 9.0

Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied 68 15.5 7036 17.6

* Satisfied 232 52.8 20891 52.2

* Very satisfied 103 23.5 7173 17.9

Positive score - This organisation 76.3% 439 40022 Positive score - All organisations 70.1%

5f - How satisfied I am with the extent to which my organisation values my

work This organisation All organisations All Staff n % n %

Very dissatisfied 30 6.8 3834 9.6

Dissatisfied 67 15.3 7476 18.7

Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied 121 27.6 11804 29.5

* Satisfied 179 40.9 13395 33.5

* Very satisfied 41 9.4 3484 8.7

Positive score - This organisation 50.2% 438 39993 Positive score - All organisations 42.2%

84 Staff Survey 2016 - Acute Community | Bolton NHS Foundation Trust

5g - How satisfied I am with my level of pay This organisation All organisations All Staff n % n %

Very dissatisfied 38 8.7 5374 13.4

Dissatisfied 104 23.9 10225 25.5

Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied 117 26.9 10312 25.7

* Satisfied 150 34.5 12218 30.5

* Very satisfied 26 6.0 1934 4.8

Positive score - This organisation 40.5% 435 40063 Positive score - All organisations 35.3%

5h - How satisfied I am with the opportunities for flexible working patterns. This organisation All organisations All Staff n % n %

Very dissatisfied 20 4.6 3081 7.7

Dissatisfied 55 12.6 5464 13.7

Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied 145 33.3 11289 28.2

* Satisfied 153 35.2 14888 37.2

* Very satisfied 62 14.3 5286 13.2

Positive score - This organisation 49.4% 435 40008 Positive score - All organisations 50.4%

6a - I am satisfied with the quality of care I give to patients / service users. This organisation All organisations All Staff n % n %

Strongly disagree 11 2.5 762 1.9

Disagree 12 2.7 2129 5.3

Neither agree nor disagree 36 8.2 3450 8.6

Agree 212 48.4 17982 44.8

Strongly agree 128 29.2 11036 27.5

Not applicable to me 39 8.9 4743 11.8

438 40102

6a+ - I am satisfied with the quality of care I give to patients / service users. This organisation All organisations n % n %

Strongly disagree 11 2.8 762 2.2

Disagree 12 3.0 2129 6.0

Neither agree nor disagree 36 9.0 3450 9.8

* Agree 212 53.1 17982 50.9

* Strongly agree 128 32.1 11036 31.2

Positive score - This organisation 85.2% 399 35359 Positive score - All organisations 82.1%

85 Staff Survey 2016 - Acute Community | Bolton NHS Foundation Trust

6b - I feel that my role makes a difference to patients / service users. This organisation All organisations All Staff n % n %

Strongly disagree 3 0.7 250 0.6

Disagree 3 0.7 512 1.3

Neither agree nor disagree 19 4.3 2850 7.1

Agree 204 46.7 19095 47.6

Strongly agree 188 43.0 14838 37.0

Not applicable to me 20 4.6 2549 6.4

437 40094

6b+ - I feel that my role makes a difference to patients / service users. This organisation All organisations n % n %

Strongly disagree 3 0.7 250 0.7

Disagree 3 0.7 512 1.4

Neither agree nor disagree 19 4.6 2850 7.6

* Agree 204 48.9 19095 50.9

* Strongly agree 188 45.1 14838 39.5

Positive score - This organisation 94.0% 417 37545 Positive score - All organisations 90.4%

6c - I am able to deliver the care I aspire to. This organisation All organisations All Staff n % n %

Strongly disagree 12 2.8 1374 3.4

Disagree 39 8.9 3982 10.0

Neither agree nor disagree 67 15.4 5868 14.7

Agree 171 39.2 15187 38.0

Strongly agree 107 24.5 8616 21.6

Not applicable to me 40 9.2 4910 12.3

436 39937

6c+ - I am able to deliver the care I aspire to. This organisation All organisations n % n %

Strongly disagree 12 3.0 1374 3.9

Disagree 39 9.8 3982 11.4

Neither agree nor disagree 67 16.9 5868 16.8

* Agree 171 43.2 15187 43.4

* Strongly agree 107 27.0 8616 24.6

Positive score - This organisation 70.2% 396 35027 Positive score - All organisations 68.0%

86 Staff Survey 2016 - Acute Community | Bolton NHS Foundation Trust

YOUR MANAGERS 7a - My immediate manager...encourages those who work for her/him to

work as a team. This organisation All organisations All Staff n % n %

Strongly disagree 11 2.5 1529 3.9

Disagree 32 7.4 2815 7.1

Neither agree nor disagree 56 13.0 6451 16.3

* Agree 210 48.6 18151 45.9

* Strongly agree 123 28.5 10626 26.9

Positive score - This organisation 77.1% 432 39572 Positive score - All organisations 72.7%

7b - My immediate manager...can be counted on to help me with a difficult

task at work. This organisation All organisations All Staff n % n %

Strongly disagree 13 3.0 1762 4.5

Disagree 37 8.6 3341 8.4

Neither agree nor disagree 69 16.0 6683 16.9

* Agree 188 43.7 16695 42.2

* Strongly agree 123 28.6 11061 28.0

Positive score - This organisation 72.3% 430 39542 Positive score - All organisations 70.2%

7c - My immediate me clear feedback on my work. This organisation All organisations All Staff n % n %

Strongly disagree 18 4.2 2053 5.2

Disagree 54 12.5 4830 12.2

Neither agree nor disagree 97 22.5 8679 22.0

* Agree 157 36.3 15180 38.4

* Strongly agree 106 24.5 8787 22.2

Positive score - This organisation 60.9% 432 39529 Positive score - All organisations 60.6%

7d - My immediate manager...asks for my opinion before making decisions

that affect my work. This organisation All organisations All Staff n % n %

Strongly disagree 29 6.7 3104 7.9

Disagree 64 14.8 5919 15.0

Neither agree nor disagree 95 21.9 8918 22.6

* Agree 156 36.0 13712 34.7

* Strongly agree 89 20.6 7815 19.8

Positive score - This organisation 56.6% 433 39468 Positive score - All organisations 54.5%

87 Staff Survey 2016 - Acute Community | Bolton NHS Foundation Trust

7e - My immediate supportive in a personal crisis. This organisation All organisations All Staff n % n %

Strongly disagree 14 3.2 1565 4.0

Disagree 23 5.3 1882 4.8

Neither agree nor disagree 80 18.6 7361 18.6

* Agree 155 36.0 15311 38.8

* Strongly agree 159 36.9 13368 33.9

Positive score - This organisation 72.9% 431 39487 Positive score - All organisations 72.6%

7f - My immediate manager...takes a positive interest in my health and well-

being. This organisation All organisations All Staff n % n %

Strongly disagree 15 3.5 1944 4.9

Disagree 33 7.6 3060 7.7

Neither agree nor disagree 106 24.5 8416 21.3

* Agree 141 32.6 15099 38.2

* Strongly agree 138 31.9 10990 27.8

Positive score - This organisation 64.4% 433 39509 Positive score - All organisations 66.0%

7g - My immediate manager...values my work. This organisation All organisations All Staff n % n %

Strongly disagree 16 3.7 1688 4.3

Disagree 24 5.6 2401 6.1

Neither agree nor disagree 76 17.6 7709 19.5

* Agree 181 41.9 16704 42.3

* Strongly agree 135 31.2 10960 27.8

Positive score - This organisation 73.1% 432 39462 Positive score - All organisations 70.1%

8a - I know who the senior managers are here. This organisation All organisations All Staff n % n %

Strongly disagree 7 1.6 1083 2.7

Disagree 17 3.9 2655 6.7

Neither agree nor disagree 43 10.0 3807 9.6

* Agree 243 56.4 20671 52.2

* Strongly agree 121 28.1 11394 28.8

Positive score - This organisation 84.5% 431 39610 Positive score - All organisations 81.0%

88 Staff Survey 2016 - Acute Community | Bolton NHS Foundation Trust

8b - Communication between senior management and staff is effective This organisation All organisations All Staff n % n %

Strongly disagree 26 6.0 4087 10.3

Disagree 78 18.0 8019 20.3

Neither agree nor disagree 158 36.4 12040 30.4

* Agree 130 30.0 11651 29.5

* Strongly agree 42 9.7 3750 9.5

Positive score - This organisation 39.6% 434 39547 Positive score - All organisations 38.9%

8c - Senior managers here try to involve staff in important decisions This organisation All organisations All Staff n % n %

Strongly disagree 39 9.0 5535 14.0

Disagree 95 21.9 8946 22.6

Neither agree nor disagree 163 37.6 12404 31.4

* Agree 104 24.0 9512 24.1

* Strongly agree 33 7.6 3153 8.0

Positive score - This organisation 31.6% 434 39550 Positive score - All organisations 32.0%

8d - Senior managers act on staff feedback. This organisation All organisations All Staff n % n %

Strongly disagree 34 7.9 5107 12.9

Disagree 73 16.9 7546 19.1

Neither agree nor disagree 184 42.5 14741 37.3

* Agree 108 24.9 9175 23.2

* Strongly agree 34 7.9 2917 7.4

Positive score - This organisation 32.8% 433 39486 Positive score - All organisations 30.6%

89 Staff Survey 2016 - Acute Community | Bolton NHS Foundation Trust

YOUR HEALTH, WELL-BEING AND SAFETY AT WORK 9a - Does your organisation take positive action on health and well-being? This organisation All organisations All Staff n % n %

* Yes, definitely 156 36.5 11163 29.3

Yes, to some extent 243 56.9 22627 59.3

No 28 6.6 4370 11.5

Positive score - This organisation 36.5% 427 38160 Positive score - All organisations 29.3%

9b - In the last 12 months have you experienced musculoskeletal problems

(MSK) as a result of work activities? This organisation All organisations All Staff n % n %

Yes 108 24.9 10371 26.2

* No 326 75.1 29217 73.8

Positive score - This organisation 75.1% 434 39588 Positive score - All organisations 73.8%

9c - During the last 12 months have you felt unwell as a result of work

related stress? This organisation All organisations All Staff n % n %

Yes 160 36.6 15008 37.9

* No 277 63.4 24633 62.1

Positive score - This organisation 63.4% 437 39641 Positive score - All organisations 62.1%

9d - In the last three months have you ever come to work despite not feeling

well enough to perform your duties? This organisation All organisations All Staff n % n %

Yes 259 69.8 22777 59.2

* No 112 30.2 15721 40.8

Positive score - This organisation 30.2% 371 38498 Positive score - All organisations 40.8%

9e - Have you felt pressure from your manager to come to work? This organisation All organisations Staff who in the last 3 months have come to work despite not feeling well enough n % n %

Yes 61 25.3 6073 27.4

* No 180 74.7 16129 72.6

Positive score - This organisation 74.7% 241 22202 Positive score - All organisations 72.6%

90 Staff Survey 2016 - Acute Community | Bolton NHS Foundation Trust

9f - Have you felt pressure from colleagues to come to work? This organisation All organisations Staff who in the last 3 months have come to work despite not feeling well enough n % n %

Yes 50 20.7 4651 21.0

* No 191 79.3 17522 79.0

Positive score - This organisation 79.3% 241 22173 Positive score - All organisations 79.0%

9g - Have you put yourself under pressure to come to work? This organisation All organisations Staff who in the last 3 months have come to work despite not feeling well enough n % n %

Yes 228 92.3 20292 90.8

* No 19 7.7 2057 9.2

Positive score - This organisation 7.7% 247 22349 Positive score - All organisations 9.2%

10a - How many hours a week are you contracted to work? This organisation All organisations All Staff n % n %

Up to 29 hours 89 20.2 6863 17.5

30 or more hours 351 79.8 32435 82.5

440 39298

10b - On average, how many additional PAID hours do you work per week

for this organisation, over and above your contracted hours? This organisation All organisations All Staff n % n %

* 0 hours 279 68.0 26229 68.4

Up to 5 hours 68 16.6 5728 14.9

6-10 hours 33 8.0 3428 8.9

11 or more hours 30 7.3 2970 7.7

Positive score - This organisation 68.0% 410 38355 Positive score - All organisations 68.4%

10c - On average, how many additional UNPAID hours do you work per week

for this organisation, over and above your contracted hours? This organisation All organisations All Staff n % n %

* 0 hours 181 43.8 15707 40.7

Up to 5 hours 189 45.8 16776 43.5

6-10 hours 28 6.8 4251 11.0

11 or more hours 15 3.6 1852 4.8

Positive score - This organisation 43.8% 413 38586 Positive score - All organisations 40.7%

91 Staff Survey 2016 - Acute Community | Bolton NHS Foundation Trust

11a - In the last month have you seen errors, near misses, or incidents that could have hurt staff?

This organisation All organisations All Staff n % n %

Yes 86 19.9 5985 17.1

* No 346 80.1 28996 82.9

Positive score - This organisation 80.1% 432 34981 Positive score - All organisations 82.9%

11b - In the last month have you seen errors, near misses, or incidents that

could have hurt patients/service users? This organisation All organisations All Staff n % n %

Yes 120 28.3 9027 26.1

* No 304 71.7 25561 73.9

Positive score - This organisation 71.7% 424 34588 Positive score - All organisations 73.9%

11c - The last time you saw an error, near miss or incident that could have

hurt staff or patients / service users, did you or a colleague report it? This organisation All organisations Staff seeing error/near miss/incident that could hurt staff/patients/service users in last month n % n %

Yes, I reported it 77 54.6 5311 50.9

Yes, a colleague reported it 43 30.5 3473 33.3

No 9 6.4 549 5.3

Don't know 7 5.0 459 4.4

Yes, I reported it and a colleague reported it 5 3.5 643 6.2

141 10435

11c+ - The last time you saw an error, near miss or incident that could have

hurt staff or patients / service users, did you or a colleague report it? This organisation All organisations n % n %

*Yes, I reported it 77 57.5 5311 53.2

*Yes, a colleague reported it 43 32.1 3473 34.8

No 9 6.7 549 5.5

*Yes, I reported it and a colleague reported it 5 3.7 643 6.4

Positive score - This organisation 93.3% 134 9976Positive score - All organisations 94.5%

92 Staff Survey 2016 - Acute Community | Bolton NHS Foundation Trust

12a - My organisation treats staff who are involved in an error, near miss or incident fairly.

This organisation All organisations All Staff n % n %

Strongly disagree 5 1.1 1043 2.7

Disagree 19 4.4 2213 5.6

Neither agree nor disagree 133 30.5 11946 30.4

Agree 182 41.7 14776 37.6

Strongly agree 43 9.9 2830 7.2

Don't know 54 12.4 6511 16.6

436 39319

12a+ - My organisation treats staff who are involved in an error, near miss or

incident fairly. This organisation All organisations n % n %

Strongly disagree 5 1.3 1043 3.2

Disagree 19 5.0 2213 6.7

Neither agree nor disagree 133 34.8 11946 36.4

* Agree 182 47.6 14776 45.0

* Strongly agree 43 11.3 2830 8.6

Positive score - This organisation 58.9% 382 32808 Positive score - All organisations 53.7%

12b - My organisation encourages us to report errors, near misses or

incidents. This organisation All organisations All Staff n % n %

Strongly disagree 2 0.5 473 1.2

Disagree 6 1.4 911 2.3

Neither agree nor disagree 23 5.3 3978 10.1

Agree 239 54.9 22700 57.7

Strongly agree 161 37.0 10230 26.0

Don't know 4 0.9 1034 2.6

435 39326

12b+ - My organisation encourages us to report errors, near misses or

incidents. This organisation All organisations n % n %

Strongly disagree 2 0.5 473 1.2

Disagree 6 1.4 911 2.4

Neither agree nor disagree 23 5.3 3978 10.4

* Agree 239 55.5 22700 59.3

* Strongly agree 161 37.4 10230 26.7

Positive score - This organisation 92.8% 431 38292 Positive score - All organisations 86.0%

93 Staff Survey 2016 - Acute Community | Bolton NHS Foundation Trust

12c - When errors, near misses or incidents are reported, my organisation takes action to ensure that they do not happen again.

This organisation All organisations All Staff n % n %

Strongly disagree 8 1.9 857 2.2

Disagree 14 3.3 1920 4.9

Neither agree nor disagree 76 17.7 8833 22.5

Agree 212 49.4 18538 47.3

Strongly agree 102 23.8 6030 15.4

Don't know 17 4.0 3054 7.8

429 39232

12c+ - When errors, near misses or incidents are reported, my organisation

takes action to ensure that they do not happen again. This organisation All organisations n % n %

Strongly disagree 8 1.9 857 2.4

Disagree 14 3.4 1920 5.3

Neither agree nor disagree 76 18.4 8833 24.4

* Agree 212 51.5 18538 51.2

* Strongly agree 102 24.8 6030 16.7

Positive score - This organisation 76.2% 412 36178 Positive score - All organisations 67.9%

12d - We are given feedback about changes made in response to reported

errors, near misses and incidents. This organisation All organisations All Staff n % n %

Strongly disagree 7 1.6 1870 4.8

Disagree 35 8.1 4325 11.1

Neither agree nor disagree 81 18.7 9393 24.0

Agree 207 47.7 16069 41.1

Strongly agree 91 21.0 4695 12.0

Don't know 13 3.0 2760 7.1

434 39112

12d+ - We are given feedback about changes made in response to reported

errors, near misses and incidents. This organisation All organisations n % n %

Strongly disagree 7 1.7 1870 5.1

Disagree 35 8.3 4325 11.9

Neither agree nor disagree 81 19.2 9393 25.8

* Agree 207 49.2 16069 44.2

* Strongly agree 91 21.6 4695 12.9

Positive score - This organisation 70.8% 421 36352 Positive score - All organisations 57.1%

94 Staff Survey 2016 - Acute Community | Bolton NHS Foundation Trust

13a - If you were concerned about unsafe clinical practice, would you know how to report it?

This organisation All organisations All Staff n % n %

Yes 388 88.6 33725 86.7

No 14 3.2 1873 4.8

Don't know 36 8.2 3314 8.5

438 38912

13a+ - If you were concerned about unsafe clinical practice, would you know

how to report it? This organisation All organisations n % n %

* Yes 388 96.5 33725 94.7

No 14 3.5 1873 5.3

Positive score - This organisation 96.5% 402 35598 Positive score - All organisations 94.7%

13b - I would feel secure raising concerns about unsafe clinical practice. This organisation All organisations All Staff n % n %

Strongly disagree 11 2.5 1246 3.2

Disagree 15 3.5 2359 6.0

Neither agree nor disagree 84 19.4 8165 20.8

* Agree 239 55.2 19905 50.8

* Strongly agree 84 19.4 7506 19.2

Positive score - This organisation 74.6% 433 39181 Positive score - All organisations 70.0%

13c - I am confident that my organisation would address my concern. This organisation All organisations All Staff n % n %

Strongly disagree 8 1.9 1437 3.7

Disagree 28 6.5 3173 8.1

Neither agree nor disagree 102 23.8 12276 31.4

* Agree 219 51.0 16947 43.3

* Strongly agree 72 16.8 5264 13.5

Positive score - This organisation 67.8% 429 39097 Positive score - All organisations 56.8%

95 Staff Survey 2016 - Acute Community | Bolton NHS Foundation Trust

14a - In the last 12 months how many times have you personally experienced physical violence at work from...Patients / service users, their relatives or other members of the public

This organisation All organisations All Staff n % n %

* Never 363 83.4 33969 86.8

1-2 41 9.4 3300 8.4

3-5 13 3.0 1084 2.8

6-10 6 1.4 339 0.9

More than 10 12 2.8 430 1.1

Positive score - This organisation 83.4% 435 39122 Positive score - All organisations 86.8%

14b - In the last 12 months how many times have you personally

experienced physical violence at work from...Managers? This organisation All organisations All Staff n % n %

* Never 433 98.9 38264 99.3

1-2 5 1.1 184 0.5

3-5 0 0.0 45 0.1

6-10 0 0.0 16 0.0

More than 10 0 0.0 22 0.1

Positive score - This organisation 98.9% 438 38531 Positive score - All organisations 99.3%

14c - In the last 12 months how many times have you personally

experienced physical violence at work from...Other colleagues? This organisation All organisations All Staff n % n %

* Never 426 97.7 37697 98.0

1-2 7 1.6 566 1.5

3-5 2 0.5 110 0.3

6-10 1 0.2 27 0.1

More than 10 0 0.0 47 0.1

Positive score - This organisation 97.7% 436 38447 Positive score - All organisations 98.0%

14d - The last time you experienced physical violence at work, did you or a

colleague report it? This organisation All organisations All Staff n % n %

Yes, I reported it 36 41.4 2076 34.6

Yes, a colleague reported it 13 14.9 873 14.5

No 20 23.0 1570 26.1

Don't know 4 4.6 304 5.1

Yes, I reported it and a colleague reported it 2 2.3 139 2.3

Not applicable 12 13.8 1046 17.4

87 6008

96 Staff Survey 2016 - Acute Community | Bolton NHS Foundation Trust

14d+ - The last time you experienced physical violence at work, did you or a colleague report it?

This organisation All organisations Staff who experienced physical violence at work n % n %

*Yes, I reported it 36 50.7 2076 44.6

*Yes, a colleague reported it 13 18.3 873 18.7

No 20 28.2 1570 33.7

*Yes, I reported it and a colleague reported it 2 2.8 139 3.0

Positive score - This organisation 71.8% 71 4658Positive score - All organisations 66.3%

15a - In the last 12 months how many times have you personally

experienced harassment, bullying or abuse at work from...Patients / service users, their relatives or other members of the public?

This organisation All organisations All Staff n % n %

* Never 316 73.7 28586 73.4

1-2 60 14.0 6260 16.1

3-5 23 5.4 2250 5.8

6-10 12 2.8 758 1.9

More than 10 18 4.2 1106 2.8

Positive score - This organisation 73.7% 429 38960 Positive score - All organisations 73.4%

15b - In the last 12 months how many times have you personally

experienced harassment, bullying or abuse at work from...Managers? This organisation All organisations All Staff n % n %

* Never 371 86.9 32910 85.6

1-2 36 8.4 3625 9.4

3-5 11 2.6 1073 2.8

6-10 5 1.2 367 1.0

More than 10 4 0.9 483 1.3

Positive score - This organisation 86.9% 427 38458 Positive score - All organisations 85.6%

15c - In the last 12 months how many times have you personally

experienced harassment, bullying or abuse at work from...Other colleagues?

This organisation All organisations All Staff n % n %

* Never 348 81.1 31027 80.9

1-2 55 12.8 5122 13.3

3-5 16 3.7 1314 3.4

6-10 5 1.2 407 1.1

More than 10 5 1.2 500 1.3

Positive score - This organisation 81.1% 429 38370 Positive score - All organisations 80.9%

97 Staff Survey 2016 - Acute Community | Bolton NHS Foundation Trust

15d - The last time you experienced harassment, bullying or abuse at work, did you or a colleague report it?

This organisation All organisations All Staff n % n %

Yes, I reported it 69 37.3 5149 32.3

Yes, a colleague reported it 14 7.6 881 5.5

No 68 36.8 7623 47.9

Don't know 10 5.4 577 3.6

Yes, I reported it and a colleague reported it 2 1.1 158 1.0

Not applicable 22 11.9 1538 9.7

185 15926

15d+ - The last time you experienced harassment, bullying or abuse at work,

did you or a colleague report it? This organisation All organisations Staff who experienced harassment, bullying or abuse at work n % n %

* Yes, I reported it 69 45.1 5149 37.3

* Yes, a colleague reported it 14 9.2 881 6.4

No 68 44.4 7623 55.2

* Yes, I reported it and a colleague reported it 2 1.3 158 1.1

Positive score - This organisation 55.6% 153 13811 Positive score - All organisations 44.8%

16 - Does your organisation act fairly with regard to career

progression/promotion, regardless of ethnic background, gender, religion, sexual orientation, disability or age?

This organisation All organisations All Staff n % n %

Yes 299 69.2 22028 57.2

No 26 6.0 4974 12.9

Don't know 107 24.8 11514 29.9

432 38516

16+ - Does your organisation act fairly with regard to career

progression/promotion, regardless of ethnic background, gender, religion, sexual orientation, disability or age?

This organisation All organisations n % n %

* Yes 299 92.0 22028 81.6

No 26 8.0 4974 18.4

Positive score - This organisation 92.0% 325 27002 Positive score - All organisations 81.6%

98 Staff Survey 2016 - Acute Community | Bolton NHS Foundation Trust

17a - In the last 12 months have you personally experienced discrimination at work from patients / service users, their relatives or other members of the public?

This organisation All organisations All Staff n % n %

Yes 14 3.3 2619 6.7

* No 410 96.7 36244 93.3

Positive score - This organisation 96.7% 424 38863 Positive score - All organisations 93.3%

17b - In the last 12 months have you personally experienced discrimination

at work from manager / team leader or other colleagues? This organisation All organisations All Staff n % n %

Yes 31 7.3 3625 9.3

* No 392 92.7 35221 90.7

Positive score - This organisation 92.7% 423 38846 Positive score - All organisations 90.7%

17c - On what grounds have you experienced discrimination? This organisation All organisations Staff experiencing discrimination in the last 12 months n % n %

Ethnic background 8 21.6 2454 49.3

Gender 5 13.5 915 18.4

Religion 2 5.4 356 7.2

Sexual orientation 1 2.7 204 4.1

Disability 8 21.6 335 6.7

Age 6 16.2 832 16.7

Other (please specify) 16 43.2 1535 30.8

37 4977

99 Staff Survey 2016 - Acute Community | Bolton NHS Foundation Trust

YOUR PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT 18a - Have you had any training, learning or development in the last 12

months? (Please do not include mandatory training) This organisation All organisations All Staff n % n %

Yes 325 81.7 26773 69.9

No 70 17.6 10853 28.3

Can't remember 3 0.8 663 1.7

398 38289

18a+ - Have you had any training, learning or development in the last 12

months? (Please do not include mandatory training) This organisation All organisations n % n %

* Yes 325 82.3 26773 71.2

No 70 17.7 10853 28.8

Positive score - This organisation 82.3% 395 37626 Positive score - All organisations 71.2%

18b - My training, learning or development has helped me my job

more effectively. This organisation All organisations Staff who had any non-mandatory training, learning or development in the last 12 months n % n %

Strongly disagree 2 0.6 309 1.2

Disagree 4 1.3 661 2.5

Neither agree nor disagree 48 15.3 3090 11.6

Agree 186 59.2 15531 58.5

Strongly agree 73 23.2 6833 25.7

Not applicable to me 1 0.3 128 0.5

314 26552

18b+ - My training, learning or development has helped me my job

more effectively. This organisation All organisations n % n %

Strongly disagree 2 0.6 309 1.2

Disagree 4 1.3 661 2.5

Neither agree nor disagree 48 15.3 3090 11.7

* Agree 186 59.4 15531 58.8

* Strongly agree 73 23.3 6833 25.9

Positive score - This organisation 82.7% 313 26424 Positive score - All organisations 84.6%

100 Staff Survey 2016 - Acute Community | Bolton NHS Foundation Trust

18c - My training, learning or development has helped me to...stay up-to-date with professional requirements.

This organisation All organisations Staff who had any non-mandatory training, learning or development in the last 12 months n % n %

Strongly disagree 2 0.6 282 1.1

Disagree 7 2.2 538 2.0

Neither agree nor disagree 30 9.6 2199 8.3

Agree 192 61.3 15445 58.3

Strongly agree 78 24.9 7341 27.7

Not applicable to me 4 1.3 690 2.6

313 26495

18c+ - My training, learning or development has helped me to...stay up-to-

date with professional requirements. This organisation All organisations n % n %

Strongly disagree 2 0.6 282 1.1

Disagree 7 2.3 538 2.1

Neither agree nor disagree 30 9.7 2199 8.5

* Agree 192 62.1 15445 59.9

* Strongly agree 78 25.2 7341 28.4

Positive score - This organisation 87.4% 309 25805 Positive score - All organisations 88.3%

18d - My training, learning or development has helped me to...deliver a

better patient / service user experience. This organisation All organisations Staff who had any non-mandatory training, learning or development in the last 12 months n % n %

Strongly disagree 3 1.0 284 1.1

Disagree 7 2.3 647 2.5

Neither agree nor disagree 31 10.1 3264 12.4

Agree 184 59.9 14402 54.6

Strongly agree 73 23.8 6853 26.0

Not applicable to me 9 2.9 910 3.5

307 26360

18d+ - My training, learning or development has helped me to...deliver a

better patient / service user experience. This organisation All organisations n % n %

Strongly disagree 3 1.0 284 1.1

Disagree 7 2.3 647 2.5

Neither agree nor disagree 31 10.4 3264 12.8

* Agree 184 61.7 14402 56.6

* Strongly agree 73 24.5 6853 26.9

Positive score - This organisation 86.2% 298 25450 Positive score - All organisations 83.5%

101 Staff Survey 2016 - Acute Community | Bolton NHS Foundation Trust

19 - Have you had any mandatory training in the last 12 months? This organisation All organisations All Staff n % n %

Yes 419 96.8 36615 94.2

No 10 2.3 1684 4.3

Can't remember 4 0.9 580 1.5

433 38879

19+ - Have you had any mandatory training in the last 12 months? This organisation All organisations n % n %

* Yes 419 97.7 36615 95.6

No 10 2.3 1684 4.4

Positive score - This organisation 97.7% 429 38299 Positive score - All organisations 95.6%

20a - In the last 12 months, have you had an appraisal, annual review,

development review, or Knowledge and Skills Framework (KSF) development review?

This organisation All organisations All Staff n % n %

Yes 396 92.7 32096 82.6

No 28 6.6 5973 15.4

Can't remember 3 0.7 785 2.0

427 38854

20a+ - In the last 12 months, have you had an appraisal, annual review,

development review, or Knowledge and Skills Framework (KSF) development review?

This organisation All organisations n % n %

* Yes 396 93.4 32096 84.3

No 28 6.6 5973 15.7

Positive score - This organisation 93.4% 424 38069 Positive score - All organisations 84.3%

20b - The appraisal/review helped me to improve how I do my job. This organisation All organisations Staff who had appraisal/KSF review n % n %

* Yes, definitely 79 20.5 7502 23.6

Yes, to some extent 192 49.7 15515 48.8

No 115 29.8 8768 27.6

Positive score - This organisation 20.5% 386 31785 Positive score - All organisations 23.6%

102 Staff Survey 2016 - Acute Community | Bolton NHS Foundation Trust

20c - The appraisal/review helped me agree clear objectives for my work. This organisation All organisations Staff who had appraisal/KSF review n % n %

* Yes, definitely 121 31.2 11011 34.7

Yes, to some extent 211 54.4 15911 50.1

No 56 14.4 4825 15.2

Positive score - This organisation 31.2% 388 31747 Positive score - All organisations 34.7%

20d - The appraisal/review left me feeling that my work is valued by my

organisation. This organisation All organisations Staff who had appraisal/KSF review n % n %

* Yes, definitely 107 27.9 8988 28.4

Yes, to some extent 177 46.1 14312 45.2

No 100 26.0 8376 26.4

Positive score - This organisation 27.9% 384 31676 Positive score - All organisations 28.4%

20e - The values of my organisation were discussed as part of the appraisal

process. This organisation All organisations Staff who had appraisal/KSF review n % n %

* Yes, definitely 161 42.3 10532 33.5

Yes, to some extent 160 42.0 14044 44.7

No 60 15.7 6835 21.8

Positive score - This organisation 42.3% 381 31411 Positive score - All organisations 33.5%

20f - Were any training, learning or development needs identified? This organisation All organisations Staff who had appraisal/KSF review n % n %

* Yes 248 68.9 20581 67.6

No 112 31.1 9853 32.4

Positive score - This organisation 68.9% 360 30434 Positive score - All organisations 67.6%

20g - My manager supported me to receive this training, learning or

development. This organisation All organisations Staff who had training, learning or development needs identified n % n %

* Yes, definitely 118 49.0 10111 50.5

Yes, to some extent 103 42.7 8031 40.1

No 20 8.3 1897 9.5

Positive score - This organisation 49.0% 241 20039 Positive score - All organisations 50.5%

103 Staff Survey 2016 - Acute Community | Bolton NHS Foundation Trust

YOUR ORGANISATION 21a - Care of patients/service users is my organisation's top priority This organisation All organisations All Staff n % n %

Strongly disagree 9 2.1 1262 3.2

Disagree 25 5.7 2849 7.3

Neither agree nor disagree 53 12.2 6514 16.8

* Agree 207 47.6 18176 46.8

* Strongly agree 141 32.4 10069 25.9

Positive score - This organisation 80.0% 435 38870 Positive score - All organisations 72.7%

21b - My organisation acts on concerns raised by patients / service users This organisation All organisations All Staff n % n %

Strongly disagree 7 1.6 822 2.1

Disagree 7 1.6 1589 4.1

Neither agree nor disagree 62 14.2 8763 22.5

* Agree 251 57.6 19848 51.1

* Strongly agree 109 25.0 7851 20.2

Positive score - This organisation 82.6% 436 38873 Positive score - All organisations 71.3%

21c - I would recommend my organisation as a place to work. This organisation All organisations All Staff n % n %

Strongly disagree 18 4.1 2501 6.4

Disagree 31 7.1 4166 10.7

Neither agree nor disagree 100 22.9 9828 25.3

* Agree 207 47.4 15900 40.9

* Strongly agree 81 18.5 6465 16.6

Positive score - This organisation 65.9% 437 38860 Positive score - All organisations 57.6%

21d - If a friend or relative needed treatment, I would be happy with the

standard of care provided by this organisation. This organisation All organisations All Staff n % n %

Strongly disagree 8 1.9 1439 3.7

Disagree 18 4.2 2636 6.8

Neither agree nor disagree 91 21.1 8807 22.7

* Agree 228 52.8 18506 47.8

* Strongly agree 87 20.1 7351 19.0

Positive score - This organisation 72.9% 432 38739 Positive score - All organisations 66.7%

104 Staff Survey 2016 - Acute Community | Bolton NHS Foundation Trust

22a - Is patient / service user experience feedback collected within your directorate / department? (e.g. Friends and Family Test, patient surveys etc.)

This organisation All organisations All Staff n % n %

Yes 315 78.6 23737 62.5

No 20 5.0 2706 7.1

Don't know 36 9.0 7029 18.5

Not applicable to me 30 7.5 4492 11.8

401 37964

22a+ - Is patient / service user experience feedback collected within your

directorate / department? (e.g. Friends and Family Test, patient surveys etc.) This organisation All organisations n % n %

* Yes 315 94.0 23737 89.8

No 20 6.0 2706 10.2

Positive score - This organisation 94.0% 335 26443 Positive score - All organisations 89.8%

22b - I receive regular updates on patient / service user experience feedback

in my directorate / department (e.g. via line managers or communications teams).

This organisation All organisations Staff who have patient/service user feedback collected within their directorate/department n % n %

Strongly disagree 14 4.6 1257 5.4

Disagree 32 10.4 3116 13.3

Neither agree nor disagree 64 20.8 4234 18.0

Agree 136 44.3 9931 42.3

Strongly agree 58 18.9 4294 18.3

Don't know 3 1.0 658 2.8

307 23490

22b+ - I receive regular updates on patient / service user experience

feedback in my directorate / department (e.g. via line managers or communications teams).

This organisation All organisations n % n %

Strongly disagree 14 4.6 1257 5.5

Disagree 32 10.5 3116 13.6

Neither agree nor disagree 64 21.1 4234 18.5

* Agree 136 44.7 9931 43.5

* Strongly agree 58 19.1 4294 18.8

Positive score - This organisation 63.8% 304 22832 Positive score - All organisations 62.3%

105 Staff Survey 2016 - Acute Community | Bolton NHS Foundation Trust

22c - Feedback from patients / service users is used to make informed decisions within my directorate / department.

This organisation All organisations Staff who have patient/service user feedback collected within their directorate/department n % n %

Strongly disagree 8 2.7 926 4.0

Disagree 23 7.7 1988 8.5

Neither agree nor disagree 89 29.8 5928 25.4

Agree 119 39.8 9087 38.9

Strongly agree 41 13.7 3297 14.1

Don't know 19 6.4 2122 9.1

299 23348

22c+ - Feedback from patients / service users is used to make informed

decisions within my directorate / department. This organisation All organisations n % n %

Strongly disagree 8 2.9 926 4.4

Disagree 23 8.2 1988 9.4

Neither agree nor disagree 89 31.8 5928 27.9

* Agree 119 42.5 9087 42.8

* Strongly agree 41 14.6 3297 15.5

Positive score - This organisation 57.1% 280 21226 Positive score - All organisations 58.3%

106 Staff Survey 2016 - Acute Community | Bolton NHS Foundation Trust

BACKGROUND INFORMATION 23a - Gender This organisation All organisations All Staff n % n %

Male 66 16.4 7331 20.8

Female 337 83.6 27873 79.2

403 35204

23b - Age This organisation All organisations All Staff n % n %

16-20 0 0.0 183 0.5

21-30 52 12.0 5941 15.5

31-40 69 15.9 8361 21.8

41-50 101 23.3 10659 27.7

51-65 190 43.8 12472 32.5

66+ 22 5.1 812 2.1

434 38428

24 - What is your ethnic background? This organisation All organisations All Staff n % n %

British 383 87.4 26518 69.1

Irish 5 1.1 814 2.1

Any other White background 5 1.1 2110 5.5

White and Black Caribbean 1 0.2 162 0.4

White and Black African 0 0.0 110 0.3

White and Asian 2 0.5 176 0.5

Any other mixed background 1 0.2 251 0.7

Indian 22 5.0 2097 5.5

Pakistani 3 0.7 544 1.4

Bangladeshi 1 0.2 496 1.3

Any other Asian background 3 0.7 1089 2.8

Caribbean 1 0.2 1020 2.7

African 5 1.1 1653 4.3

Any other Black background 0 0.0 202 0.5

Chinese 3 0.7 263 0.7

Any other ethnic background 3 0.7 883 2.3

438 38388

107 Staff Survey 2016 - Acute Community | Bolton NHS Foundation Trust

25 - Which of the following best describes how you think of yourself? This organisation All organisations All Staff n % n %

Heterosexual (straight) 413 94.7 34753 90.3

Gay Man 4 0.9 568 1.5

Gay woman (lesbian) 2 0.5 319 0.8

Bisexual 2 0.5 285 0.7

Other 1 0.2 160 0.4

I would prefer not to say 14 3.2 2385 6.2

436 38470

26 - What is your religion? This organisation All organisations All Staff n % n %

No religion 117 27.6 10890 28.5

Christian 260 61.3 21233 55.6

Buddhist 0 0.0 252 0.7

Hindu 10 2.4 1095 2.9

Jewish 4 0.9 205 0.5

Muslim 10 2.4 1684 4.4

Sikh 1 0.2 211 0.6

Any other religion 6 1.4 576 1.5

I would prefer not to say 16 3.8 2035 5.3

424 38181

27a - Do you have a long-standing illness, health problem or disability? This organisation All organisations All Staff n % n %

Yes 76 18.2 6361 16.6

No 341 81.8 31949 83.4

417 38310

27b - Has your employer made adequate adjustment(s) to enable you to

carry out your work? This organisation All organisations Staff with long-standing illness, health problem or disability n % n %

Yes 28 38.4 2437 38.8

No 10 13.7 1006 16.0

No adjustment required 35 47.9 2843 45.2

73 6286

108 Staff Survey 2016 - Acute Community | Bolton NHS Foundation Trust

27b+ - Has your employer made adequate adjustment(s) to enable you to carry out your work?

This organisation All organisations n % n %

*Yes 28 73.7 2437 70.8

No 10 26.3 1006 29.2

Positive score - This organisation 73.7% 38 3443Positive score - All organisations 70.8%

28 - How many years have you worked for this organisation? This organisation All organisations All Staff n % n %

Less than 1 year 23 5.3 3633 9.8

1-2 years 50 11.5 5329 14.4

3-5 years 41 9.4 5418 14.6

6-10 years 91 21.0 6924 18.7

11-15 years 82 18.9 5825 15.7

More than 15 years 147 33.9 9909 26.8

434 37038

109 Staff Survey 2016 - Acute Community | Bolton NHS Foundation Trust

29 - What is your occupational group? This organisation All organisations All Staff n % n %

Occupational Therapy 12 2.9 717 1.9

Physiotherapy 17 4.1 1291 3.5

Radiography 12 2.9 922 2.5

Pharmacy 8 1.9 1091 2.9

Clinical Psychology 3 0.7 133 0.4

Psychotherapy 1 0.2 83 0.2

Arts therapy (e.g. art, music, drama therapy) 0 0.0 13 0.0

Other qualified Allied Health Professionals (e.g. dietetics, speech and language therapy, complementary therapy)

20 4.8 1621 4.4

Support to Allied Health Professionals (e.g. support worker, therapy helper, therapy assistant or student)

12 2.9 916 2.5

Other qualified Scientific and Technical or Healthcare Scientists (e.g. haematology, clinical biochemistry, microbiology)

12 2.9 1315 3.5

Support to healthcare scientists (e.g. technicians, assistants or students) 4 1.0 522 1.4

Medical / Dental - Consultant 21 5.0 1997 5.4

Medical / Dental - In Training (e.g. Foundation Y1 & Y2, StRs (incl FTSTAs & LATs), SHOs, SpRs / SpTs / GPRs)

5 1.2 709 1.9

Medical / Dental - Other (e.g. Staff and Associate Specialists / Non-consultant career grade)

4 1.0 615 1.7

Emergency Care Practitioner 0 0.0 6 0.0

Paramedic 0 0.0 6 0.0

Emergency Care Assistant 0 0.0 5 0.0

Ambulance Technician 0 0.0 0 0

Ambulance Control Staff (e.g. call handler, dispatchers, PTS controllers) 0 0.0 2 0.0

Patient Transport Service (e.g. ambulance drivers, support staff) 0 0.0 17 0.0

Public Health / Health Improvement 8 1.9 153 0.4

Commissioning managers / support staff 1 0.2 44 0.1

Nursing - Adult / General 73 17.5 7563 20.4

Nursing - Mental health 0 0.0 78 0.2

Nursing - Learning disabilities 2 0.5 64 0.2

Nursing - Children 8 1.9 777 2.1

Nursing - Midwives 16 3.8 992 2.7

Nursing - Health Visitors 6 1.4 449 1.2

Nursing - District / Community 11 2.6 688 1.9

Nursing - Other Registered Nurses 6 1.4 577 1.6

Nursing auxiliary / Nursing assistant / Healthcare assistant (including Health / Clinical / Nursing Support Worker)

40 9.6 2355 6.3

Approved social workers / Social workers / Residential social workers 0 0.0 64 0.2

Social care managers 0 0.0 29 0.1

Social care support staff 0 0.0 65 0.2

Admin & Clerical (including Medical Secretary) 65 15.6 6029 16.3

Central Functions / Corporate Services (e.g. HR, Finance, Information Systems, Information Technology)

13 3.1 1932 5.2

Maintenance / Ancillary (e.g. housekeeping, domestic staff, maintenance, facilities, estates)

16 3.8 1207 3.3

General Management 8 1.9 1054 2.8

Other occupational group 13 3.1 989 2.7

417 37090

110 Staff Survey 2016 - Acute Community | Bolton NHS Foundation Trust

30a - Do you work in a team? This organisation All organisations All Staff n % n %

Yes 421 97.7 35829 95.6

No 10 2.3 1635 4.4

431 37464

30b - How many core members are there in your team? This organisation All organisations Staff who work in a team n % n %

2-5 73 17.7 8039 22.6

6-9 81 19.6 7523 21.1

10-15 73 17.7 6494 18.2

More than 15 186 45.0 13531 38.0

413 35587

112 Staff Survey 2016 - Acute Community | Bolton NHS Foundation Trust

Appendix 2


National NHSStaff Survey 2016What is this survey and why are we asking you to complete it?This is an independent survey of your experience of working in your organisation. The overall aim isto gather information that will help to improve the working lives of staff in the NHS and so help toprovide better care for patients.

Your organisation will be able to use the resultsof the survey to improve local workingconditions and practices and to increaseinvolvement and engagement with staff. Otherorganisations, including NHS commissioners,the Care Quality Commission, the Departmentof Health, and NHS England, will make use ofthe results.

Please complete the survey for your current job,or the job you do most of the time. If you workacross two or more employers in the NHS,please answer in relation to the organisationthat pays your salary. Please read eachquestion carefully, but give your immediateresponse by ticking the box which best matchesyour personal view.

Who will see my answers?The survey is being conducted by PickerInstitute Europe and the NHS Staff SurveyCo-ordination Centre on behalf of yourorganisation and NHS England.

Your answers will be treated in confidence.No one in your organisation will be able toidentify individual responses. The bar code /number below is only used by PickerInstitute Europe to identify which staffshould be sent a reminder and will not beavailable to staff in your organisation.

The survey findings will be analysed by PickerInstitute Europe and the NHS Staff SurveyCo-ordination Centre and the results will bepresented in a summary report in which noindividual, or their responses, can be identified.

Please return this questionnaire, in theenvelope provided, to:

Picker Institute EuropeFreepost Plus RSHK-XBRS-RKRJ10 Warboys Airfield Industrial EstateWarboys, HuntingdonPE28 2SH

If you have any queries about this questionnaire please contact the Picker Institute Europe helplineon 0808 801 0678 or go to

YOUR JOB1. Do you have face-to-face contact with patients / service users as part of your job?

1Yes, frequently

2Yes, occasionally


2. For each of the statements below, how often doyou feel this way about your job?

Never Rarely Sometimes Often Always

a. I look forward to going to work.1 2 3 4 5

b. I am enthusiastic about my job.1 2 3 4 5

c. Time passes quickly when I am working.1 2 3 4 5

3. To what extent do you agree or disagree with thefollowing statements about your job?


Disagree Neitheragree nordisagree

Agree Stronglyagree

a. I always know what my work responsibilities are.1 2 3 4 5

b. I am trusted to do my job.1 2 3 4 5

c. I am able to do my job to a standard I am personallypleased with. 1 2 3 4 5

4. To what extent do you agree or disagree with thefollowing statements about your work?


Disagree Neitheragree nordisagree

Agree Stronglyagree

a. There are frequent opportunities for me to showinitiative in my role. 1 2 3 4 5

b. I am able to make suggestions to improve the work ofmy team / department. 1 2 3 4 5

c. I am involved in deciding on changes introduced thataffect my work area / team / department. 1 2 3 4 5

d. I am able to make improvements happen in my areaof work. 1 2 3 4 5

e. I am able to meet all the conflicting demands on mytime at work. 1 2 3 4 5

f. I have adequate materials, supplies and equipment todo my work. 1 2 3 4 5

g. There are enough staff at this organisation for me todo my job properly. 1 2 3 4 5

h. The team I work in has a set of shared objectives.1 2 3 4 5

i. The team I work in often meets to discuss the team’seffectiveness. 1 2 3 4 5

j. Team members have to communicate closely witheach other to achieve the team’s objectives. 1 2 3 4 5

5. How satisfied are you with each of the followingaspects of your job?


Dissatisfied Neithersatis. nor


Satisfied Verysatisfied

a. The recognition I get for good work.1 2 3 4 5

b. The support I get from my immediate manager.1 2 3 4 5

c. The support I get from my work colleagues.1 2 3 4 5

d. The amount of responsibility I am given.1 2 3 4 5

e. The opportunities I have to use my skills.1 2 3 4 5

f. The extent to which my organisation values my work.1 2 3 4 5

g. My level of pay.1 2 3 4 5

h. The opportunities for flexible working patterns.1 2 3 4 5

Page 2

6. Do the following statements apply toyou and your job?


to me


Disagree Neitheragree nordisagree

Agree Stronglyagree

a. I am satisfied with the quality of care I giveto patients / service users. 9 1 2 3 4 5

b. I feel that my role makes a difference topatients / service users. 9 1 2 3 4 5

c. I am able to deliver the care I aspire to.9 1 2 3 4 5

YOUR MANAGERS7. To what extent do you agree or disagree with thefollowing statements about your immediatemanager?


Disagree Neitheragree nordisagree

Agree Stronglyagree

My immediate manager (who may be referred to as your 'line manager')...a. ...encourages those who work for her/him to work as

a team. 1 2 3 4 5

b. ...can be counted on to help me with a difficult task atwork. 1 2 3 4 5

c. me clear feedback on my work.1 2 3 4 5

d. ...asks for my opinion before making decisions thataffect my work. 1 2 3 4 5

e. supportive in a personal crisis.1 2 3 4 5

f. …takes a positive interest in my health andwell-being. 1 2 3 4 5

g. …values my work.1 2 3 4 5

8. To what extent do you agree or disagree with thefollowing statements about senior managers whereyou work?


Disagree Neitheragree nordisagree

Agree Stronglyagree

a. I know who the senior managers are here.1 2 3 4 5

b. Communication between senior management andstaff is effective. 1 2 3 4 5

c. Senior managers here try to involve staff in importantdecisions. 1 2 3 4 5

d. Senior managers act on staff feedback.1 2 3 4 5


a. Does your organisation take positive action on health and well-being?

1Yes, definitely

2Yes, to some extent


Yes Nob. In the last 12 months have you experienced musculoskeletal problems (MSK) as a result

of work activities? 1 2

c. During the last 12 months have you felt unwell as a result of work related stress?1 2

d. In the last three months have you ever come to work despite not feeling well enough toperform your duties? 1 2

If YES, please answer parts e to g below; if NO, go to Question 10

e. Have you felt pressure from your manager to come to work?1 2

f. Have you felt pressure from colleagues to come to work?1 2

g. Have you put yourself under pressure to come to work?1 2

Page 3

10a. How many hours a week are you contracted to work?

1Up to 29 hours

230 or more hours

b. On average, how many additional PAID hours do you work per week for this organisation, over and above yourcontracted hours? Please include paid overtime, bank shifts, and additional paid hours on-call.

10 hours

2Up to 5 hours

36-10 hours

411 or more hours

c. On average, how many additional UNPAID hours do you work per week for this organisation, over and aboveyour contracted hours? Please include unpaid overtime and additional unpaid hours on-call.

10 hours

2Up to 5 hours

36-10 hours

411 or more hours

11. In the last month have you seen any errors, near misses, or incidents that could have hurt...

a. Staff

b. Patients / service users

If YES to either a or b above, please answer part c below; if NO, go to Question 12c. The last time you saw an error, near miss or incident that could have hurt staff or patients / service users, did

you or a colleague report it?

1Yes, I reported it

2Yes, a colleague reported it


4Don't know

12. To what extent do you agree ordisagree with the following?



Disagree Neitheragree nordisagree

Agree Stronglyagree

a. My organisation treats staff who areinvolved in an error, near miss or incidentfairly.

9 1 2 3 4 5

b. My organisation encourages us to reporterrors, near misses or incidents. 9 1 2 3 4 5

c. When errors, near misses or incidents arereported, my organisation takes action toensure that they do not happen again.

9 1 2 3 4 5

d. We are given feedback about changesmade in response to reported errors, nearmisses and incidents.

9 1 2 3 4 5

13. Raising concerns about unsafe clinical practice Yes No Don'tknow

a. If you were concerned about unsafe clinical practice,would you know how to report it? 1 2 9

To what extent do you agree with the followingstatements about unsafe clinical practice?


Disagree Neitheragree nordisagree

Agree Stronglyagree

b. I would feel secure raising concerns about unsafeclinical practice. 1 2 3 4 5

c. I am confident that my organisation would address myconcern. 1 2 3 4 5

14. In the last 12 months how many times have you personally experienced physical violence at workfrom...?

a. Patients / service users, their relatives or other members of the public





5More than 10

b. Managers





5More than 10

c. Other colleagues





5More than 10

d. The last time you experienced physical violence at work, did you or a colleague report it?

1 Yes, I reported it 2 Yes, a colleague reported it 3 No 4Don'tknow 9


Page 4

15. In the last 12 months how many times have you personally experienced harassment, bullying or abuseat work from...?

a. Patients / service users, their relatives or other members of the public





5More than 10

b. Managers





5More than 10

c. Other colleagues





5More than 10

d. The last time you experienced harassment, bullying or abuse at work, did you or a colleague report it?

1 Yes, I reported it 2 Yes, a colleague reported it 3 No 4Don'tknow 9


16. Does your organisation act fairly with regard to career progression / promotion, regardless of ethnicbackground, gender, religion, sexual orientation, disability or age?



9Don't know

17. In the last 12 months have you personally experienced discrimination at work from any of thefollowing?

a. Patients / service users, their relatives or other members of the public

b. Manager / team leader or other colleagues

If YES to either a or b above, please answer part c below; if NO, go to Question 18c. On what grounds have you experienced discrimination? Please tick all that apply

1Ethnicbackground 3 Religion 5 Disability 7

Other(please specify)


4Sexual orientation


YOUR PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT18a. Have you had any training, learning or development in the last 12 months? (Please do not includemandatory training)



3Can't remember

If YES, please answer parts b to d below; if NO, go to Question 19

To what extent do you agree or disagreewith the following statements?


to me


Disagree Neitheragree nordisagree

Agree Stronglyagree

My training, learning or development has helped me to...b. my job more effectively.

9 1 2 3 4 5

c. ...stay up-to-date with professionalrequirements. 9 1 2 3 4 5

d. ...deliver a better patient / service userexperience. 9 1 2 3 4 5

19. Have you had any mandatory training in the last 12 months?



3Can't remember

Page 5

20a. In the last 12 months, have you had an appraisal, annual review, development review, or Knowledgeand Skills Framework (KSF) development review?



3Can't remember

If YES, please answer parts b to f below; if NO, go to Question 21 Yes,definitely

Yes, tosomeextent


b. It helped me to improve how I do my job.1 2 3

c. It helped me agree clear objectives for my work.1 2 3

d. It left me feeling that my work is valued by my organisation.1 2 3

e. The values of my organisation were discussed as part of the appraisalprocess. 1 2 3

f. Were any training, learning or development needs identified?



If YES, please answer part g below; if NO, go to Question 21 Yes,definitely

Yes, tosomeextent


g. My manager supported me to receive this training, learning or development.1 2 3

YOUR ORGANISATION21. To what extent do these statements reflect yourview of your organisation as a whole?


Disagree Neitheragree nordisagree

Agree Stronglyagree

a. Care of patients / service users is my organisation'stop priority. 1 2 3 4 5

b. My organisation acts on concerns raised by patients /service users. 1 2 3 4 5

c. I would recommend my organisation as a place towork. 1 2 3 4 5

d. If a friend or relative needed treatment I would behappy with the standard of care provided by thisorganisation.

1 2 3 4 5

22. Patient / service user experiencemeasures

Yes No Don'tknow


to me

a. Is patient / service user experiencefeedback collected within your directorate/ department? (e.g. Friends and FamilyTest, patient surveys etc.)

1 2 3 9

If YES, please answer parts b and c below; if NO, go to Question 23

To what extent do you agree with thefollowing statements about feedback frompatients / service users?


Disagree Neitheragree nordisagree

Agree Stronglyagree


b. I receive regular updates on patient /service user experience feedback in mydirectorate / department (e.g. via linemanagers or communications teams).

1 2 3 4 5 9

c. Feedback from patients / service users isused to make informed decisions withinmy directorate / department.

1 2 3 4 5 9

Page 6

BACKGROUND INFORMATIONWe would like to know a bit more about you so that we can compare the experiences of different types of staff.

23. About you

a. Gender:1



b. Age:1







24. What is your ethnic background?

White Asian/Asian British Chinese and other ethnic background




02 Irish 09 Pakistani 16Any other ethnic background(please specify)

03Any other Whitebackground 10 Bangladeshi


Any other Asian background

04White and Black Caribbean Black/Black British

05White and Black African


06White and Asian


07Any other mixed background

14Any other Black background

25. Which of the following best describes how you think of yourself?

1Heterosexual (straight)

2Gay Man

3Gay Woman (lesbian)



6I would prefer not to say

26. What is your religion?

1No religion



2 Christian 5 Jewish 8Any other religion (pleasespecify)



9I would prefer not to say

27. Disability

a. Do you have a long-standing illness, health problem or disability?

By long-standing, we mean that it has lasted, or will last, for at least 12 monthsIf YES, please answer part b below; if NO, go to Question 28

b. Has your employer made adequate adjustment(s) to enable you to carry out your work?



3No adjustment required

28. How many years have you worked for this organisation?

If your organisation has merged with another or changed its name, please include in your answer all the time youhave worked with this organisation and its predecessors

1Less than 1 year

21-2 years

33-5 years

46-10 years

511-15 years

6More than 15 years

Page 7

29. What is your occupational group?

Please tick one box only

Allied Health Professionals / HealthcareScientists / Scientific and Technical

01Occupational Therapy




05Clinical Psychology


07Arts therapy(e.g. art, music, drama therapy)

08Other qualified Allied Health Professionals(e.g. dietetics, speech and languagetherapy, complementary therapy)

09Support to Allied Health Professionals(e.g. support worker, therapy helper,therapy assistant or student)

10Other qualified Scientific and Technical orHealthcare Scientists (e.g. haematology,clinical biochemistry, microbiology)

11Support to healthcare scientists(e.g. technicians, assistants or students)

Medical and Dental

12Medical / Dental - Consultant

13Medical / Dental - In Training (e.g.Foundation Y1 & Y2, StRs (incl FTSTAs &LATs), SHOs, SpRs / SpTs / GPRs)

14Medical / Dental - Other(e.g. Staff and Associate Specialists /Non-consultant career grade)

Ambulance (operational)

15Emergency Care Practitioner


17Emergency Care Assistant

18Ambulance Technician

19Ambulance Control Staff(e.g. call handler, dispatchers, PTScontrollers)

20Patient Transport Service(e.g. ambulance drivers, support staff)

Public Health

21Public Health / Health Improvement


22Commissioning managers / support staff

Registered Nurses and Midwives

23Adult / General

24Mental health

25Learning disabilities



28Health Visitors

29District / Community

30Other Registered Nurses

Nursing or Healthcare Assistants

31Nursing auxiliary / Nursing assistant /Healthcare assistant(including Health / Clinical / Nursing SupportWorker)

Social Care

32Approved social workers / Social workers /Residential social workers

33Social care managers

34Social care support staff

Wider Healthcare Team

35Admin & Clerical(including Medical Secretary)

36Central Functions / Corporate Services(e.g. HR, Finance, Information Systems,Information Technology)

37Maintenance / Ancillary(e.g. housekeeping, domestic staff,maintenance, facilities, estates)

General Management

38General Management(N.B. If you are a manager and can choose agroup from elsewhere in the list, please selectthat other occupational group)

39Other occupational group (please specify)

30. Team working

a. Do you work in a team?

If YES, please answer the following question about the main team or group you work in:b. How many core members are there in your team?




4More than 15

If you have any additional comments about working in this organisation, please write these on a separatesheet and attach them to this questionnaire

Page 8

Quality Assurance & Information Security Picker Institute Europe is wholly committed to delivering high quality surveys, research and

service improvement in a way that ensures patient confidentiality and protects the reputation

of our clients. To meet this commitment we will maintain our current certifications to ISO

20252 and ISO 27001, providing a guarantee that we handle all information securely and

that we comply with the Data Protection Act 1998 and the Market Research Society's (MRS)

Code of Conduct.

Our systems and processes include a thorough approach to assessing and mitigating risk,

and ensuring business continuity. We have procedures in place to ensure that any sub-

contractors we use conform to our quality and information security systems.

Our quality and information security management system seeks to continually improve the

ways in which we work and the products we deliver to our clients. Picker Institute Europe

aims to be an intelligent as well as a committed organisation that is always learning and

developing new approaches.

In addition to the regular surveillance visits carried out by external bodies we have our own

auditing and quality and information security management team. With the help of feedback

from our clients, the team continuously monitors the quality of service we provide.

Quality Assurance and Information Security Management System Certificates

Picker Institute Europe operates an integrated quality system and is certified by SGS United

Kingdom Ltd. to ISO20252:2012, the international standard for organisations conducting

market and social research (certificate number GB08/74322). SGS are an UKAS accredited

organisation No. 005 to EN 45012:1998 for management systems certification.

Picker Institute Europe has UKAS accredited certification for its information security

management system (ISO27001:2005) from SGS (certificate number GB10/80275).

Picker Institute Europe is registered under the Data Protection Act 1998 (Z4942556).

Storage and retention of primary data

Paper questionnaires and qualitative recordings are retained for six months unless another

retention period is agreed with the client. Any sensitive or confidential material is stored

securely in line with our data protection policy (see above).

After six months these records are destroyed securely.
