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taprn . ip, there are examples 7unirFINT E enough in Europe to justify bis -work. RNTUE

:GOINGS, ON IN GAY GOTRIAM, Thoumhribt Enpelsd'tteeutfyrbs~ml~o PULLING THE COTTON MARKET Tom c 1.ib' superb,, anatomy is to be O O B T O

found in plaster in the greatest collection _ _

in London, aud there are admirable casts REMINISCENCES OF JENNY LIND'S AR- from life and sculpturesof less noted hard- EFFECT OF TIilE BOOM ON MERCHANTS

RIVAL ANDI) RECEPTION IN AMERICA. hitters to be found in other English and AND PLANTERS OF THlE SOUTlH. continental collections.

E In ancient Greek sculpture evidences are abundant that areat athletes of the "Taurus" and "Bruln"-The Cause of It Baby Carriages, Hat Racks, Mirrors, Matting, Carpets Barnum Growing Old-Old Castle Gar- time served as models for the artists. lThe

den-Josef Hofman's Arrival-Sullivan Faruese Hercules is such a figure, the -A Short Crop Estimated-400,000 in Marble-Classic Precedents-Theat- Milo of Crotona, imprisoned by the tree, Bales Below the Prediction-The South W indow Shades, Stoves. Pictures. Toilet Sets rical Notes. another. Will Gain $20,000,000 at These Prices.

As Mr. Donehue has shown us in his a oido figure of young Sophocles chanting the .*ro S e , e Special Correspondence of the NEWS-HERALD. victory of Salamis, that he is capable of [From the News and Courier.] P -- B* LU " Su te

NEW YORK, November 15.---1 modelin' the human figure with true The bulls &re not a bit afraid of te :have met P. T. Barnum three times tal spirit, he ougl t to be ab e bears. In fact, Taurus has been making it CLOCKS, LAMPS, BLANKETS, COMFORTS, have met P. T. Barnum three timcs to giveisa statue of Sullivan that we

since the death of the great and good Jenny can be proud of as a work of art, and that mighty lively for Bruin for more than a Lind, last week, and it is plain to be seen will show us and those that come after us, week.edMs, S prin a that he grieves over her loss, for she was the strong boy of the "IHub" with the least There has not been so exciting a time in

tha hegrivesove he los, or he assuggestion of his brutal traits and the

one of his dearest friends. Mr. Barnum re- greatest development of his matchless the CottonkExchanges for several years,and A NYTIIN !( EVERYTH ING s sides during the winter at the Murray physical magnificence. It will be safe to the end is not yet. Just now there is a NYIN EV ER YT ING Eill, somewhat of a family hotel, but of anticipate, in spite of the funny men of slight lull in the market, but the prices arenish Boarding ouses, Priv te ress, that is statue will be a finer TOfrihHotels, or iH ueTrvt superior accommodations, situated on Park work of art tht is state wall that now stiff and there is a strong belief that they T furate Avenue and Fmotieth street, and near the stand in our public places. will ultimately go higher, even if heavy re- Residences, Ships, Steamers, Offices, from Grand Central Depot. It is just six blocks Mr. Arthur Chambers, of Philadelphia, qeipts of the staple should temporarilyde- M from the Park Avenue Hotel that A. T. of John L. Sullvan in the country. in press the market. T O TO O TO Stewart erected for women. Mr. Barnum in full fighting rig and cost over $2,000. THE FLURRY IN PRICES b b h Sullivan erete fow woen Engand When hR Cam be bought at the Original Pioneer Installm n os of late years has made his home when in Sullivan is now in England. When he was caused by the resently published esti-ment House o New York, at the Metropolitan Hotel, now sailed from here last week, there was not a mate of the United States Bureau of Agri- Absolutely Pure Nwaedfrom Boston's brainy host who could culture and the New Orleans Cotton P. looked upon as way down town. have excited such feellings of love and ad- Iior Z THE NIGHTINGALE'S RECEPTION. miration as did this prince of pugilists, t orld that the crop this year would not This powder never A marvel of L O purity, strength, and wholesomeness. More W E6ST .Y ST EI T

Jenny Lind wasixty-sixyears of age. whose only claim to public distinction is exceed 6,300,000 bales. Eminent cotton economical than the ordinary kinds, and can- 66 BAY STREET JnyLind was sixty-six yer oag. not be sold incoptiinEETknsad.a d in ublic since 1868. his ability to maim and disfigure a physic- statisticians had been counting on a crop notbe sold in competition with the multitude of en ow test, short weight alum or phosphate She has not appeared in public since 1868. ally inferior opponent. When Oliver Wen of 6,700,000 bales, and that this much owners. Sold o inca. ROYA BAKI She was attacked with paralysis a few dell Homes made a similar trip a year ago der Sold on in can. ROYAL BAKING weeks ago and passed quietly away. Her adozen friends stood by and waved him a American cotton would be necessary to ownR Co.. lolWall street.. N. T. lovable character and many kind deeds kindly adieu, while Suilian was showered meet the actual requirements of the con- Small Cash Payments! Easy Terms on Balance

with flowers and tokens, for he goes to sumers. The decreased estimate meant may not make a few remarks out of place. fight the winner of the world's champion- that the demand was greater than the sup

Jenny Lind arrived in New York Sep- ship match between Smith and Kilrain. ply, and so the prices began to jump, and STIANGS fT RS POLITEATTENTION, PROMPT DELIVERY. tember 1st, 1850, and was met upon her ar- SPORTING NOTES. ran up as much as one cent a pound in a

by M.Bru, who had I met John Teemer the other evening at few days. OSDRTH FLOWN rival by Mr. Barnum, who the Hoffman House tEd Stokrevening at he operators of the Charleston Ex CONSIDERI THE FOLLOWING Call and see our New and Elegant Stock whether you wish risked everything upon her reputation. lery). He said that if William Beach de- hange have share ed in the general excite- B A . C . I T S to buy or not. CLARK & LOFTUS, 66 W. Bay St. I shall never forget the thous- feared Edward Hanlon he would allow the tm e n yt s side the mare By ands of persons who covered Australian $1,500 to come to this country them were on the safe side of the market.

to row him for $5,000 a side, the Police Ga- Such, a least, is the inference from the 10 0 ID J'..L:7. _- L &L S c) 0 T S the shippg piers, and other thousands zette's Chmpion Challenge Cup, or he smiling faceson'Change yesterday. Are- Handsome rove and house, nurswho congregated on the wharf to see her. would accept $1,000 for expenses and g to iter for the News and Corier asked ery,etc., at veido, Orange county. ale The wildest enthusiasm prevailed, as the Australia to row for the champion trophy several of the largest factors yesterday A bargalia. R Estae : ap noble steamer Atlantic approached the and $5,000 a side. Should Hanlon defeat what, in their opinion, would be the effect Fifty acres-ten-acre grov dock.~a~.05,0 So great Shasl thelo raho soperiei ric50 i hi oiin itcestnar grove, very .- dS o~'s ~r~ dock. So greaes ehe rush on a sloop Beach, Peter Duryea and James Keenan of the rise in prices on Southern merchants near Sanford. High, beaut ifulCigas, "EOb 'a O an'd .O rs A ii . near the stainer's berth that one ma in will match Teemer to row Haulon for any andplanters. This, of course, will depend building lots. A splendid property We doageneral RealEstate business. Rents Collected and remittances promptly made. his zeal to obtain a good view, accidental- amount he can name. Teemer is a'so try- upon the quantity of cotton that has not for suburban homes. ly tumbled overboard amd the shouts of to arrange a match with George Bu- 3et beenmarketed, but the gain to South- acres -fifteen-acre bear- NO. 25 Pine St., (Lock Box 579) Jacksonville, Fla. thote near him. Jenny herself witnessed Ing h ern holders is varously estimated, at from 12000. Fifty-four N.rSer,7 Jacktonvnilearl bearin ofve England nfrery et,000 anedardhe1

this incident and was much alarmed. He single scull championship of England, te to fifteen million dollars. The New - Picolata, Fla., St. Johns county, * was, however, soon rescued. which titngle Bubear holds. Notwitstand- Orleans Picayune, counting upon one cent within the town limits. This place BANKING. was, however, soon rescued, which title Bubear holds. Notwithstand- podasaer nntgi(wihiisiceaat$,(}0

A superb bower of green trees, decorated ing this tact, however, Bubear was badly a pound as a permanent gain (which it is is cheap at $15,000. witL beautiful flags was arranged on the defeated at Owego some weeks ago hIy not) and, estimating that there afe still 000Twenty-four building lots in West . G. AMBLER, Pres. J. J. DANIEL, Vice-Pres. JNO. N. C. STOCKTON, Cashier ' wharf, together with two triumphal Charles E. Courtney; but it is generally '4000000 bales in the producers' hands, Palatka. Worth three times the arches. Jenny Lind was escorted by Mr. tbouhht that there was some kind of an says that the South will be the gainer by price offered for. Barnum in his private carriage to the accident, and now that Courtney has gone 0,000,000. lots in Fort Meade, Polk City Hallcandnw, the fines hotal inr~ thae g one 300 v The NatiolaIl-ank of the State of Florida, Irving House, which stood opposite the iu± sweet oblivion, Ithinx myslt tnere ACONSERVATIVE ESTIMATE. county. C.ity Hall and was the finest hotel in the mst have been something wrong with One of the largest, operators in the .Ten acres in Apopka, Orange city in those days. Never before had there Bubear. Charlest niarlet said yesterday: county. C SOIL I - -been such enthusiasm ini thle city of New bee suh e~tmias iuthecit ofNewTHEATRICAL NOTES. "The New York Flna~twial Chronicle York or indeed in Anerica. Within ten HEArCA otes. "ethe N r situcNewws biCtlonScle two-story building (store and

tes n lsha t tou peope Mrs. James Brown Potter, as A11le. de 2e the co i sight up to Novembere 1at rove Park, sacna IESIGNATEIUNITEIFSTATES DEPOSITORY. minutes not less than ten thousand peopleM

had congregated around the entrance in Bressier, in the play of that title, at the as 250,000 bales in round numbers. Sine county. Good business stand.

Broadway. At 12 o'clock she was serena- FiSh Avenue Theatre, has drawn large that date there has been received at the New storehouse and lotat Haines Capital and Surplus .................... 0115,000. ded by the New York Musical Fund Socie- and fashionable audiences. On Thursday ports about 220,000 bales, making the crop City, Polk county. Good business DIRECTOhS: ty, numbering two hundred, followed by night "Loyal Love," a new play here, will Now if the cro is 6,400,000 bale s D. G. AMBLR, . J. DANIEL, JAS. P. TALLIAFERRO torchlight procession of over 300 firemen be produced. It was in this play that Mrs. s Two lots in Lakeland, b wolk X WALLAC, B. M. BAER G. C. WILSON, Now 600ued lots in Lakeand play thtMs QUAID, Lf G. C- Apxi. WILrSON, in their red shirts and at least 20,000 Potter received such glowing notices for a conservative estimate, there would re- 600. county. H. AcQAI, J. C . , Hy. RoNsov. persons. The calls for Jenny Lind were so good acting in London, and where the main yet on the plantations and at the ne H.loT. tnSVouth Jacks

veemnttatMr Brum le beautiful American received the prestige small interior towns 3,230,000 bales, or a 60 uval county. vehement that Mr. Barnum let her batifdmecarcevdhepesgelittle over one-half of the crop. The recent Dua ony through a window to the balcony and it was of the Prince of Wales. She is of the little over une-haf of the crop. Therecent 6 Onealo outh a n Nomeimebeforw he serenade was per- New Orleans family of Urquehearts. Mrs. advance was about one cent per pound, of 000 Two lots and dwelling at Mayport, mitted bo proceed. seren*dehwaskpr-e ,a which one-fourth has bten lost, making Duval county.

emitted to proceed. Langtry plays this week at Harlem, after nFor weeks afterwards the excitment a vonderfully successful trip through advance really tree-quarters of a en n k (NorthJack,unabated. Her rooms were thronged witb Canada. p,0 so tine),uval c o t visitors, including the -nagnates of ths Mr. ftenry Irving, Miss Ellen Terry, 000, which will probably find its way into acres t Blooingdale, Hills "lanq, both in church and state. Presents and the London Lyceum Company appear pockets of planters and merchants. 500. n e orange dis-of a I sorts were showered upon her. Shop. this week at the St;ar Theatre, in "Faust." 1Ths is, of course, if the market goes no trict. Splendid orange dis-The best ne of COOK S OVES and the ofalsrt-eesowrduo"hr hp tr'iet. The best line of COOK T V S adte : Mr. Daly sprung upon us the other night lo e-wh n rdars erPa tCt,______________ keepers vied with each other in calling her :r. Daly sprung upon us the other nig e littler My opinion is that we may go a. 0. Two hundredacresnearPlant ity, aerontconcert was. nEverythin was "Ce of the most delightful peede, little lower temporarily, but should the 2,25 nothumdred ans nrantci attention to vteryasthig pyrbst shouldthes, HknI c "Jenny Lind," and multitudes ea erly "The Railroad of Love" yet given at this world eventually believe that the estimates F ace wnyn

anfrit o i ast as e, ala t re present ee ve ag ricOultural bureau and the Twenty acres in Plant City, grove,

alydfr lms o h ai Ngt thereOall the peountrag ri e been Ntoal oon ea e ae ofret weo,2 tecat0ea0h.aaari gi to kaln f xtaL r S o e

ity in ears, bat ofhouse, etc., Hillsboro county. 1i i " o talons in this city in years, that of National Cotton Excienuge are correct we se,- etc., Hrisor cut J 0 'nv l

bilna nte." whchg saepeeecdlingat this por, which is about lt in Liv- 2,500. lwn near o era ano

o fi rs conert was genin atstle il! vntal creep up to 10 1-2. for mid- 2500 hundred and sixty acres choiceI Garden, Wednesday, September 11. Tick- and business is land near Brookaville, Rernando ets were sold at auction, some as high as Much interest is taken in the early ap- er a dpool county.

Afte "he cocft uu ttdta ~ey ar a dId n gearny adsinc ofi moat 900 [ FoA hrtybucrldnlothso akeear I thoght te auiencewouldgo f ant an RofM st ae oBra.s dodandtugyhtveraf fte rp********ony

5,o and there w vere 100 ushers and 5,000 peroMnis M Banks, " eli era r are selling at anmuch abetter prices tha a 500. veaSpring, Wnorthwest of Green Th e aLi O I tN U IT persons present; but everything was pet'- of General N. P. Banks, in her own hiato ae - o Ct oi Clay county. at u-Fh G ect order and qet and her first appeal'- ical play, "Joan of Arc." Miss Bnks rents ag , an te ponts a In d 600 Forty acres, twenty miles south of t ae, ind point of ent , rob hasten lyin g tou of rmo ed hoses and paying there fact, 600. couty. aery ie sout o lTan anlen thr u tec has been playing to crowded houses the average price for cotton this year has u St. Austinge. Hammock land on -; antbl oiyo ntuis, a rb throughout the country, and crifiei p, ai~e th vrg rc the coast, near the canal." .:cr' _ :=O1 . _J' : := .T.r Ov

aher work, and pronoun her in ace, been a ood deal above that of last year; thee catselaa io drto d g tihe SOf tt e haerrg oStoNEVER BEFORE EQUALLED IN THE WORLD, fr wor andture th e ie warrior I should think at least 1-4 cent or $1.25 per 50 en acres near-- n-ar, Alachna S m-for her musical powers exceeded all the maiden. the B idea er brale an this in itself shoul hare put f - y aB s .ITL U;O Madn MA HUND. ovr$50,0mrmnyicrultn

I nI thought the audience would go frantic m land Rote to Florida is ad t ou thi e ove r s t o f October cotn ciou.d lot aa a rn St proceeds would go for charitable objects; The Rumored Revival of the Cumber- mnt until nearly the whole crop had been , (ogLk),na vlo Orange St1Ial , WH JU itl11 3A) chappuse.hl had not been sold before a marked advance 0 Two houses and lot at Bayard, St hith applause. Athe The Savannah Mornng News has the too place, and on that that was sold be- ' sa u t coms

She visited all the chief cities in (he0- Johnls county.

Union and gave over $50,000 to the poor. following; "The Florida papers are agi- ore this advance a better price was ob We also have a full line of Kitchen Utensils and b While in Washington she was dined and taking the revival of the Cumberland route gained. so that on a crop of the same size 250. ehse (small store and lot at House-Furnishing Goods generally, which we somely e ntertsiued by President Fillmore by the Central and the Brunswick and as last year, 6,500,000 bales, the South mfitr held pourty

somlyentrtind b Pesien Fllmreby heCetra ad te ruswik ndwould be $15,000,000 better off,- provided 350 Twenty acres al Cork, Hillsboro offer at prices which will be sure to attract. at the White House, and by Webster, Clay, Western lines because of a rumored" im- th e m ans w ter Tnty. Very choice orae land Cass; and4ndeed. wherever she went, from the price remas where it is." bcuousey thr one end of tie country to the other, the pending breach between the former nd AN NSUALLY EARLY RSE. blding lots in Seville, Volu- N A N U N S A L A L I E s a c o u n t y . same scene presented itself of distinguished the Savannah, Florida and esern. The F. . agener, of the firm of F. y hn"S At this divinitY of song, admiring t rumors are that a line of fine steamers is ar & Co , said that he believed .4'ht e s4t extrene2 oBrrn cl and enthusiastic communities turning out 8 er0.d conynarPybro to welcome and crowded audiences becom- to be put oa from Brunswick to Fernan- the present great advance in the price of na tn is od tton would be of great profit to the 10 Ferry and Brooksville. Spr Ox. ST an T IIre ou . ing rapturous under the overpowering en- dina and thus the rail trip to Florida South. Since the 1st of October cotton Sixbuilding ots adjoining Springchautment of her voice. She cleared $177,- be broken aLd a pleasant ride by steamer had advanced over a cent and a quarter on 000 in eight months. She married Otto interjected. The object would e. of thepound. It was impossible for anybody Any of the above property w ill prove a l Goldschmsith in Boston and returnedto course, to create competition for busi- to sny how much-longer the present high valuable purchase, as Ibought when it was S o; % cth f d oJe f r 'e cheap, and,am satisfied with a lmode-ateS G Europe. m's s hand reduce the rates 0 price would continue; but in his opinion margin. You also save the commission

CHANGES AT CASTLE GARDEN. Flcr da travel. Major Shellman, Traffic toe farmers and country merchants had charged by a is geu G reaase be reate an i age and Mr. M. S. Belknap, General already been immensely benefited by the F.D bm Ov a R E Castle Garden ceasoed to be a theat re, and v anager of the Central, were both seen advance. His reasons for believing this O e was transforme, into a depisa til uor er last night, and they said the question of were, first, because the cotton was held ption of emigrants andis stilluser reviving the Cumberlus and route has never So th eN mertnt of th F a an fAe wE tha purpose, being but little changed r ev iving lrdb wlenah th a b he erts and aern d not byho

aromtua wesneo beeke n Floniered loy te t e their nonce ROnBe Catr peeig wa s es.O

from the original. Asmany as4,000mi- bnowthe Brunswick and Western ondtem r th e speculators, and, s econd, because theft frC atn o tO s "L grants landein one day last August. It plated any such movement, but theknew rise had come unusually y earlne thisyear. W hsae tdaNoe meE ri esinv O ldl ls a was formerly named Castle Clinton, and that the Central had not even discussed it general thing t ohe advance in the nsell- hen, was granted to time city of New York in Sat s Cnt, hknof tkng nsusy ing price of cotton took place some time in WholsmpGoer, Jacksonv35e, ,Fl8 ers oriltae r es and it is not thinking of taking any part January or February. This season, how- 40 and 42 West Ba Stre, Jacnvill, Flrid 1790. After the war of 1812, it being no n it ifthe Brunswick and stern does ever, it had Come in November at a tme lngetr neetdedlom ilry purses,.aksM deddHardah it r ty, Stoitan Tonare Oniht was used as a lace ofs amst , and inaugurae t . when many of the growers and merchants entory u1 , H ine s n he it e were holding their cotton, and hence they Go Granite and Agate Ware. Sash, Doors, Blinds

whmereninto dsetat foa uh lttle1ello,ras itwenprbe~o T'creaYxoiin~bsOhaettonckn.ow edge louidy U~arrieooM~untorep h aSdlaaow ere p- Runno ~h onepae oig Pinthrug fro o . 13riWestra street m4ad1et Frsyt Stret Too ditanst frno ro esiein ofut. 00 the NE Clu poined ountepe an tagerodh Thationtfallh o .t21,Agr ctrlF ni in

t he city. pa~o rpclEpsto a Florida is respectfully0 eine o eming t'iv n is

p subscription of $1,000 by the Savannah, d a h advantages of Orange inited to*e me Steel, Belting, Hose and Packing, Pumps, JOSEF i:OFMANS ARRIVAL. Florida and Western Railway to the Ex- SPORTING NOTS. chief of whichisiunrivalled healthfulness.

publicas wel as te critcs hav mvarably Pnsaeoa Steam and Waterg thPipemuayn& Jeitreygsnufatur--Ttrint

Apropos of Jnh uLinq th rrival in this l position in the form of * an advertising coo- C Theoe has never been a single case of yeCow e an Wa er P ie i F oury within a few days of Josef Hof- tract,. IheSavarnah, Floridaand]Western's Plans of the :Football Men-Unicycle fever, or ayepidemic disease, within its hima- Steel Galvanized Fence WrMantels, .. man is an events much talked of a present, was the only suocr4pieionrecelved from a Riding and Cycling Notes. its, (nor for that matterin the adjoining counIt is very rareto note in these days of new- transportation company A few of the members of the football ties,) and none of the conditions exist that Grates, Etc., Etc., Etc. the Gwould make its spread-possible, even were it -DeEn MlSe tive enthusiasm a fnrore which meals split . "'.'he Macon Telegraph says that the Geor- Club got in a half hour's practice at the introduced. KIa'O WYLLY, N/J. D.,-A O= gloves and some exertion, at the approval gin southern and Florida zeoad es Dause sCoran CLt eni Gwre, tof t performance; yet from all accounts a roceedin to F'dloe Tbe eas duae Fair Grounds yesterday afternoon. Sides President Florida Health Protective Assuo- hil Stoves, Oandecte C de Farmers' Friend a fhrore thasbn th atd reatio. W D s and rtPery FeraDscrition genuine uth an spea im as o een suc in the last few days to accom- were chosen by aessrs. Sudlow and Bid- B. F. WHITER, and Berlin, and latterly in London, and plish much work, andthe forces of handsin well, and after twenty minutes of easy Chrirman Board County Commissioners. daf)Scales, Suthern, St. Louis, White Lead, Masury's Pure Colors in I1 that by a little fellow barely past his tenth all the departments of construction have playing Ludlow's men scored a goal from Chairman County Rl. P ReLt, year. Mr. Abbey, of Wa'lack's, hasevery been so well organized and cared for that t on , ss an 1vdc o o id lo H . S a n il la l on th Td e Sn . reason to look with satisfaction upon the there is no hitch, and everything goes A meeting of the Football association fulness k we publish Olai tChERIEeTC.f rr S prospects of young Htofman's concert tour smoothly. 'ibis is why tha Georgia South" was held in the evening at the Mectropolis city physicians of Orlando and Sanford. our Tinl Roofing, Sheet Iron, Copper and Tin work to Order during the coming season. It is ast all erami nFlonida will reach the Lan d of ofiOce, Manager Carter presiding, twolargest cites: a knowledge sine so me a katie Flowers almost in time to see the first avl winter in the goo use heCca ofll Se S tRe

Th nwsaer hv bencuatig - h Eantrs E ndbe thllelu c1pas SttlA etdo ata 0gaSev 0.s1L o

i ha been before the p le, and blush onthe first srawberry of the season. was shown by the Old Guard, attending the City o Orlando, from 1st day of JulyO when the eb u th of the perforirer is taken eto the12th dayof November, wn)7:

sialinothwhicios htal>onefh e n beetsoefif tedeon~ l ent ho dOutiStn Pricefromthebestsource

into consideration, it is marvelous. Just DAILY WEAT3nHnER RE 7 POIT. siasts. The following were proposed DSEASES. o. Aestn t b. to think that a boy of ten years of age can' f i emeh em to meni ous td, hri hlea b... s o l F perform on the piano pieces of such I reat WaDEPE, 1fo memb er onnd el ecte, ChicCihrrtta.n B3YR L mechanical Ime ulatena moreangble srtl SEVICE, U. S. ARMY making the total membership al out Consumption .......... 5 o2 3, v 2, 7 i years of schoohmng ad lorigialtaentt hei- JACKSONVILLE, FLA., Novemberl18, 1887. thirty: WV. A. Bisbee,.C. V. R~ollins, Perry Teething .............. 1 a tate before attempting them is a wonder meiinW Vd aiaPt.....1 2 in itself: bu t th at _econserva___ecritic_______i__.__:___ R .'E Ian , . ar den .B l, S.or D ent, C aner f W oV m b . . . .1 56 b

md .E .MrhH .HlGog .Malarial Fever ......... 2 30,3 t l - * ' csaeso erf Berlin,' in tParticularbo 'saschould peago into g l ''-' zr' l ame Son Thanksgivingtwa deieDay, between thwo DysenteryretuBrh...................2 1 , 2 l t n y S tocktoil 1 K night

ecevntaocies amoverb the boivly '5tr artistic.......interprnvieta-Ch na all eostion" refinement somehtf style, etC.,amisin truly mar- STATIONS ! ' " "W, n ele n rome sm clubienlvelyctd Gnatioritnis ... . ............... 1 2128

a follow the old world's musical critics Mr. Eldon Bisbee was unanimouslyv elect- Innto....... _ ___ _ holera Morbus ...... 1 54a ks n ll s C ii a Hl w hein efforts to find just the right place -! -] -[ - ]" - ]. __ ed captain and Messrs. Carter, Bisbee, Drowned .............. 1 28 Runn hog rmN.1 etBySret o1 n 6Ws ost tet weento set the little fellow, as it were. Chretn. .lln S -L ~ luy Hartridge, Murphy and Sudlow were ap- Rnigtruhfo o 3Ws a tet o1 n 6Ws ~st tet The Germans, 1 find, do not hesitate in Auut...8.1 6N .Cod, pointed a committee on grounds. Toa.......2 _____

plcig henae f ofansie y id Savannah,... 2 9.941 52 NE .... Clear. The exhibition of unicy cie riding to be White ...................... : m: plain te am o Hfmn sdebysie I KSNV 9.96 "661S * .... Fair. given this afternoon on Bay street at 3 Colored............... ......... 13:::::::::::: THE LARGST TOR AN MOT OMLEE TC I H OT with that. of the revered Mozart who was Key wVest .. 30.00 7I H ... Clear. o'clock by Clarence H. Smith, represent- - LAJIET itJi N i;iiCMLEE U NSUH also the youthful wonder of his age. Ihe Atlanta ..... 29.981 441E 10::.. Cloudy lug the Gormully & Jefferey Manufactur- Totrl............................. 21

gone to one of these unique perform ances M obile ........ 29.94] 58 NW * .... Sm oke i g C m a y wil b an nt r s ng f- I w ll es en f th s ed ob h t we avS pi a i eI a b "with the foregone conclusion that the Mpntgomery..129.96[ 54 H * ... Cloudy. fair. The "'artist" strips from the ma- led no epidemicofany kinddurninghseason. yon ins wudtr utt eteNew Olrleans.. 21.98[ 60 NW * ... : Cloudy, chine the rear wheel, the backbone, the During the months of Oc' ober and November; cluspadores, Gift Cups and Mugs, this year, we have been almost entire exempt Tiea and Dinner Sets, Bread and Milk Sets, yuua proigy;it fw mmeno t at the Galveston .. . 30.02 62 SW * ... Raze, pedals, the crank and the handle bar and from autumnal fevers, as only two cases haveVae.Clrdndryt'abendBrGswr,

instumet eabls th peforer o o Os-AII barometer readings reduced to by a wonderful use of muscular dexterity been reported durlng this month, both conva- hite and Decorated Carsbad and Limoges China,: isrmnenbethpefretopoesea level and standard gravity, and strenglb propels the apparently formal lescent. t l J. XV. lICK~s, j. D., -And Art Pottery of every Description.+ that' ehe is mOrethanthatkand Critics seem zeMinus readings of temperature are below driving wheel by a rapid and deft working City Physician and Member Board of Health. A i ,'i T. 7 I tfogthsyuhadsekohmasozenof the hands as he balances himself on the -4n cE rt Cau Iuzvizea, or riue for Full Paricucars. matured a rtist, and I am pleased to add *Velocity of wind S miles per hour. hub. The feat was first performed by Dan SAieo an'S M'OR'TUARY PREPOar, t Abe t at wng tou the entrricso Milesss ifl o ml omnin Canary of Meridem, Conn., and is amost From July, 1885, to November 16, 1887. Our Salesmen Will Call on the Trade Soon. an oopportntnity toabear s this moforemostW LOCAL WEATHER OBSERS.VATIONS, idife cultk one.gMr.isS.twillCuse Ban". mer..c...C.............musial ienausofheagefurnfbedeason, dfficult one Mr. S. wil use an amrican _osuptiononlyeaeitizentanford)..

__ laponith t'ckrdnths AfteC in Bed...............2 GROCERIES, ]ETC. The first concert is already announced as WAR DEPARTMENT, UD lon -___............................_____________________ t tkto akeplae thth Metropolitan ra ACK oVlSIGNAL , oveber1vi 887 U.ecevedletersfro.wheaptainvarouWilsondFevof..theGNABicycle U Club, hastai WDeliriume

o ae pace a e peraKidnmey Disease ............... H o s , N o v e m b e r 2 9 th . "A O V L E . r . e e v d e t r r m w e l e n i a p t t t p o d F v r . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1Ti pc sRs re House, 'esapr havebenexratig h ] t h ieonerton........................ parts ol the State who are anxious obe- Infants ............................... 7J li c s i sre .I JOtIN L. SULLIVAN'S STATUE H \ , ind c ~ . come associate members of tlhe club ogtin............1

0.Donietie, who is one of the a blest "of oar 0 " Ildored (cause unknown)...................................---R Th ewppeshaebenetrcin RetlismFee.......................

young sculptors, by" the way, has been S a I a h Semi n e' onday . Putri Sore Throat ....... in' 0 -n tfilarmo Joh I,.overv.n.........................

.- in-Cosierngth fcttatSulianisph- :: BE. Oak having made assignment R1h1dAcidnt...L" a'- Cnshdr~ugthe act hai ullian i phy ____ a o me for the bemieit of his creditors, all 'rie above is compiled from thees sourcesj.*

Ssiea scupto. tsefi es to es ta we, 7 a. m 30 C 5 ]SW 41T- 9'5

Cear. persons having claims against that firm of uniorm tion obtainable.$.. S-spr asupoises o eaw i p. m.. .99 71 bV 7 0i '7063 Chear. wiml please present them to me for adjust- Thiere hasi never been case of Yru onywti e ow Fever17F r move on Mr'. Donehue's earl and agood to p ni. 299, !0 S 4 0 I9161'lair- meat, and all persons in debt to said iini Or~eatnedouwihn av st vedasveA LE E TI I E

on:: efora the aseofe art that be is , g it For Eastern I' lrda:Local rams foloaed by ir requse to ,ak paymen at once ii transit, which landed at Mellonvil ckin... erpelurat the prws of Boston's.... Her--fIr weather lightvariable winds Statnioa and save costs. CiHAS. H O'WAH DMITHI 1877 or'78 J. S.MONTsOonEnY, " "o 50- - .- re-- ' .' -m, St." eet ':; cu+e3 ,mi some mateial more tangible, rv tempera-ture " Assignee. --- *" - "City xi T 7 A: ... :

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